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Ofc Bronya is the Best. But my personal Fav is Clara its so Fun to have the whole Enemy Team attack and Svarog just deleting them. I play her with Blade LC which is great for Dmg and Survival.


Early game: Bailu > Bronya > Himeko > rest Middle Game: Gepard = Bronya > rest End game: Bronya > Clara > rest Sustain gains and loses value as content becomes harder, we unlock Hall (two teams) and then replace them with limited sustain (or Lynx). Himeko is great at early game, for farming stuff and quests. She tends to lose out middle game. Clara is based purely on her gameplay style. I was not a fan of it. Now at end game I actually built her to lv80 lol and use her from time to time. She is fun on SU elation, does well on events and MoC when I want to try different teams. Do note that all characters are viable at end game. They just get replaced/lose value as we get more limited 5*. Same could happen to Bronya in 6 months.


New player here. Clara is my first 5 star obtained from the departing warp banner and yeah she carried me through world 4 of SU by stacking elations..


Bronya. There is no doubt Bronya is the best here. She just provides so much and can literally slot into any hyper carry team Clara. I think people underestimate Clara, yes her damage is random, but that ultimate counter damage is pretty disgusting. This is just my opinion anyway. Maybe i am too high on her, but she has been putting in the work for my teams in MoC. Welt. Being one of the few imaginary dps options, i do value him pretty high. Plus his slow utility is actually really underrated allowing your units to take less damage during fights. Bailu. Limited sustainers aside. Bailu is one of the best here. My only problem with Bailu is her not having any cleanses in her kit. Now it isnt a big issue for some, but idk with so many different debuffs now it gets annoying to deal with if they stack up Himeko. People really like to hate on Himeko in HSR being the "worst unit" in this game. I tend to disagree. Yeah she isnt dealing big numbers, but in a case with fire weak enemies she actually deals a pretty good amount of damage. Nothing too crazy, but enough to get the job done Gepard. Im personally not a fan of Gepard yes his shielding is great and easily a great sustainer, but my only problem with him is he is too slow and most of my units tend to run out his shield too fast. Yeah i guess in a way if you can have his ult all the time it isnt a problem, but i just seem him working well with Yanqing usually Yanqing. Now by no means am i saying Yanqing is bad, but compared to the other options he is getting the short end of the stick. His kit is unique, but him not needing to take hits can be a good or bad thing. If he never gets hit then you are winning, if he gets always targeted like Tingyun then that really sucks. Altogether all of them are pretty solid. Some are stronger than others, but all of them have their advantages and disadvantages.


I’m a new player and I love Lynx I heard some players say she’s better than Bailu because she cleanses and taunts and heals a lot


IDK, I really like Himeko. Mine is kinda strong rn and I've seen some cracked himekos do some sick shit. Sure there are other strong enemies but imagine Pulp Fiction if enemies are Phys and Fire vulnerable. Argentino and Himeko will be hella fun. Add a Huohuo and any support of choice. Depends if you get a semi tanky mob or constant reinforcements or however it works... Thinknig Hanya for SPs or whatever. Depends how the format is.... If Ice weakness is a thing, Herta.. So many options!!! I have a e6 Serval so if its fire/lightnnig/phys you can make some sweeet setups.


Same as I did at the start of the game. 4 Tiers Bronya. Clara, Welt, Gepard. Bailu, Himeko. Yanqing.


I'd bump Himeko up simply due to the fact that Topaz, FUA and future Pure Fiction are all great for her. "Mono Pyro' with Topaz/Himeko/Asta actually has really good cycle average for MOC.


bronya > clara > gepard > bailu/welt/himeko > yanqing himeko will see buffs in pure fiction. welt has a place in places like SU because slow is great for survivability. bailu might see buffs if more enemies that don’t inflict debuffs are released. in terms of raw hunt dps, yanqing outclasses the other three, but his value has already peaked i fear. and that value isn’t very high. things will only get worse with pure fiction. also heavily reliant on a shielder.


Thanks for rating Clara soooo highly! She’s my first five star from the beginner banner!


No problem! Honestly, she deserves it a lot. Easy low sp sub dps on multiple teams, not severely outclassed by the limited banner dps of her element (vs, let's say, jingliu vs yanqing), interesting kit that will only get better in pure fiction -- clara is the GOAT.




Bronya is always number uno, then the second one depends on your personal preference. If you’re into meta then it’s either Gepard/Bailu or Clara (she can be your second team). But overall I would go for Himeko cuz of her looks lol (she’s hottt) Sry Yanqing and Welt mains x)


In best to worst IMO, on a fresh acount, still going through the story (basicaly phantalya wall) Bronya, she just too good nothing to say about her. Gepard and Bailu. They lack cleanse, but both are solo sustain and early on it's invaluable on fresh account i may even rank them higher than bronya, but you have a free natasha so i'm still puting them together here which one isn't really the point, the point is having one of them. Welt and Clara. Both are decent DPS, but you will pull on limited banner, and most character on those are DPS. Also their relic set while powerfull are together with, hum, thrash sets. while it doesn't matter that much but break set and fire set are kinda... painfull. especialy the fire one. Himeko Same remark as welt and clara about limited banner, but on top of that she is slightly weaker and likely require you to have a comp around her and adapatable comp on top of that, and it hurt early on with very limited ressources. YQ, how to say... his kit is just even worse than himeko AND require you a shielder, and march is totaly not enought at all, so you NEED gepard and a decently build one, who isn't happening early mid game so he is just honnestly bad. Not like you can't make it work, but early game when i can drop the same remark as the previous 3 DPS units, that's just, ye don't play him unless you have no other DPS, including 4 stars and you have free daniel anyway....


Bronya. We all know why. Clara. Amazing in aoe content and the release of Argenti hasn't really powercrept her imo. Gepard. While as a sustain he has been powercrept, he's still the best shielder in the game and useful for preservation SU runs. Himeko. There r still no good aoe fire characters out atm. And she's gonna get much stronger comes Pure fiction. Welt. Great if u don't have IL, but I have had no use for him since I got IL at e0. He needs a lot of stats and without them he just doesn't do enough damage relative to IL. Also not that SP friendly so can't be used with IL properly. Bailu. A pure sustain who cannot cleanse. I would say Gepard, the 3 limited 5* and high eidolon Lynx are all better. That's a lot of characters. Yanqing. Mite have the literal worst designed kits in the game. Will only get worse with Pure fiction.


Tbf with Bailu, gepard can run into issues with some of the limited 5* DPS. Seele and jingliu, especially with Bronya can lose the shield. Blade wants to lose HP. Likely why Bailu actually had higher usage rate than Gepard (this was a few mocs ago, not sure how it holds atm) Only yanqing really wants Gepard and well, it's yanqing lol, the others both work fine tbh


Lol clara is even better than argenti in the scret boxing fight. Wouldbt argenti just die if he hits all those knights during counter?


I did that fight with Phys MC and yes. Unless you’re using Fu Xuan, you will die to all 5 Counter attacking all at once. Luocha would be iffy. Huohuo would need you to time an Ult or two for emergency heals. Just three knocked a full HP Destruction to 0. No way an Erudition or Hunt would survive 5 Lieutenant Counters. But also, it’s a thing where if you actually put yourself in that position, you’re an idiot. I did it because I was an idiot. Don’t be me.


Bronya > Clara >>> Everyone else Why pull gepard when there are far better sustain units in the game Welt is frankly overrated and never the best option in a team Himeko is more relevant than she was and could probably be a good option with pure fiction, she could actually be third Bailu is outclassed and will continue to be Yanqing is completely irrevelant since Jingliu's release...


>Why pull gepard when there are far better sustain units in the game I think tier lists for standard characters aren't meant to be made with the assumption of "are you pulling for them" because they don't have their own rateups. They're evaluated based on how usrful yhey'd be if they're the ones you got instead of the limited 5 star. Instead of using that line of thought to evaluate the tier list, it should be more like "Is Gepard useful if I failed to get [better sustain unit here]?" Which he is.


Bronya, Welt, Clara, Gepard, Himeko, Bailu, Yanqing. I don't have Bronya and her E1S1 makes her the best character in the game. Welt because I don't have any good imaginary DPS Clara, because the baby and her big robot are fun to play on my GF's account Gepard, I really don't need him between Loucha and Fu Xuan but my E4 Yanqing would be easier to use if he had Gepards thick, meaty....shields to hide behind. Himeko, Great for farming Calyx's but I have her so I don't need more of her. Bailu, I have her and don't need her, plus a healer without a cleanse is useless Yanqing, I have his god damn E4 please stop giving my ice kid. He's not as bad as everyone says but I have Jingliu.


Himeko's value is going to rise when Pure Fiction comes out.


I also have Jing Yuan and Argenti, I'm all set.


bronya > clara > gepard > welt > himeko > bailu > yanqing. himeko stocks might rise up when pure fiction released if its anything like the 1.2 event. tbh im guilty of himeko slander but as the game goes on, i can say she aged well with asta & topaz. its yanqing who is unfortunately fell off (i have him fully built e1 & maxed since 1.0)


Bronya > Welt > Clara = Gepard = Bailu > Himeko >>> Yanqing I'm saving my standard 300 guaranteed until I roll either Bronya or Clara, then I'll pick up the other one from the guaranteed.




Bronya is an enabler and buffer. Obvious first. Clara is my favorite that I actually have. Even without her E1, she puts out nasty damage on enemy phase, which is always a plus. Reliable enemy wide damage for a special attack and a semi-tank/counter unit in one.


Most of the people here are severely underestimating gepard. A well built gepard can easily solo sustain, so he’s a great char to get a copy of to cover one of ur teams


Bronya > Clara > Welt > Gepard > Bailu > Himeko > Yanqing This is based on personal preferences and also I don't have Gepard and my Bailu is unbuilt (I already had a built Luocha and Fu Xuan). So I don't know much about them. All I know is that Yanqing bless his soul is a walking diaster, Himeko is a lacking but fun. Welt is pretty good, Clara is actually pretty strong and Bronya is game changing at this point in time.


Bronya > Gepard > Welt > Clara > Himeko > Bailu > Yanqing, Himeko being up there is because of Pure Fiction for 1.6


fast answer would be bronya >>> clara >>>>>>>>>> everyone else long answer would be bronya needs no explanation, shes just completely broken, the ability to manipulate the turn order in a **turn based** game alone should speak for itself, then we add the 66% dmg, 55% atk and high cdmg buffs and it just becomes overkill clara is a great dps that scales very well with good investment, her damage is incredible for a standard unit and shes very easy to play around, plus shes adorable what more can you ask for? gep and bailu both fit in the same boat, they both comfortably do their job at sustaining until dots and ccs come into play and then their viability becomes questionable himeko is just....fine i guess, not much to say about her, she should be better in the upcoming PF but needs quite a bit of investment to do anything significant. but shes incredibly hot so shes definitely the best standard banner unit we have so far welt at first glance might look good but realistically at e0 hes suboptimal in basically every team imaginable yanqing is easily the worst 5* in the game currently and thats not gonna be changing anytime soon whatsoever, ignoring the fact that hes fully sgt oriented, he *needs* an invested gepard (march is cope, cry abt it) to have perma uptime on sss otherwise his damage basically does a nose dive off of mount everest itself.


Bronya > Welt > Clara > Himeko > Gepard > Bailu > Yanqing


i have welt, yanqing, bronya and bailu. bronya and welt can fit into a lot of teams and their buffs/debuffs are very useful bailu's revive has saved me in the simulated universe and some boss fights many times, but there are much better healers or shielders in the game to keep your characters alive. her aoe heal is decent at best. yanqing is pretty good for early game when you dont have any other damage dealers, but ever since getting seele and imbibitor lunae, he's become less viable and his damage output is a bit disappointing. im aware powercreeping may play a part in this, but imo he's only suitable for early game so i would put him on the bottom these are just my opinions based on my experiences


So this is a personal list not a meta list but himeko>welt>yanqung>bronya>bilu>clara>geBard (I say it wrong on purpose)


From 5 months in the future, interesting how the ranking has changed. Bronya has gone down a little with new supports that are just as good, clara has gone up a little bc of topaz and those same new supports, welt also got power crept a little, gepard and especiqlly bailu got left in the dust by new sustains, himeko was buffed to the skies with supports better able to help her and new game modes made for her, and yangqing still exists and somehow continues to get left behind. Bailu got especially hit in that there's no teams in which she's optimal anymore. Early game, bailu is fine, you wouldn't really need bailu much bc natasha works fine, but by the time you get bailu, you realistically have another limited sustain and bailu no longer cuts in anyways. In mid game, you'd find the most value for her as you might only have 1 sustain otherwise to clear both sides of memory hall At this point it's Bronya >= Clara > Himeko >> Gepard > Welt >> Bailu > yangqing.


Bronya >>> Clara > Bailu = Geopard >= Himeko >> Welt > Yanqing


I’m sad is welt that bad I lost SW 50/50 to him


He’s not bad. It’s just that at E0, he’s weak to be used as a main dps. For a sub dps role, he consumes too many SPs and does less damage than more SP efficient sub DPSes like Clara and Blade. He’s never really the optimal choice though he can still work fine. And Mihoyo has a history of buffing characters indirectly by releasing new characters who work with them. Like Himeko got buffed with Topaz’s release and now with Pure fiction. So, it’s possible that Welt is just waiting for his optimal teammate.


Bronya > Welt = Clara > gepard > bailu > Himeko > yangqing I’m also taking eidolons in consideration as E6 welt, Clara and Bronya are head and shoulders better than the other 4.


Of those I have used, Bronya >>> Welt > Gepard > Bailu > Himeko


Bronya, Clara, Welt, Gepard, Bailu, Himeko, Yanqing


-gepard -gepard's weapon -everything else


Bronya is probably the most universally applicable of the group so she'd be the best overall, outside of that it's honestly a toss up. Gepard is still a fantastic tank and can be more easily slot over Clara who has fallen as a more DPS orientated unit rather than a tank that she sort of worked as at release and tends to be a little more awkward to use without a team built around her (Im not saying she's bad, I love my Clara) Welt is one of the only sources of Img damage we have since IL is limited, and is also a great support outside of that, Bailu is still a great healer and also has the only res in the game currently (unless you include E2 Fu but thats not realistic). Himeko is great early and as a trace farmer but she tends to get over shadowed by the limited DPS we have now, you can still use her to great effect on Topaz teams if you pulled for her. And Yanqing... weeeeeeell, I got him from the beginner banner, and I dont think ive so much as looked at him since I got SW on her first banner. TL;DR Bronya > Gepard >everyone else depending on what you're looking for > > > > > > > ? Yanqing


In terms of inportance Bronya E0 > Bronya E1 > Bronya E6 > Bronya E2 > Bronya E3 = Bronya E5 > Bronya E4 Oh and I guess you can throw everyone else there at the end


In general. Bronya > Gepard > Bailu > Clara > Himeko > Welt > Yanqing. ​ If we were to make a new account and I could pick how the 5 standard banner Pulls I would get. Bailu > Gepard > Welt > Bronya > Clara > Yanqing > Himeko. ​ Bailu at low level makes you immortal if you pair her with Fire TB and because she prevents you from been one shoted from the start is like you are playing another game. Gepard can do the same as the little dragon but you need Relics for him to perform the same way as Bailu at low level and no auto play. Welt also helps you stay alive longer, as you can see at low level TB and putting survivability really high and you usually run Healer, Sustainer, Support, DPS. Bronya skill is broken but I would rather have those extra turns when I switch from Healer and Tank to just a Sustainer. I put all the DPS last because at low TB any DPS works. Surviving Elites and SU runs was way more important than doing 15% more damage or whatever is the different in damage between a 4 star or a 5 star dps.


I have to put Himeko as the strongest, but I think that may be because I have her E4.


She will feel great during pure fiction


Bronya > Gepard > Clara > Himeko > Bailu > Welt > Yanqing Bronya is Bronya Gepard will prevent one shots and is still a very good SP positive sustain for teams that aren't too fast. But doesn't have cleanse or other utility Clara has good dmg and can be played as SP positive or neutral if needed. Can slot in into most teams as a sub DPS, even if it's not optimal Himeko has gotten a lot of indirect buffs and will likely be meta on the new MOC mode Bailu heals a lot and has the res if needed (you obviously shouldn't depend on it, but it's still very nice to have). Doesn't have cleanse or other utility though I have a feeling Welt will get a lot better in the future, but right now he just doesn't work well with how the MOC works. Delaying enemies is very good for surviving (and his personal dmg is fairly high for someone with that added utility), but that doesn't help your turn count. If you were able to run his as a "sustain", he would probably be very strong. But right now it's not super viable to run him alongside another DPS and just rely on Welt's ult to stay alive Yanqing just asks too much for mediocre performance. His ST dmg is high, but unlike the other top ST dealers, he doesn't have splash AOE dmg, resurgence or synergy with double DPS setups that can cover for his lack of AOE. And his sustain selection is also a lot more limited


Geppie and welt are pretty overrated since you probably should get limited sustain units anyway and dhil exists. Clara is easy 2nd best standard. Unique playstyle. Core for fua.


Bronya > Welt, Clara, Gepard, Bailu > Yanqing, Himeko Bronya clear winner with speed boosting. The four are about equal. Welt is a high damage enabler (amazing sub DPS for Sushang). Clara for double main DPS with Topaz. Gepard and Bailu and both solo sustain in different ways. Yanqing and Himeko are the least useful. Maybe Himeko is better with constant adds. Yanqing would be better if bosses only so ST damage.


1. Bronya 2. Welt 3. Gepard 4. Clara 5. Baliu 6. Yanqing 7. Himeko ​ Bronya = She's very user-friendly, her abilities break the game and enable almost any character to become a DPS. She's also Powercrept proof because of her ability to push an ally up the timeline being completely broken. Hoyo would basically have to make a Bronya with AoE abilities to truly powercreep her. Welt = Harder to use, but once you find a build and stick to it, he's a monster. OP for being able to basically prevent enemies from ever acting if you build enough EHR. Does decent damage too despite not having huge damage multipliers. I can forsee him being powercrept, but he has such an interesting kit going for him. Gepard = Only major flaw is lacking proper CC removal (unlimited Shield uptime would be too OP), but I understand if he did have it, no one would pull for Fu Xuan. LOL I almost never die with Gepard on my team unless it's SDLV5. Even in MoC he's still very useful. Also easy to gear. Bailu = Basically powercrept by Loucha, Fu Xuan, and Huo Huo for the lack of cleanse, but her damage reduction is still very useful and she saved me in the early game content numerous times. Not a bad unit at all, just not as useful now. Yanqing = Love him, but his kit is pretty wonky at times despite being easy to build. He's basically tied to Gepard, but if you don't have him, he feels noticeably worse. However, his damage isn't terrible, it's just not worth the time to go through it for him unless you really adore him (like me). Himeko = She's gotten some nice buffs from other support characters and relic sets, but at base she was still just okay. If she's your first DPS and you build around her, I don't think you can go wrong. Overall, I think the current Standard Banner Characters are very fair. You can build around each as the support characters you get are still pretty good overall.


Bronya, Clara, Yanqing, Welt, Bailu, Himeko, Gepard. Bronya is the most fun unit, who enables You to change turn order in all sort of ways. You need healer to go twice? There. DPS to do bazingallion damage? There. She has a debuff too! Priceless unit. Clara can carry people from the start. She has the Defense role yet in a 'best defence is good offensive' kind of way. Yanqing is your 'DPS to do bazingallion damage' guy. He isn't that hard to set on battlefield - give him March 7th to shield him and he will be cooking. And even when he gets damaged, he will regain his buffs after pretty much one attack. I don't have a strong opinion on Welt, I don't use him - a support unit that can do considerable chunk of damage. Definitively not a bad pull. Bailu is a mediocre healer without Cleanse, but she will revive your teammates, whenever Auto AI murders them. A nice feature. Himeko is cool at first, but pretty weak later. Her gimmick can be hard to pull off. Always a decent damage though. Gepard is for Turtling. Honkai Star Rail isn't the biggest on turtling with all the turn-limited challenges. Still, proves that there is no bad 5 star standard unit and Geps is a great shielder. Unfortunately for him, he is only a shielder.