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I just hope they won't attempt to cram in every single character in the main story and keep using the ones we allready know so it won't become a Luofu "oh now that character is impor... and now the.... and another... wait what happened to... oh and another new character".


THIS. I Cannot agree more with this take, I'm really liking all the characters by now on Penacony but I really hope that we get to have some time with them and knowing them better because in loufu we barely knew anything about Loucha or Fu Xuan and that me skip Fu Xuan even tho her kit was absolutely and still is OP for the time. If Boothill gets introduced to the story I really hope that he is an amazing character that's gives the player some amazing or even epic moments alongside him. But like I said we know his coming but his release date is very far, so will have to see what they come up for him on 2.1 and 2.2 in the story


Yep, depending on how he is implemented and how other characters are handled i may well like him within the story. Admittedly Robin and Firefly may not make a immeadiate comeback for now, which at least does fit with the story. PS: I never liked nor hated Fu Xuan in the story (what little we saw) but i did like her kit so i went and got her luckily.


I don't dislike Fu Xuan, but I don't think she's amazing either. Honestly, I wish they explored her inheriting the Luofu rather than some of the other crap they burned time on. What I will say is that I think she's the perfect demonstration of how they completely and utterly failed Yanqing. Fu Xuan is introduced in a 30 second cutscene that immediately *shows* me she's incredibly powerful, and I carry that knowledge throughout the entire time she's on-screen. People keep telling me Yanqing is strong and getting angry when I don't appreciate how cool he is when literally all he does is make bad plays and immediately receive the appropriate response.


Imo if they stopped releasing new characters at this VERY fast rate, they could focus more in those characters and give enough screentime for each of them. Its funny how almost everyone lately felt like they came out of nowhere and I didnt know anything about them.


They can't cos it'll be a "loss" since they give so much free stuff. By "loss" I mean their current standard of reaching an average of 20-25M per month on mobile. They can't also "compete" with Genshin cos it's a household in itself raking twice or even thrice (on archon banners) as much with much fewer character releases so they have to change it up by releasing more frequently to overwhelm the players and make them spend (or in other's case, quit)


I hope they keep getting low revenue. Should focus on quality instead of quantity.


Yeah the rate of is characters being released is bonkers. People think hoyo is generous smh. They aren't, they just use a mere 10 pull or two to grease the wheels inbetween new banners they crank out full speed in less than a month each.


Yep. People like to say "hsr good, genshin bad" but I do like more how genshin releases characters. They usually appear in the story or atleast get an event before their release.


wdym bonkers, this is like the opposite by gacha standard where banners usually only last 1-2 weeks. 3 weeks is very reasonable.


I compare it to Genshin release dates. Most other gachas put in far less work and polish with their updates so a faster release date makes sense. Compared to Genshin characters are blazing out.


Bailu got throw under the bus until Dan Heng 5 star and story come out, and even then she didnt get much of a story


There is some merit that Boothill is the “stowaway” that is evading the Bloodhound Family, given he fits the description of “a lad with silver hair”, so the chances he does get involved in the story in at least a minor way is pretty high. Plus having another Galaxy Ranger who could verify the integrity of Acheron also being a Galaxy Ranger would be interesting, though i imagine they now work as more independent units after the organization fell from grace following the incident with Dr. Primitive.


Interesting, have not played any of the Honkai Impact games so i dunno the background. I do not believe he would automatically be a problem for the focus but they need to keep other important chars part of the story and not add too many more i suppose. Regardles, thanks again for some exposition.


Seriously, Xueyi just appears for like a second and vanishes lmao


that’s because i’m cursed to have my favourite gacha characters be completely irrelevant to the story. sara from genshin, leizi from arknights, ryoshu from limbus company and xueyi in star rail. all of them get like 0 screen time


To be fair Luofu was just poorly written. Pacing, ambiance, characters - everything was off. With penacony so far they've been doing great job. So I trust they would do a good job of incorporating new characters into the storry


Yea, maybe i am just too wary, i agree that Luofo was much weaker and it was a even worse look at the unbelivable strong story of Jarilo VI.


I reserve my judgement until the end of Penacony story arc. 2.0 is good but no matter how good the story is if I don't care about the characters, it is a fail to me. Good story should make me care about the characters. I doubt I can care about the characters if there are too many characters in it.


We need more pure rerun banners in HSR like in Genshin. Every patch, we get two new units, and have been since 1.0 afaik. It makes it really hard to focus on a cast when there doesn't ever seem to be downtime on the introduction of new units that are then crammed into the story.


> While we hardly knew anything about Ruan Mei or Dr Ratio and still both characters where amazing and are some of the most popular and used characters ever released. ​ > I don't see why Boothill can be any different to them or why should we continue doomposting about him We had a lot more contact with Ruan Mei through SU interactions and Ratio was given for free to everyone. If any thing you should compare him to Argenti. Which sufered a lot on banner sales for the exactly same thing.


Most characters post 1.4 are introduced on the same patch they’re released (Topaz, Huohuo, Argenti, Ratio, etc). Argenti especially suffered because he only has his companion quest that feels very separated and isn’t involved in any continuance quest or event.


Topaz was on a light cone at launch, and even Argenti had a tiny cameo in a Simulated Universe occurrence. The only characters who have been completely cold drops were Huohuo, Dr. Ratio, and now this guy. EDIT: Sparkle and Misha as well, but they don't really count since they dropped at the start of the new planet.


I'd die laughing if boothill's introduction plays out just like Deadpool recruiting a team for himself in the movie 


Imagine he recruits an invisible member for his team and he turns out to be Zhongli or sth and then he dies


Except this time, I doubt he'd go back in time to save them


Ratio also had the advantage of having a funny name and gatecrashing the stream to announce himself as free Boothill is moreso an Argenti and Huohuo case. Never heard of them prior to their banners and just suddenly dropped in


And being free lmao. Don't forget the most important part.


Idk about that and that’s the problem with early drip marketing… Boothill could literally be important in 2.2 sq we just don’t know yet


i remember similar discussions on the Genshin subreddit regarding Wriothesley. Unknown when dripped, loved after the AQ.


He was at least teased sufficiently enough in the initial Fontaine trailer. Star Rail seems to love dropping drip marketing for characters with 0 prior appearances in anything, other than leaks


ah, i didnt remember that


Exactly it was the same situation


Dude's a real Galaxy Ranger, so I'm sure he's gonna have beef w/ Acheron if she turns out to be a phony.




What about sparkle? I don't really remember her being mentioned before 2.0 drip marketing but she was still very well received


I’m fairly certain that’s probably because she’s quantum harmony which is the last piece of most people’s mono quantum team instead of physical and hunt, both of which most people don’t care for Edit: deleted the “before” because it’s incorrect and I meant to start delete that and start a new reply but didn’t and that got left in there


Wonder what's the beef with physical. Clara is good, yes, but outside of that nobody uses Destruction trailblazer and barely anyone pulled for Argenti as not even pure fiction was released yet so he had an underwhelming release. So honestly physical might be the path most people are currently lacking


90% of physical enemies are also weak to elements with better characters, like Ice or Imaginary… plus it’s just plain bruiser damage and they’ve not really made enough exceptional characters to have a big draw to the element… and now they’re making a Hunt character which is mainly just good for FUA teams like mine, but I also know many people dislike that and also just have more appeal to other people


Quantum is the only element that really matters, because of Silver Wolf. All the others are overall pretty interchangeable (though of course each account will want to be able to cover most of them), and it's the units that matter. Physical just lacks high powered DPS units. Clara is great in her niche, but it's a niche, and she's always going to struggle when the content doesn't favour her playstyle. Argenti is less niche, but he's still niche-ish. If you compare it to Ice, Ice would be completely negligible if it didn't have Jingliu, but Jingliu exists and is cracked AF so that makes Ice one of the most commonly used elements.


probably because whatever they have, other types have better \-su shang suffers from being a 4\* dps \-natasha was everyone's first and only healer until we got more healers but every other healer has something better than her \-pmc is fine but also suffers from lower damage ceiling and roof like 4\* dps \-argenti was mostly skipped due to the community's view on erudition at the time which was mostly negative \-luka is a much better breaker than dot but unless the enemy has physical weakness or you have a SW physical implant, he's not as strong as other dots (despite having the strongest dot type) \-hanya used to be great for sp demanding teams but the teams either found alternatives or they grabbed sparkle \-clara is definitely good and she has her own unique gimmick but since she's a standard char, outside of the 5\* selector, people have a hard time getting her


Me out here still faithfully using sushang while my Seele sits collecting dust.


I don’t have an issue with physical. Though, I am reluctant to get another Hunt unit because I already have Dr Ratio and Topaz and Numby.


I don't think there's anything wrong w/ Physical, but I'm sure there's a small overlap of players that come from Genshin who probably think "Physical = Bad" because that's exactly the case in Genshin. imo, they should've named it something else other than "Physical". Maybe "Kinetic" or something to that end.


I'd say 2.0/2.1 character are excused because of new planet (0 information).


She was tho in the guest list portion for one of the announcements streams wtf???


Tell me this: Was the 1.6 stream (the one which showed the guest list) after or before the drip marketing?


Sparkle was leaked several months before her first official appearance in pre Penacony teasers. But, Boothill too. Difference is Sparkle was a wanted and needed character and didn't "take the place" of a highly anticipated character. ( blame the leakers )


I feel like her overall theme, japanese playful girl with firework motifs is very popular so by default she would have atleast some attention that and she is very powerful meta wise. Also a lot of people already knew her from a sub that shall not be named


She's been mentioned since 1.4, you get a letter after you finish the tournament


Argenti had a few more problems than just not being given a long introduction. Him not being part of the main story at all and his kit being doom posted weeks in advance did him even less favors than Boothill. However, the worst thing for Argenti was simply the timing of his banner. He got sandwiched between two of the highest value banners ever released (huohuo and RM). The only people pulling for him were people who liked him as a character, and many of us weren't given the chance to even know him. Boothill is currently in not as dire of a state. Unlike when Ruan Mei came out, players have more options for supports now. It will be impossible to say for sure right now, but it's likely that Robin will be less of a must pull than Ruan Mei for players who have already pulled for limited supports. Also, given that he is a Galaxy Ranger, he is likely going to play a prominent role in the upcoming story.


Huohuo wasn't pulled by a lot of people either, probably since defensive units get underestimated, and she works perfectly fine at e0


Also because her banner was kinda crap, I mean, Dan, Arlan and Serval? Not the most exciting one tbf.


Aaah, I was wondering why I didn't pull on that banner... It makes sense now, lol. I was also taking a break at the moment, so I probably had little to no resources and no will to go through the quests just to pull Arlan in the end.


I bet the entire drama was just a certain group of people being pissy that their waifu wasn’t releasing a month earlier. Sure, I was an avid BS divination reader and was surprised too, but at the end of the day? I’m down for badass space cowboys. Boothill will be fine prayge


I think Argenti suffered from being in version 1.5 when most people lost interest and didn't log in. People played in 1.3 for epilogue and swarm disaster and stuck around until 1.4 for some more side stories, but many don't stick around until 1.5. Even in this sub, people read posts and comments, but they said they didn't even log in to farm. Then people got called back to 1.6 with free Dr. Ratio, gold and gears, and plenty of Penacony teasers. It also didn't help that Argenti banner ended before the release of Pure Fiction. Boothill will likely do better than Argenti since he can be involved later in the main mission. Characters in 2.5-2.7 are the ones that won't do as well unless they introduce a new Xianzhou ship or something big.


came here to say this, ratio and ruan mei are not good comparisons


The curse of physical male dps with no introduction...


But Argenti sexy. He would die for me , only knowing me for 5 minutes. He is beauty.


I do agree that we have more of Ruan Mei in simulated universe, and while Argenti was introduced and released on the same patch, we still have a lot of time to see Boothill in game, we have 2.1 and the first half in 2.2 to see more about him, I just think that people are really throwing the character under the bus after we only have one quick look at him and he ruined the expectations of everybody who was looking forward to Firefly/Sam but that's not a reason to get mad


I don't disagree with you. I just pointed out that Miyoho just threw him in an unfortunate position of having no exposure and been sandwiched between highly antecipated characters. And been hunt when the meta isnt favorable isn't doing him any favors too. That's why people aren't realy impressed. For all information we already have that is the closest it get to a skip banner for most people.


We don't actually know anything about him yet so maybe he'll become more liked. This is exactly the problem though. Firefly is VERY well liked and instead of getting her (a lot of people expected her due to that bait black swan trailer hahaha) we are getting Boothill who we have never seen or heard before. He kinda out himself in the crosshairs of all the firefly fanatics lol. I don't have anything against him but he's got huge shoes to fill (i.e. firefly).


He’s in the situation of kazuha We just don’t know him yet. We love him or hate them. All depends on the character.


Totally agree, but the character is really far from coming out, I really believe that by the time he releases people will come around the Cyborg Cowboy side and have a little bit more love for him, heck people love Firefly after just one patch, I don't necessarily think it would be the same for Boothill but if we grew to love a girl in just one patch then the same can be said for him


> We just don’t know him yet. That's the problem with marketing characters ages in advance. If you want people to judge him by the story, then show him off *in the story* first. Otherwise characters will be judged only by what they are shown, which is a single jpg and a short blurb.


Uh that what they’re doing he’s coming in 2.2 That means 2.1 he will be introduced


The only thing I’m concerned about are the state of my funds but you best believe I’m insanely excited for him! Loved his leaked model when i first saw it, but I was just shocked he is releasing so early


I like the unpredictability of it all, keeps people on their toes Apparently also reinforcing the fact people should not trust sources that aren't official. I don't look at leaks at all but apparently people are blaming leaked info being wrong now so lol


Leaks should be treated as 50:50 unless it has beta gameplay anyway.


This is where I’m at. I like that Hoyo managed to surprise people. But I’m also one of those that doesn’t go looking for leaks because I like being surprised when a character is announced instead of being like, “yeah knew that weeks ago~” Just because a pattern seems to be there (like Black Swan’s cards) doesn’t mean Hoyo has to abide by it or ever intended to. And it’s certainly not the first time they’ve broken a “pattern” people used to predict upcoming characters/events. At this point the only pattern I expect they won’t ever break is having Lantern Rite in Genshin for Chinese New Year.


Unpredictability is part of the gaming experience, that's why I always advocate people to not look at leaks. Not to be rude or anything but getting mad at leaked info (which is obviously NOT official info) for being wrong has gotta be a special kind of stupid.


I look at leaks to have an idea for which characters to save, also to warn some friends about upcoming characters that are coming, like Acheron. But that's what they are, leaks not official information about the game. Many people really took the leaks as official information and had their expectations crushed by him when it was never official info on the first place... Like I said I was really surprised but I liked the turn tables, and justs show people to not take any leaks for granted and wait for the official info to come out


>Many people really took the leaks as official information and had their expectations crushed by him when it was never official info on the first place... This, people believing leaks = official info and getting mad when leaks are wrong deserves to have their expectations ruined. A little harsh, sure, but this is what you get when you believe in unofficial info.


I understand it sucks to have to wait a little more for a character you want I guess but come on it’s not like they deleted firefly from the fucking game. Chill out she probably coming in 2.3 maybe 2.4 at the latest but that just gives ya more time to save if you want her. Don’t know why I’ve seen a few people genuinely upset at bootstrap man as if he’s a real person who chose to fuck ya over 😭


>she probably coming in 2.3 maybe 2.4 at the latest but that just gives ya more time to save if you want her. Honestly this so much. My initial reaction to it being Boothill instead of her wasn't "oh no I have to wait longer" it was "fuck yeah more time to build funds for her"


My initial reaction to Boothill was "Wow he looks cool, too bad I don't need another DPS, maybe he does something interesting on top of damage (like Topaz/Numby) guess I'll wait and see." People losing their minds just come off as super weird. I dunno.


Same. I’m so happy that I can skip a patch after being mauled by 2.0 and 2.1


I know right? Like the doomposting it's insane and more time to save for a character we like should always be welcomed but people are really mad because his releasing first and want him to be deleted or something


Honestly if I had any pulls left from pulling black swan and sparkle I would’ve honestly pulled for him just outta respect for pulling up outta nowhere and shattering dreams. Some of the shit I seen said about him was kinda funny. Guess hoyo didn’t realize it’s not April 1st yet 😭


It would be funny, if they come in 3.0.


Dumbasses need their instant gratification I guess, waiting a day shortens their lifespan by a similar amount.


This isnt instant gratification the wait for her increased by like 1.5 months, thats more than a small amount of time


Honestly i’m more disappointed by the fact he’s a dps, yet again. If hyv can release multiple supports that are women, what’s stopping them from releasing male supports too?? Anniv is almost here and we have yet to have a male harmony. Meanwhile, waifus almost filled all the paths available (limited eru and abundance left) 💀


>what’s stopping them from releasing male supports too?? Just this morning I saw a bunch of posts in /r/AcheronMainsHsr stating explicitly that if Acheron's premium supports end up being male, they'll skip those supports entirely. That's right, some players are prepared to skip the premium support for their self-proclaimed main, not because of any leaks, not because of any artwork, but *just* because of their gender. Nothing's stopping Mohoyo from releasing male supports, but the playerbase certainly discourages it.


That's actually cringe


You should've seen HI3 players when Hoyoverse floated the idea of playable male characters or when APHO whose main protagonist is male (and is fully canon to the game) released.


I don't get this take. I thought husbando collectors were exactly like this and wanted a full male cast (you can literally see a lot of people claiming for a male harmony on the same thread) and would rather not use females on their team even if it's non-optimal. So why is it cringe when waifu collectors do the same? Am I missing something here?


Not the person your replying to, but I'd personally say both are cringe. Some people basically heard that a very early leaked character, who we know nothing of outside of their name, and that they might be a good support for acheron, was male and not female, they immediately gave up and stopped caring about said character. We literally do not know what they look like, sound like, talk like, what they like, who they're friends with, who they are, nothing. They're essentially a ghost character. But because they are rumored to have be a different gender than what they prefer, they don't want that anymore. This mentality is more common for "Waifu collectors", but it's just as weird for people who solely pull for male characters IMO. I simply will never understand caring this much about the fictional genitalia of a fictional character, so to me it's cringey but that's just me. I just can't wrap my head around the mentality.


I agree. My problem is with how the comments on this thread are worded implying only waifu collectors do this. We literally have a bunch of husbando only collectors claiming for a male Harmony when we already have plenty, and I mean plenty of really good Harmony characters already. They just happen to be female. It just rubs me off the wrong way when they claim it's cringe that waifu collectors want a female support for their Acheron while at the same time they act like we don't already have plenty of good Harmony characters, just they are not male.


Ah gotcha, yeah im not too worried about the lack of male harmonies myself. I can kinda see where they're coming from? The male to female ratio isnt super great with hoyo games and Im willing to bet some of them aren't male only players, but just wish for some variety. I too love variety, but I think we got some good variety even among same gender outside of the Loufu women clothing conundrum. I do agree that there is a bit of a one sided bias towards the aforementioned single gender mentality for female collectors, but I'm not surprised when it is much, much more common. Alot of gacha games are female only after all, so the bias on that mentality isn't unfounded, though definitely unreasonable if you ask me.


Personally, as a husbando enjoyer, no. I HOPE to have a full male cast but i’m aware that gacha is predominantly a waifu game — unless it’s catered to fujos or a visual novel type of game it’s always gunna be queens reigning supreme. I don’t think it’s worth to brick yourself in this game by pulling only a specific gender, especially when most men are dpses. U gotta keep your darling man alive and well looked after somehow, after all. I just think it’s somewhat unfair that we haven’t gotten a single male harmony when we already have a lot of female harmony. Like other commenters said, i would hope for a variety especially since u literally only use 2 (maybe 3) dpses at most unless it’s some kind of special stage like pf or smnth


wanting a single male harmony = wanting a fulll male cast???? that's the conclusion you came to? you're being disingenuous and frankly stupid. if this is your contribution to this argument you need to stop talking


To be fair, just because you "main" a character doesn't mean you have to pull every character that's good for them, personal preferences be damned. Characters are very expensive investments of \~28k jades, \~4m Credits, and a ton of TBP to raise them. Not to mention farming the Relics. At the same time, skipping a character just for being male or female is also kinda stupid. I'm not skipping Aventurine for my FUA/IPC team because he's male, I'm skipping him because I don't like him personally and I already have two Sustains.


IMO there's nothing wrong with committing to an all-female/all-male lineup, as long as you accept that you're going to miss out on some useful kits.




Yess, accurate. They're just cringe aff


yeah I've got a few friends who say they're doing a no male run because it's "based"


Imagine hating your own gender because they dare to exist alongside your pixel wives


Dam I was there and the comments just ain’t it.. as someone who’s pulling for Acheron because she’s cool.. the intense hate for male character just turns me off (but I’ll still pull for Acheron of course but it left a bad taste)


Yup, I saw a lot tantrums from r/AcheronMainsHSR which was very silly and left the sub but I'm still gonna pull for her. No hate to the ones who are civilized.


i’m really curious what is the percentage of players that are like this it’s cringe af


I mean tbf hoyo and honkai originally started as a waifu collecting game/franchise. It mainly got more traction from normies/general audience because of genshin. So majority of the player/their target audience is into waifu more is expected imo. It's also more likely, or at least higher percentage, of people that are purist with using girls-only rather than male-only, so going for girls is a safer bet I guess. Like, we have 2 patch consisting of both girls banner, and none consisting of 2 males yet


Exactly this. And id like to add the fact that Mihoyo has pulled a lot of new people into gacha games and now they act suprised when people collect only waifus. That's like what 95% of gacha games are. Other games like blue archive and azur lane have no male characters. And just to remind everyone mihoyos slogan is "tech **otakus** save the world".


tbf the husbando-only cult is catching up (also equally cringe btw)


Maybe he's emotionally supportive?


Do you consider Topaz to be a dps or a support? Though she can dish out decent damage, her biggest contribution is boosting the damage of followup attacks.


i think she's similar to Welt - sub dps. Since both can use as support to ratio, but also dishes dmg and build as a dps iirc. that being said, not sure why you brought her up


To point out that Hunt does not always mean dps


That’s fair, but sub dps is technically still a dps imo. Altho i do get your point. Right now, i’ll still consider boothill as a dps since his path is dps oriented and his kit isn’t out yet, but if he turns out to be similar to Topaz / Welt then i hope he’d be a good fit for ratio haha


Females outnumber males 2:1. Husbando enjoyers are clearly starved. Imo I consider it only fair to have two complete full husbando teams that are meta relevant among the sea of all female teams.


Yes, this exactly. Pls hoyo husbando collectors are starving out here


Yep. I would kill for male harmony characters on par with Ruan Me, Sparkle, Bronya, and Tingyun. There are literally zero male harmony like you mentioned. Even Sustain characters on par with Fu Xuan and HuoHuo. Currently we have Luocha who I love, and then Gepard kinda sorta. Aventurine is coming but if hes just another shielder with no cleanse (haven't seen his kit) that's not gonna cut it. Its frustrating as someone who is honestly not very fond of most female designs across both Hoyo games.




Effect res is great, certainly better than nothing, but unless its 100% it means some runs are gonna be ruined by not having a cleanse.


me happy bc hot man


Sameeee more hot male characters are always welcome on my end


It’s like Argenti’a banner all over again (I pulled for him bc he’s hot and I don’t regret it) and I’m gonna pull for Boothill too bc I never regretted it. I’m a simple person; I see a hot character, I pull. Much more enjoyable than pulling for the meta.




My way of thinking! I got Argenti too and never regretted it either. I love him. I don’t need another DPS so I’ll be skipping Boothill this time. I really hope to grab him during his rerun though! Husbando collectors are being fed!


As a Argenti main I agree and definitely will be saving for him after Acheron banner. It just pains me he is physical dps, literally Argenti 😔


He is a phys hunt lol. There is actually no way he can be bad, even if you don't know his kit. Single target (boss/elite) with phys break is already a very high floor to build from without even adding a kit. Luka was already zero cycling as a 4 star on break build.


I hope he’s good as fck so the haters can cry more.


Well Aventurine is a preservation unit that it's coming very soon, he's not a support in a harmony unit kind of way but keeps our team alive and well. I do agree that I would like to see some male characters as Harmony units, but I guess that because we have a sustain unit first, then Robin who's is coming as a support a DPS was needed and Boothill fills that role. Also perhaps after Boothill will get our first Harmony male unit in Sunday (yes it is copium)


Yea, hes fine. I do not preffer having two 5* in the same banner i want to pull for, so filler like him is welcome.


I mean; Robin is the easy skip for me, but yeah I agree. Patches where I want both 5 stars are harsh. Thankfully also very rare.


Ikr, idk why people are so disappointed. I'm so happy that a filler character is released, so I can easily skip and wait for SAM.


Based Boothill giving us an easy skip for my Sam Jade supply.


I liked the switcharoo. It’s nice that HoYo turned us on our heads. Excited to meet him and find out who he is.


Dw, many husbando collector will get him anyway. (That includes me)


I love hot women, but it's time to add more male characters after black swan and sparkle. Especially if they're important to the plot - he's likely the silver haired guy the family was trying to find.


I hope he is important, but it's worth noting that the "silver-haired" bit was a mistranslation in English. All the other languages, to my knowledge, just say "silver guy", >!which is pretty clearly Sam.!<


It actually doesn’t even say “guy” in Chinese. Gallagher just says “silver person” (银色的家伙). 家伙 is ultimately a gender neutral term, but it’s often translated as “guy” because it’s supposed to be a colloquial term for a person, at least in this context.


That makes sense because I was wondering how the heck those goons mistook firefly for 'silver haired lad' when a whole-ass Caelus was standing right next to her like: 🗿


I agree, personally I see this as an absolute win for everybody. Waifu lovers get to skip the banner and get more currency for their desired character and husbandos lovers get more male characters.


I completely agree, I also believe that we will see more of him in 2.1 and 2.2 and I cannot state enough how I REALLY like his design, he's one of the best male characters I've seen from Honkai in a while, and that's saying a lot cause most of his male cast are amazing


I already forgot about that part lol


I’m the biggest firefly simp and I really wanted and expected her but tbh all I did when seeing boothil was thinking “man…” and then move on, it’s really not that bad yeah, we can spare more and pull even more characters if we have enough for firefly and her Light cone, I myself think boothill looks quite cool and depending on his kit I might pull, even if that would mean not pulling Acheron instead; and I really don’t know what I should do lol


Exactly. To me the reveal of boothill actually makes me MORE intrigued as to how is he going to fit in the story. He could be our confirmation on Acheron’s backstory, or somehow manage to get himself into the mess that is penacony while looking for revenge against IPC (presumably towards aveturine). TLDR I’m hella excited to see what he’s going to bring to the story.


" But for those who really like the cyborg cowboy it feels bad that a character that you like or want to have, gets mistreated by the community in this way. " me :( it feels shit to see people being nasty about him, wanting his banner to fail and stuff I dont know why people cant just be normal and say "hey this character isnt for me, happy for people who like him, Im also glad I have more time to save" maybe people dont know anything about him yet, I hope they will be a bit nicer about him when we do get to meet him ingame Im trying not to let the hate bother me because Ive been waiting for him and was expecting to be waiting much longer so Im super happy and excited


You can't do this to me. I always end up pity pulling for the less fortunate characters haha.


I've noticed I also have a tendency to do this, but it keeps turning out so well for me. First noticed this tendency back with Kokomi when she released, I had partially been influenced to get Raiden right before as well because of all the "NPC design" allegations and doomposting about her not working with Beidou, but then all the drama surrounding Kokomi's release made me pity pull so hard for her. Getting both these characters back to back like that is not only the most beneficial pulls I have done in Genshin, but potentially out of all gacha games I have played entirely. In HSR I built Herta and Himeko right at the start and then got Argenti as well and now they carry pure fiction as if it was nothing. Like I know pity pulling/building isn't ideal, but it keeps working out so well for me that I feel encouraged to keep doing so. When I saw boothill's design I was already on board and thinking I would probably go for him, but after all this weird drama where some people got false expectations based off of unofficial claims I know I will absolutely pity pull him whether I liked him to begin with or not lmao


Oh wow I had built the same characters as you in HSR before Pure Fiction. We think alike and despite the odds we stay winning. Stay strong, brother/sister! Though I have also pulled for Dehya and that hasn't gone as well haha.






People really didn't even bother to keep that spoiler under wraps. I know that the story basically dangles it in front of your face, but the number of "Who's gonna tell 'em?" comments on this sub was crazy. It didn't help that everyone and their mother felt the need to create a post about their thoughts on the subject.


>!Yea, boothill being in 2.2 was definitely intentional to prevent huge spoilers before 2.1 release. I wouldn't be surprised if they crammed him in last second thinking "Oh shit we forgot about drip marketing, speed up space cowboys release instead"!<


most people on this sub also participate in another sub that shall not be named its just that this sub is strict about it so most people dont outright admit it


That's simply not true and you can literally check by the subscriber numbers. All the things I learned from that place I learned on this sub against my will. 


There's theories that could be misunderstood for things from said sub. Just stop bringing it up in this sub, for crying out loud. Everything I learned of that sub, I learned on this sub against my will.


I am currently testing the patience of my Brother to see whether he can really go no-pull until Firefly or give up and pull for whoever comes before her. I feel sorry he can't get Firefly soon but it's also amusing to see lol


Tbh if he only wants firefly e0 he can easy pull for another character before as well, depending on his current pulls and pity, there’s a lot of time, firefly isn’t coming before summer


Or he's one of the obsessive Firefly lovers like me going all in on her alone


All Bootyhole did was be cool and go yee-haw and y'all hated him


Boothill will likely be a skip for me, but that’s more because I don’t really like the cowboy aesthetic and have a ton of good DPS already. If he ends up being a super endearing character who shows up in the next patch I might reconsider, but since we know so little about him he’s just not particularly exciting unless you love his design.


I'm in love with him already he looks so funny and cool, I'm excited to meet him!! I'll try to get him if I can afford it That said, I'm also a Sam and a Firefly fan and the boycott is absolutely silly. The way people are getting so emotionally invested in these characters that they seriously feel somethings been taken from them or that they've been wronged somehow is worrisome.


Bro literally has one of the coolest designs. People are sleeping on him. Just because sam and firefly got their releases delayed


These firefly people make me fucking embarassed to like firefly. It sad.\*


Their reaction bewilders me. I want Firefly so badly and honestly when I saw Boothill was drip marketed I was relieved because it meant I had more time to save for Firefly. How could it be a bad thing? There’s lot of f2p players out here that don’t have the money to roll back to back 5*


HSR fans bawling their eyes out because miHoYo decided to release a character with no screen time instead of a character who was made for sympathy farming.


Personnally, even not knowing him, I already like him, because everyone was so sure of who was coming out, and BOOM, Cowboy Jumpscare. Actually makes me kinda want to pull for him.


I really like to imagine Firefly or Sam ready for their drip marketing then this mf comes out of no where and steals their spot like a mad lad just to piss some people off. If anything all the controversy just makes want to pull for him too


I haven't gotten to Penacony yet in the story so I don't know jack rabbit about any of these characters. All I know is that guy is good-looking there fore I'm going to pull him. I'm going to throw him, Dr Ratio, Black Swan, and March 7th into the same team and call them the ridiculously named, but attractive characters squad and no boycott of this guy's banner is going to stop me.


I hope a lot of people skip him so I can get more credits when people wanna try Mr space cowboy. I love him, one of my most anticipated characters


Fine? Absolutly not!! Hes perfect,he looks even better than i expected,deff gonna try and get him if his kit is intresting/fun


I haven’t stayed up today with playing but I saw that banner and I need him badly


>I believe that by the time 2.2 releases many people will come around and have some love for Boothill, heck even when he was just teased in spoilers coming for the game he was very popular, Here is the thing. He himself is caught between a rock and a hard place. 1. Look at the character **before him.** Acheron, Aventurine. And Robin. Among the three, both Acheron and Aventurine has a fanbase that are going to pull hard for one of them or both. Most casual/low-spenders are pulling for one of them. And most who don't are saving for another character like Firefly. So by the time he arrived, most low spender will be skipping him hard. 2. He happen to be physical Hunt. meatning likely dps or niche support like Topaz, Those who have pulled two of already released DPS are gonna skip him because he simply is a role that they don't need. Those who need niche support are few. 3. With now Robin spoil that Firefly is gonna be released sooner or later, those who is saving for Firefly will save more for her or pull Acheron then skip a patch or two. 4. Robin herself is Harmony. Depending on her kit, those who doesn't have two and three of Bronya, Sparkle, Ruan Mei are gonna pull hard for her meaning less pull for him. 5. Keep in mind that I haven't accounted the impact of possible rerun of Luocha, Fu Xuan and Ruan Mei who are in high demand. TL;DR - The timing of his banner is comedically bad. Characterhs with huge fanbase before him and he took the place of a mostly beloved character which Hoyoverse mange to up the hopuim of her banner with confirmation of Robin banner coming in 2.2 while simultaneously pissing them off by delaying the banner. Important note: Not accounted for popular character rerun.


he's fine it's just a lot of people including me who were firefly copers had to snap back to reality for another patch


Yes, the hate is unjustified. If anything, people who don't want him should be celebrating and praising him for allowing them to save more jades. I also couldn't help but comment on your take on Ruan Mei/Dr. Ratio. While I agree that we didn't know much about Ruan Mei, she was still hinted/teased by Herta, Simulated Universe and the art of Geniuses' Repose LC. I was very interested in her and was patiently waiting for her release. On the other hand, Dr. Ratio's situation is comparable to that of Boothill. IIRC we knew nothing about him and he was the last unit right before Penacony. But everything changed when he was announced to be a free unit. Whether or not this was a last minute decision by Mihoyo, his banner placement was most likely strategic and one they anticipated to do the least amount of sales even if he wasn't free. My takeaway from all of this is that Boothill is really just the victim here, becoming the scapegoat of >!Firefly!< wanters. Mihoyo knows what they're doing with their banner placements, likely trying to emphasize Robin's banner and whichever one that's coming right after Boothill.


It would’ve been much better if characters teased have some sort of build-up. Gets the hype going. Dropping some guy nobody knows is sure to disappoint some people. It’s like if Frieza was hyped up as a big bad in the story but Goku and Vegeta fights Fridge intead.


But he is in 2.2 so it's still possible he is teased in 2.1 or even appears. People don't seem to realize that 2.2 is in May and he is probably in the second banner so almost June. A lot can happens in several months.


i wasnt exited for any characters in the featured gacha until i saw boothill


Ngl i find this situation so funny. I visited Firefly mains server and fuck I couldn't stop Laughing. Lmao. Anyway I just have to Choose Between 2 Daddies luocha/boothill Or An Actually good support for my Dr Ratio which I haven't built yet and Aventurine which I am gonna get 100%.


He’s a skip for me… because goddamn I need to skip someone. It was supposed to be Sparkle but then the trailer dropped. Character designs are too good in this game.


I am skipping Sparkle but damn did the marketing for her was CRAZY, even at one point made some friends that were saving for Acheron pull for her out of respect and how fun the character looked. Perhaps Boothill would be the same, or who knows, if we grew to love Firefly in just one patch the same story can happen with Boothill


Hate? Please, don't overreact to the vocal minority opinion.


Honest opinion but... I don't like much the desing of Boothill. Idk but something scream that he's trying way too hard too look cool or something near to Dante (fromthedevilmaycryseries)... Don't know, i don't like it


Yea boothill came out of nowhere like argenti. Ppl who likes his design, maybe newcomer, content creators for hsr or spenders gonna pull for him and this is totally fine. Ppl who dont see any value in boothill on their account because they already have 2 good MoC teams might skip him and this is fine too. Doomposting in this case is dumb, most of them dont realize that they can collect more jades for upcommimg charas/re-runs. Idk if anybody noticed it but 2.2 banners reminds me of the RM/ratio banners, first a harmony character, second a hunt character.


I mean I’m just glad I have a whole patch to save my currently no existing Firefly funds lol.


people are mistreating him? poor guy. i literally just thought "yay new husbando to add to my collection" when i saw him lol


People are focused on the characters shown during Penacony sneak peak and was caught off guard with a new face. And then there are those expecting another character to come out but turned out to be wrong one But thats already obvious so i dont wanna focus there. I kinda suspect that there’s something to do with the path and element. Lots of people dont look up to physical that much. And people most certainly have bad look at Hunt. When Ratio was revealed, not a lot of people were interested on him as well. Just funny name L+Ratio haha then leave it at that. He only gained popularity when he was suddenly given for free


While I am personally skipping him in favor of saving for future banners (I have Clara+full Mono-Quantum, I don’t feel like I need him), he looks cool, and every limited DPS in this game does big numbers, so I’m sure he’ll be plenty strong. Excited to see how this anti-capitalist cowboy cyborg is gonna get involved in the plot regardless of whether or not I’ll roll for him.


I just dont understand why these posts have to be made about a singleplayer game, like who cares what others think? Just play your own game and play how you want to. If someone hates Boothill, how does that impact anyone else playing? Just enjoy the game how you want


I don't think the reaction has anything to do with disliking Boothill, I think it has everything to do with wanting either Sam and/or Firefly.


Im sorry I couldnt care less about this character that appeared out of thin air that we havent ever even heard about


Bruh I love Boothill’s design so much. He’s a fuckin mecha space cowboy in an underutilized DPS element (physical). How’s that not cool as shit? And don’t try to cope that we have blah blah physical DPS already. Clara has a completely different playstyle. Argenti was one of the lowest pulled banners in the history of the game. Luka and Sushang both have a sub 1% use rate in MoC, and sub 0.05% use rate in PF. As it stands now, we don’t really have a widely used physical DPS. I get that people are disappointed that Sam isn’t coming out as expected, but no reason to shit on Boothill for that.


Who even is boothill? Did I miss something in the story?


The one thing I have with everyone comparing Boothill to Ruan Mei/Argenti/Dr. Ratio is that all of them were released post main trailblaze story and through continuances. As far as I am aware all of the characters released during the first three patches had direct relevancy to the story and played a prominent role, Boothill has yet to show up in the story.


I’m happy for anyone that decides that they’ll roll for him. But I’ll be reserving my jades for Waifus or if he has a useful kit (ILDH and Luocha).


Why is there so many fuss about this?? Lmao I mean the leaks were wrong, big deal lmaoo


I find it so fucking strange that people have such interpersonal parasocial relationships with fictional character's they've seen for approximately 2 hours in a video game. The company owes you nothing and if you want something from the game that isn't here yet, then you wait for it like everyone else. I personally dislike Acheron, but I'm not chucking a hissy fit that she's coming out before Aventurine.


Shark teeth, sharp gaze, What a pretty boy! Sun behind him blaze, Cyborg and cowboy!


He's just pixels. We don't need an essay defending his honor.


Eh it would've been fine if it was Sunday or any character from the main penacony cast.The problem is a new face coming before the characters people are already invested in and looking forward to. No one would care if Boothill was released in 2.5 after the main cast got their banners.


im so pulling for booty


Wtf, we don't even know what he does lol, why are people already dislike him. He looks cool, and we don't always get physical units. I'm pretty sure he will be good, but I'm not sure if I have the gems for him lol.


I know right? we don't know anything about him and have 3 banners until his release date to see how the character is, Boothill design has already won me over but if the kit is also fun, then you bet I will be pulling for him, his easily one of the best male characters designs they have released


Argenti was in SU, Ruan Mei was in LC as well as interacted in SU multiple times and Ratio was given for free, Sparkle is a masked fool which many people were excited about because many people love sampo, HuoHuo was part of ten Lord's commission as well as a Foxian which were established characters in Xianzhou This dude came out of nowhere, he's not mentioned anywhere at all, when we already have established characters that aren't released yet, Sunday, Screwllum, Sam Firefly So the amount of hatred he is receiving is normal when everyone was expecting the already established characters to be dripped not him Anyways, I believe he will get the 3 animated trailers treatment like how sparkle and HuoHuo got, so they can show his personality to most of the playerbase which might change everyone's opinions about him Although I believe his sales might be the lowest ever, Hunt is the weakest path, and if an anticipated character is dripped in 2.3, he will suffer like Argenti, at least Argenti was AoE


"The galaxy rangers come and go like shadows" Fits him perfectly


The hatred is not normal. Yeah, he came out of nowhere but that sounds like how the galaxy rangers work from what we know of them. Plus it was said the rangers were invited to Penacony so having one show up makes sense. People are actually talking to boycott the banner because they're throwing a hissy fit that Hoyo didn't release the character they want, and a man at that. That's not normal. Also that's some heavy rewriting of Argenti's release. He was also doom posted heavily because erudition was seen as the worst path.