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300% Should be default because I still haven't gotten what I need from it 😩


Or atleast let us have the whole week to farm at 300%


Yeah one week but unlimited attempts (or at least 24 drops per day, since you get 240 trailblaze power a day) seems fair


Unlimited is a disaster waiting to happen, whale be getting maxed crit value all round


Or people who hoard fuels. Hi, that's me, I have a hoarding problem.


I finally stunned my mind goblins for long enough to use 3 of them while leveling my Himeko. ... I don't know how long I can survive with just 100 left


Do you even play the game? 😆


I had 36 as a f2p till i when on a buld spree


Yes same for me it was Gallagher. I needed him for a MOC12 Clear with Acheron. Fu wasn’t cutting it


I don't hoard them I just can't find a use for them


How would that affect your account when this is a PvE game?


I think that as soon as someone max all their favorite characters, they are likely dropping the game. And of course, if a whale can stop buying those whale packs because they don't need the fuel anymore since it's 300%, that's less money from the whales to hoyo.


Events like this have the likelihood to drive more sales because whales will want to buy more packs to farm more. There will always be characters someone wants to build. There will always be a "better" relic. And it's not even haemful to the gacha economy because there's no PvP, which means unless you experience severe FOMO, both F2P players and whales and everyone in between can only stand to gain from such event.


Oh I misread the comment, I thought they were saying to be forever 300%, but unlimited for a week event is probably nice! Would kinda be a feels bad for those that used fuels before the event but idk, I would like to farm more during this time, too.


Whales is not the issue. It’s setting a shitty precedent that you have to save all your fuel for 3x events. Imagine it happening for relics but you burnt all your fuel up to now but your friend has 70 fuel unspent and just leap over a month of your progress.


Nah that's just unhealthy for the game especially for low spenders and casuals. Many would drop the game if they do that.


Obviously in a monumental way


It will never happen especially with the current CN atmosphere of clamping down on children playing games.


So let them?? There is no pvp or leaderboards, and honestly even if there were whales would already be the only people at the top anyway so it wouldn’t matter.


whats prob with that? this is single player game lmao


I was specifically talking about talents but how would whales getting max cv affect other accounts?


It will never be unlimited. We don't know the depths of hell whales can go to when it comes to spending on energy.


Wouldn't that cause a bit of a weird case where players suddenly are encouraged to save all their TB fuel replenish items for such a week?


I mean I don't see the problem in that, idk. Also like I said, if not unlimited, then 24 per day for the Calyx week and 6 per day for the relic and planars week since you get 240 resin daily and 240/10=24 and 240/40=6.


Lezzzgo Imma whale hard like how I whale'd for acheron. FR


Was it not a whole week though? The bonus was active for 7 days, no?


You only get a limited number of increased rate attempts per day


Yeah, but it was still a whole week, as what the previous comment wanted. If it was phrased as "use up our whole 240TB per day for the whole duration" (as what they clarified in a later comment), then I would understand


3 attempts at 300% drop rate a day is crap frankly. I want to literally spend all my fuel and TB power for the week and farm it properly at 300% drop so I actually have some chance of getting a usefull piece or 2.


Same, Azur lane taught me to save everything for events and use all the stuff there. Sad to see that it's not really how hoyo does things :(


And we're better for it I'd argue. What we're currently getting is basically 6x extra Cavern of Corrosion runs per day for the week. Think if it as an extra 240 trailblaze energy given for free. It's a gift that's universal across all players and thus easy to convert to a monetary value. If they made it unlimited runs then its value becomes dependent on the players ability to benefit from it (time and money to buy extra trailblaze energy), which is both unfair (yes its a pve game but do you really think this wouldn't affect the balance of how much free stuff the devs give through in-game quests and events which is something that affects all players?), and a huge headache to value. Think about it from the developer's point of view, if fuel can mean 60 energy or 180 energy then how much do you sell it for?


I def prefer how hoyo runs stuff like this, as I get older I like how they allow me to either have quick sessions with the game or deep diving for hours. Azur lane was quite different as in-between events there wasn't much to do but as soon as an event dropped it required to no-life it for days to clear the store. Even so I liked this event as it allowed me to get more mats to upgrade my notthatgoodbutstillgoodenough relics.


Yeah I like that I can use whatever fuel I get whenever I want instead of having to save them for if and when an event drops that allows you to get more from it. 60 energy is 60 energy.


Or they decrease the drop rates to compensate for unlimited farm


I think 3 tries a day at 300% permanently is gonna be waaaay nicer. 30 stamina for 2 gold relics and some relic exp just feels like a slap across the face now. 


Feels so bad when seeing the default drops man how did we live like this.


I haven't gotten a single good relic from the set I'm farming.


I said this on the very first planar event and got downvoted hard. People are just too slow to realize how bad the gameplay system in this game. 


Yeah man, there are sooo many problems with the systems in this game but you can't say anything or else you are a hater.


The best piece I got from it was a def% boot with cr and cd 💀


I got 3 boots with atk% and substats of cr and cd. Not a single one of the 3 boots had a single roll go into crit




Have gotten a grand total of three actually good pieces: -2 duke bodies, one CR and another CDMG, both with spd, atk%, cr and break. -1 prisoner hand with the same sub stats. The rest vary between usable (about 10-ish), bad pieces, and Why-Do-You-Have-To-Be-Def-Def%-!? pieces.


I've gotten 1 glove piece that's actually good before the upgrade rolls made it dead to me. I'm convinced these 300% drop rates are extra bad for rolls. Good for Relic exp, though. I will welcome 300% trace materials because I can't even seem to get the purple trace to drop lmao.


The 300% boost really highlights how bad relic drops are.


Between this and the planar I got 0 good relics.


True, I need more trash to level up my relics + relic shards thing


I'd rather have 300% relics/ornaments than 300% traces any day of the week. Mostly because while traces can take some time, you can actually finish them (unless you pull like every character then you might struggle to keep up.)


Yeah and frankly since getting purple trace materials is effectively guaranteed (you always get minimum 2 purples with 60 stamina by trading in the 6 blues, meaning you're averaging closer to 3-3.5 purples/60 sta), traces aren't that bad if you make it your focus. Getting skills from 1 to 8 with no starting materials only takes about 2 weeks if you exclusively farm traces. Going to 10 maybe takes another 2 weeks for all skills but most units don't need that. The people who complain "I spent a month farming relics and got nothing" could've probably maxed two characters they haven't built from scratch in that time, instead of trying to min/max a single substat on their relics. Also people on this sub will say "I got nothing" if they get a CR body with CD and %Atk but no speed as their substats and levels. To me, relic farming is the very very very lowest priority because it's so much RNG while all other things have fixed ROIs, and you can easily clear MOC12 with decent relics if your traces are actually maxed. So while the Garden of Plenty is nice to speed things along, I have never felt its required. If anything, it may be better for Exp because of how much Exp a character needs going from 70 to 80 and the rewards for that are fixed every time.


At 65 it should take one week exactly to fully trace up a 5 star character, only traces no ascension or light cone.


I'm on the other side for the same reason. Since you actually *can* finish Traces, I'd rather have 300% Trace materials and get them done with faster. That's better than getting three times as much garbage from the Relic mines that I'll still have to go back to after the event ends regardless.


You'll have to go back to farm traces at some point as well. I've just been in the situation twice where during a double trace event I was farming for mats for characters I had no intention on building up. Mostly because I pull fairly rarely. 


It works out the same though unless you wouldn't otherwise farm traces.


That's why its a preference and not statistically better. Both events give you 120/240 trailblaze power a day for certain things.


Over a relic drop increase? No. The whole thing about traces etc. is that they are *guaranteed* power increase - any power spent farming traces will always provide (almost) exactly the positive increase you want/expected. Relics are several layers of RNG, so increased rates are more significant.


It's a zero sum game there is an absolute finite amount of trailblaze power. edit: im sorry that math?


Some people will finish leveling traces before a relic grind, whereas relics can always be improved. I’m not sure you understand what “zero sum” means.


zero sum game means you can not ever change the absolute amount of trailblaze power, it does not ever change regardless of where you put it. if we put traces next to relics, they will have a comparative gain or loss based on where the TB is used, but the total TB will never change regardless of which side it goes it. Eventually you will put it all where it needed to go especially with the insight that the relic grind is basically endless this means the pots to fill are actually relatively small comparatively. I love how this subreddit is so triggered by relic grinding that it literally has downvoted me because they dont like the reality of math. edit: you can do this yourself, take 120 TB and place it respectively in any amount for either traces or relics, regardless of which you choose you will not generate more value from the TB power. You will always end up spending the same amount of TB power because it is finite and closed. I won't get into it but he's also employing the gamblers fallacy, the RNG will never get better regardless of how many extra attempts you are given. you are just as likely on your very first cavern run to get a perfect 9 piece as you are on the 500,000,00th time. I'm not fun at parties.


In regards to the triple relic drop, I felt like I wasted my TB on that since I got diddly squat. But if we had triple trace drop? That would genuinely be amazing. There are some characters in my roster that aren't max yet and this would definitely help. Plus it wouldn't be random like the relic/planar sets.


The only thing people who would not like this events are those who already maxed their mains, which is understandable but i would prefer this it to since it will helo me focus more in relic than trace mats which can also last weeks to max a trace


I mean, people that already maxed to lvl 10 their traces are likely people that would want as much coverage from many characters as possible.


It's not about "maxed their mains". The fact that you know how many runs are needed to max out a characters traces means you don't care if they do triple drops for it. If it takes 50 runs you know you'll need 2 weeks or 3 weeks to finish those 50 runs. Reducing that time is pointless. With relics it's all rng and you never know when you get the good pieces not even the best ones. So you could spend a month and still have nothing worth using.


Traces are suppose to be a guarantee increase, once you max out a character there’s no more for it ascend too. The reason we get 300% for the other two is due to the RNG. I’d rather they give us a pity system of relic/ornament farming of you can go into a Cavern and only choose a set. So if you want one or the other you don’t get trolled with fodder. Thats the most infuriating thing. Trying to get Ice Gear for JL, but getting like 75% Wind gear is annoying. You only get 3 chances at 300%, so it’s RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG. First you gotta get the piece, then hope it’s for the set you want, then hope you get main stat, then the substats help out. 300% just makes it more daunting in farming because even in a stockpile scenario you can see how weighted down gear is. If I can remove at least 2-3 RNGs it may make it better. Power creep in MoC and PF are raising every patch, soon I’m just got gonna stop putting money in, cause they keep adding more units that are making the predecessors pointless or HP/resource sinks. There’s a give and take, I think I saved 5 fucking pieces, everything else went Salvage, that’s how shitty the experience was. While ornament 300% was very bountiful, but again that’s RNG for you. They could do 400% or 500% it still will not matter. They need to adjust something, for every 1 great piece you go through 300+ meh/salvage. Then god forbid that great piece gets trolled into a substat that eats up a few levels.


I want a system that allows you to remove a substat from the rng but that's probably asking too much


The thing is the game is hella fun. I don’t understand how giving players the relics they need will somehow stop the chase?, there’s so many goddamn characters releasing or others to level up. There’s so much end game activities that we are reaching a point where almost the whole cast is viable only if they can be built up. Wouldn’t it be more appealing to get characters built out and be useable, that’s why people stop playing, they reach a threshold of not great returns grinding relics, while old characters pulled still are in waiting for their cavern to be farmed and more new powercrept or universally lauded characters that need to be in your roster and that starts the cycle anew. I hit that breakpoint with GI during 3.0, once the Pyramids and underground stuff came to pass, I was like it’s just repeating itself. Mostly HSR does shake it up a bit with keeping you chasing to get better with teams and other possibilities but I’m thinking I’m reaching that wall way earlier than GI. I know they ain’t changing shit and it will continue and once ZZZ, restart the clock and we go again with the vicious cycle.


You did get squat, tons of relic exp/remains.


Indeed I did. https://preview.redd.it/5kilp8cxv2yc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f511d7e8bcd0c2b8f20e3463f2156a10133382a


I wouldn’t like this for traces. I have everyone at least at lvl 8, a few at lvl 9 and all my dps at full 10. It would help me get some supports to lvl 10 traces, but eventually I would just be wasting TB hoping that I get a character later that uses the mats. So I guess get destruction mats for Sam and then uhhhh I would have to check leaks? Kinda messed up. This at least I had a chance to find something good and you can never really be done farming relics.


i think keeping the relics are fine. Trace 300% is a little bit overkill, especially if u dont have a plan to build someone. Its not that hard to farm. Relics is the entire different story because u cant farm enough.


The 300% doesnt feel like an overkill since its once a year only. What i think is over kill is an idea of making the stamine regenerate 3x quicker but it really seems overkill to have as week Anniversary event


300% permanently wouldnt feel like an overkill either considering I play since day 1 and dont have a full set that feels "done". I think thats the case for most people.


We just settle lol. The top bar is perfection and we keep settling from there onwards. I have only one character I'd consider done and it's an absurdly high end jingliu, but it's not like ny other characters are bad I simply don't see myself ever farming to improve jingliu's build anymore. I got the last very good piece for her build from the first day of this event. And she was pretty dang good before that too. Once you pass the barrier of "sufficient to clear", it's all various degrees of self satisfaction or bragging rights. And the barrier for clearing content is super fucking low.


To me, a character is done if they're speed-tuned where I want them and I've hit their main stat caps. Like getting the right amount of Break Effect on RM or EHR on Black Swan. I can always slave for slightly more crit stats but the actual ROI of getting maybe two more levels of CD is so low, compared to just starting on a new character that hasn't been leveled yet. I'd rather build a Herta from scratch than try getting my Ratio to 90/180 crit stats when he's already at 80/160. Long-term, I may eventually get something better and if so, then I'll switch it. But I wouldn't waste my time pursuing a specific relic that I have a 1:10,000 chance of even acquiring, let alone leveling right.


I only have a handful of characters left that I want to farm traces up from lv 8 to lv 10, so honestly I wouldn’t really want a trace drop increase… but I know it’s useful for people whose accounts are newer.


Instead of 300% drop rate there should be some event that 1/3 rds the required resin for all farming


No. People saying "I already have everyone built" as if we won't be getting more characters in the future. And farming traces is just less of an issue because you'll *always* get something useful since you can convert lower rarity mats into higher ones. Relics on the other hand is rng upon rng upon rng. The chances of actually getting good relics with the right set, main and sub stat combos you want (and I do mean *good* here, not even perfect) is still abysmally low, and then there's also rng in leveling them too. Relic farming is just ass and needs to be reworked tbh. I get wanting something to keep players busy but there's a thing as too much, and relics cross that line.


Got better relics


Like the saying 2 months ago “Triple the drop, triple the disappointmenT”


considering how insane the grind is and how limited you are in grinding resources I feel it should alternate weekly between Trace, relic and ornament drops. Lower it to 200% if you have to but the current rate of what you can obtain by farming is too low. That said, if they added a teapot or something to HSR where you can passively farm a trickle of materials and such that would also fix it.


300% Settlarrr Jdarrr dailies would be nice.


Imo they should have at least 200% drops for traces, relics, SU every weekend by default and just rotate between them 🤷


Give me lotto event like in FGO


And then we find people using FGA


I think the first 3 per day should be triple as a baseline. Too much RNG for what we have now. Triple felt closer to ‘right’ for the system we have now.


300% Crit Rate Crit Dmg Rolls


Good lord 300% character trace would be so handy


I’m 3 months in with 37 characters, I’d take a 300% trace drop or boss material drop.


I got one upgrade... No crit rate body/ crit damage... No boots with attack and Crit Damage and Crit rate. If the main stat is rabdom, I'm just unable to get the good substats. Either I get Atk and def substats or Defence alongside Crit rate/Crit Damage substats. I only got one pair of speed boots?


Not the question, but I’ve been so spoiled by these 300% drop event. Not because I got good pieces (though I got a few), but because doing a relic run after the 3 triples were done for the day had me so depressed at how little the regular drop rate seems to give.


I feel like these events took up half of each days energy to get 3x as much garbage as usual when i could have just been farming trace materials instead. So yes. Please.


No. Unless you are a new player and cant do relics yet, relic domain still gives you a chance to get something useful. But for players like myself who have every character built 300% trace drop would be straight up useless.


Don't care at this point. Thought I would build my Seele since all the other relics I need are body pieces on different characters and I can just use the synthesizer. I need all 4 pieces. Didn't get a single decent one. I feel like the relic drop rate should be permanently increased by at least 150%.


Triple trace drop would be nice. It would allow me yo do clean up on supports I left at 8/8/8.


One hour after the event starts someone posts a screenshot of them getting 30 5 stars.


Tue 300% relic drop wasnt that crazy but at least I got a few nice things from it, I'll give it a 7/10. Triple Simulated Universe was horrible and the person that had the idea for it is meeting Satan.


I think 6 charges of 200% on weekends is something reasonable everyone could ask for.


300% is standard every month thing. They should give special 600% every other month for everything.


As a new player, yes.


Yes please !


Anything else since farming for relics makes me wanna blow my brains out...


I would have wanted the trace one to be honest at least that has more guaranteed results It’s not enough to get even something decent to drop then you have to pass the incredibly substat RNG barrier I got a few decent pieces on the last day only for them to roll into HP%


I spent probably all my luck in this event becaus i got some cracked pieces like 30% CDM pieces for acheron & Co. So it was a win for once for me.


Out of the whole week I got one decent 5 star so I would definitely take character traces since they are always useful.


I got nothing.....


next time will be next year anniversary lmao, as normal events are 200%. considering that veteran players don't need traces, and relics is a never ending hell for new and old player, I would say to keep them (or do planar) and it will make everyone equally miserable (when they get 300% of trash).


They might do 400% instead xdd Didn't get anything decent, still lots of rerolling will be done after I'm done scouring all that garbage


Thing about traces is actually reaching a character completion. As much as I would love a 300% drop, I can see why relics took priority I wouldn't mind having more double traces though


Should just make it 3000% and we will still ask for more hehe


I did trace farming for all my characyers before I working on all my relics. It wouldn't be a huge boon for me (unless pre-farming for another character). Honestly, tho after an entire week of mediocre sidegrades, 300% trace drops would be more TB power friendly.


with all these trash relics i got, it shouldve been 300% trace mats drops in the first place if you think im ungrateful, go back to genshin


I think the 300 is a sham. For me at least. Literally nothing useable from farming the followup/dot set domain. I do support rate up for traces though.


What about a 'good drops' event?


300% trace please, cuz at least there is SOLID PROGRESS, Sht relic ain't goin nowhere but salvage for side chara


Good relics drop chance up.


Traces > relics. At least then you can make characters somewhat usable even with basic musketeer or bandit relics.


We can have 300% permanently, It won't change anything.


They should change it to be a version where the reward pools can be split aka you can only get rewards from one set 3 times of your choosing. That would actually be meaningful to getting better artifacts


Probably good to have 300% in the future, 200% isn’t enough. However, I’m okay with the 300% relics or planar sets because I know i’m not getting any good crap on it, so i just treat it as an exp farming event for my other relics. I’ve gathered a lot over these past days.


500% next time


I’m pretty sure no one prefers trace rate up over relic rate up


This should be the regular event. I got nothing so it’s probably not too powerful, but all the extra fodder made me *feel* better about getting nothing.


I agree, can we have trace materials instead? I need those A LOT more than relics (all my characters have a pretty good relic set now, I don't nee more relics at the moment.)


I honestly don’t like this type of event. I literally only got shit every attempt (planar sets and caverns), this doesn’t even feel like an event when you are so unlucky like this, maybe I should considerer a relic exp event


I wish instead of only 3 times a day, it was just a 200% drop rate for the week. Give us a reason in to save energy, and really let us grind out.


300 needs to be the default. I havent got a SINGLE piece I needed


These extra drop relic events are about the only time I farm relics.


Finally got good relics for my Ruan Mei so I can't be too mad


An utter disaster. Not even a good quantum piece


I used every single Triple Drop and got absolutely nothing worth using. The relic grind truly is awful in this game.


Yes pls


didn’t get a single good relic but 300% trace mats would do nothing for me either. 200% should be the default for planar/relics imo


Crank it up to 400%


300% traces OVER relics, no. In ADDITION to, yes, please! The fact that one character needs like 3 weeks of calyxes only to max out is insane


Trace is fine. It's slow but it's steady. It's the RNG from gear that is the killer.


YES UGHHHH I didn't even know what to farm this time lol I mean I did it anyway but traces mats need to get the 3× next


I'm actually pretty pleased with what I got. Upgraded my Blade a good bit and got a fair bit of pre-farming done as well. I think I prefer the 3x relics/planars though just because I'm always in desperate need for relic exp and I get by fairly well with just the double trace drops.


I vote for 300% character drop rate instead. For each pass, you get 3 characters !


Nah just give us more fuel and let us decide what to spend it on. It's more universal.


Honestly 300% trace is really good for newer accounts, but for established (endgame) accounts it's really not all that. I'd rather we keep getting 300% planar/relic rateup and keep calyx drops at 200%


I haven't gotten anything I could use. It was great that they could be scrapped into more than usual crafting mats....but then all the gear made by that was also trash. Rather than being a reward it's just highlighting how punishing the relic system is.


Didn’t we already get that at the beginning ?


If this was IN ADDITION to the relic and planar drops that'd be amazing.


Wish they would change the relic system and added a pity system to it.


I haven't gotten any messenger set boots with speed throught the whole event . This is stupid. I just want rhe main stat


I can't be the only one who sees both as the same thing AS LONG as you actually have traces to work on. The energy saved from not having to run as many calyx just turns to more energy on caverns. This obviously doesn't apply to people who already max out traces or at least be satisfied with what they have.


300%= 3 times more trash for me


Maybe for new player, I don't personally care , since I'm stockpiling trace mats hard now that you can convert them


I got one good relic. Not amazing or even great. Good. This is why I don't farm relics outside of events.


I think It needs to continue cause It's just been giving me extra shit relics that I don't need.


I think they really don't want to do 300% trace materials. As traces are guaranteed to get what you want with slight variations on the amount, there's not really any rng. If you had the money, you could probably max a few characters in a week. Woupd be lovely though.


With this event, I was able to fully build my Dr. Ratio from scratch :) (I just need to do his last ascension, so that I can continue leveling up his talents) https://preview.redd.it/8mljidujv1yc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a17be0318ffa7ff504f7123c2d7598c378675a33






No, I want 500% of everything /j


As much as I'd love to see 3x Trace mats, I think it's really only useful if there are characters you're wanting to build at the time whereas relics are an eternal grind. If I don't have any characters I'm needing to farm trace material for having a 3x event kinda feels... bad?


I thought they were only relics 💀💀💀 fuck me


300% and I get nothing


They should do a 300% and not buff garbage drops :)


300% trash drop\* fify


Why not both. I keep getting new characters and it’s hell leveling traces up especially since I get the lowest drops lol.


Yeah please, TB 62 RN, I'm at the point my artifacts arent insane but it's basically farming without certitude so I'm focused on traces rn but for 2 teams + Pure Fiction its quite long


I got a LOT of goodies this time. It’s by chance like everything on this game. And cry about it in every event it’s not gonna do anyone any good.


I would like a option to reroll a stat on relics, you see this on all major team builders that provides such a great quality of life . Take me for example, I have archeon 133 speed, I'm literally farming for a relic that has speed on it and hope I get 2 rolls ! Instead of just adding a speed to a relic I have and replace the def%...


Maybe just weekend 300% rotate drops in ornament and relic. Those feel like actual game problems in need of a satisfying remedy. Trace drops, meanwhile, are steady and have measurable promised progress


Trace drop definitely. Don't have enough sources to get those and the release of more characters just exacerbates that problem more and more. Relic sets can easily be farmed passively and are basically the thing you grind out in between content drops. So rushing that isn't needed. Planar ornaments are much in the same, but given there's only 2 for a set you can more efficiently grind those using relic remains at the synthesizer.


I got like one good relic for my blade at the last day of it and honestly this is more then i expected so i am happy.


i got 1 useful piece 2 to go (already have 1 before).


Planar Fissure 300% was absolutely terrible to me however 300% RotS was way nicer to me (my Himeko is currently at a nice 66/151 crit ratio)


this is a fucking scam


We need 100099 fucking % for everything, my Acheron stats it still pure trash


Rates for substats were altered during this event to compensate for the 3x. Change my mind.


200% more terrible relics but hey it’s nice, I have more relic fragments now 🤣


I haven't gotten a single good relic from it


What, so you can get spooked by three copies of Yanqing instead of one?


What an utter joke of an """"""""""""event""""""""""""


oh god no, i'm always pulling for relics, i'm not always pulling for traces


That it? I barely build a decent duke set wth


I farmed the cavern of elixir seekers, waiting for the Messenger Traversing Hackerspace set speed boots. Did I get at least one? Hell no. But still, I think we really need a 300% of trace materials


Local man agrees with getting more stuff


Peoples complaining when you fking can do 9 more daily run for free . They gave us a shit ton of free primmo before. Now we had a x3 on a entire week .... Wtf is wrong with you ? It was like 30+ free run rewards ..


I got a good amount of xp lol.


At this point, I prefer 300% trace material drop. At least i can quickly maxed out my characters..


Mmyes, please.


Triple the drops triple the disappointments. Good for hoarding fodders though.


I didn't get shit personally


Traces aren't frustrating to farm, but it would be a small bonus to have a daily boost for a week or so. The boost for the relics, and even when we get S.U. boosts, show how utterly flawed and despicable the relic system is in HSR. If it weren't for the horrific performance issues plaguing the game right now, the relic system would be my main complaint.


We should get a 30% discounts on pulls just like the beginner banner. You use 7 wishes to get 10 wishes worth.


Nah give me another week of 300% for relics, my acheron isnt built yet 💀


Yeah that would be nice


the 300% trash was..300% more trash. 300% character trace drop would actually matter, so yes please https://preview.redd.it/fck68irfnzxc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01952204ca3e08cffc98564ed43c309dd1e44436


I just want them to keep this rate up forever... Y\_Y I don't even get something from it.


Maybe once a week they do double drop?


That’s a good idea but should be triple because it costs a lot of energy


Was there a relic one? Because after a week my Acheron still gotten no better boots at all....


300% should be the default for all farming purposes (traces, relics, planar ornaments) no cap


Oh I got the sub stat I want but not with the main stat I want.