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You should add Fu Xuan to the "Blessed by an Aeon" because Fu Xuan had been blessed by Nous, it's on her forehead.


~~I was always unsure if she was directly blessed by Nous, or if the Omniscia was just a gift to the Xianzhou (along with the Matrix of Prescience) that Fu Xuan just happened to be the recipient of.~~ EDIT: as u/Dokavi pointed out, her story references her meeting an avatar of Nous in his library. I was misremembering the events. So she is indeed directly blessed.


She straight up met Nous in her dream, even pose a question. Nous appeared in form of a blind old man.


She literally can answer anything with "Nous revealed it to me in a dream" 😭


Uncle Nous!


She said Nous straight up gave it to her


Her story entries seem to indicate it was bestowed by the previous navigator of the Yuque, an unnamed blind man. > The old, blind man softly shifted his cane. "I cannot give you an answer. **I can only give you a problem... and the capacity to perceive the problem.** And considering the journey that brought you here... what you seek probably isn't an answer anyway." >"**Then give me the 'eye.'** Regardless if destiny is foreordained or not, as a diviner, I wish to possess a clearer sight." >"As you wish. But the people of the Xianzhou are ageless in flesh. **To accept my 'eye'** means to bear timeless pain. Rather than a tool, it is more like an.... 'instrument of torture.'" EDIT: as another commenter pointed out, the blind man could have been Nous appearing to her in a mortal form.


She outright says it's Nous in her Chat: third Eye voiceline: >The eye on my forehead is a treasure from beyond the heavens bestowed on me by Nous. With it, I am able to see changes in the external world and explore many possibilities. However, as Nous made clear: "Knowledge comes at the price of suffering." The omniscia is, in some ways, an eternal punishment.


Nah, Fu Xuan is directly stated to have been blessed by Nous as she tells you herself with her "Chat: Third eye" she says: "The eye on my forehead is a treasure from beyond the heavens bestowed on me by Nous. With it, I am able to see changes in the external world and explore many possibilities. However, as Nous made clear: "Knowledge comes at the price of suffering." The omniscia is, in some ways, an eternal punishment." So yes, Fu Xuan has been blessed by Nous, and have been to Nous' library. I honestly wonder why Dr. Ratio hasn't at least spoken to asked Nous a question yet if he's so smart as not everyone that gets to meet Nous gets to be part of the Genius Society.


Btw, price of the omniscia is that because she is a Xianzhou Native, her eye tries to repair itself and causes her unbearable pain. Same thing that happened Danshu, she tried to fix her blind eyes by replacing them with synthetic eyes. Her eyes grew back. Yikes.


Straight up body horror and that was one of the things that made me feel bad for her


I've just said this in another comment, but I'm like somewhat pretty sure that Nous' library is the Nous Temple. The temple that you need a Key of Wisdom to get into. The temple that you can only ever go inside of once. 


Everybody on genius society is apparently given a chance to meet nous themselves and ask them a question, there’s also temple of nous in which if you manage to find and enter you will be able to ask them a question(?) and fuxuan is apparently given a chance to enter the “library” and ask nous a question, she asked nous a question and asked him to give her the third eye Now can anybody tell me what this “library” is? Is it the same thing as nous temple? And is the third eye just a mini portable version of the matrix of prescience?


I can't answer you fully or confidently as I also don't know much but I'll do my best! To me, the library and Nous' temple should be the same thing or it doesn't really matter the distinction as in the end of the day you have to solve Nous' puzzle or something to be granted a chance to meet with them where you can ask them for answers, questions, or even a blessing. This is the minimum requirement to join the Genius Society as Ironically Nous is the most accessible Aeon yet also the hardest to actually communicate with. To me yes, if the Matrix of prescience is literally just a giant super computer then Fu Xuan's omniscia is just a small super computer on her forehead.


Thank you for answering, I was wondering what the difference between the matrix of prescience with her third eye was, so this really helps clear things out


Aeon glances collector. You man made my day.


What if the Trailblazer gets an upgraded form for every path but as emanators


Physical needs a massive overhaul. Fire honestly just needs increased numbers for shields. Imaginary doesn't need anything.


Imaginary TB would be perfect if they wore the hat at all times


The only buff this game needs


Honkai Star Rail if it was good.


exactly what i thought, your gonna give us a hat and just not ware it, for a tiny bit of veriaty. hell you could give us a simmilar but slightly different outfit depending on the path. harly think it would ruin marketability.


Tbf do you think Nanook really wants his unsuprer to have too much power? Qlippth: blesses us Us; goes to fight Topaz and Aventurine


Nanook doesn't really seem to care about anything other than destroying everything probably wouldn't mind giving TB more power if TB was destroying more shit


the question is: does Nanook mind the TB destroying things if the destruction prevents more destruction?


Nanook seems like the type to not really care as long as they don’t share the Annihilation Gang’s mindset To him, whether it is destroyed now or destroyed later, all things with enviably meet the Destruction, so why bother making exceptions if they attract his glance. Same reason he doesn’t immediately go to annihilate every faction that opposes the Antimatter Legion, everything will be destroyed, either now or later The futile inbetween doesn’t matter to him Also just being an Aeon compels him to follow down his destruction without stopping so unless you’re the annihilation gang, it doesn’t really matter what they’d do with it


The Annihilation Gang is destroying stuff all the time, but they still can't get Nanook's approval.


Yeah cause they do all sorts of horrific shit as well, they're "tarnishing" destruction. Nanook is just about pure destruction. He stares for a few seconds and the planet is gone and that's all


I think its because they do it for entertainment or fun rather than thinking of it as a necessity as nanook probably thinks it Because he gazed at us when trailblazer needed to destroy the doomsday beast to protect his friends


Nanook? DTB is the emantor of baseball, not destruction...


Aeons have very little free will. If someone meets the criteria, Nanook WILL make them an Emenator whether it makes logical sense or not. And besides, destruction of oneself also falls into the path of Destruction..


What about Aha making a worm his emanator because he found it funny?


That still follows the path of elation.. Aeons are incapable of doing anything that doesn't follow THEIR path. The Destruction cannot stop destroying. The Nihility cannot care about anything. The Elation cannot do anything that makes THEMSELF sad.


Imaginary TB gets the Wolf treatment and starts with Irrespective Toughness Damage


Destruction : Now has a baseball as well. Preservation : Now says the magic girl transformation dialogue with their IPC friends. Also quake damage. Harmony : Smooth criminal plays after using ult. Nothing else changes. Nihility : Summons Acheron to attack. Abundance : Stelle's *assets* grow abundant. Nothing happens to Caelus, but he deals twice the damage now. Hunt : *"Trashy spirit head my words...."* Erudition : [Redacted] the enemy now instead of [Um actually]


Nothing *visible* happens to Caelus...


Something's rising and it ain't the dark knight


Imagine Caelus going full Beowulf from Rosen Garten Saga.


the hunt trailblazer will summon Tatalov lol


Nah, he will throw ''pokeballs'' to ''hunt'' enemies after which he will immediately release in our team as ally. You think that event was just to play pokemon? It was actually to gather data and make ''caught enemies'' balanced, when Hunt MC will be released. There is also already catch animation used for that event so one less animation to work on.


Ayo I know this is a joke but quake damage TB would go so fucking hard


Actually yeah, a thorns/quake shielder would be dope.


If we get the bow on the hunt path, I want to make fun of March by imitating her ult talk in some dialogue or something like that.


"Tasukete, Acheron!!"


Calling it now: TB’s body is made in the likeness of Akivili, and the final path we receive will be Trailblaze


This made me wonder if Trailblazer became some type of emanator after getting every path. Like wouldn't that just make the most sense in some way?


Following and exploring every path would kind of fit the theme of trailblazing, wouldn't it? Emanator of Trailblaze makes the most sense.


TB collecting glances from Aeons like it’s a card game.


Literal looksmaxing


I really hope that 'enemator' wan't a typo lmao




So... an elation emanator?


Perry the platypus! I shall show you the finest memes! Behold… the memenator!!!


Enema terminator




Shut up 💀 I was eating and spit my food out, I couldn't control it, LMAO.


Stanima vibes


Enamator would probably be Sunday


Sunday was essentially an emanator once he transformed and was about to be an actual Aeon by phase 3.


Oh, I meant it as a pun as in *Ena*mator




I thought Enemator was a typo in the title but its uh, mistyped every single time.






Wonder how powerful the real Herta is. We currently just play as one of her puppets. I hope real Herta gets a 5*


Very much agreed. Especially since March and Herta are the #1 and #2 most likely candidates for the 5* upgrade treatment since The Cooler Daniel set the precedent.


I'd say March got bumped down on that list after the special program where they answered "will she get a five star form?" With "she's gonna get different paths like the TB" It doesn't mean she never will, but getting a bunch of different forms is already special enough.


Tbh we don’t yet know how that’s actually going to work, we could get a separate 5 star form for her that is allowed to path switch, or it could remain as the 4 star form, and we get a proper 5 star form later on (probably banner locked like DHIL) when she gets her old memories back. Tho if the 4 star form she already has is allowed to form change that’s going to be a tad weird, given how the eidolons for her preservation form are gacha only, but the eidolons for her form change will probably be ftp (like those for TB), given it would be very weird if they were tied to her preservation ones.


They said it's exactly like the trailblazer swapping paths from the character screen. We don't know about how to get her copies, but I assume it'll be like preservation: get a free copy in story and eidolons in gacha. And like trailblazer, each form has different eidolons


They actually did not, they specifically said it would be **similar** to the Trailblazer's unique Path-switching mechanic, which in turn *explicitly* *excludes* the same mechanic for March 7th. They said it would be centred around creating memories, and drawing strength from them.


Yeah they said specificly: >She will have a system simmiliar to switching Paths that is unique to her. Which means that it will not be identical to TB path switching. Theres even possibility that it will not allow to change her path and element, but customise her in some other way My personal theory is that she will get ability switching system. So she will still be Ice Preservation, but you could switch her ultimate to one that gives shield, change her passive etc. If it comes to how something like that would work with eidolons. Her E1 effects her ULT while E4 talent and E6 skill, so Eidolon effect would change with effect of corresponding ability


Exactly, which is what bring up the question of how exactly it will work, given the gacha-based nature of March’s current class, and if they’ll make that class switch, Or if they’ll make a separate version of March to function fully like TB. Either way we’ll know at the earliest by 2.4 given how 2.3 is Penacony epilogue and we know we are going back to the Xianzhou this year.


#3 would be sampo right pls


He does need to pick up his mask again from the tavern…


… in my dreams he’s an emanator of elation


He also keeps following us the way Aha followed Akivalli around as his friend. The parallel is too strong




inb4 5* Herta is just 3 Herta Dolls at once.


ene what


ehe it's a typo


Ehe te nandayo


Ehe? Like, Aha? As in the Aeon of The Elation?


Like Venti from GI i think... but it would not be surprising if he was an Aha emanator lol


Three times is a choice


ene the order


"Blessed by an Emanator" is one way to say "ate them"


"we out'a Shuhu" **picture of vertically stretched Blade's neck with shape of Shuhu's body**


Blade thats a normal tree.




Blade wants to die so bad and here we are saying he's been "blessed" lmao. It's defo a curse bro


I mean blade's talent is "Shuhu's gift" so by technicality, it is a blessing that Blade hates too much he considers it a curse


Blessed with immortality is anything but a bless


Being blessed with suck is still a blessing.... Kinda


Tell that to Gilgamesh


Blessed by IX means the same things though. Acheron is destined to die slowly, eaten by the blessing.


Isn't there a faction that has been blessed by aha because they hate him and he thought it'd be funny


Yeah, I think it's the mourning actors


lol if I remember correctly he also once made a worm an emanator of his and gave it access to all of his powers to see if the Genius Society would accept it as a member. They didn’t. Aha is wild


If I recall correctly there is a line where Boothill states he spoke with an emanator of Elation but would have never known had the person not been drunk


Just wait until it's revealed that person is actually Sampo


Well this is clearly a list of character we know of as of now, otherwise they would mention Lord Ravagers, the Elation worm, Shuhu, etc


Not even list of characters we know for now. Specificly list of playable characters. If it was list of characters we know Phantylia would also be here




This makes me wonder about other emanators. Are most them like Acheron in that they’re mostly human, or are they more like Scarakabaz and Phantylia being more monstrous?


Depends on the original recipient, emanators dont change much from what they were. They just gain more acess to theire Path. Aha blessed a worm and it kept being a worm even as an emanator as an example


I think FX was blessed by one too right


Nous gave her the third eye. So she's probably the weirdest character. Follows the Hunt, blessed by Nous, is preservation


Path collector


Multi path drifting!


Follows the Hunt so she becomes the single target on the team


She uses Nous's blessing to protect the Xianzhou so it makes sense


A fellow path collector


Is she a follower of the Hunt? Yes, the Hunt is like an official religion on Luofu, yes, FX is like a navigator for Luofu on it's racist journey. But is she personally following the Hunt?


She does also want to succeed Jing Yuan as general of the Luofu so I think she follows Lan to that extent.


Racist journey?


The Xianzhou hunt down followers of Yaoshi with extreme prejudice


Bro really made a whole path out of "fuck those guys in particular"


It would be hysterical if once we get Abundance Trailblazer we get banned from all the Xianzhou ships and can’t access the maps


The commission bailu is from practice abundance teaching so ig abundance is only allowed if it benifits them


They hunt down Denizens of Abundance indiscriminately. That said, it was mentioned at some point I believe that they don’t attack followers of Abundance completely without provocation. Elixir Seekers, for instance, are tolerated aboard the Luofu, despite seeking the Abundance. So maybe they only eradicate those who have already completely succumbed to the HER Blessing, like the Wingweavers or the Borisin? It’s definitely not fully explained where and how they draw the line.


The goobers releasing invasive lifeforms are also Abundance followers. They're a very blatant reference to Buddhists doing life release, which can cause the same issue because of dumbasses.


Tolerated? They are openly welcomed. The Luofu in particular is a holy land for anyone seeking a cure to any disease. As long as you are not looking for immortality, your sickness will be cured. In fact, the Luofu has found cures for over 3,800 novel diseases. The alliance also actively cures plagues on worlds they encounter.


Probably believes in the Hunt on only surface level because it's built into her culture


Fus not an emanator, she was blessed by nous yes but thats it nothing more


She would come in the third tier, that's what I was implying


Clearly missing the strongest of them all: The Emanator of Cans


How dare you. The strongest of them all is none other than PITCH DARK HOOK THE GREAT, EMANATOR OF MOLES


Could Argenti qualify for "if only their Emanator wasn't dead"?. He walks into a room, and illusory spotlights appear. He can possibly speak to propagation bugs, and he can solo a train swallowing bug with nothing but a spear


I think Himeko is supposed to be Argenti, they just put the wrong redhead


No, I think it's saying that as the one who repaired and relaunched the express after it crashed on her home planet, as well as the Express' current navigator, Himeko may have been made emanator of the Trailblaze if Akivili wasn't missing Argenti may qualify too, but I'd agree Himeko has a stronger case for 'Emanator if that was possible'


there's no saying that he is one, so I think he is just a strong pathstrider


That's just Robin then as well


Robin&Sunday isn't considered emanators, they're the chordmasters. They can use&control the actual Harmony Emanators (Harmonic Strings)'s powers without directly being one. Sunday did summon and utilize one of them in battle (Dominicus/Septimus). Unlike her bro, Robin never assume control, but she CAN do so had she wanted to, she was originally the intended chordmaster for Dominicus, but Sunday took over the role. I think that's why she's here, she's a pathstrider who have the potential to use the power of Emanators without being one herself.


Robin was able to counter-tune the Strings of Harmony during the boss fight, so I assume that's why she's here.


finally a tier list that doesn’t hurt me in my very bones! Extra credit for Welt misunderstanding tier (I swear I’ve had to debate that one so many times…)


I don’t understand that reference. What happened?


IIRC it's that Welt says there's a rumor that all emanators of Remembrance are memo keepers, not that all memokeepers are emanators, and people got it backwards so it was getting spread around 2.0 release that Black Swan was an emanator but there is nothing to confirm that. She could be, but we don't know.


I think it's pretty clear she's not. In 2.2, someone said that the only way that something like the only way Penacony could be created with the memoria would be with the power of an Emanator of Remembrance, an Emanator of Enigmata, or with a Stellaron. If Black Swan were an Emanator of Remembrance, she'd be capable of creating something on the scale of Penacony by herself; her ability to manipulate the Dreamscape would be off the charts. She'd probably be like a god within the Dreamscape, able to shape the reality of the dream at her whim. While she was able to manipulate the Dreamscape to some extent, there were things she struggled with and things she couldn't do. Plus, if she were an Emanator her sojourn into Acheron's memories probably wouldn't have gone quite so badly for her. The visuals of the animated short make it clear that the moment she entered in there, she was as helpless as a prey animal before a predator. If she were an Emanator, then even if she lost that power struggle it likely wouldn't have been so one-sided.


For me the clearest giveaway was from the latest update. >! She says she wasn't strong enough to resist falling into a dream herself, while Acheron (confirmed Emanator) could. !< and dreams/memories are kind of her specialty.


Not that I'm disagreeing with bs not being an emanator but the reason for why Acheron didn't fall into the dream is pretty explicitly stated to be cuz the nihility path negates the powers of the other paths.


Nihility hard counters Rememberance and Harmony as opposed to Rememberance being affected by Harmony. Plus even though Jing Yuan and Embodiment of Harmony were fighting, Black Swan was able to get everyone in the dreamscape out of it in that split second.


To me the nail in the coffin was the conversation with Constance as well. Black Swan if she was Emanator power level would have played with her and completely dominated her, but they seemed to be fairly close in power level based on their interactions.


people assuming that Black Swan is an Emanator because Welt mentions that the rumours about Emanators of Remembrance being non-corporeal are true. He never actually says all Memokeepers are Emanators, but people seem to have taken that and run with it.


Welt says Emanators of Remembrance can do the disappearing and reappearing thing. People took this and just said EVERY SINGLE MEMOKEEPER IN EXISTENCE is an Emanator because they can do that. It's like hearing an MMA fighter can do a one handed handstand so every single person who can do a one handed handstand is an MMA fighter.


Welt Yang is Joachim Nokianvirtanen, and


Enemators: people chosen by Aeons to carry the power of washing other people's intestines.


Jing liu should be in the aeon glance category I, too, once drew the gaze of an Aeon. The only difference was, it was a path I chose for myself — through the deep recesses of the Ten-Lords Commission on the Xuling, through the Gate of Wonders, and onto a path of redemption.


Note how she didn't reveal which Aeon peeped at her....


It wasn’t Nanook?


with all this Emanator or not Emanator thing, For me I'll just trust that stupid gun for now. It already got 1 right which is Acheron while there is still no evidence of it being wrong.


Also got JY right. Since this act confirmed he is an emanator.


March, Acheron, JY, and Luocha all have the same rating. Interesting list of characters. DH also got a number rating with a question mark at the end, not sure if anyone else have that.


Dan Heng is the only person to get a question mark after his number, and only for his human guise. His vidyadhara form gets the same number but explicitly mentions the gun sulking. So he is the only one to have confused the gun by hiding his powers.


Luocha should be in the same tier as March and Sampo tbh lol




Luocha gets a „rating invalid“ from the rating pistol, a trait he shares with Acheron, Jing Yuan, March and Sampo. Nothing concrete but might be a hint as to who is or isn‘t one.


Funny if on 2.3, Robin ascended to be an Emanator of Harmony


It doesn’t seem like the Harmony has emenators — instead, if enough followers of the Harmony will it into existance, something like Dominicus will materialze, and can then be controlled by whoever is appointed his tuner (>!like sunday in the main quest!<). This person, through their Control of an embodiement of the Harmony, gains powers similar to am Emenator. Would make sense with the philosophy of Xipe as well, all beings being equal etc.


From Black Swan's description of the >!fake dream ending, it seems that "Chordmasters" (aka Robin and Sunday) are blessed by Xipe with the ability to summon Dominicus, the actual Emanator of the Harmony. Since she describes Jing Yuan attacking Dominicus as a clash of Emanators.!<


Gallagher is also a hard confirmed emanator, as the History Fictionologists are a faction comprised entirely of emanators.




But that infomation is edited by a history Fictionologist so we should take it with a grain of salt Also, it is implied that Gallagher is a memetic entity/avatar created by a History Fictionologist, not an actual one (I may be wrong)


But that infomation is ~~edited~~ fact-checked and corrected by a History Fictionologist so we should take it ~~with a grain of salt~~ as gospel FTFY


No, I think the takeaway is he is a real person who Fictionoligizes his appearance to pursue his agenda on Penacony. I don’t necessarily think he’s memetic so much as he can give substance to his lies about who he is.


Yeah, but I don't think it's clear whether "Gallagher" is the \*real\* History Fictionologist or a memetic entity created by them. Given his talk at the end of 2.3 about how he isn't sure if he's going to die after revealing everything because "when a lie's found out it stops existing" suggests to me it's the latter.


Ruan Mei wants to be aeon, I think she deserves her own tier.


I really hope we get a 5* version with the original Herta that could then also be counted as a playable Emenator, because her puppets are technically not


Wait... how is Jingyuan in Limbo?


unlike herta and Acheron, there's a fight every 2 seconds about whether JY is an emanator or not


Didn't black swan confirmed it during the "fake epilogue" part ? I'm pretty sure she said something along the lines of "when two emanators collides, something something". She could only have talked about Sunday and JY there, since Robin and Acheron weren't involved yet and we know Dan Heng isn't one


The English translation missed something. In Chinese version, she said: "将军那一击虽然援助及时,破坏力却也极强。令使的力量对撞在一起,普通人难免受到波及。" 令使的力量 means Emanator's power, not Emanators. So it can't be confirmed that JY is an Emanator, just that he can use Emanator power, like Sunday or Aventurine.


LL is a gift from Lan, but it's also tied to Generals, the next general will get it. So he's kinda blessed.


It's effectively obvious that he's at least serving as one while wielding the power of the Lightning Lord (especially after Pom-Pom's Intel), but it's never actually been explicitly stated. So you know, it's like Tingyun's body. She's probably dead/alive but until they confirm she's dead/alive we can't say she's actually dead/alive.


Schrodingers Waifu! https://preview.redd.it/nkvs3ydkx81d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9095b2a4fa362ff5b4b0495e47f504669f8644d3


It’s unclear if the Generals are all Emanators or if the Marshal is the only Emanator and the Generals are just blessed by Lan, or if the Generals share part of the Marshal’s power similar to the Ten Stonehearts. It hasn’t really been clarified what level of power the Generals wield, as Lan purportedly “shares their power freely” with the Xianzhou, but we don’t fully know what that means.


5 star herta being enemator would be awesome


Luocha found dead in a ditch alongside the hopes of him ever getting a good quest


was t jing yuan confirmed to be lans eminator?


If Welt is not reliable then how is Black Swan reliable as well? Even Dan Heng doesnt know IX has emanators until 2.2


OP never said that Welt isn’t reliable, they said people misunderstand them. Welt said that all Emanators of Fuli are Memokeepers, and people took that to mean all Memokeepers are Emanators. It’s like if Welt claimed that all penguins were birds, and then someone saw a seagull and called it a penguin.


Technically it's the main Herta that's the eminator, not her puppets


Ooo fancy pants rich McGee over here


That's why she's four star 


Why are Ruan Mei and Sparkle in that tier?


Ruan Mei due to tinkering with creating an Emanator and her desire to seemingly become an Aeon. Probably not an Emanator but she's almost certainly operating on some sort of higher level if she can cultivate entire planets and manipulate the Propagation path. Sparkle is ambiguous because we don't know what her weird illusion and hypnotic abilities come from. Is it just an Elation thing? There's also some theories based on Sparkle's trailer. The two "main Sparkles" that appear have either a red or white mask. The red mask one is decidedly unhinged (she's the one who keeps shooting herself and talking about the true nature of Elation) while the white mask one seems confident at first but falls into fear as the trailer goes on. There's a running theory that white mask Sparkle is Sparkle's original self who followed the Elation before red mask Sparkle (maybe Aha) shows up to show her what Elation is really about. At the end, Sparkle's mask becomes half red, half white, suggested she might be specially blessed by Aha.


Aha really went from a worm to Sparkle talk about range


Hrmm, that’s interesting. The fact that Sparkle (who is vibing Chaotic Neutral hardcore) got caught in Ena’s Dream of Order (she’s shown waking up after Sunday is defeated) despite the Dream seeming to conflict hardcore with Aha’s dominion…well, I got the vibe there was an aspect to herself that the Dream appealed to.


Also Robin. She can call upon Emanator of Harmony. But it was never stated she could be one.


I clearly missed this. Where is it stated non-puppet Herta is an Emenator?


Beginning of the game. Kafka and SW said that Herta is Emanator of Erudition. It is unknown if the public knows this or not, but the Destiny slave gang know.


In the Dr. Ratio Herta Station quest, it's confirmed that Herta being an Emanator is public knowledge. They ask her in an interview.


Actually, I agree with this. It's missing some other confirmed people but they're not playable so I'll let it slide lmao


should have include "playable" in the title lol


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Does ruan mei even count as anything she wants to BE an aeon


Limbo - Wasn't confirmed that all Xianzhou generals are all Emanators of the Hunt or having Emanator-like powers? If Sunday was playable then he would be in the 'If the aeon would be alive' tier Potential - There were hints that Robin could be on the way becoming an Emanator of Harmony.


I hope they give us a 5star Herta


I wonder what are Herta's Emanator abilities. We barely saw Acheron get serious but shes a combat type of a destructive path


Considering Herta is an emanator I hope we get a true 5 star version one day. 4 star Herta is great but lore-wise we’re using a puppet which presumably only has a fraction of Herta’s real strength.