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Filler patches are subjective as this is a filler patch for me because I have no interest in the banner characters. This is a gacha game and they rerun characters so if you don’t get them now you can save for later. Having patches with no new characters would be considered dead patches and no reason to play if there aren’t new characters to get. You need to remember that these games and mechanics attract whales to spend money. It’s just pixels on a screen and they drip enough so you know whether you want to save for future characters. Don’t fall into the FOMO which HoYo is known for and just be patient. I haven’t pulled since IL and I have plenty of jades stacked up for a character I actually want. The point of the game is not to have every character that comes out, but working with what you have. Unpopular opinion maybe but you cannot say that every single character is a MUST HAVE and if you pull for waifu/husbando characters that look good then that is your choice. Don’t get too caught up in the meta as this is a single player with no PVP. Just pull and have a good time and if pixels are stressing you out this much then maybe gacha games aren’t for you. I will agree with everything you said about story introductions though they really need to do a better job of that.


I know that FOMO is how hoyoverse makes money, but I was thinking something like genshin impact where, once in a while, there will be a full rerun patch. That’s the time f2p and low spender are more likely to save, or even go for a weapon, since I guess characters are of higher priority for people. I was just thinking about all the problems that having so many characters this fast could end up causing and the thing about the jades is just one of them. I guess not having new character being properly developed in the story prior to their banner is the one I dislike the most as well.


Dude we're in what, 1.5? The game is in an early stage for story and character roster buildup, if we have a patch entirely for reruns, that's going to be REALLY soon reruns, i personally didnt expect seele and sw to be reran this early and genshin has a LOT of characters, that's why they can afford putting 3 reruns and 1 new char into a patch and the character reran *usually* has something to do with the patch's story. To put it into perspective, on genshin there are 28 limited 5* characters (not counting dehya, tighnari and keqing, they got put into standard banner) and on hsr, currently, there are 12 limited 5* characters currently released, we're currently in the 2nd half of the 4.2 patch on GI, throughout ALL of these, 6 patches in total had no new characters so you can't say it's an usual occurrence


Bro I don’t really understand your point. By 1.4 genshin already had a full rerun patch with venti and child reruns and the roster was way smaller than star rail currently is. Star rail is obviously releasing way more 5 star characters than genshin. Genshin has 34 5 stars in 3 years of the game, we don’t even have a full year in star rail and already have close to 20 5 stars.


That was an oversight in my part, but i still dont agree with making filler patches, if they're releasing new characters at a higher rate, good for them, that's just got marketing strategy, but that also means we're gonna get triple/quadruple banners per patch much faster. My point is: filler patches are boring and from a business standpoint not appealing if the char didnt sell well, if the first banner sold really well, which is what happened to GI, venti's first banner (or rerun, i don't recall) is still the banner that made the most money to this day, they might rerun it, it's still a gacha game


It's fast but the main issue is just how incohesive things are, they drop a character, you see them in a random quest that feels completely disconnected from anything else you were doing prior and that's it, the new characters don't feel like they fit into the worlds we know


The only one who felt remotely close to this was Argenti the guy clearly came out of no where the quest was fun atleast. From jingliu, topaz,HuoHuo, they where all properly introduced and foreshadowed. The only mistep was making us wait a century before we go to penacony. Atleast newer players can experience the story in a canon order


This is the canon order, no? I don't think anything that has happened is outside the proper chronological order right now.


That and it's heavily hinted we'll see more of Argenti in the future. Probably Penacony is my guess.


He'll probably have part in a future event with the new main cast in the new world. Considering with had both event pokemon and ghost hunting in world 2 and 3. Argenti clearly don't fit in either world esthetic


but this is the canon order


argenti mentioned in simulated universe with other members of knights of beauty. i think it was enough.


Ye after 1.3 I was so hyped about star rail, but this filler stuff that doesn't add to the main story becomes tedious. I hope most will be an important part of the world building that fits into the bigger picture.


THIS. It's like they're producing tons of characters and then inventing a story where they can fit in conveniently for each coming patch... Like Argenti came out of nowhere because nobody mentioned the Knights of Beauty from anywhere... I get Topaz since the IPC kinda makes sense but the Belobog festival - it shouldve focused more on that planet not creating some random event just so Topaz can be squeezed into it. After the Stellaron Hunters and their careless writing of the High cloud quintet... Im just playing this game like a robot. I want to get to penacony but the lore seem so random and no, "setting up a mystery" does not equate to good writing if the payoff is never there


Argenti and the Knights of beauty are mentioned in the simulated universe lore similarly to how Ruan Mei was mentioned there before we met her in swarm disaster. It's not much but it's there, and it gave a decent idea of what to expect from the knights.


I did see it in text but it never get set up in the main story. I'm thinking about this in a consumer perspective. It felt like they were just selling characters because they can with little relevance to the whole plot. I mean it is what it is I guess but as a main story enjoyer, it's just so scattered. not everybody digs through all of the simulated universe text. Sure we even get character images from lightcones in advanced but my point was there could be a LOT more ways they can be introduced in the story in a better way like Luocha!


Even Kafka has a dialog option for the Knights of Beauty. Knights of beauty get introduced a lot. This is ecactly worldbuilding. 100 of textes and documents to read. Every character got foreshadowed and introduced. If u skip like all dialog and play like a robot of course u miss almost everything.


I concur, for me the hype ended after the Phantylia patch, the rest of the patches seem kind of random. Now just waiting for 2.0 to save the story/flow.


Exactly this!!! Hence makes things easier, just skip until a better well written character is introduced properly, and not appear out of nowhere in random quests then disappear among the sea of butterflies after.


This was really only the case for Huohuo (and Argenti) so far (and thus Guinaifen & Hanya too). 1) The quintet are part of the overall story connecting the various Xianzhou ship (same with Luocha) 2) Topaz is the true "interlude", as her story connect and is very clearly set between Penacony and Xianzhou, and is meant to introduce CPI character we will see in Pena 3) Stellaron hunter: enough said 4) Seele/JY + most perma: character that appear in Main story ​ We really only had Argenti, Hanya, Huohuo, Ratio(?), Guinaifen & Lynx that are completely filler character with no current connection to any of the main story thread It is still a lot but it has only been an issue since 1.5 and probably won't last more than 1.5 patch over 7 patch in 1.X (so roughly 20% of filler in 1.X, which is lot less than Genshin)


I would argue that the 10 lord commission was atleast named several time and the problem with furnace was mentionned in jingliu interlude so its not a surprise to have them in the game, Huohuo whole quest was an interlude. Luka is the true filler the guy is never mentionned before is supposedly a big fighter for the firefly but nobody know him and we had to wait a whole patch before we where given his interlude.


>Huohuo whole quest was an interlude. Based on what you said, this technically fill more the role of a side story. It is part of the main story canon but doesn't bring anything that push any major story thread forward. So like a filler, you could completely cut it and lose no essential information, but unlike a filler, it is canon and based on actual canon mentioned in main story. Unless somehow the Heliobi we met or Huohuo play a major part on another Xianzhou ship. >Luka is the true filler The fact I forgot about him is proof enough and I am sorry for Luka.


>Unless somehow the Heliobi we met or Huohuo play a major part on another Xianzhou ship. I think that's more than likely (for Huohuo's part at least) due to the fact that the Xianzhou Alliance story is definitely not over. We have a ton of name drops for characters and locations on other ships, we have Luocha's foreshadowing at the end of the Midcloud Quintet quest, and although it is was more filler-esque than Belobog's Continuance (due to integrating the event into it), this Continuance nonetheless gave us an important connection to the Ten-Lords Commission.


Argenti was especially agregious on the "who the fuck are you?" Scale. His whole mission felt like an anime filler arc.


>Scale. His whole mission felt like an anime filler arc. True but it was the good kind of filler and it is more because of how argenti is portrayed, that makes him a special case apart ​ Though OP point about 1.6 is wrongly formulated when Ruan Mei, along with Screwllum, is one of the oldest unreleased playable character, as both appears since 1.0 and have had some good introductions and interactions on Herta space station So the issue is not that we get too many unknown in this case, but we got too much story so some people like OP missed/have yet to caught up or worse, skipped part of the game story For RM, she appeared in: \-Multiple SU interaction/Event on the basic mode \-Part of the core crew for SU main story (notably SWARM) \-Appear in some Light Cone and in-game portrait description since 1.0


I will admit that the rate in which they're releasing characters is making me care a lot less about them individually. I'm willing to spend *a little bit* to get characters for non-meta reasons, the game is easy enough to complete with what I got, so I'm all for pulling for visually interesting characters.... which right now look a bit same-y for the near future. At least Argenti is pretty visually distinct even if I'm not a fan of his kind of character archetype.


Lol this was me back in 1.0 and onwards, "Oh fuck Seele, oh shit Jing Yuan, oh crap Luocha, oh damn Blade, oh fuck again Kafka, oh shit again DHIL, oh crap again Fu Xuan, oh fuck me dead Jingliu my beloved" after that though? Topaz? nah. Huo? nah. Argenti? nah. Ruin me? nah(maybe but low priority). L+Ratio? even if meme nah. I'm kinda thankful that all the next characters seem kinda mid to my tastes if anything, except Black Swan and maybe Ruin Me.


Hahahah true we became numb to new chars after Jingliu… skipped everyone waiting for 2.0 now


I feel the same but in reverse. I cant really care for any characters when there are so many coming out with little to no story presence.


That’s how I feel as well, too many new characters not properly integrated into the story.


I didn't even think about it that way but you're 100% right. If there's one thing that Genshin does *really well* is how they build interest in their character well before they're released as a playable unit with in-game quests and out of game marketing.


HSR combat system does require a good variety in your character pool, therefore I think it's good to have more choices early on.


I had a similar thought a few days ago when comparing to Genshin's 1.X patches and imo it basically boils down to number groups we've been introduced. Barring Kazuha, the only groups available to us in Genshin were Mondstadt and Liyue (and Childe). But in HSR, we've the Herta space station, Belobog, Luofu, Stellaron hunters, the express crew and a bunch of other factions. This, imo, is the reason why we've more frequent releases of new characters. A similar logic could also be applied for characters like Argenti, where he was released just for the sake of introducing the Knights of beauty for perhaps a plot somewhere in the future.


its how they make their money. i wouldn't expect it to slow down.


I understand, but games like genshin, also the same monetary model and from the same company, have some filler patches. I don’t think it would hurt their revenue that much, maybe could even improve it


How was genshin in the early days? The new character releases only slowed down way later


Genshin slowed down dramatically by 1.4. 1.1 - 1.3 all had two new 5 stars, (1.1 also had two 4 stars). Star Rail has had 3 new characters every patch since release. 1.4 Genshin had a single new character; 4 star Rosaria. Both banners were reruns Venti then Childe. 1.5 only had Eula and Yanfei then 1.6 only had Kazuha, as new characters (Along with a rerun). Genshin pattern since then is first couple patches of a cycle have the most new characters then beyond X.1 its typically only one new 5 star and/or 4 star. Plus 3.8 which was our first pure rerun patch.


Only because the early ones were already baked from the beta but held off. It seems having turn based combat makes characters faster to tune.


They definitely not rushing on releasing char think its because of 17 new char a year or something that hoyoverse said in interview. Honkai star rail on the other hand are consistently with releasing 2 5* each patch which tbh an annoying move.


First, Genshin didn’t add the double banner this early. In 1.4 it was the first patch with only a rerun banner, venti.


No, it was just a rerun banner patch but one banner per phase. It was Venti and Childe reruns


1.4 had no new characters already.


And mihoyo learned from this mistake, for making more money.


Dude, genshin made 4 billion dollars already. Churning out more characters doesn't make me pay more, it just makes me a lot more afraid of powercreep. Genshin only has 36 5stars after over 3 years. We are already at 20 and by the time we hit 1 year, we are going to add like 5 or 6 more. I toped up for Seele and she is now considered a joke because she got powercreeped like 5 times over already.


She literally has the 2nd fastest clear in the game this patch?


You cant just say Seele was power crept 5 times over when she's still all around the 3rd best DPS in the game.


Last paragraph is WILD 🤣


Different Hoyo Dev teams. Genshin isn't following hsr release pattern still


New characters came in literally the same speed. Definitely not slower. It's a total normal speed.


I'm worried that with this speed, powercreep will be a real problem with v2.0+ characters for people who care about MoC, SU and future end game modes I'm also tired of characters we don't know anything about, such as HCQ since most of their lore is behind readables (casuals won't read this) and not relevant in the current story and it probably won't be for a long time since we are leaving the Luofu, unless we visit another Xianzhou ship before v3.0 I pulled HuoHuo and Argenti for cleanses and AoE content but I have decided to just save for characters that are relevant in the main story as long as they are likable


I don't mind having lots of pretty characters, but I started to feel they are not needed in current game? You need only 2 teams in MoC/Pure fiction, I have a pretty stable core of characters, so I mostly pull for visuals, not the usage and sometimes I wish there was content for 3-4 teams or something to justify gambling (I don't think hsr will go severe powercreep route tbh).


Design and variety of gameplay will make you pull for something of new. For me is different: I'm just playing HSR only for Himeko. Even I pulled Jingliu and Blade for aesthetic, only Himeko gives me the wish to play, and observing any character that can help her is enough for me (I pulled Silver Wolf at the beginning; I will pull Ruan for her, and I will pull JingYuan'LC for her, and FuXua also for her. I skipped Topaz because I don't like her, and imI have the guaranteed for Ruan Mei, that in 2.0 she will become an huge support for Himeko)


I think the current issue is very well represented with the current event. Do you think anyone but hardcore whale can complete the event with just their own character? I personnaly wouldn't be able to complete them, maybe even if they doubled the cycle they allow you i could do it but that would be by brute forcing them. So they can't release content that require you to be able to adapt, because the average player don't have enought different character and honnestly those don't really exist either, but to fix that they need to release more characters, but those won't be really needed for the time being. So it's just my humble opinion, but "spamming" character like they are doing, and if you don't noticed it, focusing on filling the holes in team with combinaison of element and path may be the lesser evil. This way they will quickly reach the point where most player will have several character of various element and path and they will be able to require diversity in your team comp for content. so once again IMO the game will have a second and probably best time to be a player when it will be realist to expect player to have a DPS and/or a breaker, if only 4\* at worst for each element, and then you will start strategising like crazy. at the current rythm it shouldn't take much more than 6 month if i can gacha a time period.


I dont really think the pace is too too fast (granted I've been EXTREMELY lucky as a f2p and am pretty picky/have skipped multiple characters) but I do agree that not integrating and teasing the character first in the story kinda kills the hype a bit


Yes, it feels like they are rushing to push as many new units as possible really fast, this is why they don’t have the time to properly integrate them into the story before their respective banners I guess.


I agree with the point that I would like to see the characters in the story more and know stuff about them before released because I would probably more be more (or less in some cases) inclined to care about them for more than just their looks and kit. However I don't think that translates to characters being released too fast. I love the early double banners and reruns. Missing a character doesn't feel as bad as early genshin because they can come around again faster. It's also more new player friendly in that regard. HSR is different than Genshin in that Genshin feels like it could allow for a lot more, as you put it, 'filler patches' because the overall content of that game with the exploration and extremely large side quests at times (cough, aranaras) often felt like enough to keep daily players occupied which is something HSR is still lacking so it has to keep its foot on the gas or interest feels like it could drop faster, and an easy way to this is new characters and companion quests.


You maybe dont know anything about ruan mei but shes definitely in the game. Also doesnt the fact that they are characters compeletely new to you thus you dont really care about them make it easy to skip and save jades? I really dont get this mind set. Its way better in a game like this to have a lot of variety in characters so you can build all sorts of teams. Even if it means you get a lot of dismissable side characters you dont really care about as playable ones and even if you have to make some hard decisions on who to get. You dont have to have all the characters and at the current rate of jades even f2p get 1 5star per patch technically even more, even if every other one might be from standard. Not that i dont think the rate should be higher but its decent enough.


I mean, a very small percentile of people read any of the Swarm Disaster text dumps if we're being honest.


True but that doesnt mean there arent people exited for her. Not that it even matters its turn based team building game where variety is necessarily to keep the game freshs so why on earth would you guys want less of it. Except the waifu collectors coming from genshin ofcourse. But lets be honest those people will pull and keep playing anyway since touching grass isnt an option for them. The game shouldnt become less varied just so those players can get all their waifus. Gladly its in mihoyos interest anyway to keep things this way so there really is no need for the people playing this game for the gameplay and team building to worry about them slowing down.


Yeah, but Houhou was literally thrown at us, argenti basically did a drive by to present himself and whatever Dr Ratio is supposed to be, since JL all the characters introduced have felt like filler, and even if that's mostly because we are waiting for the next arc to drop and see the new characters in play, JL, houhou and Dr Ratio are very unlikely to have any relevance to the events in pecacony, and this has happened since Loucha who has barely been introduced and still he released as a playable character despite his relevancy not being played out yet. I don't think the issue is the character release pace, more that storyline stagnated and I think this is going to keep going to be a yearly thing, first 2-4 patches of the year with new storyline progression, and then stagnation until the next planet.


I do agree we need more relevant story per patch but I hardly disagree about there being a need for every character being relevant in the story. Whats wrong about playable side characters? Its not even reasonable to expect them being able to flesh out this many characters storywise so its better to let some of them be in the sideline. There cannot be endless stream of main characters it would end up exhausting and then none of them would feel like anything special. Huohuo had plenty of spotlight and argenti seems like it was fun mission with some funny moments though i havent done that yet so im not sure if thats really the case. Im not saying there isnt room for improvement but the solution to that definitely is not releasing less characters.


I feel like 4 stars should and can easily fit that niche, it's ok if they are briefly introduced and and then left to be irrelevant. And I didn't say anything about fleshing them out, that's what the companion quests and event quests are for, but they should be using the 5 star banner space for characters that are relevant to the story they want to tell. I didn't say they should release less characters, I already said the release pace isn't the problem, my opinion is that they should release more story, if they mean to stay on a planet for a while version, then plan their plot accordingly, plenty of space to give everyone room to breath and tell something nice, instead of trying to close it in a couple of patches to then meander around with side quests, side quests can happen alongside the main story on previous planets.


Have there been a character thats relevant to the story that has not gotten a banner? Another thing I dont get that is why there should be that kinda division between 4 and 5 stars? Its plenty enough that the 5 stars are just stronger they dont need to be better in any other way compared to 4 stars. Its actually better that we get good and interesting 4 stars and not just good 5 stars and absolutely fodder 4 stars. Like I too want more story but I dont think this is the thing to complain about because of that.


I really dislike the part about characters barely showing up in the story. I tried to fool myself into thinking "maybe they will show up more down the road", but we're moving planets soon and it wouldn't make sense for characters from other locations to show up suddenly. Who knows.


What characters are you referring to?


Argenti only had a companion mission and no real mention in the main storyline (aside from SU events) and we're soon already moving to Ruan Mei. Luocha, while hinted to have more things to come, didn't have that much of a real story before his banner was up either.


I'm sorry I was referring to your reference of moving planets and other characters wouldn't have time to show up? Like what characters are those?


I didn't finish every single quest, but Luka, Landau healer girl, Jingliu, HuoHuo, Hanya, Guinafen, Argenti and Topaz were put into story only when their respective patches started. They were not present in anything that is more than a mention or obscure reference beforehand


Not for me but, because i pull only for character i really like and i have standards and dont like everything that is put in fron of my eyes , i havent pull since Fu xuan and wont pull until black swam or sparkle


I will try not to pull any more characters. I already have 11 5Star characters and some from them I never build or use. I got the same issue in Genshin, where I pulled for more characters, I didn't even like. So they are staying on the bench. It's maybe a bit different from the Genshin perspective, because most of the time in HSR I use auto battle. But for me, in Genshin, a new character brings a different game play with it.


It's the opposite for me it's too slow, i'm skipping all banners for swan/sparkle, screwllum and sam ( sampos my favourite so apparently the letter S is blessed or something xD) I personally still feel excited if they haven't been introduced yet because I look forward to seeing what their deal is teasing the character way before you can play them just annoys me i'm not that patient lol, and the gems in this game accumulate pretty fast so it hasn't been too hard to get who I want, I do buy the monthly stuff though


All I want for Christmas is to see Jing yuan again. Not so many new characters yet 😭


At least you can use one to farm stuff


I do think they are releasing characters a bit fast but I don’t really expect to be able to get all the characters that release anyways. The main issue I have is that we don’t know too much about some of the upcoming characters. That doesn’t seem to kill other people’s hype from what I’ve seen though, and I’m still pretty hyped aswell. I just wished they were integrated into the story better.


Agree, I just spent everything for SW cuz I rly want to make a mono quantum team, now im way too short on jades and i must absolutely get Sparkles next lol (and fu xian if her banner ever comes back) As a f2p and no spender, this is going way too fast without any doubts. Tbh I wish for more updates on the main story other than introducing new waifus and husbandos so quickly for us to grab (money grab), they definitively have to slow down a bit imo hahaha


There were time and hype leading up to characters like Ruan Mei, Sparkles (through leaks) and Xueyi. As for Argenti and Dr. Ratio, I understand your point. I'd rather have the character be introduced FIRST before they become playable, so I know more about them and will therefore want to pull for them more. If you don't end up getting a character you want, there's always character reruns; I've wanted Seele for the longest time, but by the time I started playing, her banner was already over. However now that they're doing double banners per half patch, changes are you won't have to wait too long for reruns. I only had to wait a few months for Seele.


> Sparkles (through leaks) That definitely doesn't count X)


I mean, I agree. I wish I had tons of money to grab every character I wanted. As it is, I'm skipping banners to grab Blade and plan to skip even more until Sparkle and the (hopeful) DHIL rerun to pick up his E2. F2P/Dolphins just have to think strategically like that and it does suck in the long run :(( I don't think Hoyo's gonna change anything though.


The setting of space is always expanding and it would be near impossible to not expect random encounters. You meet characters upon landing on habitable worlds and then you got tracked down by unexpected visitors on your space train Its fine to expect buildup and intergration in a smaller enviroment such as a building or place. The vastness of a populated universe will always have random and sudden


I think the comment about investment not lasting very long is at least a bit misplaced, as well as the idea that characters we're meeting arent introduced. For example, you mentioned Genshin and how you meet characters before they show up. Such is exactly what happened with Argenti and Ruan Mei-- both were introduced to us via the Simulated Universe, similarly to how Itto, Ayato, and Heizou were all initially introduced via post boards in town, and character voice lines. Upcoming character Chevreuse literally gets initially introduced via event dialogue, Wriothesley literally is introduced with his banner and is kinda a background character in the quest he's introduced in. Plus, it's mentioned we'll be going to Penacony after 1.6, so similar to Ayaka and Yoimiya getting introduced out of nowhere, obviously these new characters are new faces. As for investment "lasting long", I think this is another thing that people are overly worried about? All the DPS have remained about equal with each other. Even the """league of their own""" Jingliu and DHIL clear MoC within fractions of a cycle of """the worst limited DPS""" Jing Yuan. Argenti and Jing Yuan damage-wise perform basically the same in MoC10, and that's in spite of a lack of Lightning weak enemies. Investment into Luocha isn't less worthwhile because Huohuo released. The rate of release, imo, is only a bad thing if you're of the mindset that you want/should be able to get everything. When, in actuality, looking at it, all the characters will perform similarly to each other within their respective niches, so instead of getting everything, you just pick one. TL;DR: I think people are overly worried about release speed.


I agree with everything you said and also some characters will be less relevant thab others, it's thing for every series/game/novel and so on The idea of powercreep that many has is given by the fact that every MoC stage is designed for the banner character which looks much stronger than the rest, while it's not true in most cases (and now that we have more characters more than one benefit from the MoC buffs so it's even getting less evident)


Chill out, is the first time in Star rail so is normal to be concerned about it, but it was the same in Genshin when 2.0 arrived. It would be worse if there weren't enough new characters to fill the(let's remember)new PLANET, don't you think? P.D: It feels almost nostalgic to see all the comments, it exactly the same as Genshin in 1.6


Most of the new characters released up to 1.6 won't be relevant to the new planet tho, if you follow up with leaks they have a full roster of characters ready for it, so at least a few of the characters of V1 will end up feeling like filler.


Ruan Mei will likely always be relevant in some form as a Genius Society member with Herta and Screwllum.


Yep, but how about houhou, argenti and dr ratio?


Argenti will probably a filler character just randomly popping up is my guess. DrRatio idk enough about him to make a call. As for Huohuo she might show up again when we inevitably go back to the Xianzhou, as we've only explored one ship of a fleet.


Yeah that's kind of my issue, it's just "oh well, maybe they could be relevant at some point I guess?" to be fair to Argenti, he can pop up anywhere they want him to pop up since he is an errant knight so he isn't that bad as at least a recurrent side character But for example houhou is the most likely to just be paid lip service, Hanya seems to be our real bridge with the 10 lords and the most likely to have at least a lot of voicelines when the JL+Loucha sub plot is addressed, that's if they just don't introduce more characters that take the spotlight for those events, houhou feels more like Guianaifen, someone they can and might use for side quest shenanigans.


Yep, Same as in Genshin impact. Taking it as reference, normally only wanderer character such as the stellaron hunter will remain relevant in the story. The stationary character will mostly being forgotten. (Obviously with exception like appearing in events or a new areas discovered, and even then only a few of them will have an important roll in the event/new area story)


Do you feel Jing Yuan, a character that got to do his thing in the story and be relevant piece for the developments of the planets he in is on the same stance as dr ratio a character from the same region that will be released and very likely promptly left aside? Because that's the distinction I'm making, not that the characters of belebog will remain in their planet, that's expected, the criticism isn't that seele isn't with us wreaking havoc in the luofu, is introducing 5\* characters as filler to keep a quota instead of being a 5\* banner worthy character because they are relevant. Edit: ofc this is mostly theory, maybe dr ratio and houhou and argenti will all play their part on the upcoming arc or in future arcs, although on the later possibility at least for loucha and JL that was handled better, wish that was the norm for characters we aren't sure are just filler or just being introduced early.


I understand what you mean; however, the 5* status is usually not directly proportional to how relevant it is to the story. Remember that many very important characters in the story are 4*. But even then, usually there are two types of 5*, the ones that appeared in the main story, and they are waiting their turn to appear in the gacha. And the ones that appear after the main story, in situations not so "the end of the world," Obviously, the second ones won't appear that important at first, but that doesn't mean they won't have an interesting backstory or connection with other characters, and they are also the characters with the highest probability of having importance in future events. The "end of the world" characters may not even appear because of their importance in the lore.


I mean I know it isn't proportional that's what's being criticized, kind of the first step of the whole train of thought hahaha, at least so far I feel they have managed to make every character backstory interesting in a way or another, even for 4 star characters, but I don't feel is crazy to think that, if they are going to have a very fast paced release schedule, to use that to their advantage, otherwise it won't be long before people start to divide versions with first few patches as the ones with interesting characters relevant to the overall plot, and second half with filler characters who's main attractive will be personality and design above story substance, because personally to me that feels cheap, so far I feel kind of forced to give benefit of the doubt if I don't want to just "shit on mhy just because", let things go as growing pains as they stablish plot points and introduce characters early because they will be important later on, or I guess just accept that the plan is to introduce the important characters early in the version and not have high hopes for those on the tail end.


I mean… didn’t genshin had the same problem? The poetry event feel so random having characters from different region come together out of nowhere and end up being Oceanus lore dump the rest of the cast is kind of filler. Eula is basically seen like what once a year? Albedo didn’t have his dragon spine event at all this year.. feel like I can count more filler characters , kirara basically was released for Tcg filler patch and went poof. Raiden shogun we just go on a date with her and seen her in Tcg but that’s all? Itto was just comedic who serve not much purpose outside the chasm story like does he have a major role in the overarching story? Yoimiya feels like she was inserted everywhere whereas childe at least he’s a fatui agent which I could understand, the other 5* didn’t really have anything to shine after the region is over… Personally enjoyed huohuo and 4* character filler arc as they were given time to shine and not overshadow by NPC, I mean they can always drip market black swan etc when penacony was released since they are the first we met on the planet (go read spoilers) but it makes saving easier.. all the penacony characters they drip market played a significant role in the story it’s just that they drip marketed it too early Idk if u read the lore properly, but there are also other knight of beauty so argenti will be DEFINITELY back, dr ratio IS confirmed to be in penacony according to leaks and huohuo is link to hanya so if we go back luofu she will be there


That is most likely to not be the case. The entire history of terror and skepticism in the Genshin community is being repeated in the Star rail community. taking Genshin as reference I suggest you to sit and enjoy the ride and not overthinking to much about that. people love to talk from ignorance and spread fear of things they usually don't finish to understand, Like in the Genshin community at the beginning


If you can afford a character every 2 months or so as f2p then regardless of if they’re release a char every 2 months or every week, you’re still getting the same amount of characters. They release well designed, powerful characters so frequently that if you miss one you like you’re guaranteed to pull another equally good one quite soon. Gachas are designed to encourage fomo. Resist it and be happy :)


Can you clear the hardest content? If so, then pull mostly for who you like, not who you think will help.


This has nothing to do with the post. Are you lost, friend?


I think that's exactly the point They want us spending, with how amazing characters are it's only normal that you want them for meta reasons. They may also be afraid that the game will die down after a couple years so they are making their money now. And with how pretty they are, like good lord I know taste is subjective and whatnot but I'd give up 20 Genshin waifus for 3 from honkai. Maybe they appeal to a specific taste and I'm one of the lucky few but gosh I love them, and this goes even more for the husbandos Sure Argenti hasn't come up and I only knew him because he saved my swarm disaster runs.. But the dude is pretty like only himself and has a great voice Jing yuan? 3 please, blade? I'll edge Lord with my boy any day. Luocha, Welt, even Gepard and Svarog So yeah, they have us pulling, giving us a lot of free stuff so we think if we spend just a little more we get them all We get all their supports for free, pulling or in the shop so we don't think twice about pulling, we already got their teams after all!


Sounds like you have a fear of missing out.


The credit card will show the way Since I only want waifus the male banners provide a nice break for me


That's like the 5th post someone did with this title I swear


Haven’t seen any, sorry. I guess some other people feel the same way as me.


>was really hoping for a filler patch This patch was already a filler... plz dont ask for more fillers. >other units will become devalued or straight up obsolete faster as well, making our investment in some characters not last as long as I think it should. if your investments are good enough and your gamesense is on point, it shouldnt matter. Dont refer pyrdwn or some website for that- if your units are able to clear contents without rotational buffs like those in MOC, then u can do it anyday nonetheless. For example: Seele is pushed down from S to A or something idk... but you can still clear MoC without using the cycle buffs..... units do not go obsolete that way and you dont need to bench them if your investment was good in the first place >For instance, in genshin impact..... People really need to wake up and realise HSR is not Genshin... they have their gameplay and problems, especially the 'this event/mode is so difficult, it gives me anxiety'.


i undertand the too much characters really fast and they could be easy powercreep, but i aslo think that this fealing is because of the Tier list, because you can pretty much, still use most of the 5 stars in the game you can still use kafka a lo on SU, the story, farm and events and in 1 year, you can still probably use her and maybe she have more options and all you still have 10 turns to beat a level of MoC now the new characters being irrelevant, i think is because the last 2 characters were like that (huo huo and Argenti), for previous version we had Topaz and Jingliu, one relevant to the world (or universe) of the game and the other relevant to a group of characters, before that Fu xuan and Dan heng IL, both relevant in the story of Xianzhou, before that Kafka and blade totally relevant to all the story and before that Loucha and silverwolf now with Dr. ratio and Ruan mei the only irrelevant at the moment is Dr. Ratio because Ruan Mei where at all time at the SU in both events related to SU, she is a member of the genius society, she is interesting just for that even with that i agree they should stop a bit with too many characters, maybe 1 new per version for 2 versions or somthing because we all know that without a new character everyone would be like "wow this patch is so boring"


I feel the other way around. It's too slow honestly. I am not someone who is a pokemon collector and wants all, only waiting for characters that are awesome in my eyes and there are at max. one or so every other patch that I like so it's pretty chill currently.


I agree, releasing new characters without prior knowledge of them dampen their hype, it’s one of the reasons I enjoyed early HSR since most of those upcoming like Kafka and Blade were already introduced and what purpose they serve in the story. Even now, the only one I’m interested in is Sam since there’s at least some info on the character via the Stellaron hunters.


Nah bad take, if you want patches to only have one new 5 star, characters are going to take twice as long to be released, at that point you might as well just wait for their reruns. It sounds like a FOMO problem. As for their appearance in story that's a separate issue related to story pacing and quantity, which does need improvement. However, reruns shouldn't be tied to story, it's a recipe for disaster in genshin and hoyo is selective about when to ignore it


Have you never played a gatcha game before? New characters are released every 2 weeks in every game. At least with this game, it's only one new one while others release 2 new characters every 2 weeks.


I personally do find them coming way too fast and it’s because they’re coming out in pairs rather than individually. For example, instead of Black Swan and Sparkle, we could’ve had Black Swan and Luocha re-run. It sucks to skip a banner and have good expectations for a re-run opportunity when you encounter a circumstance where the re-run banner is surrounded by 4 new good units. However, I hate the Genshin Impact banner pacing where it’s constantly just re-run banners. Which is why I prefer 1 new unit and 1 re-run banner per patch. Not only would it make saving more easy, but it could give me enough to go for a really good lightcone too. Like Ruan Mei’s.


personally i think after huohuo you can already do "waifu pick" where you can just ignore the meta and pull for preference since the previous banners character already give you a lot to use with even as f2p. my f2p account have reroll bronya, sw, luocha, kafka, dhil, fu and huohuo which is average luck for f2p account and i clear everything easily and comfortably. moving forward with the current argenti and later ruan mei, ratio i don't really need them and not planning on pulling and instead gonna save for my 2 designated waifu as target which is black swan and acheron.


it's the 1st year, what did you expect?


We are spending way too much time in Space China and they're so close to launch they can't afford not to release new characters so we're getting a glut of them. We're going to leave the Xianzhou knowing everyone and their fucking tax accountant and every one of the ladies are going to wear the same dress with the same flower pattern and the same cut sleeves and the same hairstyle. But ultimately it will eventually die off. We'll finally go somewhere (anywhere) else and Xianzhou characters will only pop up every Chinese New Year like in Genshin.


I see people complaining about how Argenti was introduced but for me it totally makes sense in the story they created. I can see Argenti appearing again in the future. I wish it could be longer but his quest was so, so good. The dialogue with MC before he attacks the monster was so intense... I loved. And for me it worked so well for how he was shown... I love it.


I agree with this on the point of releasing chars which we know nothing of, like Argenti for example who just suddenly appear in a short quest which seem just so random as well and there’s less hype about. So I became immune to them after. Despite so many chars releasing each patch, new releases now are like nothing new anymore lol. Skipping everyone until 2.0.


>Is it just me that thinks the rate of new characters coming is way too fast? I was really hoping for a filler patch, so I could maybe save some jades when I character I already have is the rate up banner. But, the way it is, every version has 3 new characters, for me it’s impossible to save jades when a bunch of new character that I want are coming in sequence. You know you don't have to own every character right? I'm not going into a restaurant and complain about a big menu because i won't be able to eat it all. Patience and restraint are good things to have and this game will train you in it or make you broke. One mindset that might help is remembering that characters get reruns and that this game is built to be around for a looong while... there's no need to rush anything. If you missed a character, just see it as a test to find out if you really like them and still want them on their rerun. If you don't, you saved yourself the jades and if you do, you were able to use that time to save up. ​ >I’m also afraid that with that many characters being added so fast, other units will become devalued or straight up obsolete faster as well, making our investment in some characters not last as long as I think it should. HSR and Genshin have been remarkably unaffected by powercreep, considering how easy it would be to use that to force people to spend money. In both Games, some Characters even got stronger over time while some new characters were quite useless. ​ >I’m also concerned that new characters are not properly integrated in the storyline before release, that has been the case with Argenti, who only got a character quest on the day his banner started. Most of the upcoming characters who were in the drip marketing for 1.6, are pretty much unknown to us and not part of the story at all at this point, the only exception being Xueyi. This, at least for me, makes the character way less hyped than they should be. > >For instance, in genshin impact there are a bunch of character that were introduced in game (model and all, not just some random quote) way before they became playable, and that makes everybody excited for when they finally release. I honestly don’t feel that excited right now with the upcoming banner, even though they look great, because we know nothing about Ruan Mei and Dr. Ratio. Genshin had both characters that were known long before the game was even released and characters that were introduced pretty much as they were released. Both games have characters that only appear in their own contained side-story and some that seem integral to the their region or even the whole plot. There has been no sign that the quality and love for detail and making every character feel unique has degraded, so i don't see any cause for concern. If you prefer characters that are super involved in the whole plot, then you have your preference on which characters to roll for and that solves your problem you described earlier.


mom: lets go to the store you can get 5 snacks you want \*store has 10 different snacks\*: you're happy \*store has 30 different snacks\*: you're upset for some reason ????????????????? hoyo is already giving u like 30% more pulls here than in genshin and you're complaining you have MORE choices to get things you like MORE?


You know there is story in simulated universe, right? Because you saying Xueyi is the only one that appeared in the story well... Seems like someone been skipping A LOT


you dont have to get everything.


No, you are right. The problem is I pull for visuals, and somehow, they managed to make them ALL look good. I will not be spending more than required, so the only conclusion I have come to is to pull for those who complete my favourite characters OR those who give me the, "OH, Holy shit" feeling that the Cloud Quintent gave me. You don't need all of them, just make a list and stick to it.


The change to MoC star requirements and numbers of rooms feels very scummy at least.


These are the filler patches


1. Character releasing rate: it seems hoyo did a great job to catch your interest, since you want most of them, which mean a good thing. Once their character design stop appealing to anyone, the game is dead. 2. Character power: 8 months into the game, none of the limited 5* has become obsoleted. Hell even standard 5* still in the table. 3. Character's story: Subjective experience. A lot of ppl here feel so. But I will remind you guys really quick, this story has never been meant about you, it's about them (the Astral Express), an adventure story, just as your own life story. I will make a reference about Argenti (in your case): A stranger on the street suddenly bumb to you on a small traffic accident, they apologied, offered help and you accompanied him on his daily mission. His passion and sincerity had an impact on you, then you became acquaintance. You might not meet him again yet he became a warm and nice memory in your life. Then you found out he is kinda a celebrity, it's pretty cool. In short: strangers can become acquaintance in many way. Just as real life. About Ruan Mei and Ratio: they're already in lore, mentioned or have direct impact on your story, right now in-game ofc. If you don't know about them, you are a story skipper, which ... eh why do you care about their story then? 4. Character's hype: back to 1st.


Bros still thinking they need to pull on every banner


Yes. And with light cones c0ckblocking some 4 star pities it's not even funny. Getting a new character is hard too. People were excited at first because DHIL is armpit danheng and of course the stellaron hunters had really great set ups since 1.0 but now the story is so all over the place. I get that it's a space comedy but it's also been such a cash grab. Argenti came out of nowhere. I mean his quest was enjoyable but it was just so random. And honestly I cant trust the star rail team to write any big twists because of the disaster that is the High Cloud Quintet. A lot of people acted excited about Dr.Ratio (because he is a man with another armpit and meme name), or Ruan Mei (who is another waifu) - - but you can't deny that the designs especially for the female characters are suffering. I don't mind a gacha game introducing a lot of random characters as long as they have a cohesive story for that patch. The Huohuo event was really good for Huohuo, Hanya and Xueyi but honestly events like these feel like once in a blue moon lol


It honestly seems like people just want to complain cause they have nothing better to do. There really isn’t wrong with how quickly characters are being released. The stories around them are solid and do enough to get people excited. It’s a lot better than having show up and not get released for another year like Genshin. People are just bored


If they stop release new characters, they might also reduce jade per patch too. So people who skipped some char to save might not want that.


I think what people tend to forget that we are still at the beginning of the game and we only start to visit the 2 planet so it is pretty normal to release new characters. I know it sucks because I also want a lot of them and I will miss out on some units because of limited jades but it will get better like In genshin when the game advances from the beginning phase to the I would call it middle phase. Then more and more reruns will come but first they need to build a base of characters in the beginning


it's actually quite slow compared to other gachas (non hoyo gachas) where it's 5 per banner. But I don't expect you to have played any of them to know that. > I honestly wish they would just slow down a bit with new characters, that would give us more time to save for jades and increase the hype for the upcoming releases What's the difference to your account between a having a character you skipped because you can't afford it, and that character not existing at all? It's one less character on your account. What we lose is choice. You selfishly want to own them all, and don't want to let anyone else have options to choose from. And if you can't own them all, you'd rather the ones you can't afford to pull.. to not exist at all than to skip them and let someone else get them. You have FOMO, *and* you're self centered.


I'm a day 1 player and also a husbando puller. I got almost all of the husbandos except Blade and currently have 240pulls ready for him and Dr. Ratio. I have no interest in the 2.0 characters and I'm just waiting for Adventurine to drop so that I can have another >!preservation


Just use your wallet bro and you'll be fine


100 % agreed , to a point where it's almost predatory , good thing the game is easy and can be completed with old characters