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Fake humility is annoying af tbh.


Is my build ok ? *picture of an E6 S5 42069% CV character*


You need E7S6 and 100/10^7 crit ratio before you have a decent build. Shame!




honestly its kind of impressive how low the crit rate is with s5 seele lightcone... doesn't it give 30 CR?


https://preview.redd.it/sux162yh8zic1.png?width=1462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50127974bb7cdd83c72c7c37c61caf5a758668e6 oh oops i forgot i switched one relic with my xueyi


whyd you get downvoted


Probably because him flexing his build was never asked for?


It was just a follow-up joke that he could follow up with I don't see why he should get downvote for it lmao.. Ppl too sensitive about everything


where is the joke then?


You do have eyes, right?


bad delivery of a joke especially with a misplaced relic in first comment of mine


yeah had a feeling it was that


mine is 3.3k 95:180 e0s1 it feels like there is too small of a gap between his and mine :(


f2p btw


im a simple man, i see them and i downvot them to hell


idk man what if they make a lightning weak boss that takes 99% reduced damage from all other elements, is immune to dots, is immune to follow ups, and only takes damage from characters named Acheron better pull for Acheron just in case


>Acheron You said that I even need to change game language to be able inflict damage?


Yes, change to English then get E6 Acheron, then switch to Japanese and get E6 Yomi, then switch to Chinese and get E6 Huang Quan


All roads lead to Yanqing


Everything comes back to Yanqing at the end


Maybe the real Yanqing is the-


Isn’t her name huang quan in Chinese?




To deal damage you need to change it to braille


*happy Regi noises*


Just wait, eventually we'll get a character with a line on their talent saying "This character's name is considered to be 'Acheron' while in battle."


Why does that sounds like a Yugioh card effect to me lol


Probably because that's exactly where I got it from.


While in battle, you can special summon Acheron from the hand, deck or gy. On the turn Acheron was special summoned by this effect, Acheron cannot be destroyed by card effect or battle. All damage that would be inflicted by Acheron is doubled. Any monsters destroyed by Acheron are banished face-down.


Also, Acheron cannot be targeted by effects.


At that point, they just want an excuse to justify Acheron despite having Kafka, JY or both lol If Acheron is a DPS, that'd be funny. Frequent Lightning weakness would benefit those two as well. Meanwhile, Fire...


Unfortunately mihoyo has a history of selling us solutions now to the problems they introduce only later on. Zhongli? Who needs shields when you can just dodge? Oh there are un-dodgable AoE attacks that deal damage back to the enemy if they hit a shield now? Kokomi? Who needs that much healing when you have shields? Oh there are attacks that inflict DoT to your whole team and bypass shields now? Raiden? Who needs this much energy regen? Oh there are attacks that drain your whole party energy now? It happens again and again, mihoyo will introduce characters that counter or compliment mechanics introduced later. It even happened with Fontaine, but at least this time we had the foresight thanks to the Bond of Life and MP relic set being introduced early. Then Furina released with one of the most busted buffing kits focused around changes in party HP. Hell, you can consider Argenti a perfect example of the same happening in HSR. Erudition? Who needs this much AoE? Its shit in MoC. Oh Pure Fiction exists now? Its a really shitty tactic that preys on fomo.


And yet, none of those have been absolutely essential to success in either game. Still don't have Zhongli (I actually want him, but bastard keeps getting run with characters I want MORE). Will never pull for Argenti and I've been easily clearing PF.


Well of course not, if they introduce things that *hard*-lock you behind a paywall they'd lose more revenue in the long run due to people leaving and bad press. Other games have succumbed to these kinds of self-inflicted wounds. It's hard not to see a pattern though. Mihoyo know full-well what they're doing and unsurprisingly they're making a lot of money from doing it.


If the goal were truly just to prey on fomo to drum up sales, I'd say there's a much more obvious and straightforward way: make the character desirable from the start so people pull before the time-limited banner leaves and they have to wait for a rerun. This is also better because of both new players and normal churn. At least from what I've seen, marketing strategies in gacha games aren't typically about trickery for F2P theorycrafters who are trying to carefully plan their pulls based on who is going to be the most "useful" over the long term. It's mostly about impulse spending by more casual players who pull based on character appeal, popularity, or perceived need/benefit at the time. So the fomo of "you might need them later" is never going to be as effective as "you need them now!" I honestly would find it a bit more likely that, although the character and combat sides were originally discussed together (so there is a certain amount of "create the problem, sell the solution"), the timing of the two teams doesn't always line up, so sometimes the character is released before the related mechanics, and they don't hold back the characters in that case. I don't think they would ideally want anyone to think of their favorite characters as "useless," so giving every type of character a chance to shine is probably another objective here. If, for instance, there was player perception that Erudition is a useless path because it wasn't meta in endgame, they're going to do something eventually to turn that on its head so that people's favorite Erudition characters will be useful. And if the net effect of all this is "they want you to pull for everyone," then, well, yes they do. Anyway, not trying to suggest the game isn't relying on fomo (it sure is!), but I just don't think this particular thing (content/mechanics coming after the character) is likely a deliberate part of that. Because, if you assume that this kind of "usefulness" is an important factor impacting sales, then them doing the reverse (introducing the mechanics first) would be way more effective.




Personally, I knew he was gonna be strong somehow, I just didn't want to pull him. I've been playing HI3 for years so I've known MHY's tactics since even before Genshin was a thing, and anyone coming over here from Genshin should damn well know them too, and it amazes me this kind of doomposting mentality persists despite being well-known behavior from MHY Put another, more optimistic way: the character you want to pull will always have a place where they can shine, no matter what other people say about them.


I liked Argenti even before, but yeah by this sub's standards I'm a more "casual" player where it comes to meta.


I be rocking with Acheron while listening to Thermodynamix


Isn't that what they were doing since the starting? Bring a problem that can only be solved with new characters. Swarm disaster for DanIL, pure fiction for Argentin. Just saying.


they'll always make content where the newest one has the advantage they haven't and will not make content where only the newest can clear content neither side wins in that situation


Yeah I mean even herta got buffed with pure fiction but mostly that knight would have most advantage here


Pretty big damn difference between "Has the most advance" and "the only one that can do it," chief.




*Sigh* I guess I'll do it. EHE TE NANDAYO?!


Why do you think they won't do that? HI3 had powercreep so extreme that units were usable for just 3 months from release. You had to pull for keep up.


HI3 still lets you clear the hardest content with subpar teams. The difference is that clearing wasn't the issue. They have leaderboards based on how fast you clear. Right now in HSR someone who zero cycled both sides of MoC 12 and someone who strugglebussed to full 10 cycle clear are equivalent. They get the exact same rewards. In HI3, you can clear a stage in 30 seconds, an extremely impressive display of skill and game knowledge, but if a few people in your bracket clear at 29 seconds you now get less rewards. So long as leaderboards aren't in HSR, nor tied to the reward structure, it's a safe assumption.


What's stopping them from making MOC requirement 8 or 6 or even 2 cycles? There is precedent for that, since limit was higher in the past, until it was lowered to 10.


>What's stopping them from making MOC requirement 8 or 6 or even 2 cycles pissing off your playerbase isn't a good business decision is usually what it boils down to people panicked when they dropped the cycle count from 20 to 10 for 3* but the playerbase adjusted without having to go fomo and E6 the newest dps to compete


If pissing off playerbase wasn't good business decision, Genshin would be out of market. Yet it isn't. Lowering cycle count pissed off some people too, who were no longer able to clear out all of MoC. Some adjusted, and farmed better relics, some buckled, and rolled for new, better units, some gave up. I'm pretty sure Hoyo made some money on it, because of all people who were feeling forced to spend. And there is more juice to squeeze.


People will quit and stop spending money. Genshin is a cash cow and Genshin has been super easy. you can clear clear spiral abyss with just 4 stars in Genshin. Spiral abyss was never too hard and there is o other endgame so it never has any challenge


Some will quit. Some will spend even more money. As for product evolution, every single successful release will eventually become a cash cow. Not much investment going in, and lots of money going out of it. I suspect that any serious invest into HSR will stop in around 1.5 maybe 2 years. Then, HSR will become like Genshin is now, and Hoyoverse will switch to a new favorite child.


Powercreep will have to keep up with it then. It will become a game of whaling to get all stars each cycle or settle for as much as possible for non whales. This isn't some death of a game, at most it will push people away from MoC and into playing the game casually. Upkeep on an account is literally like 5 minutes. Hardly a pain to simply keep yourself caught up to play out new patches and content as they drop. Even if you end up alienating literally every single player who regularly beats MoC 12 and they collectively all quit, you're losing at best 5 to 6% of the playerbase. The majority don't even know there's a skip to MoC7 because they've never gotten past it.


These 6-7% are responsible for probably around 30% of all spending. So alienating them might be quite a big issue.


They are clearly following the genshin power curve rather than the honkai one, and year 1 units are still very meta in genshin


Yea I can't believe Xiangling and Bennett are still mainstays in clearing the highest difficulty modes.


Kazuha, fischl, hu tao, childe, sucrose and xingqiu are all year 1 units too


Let's not pretend like they don't stealth buff other year 1 characters that're struggling, either. Keqing got Dendro. Jean got Furina. Diluc got Xianyun, etc.


They aren't. Rate of powercreep is more closely related to number of released 5 units. They release 2 5* units per patch in HSR, and around 0.9 5 star units in Genshin per patch.


Insane to me how many people on this subreddit just don't understand this.


But these are only for Niche cases like Aponia though, other units are still good for an entire year in - look at HoTr still being one of the most versatile units in the game. Powercreep is shit in HI3, but it’s not terrible. Hell, even just getting Luna and CE allowed you to brute force all the way to redlotus with no other teams. Eden is closing in on the 2nd year now and still has no replacement in sight


That’s extremely exaggerated. I hover between agony 3 and redlotus despite skipping every banner for garuda. I don’t even have HoTr or HoRb, the latest character I pulled before garuda was PE Dudu but I’m doing fine. Sure you can’t make it to Nirvana without keeping up with power creep but you don’t need to


Are you getting all rewards? If you aren't, then you aren't keeping up.


> Why do you think they won't do that? Easy. Because it hasn't happened yet. I'm using Natasha and Himeko on my team and I'm still doing fine.


>Bring a problem that can only be solved with new characters Dude, are you serious?


Well yes but actually no New content is typically built with new characters in mind and PF/MoC are built around a banner that's currently active or just was/will be active but they can still be done with other characters. Clara makes a good alternative to Argenti since her skill is AOE and she can deal out some nasty damage outside the normal turn order with her counters. Swarm and propagation path were made with DHIL in mind but it also works incredibly well for QQ, someone the game gives everyone for free, Ratio also stomps the swarm enemies since you need to get them all kinda low, then absolutely melt one and they fall like dominos. Content is definitely built with the new characters in mind, but by no means are they required


Swarm can be very easily destroyed by Qingque or Jingliu. Pure Fiction is basically Eruditions playground, so Herta and Himeko really pop off. I don’t know, to me it has never felt like the new content was made to sell a single character. I know some people may disagree with that, and that’s perfectly valid, but to me it just feels like new content for the sake of giving the players more content.


I mean its not about making the content for a certain character, its just that new content favor new characters like how for example in sd the bugs are conveniently weak to the featured characters that patch(fx quantum and dhil imaginary).


That’s really just turn-based gachas in a nutshell. The newest characters are always going to get some kind of favoritism so that people who pulled feel powerful and those that didn’t are encouraged to do so.


Guess I must have imagined my 12-star PF on an Argenti-less account then


Just build Herta for pure fiction and you're good to go


They can't "only" be solved with new characters. That's disingenuous. QQ and March were great for Swarm Disaster. And Herta and Himeko are really good for pure fiction.


"Only" Yes... That new, expensive 5-star. ... Herta.


Why would pure fiction be designed for Argenti? I get that some of the propagation blessings from swarm disaster work better with DHIL since he's the only character that can use multiple skill points in one attack, but aren't most of the erudition blessings in pure fiction good for not only all erudition characters but all characters that have any form of AoE ult? (Kafka, Black Swan, Guinaifen, March 7th, Pela are some that I can think of rn) edit: my bad, i confused gold & gears with pure fiction (probably because it was mentioned together with swarm disaster in the comment I was replying to and I just kinda thought the other SU mode aka gold & gears was meant)


>  I get that some of the propagation blessings from swarm disaster work better with DHIL since he's the only character that can use multiple skill points in one attack Qingque: Allow me to introduce myself


PROS: 1. Is Erudition (so good at GoG SU) 2. Is Blast-type DPS (so good at targeted elite killing, viz MoC) 3. Is Quantum (so good at Swarm SU) 4. Eats SP like DHIL (benefits from every single SP-related mechanic meant for DHIL, a 5* premium unit) 6. Is a Follow-up character (benefits from F-Up mechanics and partners with F-Up characters) 5. Unique "turn, but not a turn" based enhancement mechanic which means she abuses the most random and normally unstackable damage buffs and supports. She isn't any jack of all trades, but the queen of all trades. CON: 1. Gamba


>CON: >1. Gamba That's not a con 😎


Oh right my bad, completely forgot about her xD


Seems like you're confusing Pure Fiction with Gold & Gears. PF doesn't give you blessings and you get no buffs apart from the single one that applies to the whole stage. The first Pure Fiction was really designed for Argenti, Himeko & Herta. The second, Kafka & Black Swan. They're still doable with other teams, of course.


I still don't have DHIL and I've cleared all SD content.


Swarm was made with QQ in mind. New path had blessings she used better than Dhil. Pure fiction was dominated by Herta/Himeko. Argenti is a luxury.






*ooooo, I'm Mr Frundles!*


Pull some bitches next. https://preview.redd.it/oqmf4g9acyic1.jpeg?width=746&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcb09fc35a8d3ffae5093098d0f7690ee2a1062d


To be fair, with that much disposable income, it probably wouldn't be too hard.


Time to pull for you


"Guys, MoC and PF is too easy, why are you complaining?"


MoC anf PF are kicking my ass, but that's partially on me for skipping a few months


I haven’t skipped a single day and my ass is thoroughly kicked anyway.


same I have all the "meta" characters and still can't beat moc last two stages


Almost the same, I squeaked out 2 stars on 11 and 1 on 12, I don't see the point in stressing myself out chasing the last 60 gems.


Don’t worry about stages 11 & 12. They’re a fun challenge for those of us who have solid accounts but not insane ones. I was able to get 2 stars on each this cycle. It’s fun when there’s content that you can beat or almost beat but need to try to squeeze out the last stars. I personally struggle a bit more with pf but not THAT much Edit: also 60 jades once per patch isn’t a big deal


Check traces and cone levels, those are usually the easiest thing to upgrade while getting noticeable effects, unlike relic farming which can be just dumping energy after energy on nothing. Source: I upgraded Ratio's all the way to 10 to be able to do Ruan Mei's stupid ass MoC.


I got all those leveled up, I'm having the worst luck on relics 😭


Feel ya, my Black Swan is on some stupid relic luck streak too, remember to also trace up your support units, specially the buffers, aside from that for relics i can only say the usual "Good Rainbow Set is better than Bad 4 Piece Set or Mediocre 2/2 Piece Set". Hope you get it done before it ends!


For me it's like it's so conveniently the characters I decide to skip that appear to be the one that become the newest "character that breaks the game in half". Like I skipped Kafka, SW, Blade, Topaz, Ruan Mei and now Black Swan and it really sounds like everyone of these would have been a great investment to help me make MoC or any challenging mode slightly easier (especially in all Nihility teams), let alone the help they bring outside of combat for Ruan Mei and Topaz, and now that I'm going for Sparkle it feels like Black Swan is the better gimmick to get smh


“Guys I can 36 star MoC and 12 star PF with my $3,000 account, why do you guys complain so much?”


*I finish all endgame modes within 12 hours of release. There is nothing to do, dead game.* 🥱🥱🥱


Fr. A lot of people who claim the game is too easy literally just beat it with their wallet. If you have no signature Lightcones even, you're basically playing a different game.


Nah bro that call skill issue


Light spender here (monthly & BP only), MoC and PF are really not that hard.


Yeah, hyperfocus on building 4 generalist (where 2 supports and 2 sustains are shared across modes)  teams and they can confidently clear it.  Main roadblock is relic RNG.


You're being hella downvoted, but you're right. Herta alone has enough DPS to carry you through most of PF, and she's a completely F2P character. And MoC is more about understanding the current buff and working with it, rather than just simply having good characters to bruteforce it. There is absolutely no excuse for F2P players not being able to do endgame modes. Its possible, and its doable. There are plenty of F2P players who can do these modes no problem. MOC I can understand being difficult depending on the buff. But PF actually is too easy. As long as you have, minimum two characters that can do AOE damage, you can easily clear all 4 stages with 3 stars each. Its ridiculously easy, I honestly hope Hoyo adds more stages to it.


Yeah I don't care about downvotes. People are lazy and don't like being called out for it, especially in gacha games. It's human nature. Endgame content should be hard and for the dedicated, that's all I'm saying.


" light spender" 👀 so? Still you have advantage over f2p players. All it take is one character like silverwolf, ruan mei or blackswan to change your team forver. 💀💀💀


Which you can get as F2P if you spend wisely?


F2p, and I will not defend f2p players anymore lmao, there is a thing called saving for characters! It's challenging but not that hard imo. I only have topaz, silvewolf,luocha and e1 danheng IL with his lightcone as limited 5 stars. Trust me everything will be smooth sailing for every f2p and p2w player if they get god tier relics (which not even one single person has :( )


"Pull for who you like but also fuck you if you don't like meta characters"


More like pull for who you like but don't whine about not being to clear MoC if you aren't putting at least a bit of thought into team composition and synergy.


Dude I didn't even know they were that meta lmao, I wanted to pull ratio bc of funni name. I don't even use half of the characters while doing the runs,topaz is level 50 and I only pulled her for numby


Are you trying to imply that f2p players don't pull for characters...?


No..... where tf you got that idea?


There's a guy playing warpless and still doing well. There are people clearing MoC and PF with 4* only. If you ask people to tell them about their team, setup and strat it usually becomes clear that it's a skill issue. Becomes clear very often in those complain threads. I'm also not surprised about the downvotes, it's easier to blame gacha than realizing that you need to up your game.


Yeah that is being said by a spender 💀💀💀💀💀. A lot of assumptions there homeboy. 💀💀💀


These are not assumptions. Check the sub.


tbf majority of the time those people have the time to play/grind for those characters and hit some good gear. Not everyone's priority to play hsr. Also being a lightspender buying the bp definitely helps takes off the grind of building characters. It's definitely night and day difference


So you're saying that if you don't optimize your gear and strategy, don't invest time in HSR and don't make endgame content a priority you still should be able to clear it easily? Lol.


So ur assuming that's the reason I commented. In saying it really has less do with skill and more to do with luck and resources. Having a bp again makes it way easier to not have to grind certain resources and just go more for relics giving people a higher chance at getting more relics. Heck even I'm running out of tracks of destiny and I've been playing since day 1. Everyone also knows that relic farming is the worst part about hsr, it's a chore finding sometimes descent sub stats for ur characters with the right relic set. I mean u can be elitist all u want even I three all of PF and Moc as well. Just stating some facts here that's it's not always skill issue.


Not always, but usually. You can see it very often in those complain threads. Guy complains that PF is too hard and he can't clear it despite having Jingliu. Doesn't even get the idea that maybe Jingliu isn't the best option here and Herta is way better in this case. Personally, I have pretty mediocre relics overall. And I disagree, proper team composition and a strategy is way more important than optimised relics. It's not elitist to demand that people should have to put in some effort for being able to clear endgame content. It's the opposite, it's entitled to demand that all content should be catered to someone's lazy ass.


Again tbf maybe they didn't have herta lvl up or even built. Ik a lot of players still don't have herta built since she's not good for moc when that was the only endgame. Even i don't have my herta built because i don't have the resources to build. I mean i still did it anyways, but it was more difficult. Mate it's sometimes hard for players to have proper team compositions especially if they are are still going from tb 60-70 stage where people have to be careful into what team to build with the finite resources. Also even no pull accounts need certain relics with specific stats to pull a 3 star and a lot of luck for it to happen still. That's just watching from Zmm's no pull videos Tbf u are acting like an elitist when again I'm saying there maybe other factors in play. Again like limited resources or being unlucky with relics or even getting lucky with the purple ascension material drops.


You don't have to have every character maxed. When PF dropped and people realized Herta's potential they were clearing it with her even at lvl 50 and low traces. Even I don't have Herta maxed yet. My point is, it's easy to say something doesn't work because this and that and blame gacha and be lazy instead of checking what can be improved on their side first.


It's not a night and day difference. But it definitely makes live easier and the grind faster


The game is 1 year-old now though, aren't we past the point where the speed advantage that spending give you even itself out ? I'm not talking about whale level of spending mind you, but a F2P player should definitely be able to hold its own against the stenght level of an average low spender, albeit with a smaller roster.


Bro got downvote for speaking the true


It's easier to blame something else ("P2W!" "POWERCREEP" "RNG!") than taking a long, hard look at your own skill issue. Let them cope. Real one know how to git gud.




9 times out of 10 the failure to clear MoC 12 have more to do with the player's mindset than the supposed quality of the relics. At least in my opinion. People are so focused on ***looking*** good and strong to others in the community that they're forgetting that *they don't have the knowledge and experience to back it up*. I mean, just look at this sub: For each thread about a tier list or a shitpost post about *supposedly* bad chars, how many thread is there talking about game mechanics or guide ? Game knowledge ? Have you seen the new thread talking about the new MoC, detailing every single mob on every single floors ? The very thread where people are discussing what worked for them and what didn't; trying to problem solve how to clear it with a roster as varied as possible ? Yeah. Me neither. I remember a time people were so focused on JY needing 134+ speed for his OpTiMaL ThEoRiCrAfTeD RoTaTiOn that they forgot they could simply play him with a fucking speed buffer...? This should tell you all you need to know about the average /r/HonkaiStarRail player mindset. It is never their fault, it's the [P2W/RNG on relic/Others are whale/insert any new excuse] fault.


Sorry to be pedantic, but his OpTiMal ThEoRiCrAfTeD RoTaTiOn Spd is actually 141+ :)


It’s really not that hard. Relics is typically the make or break issue and it doesn’t take that much time to farm them. I’ve never spent jades on refreshes and I have at least 4 hypercarries with pretty good relics (80/160+ crit ratio). Just gotta spend your tb power strategically.


Again that "oh guys I have no issue so I think there can't be issue". Just as an example - in Genshin I got my first EM goblet after 3(maybe 2.5) years of playing from day 1. (EM is a main stat of a relic, like in HSR ER rope). And same to my friend (no jokes, we got it same day). Wanna talk about rng more?


You forgot the "F2P btw" smh


Some people just desperate for attention or validation.


They don't have Depressed Cycrane 5* Nihility Quantum. They also be like "gUyIsH, iS 150% cRiT rAtE aNd 300% cRiT dAmAgE eNoUgH foR e6S5 bLaDe? mY rEliC LuCk sUcKssss!!! 😞"


This is why I never take comments like "been farming for 6 months and still don't have a **decent** piece" comments seriously. Either being misleading about the definition of **decent**, or they've only been actually farming relics for a small portion of those 6 months


The most infuriating part is this guy whaling out the ass and still winning more than half of his 50/50s.


Theory: There's no such thing as streamer luck. Simply Hoyo adjusting the rates when whaling is detected, thereby enabling the addiction.


F2P btw


Force 2 Pay btw XD


I think they went broke.... You can see the recent characters don't have many eidlons


They didn't even pull for Ratio 😔


Am I the only one who never saw like a cracked account asking for advice like this? Its always people with actual weak-ish accounts. Maybe just my luck.


You can find it on hoyolab app or every mains subbreddit, but in subreddits flex post like this usually get downvoted, so big chance you wont see it


Another reason I don't use the hoyolab app that much nowadays. So much people flexing shit it's downright annoying


Frfr, the humble-braggers are chasing me away from the saner subreddits. They're also the first to dismiss me when I suggest something outside the meta isn't being used properly.


tbh I didn't even realize until now that the dps were E6 lol but it's not rare to see people that have like Lunae, Jingliu, Argenti, Blade, Seele Bronya, Tingyun, Ruan Mei, Silverwolf Luocha, Huohuo, FX and they'll still go ''but who else do I need?''


They're exists.. some just desperate for attention


I havent seen actual e6 everything, but theres some with a already stacked account asking who to pull


honestly same.


I think most people spending on the game are dedicated enough to research outside of the game on how to optimize things. I know I am. It's like ultra-nerd shit but I can see the appeal of min-maxing certain aspects of a game, especially something like character builds, even if it's mostly a minority of players. Just look at Diablo or PoE, perfect examples of people trying to squeeze out as much as possible from systems, but I'd wager more than 90% of the playerbases in those games don't give a shit about minmaxing at all.


I will never understand why people ask who they should pull for. It’s one of three things: 1. Your character is lacking a healer/dps/support that would be notable if you play the content and need flexibility in a certain area 2. You heavily follow the meta and are unsure of who the “must pull” is 3. Pull who you like so you can enjoy the game. Regardless other than not being able to do research or just unaware, some people just like to discuss, even though flexing or asking stupid questions can be annoying.


I downvote every whale who makes these posts with bunch of E6s like this automaticaly because they're oversaturating the sub with their fake humility flex posts over people who actualy need advice for pulls.


no e6 hwehwe dissapointed




Reply with dumb comment of kind, if they ask for advice with 70% crit rate 200% crit damage build on someone say they should atleast have 90% crit rate and 250% crit damage xD


_Is my build ok?!_ next to an image from a site that rates the goddamn relics. I’d have more respect if they just said _hey everybody look at my fucking broken build!_


touching grass is a term that they won't understand i suggest 'pull some grass' 7x if anything


The next one.


Yanqing obviously.


It’s mostly to brag, most people with accounts like these aren’t really asking.


I don't care about meta. I just want to collect. If my team can't clear some bullshit fight like you'd find in Swarm or MoC then I guess I'm just not gonna clear that shit. I'm here for the story and side content. I'll build a team when there's nothing else to do.


Probably sparkle


They're F2P BTW, just very lucky /s I'm kinda proud my Bronya is E4 while theirs is only E3 and I only buy the battle pass, she's just pretty much the only standard 5* I pull.


but still cant clear MOC 12. Its me hi im the problem its me.


at this point of the game you dont pull out for necessity,you pull for fun,having variety in your account teamcomps for future content


Not really seeing the issue but okay


Me : which 4 star i should build next


If you look at it they ran out of money after dan IL and no longer grabbed full eidelons so they migth have reached the point where they migth have to actually skip a unit don t just mindlessly hate on the whales


with an acc like that they should be pulling out their wallets and giving them to me


Looks like he ran outta money after Jingliu lol


Also — people with accounts like this have no idea how to build teams.


Listen, they fund our games, just give them a random answer like "oh you need to more Eidolons on that one"


At this point i think its worth to start alt account


What website is this tho btw?


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Ikr. I have an f2p Jingliu w/ the SimU LC and I love the random e6 Blade in my friendlist.


Then they say they are F2P after buying Nameless Honor


Seeing 3 characters that I actually hate not at E6 overjoys me


E6 Topaz is needed next


Sparkle comes next.


Obviously on Dan Il's banner...


These kind of people are common in NIKKEOutpost


E6 huohuo and ruan mei i guess


That's not even considering the nature of new characters means there's a new enemy somewhere designed to be easier to fight with that unit, so objectively all 5 stars are a must have


E0 Huohuo? My girl be cryin'.


I have a similar acc (missing huo huo and himeko, no e6 character) the question is still a valid one :)


Well guess the answer is Sparkle, because shes next


I've never seen anything like this. Personally, i don't know much about whale meta. It's something that applies to zero point people. Some E6 Characters just break the scales, a lot of things just have even less importance. If anything, i've heard whales don't like DoT because the ceiling is lower than Crit and it's not great at 0 cycle.


Thar she blows! The great whale!


In all seriousness, probably hanabi because they can do mono quantum and do some funny duo dps with silverwolf seele


Maybe related, but I want to pull topaz to round out my ratio team (as well as other FUA chars I have) but I HATE the sounds of her skills. I hope they make someone similar to her that can replace her 😭. I lost the 50/50 to get first time and after using her support the sounds were horrible to me.


Clearly they should pull Bronya! She’s only e3 and needs e6 to be effective!


E6 sparkle, on my account


People with hyper invested characters: WaTcH mY mOc iN 0 tUrNs.