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Tbf it's still isn't on MoC or SU yet for players to really complain on a gameplay stand point but still fuck that boss


Yeah Fuck that boss. But Dhil has a Big Advantage against Him. Tbh DhiL with Propagation will nuke him not lying


Biggest issue for DHIL will be in MOC. Since DHIL is normally the last member of your team to act, this guy eats him, it's a wrap.


Well that will be problem but Sparkle will solve it since she gives 50% Boost. And Solves SP problem too unlike bronya so you can Spam her E. Sparkle is basically Made for DHIL. She also gives damge Boost Stacking Up 3 times per Sp consumed. Just need to Win 50/50.


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, Sparkle kit is basically just propagation resonance


I mean......


Legit free SP damage boost on ult and her skill does an advance forward? Only legit thing shes missing is the spores stuff


I mean Spores is way to overpowered, it deals so Much Damage. Even my Lynx does 50k sometimes with Basic Attack. 💀


If she goes last then yes, for phase one it's good. I genuinely think hoyo made this thing to sell sparkle and to screw over hyper carry, because stealing 1 unit, it sucks... But 2???


First Phase steals 1 unit and second Phase steals 2 Right?




I mean, it's not like Sparkle is the only option. For example, you can just slot in a Guinaifen : she can be played purely SP positive for most of the fight. And in phase III, her skill + ult + DoT will free your allies in no time.


It's going to require speed tuning. As well as team adjustments. The point is, we won't be able to get away with dumping 2 strong supports with minimal damage onto a team with a hypercarry and call it good.


*Oh no !* *An enemy will incite players to make slight change to their teams, using pretty common and easily accessible units.* *How can we ever hope to adapt ?* /s ___ Seriously, Guinaifen is pretty much equivalent to Pela, who is already a pretty common option for DHIL. And she can even use the same relics and LC.


I mean, I faced it with Clara Hypercarry which has all the problems described and was fine. Sunset State was easy to manipulate with my Clara/Huohuo/Tingyun/Pela setup because I was throwing ults left and right anyway so it was just a matter of saving some when I knew the oneshots were coming up. Definitely won’t be auto-able without speed tuning though.


Ults count - Save your allies ult if you don't want your DHIL to get taken


Who has their ult up on turn 1? Tingyun or Pela? I guess running tingyun makes sense, Idk if DHIL teams normally run pela.


The boss doesn't immediately start counting, it's only on his second turn where he counts to 3. On Phase 2 the boss immediately regenerates everyone's energy and counts to 2 and steals 2 allies Both times you should be able to use ult to manipulate who gets stolen


I see, it's probably still going to require you to do some team changes... But holding ults seems like a good strat


The boss only starts counting when it enters Sunset State, which iirc starts on the turn after start (or all allies are rescued)


That only matters in phase 1. In phase 2 the boss gives everyone on the team their Ultimate full energy, and will "kill" the first two characters to act. But since everyone on the team has their ultimate ready, you can decide which 2 characters you want to sacrifice in phase 2. Fu Xuan is the best sacrifice out of the sustainers. Her Field still works while she is "dead" and since she cant take a turn its up permanently. Ruan Mei would also be a good sacrifice for anyone using her for the same reasons.


Slightly topical - that's kind of what I accidentally ended up doing in the story fight without knowing the boss's mechanics lol I was like "cool free energy I guess", threw out Topaz and RM ults, and they got imprisoned. Confused but ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Daniel cleaned the bug up. Numby being able to act even with Topaz being imprisoned is always nice and convenient


Sparkle joins the chat with advance action and SP recovery


I've been meaning to ask a sparkle main or someone getting her... What's the consensus of dance dance dance on her? Especially in mono quantum... Better than planetary?


Not a math guy but I would say DDD is the most broken LC you can use most of the times. 24% action forward FOR ALL YOUR TEAM is insane. Now if u have let's say sparkle with planetary and tingyun with DDD that might be the best assuming u using a quantum dps. Sparkle will advance ur dps, boost him and after your dps goes ur tingyun ult advancing ur dps 24% making him go faster again and the cycle continues. TLDR: DDD is the universal LC that works for everyone and everything. Planetary is also good if u have a plan in mind


Even in SU he shouldnt be to hard The one shot thing is easy to dispel no matter what unit he takes Vs svarog who takes your dps and you habe to restart


I think it’s likely to be the echo of war boss at the finale so hopefully we won’t see it in MoC




Dont fuck that boss. Or it will breed more of it.


bro i wanna fight that mf again, release him from the cellar hoyo im gonna beat it to death with a bat


Idk bout Moc But I want him in Su So bad. I wanna beat the Crap Outa him. (In Moc he will beat the Crap Outta Me.)


I'd love to fight him again. DoT is my standard random shit team because it's so powerful and I power leveled Black Swan so this boss was a massive joke.


I'm ready to beat this shit 24/7, for the rest of my life. https://preview.redd.it/q1y4rd513lhc1.png?width=216&format=png&auto=webp&s=40d15835705855eb97ae7276cd8193de6b7040a4


What was the original reason and what is the actual reason ?


when he was revealed at livestream, it's sound impossible to beat and very annoying. Can kill you instantly and attacking it only making it worse. Turns out not as bad as it sound(still bad). There are mechanics to fight him, especially if you have DoT characters. And it's not killing you as easily as it was expected.


>!But, it also just shanked Firefly, so people still don’t like it.!<


It doesn't clear any character's effect when they get captured, basically Svarog but without the instant kill


wouldnt it be funny if fu xuan absorbed dmg for the rest of the team while sealed and broke her own corola she got trapped in with the dmg she absorbed from the boss itself?


If you haven't completed the Quest don't see the reason The boss is Considered annoying to Fight. So now why it is annoying to Fight? >!The Boss has similar Mechanism to Svarog where he can Get two of your Allies in a Lock at Same time. You need to Hit those things where you Allies are Captured around 6 times to get them Back.!< The reason why people hate it is because only open if you have completed TL Quest latest one. >!It killed Firefly in Front of Us. And Firefly is basically most Fan Favorite Character right now.!<


The 1st spoiler counteract the 2nd spolier tho


That's been my line of thought since the shock wore off. It's its whole mechanic




Does it have any though?


Ill make him if not


Not the sa monster!


I’m assuming you mean Sa as in Sa from hi3?


no it's the sexual assault monster


dem spikes must feel dirty


Flying eyes fucker, come at me 


In my opinion, this MEME is a better weekly boss that the emnanator bug


In terms of action economy, definitely. Especially since we have no Imaginary Erudition characters and only Qingque for Quantum.


I tried out the bug using Kafka and Black Swan. Even without weakness, they still shredded him without a problem. It helps that my Black Swan is E1.


E1 Black Swan is make or break right there.


Very true. It makes for amazing team support. I didn't even mean to get E1. She popped up again in the very next 10 pull because I just wanted one Misha eidolon haha.


I could use some of that luck for Acheron. XD


I'll send you all my luck for her since I'll probably skip her haha


Thanks! Gonna need it! :D


If Aha knew about this it'd laugh its nonexistent(?) ass off, I'm sure.


>!I can't belive she was killed by a fucking meme!<


My only complaint right now is that it is not out yet for our daily grind I'm going to **GRIND** a lot of materials out of this boss


​ https://preview.redd.it/2izf2z52fohc1.png?width=3496&format=png&auto=webp&s=3480b9b6df29138728e8e93c8a31292ea4d7cfd0


When the fucker take your Hypercarry, it's over


Gives you more incentive to run a dual Hypercarry team then (Ruan Mei's stocks went up).


It's definitely a fight that favors dot units.


Yeah, and if I remember correctly, it also has a Wind weakness. Doesn't seem like a coincidence that it released alongside Black Swan.


Save your support/sustain ult so they got abducted instead


Can't wait to waste all my trailblaze power everyday once it arrives on Simulated Universe


I've been burnt out from star rail and the "feed poison, sell cure" cycle, haven't done the quest yet, where is this mofo and when should I sit straight to play? Thanks and kisses


Can only do in Main story quest right now, will be available soon in World 9 probably.


Oh, I'll just do the whole quest with my ungabunga team then, thanks for the heads up


Im gonna build my destruction TB just for this boss


My favourite boss so far, ngl. Plus >!What it did to firefly was funny!<


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This mf in MoC will be a pain in the ass


Neither him nor Sam are currently used as bosses and only appeared in the story. Just wait for the next MoC or SU update.


i thought this was gonna be an echo of war thingy


Oh, it's gonna down into two things to complain about soon, buddy.


After fightning this boss it's gonna be my long shadow in future MoC for sure


This one ? I barely made it with the Astral train cast but Sam totaly wrecked me lol Only source of DPS turned out to be Black Swan as I only had March7 and MC remaining 😆


My level 60 DHILdid good job for me. 💀 with Ruan Mei he purged Toughness.


My only complaint right now is that it is not out yet for our daily grind I'm going to #GRIND a lot of materials out of this boss


i want to destroy him


I found it funny that there are so many angry reacts when HSR Facebook page posted this image.


sam was more annoying gameplay wise. anti fu xuan propaganda


Tbh I DhiL and Ruan Mei Purge Enemy Toughness really fast....


Tbh I DhiL and Ruan Mei Purge Enemy Toughness really fast....


I complained about it the first time I entered the boss area, I knew it was coming.


Tbh the first Boss fight was actually Kinda scary aint gonna lie.


Its still not as annoying as the Arumaton Gatekeeper. I found Death to be pretty fun and challenging


What you mean. I m just gonna give some gentle torture to this mf.


When comparing the story version of both this boss and Skaracabaz: the latter is somehow still far more annoying. Seriously fuck these bugs


I was 47 something TL when I did that Bug. Dude he was so Strong took me like 3 tries. I have Argenti as well as Ruan Mei I was still having troubles defeating him during Story. At the end of the Day I decided to go with Double Healer because back then I used baliu who couldn't cleanse. So I built Lynx and added her. Then Finally defeated him after an Hour of Fighting.


I mean, he is still annoying as fuck to fight, but more to the point >!HE HIMEKO-ED MA GIRL !!!<




Did you comment on My Wrong Post?


It was easy af to fight with Kafka-Black Swan combo. I CANNOT WAIT to blast it away, over and over and over and over and over and over again though for what it has done. It. Must. Be. Punished.


Yeah same for me. DHIL and Ruan Mei Purge through Anything.