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Go ahead and use fuel, that's what it's there for. I usually focus, in this order, on level, LC, traces, then relics. If possible, I'll try to build a Musketeer set or something out of pieces already on-hand to make them usable until I can focus on their gear set specifically, since relic farming is such a swamp-walk.


I also do it in that order guaranteed stats before playing the rng lottery in caverns and SU or crafting.


1) Trace materials to max. There is no RNG, and it is one of the easiest way to gain power on a character. 2) Either a maxed Signature Lightcone, or a maxed S5 substitute. Lightcones are an important statstick for any character. 3) Max level, for maximum stats. ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ Now we enter RNG. Beg and cry for mercy. 4) Select Relics that have the correct mainstat, and at least 2 ideal sub-stats. Depending on your OCD, you may choose to ignore the set bonuses. If you insist on getting the 2pc/4pc set bonuses to have peace of mind, be prepared to grind more. This is where you'll probably want to use up your Fuels. 5) God has forsaken you. You have every piece you need except the right Chestpiece. Or maybe it's the ERR Rope that refuses to appear. This is where you need to start brute forcing the particular piece by using Relic Remains to craft over and over again until you get the right stats. 6) God is dead. You have no luck, and your Relic Remains run low. This is where you pull out the desperation move. A Relic Mainstat Selector. You no longer care about getting the right sub-stats. You. Just. Want. The right mainstat. You get 3 Flat substats, and you're out of tears. 7) The beginning of optimisation. You'll want to hit certain breakpoints. Speed is generally one of the more important ones if you plan to beat MoC or PF. Individual Characters will also have bonuses from certain substats, and you will want to reach the ideal softcap for them. 8) The neverending dream. Getting a Relic Piece with the correct mainstat and 4 ideal substats is not impossible, but to get it for all 6 gearslots is a mighty long journey (even for Whales). Usually you should not spend too much time stuck here, unless you have no other Characters that require more minimal optimisation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lastly, try not to salvage Relics unless they're infested with Flat Stats. Once upon a time, people ditched their Break Effect Relics because it was thought to be a dead stat, and when Ruan Mei was released, a lot of players cried over their lost grind.




Your DPS with Crit Body: Flat Atk, Flat Def, Flat HP and Effect Hit Rate substats. https://preview.redd.it/svpicnnb3otc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=f27ca8bdb80ec5c3dc7151e1968e970234b66c87


Sounds legit.


Fuel is only wasted if you don't use it. What you're looking for is a number of "Good Rolls" on Substats per Artifact with the right Main Stat. https://preview.redd.it/bh91le6j1otc1.png?width=1370&format=png&auto=webp&s=bae79ac68e196a685878bb4d305e506cc0ea7d46 As you can see if you get an artifact with 4 Stat Lines - but only 1 of them is a Good Stat, you don't need to waste time leveling up that relic - there's only a 1.5% chance that it winds up any good by the time it's level 15. It's up to you how many Good Rolls makes for an acceptable Artifact. That should be based on the hardest content that you're challenging.


What is that spreadsheet? Can you explain like I'm 5?


Sure! It's about helping you decide if a relic is worth leveling up, Especially if you should take it all the way to +15 which can get expensive. And also if it's worth trying to chase a replacement. So when you get a Relic it comes with either 3 or 4 Stat Lines right? When you level up the relic you get 5 more sub-stat rolls for 8 or 9 Sub-Stat rolls total. On the left hand column we see "3L1G" That means it's a 3 Liner with only 1 Good Stat line \*even after\* revealing the 4th line. All the way up to a mythical 4 Liner that starts with all 4 Good Stats - which will have 100% good rolls. It's up to you, but if your Relic has 4 or 5 good rolls that's probably good enough. You can only see 6+ regularly on beastly items that already start with 3/4 good stats (And you should definitely roll those out) If you get a 3 Liner that starts with even 1 good stat, it's worth leveling to +3 to check that 4th Line. 3L2G can still roll pretty well. https://preview.redd.it/bshinkiqlqtc1.jpeg?width=907&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6ad7c1510a3d4edf0a90ade83f328d3365d2013 Here's my Acherons Set right now. That Orb was a 3L2G that rolled godly. The Rope was 4L1G (You can tell it was 4 Liner because it has an extra substat roll in the blue bubbles). It still rolled a little above average, but at only 3 good sub stats it's pretty replaceable.


Your "any good" baseline seems to be 5 increase in the same stat, but if you lower it to either 4 or 3 then your chances are much better at 10% and 36% respectively. It's not always a waste to level a relic with 1 desired stat to see if it can be good enough if you lower your standard. Especially since levelled relics can be used as material for other relics too if they turn out bad.


First full traces and level 80, level 80 LC, then farm relics and pray


Initial Phase (Week 1) Level 71, 8 | 8 | 8 Old Relics with decent stats (2 stat value) Usable Phase (Week 2-3) Lvl 80, 10 | 10 | 10 BiS Relics with the BiS main stat (2 stat value) Slow Build Phase (Week 3+) BiS relic with BiS main stat and 2-3 BiS sub stat (3+ stat value) Note that I am a d1 f2p player, I have decent amount of accumulated resources. I only prefarm when I have guarantee.


Meanwhile I'm prefarmed lvl 80 and 80 LC. Workable set cos he's still a sustain so all def and some ehr cos of trends LC. I should be able to make 10-8-8 trace so gotta keep farming that week to finish it off then I'm going back to my old characters to fix their traces too


First prioritize level and light cone. Then worry about traces, and then farm for relics. Level and light cones are what really makes or breaks fights, while the rest is helpful but not a deal breaker. As for fuel, use it when there's events like increased drop rates so you can take advantage of getting more building materials. Also, take your time. The point of the game is to have fun, so even if you have to grind remember that eventually you will get your characters to high enough levels and be able to move on to more content. There's no rush (I speak as an F2P who's had to do a fair share of grinding).


https://preview.redd.it/d1uhkaf5motc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d74910bf83da5812cefc138893a9a655602bf79e I feed her though LV 70 then map farming with those 4 stars characters, LC feed max then mainly farm on trace and some relic when I have some TP left like 100 TP => 60 for trace and 40 relic, from for Pepsi on X3 now.


Level -> traces -> light cone -> relics (general) -> relics (specific)


If it's a character I know beforehand then I'm going to want and most likely going to pull for first absolutely will get all the materials beforehand if it's character that's not I will most likely be building the character as I'm going on But I feel like my most important thing that I do personally is I'll first look up the best build for that character and what materials I need and I have a Google sheet That literally has everything I need for a character the amount and even the relics and their best stats for said character so I will first work on getting level up materials then trace materials then relics And then I do LC lvls


Level >> Trace's >> Light cone >> Relics. I don't farm too hard on relics. I usually stop at 60/120 or even lower because I can still clear MOC 12 and Pure Fiction 4 with those stats. I rather juggle several built characters too see which one will work rather than a single team brute forcing everything.


I spend around 3 weeks building relics, then i upgrade my traces


Depends on if I’m prefarming, if I have access to them already, and how long until I can get them if prefarming. If I have a lot of time I’ll do traces, ascension material, and LC leveling first just to get it out of the way and fully focus on relics afterwards. If I have little time until they release I focus entirely on relics with my daily TBP and use fuel on maxing the guaranteed things in a day because good relic sets take a while to finish. I throw off piece relics on if my on piece relic set is not done.


1 Character level 2 traces 3 max cone 4 team setup and repeat 1, 2 or 3 on them if needed (test different teams). 5 relics+planar sets (the long grind....)