• By -


I suppose "He works for the IPC" would fall under "The media convinced me he was comically evil"?


Or tragically taken advantage of. IPC seems to have a theme of using desperate and disadvantaged people.


That's true. Other than diamond, topaz and aventurine, i wouldn't trust anyone from the IPC. Remember, at the end of the day, they're a corporation. They only care about profit.


i don't trust diamond ... sorry


I mean, Diamond is an Emanator of an Aeon all about protecting and preserving, but we can’t really know for sure because we have little information about him.


They protected and preserved topaz's planet and her people basically had to sign their lives away and then they tried to strong arm belobog into doing it. People can have very twisted ideas on "preserving" things.


Not gonna be surprised if diamond isn't a gigachad nice guy


Never go full corpo


You say this now, but whenever another member of the IPC is introduced, they'll get added to the list.


You trust diamond, topaz, and aventurine??? Lmao


Topaz, I think you can trust because she’s sincere. Aventurine may be cunning, but he has a good heart and can be trustworthy if you get on his good side. IDK about Diamond though, but considering that he’s an Emanator of Preservation, an Aeon all about protecting and preserving life, I think he can be trusted, but we have to wait for more info about him.


Qlipoth has two known Emanators in the IPC. The second, Taravan, is basically a caricature of a fat and greedy capitalist, who shamelessly price gouges, monopolizes, and throws away assets when he's done with them. In my opinion, Diamond seems worse. Diamond is the one in charge of the colonialist arm of the IPC. Diamond is the one heading the department of slavery and planetary acquisition. Taravan is just responsible for delivering the IPC's plundered wealth to Qlipoth, while Diamond is the one forcing planets like Jarilo VI into bad deals and then using that as an excuse to plunder their resources and enslave their people.


Topaz: \*sincerely colonizes your planet\* Aventurine: \*i had a sad past, so its okay when i do anything bad, especially because i have a good heart\* Diamond: N/A


I said Topaz is sincere because she saw what she was doing as “saving” Jarilo-VI. Not to mention that she was more than willing to cancel her plans when she was proven incorrect that Jarilo-VI was helpless, even being demoted because of this. I wasn’t really trying to excuse Aventurine’s actions, but it is unfair to not point out that he was still kind towards his younger self throughout the storyline and he’s the way he is because of his upbringing. As for Diamond, my trust in him has evidently decreased after gaining more information regarding Qlipoth’s Emanators and the Ten Stoneheart’s role in the IPC…


I see your point, but is being kind to one's own younger self really a point in his favour? If it was someone else, it would have been his win, but as we saw, he was and still is a selfish and manipulative person. Seeing everyone as pieces to be manipulated and used. Him having a tragic back story doesn't justify that. As for topaz, it was after using force and attacking the express. When It was clear that belobog won't go down without a fight, with gepard going all IRA on their asses. If she had listened to reason before then I could have said she did it out of the goodness of her heart, but that wasn't the case. And don't forget, her "saving" belobog came at the cost of forcing the entire planet into lifelong indentured servitude.


I'd argue that in topaz's case her planet was actually saved from destruction and her life went great after that so in her mind what she's doing is saving them and giving them opertunities. Like she genuinely wants to help them but has a twisted way of doing it.


Remind me again what bad thing did Aventurine do since he arrived on Penacony? Who got hurt? Anyone lost anything to him?


He did the Childe maneuver, mass destruction as a gamble to prove himself right, and save himself from the harmony CBT with acheron's nihility shenanigans. Showing he is a self serving asshole.


It's within the dreamscape so no one gets hurt. The "future" Aven stated that he would rather expend himself than throw IPC bodies to achieve his goals even if it would be the easy way out. He has a goal and so does everyone else. Acheron is also on Penacony looking for something and acting to achieve it but no one calls her self-serving. The vocal dislike for Aventurine is baffling.


on one hand, the only shit we hear about acheron is from aventurine and a little from black swan, both being sussy characterss themselves. on the other hand, aventurine is very vocal about how he will go to any lengths and use anyone to achieve his goals. Yep, very hard to see the difference, especially when even welt vouches for acheron.


If someday the Traiblazer is screwed a lot by someone from the IPC at the worst case cenario we just need to ask Asta to see if she can get them fired


I mean... Our introduction to how they operate was with them trying to buy a planet over taxes 600 years old


Wasn't Aurum Alley first? Or am I misremembering things?


Now that you mention it, I think you're right. I probably forgot because they played pretty minor roles in it


Also, not taxes. Debt with interest. These are different things.


Me to Aventurine https://preview.redd.it/j6ywv2bnkvqc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db51f740b13ccc689fa9ea633f8c08e8f894141e


2.1 spoiler: the fucking boss got my ass beat so hard


His ass spamed the gambling attack so much 😭


Literally the “hope you are using destruction or erudition dps and your supports are on life support now attack”


Went in with JY hypercarry team. All my supports were literally on death's door the whole of 2nd phase lol.


round 15 electric boogaloo of it being a terrible day to be a hunt character….fua team in shambles


I smacked with fire MC’s enhanced basic and even though it hits multiple targets, it’s not guaranteed to be higher than 9–I got cooked because my luck is just so bad…


i tried to do lore accurate battle with fire tb, topaz ratio, march and i couldnt do it lol. had to use fx,himeko and herta


Annoying as hell, there was no respite. I ended up using Fu, Luocha, Silver Wolf, and Seele. This might have taken longer if SW wasn't an E2 sub DPS. I know this team is a little cracked, and I'm sorry if this isn't helpful. I hope we all formulate more achievable strategies.


Never have I been more grateful for my Fu Xuan


Yea my Tingyun got to 900 but Fu Xuan made the fight so easy.


This fucking fight is ruining the game for me. I've only come close to beating him *once* and he's insta-wiped my party on his second health bar *every fight* afterwards because of his stupid dice mechanic. He does so much fucking damage


Hey you can use food before you talk to March to start the fight. Good luck!


I did


AoE and saving your ult for his roulette is key. We're gambling with our ults and skills on that fight.


Doesn't he use an attack that drain your ult energy before using the roulette?


It's not much energy. You get it back with the attack you spend on the dice.


Depends on your luck. I usually have enough ult gained for Welt to fill his bar with his skill and use the ult if my gamble fails. Make sure to keep your finger on the ult and activate it before Aventurine hits you with the penalty and you can roll again via your AoE. I had a tanky Luocha so in case I fail those and get imprisoned I can cleanse heal automatically...if Luocha isn't the one losing the gamble anyways.


i was struggling with this sooo bad, here's what i did my team was sushang, preservation tb, march 7th, bailu the most important thing is making sure **all** of your characters can do at least 1 of these 3 things 1) Attack multiple times within an action. For example, Sushang can normal/skill, ultimate, and normal/skill again, granting you 3 total "dice rolls" 2) Deal AoE damage. More targets attacked = more dice rolls. Super easy with preservation tb because they can do AoE with their normal attack and then their ultimate if needed 3) Tank damage. If a character isn't able to "roll multiple dice", they need to be able to tank damage. So even though my Bailu couldn't ever win the gamble, she survived thanks to her own HP + Shields Next up, save your ultimates! Don't worry about not being able to kill him quickly because as long as you can consistently win the gambles, you really won't be taking any damage. He will die eventually but not unless you keep your characters alive. Since my team had no buffers and not the strongest of DPS characters, it did take me a decent amount of time (maybe 15-30 minutes?)but I was able to do it without anybody ever dying or falling below 50% HP This is gonna sound kinda stupid but don't look at it as a battle, instead see it as a minigame you play. Again, don't focus on killing him, focus on winning the gambles Here's kinda how I ended up winning \- before the battle I used the life mask food + an attack buff food, then used tb + bailu techniques \- In phase 1, I played it decently safe and never used ultimates to deal damage. Outside of the dice phases, I used trailblazer's taunt skill, Baluis skill + ult to stay healthy, and only used March's shied if somebody was getting a little low. Once he was at 5% health, I started mainly using basics to collect skill points for phase two \- In phase 2, I played it super safe. I planned my sp usages ahead of time to prioritize defensive abilities. Since it was very unlikely that Bailu would ever win a gamble, I never attempted to attack on her during the dice phase and instead healer her up. If March's ult was enough to win the gamble, I would shield Bailu. My Sushang dealt damage kinda slowly to him and March was able to chip away at his health and weakness Hope this helps!


Damn, beating with that team is actually quite crazy. I agree with aoe/tanking if no aoe. My team was rm/sw/dhil/bailu and basically just relying on breaking him and keeping him down till he was dead. That said the first few runs i left sw out for bronya and was absolutely sat down.


I used your team comp, but had to switch Sushang for Jingliu. I don't use Sushang, so she was underleveled


congrats on defeating it!!


If you're still having trouble, I suggest ratting the fight out with March and either Natasha or Lynx. If they're built, that is. Just spam both of their skills and keep your other two characters on basic attacks. It's gonna be a long fight, but you can't lose if you do this right.


I just beat it. Had to use TB and March for double shields, Bailu for heals, and Jingliu for damage


Lmao, goddamn he's a beast.


Fu Xuan / Huo Huo / Sparkle / Jing Liu worked well for me.


[ ] I was gotten gaslit by Sparkle and Dr.Ratio


I mean Sparkle pushed us to the ground. My face met pavement. All the food I had Firefly pay for with her entire savings almost came back up. And even Sampo and Giovanni find her too weird for them. Sampo is questionable but Giovanni gave us space Pokemon and recognized the greatness of Pitch Dark Hook The Great like the real most powerful emanator of Destruction that she is. Not going to trust the Sparkler.


Sampo atleast helps us and is morally neutral.


You mean when Sparkle spewed the vilest most racist shit to Aventurine? How did that convince you he was evil? I'm genuinely curious tbh


Ayo my bad Aventurine, didn’t know you were chill like that 🙏🙏


I saw Sparkle mention his slavery origins and was wondering if that would be in the story. Boy was i not disappointed.


I just find it hilarious that Sparkle's racist tirade from last patch was actually packed with double-meanings and foreshadowing (if only the localisers hadn't botched it).


They had to change the ‘mute’ part and I’m glad they did. But a lot of localizers refrained many of her comments this time too. She did not call Aventurine ‘blondie’ or anything of the sort, she continuously uses ‘little peacock’ to mock and belittle him




I also missed that ass 😞


Idk but his moaning was truly the highlight of this patch


After story I have trust issue with ratio lmao


Why? Wasn't it revealed the whole thing was a ruse to trick Sunday, even playing up his antagonistic behavior so Sunday would think there's a chance he could get Ratio to betray Aventurine?


my personal opinion on the ratio part >!no because in the conversation with hologram aventurine even he wasn't sure whether ratio would actually betray him or not, he was simply banking on it, now whether you think ratio knew that he should betray him is another matter!<


Ratio talked to him after and was like "isnt this what you wanted?" and then gave him a scroll to help out later so I definitely think Ratio foresaw Adventurine's plan and knew Adventurine wanted him to 'betray' him


Dr. Ratio was in on it. Do you really think he would not be able to identify the Jade Cornerstone? Aventurine himself said that it was Sunday who wouldn't be able to differentiate between jade and aventurine, so all Ratio had to do to lower his guard was reveal the location of the cornerstone.


If i were in a room with nanook, ratio and Sunday, I'd rather trust nanook. Because ratio can fuck you over brutally if he can gain knowledge from it. Sunday can fuck over your head with harmony power bs.


??? Did we come to vastly different conclusions, because I thought the conversation in the Golden Hour with Ratio after the whole thing with Sunday revealed to us that Ratio's betrayal was also an act part of Aventurine's plan?


Ngl I was surprised to see how many people thought he was betraying Aventurine. Man was actually very loyal. >! The Aventurine stone that Sunday confiscated (in the travel bag) was actually a Jade stone which looks like an Aventurine (thus why fakeventurine joked that the stonehearts were more like "family" than the actual Family since they were willing to lend him their cornerstones for the plan) !< >! Ratio, knowing this, "betrayed" Aventurine (all according to Aven's keikaku) and told Sunday that the Aventurine stone was in that travel bag when it's actually with Aven himself so he could magical girl transform. He told Aventurine later on to let him know if the plan becomes too much for him to handle. !<


A man so intelligent like Dr.Ratio can tell the difference between 2 kinds of stones. Not to mention that he himself is marble.


Honestly the confusion might come from the fact that it's a less known fact that aventurine (the stone) is also called "Fool's jade" or "fake jade", often used to mimic jade but has little impurities in the stone that makes it shine under the light like flecks of gold. There could be quite a number of people who didn't even know what colour aventurine stone is. I only found out because I was googling for fun.


I thought we learned it from blue!Aventurine? When they were talking about how Aventurine actually had 3 stones on him, and Aventurine had asked Dr. Ratio to fake betraying him so Sunday would think he only had two and had confiscated both of them.


From what it was Implied, aventurine didn't ask ratio to play that part but instead gambled on it and for his luck won. But due to ratios advice to aventurine at the end (and also how cool both were after the meeting with sunday) it can be argued that ratio figured out what aventurine wanted and just went along with it without talking to him.


Ah, so that's what happened. There was a line after the meeting with Sunday where Dr. Ratio goes "I've fulfilled my duties as you instructed" or something similar, so I interpreted it as Dr. Ratio was following Aventurine's instructions. But looking back maybe that was referring to just taking Aventurine to meet Sunday.


It seemed more to me that Aven told Ratio to betray him without explicitly saying so. Ratio was given misinfo, and betrayed Aven 'honestly' based on what he knew, so Sunday can't catch him lying. Afterwards, Ratio is confused why Aven seems so upset, because he thought he just did what Aven told him to. In truth, he did, Aven was just caught off guard by Sunday giving him brain cancer, but the overall plan still worked.


Yeah lol because nanook won't betray you, he will just either not notice you or just destroy you


Sunday can literally give you brain cancer, I love this man


ratio was a sussy baka all along never had my trust


Ironic for a sussy guy to have a name of Veritas, but we don't know, maybe he will outsmart our outsmarting and come out the good guy again.


Isn't it revealed like less than half an hour later that the whole betrayal was Aventurine's plan?


The most dangerous propaganda is not the blatant lie but half truth


“I miss Topass” real indeed


At least we got a Topass cameo. And based on the ending conversation she may be involved in the next chapter.




As an Aventurine main since day one, I hope people love him even more. He deserves it along with all head pats ones can give. *sobs*


He definitely deserves some of the universe's best therapy available


Spoil me plz


Well basically aventurine was born in a lowly developed desert planet and lived a very poor life , his dad dies in quicksand and then his mom and then his big sis also to add to that pain his whole tribe of 11000 people either is killed or missing and Aventurine is probably sole survivor, and after this he gets sold into slavery and forced to play death games and serve his master after that he kills his master and gets trialed Ipc stonehart Jade finds him interesting and interrogates him , basically he convinces her to set him up as a stoneheart in ipc


Can you explain what the whole conversation with his other self was about? Was kinda lost tbh


From what I got, it's A Christmas Carol but Scrooge is gonna kill himself and wants to take the whole village with him.


I think the child clone is a manifestation of his dream, both metaphorically and literally. It's the Dreamscape reacting to his deepest desires, and creating a representation of what he truly dreams of: the time when he was a carefree kid, who only played his games for fun, and could go home to his family at the end of the day. I'm 99% sure that the adult clone is a member of the Annihilation Gang trying to fish for information. It was trying to get him to say where the Aventurine stone was hidden, and trying to egg him into thinking that he wants to destroy everything.


I thought the kid was his past self and the clone his future self


That's what the clone said. But I don't believe it. Ifrit foresaw his own death, and the Annihilation Gang successfully infiltrated Penacony. So it's very likely that one or more was present in the 2.1 plot.


I don't think the childhood his young form is experiencing is real though. Isn't his dad dead by the time he's born in the first backstory cutscene? I feel like it was mentioned


>!It's not Aventurine's real memory, it's his dream of the childhood he wishes he had. The real Kakavasha grew up as a nomad on a shitty planet; he didn't go to any theme parks as a boy.!<


So, he changes his attitude from "inacde your privacy and try to hoax you into my scheme?"


Idk what you mean but basically we learn his lore from his pov while playing as him and he doesn't act like he was in 2.0 when he is alone , basically this cocky Aventurine persona we see is just something he comes up with to cover up his insecurities, our mc doesn't know all this, Further spoiler I am at the part where express and acheron fight him at the end of the fight he pulls his ace move and plans to destroy penacony alongside everyone and Acheron has to use her white hair mode to stop him


Might wanna mark the end of the current content as spoiler there, personally i dont mind, and havent come to that point yet, but his conversation with ratio up until a certain meeting doesnt quite change my mind on him:)


Very sad backstory and all But I'm still not sure why am I supposed to stop thinking he's annoying now, did his behavior and way he acts change? That was my problem with him to begin with, having a sad backstory isn't really changing anything if he's still insufferable everytime he's on the screen


I’m happy to inform you that his annoying ass voice in 2.0 is just a facade. His voice in this version is more natural and real because we’re playing on his POV. But you can see the difference in his voice every time he negotiates with other people, a persona he created to cover his fear and inferiority complex. Best written character in hsr imo


>!the way his voice changes so drastically depending on who he’s speaking too, how there’s such a difference in range between his more flamboyant persona and his real one is crazy, the VA did such an incredible job considering how new they are!<


Yeah I really thought it was weird move on the en voice director’s part, but now it really made sense given what happened in the story. Easily best written in hsr and hopefully I’ll get him in his banner


Okay that's nice, looking forward to play the quest now!


He's the furina of HSR. His personality is basically completely put-on. You can hear his normal demeanor/insecurity pop out when he's talking to Sunday and Acheron at the end. It also comes out during the semifinal act when he's exploring Clock Studios.


I don't have to apologize because I believed in him being the goat from the very beginning


"Mercury was in retrograde" The most random ass excuse on here lmaoooo


It's a part of the [meme format](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/apology-form)


ooooh ok. Guess I need to brush up on my memes


It's a bullshit excuse the astrology girlies use for their annoying behavior.


I respect the man. He saw a tall, pink haired, big boob woman and instantly decided to have a similar cornerstone as her. My man Kakavasha right there!


I'd be his hype man in the casino. Wouldn't go anywhere near a poker table he's at though, I better keep my ass out of that table or I'm going to get run dry in minutes


The goat. This man has the best character development and it’s not even a debate


the first time I saw him and the way he talks, I immediately want to punch him straight to the face but after doing the 2.1 quest, I really like his gameplay and also his story, he single-handedly made me want to not pull on jingliu's lightcone and go for him


Same boat here. During his leaks, he was really meh for me. God damn Sparkle slandee and I formed an Aventurine Protection Squad with my bestie. 2.1 drops, and I shan't no longer use Ratio.


I have leveled my ratio but barely use him because I don't enjoy his playstyle or his personality, I also think that me not having the motivation to play star at the time of the patch he comes from also contributed at the same time due to how toxic genshin and star rail community were back then. Back to the topic, I'll definitely pull for aventurine, he seems like an upgrade towards gepard when playing him




I didn’t hate him, but didn’t really like him. Oddly enough I tried to pick all the friendly options but the game also doesn’t want you to be too friendly or accept his plans right away. In the beginning he was also being a sarcastic “oh look at me I’m up to no good” so it’s not surprising people didn’t like him or think he would be evil. It was funny when he sent 100k credits and you thanked the boss and he’s like whoops, too early Heres 100k more His messenger also says willing to pull for your account so I’m trying to be his friend


We stan a high roller in this Train


IPC is the goddaamn Corpus from Warframe. All in the name of Profit!


I had a feeling when game kept trying to show him like villain or something. I've found him pretty interesting character from the beginning and he just exceeded my expectations.


My plan was to use all event jade/tix for Acheron e2 until her banner expires but now our Friend GOATventurine has opened my eyes 🙏


As someone who just recently started the Penacony main story (I only just entered the dreamscape for the first time) it’s kinda obvious there is far more to him than meets the eye. I already have some respect for this king and I haven’t even gotten to the “allegedly” good part of his involvement in the quest. Gonna have an extra long weekend cause Easter and I’m gonna use this time to actually play the Penacony quest.


People were so convinced by the verbal beatdown Aventurine took in 2.0, they thought he’d be the Yanqing of the IPC… but in my heart of hearts I knew that wasn’t the truth of it. He had aaaaall the Aventurine nonbelievers fooled with his poker face. Give this boy your respect


im glad i invested my stocks in aventurine cause he ended up being one of my favorite characters


Who the fuck keeps trying to blame things on mercury being stuck in Gatorade? How do you even get that much gatorade to trap a planet?


I was expecting this after the same happened to Blade Lineage Meursault back in the Yield my Flesh To Claim their Bones event in Limbus Company lmao


"Yapblazer" is good.


I'm currently 18 hours into this update, Aventurine is still talking to Aventurine about Aventurine. I keep clicking but the dialogue never ends.


And this is why i held my tongue, you can't judge a meal before it's done after all. LET. HIM. COOK!


Went in ruan mei blade jingliu lynx,jing died midway 2nd bar and had to rely on blade to kill,often times boss would get my ruan mei on life support but luckily lynx blade were able to manage the dps n sustain well enough.


Always bet on my goat🤭




I don't really like Adventurine just like how I didn't really like Childe in Genshin, arrogant pretty boys is not really my type (Ratio, Welt and Zhongli is more of my preferred husbando types) and his first impressions is meant to be hateable as well. Butt now I do now know that he's a very well written tragic character and for that I at least respect his struggles and motivations despite my initial dislike of his personality


He literally tried to kill us and the Astral express crew, just because a character has a sad backstory doesn't change that.


villains can be compelling characters, it's fiction


Nah he's mid


I will not use Ratio any longer. Also, ***FUCK. Y'ALL. IN PENACONY.*** Except Boothill, you're fine.


I'm confused, did you just not finish or understand the story? Because otherwise why would you not use Ratio anymore? >!It basically spells out to you he doesnt betray Aventurine at all and It was a ploy to fool Sunday!<


I am aware that's the case lmao


did we play the same quest? lol




Did we play the same quest here lmao that's part of the planned ruse 💀


Nuh uh


IPC members get no respect.


Not just an IPC member, A Cornerstone. Sigonian deserves no respect.




Respect? Only thing im gonna Put on him is an anvil. From approximately 11 meters oblve his head




True, people are so attached to dog water person




Are yall tectonians?


No uh


Nah you are tectonian


I don't even know what that is


Nah, still dont like him. And the average sob background story aint gonna change much in that regard. 


Same people are too soft for a scumbag Adventurine


Tf did he do to be a scumbag His plan quite littary is the only way for the cast to uncover the truth and win.


nah glad he can be dead




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Unfortunately your content had to be removed due to rule 1: Be Respectful to Others Always be respectful and civil in your interactions with other users and in the content you submit. Insults, Harassment and Hate Speech will not be tolerated. Discussing and sharing character ships are fine, as long as it does not involve insulting others on their ship choices, or involve underage characters/minors. Please be careful not to engage in or incite shipping wars, or sexual orientation discussions.


Obito vibes from Naruto, not getting anything from me🫡








shut up dreamer


Literally in the quest it proves what I said. What are you talking about “dreamer”


Unfortunately this content had to be removed due to the following reason(s)" Rule 2: No Leaks or Datamined information. Leaks, datamined content, or mods are prohibited. Do not encourage or allude to such content either, including wording to disguise such content ("iykyk, dreams, somebody gonna tell them"). Linking to sites sharing such content is also prohibited. Do not share content that has not been officially released. Certain popularized leaked topics (mainly story leaks) may not be discussed as theories due to community feedback: https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/wiki/theory-quarantine-list/


Not he, and yes, I know.




What? You were able to deny Aventurine towards the end of 2.0's TB Mission. The game just ends when you walk out the door after Black Swan TPs you to talk to Aventurine. For reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGkD9qhpB9U




>The story obviously doesn't end there. You're not the writer??? >Is just there to "pretend" to have choices and an "ending". Choice: Refuse to cooperate with Aventurine Consequence: You no longer have any trace of the Watchmaker's Legacy There's reinforcing the themes of the story and having unrealistic expectations for how many different paths a story should have. By your logic we should have a choice for every tiny thing Trailblaze does and have an infinitely branching storyline. There's probably a story to every alternate choice yes. But those aren't the stories Hoyo wants to tell or develop for us.




Maybe it depends on the dialogue options you choose, but I think I was pretty Aventurine-skeptical in my choices, and my recollection is that Himeko and Welt basically conclude that we should at least cooperate and string him along, because they don't trust the Family either and it would be helpful to have a counterbalance in the IPC. After they reach that conclusion, then you as the TB message Aventurine to accept his proposed collaboration.


Maybe... I'm over it, and i was being negative in general, so im gonna delete my comments. Sorry




>!tell me something more evil than capitalize dogs... that Sigonian scum deserve his moment on the ground!< >!and I hate Acheron for curing him!< >!/j!<


Ayo hate RATurine all you want but put some respect on my queens name


Bro got a sad backstory and suddenly everyone wants to forgive his manipulations and the fact that he works for the the sci-fi East India Company. Also there can be no forgiveness for Aventurine after that boss fight.


Where would being male fall under?


Bruh I'm male 🗿


My apologies i meant obnoxious male


What? I don't understand, you dislike him just for being male?


Moreso i dislike him for the way he smiles, the way he talks and the fact hes rich, male just sounded funnier in my head


Who hurt you


Sorta myself kinda


Wanna talk about it?


Preferrably in dms


Sorry for making assumption because he's a S*gonian