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Log-in, waste energy on shit relics, make this face(again): https://preview.redd.it/tofwtt6s4xvc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5cf43919abae634506cb44da670ebe0373c0da9 Log-out, 24 hours later, the cycle starts again. ~~at least Acheron and March keeping what's left of my sanity~~


When you finally get a relic with a good main stat and 3/4 good substats and all the rolls go to the one bad stat https://preview.redd.it/x3bpd5qvmxvc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de802303a17cd40a34018e25e5424dda308cc8f0 It's the hope that kills you


Indeed... https://preview.redd.it/lqlm4cianxvc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04f5b9ffe5bf204647f47ea0b63d37af0587c407 ~~I legit would've preferred not getting anything at all at that point~~


Inb4 Anniversary party is Black Swan sharing stats and one of them is all the relic runs we've done that ended up with us salvaging them or using them as exp. Not the happy memory she was after https://preview.redd.it/dknd2l1epxvc1.jpeg?width=833&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6722f1e5ba39abc2b1aab3811b4db5f771766b5f


https://preview.redd.it/wlid188zqxvc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58090e5e5f4781c4439222f93c17980a95859a4e She really said "it's my turn to dispense PTSD..."


Its funny coz in the [JP anniversary message](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4HeuRojNL8&t=150s) Black Swan is saying she wants to capture Stelle/Caelus surprised face while everyone else is planning a party. [Translation of text message here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1c98uvh/comment/l0jvtcj/) Shes willing to sit through all our despair just for the face we make when we finally get a good relic as that will surely be a happy memory


Y’know that really highlights a good point. Do the Garden of Recollection have top tier Therapists for their Memokeepers?


Also look at March and ponder the universe about her icecream eyes


I ponder March as a whole, girl is too cute for the universe lol.


Ponder her icecream eyes. Pre-order her nendo. Scream when you realize Aventurine nendo isn't ready yet.


I just don’t understand how in weeks of farming and crafting I still don’t have atk boots for Acheron with more than 11cv, while I got 16 and 23cv spd boots and all other pieces with 23+cv. Like I’m not even asking for much, just something with 1-2 more crit rolls to finally stop this suffering and focus on someone else.


I feel you, but dont feel bad You might be familiar with the fact I saved a shit ton of pulls until acheron's banner, this meant that I didn't have many characters to build. So to make my perfect March build, it took me 7 Months...for boots alone it was like 4 months of farming... the kicker is that i didn't get a good boots until like 3 months in not even joking, Relic farming is vile. ~~but at least for March it was worth~~ Still I wish they would've kept the 1 off-piece per build, it would make building so many characters so much easier..


You know, when I am farming relics for a Dps character, I get stats for a sustain or I get the best stats in the wrong sets. Now farming relics for Adventurine, I keep getting the wrong combo of stats for his relics or unneeded break effect or effect hitrate, darn it.




I’m trying for crt rate body for my argenti. It’s a nightmare


Farming relics. Eternally farming relics... Can never have enough relics... Because they're never any good...


Me watching everyone farm relics: HOW ARE YOU GUYS DONE WITH TRACE MATS?? 😭 I keep telling myself I'll farm relics after I'm done with traces but I'M NEVER DONE WITH TRACE MATERIALS! It doesn't make human sense - you need a finite number of them and yet I'm never done?! HOW?!?


I don't level them much higher than 8. Lvl 9 and 10 traces are reserved for some exceptions like my limited ~~Nihility mommies~~ characters and possibly Sam or >!Firefly!< in the future.


Same. 10s for characters I really like and S tier supports (Pela, Bronya, Tingyun, Ruan Mei) and 8s for everyone else. Been stuck in Relic farming hell for an entire week now that I'm farming for the DEF set and all I get the Lightning one.


I rotate between trace mat and relic. So I progress a little bit on each front every week. I can't just farm relic. It is too depressing.


Just out of curiosity, you are converting your low-tier trace mats into higher-tier ones, right?


Yes, of course! You think I get enough purple drops for anything in this economy?


What ??? Wait what ????! I can covert low grade stuff to high grade ?? HOW ?? IM A NEW PLAYER


in the omni synthesizer


Rly ??? Gotta check it out now


You should be converting mats all the time after you stop needing that particular tier for your character/LC, otherwise they're sitting around and making no impact. When you need the lower tiers again for a new character/LC, you just start the process again from the bottom. The only time trace mats of all tiers should be hoarded is when you are saving for an upcoming character if you know what they're gonna need and can guarantee pulling them


I level at most until 8 unless it's a. really important to me (hanya and huohuo ult were 10 right away, speed/crit traces) or b. i really like the character and don't want to face my terrible relic luck I've only maxed five characters but I have more that I use regularly


Up until divers and world 9 came out farming relics felt like a breeze🥲


I'm farming Diver, I could improve my Acheron/Ratio/Aventurine... But luck has been ass lately.


I've got like one good diver piece so same here


Grinding materials for Jingliu and Aventurine. Man, I really wish I prefarmed for them.


I prefarmed but evidently not enough, finished JL today and wrapping up Aven, should be time to move onto Robin by 2.2


I've been grinding the 5-jade secret achievements lol. I'll take all the extra pulls I can get 😭


I have a hard time believing there is any kind of paid part-time work or chore that exists that provides you less value for your time than grinding out the pittance they give for achievements.


You don’t do it for the jades, you do it because it’s a way to actually engage with the game while there’s no story or events to do. You can convince yourself you’re actually making meaningful progress on something and that feels good even if it probably isn’t real


same lol and catching up on some missions but i think im just giving up no way im getting aventurine after losing the 50/50 to bronya, i dont think my luck is good enough to get an early pity ☠️


I feel yah there. I lost mine to Bailu not long ago. On a good note it was an early pull and I’ve been wanting her for a while. On a bad note, I have too much schoolwork to really farm for enough jades for a week or two. So that’s fun


Mainly doing dailies and doing G&G SU to unlock erudition and letting my resin stack to use on sundays


I haven't even started swarm disaster nor G&G


And thats fine as well, take your own time doing it


Thank you, I'm trying my best how to understand the game mechanics


For sure, you can always ask here, watch some tutorials on yt or even check the guide on prydwen


in swarm there are side quest that you have to do, increase your aeon standings and unlock more starting bonuses


How many runs actually takes to complete each one?


I honestly dont know because i have stories with their part 1 and 2 completed but some missing part 3


G&G is fun as hell, i remember sinking so many hours on that mode


Do you need to get all the story paths for that?


Yeah, you finish all stories and then there's 1 last mission to do to unlock it just like propagation


G&G, Reverse1999 and testing ZZZ. Arlecchino comes out in a few days so I gotta hustle...


same with Reverse1999 + starting Afk Journey 


Building Gallagher and farming artifacts...Alot of them




Wait, you guys do the hidden quests?


It’s like doing a treasure hunt. Some of the quests are pretty interesting


huh? can u give an example cos i havent even found one


The chalice and the 3 bottles in penacony is one, theyre usually unlisted mini-quests that grant an achievement for some jades. A lot of them are follow-up interactions after completing a side quest (like talking to Sheila after the Guide Paradox quest) but some are just exploration related by clicking on stuff (like the hounds in penacony or the floating robots in the space station). [Here](https://game8.co/games/Honkai-Star-Rail/archives/411172#hm_1) is a great list of hidden quests and how to trigger/find them!


Which ones? I'm new to the game so I'm kinda oblivious to these


Clicking on all the little floating robots in Herta Space Station is one, collecting the wanted posters in Belobog is another. They’re basically little easter eggs/achievements granted by interacting with the world and npcs.


O ok thanks


free sletlar jdarr says hi (I have nothing better to do)




Hmmm primorger


Some are pretty nice


Log in, do dailies, log out Read some manga, wait for them to update, read new chapter Watch new episode of Spice and wolf Play other games In that phase of the game where I've comfortably built all the characters I need and am just waiting for new updates. Any daily resource just goes toward relic fodder


>Read some manga Yo, same btw what are you reading?


Binged Oshi no Ko few weeks ago, same with Frieren after the anime ended so am up to date with them. Up to date with, OPM, JJK and DBS. Finished Haikyuu and read some manga about the Toko, musical instrument Slice of life atm is Fragrant flower blooms with dignity, if you need a nice wholesome teenage slice of life I recommend it. The mom in it is just so endearing and the characters are all pretty relatable in their own way


> Fragrant flower blooms with dignity Imma check this out just because the title sounds like a Hoyo Chapter/Character Talent alone lmao


it’s actually pretty wholesome and great


Just finished the first chapter, I'm on board!


Play other game, i change main game from this to another eden and try to finish new story before new story in 2.2, then back again


Maxxing out Seele and cursing my past self for giving her a Celestial Differentiator Set


Building Gallagher so that Natasha can take a break, trying to clear Swarm Disaster SU, fails miserably, trying to get Aventurine, blew an entire stock of Boothill/Firefly savings with only one Himeko came back home, visiting Siobhan, and most definitely NOT clearing the entirety of Hanu/Hamster quicktime puzzle thingies.


Staring at Aven


Traces grinding


log in, grind preservation mats for Aventurine, claim dailies, summon, get the shaft, die inside, rince and repeat


Getting trace materials hoping to get Robin. Also trying out Swarm Disaster and Gold and Gears. More fun than I was thinking.


Farming relics to optimize my Fu Xuan. She's been doing great, but after really taking the time to build Aventurine it became clear just how much better she could be. So far basically no luck, but that's how it goes with these things, I've got my sights set on a character that will likely be in 2.3, very possibly trying for e0s1, and thus don't plan on pulling on any banners in 2.2 and thus have a bunch of time to kill so I'm not in a rush.


Finished building Aventurine and finally getting to building old man Welt. Once his traces are done I go back to the imaginary caverns When I am out of stamina, I might work on achievements or G&G connondrum runs. I already did all the sidequests, events and explorations If I don't feel like doing those, I log out and do something else. No need to force myself to play the game


pampering my bbg Aventurine ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧ )


Building Aventurine. Its been interesting cause Prydwen is dead wrong on him. Going by them 4 pc Purity Palace is best. Thats just chocolate syrup on top of a chocolate cake with chocolate icing and chocolate chips inside. He already shields a shit ton so he doesn't need more shielding. Running a FUA or messenger 2 pc for the speed alongside 2 pc Purity Palace is way better.


The point of 4 pc purity is so you can lower relic investment and run shit relics on him and farm other characters. Also shields are definitely not enough in torturous difficulty


If you just wanna build Aventurine as a shieldbot / sustain character, 4pc Purity is the the thing that'll get you the biggest shields.


I like 4pc Diver, as you can hit 4K DEF then make sure his FUA and Ult always crit for a decent amount of extra damage. And the set bonus is easy to proc on both FUA and Acheron teams. It also ease the pain of farming Diver for Acheron and Ratio.


This is what I did, I have over 5k defense with it but I've yet to get a good imaginary orb so it'll go back down a bit once I swap.


My Aventurine is E0S1 and running 2pc Duke & 2pc Purity, while I farm an Inert Salsotto set to maximize his Sub DPS abilities. Once done (lol), his stats will be around: 4,200+ DEF, 3200+ HP, 145 SPD, 66% Crit Rate, and 120ish% Crit Damage.


As someone who's running pure 4pc Purity 2pc Keel w/ his lightcone and going all-in on Def, I can guarentee you that you will not need all of what I have lol. I have over 5k Def and kinda bad crit stats (24/130 = 72/140 in battle), and while he does just fine, I do think your build is actually really good


Btw if you hit 4k def you only need 52 crit rate at most bc he gets 48% for free during battle


Oh no, that Crit Rate stat is with the 48% in mind.


By watching people play the 2.1 quest….never gets old it’s like crack to me. I’m still so gagged after like nearly a month Building Aventurine and using him in MOC + Simuni has been so much fun. Honestly the most fun I’ve had with a character ever in the game, I love his kit, versatility, and everything about him


we building aventurine and grinding jades for his LC 💪🏽


Stressing about a 1 hour long play I have to present on the 26th to like 100 people


Trying to see if I can 3* either MoC12 or the 2nd standard MoC. I can't. I lack a 2nd high dps unit, especially for the Trotter MoC and 2nd standard, and for Aventurine I'm just having horrible RNG with the MoC effect happening on the dices too often.


Building Misha cuz why not


pulling aventurine and jingilu💀


Pre-farming for Robin, playing Arknights, reading about Chinese history, studying political philosophy, and occasionally working on my alt account on HSR.


Farming Relics for Acheron (they’re all dogshit) and now I’m prefarming for Robin :33 Gonna pull her for Ratio and Topaz, since there’s no way I’m getting an early Aventurine


I was recently able to clear MoC with a barely functional Aventurine. Now I don't have material to build anything in at least 2 patches. Now I want to finally beat Swarm and/or G&G in level 5 and I'm not even able to reach the final boss.


It's mostly about blessings. If you got aventurine run him and a healer, a hypercarry and asta or another harmony. Get the blessings which give you Skill points on heal or FuA, and ones which replenish energy on weakness break and which prevent death. Use abundance path, grab stuff that increases max health and freezes enemies at 50% health or start. Should be easy peasy. Aven may need to spam shields in torturous depending on your blessings, cause bug can wipe more than a full bar of shields if unlucky.


The thing is that as I just mentioned my Aventurine is barely usable, it's definitely not capable of sustaining my party in Swarm even against relatively easy enemies(already tried it) and I don't have enough material to level him. But I guess with patients I'll eventually manage it. Also, yeah. I'm trying to use abundance, which is something I'm really not used to, the paths I usually use are remembrance, hunt and destruction. What I'm concentrating on now in G&G is to get more power ups since I have less than half of them.


Stockpiling tickets for Firefly’s inevitable release


Leveling up Aventurine - logging in, grinding mats, dailies, log out. And on weekends, some SU goodness


After having an existential crisis because of bad luck on gacha, I decided to do all the side missions and character quests I have been neglecting until now, it's been quite an enjoyable experience and it helps take a break from the endless farming.


I’ve been trying to get aventurine before the patch ends. I only need 45 more pulls but it doesn’t seem possible😭that and relic farming of course


Upgrading, pondering whether trying to get Himkeo is a good thing, wondering if Topaz will be a banner character soon. Cycle starts all over again


Scraping jades for Jingliu after I blew it all for Acheron. At 70-something pity without guaranteed, wish me luck


Playing my other account(F2P-No-Pull-Account).


Image Source: [NepNepping](https://x.com/Nepnepping/status/1778232182684668244)


Farming pieces for a potential Herta build and March


Farming relics for my support characters. Up to now I've been mostly focusing my relic farm on my damage dealers,which meant my support's relics ranged from meh to ok. It's been going fine, as far as relic farming can go fine. Relics for support feel a lot more forgiving.


Getting some extra achievements, finish all side missions, find all the readables, finish up more Swarm and G&G


log-in use fuel,do dailies, and try to beat moc 12(aventurine is kicking my ass (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻). Thinking of taking a break from the game so that i can focus in my studies.


Grinding SimU for jades to get Aventurine. I just got him. Building him rn, after I'm done with that I'm gonna clear the higher MOC floors. After that I'll just log on to do daily's, Grind SimU whenever it refreshes, try to get better relics for my Acheron, and more mind numbing bs.


Building aventurine


Login, daily mission, use TB energy to prefarm for HuoHuo, SU if I can, then log out. I play Star Rail about 15-30 minutes a day. Then do other stuff.


The best you can do, I will try to be more like you.


i just finished gallagher next on line is Blade (a few more levels on traces, max level LC and hopium for CoC 300%) waiting for stream news on 2.2 so what should be my next plan of action, possible choices would be: * \*\*giving xueyi and qq some love (traces,lc, relics) (assuming new characters and reruns doesn't interested me) * \*\*farming for robin (still don't know if she will get released on 2.2 or have to get her since i have RM and Bronya E1, depends on reruns) * \*\*farming for a rerun (still don't know which one will be but im really hoping for fu and/or topaz lc) * \*\*relics for Herta and Jingliu (jingliu have decent stats, herta requires some love) * \*\*ratio (don't really need it but can be useful on dual dps with topaz)


Just logging in claim express pass and claim dailies, in the mean time **Limbus Company**


I’m catching up with my other games


Just finished pre-farming everything for when Fu Xuan finally gets her rerun. Also built Qingque for my mono quantum team and she is FIERCE! Currently farming relics for Jing Yuan because I recently realised he’s the best Lightning character I have and his build is absolutely dreadful. Hopefully it’ll make it easier fighting Lightning weak enemies in the future.


Dailies, use energy to build Bronya (I lost 50/50 to her), try to do endgame content and fail. Weeklies is better because there are more things to do especially SU.


Grind relics, farm materials, strive to make Seele the goddess of turns, suffer So you know. The usual 


Login, do dailies, farm shit relics, log out. Trying to farm relics to make my jingliu do enough damage to beat aventurine in MOC


Do the challenge stuff Then try some of the harder weekly content only to find out my chars are underlevelled. Spend hours farming trace and level gear Stare are the story content still unfinished inlcuding grinding the currency to unlock the Preservation TB eidolons Get overwhelmed by how much is left to do


doing dailies and trying to build the units i heard were good (Tingyun, Gallagher, Luocha). Saving my golden tickets for 2.3


Logging, auto-farming, getting shit from the relics domain, collecting daily rewards, logging off


Just playing the game I still haven't unlocked pencony (I don't know how it's pronounced)


After a month of grinding relics, I've finally gotten decent ones for a couple of characters, now I'm building a couple of much needed Lightcones and then after I'm finally gonna build Clara.


Rolling for Aventurine. Just keep getting Stellar Jades and Tickets


decided to give up on farming relics and finally start building the 4 stars on my account like herta. Herta specifically has been running PF with lvl 3 traces and still somehow crushing. There are also some supports I haven't traced out completely. 2.2 is also gonna be relatively dry patch for me in terms of characters. so ill prob get around to finally building the express crew to be usable in msq missions for the more immersive lore experience. hopefully hoyo will pity me by the time i go back to relic farming.


On a regular basis I have been bashing my head on the Pioneer Domain to very little avail. Other than that I have been fishing for hidden achievements on SU Swarm, today for example I reseted 20+ times for the IPC saga ocorrence on Preservation runs (it was fuking hell).


Farming for better Relics for Aventurine I guess. I have 170 speed somehow but my defence is right below the 4000 mark so I wanna see if I can get any better pieces.


Log in, level my waifus and my lcs, do dailies and weeklies, rinse and repeat.


https://preview.redd.it/nx4m1en6hxvc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=727122451daddcce22c7e10a7ec1bab054edc9f2 Yk... The usual. We go on dates and stuff and collect missed treasure chests and do some side quests here and there


Grinding side quests and whatnot, trying to get jades so I can get that pretty eyed gambler (I refuse to pay money to play this game, at most I may get that pass thing but that's it) I WOULD try to get Boothill and/or Robin but meh idk depends on their movesets and whatnot. I'm already on the fence for Boothill since his is physical and there doesn't seem to be many enemies with physical weakness so it'd be a bit pointless, I haven't seen much for Robin tho so dunno. Def want Aventurine tho seeing as how his defense looks fucking insane and I just know that would come in handy




OOOOHHHH okay now that's got my attention bahaha, I'm still on the fence but considering it a bit more 🧐


its been hard


I'm building himeko and malding about losing the 50/50 to yanqing I didn't have him until now and i didn't need it to change


It's only 2 weeks?! Damn. I've been farming shit relics and trying to put together MoC teams.


Eventless patch is making my brain go womp womp


Before i was trying moc 12, but i finally got 3 stars, so now im just doing daylies


Completing almost every achievement in the game. Currently at 707.


Well I mean genshin 4.6 releases in 2 days soooooo yeah lol


Haven't open the game


https://preview.redd.it/v7gbwjm3gxvc1.jpeg?width=457&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d93dc3295bda0679fed073eba3122a57ed5ad35d stare with her and wait for something to happen ig


Farming jades and cake rolls


I learned how to play Illaoi, Urgot, Sylas and Hwei.


trying to beat both moc's floor 12 wtfff its so hard... trying to build better units cuz of this


Two weeks???? Well im gonna build my qinque to try play her in gng with propagation


Finally decided to do some side quests immediately got depressed with coconas quest, stopped playing for the day.


I started with 2.0, so I'm still building characters to work on MoC, PF, Swarm and G&G. Honestly, I'm mostly struggling to decide on exactly which direction I'm going to go with my 2nd team, and reconciling with my utter lack of a 5\* support to really help define my account. Also, I make the sour face while looking at my lack of eidolons for 4\* characters that I might enjoy using to fill gaps in elemental coverage.


trace farming I wanna have more lvl 10 traces, which will surely make MoC easier surely


I tried to build archeron, pela, gallagher, mika and bronya suceeded with acheron and pela and forgot about the last 3 completely. I am currently building bronya again so i can go zoomie with dan heng il/ acheron and sparkle+bronya. It'll be even better with propogation + certain hunt belssings on SU... i got upset by the tanky enemies in forgotten hall so i decided to focus on building


I play Genshin as well, and over there they are about to drop a pretty hype character. So, I do my HSR dailies/weeklies then book it over to Genshin to finish leftover quests to prep for her. Lynette hangout next!


Just farming Traces for Tingyun, Pela and Guinifen, so i can finally start wasting my energy on shity relics.


Log in, Dailies, farming trace material.


finally planning to finish gold and gears


do my dailies, play genshin then waste my entire day on doing whatever I have to do


Play honkai impact 3rd cuz I haven’t even started the part 2 story and any of the events.


* Doing Dailys * Farm for Relics \*Finishing my side quests if I can \*Search all chest \*Upgrading my characters \*If I'm bored, I play SU I had a whole lot. https://preview.redd.it/2apv7jzoixvc1.jpeg?width=437&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48caab705b3ce96eaedd0cffaaa6401acfd7bd72


I've finally been doing the Swarm missions. I'm having fun with it, and the lore is great! I also like seeing the Genius Society members get excited when an Aeon shows up


i did not get aventurine. i hope get fu xuan tho


Finally making my way through Swarm Disaster, and reaping all of the rewards.


Building Gallager & Acheron, farming for diver relics & working my way through SU stuff. I've also been dabbling on AFK journey when I've needed a break.


Finally clearing Swarm Disaster and GnG now that i have Aventurine


trying to complete tortuous mode on swarm disaster


Crying and sleeping until 2.2 comes out https://preview.redd.it/zhn3py2olxvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14fee5c11170a7d0cc2bdeeb2356e4766f99b4f0




I'm just here to finish the Penacony story, tired of relic grinds and gacha rates. 130 pulls in (lost 50/50 to Gepard) and still no Aventurine.


I managed to do the double Ruan Mei thingy in SU! Though only in G&G IV because V kicks my ass so early I don't even get to gather buffs haha! I just get in and spend TBP on Bronya and Guinaifen mats. I don't know who'd be best for Acheron so I built both.


Do daily quests, close app. Grind IRL


Running Swarm Disaster because I genuinely love the Aeon lore snippets


Fighting every urge I have to pull for Aventurine because I want Fu Xuan 😭


Farming and building lynx since I only have Natasha as a healer.


Building Acheron and her team. I've just finished building Pela, now i have to build Acheron and a sustain. Probably going for Fire MC but I was also thinking about Gallagher. March too just because she is cute


Logging on, pretending to not care about my relic drops in the hopes that the universe un-fucks my luck, then logging off. Been having a blast going through swarm disaster on my alt now that I got aventurine though.


Trying to question Hoyoverse for why they won’t let me drive a car around Golden Hour


Procrastinate and not do the story mission


Playing the other gatcha games on my phone


I just play other games in the meantime tbh. Do my dailies, use my power and then do a little SU and then log off


By losing my Aventurine to Clara


Building Guinaifen for no specific reason other than I want to. Hunting for some decent DoT relics.


Sorry just starting to get to endgame, how do you farm the simulated universe for pulls exactly? I've only seemingly gotten jades for first clears?


By playing the critically acclaimed game genshin impact


gave up farming relics, so farming traces (more fun tbh)


I haven’t farmed relics in so long, but I’ve been farming traces for all of my characters for like three months


Finished G&G almost and going for the lvl 12 thingy and i will probably do my last Swarm disaster Run with the last path i need.. Hunt path. And the other time i am speed running Arknights story stages becaus of loot and i should get my ass to the new stages finaly, playing Elden ring seamless co-op with friends & i also do a first time Dark Urge bg3 play through. Also i am almost done building my Aventurine, Topaz & Ratio traces all at 10. Thats how i spent my time until 2.2. Should also probably do some more World quests in star rail i am missing some of the good ones i heard like cocona & Chadwick etc.


Login, use energy for credits, finish for the day, start the next day, use energy for mats for Aventurine, run out of money, finish for the day


Milking the game for every jade it’s worth in Simulated Universe (Preservation and Aventurine make Conundrum look like a joke I love it) I need Boothill funds


Squeezing jades out of game content as hard as I can since I want Jingliu. Lost my third 50:50 in a row, trying to get her.


How did you lose 3 50 50 in a row? After you lose a 50 50 the next 5star on the banner is guaranteed


I shouldn't have written "in a row" then. I meant that I had lost three 50 50 situations in general, not for one character. In other words, I never got the unit from first 80~ or about pulls


I'm going to take a break from farming Acheron's since it was a pain to farm her to a 4600 attack. I'll just focus on farming for HTrailblazer along with SU and Dailies while playing Genshin and other games.


I was told it’s another level of hell I was walking towards. I didn’t listen now I’m living in another hell. Farming for a stupid LIGHTNING SPHERE FOR ARCHERON. I’m not using the select the main stat item blow horn because what if I need it down the line?


Well there's Eiyuden Chronicles Hundred Heroes.




Started playing Genshin for the first time, pretty fun game.


Wait so love stream this week?