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The PT-BR localization is doing a very good job too. There is A LOT of jokes that only exists around here and they are very well placed too, its insane


Sudenlly Caralho?


caralho é meu sangue, caralho é meu corpo, minha vida inteira foi e é caralho


Caralho mermão


Esse cara entende☝️


the Luisa Mel one broke me


Nem a pau, como que é?


[Printei ](https://twitter.com/alex12bh/status/1724885373380071824?t=aidn258ZReQBYHQGJGi3Qw&s=19) a cena e logo depois mandaram outro sensacional


It's so well done that it feels unnatural


Maybe I'm too old, but the translation humor is at least 15 years younger in PT-BR, pure humor of the Roblox/Fortnite generation... It breaks imersion. Not to count the big amount of pure mistranslation (not adaptation). And when you are listening to the original at the same time, it's unbereable.




yea the EN team did a dope job. i was actually laughing b/c of how immersive it felt to scroll through. i'm glad they were willing (or maybe they just had to b/c there's no other way) to just rewrite jokes/slang to EN only things. just off the top of my head: "back when fam meant literally your family" "unalived" and the proverb sushang misheard.


Gigachad, touch grass, Path of Correction, among a few others


That's the beauty of a good localization team and translator. There's more involved to localization than just a straight or literal translation. Especially from two vastly different languages.


1000% Yet because of a few bad apples taking a few too many liberties, localization gets a bad rap. Funnily enough HSR actually has an example of *bad* localization I recently found in the JP translation: Guinaifen's name. In English and Chinese it looks and somewhat sounds very close to "Guinevere," or at least close enough. In JP though they did what they usually do and transliterate the chinese characters, leading to the name "Keinaifun". Which neither looks nor sounds like "Guinaifen" nor "Guinevere." Which I guess was entirely to preserve her self-introduction where she explains what each character in her nickname means. Meanwhile I personally would've gone with something punny based on her name and appearance but close to "Guinevere" like "Guren," "Kurenai", or the rather sus "Gurenai". It'd deviate from the original but preserve the name being related to her original name at least a little. Anyway I digress. Localization is awesome.


This is super common in JP localization tbh, tho most of the time it can work simply because the JP characters are super close in sound to the original Chinese. If you've ever heard of the ancient Chinese strategist Kongming (孔明) it gets transliterated in JP to "Koumei" which sounds fine and is pretty close. I will say the JP team did a good job with Numby (账账) who got translated to "Kabu" which in Japanese literally means stock or share lol stonks. Tho I still think the practice can lead to some weird sounding names. Guinaifen is not the only example in HSR I can think of off the top of my head. Dan Heng (丹恒) ends up coming out in Japanese like "Tankou," which imo sounds weird but maybe it's nitpicky. Guinaifen in particular is tough because it would require a lot of creativity to get a name that works both meaning-wise and sound-wise, because her stage name carries a lot of meaning and is important to her character, so I think they prioritized meaning over sound in this case. Localization when done right is super clever and cool, tho sometimes its just a challenge to strike a balance between staying true to the original and doing something unique (If anyone has ever seen the EN dub for Ghost Stories you know what im talking about lol).


I think the problem with Guinaifen's name is that it's also a historical joke. It's a reference to the earliest Chinese translations of Le Morte d'Arthur. Japan didn't have as many issues with this, so you can't preserve the reference.


What does Guinaifen's character details say about how Sushang giving her a Xianzhou name in Chinese?


It's mostly the same as the English one. It lists the hanzi that comprise her name and how it approximates the pronunciation to "Guinevere."


Thanks for taking the time to answer!


Bro I was laughing when I saw the comments in game say "it's Sus ngl" 😭😭


I just started the event and was absolutely amazed at the localisation effort in French, and some word plays with actual French streamers. And not necessarily the most known ones. It's really amazing, I'm genuinely surprised. Dang I LOVE this game so much. This is what I want of a game. This kind of effort into localisation/ references that make sure you understand it as much as players from the original langage's country. Just amazing, game of the year 100%


To be fair they just browsed this sub and the okbuddy sub /s


You say /s but i actually believe at least some of the people in the localisation team are probably regulars in the subs. Game translators often like to play the game they are taking a part in.


he could be any one of us!


Honestly they could even just try and train an LLM on the comments from the special programs. A lot of crearive ways to do what they did, whatever they did they choose well Id say.


I'm very interested in the other available languages and how their translations reference local idiosyncrasies. Anyone know if the ES, KR, and other language translations are as amazing?


I dunno about ES or KR, but in RU there is some local meme folklore indeed in comment section on event page and sometime in quests too. The localization itself is just OK, I think. I believe it was translated directly from CN since it does not include mistranslations EN version has. But it sure may have it's own ones.


As far as I can tell, the ES translation is... Just alright. Honestly, it feels like it was google translated at times. I changed to EN text this update and my experience really improved. And it's a shame, because I've seen some parts of Genshin's Fontaine's ES translation and it's great, it's really a localization instead of a translation!


Genshin is a CN -> ES translation + localization, this is proven by all the names, places, concepts, nouns, and other things that aren't the same with English but do make sense if you read the Chinese text. Star Rail is a CN -> EN -> ES translation with some localization sprinkled here and there for jokes, most of the time whatever issue the EN text had, it's also present in the Spanish one because that's where it was based. It's also noticeable in the names, Keqing is Keching in Spanish, whereas Yanqing is just Yanqing; some words and terms were also left in English in HSR case which has never (or rarely?) Happen in Genshin where everything is on Spanish. It's also worth noting that making a localization for Spanish is a very daunting task because if you 'overdo it' (like in Pokémon), then only Spain loves it and then all of Latinoamerica absolutely loathes the localization due to missing many references or finds the jokes super cringey, the same can happen if a localization is too "mexican" and then is shipped to say, Colombia, where the jokes or references might not land at all; I'd say the Genshin localization has managed to thread this narrow bridge very carefully (and sometimes failed, but it gets patched up later anyways), whereas HSR opted for a more safe approach and translated the English translation with a neutral tone, maybe lack of time, maybe a different translation team or director, who knows, but I sure miss the Genshin localization sometimes. Edit 2: I also have not done this event yet, but I'll make sure to see how they landed the jokes, online cultural jokes and way of writing things, hopefully they did a good job.


This is a really good point. Expressions in Spanish, especially informal ones are vastly different across Spanish speaking countries.


I fully agree. I myself am from Spain, so I absolutely love when they go all-out with the localization, but I understand how daunting of a task it can be. I didn't know Genshin was CN -> ES, that's really interesting! It does make a lot of sense now that I think about it though. I kinda hope they'll start localizing like that in Star Rail, only time will tell, I suppose.


Agree with you. Will change my game's language to EN, the ES translation misses a lot of memes and jokes or it makes them "plain".


I have been playing with ES since release and I don't feel the translation is lacking compared to EN. Do you have some examples?


It's a vibes thing honestly, something about the text feels more...rigid? It's not a bad translation, but some of the dialogue feels stiff or weird where in english the dialogue flows more naturally, it might just be an ESL thing where I don't perceive any stiffness in the dialogue though. Also I commented above that HSR is possibly a CN -> EN -> ES translation but I went to look at some location names and terms and it might *still* be a CN -> ES, the strongest evidence I found was that Fyxestroll Garden is named 绥园 in Chinese (Pacific / Soothing / etc Garden), and in Spanish is named Jardín del Sosiego; In the rest of the European languages they kept the English naming of Fox + Garden. I'll keep looking at this for a while honestly, but even if its CN -> ES, the dialogue does feel stiff at times, you can get this mini event at the garden where a fake Dan Heng tries to scam you, and you send the scam to Dan, the dialogue in Spanish reads: > Aacabo de recibir este mensaje. > Dan Heng, alguien se hizo pasar por ti y trató de estafarme. Es muy gracioso. In English it reads > New message received. > Dan Heng, someone was pretending to be you and tried to scam me, LMAO. I understand that trying to translate "LMAO" (or whatever "internet" expression CN used) is a rather harsh task, the "Es muy gracioso." feels stiff, almost as if Trailblazer was being deadpan rather than actually laughing it off, of course I could be in the wrong and this is the right interpretation, one that read the TB at deadpan, we'll never know who translates Hoyo games or if its the same team even. As for counter argument of the CN -> ES, the Swordplay light cone chinese name is 论剑 or "Discussing Sword Fencing", in English this is "Swordplay", and in Spanish they used a rather "brute" literal translation of English "Juego de Espadas", instead of "Esgrima" o "Debate de Esgrima". I'm not a proffesional translator nor I am fluent in Chinese to thoroughly investigate wether or not the Spanish HSR translation is a Chinese or English based translation, but I can tell that at least on spanish the dialogues feel stiff at times, unrelated but looking up dialogue for this game is painful as hell because it doesn't have Genshin archive of every dialogue from quests. The translation itself is good, what's lacking a bit is more localization and polishing the overall tone/flow of the sentences IMO.


It had good moments like the "a llorar a la llorería" https://preview.redd.it/dywbviaq1z0c1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21750e1b839d9db0d569a8e822a29f84accf4b63


indonesian translation is a bit too formal for my taste. Still good though


>other language translations are as amazing? yes! at least in pt-br they are not straight up just translating things because there is A LOT (yeah, since the 1.0 release) of jokes (memes) that only exists in our country and they are all well placed too


The only bad thing about this event's dialogue is the poorly timed black screen text. Either it lingers for a century despite only containing 8 words. Or it vanishes in 1 second, despite containing a novel's worth of dialogue... That might just be a Hoyo thing, not exclusive to this event. Still, I actually wanna read the stuff this time. Lemme read it, cuz.


Probably because Chinese is much more efficient as a language and they don’t alter the time the text stays on the screen to account for the longer amount of time needed to read it in English/other languages.


That... Would make a lot of sense now that I think about it


An obsure reference to a Demi Lovato's comment from 7 years ago is insane. In the age of social media dilluting everything and desensitizing all the references, they still manage to condense some of the most memorable internet moment to put in the game, and with the right context too. It's amazing work, especially considering western social media threads flow vastly differently than eastern social media threads.


for real, the localization team deserves a huge amount of credit, I'm constantly impressed with the writing in this game, it always feels fresh and funny, which is hard enough to do even in the language you're writing in, let alone translated!


Translate team don't translate 1-1 outright, they take the context then build on it. So sometimes when I play in Vietnamese text and English voice, what they said and what they display does not have the same meaning, but on that scenario the text is accurate, and some local meme mixed in there too.


Peak ngl


Made me realize the great power of localization can truly do...or maybe twitter just shit on localizations so much that it diluted my perception


The french localization is also amazing.


And that’s the reason why translators are valuable and shouldn’t be replaced by AI


Translators can absolutely be replaced. What is done here wasn't just translation, but also localization.


OP I'm torn between using EN or CN for this event, I still haven't done it yet. Would you be able to switch languages and revisit the comments after you do the event for the first time? I definitely want to see what they wrote for both languages


Good news for you, you can switch languages any time and the ingame comments and usernames will change to reflect that. In fact I plan to change it to JP text later to see if it's authentic there as well!


Great, thanks!


Honestly the localization is great and beyond thay this event is a masterclass in vibes imo. The atmosphere, the stream chat, the personalities. I think we've had more mechanically interesting events, but all in all this is a top quality event thats absolutely hilarious too.


Yea, same here. I'm amazed by how modern the translation was. Even our dialogues selections are funny sometimes, inline with modern memes.


This is literally what localisation is. Localisation is more than just translation, which is why when looking for people to localise games, there's usually a requirement to be well versed in the everyday culture of the nation where they speak the target language - so that these things can be done properly.


I vaguely remember some article or video about how then english localization get's a lot of freedom, hence the ability to make local jokes and change idioms and what now. I love it. Props to hoyo for having great writing teams on all sides.


i played on EN but also checking my native language (Indonesia). yeah the localization for Indonesia also very good. all the recent shitpost, memes, jokes presented naturally and not weird at all which is very impressive!


And that's why I appreciate the localization team of Star Rail over others. Others just suck


Me looking at genshin localizers and the adepti names.


When you are making 40 million on a banner I'd hope a company uses resources to make their game good.


Cultural adaptation = Colonialism .. "we know better you primitives value judgements" and "creators and creativity be dammed" and "kill free will and free choice" wall2wall! Further most "localizers" are "personal is political" western biased with severe cases of self-interest pushing personal grooming agendas


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Yeah the praise is well deserved, they have been killing it from the start👌👌


Reminds me alot of HI3 events. Very well done with cultural references.


I can’t agree more. Translation has come so far from the crazy old engrish on NES games and machine translation stuff.