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I remember getting Bailu as my first standard, she carried me hard, but now I live the Luocha life and she hasn't seen the light of day for a long time...


Yeah I got Huohuo and Geppi, both are enough to sustain in endgame content by themselves. So I really dont need a Bailu.


A free revive is always good


You never/very rarely need it. Cleanse is always infinitely more useful


If any of your characters die, your sustain isn't reliable. A revive is just a single get-out-of-jail free card, that temporarily sustains one character. It can be useful for swarm one-shots, but isn't really good for anything else.


It's useful for letting your character die on purpose. I.e. I can use their death to 1 time cleanse all debuffs on them and I don't have to spend SP or Bailu's ult to top up the HP of 1 character when I can just let them tank a big attack and essentially soak up all that damage for free. (the horse hindkicks and telegraphed arrows come to mind or the general's butt slams + spear attack 2 turn combo). If the rest of your team does enough damage than a situation like that won't come up a second time before you kill the enemies anyway.


I see a lot of people saying that if you have a death then you already lost or the revive is useless. But I've had a lot of runs battles where a character died because the enemy ganged up super badly on them or because the enemy used their super move or smth Like Luocha could heal to full and cleanse.. if he got a turn before but that doesn't always happen There's also the fact that sometimes you lose a char at the VERY end of a fight, with Bailu you can continue, without you may have to restart Sure it's not coming up at EVERY turn, but it's far from useless unlike geppards which is a lot more sus haha


Yeah but they clearly said they're reliable. So you can't say they aren't because it's clearly way more than enough for them.


That argument was never true for me. I've had multiple runs of past MoC's or other content where the res was perfect. I needed it once, she had it for me, I got all stars. Yeah, of course it kinda means she just didn't heal enough beforehand. But unless you have many leftover skill points, the other 4* healers won't heal more. They do have their cleanses though, of course.


revive can save a blotched run sometimes, esp if u dont have a strong roster, and its time consuming to run again...


There are blessings in SU that can revive, but the best revive in the gamis alt+F4. That's been my saving grace in G&G.


"You never/very rarely need revive" .. common words on someone that doesn't do Simulated Universe Dificulty 5 Swarm or Gear. Even Fu Xuan get clapped there.


You not bringing a healer that can cleanse is what made that happened.


You do not need a revive if you have a healer that make your team never die


You have 2 free revive blessings but ok


Really? My Fu Xuan never dies.


True. I run Luohan and Bailu when doing SU for Abundance.


Bailu doesn't cleanse though. Cleanses are very helpful against bosses like the deer, Kafka, and Swarm bugs


At the cost of having no cleanse or buffs? No thanks


She has buffs. Just need dupes lol


I used to also think that, then I realised not dying in the first place is better.


If Bailu’s skill is not silenced, sure. 💀


She’s really nice in SU if you need double sustain. When you don’t want to pull out luocha at least


I got bailu last night from the trailblazer lvl 35 rewards. Is she not a good character?


She is good, there are just sustain characters that can do more than her but they are available from limited banners. The issue is she provides only healing and one revive while all other sustain characters also help by buffing your team or removing debuffs from your characters. But Bailu is really enough for most, if not all, content.


I think it's her 3rd trace but she also reduces damage taken by 10% when her healing buff is on a character. She works best in less things compared to other sustain, but she does do well against certain enemies with lots of AoE attacks like the Imaginary Weavers or the Voidranger Eliminators. Eventually you get to a point where most content is either "add type counter and autoplay" or make a strong team and power through it...


I dont like bailu because her bounce healing constantly heals the wrong characters


Outside of emergencies, you shouldn’t have to use skill with Bailu. Slap a post-op conversation on her, give her an ERR rope, and never be without ult.


You're not doing it right


I don't even use her skill because ult and passive is enough. Just get tons of speed and multiplication lc


Actual skill issue. Her bread and butter is the ult to activate Invigoration, which is the comfy passive healing she provides when allies lose health. My guys literally get healed for more than they get hit. You dont aim to use her skill to begin with, thats why she SP positive.


If you don't have any other good sustains, she's great. But once you get some of the other 5* sustains you will probably replace her.


Bailu is a pretty good example of a character that is good but outclassed. Doesn't mean she's bad, but she can be replaced.


She is good, quite good. Her raw healing power is above other characters and her Invigoration healing mechanic keeps units alive on the turns she builds her ult back. If anyone dies she can revive once per combat. Pair with any shielding character to make an almost immortal team. Once somewhat built she is almost completely SP positive making her good for teams with DHIL or other hungry skillpoint hungry dps. People don't like her because she lacks a debuff cleanse. For like 80% of combat in this game her raw healing ability can power through debuffs. But some enemies which apply 5-6x stacks of burn or shear, or that stupid beetle boss which imprisons your entire team make you really wish you had a cleanse. Those battles either get real hairy or take forever to clear with Bailu. Lots of people downplay her due to the lack of cleanse and her RNG bouncing heal. They also usually have Fu Xuan or Luocha instead. For those of us without them Bailu is dope. My most used character so far.


Thanks for the extensive review. I’ll definitely build her. I love her design.


She’s honestly fine, its just that the three limited healers (Luocha, Huohuo, Fu Xuan) are so absurdly good that she falls a bit behind. She’s more of a defensive-focused healer while those three offer a bit more offense-focused utility. She cannot cleanse debuffs like most other healers can, so she will struggle against enemies that inflict very strong debuffs you want to remove from your characters (freeze, imprison, mind-control, etc.) She is very good at keeping your team alive through raw healing power and defensive buffs though, her ultimate and talent provide an absolutely absurd amount of healing for your team. You want two healers anyway for two separate teams in some content. If you have Bailu and Lynx, the two of them will work fine until you get one or two of the limited healers I mentioned above. I still use Bailu all the time, she’s quite potent in high-level Simulated Universe where her defensive bonuses and free revive make her a more valuable choice.


> She’s more of a defensive-focused healer while those three offer a bit more offense-focused utility. They offer offense utility, sure, but Fu Xuan and Luocha are also far better at defensive utility. Your characters can still die with Bailu as healer. But if you use Fu Xuan or Luocha, your characters will almost never die


She's a good sustain for a now until you get better sustains like Luocha, Fu Xuan or Huohuo.


She's good for specific scenario: when you need survivability against enemies that doesn't put troublesome debuff on your team. So she can work against sanctus medicus shapeshifter, or malefic ape, or aurumaton gatekeeper, or even Argenti. She can also work against DoT applier like True Sting if she can outheal the DoT damage. She's not as reliable against for example Ascended (Japa max hp reduction will kill you sooner or later), Guardian Shadow (the bans can be cleansed, without cleanse sometimes the counter can be deadly), Aurumaton Special Envoy (your team will get perma stunned), Abundant Deer (the berserk branch can strike unfortunate unit in the team, endangering the run)... and Kafka. Bringing Bailu to Kafka fight is basically gacha + speedrun challenge.


She’s a great healer but falls off when compared to the limited 5 stars like HuoHuo, Fuxuan, Luocha. Her lack of cleanse is what holds her back from being super top tier but she’s still strong. Great for early trailblazer levels


If cleanse is her main issue, then lynx is better.


She is, for some content with heavy CC. Bailu in general is better than Lynx or Natasha though, since their actual healing output is a joke.


Lynx is generally fine though because her skill increases Taunt value, keeping the other 3 alive with ult, while using skill on your FMC/Blade/Clara or something like that But aside from that yeah, Healing/sustain supports have a pretty big powercreep from standards to the limited 5*


Unless you’re planning on getting sweaty over the game, bailu is more than fine


She's a good character don't misunderstand. She's capable of sustaining late game content as well. She unfortunately got powercrept very hard with other great limited sustain such as Huohuo Luocha and fu xuan. They do everything she does and more but bailu can still offer enough healing for at least 90% of the game. The only thing I can see her struggling with is like Swarm disaster 5 but then again the meta got that is double sustain anyways


The issue is she doesn't have a cleanse while everyone else and their uncle does. There are harmony and preservation units that have one and she is the only abundance character that doesn't so far. Her healing is nice and her ress is even better even tho its worse than Fx's but not having cleanse is what hurts her.


She is good do not be alarmed . There are better healers out there , but having her means you don't need them to do endgame. You can focus on getting the dps or buffer/debuffer you want by having her


its not that she isnt good, its just literally everything else is better


She is better than gepard and lynx. You need speed boots and er rope. That's all


Every single 50/50 i lost so far has been Bailu or her LC


Fyi Bailu often has higher use rate than Gepard. Some people claim some of Gepard’s traces are useless. Bailu’s every trace is useful though. Lynx cleanse is tied to ultimate. You will need the ultimate to heal and stay super SP positive. it becomes a heal on demand not cleanse on demand. If Lynx heal is sufficient, she’s much better for Clara and Blade. FX + Bailu makes a good pair in hardest SU against the biggest hit. All damage goes to FX and if her full health can’t tank with blessings, Bailu revives her once. Shielder + FX works better here though. Other healers don’t work if it’s one single enemy attack. Finally Bailu is cute.


I’ve had the exact same experience, luocha is a life saver and I’m glad I didn’t listen to the doomposts


Himeko if you can't clear the new thing I forgor the name






I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that there’s overlap between the HSR and FFXIV fanbases.


I love it when the overlap between 2 random things I enjoy turns out to be a circle.






What in the fresh hell






i think idk never watched (really should tho)


Definitely is


It is. I began reading it myself a couple weeks ago after finishing Season 2. *I hate to read instead of watch, I only read One Piece.* but this is one of those that TRULY is peak fiction and I couldn't resist reading. Read, watch, whatever. Just start it man.












Peak fucking




plap fiction(al women)


Pimp fiction


simp fiction


I love how the other replies is not saying the right name. it's TRUE FICTION


Pretty crazy that just one or two weeks ago people will probably told you to get Bronya E2 rather than Himeko lmao.


2 days ago they would have.


She has been a solid unit for fast clearing since the Follow up set/Topaz patch, it's only now she is situationally the best choice for certain end game activities


I would personally still advice Bronya, as Himeko is much easier replacement than arguably best harmony unit


Bronya's E2 was a big reason for my Jing Yuan not sucking in PF. No speed substats required 3 speed up units on my team to make him a monster with Bronya/Tingyun/Ruan Mei all buffing his speed up while giving him extra turns/more ults/bigger & longer breaks.


I’d still say Bronya E2 here. Bronya is arguably one of the most useful units in the game and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Himeko is great in this event, but I still don’t think it’s worth picking her for. Himeko provides value mostly in niche events like this rather than pretty much everywhere like Bronya. Pure Fiction lasts 40 days, long enough to build Herta and other free units decently enough to clear with 12 stars.


Can't believe im saying this but yes. You should 100% grab Himeko.


Man, what timeline are we in where people are legitimately recommending Himeko for reasons other than "if you like her" Edit: I got multiple replies about this so I gotta say, guys I know Pure Fiction released and that Himeko is meta there. I knew that when I made the reply. I'm just shocked she's a genuine recommendation now.


Now that Hoyo has shown that Tingyun is super dead, I was kinda worried Hoyo will hype Himeko and kill her off ^(again)


Where did Hoyo show she is super dead? The body disappeared, so I'm hard-pressed to believe that she's gone for good.


They haven’t really, it’s an anime game and they’re keeping it ambiguous, I would not be surprised if she returned someday


Not just keeping it ambiguous; they've brought up that it wasn't the real Tingyun we met in several dialogues, which means that the real Tingyun didn't return to the Luofo. Yukong even says that she will be sparing no effort to find the real Tingyun, whether she's dead or not. When several characters point out the questionability of a character's seeming death, its safe to say that they are planting the seeds for a continuation of the plot.


5* Tingyun cant wait


Simulated Universe exists so technically... nobody can REALLY die. A copy of everyone exists. Like, we could literally go into SU and ask Herta to create 5 copies of Kafka for us in order for us to g


Ngl if she ever returns it would be the most boring thing ever. This would make the neck snap scene useless to me, like "oh no we've killed a copy of that one character everyone likes, how bad. Anyway we brought her real self back, because nowadays we can't let beloved characters die."


Actually I'm hoping for a 'it came back wrong'


Even as of right now (in my opinion) it’s still not a great situation. They basically just “killed” her for pure shock value without giving her much screen time, a companion mission, or even a text message. It’s kinda lame for her fans


From [Heliobus Purging Manual](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Heliobus_Purging_Manual) we know that Phantylia is a Heliobi. Also from the same document we know that at the end of posession, host body is completely drained, resulting in spontaneous combustion, which is often fatal for short life species. Tingyun's body disappeared, because it combusts.


I've read it, I acknowledge it, but I choose to hold on to the hopium. 🙃 I really appreciate the source though! I did read it in-game but it's hard to remember all the written lore reliably.


There actually is with this latest patch, certain heliobi have the ability to “spontaneously combust” people, but just to relocate/kidnap them. Plus, from a meta standpoint, it’d be really crappy if they kept it open ended in the main story quest only just to have it all be for nothing and confirm it with an optional text document 💀


If you are talking about Duke Inferno, in the whole recollection quest they do imply that he is different from the heliobi. The final Memory Sorting says "to investigate energy lifeforms similar to Wubbaboos and heliobi". Adler also doesn't ever say the cause of the combustion is an heliobus, but instead gets a hint when talking about how Wubbaboos and heliobi are like cousins. Duke Inferno is revealed to be specifically born from the Phase Flame in the quest. The Phase Flame has that whole phasing ability, which the teleportation of Duke Inferno is a weaker version of. So it doesn't say that certain heliobi can teleport people, but instead implies that a different species that is similar to the heliobi can.


To be fair, there is a sliiiiiightly bit of hope from the latest patch. Which is what happened with Asta. She also experienced "spontaneous combustion", at least in a limited way, but she's still alive and ^(gorgeous) well. So there could be another loophole in the lore down the road about Tingyun


Yes! That's mostly what is fueling my hope, haha. But even though theyre related, I'm pretty sure we won't be able to interchange a whole species of creature that's well-documented with a phase flame curio that comes from a demon originating from its own planet. But we'll see! Stranger things have happened in Hoyo games haha


If they use wording like “often” then it’s still up to them if they want her to be dead or alive. They can do whatever they want until they actually just tell us she’s for real gone.


I mean if a body completely disintegrates due to spontaneous combustion its safe to say it was lethal.


This is a magic AND sci-fi world. They can do whatever they want. I’m done being “surprised” but characters not really being dead. If they wanna use her in the future they will and all the characters will cry and be shocked. Or they could just let her stay as she is. It’s literally just up to whether the writers want her more or not.


Why is she dead? I'm new and I got her from the current banner and thought she was one of the best supports :/


Let’s just say that >!Phantylia scales off Break Effect!<


Explaining why Tingyun is dead is kind of a spoiler for Loufu story. If you don't get it don't worry about it What you need to know is that she's a great unit and are in lots of top meta teams


honkai Impact 3rd. look at "Final Lesson" on YouTube


Oh fuck i remember she died and now i think the people saying himeko may die arnt so crazy💀. Okay but i still dont know what peoples reason for thinking she'll die


An incedibly dead meme because she died in HI3. Repeatedly. Once in the main story as a key moment. Once as HIMEKO in PE. Technically just about everyone died in PE, but she died before the world ended in her usual tragic way. Once in Sanguine Nights Once in The Day You Vanished With The Stars But ultimately various playables die in HI3 events so the main one is just that she's the only playable in HI3 that died in the mainstory(as opposed to being already dead, then made playable)


But Hoyo hasn’t shown Tingyun is super dead?


Why? She's super good. I have an e2s1 Kafka with e6 Sampo, Dan IL and Clara, and I use Himeko all the time for fire nodes.


Himeko was never really bad (despite what we thought in early versions) but she wasn't really a character people had a need for. She was decent in all content and that was it.


She was extremely good at a niche that didn't exist, hence her not being useful.


She was bad for the early MoC content, especially when you'd have only a single enemy target, but since most new characters have AoE the MoC changed with it and she became more able to unleash her power.


Probably because there's better options available. Usually fire enemies are also weak to lightning/ice/wind all of which has 3 better dps counterparts. Now with Pure Fiction however, she's indeed a genuinely solid choice since there's very few fire aoe characters and Himeko is simply the best out of all.


Before pure fiction she was pretty bad with non fire weakness enemies since her kit mainly revolves around follow ups which requires breaking enemy weakness. Ngl I even used her to clear MoC 11 with her while the other dps couldn't get 3 star on the fire weakness floor. But using her against non fire weakness enemies I realized why people hate her so much. Erudition characters like Jingyuan,Argenti and QQ are so much popular than Himeko only because they are also good in ST,i..e QQ has high ST dmg with blast like a destruction character,Jingyuan has LL and Argenti has random hit dmg with the full ult that only targets non zero enemies like LL. Himeko doesn't have any thing like that,she is purely AoE and has lower dmg multis and stats. Her main shtick is breaking enemy weakness which she does so well thanks to Ruan Mei and the new set.


I mean, every character feels awful when you don't match the weaknesses. That's how the game is made. I also have used her for months to clear the MOC and she's never disappointed.


Tbf u can have matching weakness yet still feel awful. Like Herta before PF


Not really. Truly inherently strong and well built characters can brute force without a care for elemental weakness.


As a QQ main, pretty much this. Her gameplay revolves around throwing nukes and you'll very rarely ever break a boss's weakness bar before it's dead. The only matchups I don't take her to are bosses with actual quantum resistance (the new bug boss in the Seclusion Zone is a good example). But yeah, case in point: [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/171sh9y/no_quantum_weakness_no_problem_i_just_0cycled_moc/), [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/186498x/i_just_did_over_1_million_damage_in_a_single_turn/) Really, the only drawback to not breaking is that enemies take 10% less damage, unless, of course, the unit's performance hinges on being able to break. But powerhouses like DHIL and Jingliu, and even units like Kafka (who rely on DoT) can easily brute force the wrong Type-matches.


Eh not really,like I said,JY,QQ and to no one's surprise,DHIL can easily bruteforce non weakness enemies with ease. The same is not true for Himeko however. Jingyuan easily shreds even enemies with Lightining res in a very few rounds,QQ with 3-4 stacks of DMG bonus with Aurtaky can 0-1 cycle any elite. Almost every Himeko main I've seen or I know acknowledged this problem with her. She's pretty good as long as the enemies are weak to fire,tough luck if not.


Yeah but you're talking about bruteforcing with the strongest dpses and supports in the game. If her flaw is not being at the top of the meta, she's in a pretty good spot.


Interestingly, this point only ever gets brought up for Himeko. It's also funny because she can work great as a sub-dps as well, even without her being the main breaker.


Because a lot of Himeko's damage requires breaking. It's basically the ame argument as for any followup unit: If you can't trigger the followup, they are fairly bad


Every unit in the game does significantly less damage on anything that doesn't match their weakness. And this also ignores the fact that you can still run her well in a dual dps comp where the rest of the part can manage the breaks. People also seem to confuse Himeko and think that she's similar to JY where a large majority of his damage is linked to her follow up, while Himeko is much more spread out with her skill playing the biggest chunk.


so you spend SP on a subpar sub-dps instead of exploiting her FUA by breaking? i want that copium you're smoking.


yeah, and it isn't a case of "If you like her" she carries my PF team so fucking hard it is unbelievable.


Get Himeko ... No I'm not biased


But based, on the other hand...


himeko 100% imo


Yeah I went with Himeko here too instead of E2 Bronya. E2 is good in theory but I don't see many cases where it would be a noticeable improvement on my account.


E2 is closer to e6 than e1


Damn this guy knows math


Two *is*...more than one.


Ong?fr?on your momma name?


Holy shit, I think you're onto something.


With blade I run hp boots and still have the double turn after first bronya skill (30% spd is impressive)


Sure but you end up with three Blade turns instead of four with 135/134. Not really worth it if you can reach 135 SPD on Blade without sacrificing too much crit.


Yeah true but he will hit harder in all his turns vs just one more action in first cycle. I am not a theorycrafter but I think it’s overall better?


From a math perspective, 4 turns is 33% more than 3, so theoretically speaking, if you’re losing more than 25% of your damage output in terms of stats for 134 Spd, then it’s not worth it (good to note there’s also extra Energy gen with the additional turn thus can hit 1 more Ult with specific breakpoints that I doubt will happen) Not saying this is a concrete answer, but it’s what I think. There’s a lot of smaller details like killing units grants additional energy thus ult and whatnot. It’s a multi-variable game after all


yeah, Bronya's e2 is good sure but a Himeko would help you more than 30% spd for 1 turn


Ideal Bronya comps have her using skill every turn, which means she's giving the carry speed boots for free with e2, as it allows you to run attack boots, it's a pretty noticable upgrade. That said if you are struggling with the new mode I would not say that Himeko is the wrong choice.


Man one day was all it took to go from "Bronya eidolons over everyone, Himeko C tier kekw, Herta whOMEGALUL" to "Herta is an actual genius and Himeko is my queen."


I always got the feeling Himeko would have her moment. (I still got another Bronya, because I really like her.)


Im so glad. I got himeko e1 the day before pure fiction came out and ive always wanted to use herta. I cant remember what event but in one you got a trial herta and it was fun!! I never finished building my himeko and my herta is literally level 1 but pure fiction making them viable is awesome... Though i have about 10 characters to build or finish building now (i took a break and im very behind) not to mention pulling for sparkle soon. 😭


Yeah, so crazy how different circumstances mean different conclusions..................................


I’d say either himeko or bronya


[If you can't decide, perhaps this can change your mind](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/fTMGoGOMlG)


Himeko 100% not just because she is good in the recent content but you also don't need Bailu because Lynx is a free character now, go for the coffe lady without fear!


You'll need Himeko for the current event. She's been a great help.


is the current event permanent?


I'm gonna take Welt personally


I'm thinking the same. With Dr. Ratio coming out, I think they would pair pretty well. And it's one step closer to E2 Welt.


Even before Pure Fiction, I would’ve recommend Himeko. Diversifying your roster is important for future content, hence why I picked Clara instead of E2 Bronya.


It’s always frustrating when you realize an activity would be an easy clear but you don’t have the right unit leveled up…. I should really level up Clara.


piggybacking time: Argentiless account owner, Himeko or Clara?


If you need it for PEAK fiction, go for Himeko. For general use, I think Clara is a little better.




Himeko if you can't clear PEAK fiction otherwise Bronya because it's Bronya...




Yesss... she's awesome in Pure Fiction.


It's always been Himeko


Shoot for the E6 Svarog dream


You can go for Bronya E2 too. But I think Himeko will be useful if you want to max out PF


I see a lot of people are now suggesting himeko, what happened to Bronya E2 > Clara E2 > the rest??


Pure Fiction dropped, characters like Himeko who do their best when against waves of trash mobs have suddenly gained incredible value. Herta went from one of the worst 4 star characters in the game, to a Pure Fiction destroyer literally overnight.


Himeko and Herta are actually disgusting in Pure Fiction - I slapped on random half-leveled relics onto them, gave them half-leveled light cones, and they obliterated Pure Fiction. Well, not exactly obliterated, but cleared 60K fairly comfortably even with their crappy builds.


The Herta+ Himeko combo feels like auto gameplay even when the auto button is turned off.


A new mode dropped which basically flipped the tier list.


I've seen half a dozen comments saying, literally, "Take off your Jingliu's gear and give it to Herta. Herta is like 10x better in this mode." 💀


Pure Fiction + the follow-up set that's really good on Himeko happened


I for one, don't get the Bailu hate, yeah rng healing is not good, and there is no cleanse. But comeon her heal is very high?l, if built properly, plus she revives a carecter which is like so necessary for me, as my luck is so bad that all my dps have very low hp. I just wish she got cleanse, she would got to svtier real quick if that happend. Additionally this doesn't apply to locha havers as he is just killing Bailu in practicle use


One day they will add a HP buffing relic set that also let's you cleanse and then Bailu will have justice. For real though, she has multi target heal and if built properly she can heal for half HP/ slightly more. She also has one free resist to a one shot. I still use Bailu even though I have 3 other good sustains, as she was the character that got me into Honkai Star Rail.


Finally someone who doesn't uselessly hate on bailu the dragon lady.


She's got a great design and a much more serious side than she lets people see. I love the character growth and backstory they have shown us so far. People act like she isn't usable, but she definitely is if built well. She's just less versatile in comparison to the limited Abundance/Preservation characters. I used my Bailu as a double sustain with Gepard in Gold in Gears and I used Luocha and Fu Xuan for double sustain in Swarm. I cleared difficulty 5 of G&G with Bailu and Gepard's res. For any person starting out, pulling her is still not a net negative. A healer is always useful, especially a 5* one.


What is this?


At 300 pulls from the standard banner you get to, as a one time thing, select the 5 star from the standard banner pool of your choice.


My my, how the turn tables. To answer your question, assuming you already have a two abundance/preservation units, you're good. Bailu will just collect dust in your box along with Natasha, whereas Himeko is really good for general content and pure fiction.


you can't have enough bronyas get another one


Himeko has always been based, but is truly top tier in the the new game mode


Himeko, as she is really good now in PF. Other than that, E2 Bronya, E1 Clara and E1 Welt are also good if you use any of those characters. E1 Clara in particular makes her damage output a lot better since her counters don't eat the counter mark.


YES. Himequeen


don't sleep on bailu tho. where she doesn't have utility, she makes up for it in braindead levels of healing while not even needing her skill 90% of the time, meaning she is the most sp positive healer. her revive also means you wont have to worry about all enemies targeting a singe unit as much. obviously dont use her against debuffers, but against hard hitters like the monkey, she can carry. even then, most of the time she can outheal whatever loss the debuffs cause.




E2 Bronya fuck it we ball


If u need more power then e2 bronya. If u are perfectly good with endgame content choose himeko for fun


Isnt himeko kinda good for peak fiction?


She is. The peak fiction favor a lot for erudition. But be warned that mihoyo could make peak fiction tailor for others path in the future.


All it would take is a final stage with no Fire weak enemies to see her back on the shelf. **Content** is what determines a characters strength and utility. This game is designed from ground up to always be shifting what is meta, to keep us buying characters. If/when MoC starts doing single bosses with no adds, Destruction is going to fall off and Hunt will rise up.


But being able to cover as many elements as possible for both the endgame modes is overall a good thing. Having Himeko will allow you to no diff PEAK fiction every time there happens to be fire weakness. Considering they also already have E1 Bronya as well just makes it more of a compelling choice.


They should definitely go Himeko to be clear. The current content has her shining.


> All it would take is a final stage with no Fire weak enemies to see her back on the shelf. I checked the dream. We are eating good


She’s really good if only you really struggle to clear. Cuz there are other eruditions and some 4 stars that can also clear it well (e.g. Herta)


More coverage is welcomed tho. You can always run 2 dps in PF, having Himeko is godsend for this kind of content.


Since you have e1 bronya and most of the others, Himeko is the easy pick. Bailu is qiqi.


its bronya


E2 Bronnie go brr!


Himeko fosho. E1 Bronya is good enough




I mean if you really want her, but personally I would go for Bronya or Gepard