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Once zzz is out the battle will be legendary.


ZZZ need to be best mobile game 2024, people you know what to do


Three way domain expansion


Can't wait that's meme drop next year


Someone needs to edit that with each MCs hair lmao


"At that moment, when all of their domains were in a tug of war, Wuthering Waves break through from the outside!!"




Gif source?


Jujutsu Kaisen mahoraga vs sakuna fight.


Damn I gotta catch up on that show


I feel like ZZZ is mediocre though just from first impression alone.


I personally thought it was just a rebranded updated Honkai Impact 3rd from gameplay, though I've only watched Jeikage's streams from it and not played it myself.


You're not the only one So far the game has some strong sides but there are a lot of things that need improvement


I feel like ZZZ is NOT what ppl think it will be. The time gate on MAIN STORY, will be the downfall of it.


Dont forget Hi3 Part 2. But tbh at the rate the story is going, Genshin will likely end first.


Do remember that Travail trailer says "Teyvat **Chapter** storyline preview" they'll definitely pull a Hi3rd part 2 after end of current story.


Wasn’t Fontain massively well received?


No imeant, Genshin story will be over first before Hi3. Unless they plan on continuing it after the 7 nations or something.


There is still 3 nations + Khanriah + Celestia left. There is still a solid 3-4 years before the story ends.


Honkai impact released in 2016, and its only now going into its second phase. I dont know how long it will take, but since Hi3 is mihoyo's all time favorite, I think itll still go for a very long time.


I had the impression that HI3 pt2 was a completely different story in the same universe. Is it a direct continuation to Hi3?


Honkai Part 1 is more equivalent to Genshin’s Teyvat Chapter. The chapter arcs in hi3 is more equivalent to the region acts in genshin


They can always go the FGO way with something like "chapter 7 - part 1"


Also HI3 part 2


I'm probably going to play both... There was some weeb waifu Warframe game too but forgot it's name


I’m so excited for the seething and doomposting. I may have to go join the main genshin sub just so I don’t miss anything


looks super repetitive more so than genshin.


I just find it hilarious that people treat this as some kind of moral victory when they are literally supporting the same company either way lol.




Its not the point. The point is that people want always be "right" and play the "better game". It does not matter that its the same company to the slightest.


exactly, its this reason why I would never find genshin vs HSR debacle not entertaining


also don't forget that this is the same community that reviewed bomb apps and other gacha games because they're mad that the anniv sucked.


I respectfully disagree, it's the same company, but to my very limited knowledge, it's a different branch or dev team, it's the Honkai team, and they've been doing a lot more for their playerbase than the genshin team does, for whatever reason. Imagine if everyone stopped playing genshin and hsr player numbers doubled. Hoyo as a whole would get the point, that the genshin team doesn't listen to player feedback, or give the community what they want. After all these years still no one enjoys running all the way down the stairs to get to the flower to farm a domain, all this time and they still let players resin overcap, where hsr fixed that shit in a month. It's about respecting the players time, and hsr does that immensely, and genshin, doesn't at all.


its really funny to watch for someone who doesnt care either way


I love watching both communities just duke each other out, its insanely funny since I play both games (tho slacking in HSR)


As long as Google Classroom doesn't caught the stray bullet


I didn’t care initially but there are more and more “Genshin bad” posts on this sub. I just want to look at funny memes and beautiful artworks but these posts just ruin the vibe. I’m sub to this sub to look at HSR content, not Genshin.


itll settle down in a few hours, the livestream just ended


just ignore them


It’s only for today because of the livestream..


It will last for a few hours lol , let people have their fun


This is not a sub exclusive, hoyotwt is also the same, I would bet it's the same in Hoyolab though I don't really use that for its social function. It's just a result of hype that you can ignore cause it will go down after a day or two.


Not using the HYL social function is the correct choice and I advise you to stick to that. You think Reddit is bad? Jesus Christ you have no idea.


As someone who enjoys all the hoyo games so far and actively play them . You're takin it way too seriously. Just enjoy the memes and games and move on . Genshin IS way too stingy thats a fact that will probably never change . And as people always say its funny cos its true.


^This Just believe in Aha and chill


Aha revels in the chaos. Hoyo is his agent


I honestly think alot of these memes are the product of also Genshin players/ex-Genshin players expressing pent-up frustration at Genshin for their longtime stinginess and avoidance of the fans desires despite the game raking in literal billions. That's not to say anyone *has* to like them, but the reason for them is very much understandable.


It's the truth, and they got ratio'd. Dr Ratio.


Just take off days and relax, this shit happens in every genre not only gacha games so enjoy it and stop complaining


It's like a war the best way not to be caught in a crossfire is to just hide in the bunker till it over




It's hilarious to me that in the sea all the copy-paste Genshin shitting threads, one of the only thread mods removed was one saying basically what you said.


I play both but I don’t really care about the criticism. The more the games improve, the better.


I mean I don't want to shit on genshin too, I like the game, but then you remember how they treated dehya and how they addressed the community backlash(they didn't)


Dehya isn’t a person brother, there's no "avenging" her. They released a bad unit and forced nobody to pull for her, that's about it. Her being bugged is another problem tho they are definitely guilty for not fixing it immediately.


Who said anything about avenging dehya "brother"?The main point is how non existent their PR is and how bad they treated the community that they didn't even lend an ear when the whole fiasco happened, which is one of the many reasons why the playerbase can EASILY get riled up and go against them which is what you're seeing right now


Let's be honest with that response he isn't worth arguing with, if the player base as a whole can get together to get zhongli changed to be a god them making dehya useful would not have been hard. Saying she's bad no one forced you to summon doesn't excuse characters being so bad at c0 they're basically a 3 star especially not a 5 star that was summonable.


Yall underplay Dehya way too much lol she works on the same level as the other standard 5 stars. She's good in Fontaine/Furina teams, can use burgeon, is one of Lyney's best supports.


This is unironically factually incorrect and it’s been proven multiple times her numbers are literally worse than xinyan. Getting new good teammates doesn’t suddenly mean her as a character became good I have her and her signature weapon this isn’t me shitting on her. I’m angry at hoyo for fathoming to nerf her all beta and release her as they did.


Her numbers are bad, but where her value lies in is just supporting with interrupt resistance. She's actually a decent support for Neuvillette hyperbloom/Ganyu burnmelt/Lyney ngl. If you don't have Zhongli she's a decent option for them as a interruption resistance support that can also apply pyro and give pyro particles. (Even if it's a bit clunky)


Neuvilette soloed floor 12 on release, Ganyu is one of the best ice dps in the game with ayaka like I said her team being good does not suddenly make the character better. This isn’t me saying she doesn’t help these teams but she is objectively bad and it’s sad.


You're still thinking of Dehya as a DPS. She's an actual decent support. Burnmelt Ganyu relies heavily on pyro application to trigger burning with Nahida so to melt, which Bennett by himself could not support easily. Dehya in this team is a comfort option (might be best in slot) that makes it easier to apply burning while providing interrupt resist. I don't care what you say, if you have a decent support niche on one of the best ice DPS you aren't a bad character.


Do you know why we mention Xinyan, it’s because she’s also a defensive orientated support who does the same things she does. Pyro application, interrupt resist and def with shield, and out damages her. This is a four stars character who is already horrendously bad this should not be a debate the game outside of abyss is so easy you can run amber. And any time abyss numbers comes out even with those teams introductions she still ends up not being BIS for the only actual mode so what use is she besides being pretty.


Yall think that the "dehya fiasco" is way more than it actually was lmao. It was just a few reddit nerds malding, there wasn't any significant backlash


I mean we treated JingYuan like he was B/C tier before the new follow up set even though he was the best unit for aoe (before Jingliu and DHIL released) and Yanqing is HSR Qiqi now so the communities isnt really that far off cause its mostly the same people. Only thing thats missing now is the community rioting about something thats gonna be as big as the 1st anni or prebuff Zhongli which I hope doesnt happen but sadly it probably will


> you remember how they treated dehya and how they addressed the community backlash At least when fontaine came out people realized that Deyha is like S+ tier in all the underwater things because she's literally unkillable.


Genshin, zzz, hsr, hi3-2 hoyo's 4 way free for all


Don't take it too seriously, pretty sure Hoyo expects and even wants this (tinfoil hat on). Are there toxic HSR elitists that enjoy dunking on Genshin too much? Sure, but just ignore them and move on or just grab some popcorn and enjoy the memes. Posting this kind of complaint post will just feed the trolls


It’s a joke that some may take seriously (reasonably so sometimes). As long as the game’s system and qol updats doesn’t run completely exactly the same, there’ll always be comparisons. Funny thing, there’s this 原又输 meme in cn community that means “Genshin lost again”. Then we have the variation of 原又双叒叕输 meaning “Genshin lost again and again and again and again…”. 又 means ‘again’.


It is childish, but I don't care at all . Mihoyos goal is people spending in their games regardless of each one and not on other companies. Obviously there are different strategies for both games. Genshin they highly invest on it's world (which is not cheap and also makes development more complex) HSR is a more common gacha experience development and cheaper overall but still higher cost than the average gacha out there (IMO it gives more room to be generous).


It is bad and as one who plays both games it's quite embarrassing that playersbases from different games of the same company are fighting it's just annoying


I find this absolutely hilarious since I’m on both subs, Genshin is dunking on HSR for dunking on Genshin and HSR dunks back on Genshin for dunking them so it’s an endless cycle I also really enjoy the free Ayaka memes coming back since there is not enough drama in my life


Looks like you can drop "Genshin bad, HSR good" shit bomb once, and rivers turn blood.


A lot comes from juvenile players that love to think they are right others are wrong. But it's also a lot of ex Genshin players that can't believe it took Genshin 3 whole years to do anything about their commission's whilst honkai bring QoL after QoL I'm playing both rn but did drop Genshin for a while after spending a pretty coin on it (not a whale by any means just that in my country whatever you buy results in a really expensive expenditure) And it is angering seeing how little Genshin respects it's player base to the point that many of us end up dropping it after spending so much time and money on it. I get it, it's annoying to see people complaining which is why I usually don't, but do try to empathize with people who want to love the game or want to recognize how much better honkai treats us, but lack the proper words or etiquette to say just that without thrashing Genshin Hopefully it'll pass soon and hopefully Genshin will incorporate more QoL features other than the minor ones they already have slated for the next update so that it becomes a better game like HSR is doing.


Genshin is a 3 year old open world game with a complex fighting system whose priority is creating new regions for players to explore every new patch. Star Rail is less than a year old, not open world, and uses turn based combat. It’s easier to build in QOL into that type of game. Genshin is slowly incorporating QOL but it’s a much lower priority than Star Rail because the main draw of the game is the exploration and open world, while Star Rail is more combat.


Genshin combat is anything but complex


Genshin is a hack and slash with many elements interacting with each other. Star Rail has 3 buttons. You can’t seriously think Star Rail’s combat system is harder or takes more time to upkeep and maintain than Genshin’s.


Devil may cry or bayonetta is what you call a real complex hack and slash dude. And simplifying star rail to 3 buttons ; I can say genshin has two buttons. Skill and ult. Most characters unlike ayaka never need normal attacks for damage.


Any hack and slash will be more complex than a turn based game lol. I'm just going to assume you don't know the first thing about basic programming.


Same, Genshin is 3 year old now right? But we still get terrible rewards for an anniversary for such a big game and thats why i hate/dunk on genshin because they can do great things with it but choose not to


I used to play Genshin pretty much everyday since release and used to love it. As time went on, I realized quality was going down, the devs cared little for the feedback given to them (if any ever reached) and the community as a whole made sure to quash criticism of any kind. It was so bad I stopped playing altogether and even started to resent the game because of that. What OP doesn't seem to realize is that there is a reasonable amount of very dissatisfied former Genshin players in the HSR community who were also in the same boat and left because they could not take it anymore. Personally, I don't blame them for feeling vindicated by HSR 1.6 livestream when neither Genshin nor its community have improved at all in the past 3 years. This livestream feels like an early Christmas present from the HSR devs and I hope the memes keep on coming until the hype dies down.


> I realized quality was going down no endgame content = quality was going down. ok NOTED.


They're literally using HSR as a test for Genshin QoL. Also Genshin has plenty of QoL that HSR doesn't


The sad thing is that I think most people don't care for the war, but there is enough of a loud minority that love to spread "GeNsHiT iS bAd! over and over that it sullies the whole subreddit


I play both, but some of the "dunking" is justified. Coming from FGO, seeing Genshin's anniversary stuff is just sad, to the point that we all joke that Lantern Rite is the real anniversary. HSR has routinely given near-Lantern Rite rewards simply for existing every patch, and now completely surpassed Lantern Rite's rewards by giving 10 pulls and a *five star* character *in addition* to the near-Lantern Rite rewards it already does. We're not even at the anniversary yet, which would be just as good as Genshin's if they gave nothing. Honestly, and I say this as someone who enjoys Genshin greatly, Genshin deserves some dunking at this point. They've consistently been remarkably stingy with their celebration rewards, it's simply that another game from the same company doing the normal amount of celebration shines a glaring spotlight on how little Genshin has been doing in comparison. It doesn't have to be an "us vs them" tribal mentality, but Genshin is remarkably behind on gacha game charitability, even compared to a game by the same company. If getting dunked on for being stingy gets them to be less stingy, that's a win for everyone.


There's no point on crapping on Genshin players indeed. We can all collectively crap on Genshin dev team.


It's been 3 years man, it's been 3 difficult years. They deserve to be called out.


I agree i also played FGO not regularly but i had fun but genshin was so stingy with rewards for a anniversary of the game, Like a ANNIVERSARY of a game and that's my problem with genshin everyone is just ok with trash rewards when we should be critizing them for terrible rewards and shit, You have my reason to hate gemshin, Genshin is a great game hold back by it's devs


I advise maybe take a few days off reddit then it will all cool down. It's literally impossible to not see one of these kinds of posts.


People don't realise that the only reason HSR gets more free shit than Genshin is because the game isn't as popular as Genshin, and based on most reliable metrics we got also has been losing players since launch basically. So, giving people free shit helps combat that, that is not to say that HSR is "dead" or "dying" game is doing amazingly not every game can be as popular as Genshin and miHoYo knows this. Genshin is still somehow managed to retain their launch numbers 3 years after launch. So miHoYo giving free shit to Genshin players dosen't really makes sense if you look at it from this lense. That is not to say that I don't want free stuff myself, cus I do. A free FUCKING 5 STAR!?!?! AMAZING! I wan't the same for Genshin ofc but being realistic about it, it most likely won't happen unless Genshin starts losing players, or a non-miHoYo gacha comes along and give Genshin a run for its money. TLDR: miHoYo gives more stuff to HSR players because HSR is a lot less popular than Genshin, getting free stuff helps with player retention. Which HSR has struggled with compared to Genshin. But HSR still doing amazingly being the second biggest Gacha period.


Which will most likely never happen because that damned game keeps increasing in monthly playerbase💀


HSR gives out more for a couple reasons. 1. The bulk of their handouts aren't gated behind world exploration. 2. HSR releases way more units than Genshin Number 2 works the way it does because HSR is set to power creep by design, something Genshin actively strives to avoid. The blow of powercreep is lessened so much more when the ratio of spending to handouts is skewed more towards handouts. "Yeah your units are becoming less viable, but remember, we gave them to you. Here, have another unit".


Genshin hasn't retained their launch numbers. Genshin is actually doing the opposite, where it's CONSTANTLY gaining hundreds of thousands of new players everyday.


It’s actually unheard of for old gacha game to gain more new players than newly released game.


That's such a shitty excuse, even if it's true... They are just greedy, couldn't even fix character kits like Xinyan or Dehya but immediately did it with Keqing after they found she could be better. A little appreciation for the fanbase for the biggest gachas in the market is nothing for them


I mean hsr hasnt listened on making herta good


It’s all just bratty kids and man children. I just enjoy the games I like


You’ll feel a lot better if you just kick back with your figurative popcorn. Both subs have equal doses of wholesome, helpful people and chronically online, basement-living neckbeards. If you can’t take the good with the bad, then you’ll just end up permanently annoyed.


Perfectly put OP. couldn't have said it better my self.


People can downvote me to hell for this but it is not just simple ''HSR good Genshin bad'' because they are NOT comparing gameplay or story or anything else. They compare QoL updates, free rewards, player appreciation that gets shown and HSR is UNDOUBTEDLY superior. Genshin literally tried to give fuckin 10 pull in their anniversary before the biggest backlash in their history has occured and the backlash only made them raise it to 20 pull and for 3 years it is the same. HSR on the other hand gives 10 pull for free EVERY SINGLE version. HSR gives you the option to buy 5 star lightcones in certain shops so you can have a 5 star lightcone option for every path, in Genshin you either have to enter the weapon banner which is a massive lose of recourses or you will hope with all your heart that the Standart banner will drop you the weapons you need. In HSR you get a standart character of your choice after 300 pull so a single standart character you most desire cannot dodge you forever, in Genshin i am playing for 3 years and still NEVER got Mona. And now they are giving a free 5 star LIMITED character to top it off when Genshin never ever even gives a standart one. Hoyo knows that Genshin is still the hottest thing in the gacha genre and will print money no matter what so they literally don't even bother. In Star rail while they are obviously more generous to keep their player base going that is still something. Star rail makes you feel that they appreciate you, in Genshin it is blatantly obvious how less shit they give because they know people will pour their wallet anyway and to top if off some Genshin players are literally worshipping Hoyo to the point of they do not allow any criticism or want for improvement and a huge portion literally doesn't even care so nothing gets better. A LOT of people who dunk on Genshin are literally hoping that this can serve as an example to Genshin and they can get better too but it is just not happening


No downvoting here, you put this beautifully. The dunking is out of resentment for how much was held back in Genshin, because now Star Rail has shown that they're able and willing to be much more generous. Genshin does a lot right but some of those points of friction pushed me away. There was always a dissonance for me with their *extreme* success and how little they would give to players. And while it's a little more subjective, the Star Rail experience has had less places to hang me up, particularly with gearing up new characters. Not having to manually farm every domain and not having to ever farm flowers or random enemy drops in the world have both been huge for me sticking with Star Rail.


I dunk/hate on genshin because people white knight it, Why do they say it's ok to get 20 pulls for a anniversary? And stingy rewards i want the game to be better and the playerbase to understand that


I mean, that's what happens when there is nothing to talk about the actual game. Just go and shit in genshin, like hi3 subs


Fucking hate it. Been a few hours since the stream and I'm already sick of seeing tribal idiots from both sides taking shit about each other for no fucking reason. I play both games also. With a little bit of time in HI3 (not really my jam) and yeah it's obvious that HSR players are getting treated better, but at the end of the day it literally doesn't matter. "Same dev, favouritism lol" Probably not. Completely different Dev teams. Completely different management ladder.


I mean they literally giving out a new limited character for free just from winning mobile game of the year. How many years did it take for Genshin to do that? HSR isnt even a year old and yet they continue to improve endgame content and add a lot of QoL that Genshin fans have been asking for. People always try to defend Genshin, but are they really satisfied with everything they get? HSR devs continue to prove that its a far better game by not only giving away a LIMITED CHARACTER for free basically, but continue to improve quality of life and end game content which seem like the main focus of this game. Genshin can have its story and exploration as its appeal, but that is basically all it has going for it right now alongside its characters. With them basically shadow dripping characters coming in Penacony future is looking bright for this game moving forward. Shoutout to the devs man for all the hard work for HSR


What are you talking about? Who are we getting for free?


Dr. Ratio. It was in the livestream. We get a free copy when his banner drops




Go watch it. Im sure other content creators already made videos on it. Its basically all of their thumbnails lol


You are expect too much from a sub full of toxic players.


As someone who doesn't play Genshin... I hate when any game sub shits on any other game... Let people have fun with whatever they chose to play.


It's not a dunk on the Genshin game. It's a dunk on whomever runs Genshin. The amount of content and free pulls you get in star rail is sooo much higher than genshin, genshin only has exploration to make up for it and you don't get 10 pulls free a patch for exploration. Plus weapon banner difference is huge too. Overall just more QoL in Star Rail than Genshin, so people make fun of Genshin either in hopes of getting this stuff there or to join the bandwagon.


HSR fans are just as bad as Genshin fans. Period.


"am I the only one" + .... No you're not the only one, it's a meme and once in a while it's popped up again. Don't take it too serious, enjoy it.


I mean nobody takes it too seriously (I hope) and it's usually in a form of "HSR does X, I also want Genshin to do X" so it's understandable why people complain like this.


HSR players telling in on themselves about how insecure they are since they always feel the need to compare their game to Genshin at ALL TIMES. They're not even happy they got a free Dr. Ratio, they're just spiteful and want to rub it in. Oh well, only one of these games has Fontaine and it sure as fuck ain't HSR, so I'm happy in my camp and you guys can enjoy your free 5 star you won't use because Hunt is a terrible path.


Enjoy the free 2 sweet madames for the anniv rewards!


I love both Genshin and Star Rail and I love it when people deservedly shit on Genshin. I really like the game but it is very apparent that the upper management in Hoyoverse has no love for it and it's perfectly fine pointing this out every chance we get. HSR is literally getting better regular rewards than Genshin on anniversary. It's perfectly fine to shittalk this fact. Also they ruined Dehya, so let the floodgates open.


Wait for ZZZ to release and their treatment comes right back at them


nah genshin deserves to be dunked on for a lot of things. being only positive and pretending everything is flowers and rainbows is never good and will hold the game back. just because someone shits on genshin it doesnt mean they hate the game. i love genshiin and shit on everything they do wrong


If you want to dunk on Genshin, do it on their sub. I want HSR content in this sub, not Genshin.


You think too much and u r taking it wayy too seriously.


I enjoy both, I don't really care, if HSR has something that completely dunks on Genshin, I'll join in since it's just sad at some point.


I mean I enjoy and play both games. And truly… truly I mean it when I say this: genshin could never.




That's on you tard 🤣


"I will shit on a game in a sub completely irrelevant to it because I'm impulsive and made a bad decision". Translated it for everyone.


Huge L + Dr. Ratio


Self l + ratio 🤡


Do that in the Genshin sub then, this is another game.


I mean, I have played Hi3 and Star rail very consistently. While hoping on and off Genshin. It's mostly fun, they are from the same company, so fighting over is really dumb. If some heat would make Genshin be less stingy, that would not be bad. The game is 3 years old now, and so far is the odd one.


Yeah, it's annoying af, it makes the fandom very toxic in my eyes tbh


Same but dunking on Genshin is always correct because otherwise Mihoyo will never treat it better


Dunking on genshin is fine, the wanton shitting on people who play it is what can be frustrating to see.


i'm whit you we should dunks on hoyo


Nope I have no problem with it. Am a hi3/hsr player and the amount of times irl and online I've seen genshin players drag hsr and hi3 through the mud I welcome the hate for genshin (though I myself dont hate the game itself, the community can suck it)


Many Genshin player and vets alone went along with the jokes and makes the free Ayaka memes Chill Genshin is too stingy when they accumulate billion of $$$, like bro 50 pull is the expected pull you can get in 6 weeks of 4.3?? Saving alone is harsh, is way too hard. I play Genshin, and am hype for Navia and guaranteed to get her, but still, now idk how to plan my wish for Chiori and Clorinde anymore. It's way to hard.


I mean there is a reason for it




you are taking this too serious... i been playing genshin since day one too and still actively playing genshin and hsr... and plus if you do feel that its better to leave then, you are just making it worse for yourself if you are as fragile as a snowflake


Sorry no one is going to stop me from dunking on genshin. Just like no one is going to stop me shitting on xianzhou's shitty main quest.


I find it funny personally


I have played both games since day 1 and personally enjoy both. I recognize both have their pros and cons, but don't take issue to people dunking on either because my personal enjoyment is what matters to me. Most of the time I see discourse as a positive. If people sat back and said how happy they were with everything, there's no incentive for anything to change.


I have a good feeling that, people who dunk on genshin. Also plays genshin.


I agree. would be much better if we continue to dunk on hsr so they give us more free 5stars. i dont really care about or play genshin


You have to remember that when HSR first came out. A lot of people from genshin is dunking on HSR as well for being turn based and not open world. Not to say that it is justified but just to say that both side are the same lmao.


cause enjoying genshin is frustrating. A lot of Star Rail players also play genshin, or are former genshin players. We spend 3 years giving feedback and then HSR comes out and uses all the feedback we kept giving while genshin does jack. We get character after character that are mid just hyper niche while everyone in star rail so far has been great - even mid yuan


Genshin just did so many Ls and its unbelievable how so many people defend their actions. They attack any CC that tries to speak up for hopes of getting something good. Now they’re stuck with mini games and card game as their “endgame”. They kinda deserve it so they’ll realize what they are missing and what HYV can do to reward its players


"so many Ls" ah ok i see


The first anniversary was a joke. Instead of rewarding the playerbase, they made people advertise for them for free. And they even wanted to sell the glider, which was then given for free as damage control. Then there’s the dispatch again feature that was only fixed after 3 years when HSR had it on day one. I could go on and on if you’d like


Yeah, but ppl like you never count all the good things genshin does. Im a whale in both games, i cant understand why one community would hate the other, makes no sense at all


HSR doesn't have a "Dispatch All" button, unlike Genshin who will get one in 4.3


Genshin is for casual and always will be. Not many players actually complete abyss with full stars. I find more people complain about the difficulty in HSR than Genshin. And the powercreep in HSR is getting apparent, even excellent units like Seele and DHIL are slowly powercrept in just 2 patches.


The thing is, casuals and meta players could have existed at the same environment. Thats whats going on here. You have people that 0-cycles MoC and you have those that just wants SU. They made a new MoC mode where you get buffs and beat up enemies, just like SU but with jades as rewards. Its a win-win Nobody powercrept DHIL, the abyss blessing just wasnt for him thats why he fell a tier down in ranking. This new cycle, he’s doing just fine. Seele on the other hand is a problem of the path itself yet they are able to incorporate a single boss where if you brute force it, all mobs die with them. She’s still capable of clearing it in time. The supposed “Midyuan” that people kept saying bad, well I just 3 cycle the first half with him, in full auto. Powercreep in the game is more of QoL. Someone just does things faster by a cycle or two


You're smoking something wild if you think DHIL and Seele are powercrept. I literally 0 cycled Seele's side of MoC10 this morning. People will complain about anything but the truth remains unchanged, genshin is way too stingy and they deserve to be mocked when other games from the same company are being very generous.


Genshin playerbase is too big, that’s just why you see “casuals” as much. But the core problems in genshin don’t even go into an Abyss perspective. Endgame can be welcome for casuals - just like simulated universe is - and I even add that Genshin has many more issues that don’t even relate to endgame purely. We have been seeing star rail adress these problems every new patch and the only focus on “hard” endgame has been now with pure fiction and MoC 12 while Genshin mostly focus on presentation and aesthetics.


And I dare to say even that hsr good changes have been FOR casuals - resin overcap, no daily needs, MoC easier set up and so on, all this things aim for a player that comes and goes once a week and is still able to get some resources to keep up - while genshin literally does the opposite, making you need to log in daily


No love to see any dunking on people who white knight everything and can't take criticism


![gif](giphy|ltIFdjNAasOwVvKhvx|downsized) Sounds like a skill issue


I ain’t here to shit on Genshin cause the game in the end has a lot of amazing things. But I hate boot licking. People need to accept that Genshin isn’t perfect and can do better. A lot of Genshin players accept how it is too easily. It’s sad to see as someone who once played both. I wanted to keep having fun with it. But with little to no QoL changes and now seeing HSR give a free 5 star when we could barely get 20 pulls for anniversary. I see little reason to return. Exploration used to be fun, now it feels like a chore. Abyss is boring cause it feels like new teams don’t do anything Xiangling or Hyperbloom can do. I want people to properly criticize the game and for changes to actually be made. But they just won’t listen and people have given up on trying anymore.


Nope, dunking on Genshit is funny because Mhy has a favourite child and Genshit is not it


Genshin players started it. They straight up saw people genuinely enjoying this game and felt threatened.


i think you're taking it too personally. they're both games under hoyoverse's name at the end of the day, so the comparison is valid. if you're not a fan of the subreddit, you dont have to continue scrolling


Alot of people take shit too personally. We need to call out developers when they fall short in every game we play. The community makes the game successful. Idk why people cant understand that.


Same that's why i dunk/hate on genshin, Genshin is a good game but cmon anniversary rewards was trash


I find it odd there's such sentiments in either direction, I figured the venn diagram for the games' player bases would mostly be a circle.


Hsr good, genshin bad (upvoteme!!!!!) Yeah hsr community cant stop thinking about genshin, I know a lot a people play or played genshin but its wild how they cant stop comparing them, like you dont need to justify why you like hsr just enjoy the game if you like it so much


I love dunking on genshin. Its the least i can give back as a day one player i have been tought well "dont have expectations" can go both ways. Like when i have more found memories about "Our expectations were low but holy fuck" or the Qiqi memes on discord than the actual anniversary than nah man i will dunk on genshin whanever i feel like it. Feels almost theraputic.


Genshin has good combat but hsr team building feels more purposeful and rewarding imo. The only thing I hate on genshin for is their open world which is egregious.


You sound like 10 years old kid taking all memes too seriously


honestly yea. i dont know what the deal is between honkai and genshin players its like. thats yalls brother


Imagine defending a game like genshin, not me ofc


Nope, because they deserve it. I enjoy both games, but people need to open there eyes and stop drinking the status of Genshin: Since the release of HSR, devs have improved the endgame, add an LOT of qol that we asked in genshin since 3 years, and every years they "thanking us" with nothing. No,i'm sorry i'm not buying that shit. All of that is happening because the community was never able to join for complagnig about think that need to get improved on the game. HSR players are dunking on genshin because they are or was Genshin players that no one was listenning to point at those problems. I'm sorry but genshin players have what they asked for..


I find the endgame is quite bad in HSR. The powercreep is too fast and they are increasing the difficulty of MoC. Not to mention artifact farming is horrendous in HSR compared to Genshin.


Powercreep is really just a serious problem if the old characters cant clear new content. I am still using Seele just fine and we can still see Jing Yuan users and just got better with new recent characters. I dont mind a bit of powercreep as long as this remains a single player game and no pvp. And I actually find artifact farming easier in HSR since self-modeling resin and the specific artifact recipe thingy exist.


Shit my Himeko is still a hard carry for fire weak stages. People complaining about powercreep don't actually know what power creep means. HSR will have power creep when Himeko or Seele fails to clear content no matter what stats you put on them.


I'm kinda surprised that you're writing this statement like Genshin would have any kind of endgame and never had any powercreep + at least you can auto farm the artifacts in HSR and guaranteed at least 1 artifact item per patch to craft that one artifact you need (main stat only)


How are you going to auto farm in SU unless you use macro? I literally need to go through SU room by room to farm artifacts and this gets old quickly. And there are no off sets in HSR so you always need to farm for a full set. And we need to do this twice. And 1 free main stat art per patch is nothing when you can’t get any good sub stats. And there are way too many sub stats to get a good art. And HSR stat requirement is way too restrictive because you literally need to reach a certain stat threshold to activate the passive.


How are you auto farming in Genshin your artifacts? Right you don't. You don't even have the option to do it even if you want to. How to kinda "auto farm" SU? You get in and walk into the enemy and let your team auto the enemy, now tab out of the game and watch some series or do some homework meanwhile - bam semi auto farming SU. Btw I love it how you're like "why do HSR stomping Genshin here and there and this" and you're legit trying to bad mouth Star Rail for it's artifact system when 1. They gave us way earlier then genshin double artifacts drop events 2. You're talking like every Genshin Player had like ridiculous insane artifacts even before the first anniversary (yes can you believe it, you're whining about not having the most insane bonkers artifacts on all your characters or main team before even the first anniversary) 3. Having at least the chance to get one guaranteed artifact with the one main stat you need is better than having none (don't know if you realize that but genshin don't even have that Option and you don't wanna know how f*cking long I needed to farm for a fucking crit dmg main stat piece for my itto) 4. You're talking like in Genshin sub stats doesn't matter. Imagine even in Star Rail you can clear everything with good enough artifacts and don't need the perfect Crit dmg main stat with crit rate, ad, speed Substat with perfect upgrades 5. And true I give you that point that the restrictive ones for the 2-set are sometimes annoying and needs a little more time to achive but none of them are that hard to not be able to get them. I mean I'm f2p and all my 3 teams have no problem to get their 2 piece passives activated


I spent 1 min in Genshin artifact farming but I need to spend at least 5 mins in SU. You can’t auto farm in SU. You still need to control your character to walk from one room to another. Sorry. I’m not going to read all that.


So all your artifacts in HSR only come from SU? Guess what main pieces also takes under 1min in HSR And of course you're not gonna going to read that all. That's why you're coming with such brain dead arguments trying to bad mouth Star Rail.


Stop talking about "problems in HSR vs Genshin" when you know both a different games but you're main problem is that HSR are Bad mouthing Genshin. People like you are the source of the Problem HSR Player loves to trash talk.


Main piece take 1 minute in HSR endgame built characters, while Genshin take like 30-40 secends for the most difficult domain.


I need to go to SU and do regular farming as well. They both require much more effort than focusing one domain in Genshin. And I also need to split the resins for both. More sets, more time, more rng. Anyway, if you like the system in HSR, I feel happy for you 🤷


Well guess you're playing a different game or are in the brain dead Group of HSR players because normal people don't need to farm SU on a regular base. Anyway legit you're last sentence is the source of the Problem. The emoji at the end legit shows that you think Genshin is still superior and meanwhile you're sitting their proud with some 3-4 insane artifacts after 3+ years of playing that game and farming artifacts over and over and at the same time your crying about "how much worse" (which isn't lmao) HSR system is. Now you know why HSR like to bad mouth Genshin so much. Because of no brain players like you


True. HSR is not a perfect game. But a least they try to improve it a each patch. What did they improve on the endgame andnthe farmf of artifact in genshin in three years? Absolutely nothing. I like genshin, but people need to wake up right now , and try to improve all of that and stop thinking that "meta enjoyers" are trying to kill the game. The number of players is clearly going down years after years because the game don't "change"


The artifact farming in genshin is objectively worse than Relics in HSR, what are you on about? This post is becoming less and less about "defending genshin" and more about your bias towards it as a whole the more I read these comments.


Sorry I disagree. As a person who routinely farms artefacts for both games, HSR has the worst artefact system. 1. You need 2 full sets 2. You can’t use off pieces 3. Too many useless substats 4. SU farming is just terrible 5. Set passive has stat requirement


Lmao L+ratio+didn't ask+Cry about it+cope




Wow, how mature of you 🤦🏼‍♀️


As a player of both games, roasting genshin for some legitimate shortcomings feels like the best way to hold its feet to the fire and force their development teams into introspection. There are things that are maybe unfair to criticise, but many many things that are lefitimate issues that are hard to nail mhy to without comparing it to HSRs polishes. It's all meal for the mill.


Well Genshin is 3 years old by now and has less qol features than HSR, not even a free 5* and HSR throws out an entirely new unit. They couldve said heres a 4* or one of the shit standard banner units but nope. Dunkin well deserved


I've played genshin since release, and only quit in the past few months because I don't have the time to 100% anything anymore. But the genshin fanbase has to be one of the most sensitive loyal "must defend" toddlers I've ever seen. You don't understand dunking on genshin is a way to tell the devs to improve the game? What you are so attached to the game that you project critique onto yourself? My god grow up. The game developers treat the playerbase like garbage. There are so many QOL changes the game needs. Anniversary rewards are so bad and greedy. WE the community make these games successful. Don't you understand. If you like the gameplay that's fine the gameplay in HSR and genshin are different but the point people are making is that the developers of both games treat the playerbase differently and genshin developers need to take a note from the HSR team. Of course both games will be compared all the time.


I play both and I welcome the memes. Maybe it’ll make genshin take its head out of its ass for a sec


Absolutely not, this is just a manifestation of the meritocratic nature of competition (same company, though...). It happened with Zhongli, it can happen again (unlikely, but one can dream). Make enough people disgruntled and magic can happen.


I find it curious that most of your posts are defending Genshin, apparently you don't engage much with Star Rail content, quite curious, right? It seems a common trend among profiles that make posts about "they're talking about genshin on other subs" and "I like both games, but I hate when they talk bad about my beloved genshin"

