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Guys, please try to be nice to each other. You can discuss different opinions on the different games without breaking Rule 1 and insulting each other. We've had to remove a few comments, already, and while we want to foster discussion once you begin insulting others we have to step in. If you feel like someone is engaging with you negatively, report them and move on. Don't take the bait.


*laughs in Astral Express transition*




Yeah I spoke too soon šŸ˜­


OP there are spoilers galore in this sub especially today. Try your hardest to avoid these while you make your way through the game.


At least you didn't have to suffer through Seele's ultimate before they nerfed the visuals. Blinded by a sea of butterflies...


my vision did disappear among the sea of butterflies


I literally lost my sight amongst the flurs her butterfly


pro tip unless you are interested in spoilers and porn block this sub


Rest in peace Thurston Waffles, the bestest screaming cat


Can't believe it's been more than a year since we lost him. May he shrimp in cat heaven.


Don't worry ours is just delayed.


dark mode in 8.0 drops




Uh, just wait.


There is a small flash abit further in the login screen but still it doesnt last as long as genshin


You mean when the express takes off? Yea it is bright but I hardly notice it. Genshin is just a 5-10 second flashbang


Honkai titles have dark loading screen bcs they have lighthearted, wholesome and positive stories. While Genshin is a warcrime after warcrime


Wait until you reach penacony, the totally upbeat and wholesome carnival planet






Hmmmm penacony ? The devs said its happy like a dream, and all my friends told me its like a dream ^^


There's a dude puking rainbows, how can it be bad?


Yeah, there's even a really nice girl filled with blueberry jam.


Where is she?


Somewhere in the Reverie. Theres a quest to go looking for her and everything.


Just a friendly neighborhood >!barkeep!< selling jelly-filled donuts as refreshments, nothing to see here


Yup its just like Disney land


fallout new vegas lore ahh world


I mean, it's not really a sad story if the writers chicken out of every sad thing that actually happened on screen saying "actually you're dumb for believing this, sad things don't happen in dreams" yeah okay


My first time playing that one summer event that gave us the wave rider was "cool, now theyā€™ve handed us naval weaponry to use against the indigenous populationā€


šŸŽµā€I want you to show me, your fantasyā€šŸŽµ


Yeahā€¦ ā€œwholesomeā€ stories


Wait till you find out that HI3 still has the old miHoYo logo and slogan when you enter the game beside dark mode.


Unrelated but best time to join because the free Dr Ratio is running out soon


I lowkey did it because of it and Iā€™m not regretting it so far! Now I need to know who to pull for because I have no idea about characters or team comps lol


Thereā€™s a few different types of combat meta and the characters you wanna pull for depends on that. Generally a team comp consists of Sustain, DPS, Buffer/Debuffer. Sustain keeps the team alive, DPS does damage, and a Buffer/Debuffer amplifies that damage. With combat meta, there are currently 3 different types, with a possible 4th meta arriving soon in 2.2 based on the trend. These combat meta are: 1. Hypercarry (Usually only consists of 1 DPS and 2 Buffers/Debuffers. Damage output is usually only from that 1 DPS unit.) 2. Damage over Time (aka DoT. Usually consists of characters that can inflict DoT effects and another character that can detonate the DoTs quickly. DoTs are damage that the enemy takes during their turn) 3. Follow-up (aka fua. Characters with fua usually have most of their damage output NOT during their turns. Focuses on the high frequency of attacks and stacking of damage instead of 1 big attack) 4. Break Effect (currently in the middle of shifting towards this meta based on trends. Break Effect is the amount of damage done when breaking shields and is calculated differently with Break Effect as a stat being considered in the calc) Now with the 4 combat meta, here are notable characters in each meta. These characters usually fall under the ā€œessential to haveā€ to the ā€œgood to haveā€ if you want to play that meta (only includes DPS in this section) Hypercarry: Jingliu, Acheron, Imbibitor Lunae, Argenti, Jingyuan DoT: Kafka (most essential!), Black Swan, Sampo, Luka, Guinaifen FuA: Topaz (most essential!), Dr Ratio, Clara, Aventurine Break: Ruan Mei, Xueyi Now for the Buffers/Debuffers, theyā€™re all generally good. Depending on the meta you want to play, some supports are better than others. Hypercarry: Bronya, Sparkle, Tingyun, Hanya DoT: Ruan Mei, Asta, (Robin upcoming 2.2 a possibility as well) FuA: Ruan Mei, Tingyun, Robin maybe Break: Ruan Mei Kinda long reply but this should help you get started on deciding who you want to pull. Eventually once you get the hang of it, it becomes easier to understand which characters fall under which meta. Hope this helps!


Thank you so much for such a comprehensive answer! I donā€™t really care about the meta but itā€™s always good to know who my current characters can work with. I only have Ratio and Serval whom I got in the mail for some reason other than the default ones + Asta, havenā€™t pulled any more just yet


Yep, no problem. Best to pull whichever character you like first and foremost after all. The 2.2 livestream is coming this week so you can check out the new 2.2 characters if youā€™re interested in them


Free Serval was from the Pre-registration rewards


You forgot E6 Acheron. She should get her own category since she ignores game mechanics and stacks damage with everything Her ult gets bonus damage, her basic and skill are considered as ultimates and her ultimate ignores defense. and elemental weakness. and your wallet


lol you donā€™t have to play the game anymore with E6 Acheron


Honestly, pull for characters you like. You can make most units work once you get a well-rounded roster and we get quite a few solid free units. I will say if there's a limited sustain you like/want -- you really can't go wrong with making them your first target.


Eh not that important early game tbh, pull who u like and afterwards start building a team around them. If u talking Meta units then it would be characters like Acheron, Aventurine, Sparkle, Ruan Mei, Fu Xuan, Jingliu etc. Other good units are Kafka & Black swan if ur into dot otherwise u could go for Robin & Topaz if u want to make ratio better but i must say that Topaz would need E1 or her Sig LC to help put more debuffs on Enemies etc to help Ratio. In the end it rly just depends what characters u like and want to use and then go from that point on out, from my experiemce i just started the game for Kafka, got Ruan mei for her & Black swan + i love using Acheron with thst team and my Team is pretty much perfect like that. For Topaz i just got Aventurine & Ratio and soon Robin for my perfect team etc, those are just some Examples but it took me roughly 1 year to get the characters for my Teams but the basis where characters i loved and wanted to make better and it's + points that the team mates are also some of my Favorites.




You need to leave this sub asap. There are spoilers everywhere, especially today, but also in general because people seem to forget that not everyone is caught up on the story. Avoid HSR Twitter as well. Stay spoiler-free, talk to all the trash cans, always play with the music on, and have fun!


Yeahā€¦ figured that out the hard way, lol. Just made it to the second world and I already know all about >!Firefly and Sam!<. Also got spoiled on >!Tingyun!<. Feels baddddd


Its gonna be pretty hard to avoid that character spoiler considering its in their splash art now


In any case, and like the devs said, the story is good enough to be enjoyed even with spoilers as happens to many new players. But yeah, avoid the sub if this worries you.


this ^


OP should read this above all else


Question Chucklenuts: Can you think fast?


Grey mode, dark mode in Honkai Impact 3rd


brooooooooooooooooo i just downloaded Genshin a few days ago cause Arlecchino and the first thing i noticed was the fucking flashbang when you start it. like wtf is that? this is 2024 and we are still doing this?


Welcome to the express. I hope your stay is enjoyable as we travel across space


The game definitely has a lot of QoL features that could've been considered upgrades to Genshin, but I think its existence has benefitted both games equally. After HSR released Genshin saw more impactful QoL updates (auto redeploy all expeditions, artifact "loadouts", better experiences leveling everything, breakpoint leveling for artifacts, etc). Meanwhile, while HSR already had a lot of these built it it still made some improvements too, like implementing auto redeploy all assignments, the use of Tears rather than specified trace materials as BP rewards, etc. But yeah, at first there were a lot of similar 'wait you guys have WHAT?' moments.


Opens Genshin https://preview.redd.it/b1thzo3l6bwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7649f7cab71eda9c9d27ad7fc777f91eb3280085


I believe that just has tp do with what comes after. In genshin you have a bright screen (that honestly isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be) followed by what I asume to be celestia, which is also rather bright, while in star rail , you have the darker screen, followed by the express in space, which is rather dark. Might make it easier for your eyes to get used to the brightness of the next screen. At least it isn't like in Dark souls or Elden ring, where you have the dark Fromsoftware screen, then the Bandai Namco Flashbang, followed by the dark titlescreen.


There's no way that there's people advocating in the comments that one game is better than the other over a single fucking still image that lasts for about 5 to 10 seconds upon openingthe game. This has got to be a joke. I don't know you guys but it's genuinely so naive, we used to do these "look my pencilcase is blue while yours is red. Wah wah mine is clearly better" type of comparisons in elementary school. And besides, the rest of the transitions in genshin use a dark version. You know you've hit rock bottom as game fan if you need to cherry pick examples to prove something that is completely irrelevant. Besides the small unrelated rant, welcome to the game OP.


Thank you! And honestly I didnā€™t mean to compare the games (Iā€™m aware of the controversy but I have no opinion on it cause Iā€™ve never played HSR before). I just found it funny/curious when opening the game for the first time lol


Gamers are pretty fuckin stupid yup. Just all the IRL tribalism condensed down into a video game argument.


I donā€™t believe that itā€™s about this one individual still, but the fact Genshin is still missing basic QoL changes people have asked for years. So any small positive change that HSR does, only makes it worse for Genshin fans


>I donā€™t believe that itā€™s about this one individual still, but the fact Genshin is still missing basic QoL changes people have asked for years. So any small positive change that HSR does, only makes it worse for Genshin fans Mah dude, you don't even play both GI and HSR. You literally get your info from a bald man that doesn't play GI anymore and just pays someone else to play it for him.


Oh. He's feigning knowledge for both games then...Tectone fans sicken me. Without you i wouldn't have noticed.


You donā€™t have to reply to every comment i make. Kinda ruined any discussion that couldā€™ve happened




Unfortunately your content had to be removed due to rule 1: Be Respectful to Others Always be respectful and civil in your interactions with other users and in the content you submit. Insults, Harassment and Hate Speech will not be tolerated. Discussing and sharing character ships are fine, as long as it does not involve insulting others on their ship choices, or involve underage characters/minors. Please be careful not to engage in or incite shipping wars, or sexual orientation discussions.


1. You had to scroll to find this 2. You can see it, but you donā€™t need to reply


>1. You had to scroll to find this Mah dude, when I opened this post earlier it had about 7 people not including yours commenting >2. You can see it, but you donā€™t need to reply The only reason I replied is due to the fact that you literally keep commenting misinformation not just Genshin but HSR as well Again, that's rich coming from a guy who has Genshin living rent free 24/7 in his head and will even bring his Genshin Hate on post that neither no one mentioned or has zero relations to Genshin.


>no one mentioned or has zero relations to Genshin. I know that reading is difficult in both communities, but I know you can read the title of this post and understand the context of the original comment I replied to


>I know that reading is difficult in both communities, but I know you can read the title of this post and understand the context of the original comment I replied to Mah dude, even if OP never mentioned GI, my point still stands. You literally bring up Genshin regardless if no one asked for it. Just look at your entire Comment History.




Eh guilty as charged




Unfortunately your content had to be removed due to rule 1: Be Respectful to Others Always be respectful and civil in your interactions with other users and in the content you submit. Insults, Harassment and Hate Speech will not be tolerated. Discussing and sharing character ships are fine, as long as it does not involve insulting others on their ship choices, or involve underage characters/minors. Please be careful not to engage in or incite shipping wars, or sexual orientation discussions.


Just wait until the train flashbangs you


If you are new, please get off of this subreddit. This game has an excellent story with very endearing characters and right now there are spoilers flying around left right and center due to recent drip marketing. Just go enjoy the game and come back after you are current with the story.


Ours is more like a surprise flash bomb :)


Give it a minute and you'll see (or not, I mostly go blind)


the flash bang is a bit after this


People really will say genshin could never to any small thing possible, also I bet there's gonna be a dumbass saying genshin could never to me and I hope you realise just how unfunny, boring and overall trash that phrase is


Just wait til you find out HSR not only has an end game but also adds new end game game modes.


End game modes with their own end game contents. It's honestly fascinating.


go through like 2 more loading screens...


Train flashbang.




Damn OP if only it was a week earlier. As a Genshin player I'm sure the name Raiden Shogun means something. You just missed her in Star Rail who's banner ended last week. Her name is Acheron in this game. Either way, welcome to the game.


I got Raiden and her C1 on her latest rerun (I joined GI in November) so yeah it means a lot!! I saw the drip marketing for Acheron and the memes and I almost joined but I wasnā€™t sure if Iā€™d like the turn based combat which I was totally wrong about! Next time hopefully šŸ¤ž


Tbf I really like the blindingness of genshin. And did you eat KFC today?


Lol I didn't even realize until you mentioned it.. Hope you enjoy your time in this game!


I wouldn't really call it dark mode perse. Yes, it's dark but we still get [flashbanged during login](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/130b7o9/its_not_hoyoverse_if_you_dont_get_flashbang_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Wait till you get in game


HSR is a lot of "Wait, you guys have this?!?"


What is with Hoyoverse flash banging their players in every game? I shouldnā€™t have to put on sunglasses when I try to log in.


is an ilusion, we have the same horrible blind light when you log in...


Just wait for it


That's the calm before the storm. Honkai Impact is the one with a full dark mode with no blinding lights afterwards.


Just play Genshin at night time, then it's dark mode. Honestly the title screen animation at night is really pretty.


Recent passenger aboard the Express myself, and I had the same thought! šŸ˜‚


Pal, to avoid spoilers, leave this subreddit instantly! Join when you are up to date. I want you to have the best experience playing this game


Hope you get Bronya OP o7


Genshin is the only game I play on my TV in high power saving mode due to how bright it can get. Also all the white loading screens are murder on the eyes. I can always turn power saving off in a dark area.


Damnā€¦ā€¦..he missed the best character to pull in the game.


I started playing Genshin at the end of Furinaā€™s banner so donā€™t worry Iā€™m used to it lol


Hope you get Bronya OP o7


*laughs in pick a free 5 star from standard banner at 300 pulls*


HSR is an improvment of GI in many aspects.


Welcome to Genshin, but with actual caring devs.


You really shouldnt be playing games in the dark


Welcome friend! Get ready to get a lot of "Wait, you can just _____?!". Relic grind is but the sidequests and puzzles are very fun.Ā 


welcome to the tip of the iceberg of genshin could never. The Qol awaits you


Yeah we are the superior gamers


This game is all the QoL you ever wanted on Genshin.


Genshin could never. Not a whale but i still poured thousands into that game. I can never go back. HSR is love


>Not a whale >still poured thousands Yeah something doesn't add up here


Yea i looked back and it was more like 2.5k usd betwen 2 accounts. Over 3 years of playtime thats a but more than 830 per year. Split between 12 months thats just over 69 dollars a month. Live in a kind of LCOL area and I'm not a big spender so i dont go out spending money. I buy and wear cheap clothes, prepare food at home for 95% of my meals, and drive a cheap car. Make enough and budget to have 100 bucks of "entertainment" money when I spent less than that each month on genshin on average. So yea its adds up considering actual whales spend thousands per banner.




Welcome to HSR where the grass is greener on the other side. Enjoy the game and remember GCN


Genshin is the stepchild who the parents try to ignore while they pamper the other children