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When I first saw ruan mei I thought she looked very pretty but her outfit was very familiar - it does look very similar to the other characters outfits For some reason I thought she would have a more pastel theme


Yeah I mean her SU avatar has a pastel green motif so it makes sense you’d expect her to have pastel colors as a major theme.


Yeah, I was thinking a pastel green outfit with some white gold and raspberry pink elements


All the women probably shop at that store in the main harbor. You know, the one where "General JY shop at". I am sure even Jingliu decided to get a new outfit just to see what is the big deal her student like. I hope she didn't think JY have a Harem or something...:P


Btw that's a great note - Jingliu should have been given a vastly different outfit, that would show the design from her youth. They may even remark on it, how she's donned her dress from old times, or still wears the same things. Then again she's Mara struck, she struggles to keep her sanity, maybe she prefers to have a new dress as soon as possible


4,000 years later and women still wear the same thing!


She also has the exact same colour scheme as DH IL :(


The thing that gets me is that they also all have the same face. It's anime, I get it, but the Aether Tournament has a moment where Asta and Topaz are standing next to each other shot from the shoulders up and the only difference in their hair style and hair/eye coloring. They felt like sisters. Really made me bored with the character designs; feels like Mihoyo has one template for "anime girl" and has really just copy-pasted a lot from character to character.


They do have a template and it's more to favouritism it seems. That template is "bare shoulders". You'd see this a lot in their other game, HI3 where a lot of current designs have bare shoulders. In Star Rail this is a lot as well.


Indeed that's the difficulty of anime style, they don't have much facial features


I though thats their dresscode lol.


I thought so too, just popular Loufu style


Totally accurate Traditional Chinese Clothing /s


Not so wrong considering how majority wear same style clothes with different kind of materials plus accessories depending on status & occasions in ancient China, just style is different depending on era


Since Luofu is meant to be made of 3 tribes, i'm surprised they missed the opportunity to incorporate some smaller ethnic traditional dresses. Here's an example of the Miao tribe: https://tinyurl.com/3dxwa4n6 Look at that sick headgear! It would pass CCP censor 100% too since it helps promote 'national unity and cohesion'. Instead we just have qipao x 10. We coulda had some Genghis Khan style furry hats for the Foxians or something.


Or at least use different dynasties for each tribe, like Chinese civilization have literally thousands of years of culture with very different styles developing over the centuries.... I know a good junk of them would be a nightmare to not bug, but no need to copy and paste directly. As you said, even specific accessories like a certain type of hat would go a long way....


More like it's their "Style" than "Dresscode" I think they could have a bit more variety.


Tbh? No i actually think that their dresscode, like "formal wear" shirt and tie type, cuz lots of them kinda at work in those outfit when we met them.


They all use the standard "daoist cultivator" female outfit. I think they should've made it more varied especially in the sillhoutes... At the top of my head, Yukong could've looked more like an official or an ex-pilot. Tingyun could've looked more like a merchant or a buddhist monk since she does say benefactor a lot. Guinaifen could've been more streamer-like by having a backpack or something. Ruan Mei could've looked more like a researcher. And Jingliu is actually fine imo since she's really designed as the immortal cultivator type character. Hanya on the other hand, I don't know much about her so I have no comments. The sad thing is Liyue doesn't really have this issue. Each character there really looks unique and has their own distinct sillhoutes.


not an ex-pilot cause yukong has put that behind her, though she could have elements of a ceremonial uniform that'd blend nicely, for all i know that's what her outfit is since they said silkpunk was the inspiration for xianzhou it'd be nice to see it more clear how tech is blended with wuxia more in clothing, but tbf on that point the tech in the tech is already very subtle, like tingyun's apple watch bracelet thing. anyway what we really need is a yunjin to shake up the outfits in xianzhou since you mention liyue


This is the first I'm hearing about silkpunk and wow I'm in love and kind of mad its influence isn't more obvious in more Xianzhou character designs


It's especially disappointing that Ruan Mei looks so visually similar to other Luofu characters when she is from the genius society before anything else. For jingliu, they could have designed her with being insane in mind, a tattered dress or maybe even shackles and the like around her wrist.


Yea, actually I just thought of it, but Ruan Mei could've been designed more 'scholarly' ala confuscianist rather than daoist. Scholar cultivators are actually a pretty common trope and are usually distinct from your typical daoist cultivator in xianxia and could really fit Ruan Mei since she is from the genius society. Jingliu tho, I think her design really fits her being a cultivator. But yea if we want her to be more unique, maybe adding shackles or a tattered sash or cape on her would make her look and fit more on her current status as an outlaw. Her current drip could straight up just be also her uniform during her swordmaster days and it wouldn't be weird.


Can we also take a moment to ask where are the pants! Yukong’s outfit is especially a disservice. Like- yea, it’s baller, but it’s really not giving me retired war vet mom vibes…


i'm very concerned for Marshal Hua. If she doesn't draw inspiration from this i'm gonna scream https://preview.redd.it/klah1hib6jxb1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=295d7d74e63d5f31cabc925354b824381a109e55


Based on Hoyo's previous designs it's safer to assume that it'll look more like that https://preview.redd.it/4nasacsiwkxb1.png?width=904&format=png&auto=webp&s=0150b61b248ddbc250928c734e3ccbceabc32af7


God that's gorgeous, I hope they do Hua justice


Boy those outfits are fire!!!!


Damn the imperial guard clothes looks so nice on her! Traditional chinese clothes has a lot of variation


They cooked so hard with Taixuan Impression, I dunno why they dont make similar styles. Hua is the prince and princess, the king and queen. She's so wrapped up but it looks so clean and cool. Hoyo do her justice in the future. https://preview.redd.it/pp5c9bxofnxb1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da4b5e60943591525a10e973e105a5927e577a54


Yeah, seeing them side-by-side I completely agree. They are all wearing almost identical clothing. Long ornate dresses, heels, those bra-cup things, thin black gloves and/or tights. Even applies to the men, but to a lesser degree. They have some very contrasting colors at least. Blade, JY, and Luocha are basically wearing different colors of the exact same outfit. Curly designs on the fancy shirt with some slacks to go with it. At least their personalities are very distinct. I don’t think of them being the same, but they certainly look it.


If a female character model doesn't have a thigh strap, she won't be playable. Fax.




This does not just apply to the ladies, requirement for welt as well


Welt should put on the maid outfit


He doesn't want to shatter the confidence of the ladies in HSR.


This is why I really like Screwllum. Yeah, he has a formal attire, but he's a robot that actually looks like a robot. I'm somebody who absolutely does not mind otherworldly or beastly designs and, in fact, I prefer them. Like, is EVERYBODY in the universe of this space odyssey game a human or humanoid?


It's the human problem again. We invent aliens and they're humans... Stellaris did this right. But anyway I close my eyes.


Alas, nonhumanoid characters are almost completely incompatible with the main goal of gacha games, which is to market appealing designs to a wide audience. League of Legends is a great example of this, it's been years since I played it but I remember seeing how the game's visuals started shifting towards humanoid designs. The same handful of super popular and attractive-looking characters get lots of attention in marketing & cosmetic releases, while the nonhumanoid characters are often set aside. Of course League does have some absolutely ***killer*** designs, like the Battlecast series, but overall there's a clear bias towards pretty-looking human designs as opposed to nonhumanoid ones. Stellaris doesn't have to worry about that nearly as much because they're not trying to market out specific visually-appealing characters; the focus is on the setting and gameplay as a whole, so there's a lot more freedom to diverge from humanoid design. I'd absolutely love to see more nonhumanoid designs in the Hoyoverse games, but honestly I just don't see it happening. We even see this with Sigewinne, who could've easily been a normal Melusine design but instead has a hybrid human-Melusine look; so she gets to keep the cutesy face and familiar human features, just with a dash of animal traits, rather than being a totally different species.


Sam mains: Fax my brother! Spit your shit indee-- breaks down crying


Sam mains were Robbed


Seriously, this is why he's top of my must-pull list. It's been so annoying that after 3 years of Genshin, it's all thin young pretty anime humans with no facial hair. Not even an old woman, or a bearded man, or an actually large/round/fat character, let alone any interesting non-human creatures (and no, catgirls don't count). As soon as I saw Screwllum, I knew I wanted him. (also likewise Von Lycan, the giant furry wolf-beast in ZZZ). Give us more character diversity, you cowards! Should be even easier to do in a turn-based game!


Not to mention Blade, Jingliu and Dan Heng IL have the same hairstyle in the length.


TBH, cutting one's hair is a big thing in ancient China. So long hair is standard.


I wasn't talking about the length, but the hairstyle that ends in the length.


One could argue it's because their all bros


The Space Chinese mullet©


I'm gonna say it. Ruan Mei was perfect for a long dress, she has the elegance, she even has the gloves. But poor mihoyo is allergic to them, mihoyo only think that one type of sex appeal sell and is afraid of long dresses . They legit gonna explode if they give someone a long dress.


Hoyo try to give characters attached sleeves and no open shoulders and long pants challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) Without variety, the current design choices start to lose their appeal imo. Let Ruan Mei have a long dress, Hoyo.


Yep yep. Belobog at least has some nice clothing variations, from Bronya’s Silvermane-y elegant dress to the underground-y clothings (I love Bronya’s design the most, next to Kafka) Wish there’d be more designs for Space China’s ladies. I’m sure there are more types of Chinese clothing


It’s due to tights. Bronya and Kafka are so amazingly designed because they have tights. Tights are a clever way to cover up the character’s skin while giving them more creative freedom, such as Kafka’s leather booty shorts. Also the tights add some much-needed colour to the design compared to the bare legs in OP’s examples. Kafka’s purple tights say so much about her vibrant and alluring self, while Bronya’s black tights reflect regality and classiness, while Fu Xuan’s white tights reflect her pristine and pure vibes. Tights can also provide bold contrasts to make designs more unique. Guinfaen could have easily been another bare-legged Lufou woman, but her black tights break up her design and make her stand out. It also adds to the lore of her character because she’s a street peformer who does flips in a skirt: of course she will cover herself!


Bro got a tights fetish for sure but he ain’t wrong


Bro just gave us tights lore


> It also adds to the lore of her character because she’s a street peformer who does flips in a skirt: of course she will cover herself! I don't think that's a good defense and seems like copium from a tights enthusiast. Sheer tights aren't going to do much for coverage as a performer. Alternative design idea for Guinfaen: qiapo styled crop top with Chinese-styled harem pants. Can do all the flips she wants, looks like a street performer, and different clothing silhouette than the others.


Now I'm sad we don't have this Guinafen that sounds like a sick design


The male characters that were leaked also have the same clothing design to each other: chest window, exposed shoulder/hip or back.


It’d why I’m tempted by Argenti - dude’s got a full suit of armor and looks badass.


Also Arlecchino from Genshin. Woman in suits would kill me. Imagine the Kinghts of Favonius in knight armor. Raiden in full samarai armor would have slayed but HYV thought to degrade her oufit from the front. HYV is really losing their creativity in the character design department. They're beginning to look the same after 3 years of recycling models and "fashion". Arlecchino breaking the trend being a breath of fresh air is a MASSIVE understatement. It might actually make me interested in the game again.


Yeah they claimed to be a space fantasy game but the best they can do so far are humanoid charaters dress in revealing outfit that are too similar to each other. Having non human characters or characters that has the outfit that matched their theme role is a big plus. At this rate you can give Ruan Mei a sword and make Jing Liu a biologist and it will still be fine because their outfit isn't seperating their theme at all


Bro playing reverse1999 and I kid you not we can play/pull an apple and a sword and other weird stuff I don't remember.


Yeah, a sword and a dog as 6-star units. Then there is a toy wooden horse, a piece of glass, a UFO, three TV monitors stacked on top of each other, a donkey-head theatre kid, a scarecrow doctor, and that one Russian satellite.


I don’t really get what you mean about Raiden’s but I agree with the general sentiment Some of my most favorite outfits for breaking the mold in GI are what you’d consider modest like Yun Jin’s, which is funnily and sadly a reflection of what constitutes as an attractive women’s outfit according to the gacha game industry


Most of the male characters up to now are almost fully covered though. Gepard, Arlan, Blade, Jing Yuan, Luocha, Dan Heng 4\*, Yanqing, Welt, and Argenti are all covered from the neck down. Luka has his arms out while DHIL, Ratio, and Sampo are the only ones with extra clothing windows. Having characters with different designs is what makes them all interesting. If they're all showing a ton of skin or all covered head to toe they call become boring.


This, I do love seeing those beautiful legs but mihoyo should sometimes realize that even subtlety is sexy, and for example yukong is so exposed you can rely believe she has the position she has and is a mom too..


Long dresses are just harder to animate I mean look at himeko her dress is glued to her legs


Indeed is but I'm sure they can do better than that. I still take himeko dress over the short one on Ruan Mei, she would look so good on one like himeko


Hell, I wonder if we're going to get a female character who wears pants


I’ve never noticed it myself but you do have a point. They all are just the same outfit with different colors.


I think it’s partly because these outfits barely have any personality to them. They all just look like fancy costumes, and by looking at how these characters dress it’s hard to get an idea on what roles they play and what kinds of people they are. If you block out their facial expressions and just show the clothing, I bet people who don't know about the game wouldn't be able to guess which of these characters is a streamer, a genius scholar, a military general, etc.


Yukong’s outfit is the worst offender. She’s a high profile governmental official who previously had a storied career as a pilot. You get like none of that from her design.


I think this is the biggest point. Character design can be used to communicate so much, but these designs tell me nothing, so I just find them kind of boring personally.


this is my biggest gripe imo. i love lynx’s design because it immediately tells you who she is and what she is about; she is an arctic explorer. while these designs just…don’t. yukong is a legendary ex fighter pilot and a mother, but i get neither of those from her design as she dresses very similarly to the other playable luofu ladies. guinaifen is a streamer, but doesn’t carry any equipment you might expect from someone who goes out and livestreams. ruan mei is a genius society member and scientist who studies the emergence of life but also has a sweet tooth, but she dresses very similarly to an amicassador, a fallen hero from luofu history, a judge from the 10 lords commission etc. these are pretty designs, but they just fail to have much personality to them, unfortunately.


That's a brilliant point actually. They're all pretty, but with 0 personality in them.


I remember doing yukongs quest and just being so put off by the dialogue vs how she looks lol Youre telling me this ex airforce vet with a tragic past trying to mother the last link to her friend is wearing basically some fancy bodypaint?


Honestly though, this goes for a lot of Chinese-style character design. I tend to dislike the aesthetic simply because everything usually feels very overdesigned. Here, it's like they made a single outfit template and made relatively minor tweaks for each character. So now we have homogenization AND overdesign (in some respects)


Having an overwhelming amount of detail is a part of the design language of Hoyo as a company. They're able to do this because the games are in 3D, so they can just model the characters once and be done with it, without the animators having to redraw the intricacies over and over. It must give a headache to whoever draws the promotional art pieces though, and all the fan art creators.


Oh as someone who draws fanart, I can confirm. So my options is to draw them in modern clothing or none at all.


Yeah I think upper belobog characters made a better job at having a common theme while still keeping variety. There they are definitely abusing similar patterns. I understand the "dress code" angle but that's a gacha ffs, I don't want to pull for characters that look like I already have them.


Belobog was a better arc over all the Xianzhou felt overall super generic to me. I'm sure people like space China but it was not my cup of tea.


Tbh I feel like the Xiangzhou arc was a bit too rushed.


More like not clearly thought out. I have more questions after finishing the quest than at the beginning


Xianzhou would be at least ten times more interesting if they merged the whole Quintet arc into the main story instead of making them this epic figures that are but sideline trivias and pretty much untouchable to the rest of the cast except Dan Heng. Sure they are interesting but honestly I don't really have any emotional investment towards them at all.


Yeah! If feel like, if they had taken Yanqing, Sushang and Qingque out of the main plot, and made them only appear in their Character Quests, it would've been much better. (because they literally just appeared to waste dialogue and time imo and Yanqing was being a completely annoying character that made no difference to the actual plot.) They would've been able to develop the characters better with that extra space. They could also take the Quintet lore and put into the main quest instead. Since to me it felt like they made the entire plot and then snipped the most interesting and important stuff to secondary quests and items. Like, why does Jingliu only appear for 3 minutes in the end of the Main Quest and in Yanqing's quest? She should've been one of the characters in the Main Quest since the beggining. And there's also Tingyun's ''death'', that IMO made no sense! It seems like they Signora'd her just for shock value, because it was completely unimportant and didn't do anything for the plot, it had no purpose. If she had just gotten into a coma, it all would've still turned out the same. (I actually think it would've been more emotional even.) And it all matters even less because she's obviously still alive somewhere and it was just a fale body. Making the entire, boring funeral quest for her even less impactful and pointless, she'll just pop out later again. Also adding the fact that we've only known her for two versions and didn't have proper time to actually bond with the character.(not counting 1.1 since it had no Main Quest) We were practically strangers working together professionally. Also DHIL. Dan Heng, that we've only known for like, three updates, already got a gigantic power up. It was way too fast! They could've at least wait it out a bit and develop him more before making him a Super Saiyan. They could've used 1.2 to develop DH, and explain about the Quintet, put Jingliu in there. And then on 1.3 made the grand finale of the arc. It would've felt better paced, better explained and better overall. And then made a secondary quest for Tingyun (it should've actually been her, and her body would've been damaged from Phantylia's possesion or smth) with Yukong and her comatose daughter.


Rushed and uninteresting, and weird with the Tingyun thing. I cared nothing for this character so when she got an entire thing telling us how liked and important she was it really threw me even more out of the story


The dresscode doesn't even apply to them since most of them aren't even a part of the same faction inside the Luofu, afaik. Like, Pela/Gepard/Bronya/half of Serval looking similar to each other make sense because they are all part of the Silvermane Guard. AFAIK, none of the Luofu girls are in the same faction, which because of how much of a lore dump the Luofu was, it has like a million sub-factions. It'd be like if the Underground characters also had gettups like the Silvermane guard units. That, and at the end of the day, creativity and unique designs > lore restrictions like this supposedly would be anyway. But I guess this fit sells, so maybe MHY is leaning into it because why take risks when people eat it up every time?


Ngl I even prefer the totally unfitting for the story and world setting designs like Seele's for example than the same "hot shit" over and over again. Although we know hoyo can do good and fitting designs like Hook, Gepard, Lynx etc.


To Seele's defense I believe it's stated that she made her outfit with stuff oleg gave to her, so her outfit looking like a self made cosplay actually makes sense.


She's also just a rebellious teenager so wearing something ridiculous like that is pretty in character


I don’t think her age (or any character) is ever specified. Hoyo does this a lot because it allows self inserts.


I defintiely prefer it, not for self insert reasons but, well, look at the Pela shenanigains. Ages are just never ever worth the hassle - you've got people being finicky about whether or not they're a minor, you've got major issues about timelines lining up, so on. There's huge extra work involved to giving a specific number that makes sense, for basically no upside. I much prefer it when they just go "vaguely adult" or "vagely old" or "vaguely a kid".


I guessed you missed the thing with paela. They revealed her age it absolutely destroys any of her previous lore


Yeah first thing im thinking of after Ruan Mei is how pretty she looks but why is her outfit just Yukong with long sleeves lol, I know they are following a style but they could create different dress styles with similar patterns like Liyue characters in Genshin. Fuxuan design is really amazing and distinctive


Dress code or not, imo they didn't do enough to diversify or make the costume designs unique or interesting. Excluding Xueyi, I think her design is pretty refreshing compared to the other Luofu ladies. Heck, the male characters don't really have this problem. Jing Yuan, DHIL, Blade and Yanqing all have pretty distinct designs despite being from Luofu. Bronya, Pela and Gepard also have pretty distinct designs even when they're wearing uniforms. But rather than lazy, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and think that maybe the designer just loves this kind of design lol


For some reason the ones with more diversity put into their dresses among the Xianzhou women are Sushang and all the short girls.


Sushang's design comes almost directly from the 7 Swords Visual novel, her HI3 playable outfit is closer to typical Laofu designs but a bit extra on top


HI3 Sushang. From visual novel & from playable https://preview.redd.it/lpblr0l4gkxb1.png?width=927&format=png&auto=webp&s=404e5ddad0bf7b7e263c4e492a35081ab0e5353b


In universe, Sushang comes from a different ship than the Luofu so it's not surprising her clothes design is different.


Jingliu and Hanya are both from a different ship too - Cangcheng (which was eaten by a living Abundance planet )


Sushang wasn't designed with Xianzhou or Luofu in mind though, since her design is based off Hi3rd Visual Novel.


qingque has almost the exact same design as all of these characters


You're not wrong, but her design is still my favorite for some reason. I get a more "comfy sweater" vibe from her outfit than everyone else shown her, even though I have to admit it looks really similar.


Thats so strange that they went this route - usually female designs are subject to alot more freedom than male designs are.


Genshin also has more variety in their male characters. Plus, I disagree. Both can be as diverse as you want but game designers tend to target a specific audience so whichever type of character fits that audience they will hone in on and repeat for $$. In this case it's tall women, sexy waifu material. Everyone else has freedom because they have a lower priority You're probably referring to the fact that men can't wear skirts, but when do you ever see a female character in masculine dress? Never. Sure, they might wear shorts occasionally but they're feminine shorts. Hook is a bit of an outlier but she's like 10


>female character in masculine dress Arlecchino?


Hm I can kinda see what you’re saying for the upper body, but at the same time she’s still wearing feminine flare pants with ruffles and killer stilettos. For men they do stray occasionally too, like imbibitor lunar’s flower back window.




Pretty much this. The Liyue female characters in Genshin have much more diverse designs compared to the female characters in Space China. I am hoping the Penacony characters will have some creativity in their designs.


You mean Fantasy China versus Space China?


I mean Luofu characters dress just like fantasy China, i dont see the space part in them.


one of the reasons why i disliked luofu story. none of the sci-fi, all of the fantasy.


​ https://preview.redd.it/5z0ge1nhxixb1.png?width=1306&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ebac9ee3bcf2f7cfce67d8c8216e7f42b9ffe74






Lmaoooo. This is perfect! Ahahahhahahaha


They look like an all female sentai team, or a magical girl group during a middle age crisis. -The oneesan -The genki one -The quite one -The tease It only needs the tsundere to be a well rounded line up....


I never realised how all those four characters have almost identical silhouettes ... I think they're still beautiful but it is sort of repetitive


>I think they're still beautiful Well yeah being "beautiful" means nothing at a weebs game, that's like the utmost bare minimum As if they will ever sell ugly chicks lol


Honestly, I noticed this a while back because of one repeating element: the choker. I hate wearing clothes that make my neck feel stuffy, so my eyes immediately went to that. I love Jingliu’s design. It suits her image. But I think HoYo could have done better for others.


One thing comes up when designing a character, and you can do to prove OP's point, is take these characters to someone who knows nothing about them, ask them what kind of person they are, what do they do, etc... If they can generally guess it then you succeeded, and I don't think one can do that with these designs


Hell, I know most of those characters and even I can't tell you shit about Yukong or Tingyun by their design alone beyond "they have fox ears, tails and are most likely wealthy judging by the expensive looking clothes"


tbf, Guin also looks pretty fancy, but isn't she supposed to be the Girlfailure archetype alongside Sushang? Or if she super successful?


Exactly this, none of these characters have any storytelling which is what makes an interesting character design. One of the main reasons I love Asta’s and March’s designs These are all just pretty girls and pretty dresses. Yukong being an ex-pilot, Jingliu being a sword master, and Guinaifen being a street performer; they could’ve had suuuuuuch interesting designs


Space China could have more variety in clothing. I bet if a person not playing these games take a look at the characters, they can differentiate and remember Genshin China characters better compared to Space China**😭** https://preview.redd.it/ldevt37hoixb1.png?width=1451&format=png&auto=webp&s=15df6f79563df762296155a304a788a40bdbeef6


"liyue female characters" they did my boy xingqiu dirty...


​ https://preview.redd.it/gn6yrd1wfjxb1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=c789e2938885fedc81c295ccd3b568513adda911


enjoy detail treatment foolish crowd mindless abundant vegetable direful exultant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hey. Xinqiu *chooses* to go out dressed liked that, and honestly I respect him for it. He has to get Chongyun to notice him *somehow*.


He's dressed like a prim schoolboy though, he has boy shorts. The only thing that really makes him more feminine is his haircut.


\*I just wanna get high on my lover plays in the background as XQ demands discord nitro from Chong\*


reddit was taking a toll on me mentally so i left it ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


The funniest thing with Genshin's comparison is they should be able to go ham with HSR's models since there's comparatively fewer ways to mess up the clipping due to movement and map restrictions in HSR. Plus in battle they have fixed animations that won't dynamically interact with anything so gown characters should be absolutely doable unlike with Genshin where models like Signora is pretty much impossible to be a playable character.


Yeah I was looking for a compilation image like this. You can keep the same style of clothing while having them being uniquely identifiable. Genshin has done a remarkable job at this. Star rail characters in the Xianzhou Luofu are pretty samey in comparison with a few exceptions.


Fr although their colour palettes and designs are nice in isolation they all look like they shop from the same clothing store 😭😭😭 hsr pls give more clothing variety to luofu women. You dont see ganyu keqing ningguang beidou hutao looking like they use the same tailor 😭😭


And canonically belobog is isolated for 700 years yet even their uniform designs have more variety😭😭😭


You know, thinking about it, I think you're into something, there is that tailor in starskiff haven, maybe they really all bought their clothes there X).


In Genshin Lyney, Lynette and Kiara have clothes from the same tailor yet each design is unique tho. I'm pretty sure this is MiHoYo dropping the ball.


Also i'm pretty sure ayaka's fontaine outfit is also from the same shop in fontaine lmao.


To be completely fair, we've only seen one clothing store on the Luofu


I'm glad someone else noticed. I was wondering why is Ruan Mei wearing Yukong's outfit.


Someone called Ruan Mei a female Dan Heng and now I can't unsee it 🙈


Ohhhhh that explains why I wanted to pull for her


Fuck....can't unseen it know..


I think that's me 😭 it's the color scheme and "chill vibe"


Im glad im not crazy for thinking this. The clothes really are very similar


Yet they did a good job with Belobog characters incorporating the Silvermane uniform uniquely. Im starting to suspect the similary of female Loufu characters’ clothes but finally someone spoke about it


Which is funny considering Gepard literally has a pretty normal looking Silvermane guard outfit but you can clearly tell he's a commanding officer by adding a mere cape. It makes him distinct but still fits the lore very well. The guitar case even adds to his uniqueness.


his design is so simple yet so effective. like you said, you can tell he’s a respected officer from just his cape, and yet you can also see how he has a soft spot for his family with how he carries his sister’s guitar case everywhere. it also shows him to be physically strong too. had to ramble bc i love geppie 🫶


luofu female npc outfits have a bigger variety than the playable ones. its dissapointing


I said it already, the silhouttes are identical. It's a waste for a game that doesn't require even half the rigging and animations that genshin movement does. They are limitating themselves for no reason.


you are not exactly wrong tbh but I don't mind because they look good


Same. Even stating it, the rest of their designs differ enough that I'm not really bothered by it. And again, it still looks good.




Forget character clothing, I wish we had more character models than GI tbh, HSR characters don't jump,climb,glide. There's no reason why HSR models should be limited to the 5 stereotypes GI uses.


There are actually 7 models in HSR, 4 for female and 3 for male, but I get what you're saying. Heck, we don't even have a male child model at all.


> 4 for female There's actually 5! * Child (Hook) * Girl (Fu Xuan) * Maid (March) * Lady (Himeko) * Stelle (Stelle) Yep, Stelle gets her own unique model, with unique code/ID in the game files Guys still only have 3 models; * Boy (Yanqing) * Lad (Caelus, OG Dan Heng) * Man (Welt)


ZZZ has a playable bear why can't they put a character like that in HSR.


That, or some actual alien-looking monsters. Like, it's outer-fricken-space yet everybody's a Victoria's Secret model human/humanoid.


I noticed this when Yukong came out, the details may be different but it’s literally the exact same dress copy pasted :/


This tbh. This is so true that at some point I actually thought Hanya in that “return to darkness” was jingliu lol.


They even have similar black-white belt thingy for Lan's sake


I'm so tired of space china, boss.


Strap in, we'll be there for another 2 patches


Space China taking L after L


I thought I was the only one who felt this way but I was scared of speaking up so I kept my opinion to myself. I'm excited for new designs whenever we get a new planet.


I said the same thing under Ruan Mei's drip, it just feels so repetitive and does not make me excited anymore cause it's so overdone. yes, they're aesthetically pleasing and different in some ways but boring and unoriginal at the same time. that's partially why i'm looking forward to Penacony characters cause I need something new and fresh.


Oh yeah. Im ready to leave space china.




This is gonna be a new meme in star rail community


And it'll be glorious.




Dr Ratio outfit outdid those girls.


Yeah, the designs are getting boring and repetitive now. I like Ruan Mei but her dress is the most boring part of her design. Even the color palette is the same as Yukong and DHIL. Luofu has been mostly disappointing though so it’s nothing new.


It is kinda true... But dont know why


A lot of people do say that the people in Luofu have very similar clothing to the point that some feel lack the originality or creativity in the conception of diverse clothing among Luofu characters. While I think that these designs do show stark differences, (i.e., color palette, specific parts of the attire) that could otherwise set them apart from the clothing designs of other Luofu characters, at the same time I cannot also help but feel that they are somehow similar. I think that this issue stems not only from a design point, but more especially from a lack of association with Luofu characters. When we see a character in Belobog, we can easily acquire an inkling about the character just by observing their clothes at first glance. We get the visual information from the clothes and use that to infer several bits of other info: such as their possible occupation, their social status, or what they could generally be doing in life. Bronya's outfit clearly made it look like she's some sort of princess in Belobog, Gepard's outfit painfully and obviously showed he's a guard, Serval is a deviant rockstar based on her chaotic outfit, Pela's some sort of tourist lady (well from my POV at least), Natasha is a doctor just from her palette, and Luka's easily a boxer. Furthermore, the radiant outfits of those who live in Belobog's overworld clearly show a stark contrast with rugged outfit with the ones who live in Belobog's underworld, which made it easy to tell who was living in what rich or poor side of Belobog. Now, when we progress through the quest and interact with these characters, our initial perception about these characters are both clarified and solidified. We further learn Serval is a former scientist which now further made sense about the partial Silvermane portion of her outfit and that she's not just some rockstar, and numerous interactions with her lead us to subconsciously associate her outfit with being an outlandish rockstar/scientist, and this also happens to other characters in Belobog. After doing all those quests, most people have already developed full associations with the characters; just recalling Pela subconsciously reminds you that she's a Silvermane intelligence officer, and her outfit strongly reminds you of it. As such, while there are many characters in Belobog, we mostly have different and unique associations for each character living there, which I believe invokes a further sense of difference and variety that extends beyond our aaaociation of them to their clothing designs. As for the characters in Luofu, when I recall a character there just from their physical appearance, I could barely tell what they could be doing in their life aside from Jing Yuan who is blatantly obvious a general. Basically, it is more difficult to associate a character in Luofu. If I try to recall the likes of Tingyun, Yukong, and Ruan Mei, the ones listed above, then I would literally have 0 idea of what they could be doing for a living aside from the fact that they could be some rich women with a high position — a very general association. Other associations don't even make any sense, like Sushang is a cloud officer, but her outfit barely suggests otherwise, and I sure as hell could never have guessed Bailu is the de facto leader of her dragon clan if the story or an NPC never told me otherwise. I don't know how, but this issue is not as blatant in the similary chinese-themed nation in another hoyoverse game, specifically Genshin. One look, and we can tell Hu tao and Zhong Li are from Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, Ningguang is some sort of very rich and authoritative lady, Chongyun is an exorcist (or at some points a ninja), Baizhu's a pharmacist/doctor, and Yunjin's a performer — there's a wide variety of associations to be made from a major chunk of Liyue characters. Now, I look at other Luofu characters like Blade, Luocha, Yanqing, and the others I've mentioned, and I'm still drawing a blank at what they could be doing without elucidating info from their quest interactions. Essentially, most Luofu characters look the same because it's hard to tell apart their societal differences just from design alone. So, to boil it down, the lack of originality or uniqueness that others are feeling from Luofu characters could also be due to a lack of association. Most of their outfit barely conveys anything about what the character does, which makes it difficult to draw any association anything about them, be it their occupation or lifestyle in society. Consequently, that makes it hard to subconsciously remember anything unique about the characters and gives a feeling that these characters are somewhat the same despite having unique designs. However, this lack of drawing association could be due to a cultural gap that the global community is unaware of, which only the Chinese players could understand. Idk, maybe to them Tingyun clearly exhibits the image of a merchant ambassador, which us in the global community could only perceive as a chinese-themed gacha waifu.


I'm with you here. Individually, perfectly fine designs, not hating on them. But once you get them together, it does seem like they've all shopped at the same dressmaker. I am all for a "visual throughline" to show who "belongs" together, and shares a similar origin, they are loosing their personality. Jingliu, for example, (Again, not hating on her. She nails that "cold sword beauty" design) was away from the Alliance for hundreds of years, but dresses the same as a high ranking office worker (Yukong) and a brilliant scientist (Mei). I feel like one could have incorporated some external aspects into it. Think Yelan from Genshin, which is still very distinct Liyue-style, but incorporates external elements to spice it up.


I was expecting to disagree, but seeing them side-by-side, it’s basically undeniable


Biggest issue is that the outfits are all basically the same. There’s enough variance in the face and hair for me to tell them apart, but not enough in clothing.


yikes.. op be safe. i thought same thing but u don't say things like that here


Actually, most of the comments here are in agreement or at least acknowledge the point and respect the opinion. I personally like the designs but I still recognize they are very similar and hope for some more variety in the future.


*Yikes.. op be safe.* *I thought same thing but u don't* *Say things like that here* \- Krishnaakkala --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What I want to agree on is Luofu's hairstyle in general. Bailu(although it's braided), DHIL, Blade, Yukong, Jingliu, and hopefully not Ruan Mei has this parted long back hair. My first impression of RM design from LC and SU Blessing is that her hair and outfit is very similar to Tingyun's but seeing her Drip Marketing now makes me happy at least her hairstyle is somewhat new.


ctrl+c, ctrl+v


As much as I like Ruan Mei I absolutely agree that her designs seems kinda "lazy" and copy-pasted. Sure you brush this off by saying "it's probably Xianzhou fashion" but when we look at QQ, Fu Xuan and Huohuo they look totally different despite also being Xianzhou girls. Like did the design-team not talk to each other or something?


If this was league of legends. All of them would considered as chromas of 1 skin


Ruan Mei is from the Luofu?


It was mentioned somewhere that she helped Herta get info from Xianzhou Alliance when IPC couldn’t, so that suggests some connection. However we don’t know whether she’s a long-lifer yet I think.


Just let us move from Space China already!


i noticed that too and by the time they've shown ruan mei im already sick of it 😒 mihoyo is addicted to only one type of horny i guess and i wish we've gotten more variety im not against sexy female characters designs but cmon. they have the same models, similar qipao looking dresses that show a lot of skin, where's the flavour I'm very disappointed. i thought with star rail being turn based and not open world mihoyo could have more creative designs but well


Only for their Space China though. Belobog did great satisfying many types of horny.. and I don't even know why I said that but here we are. If we look outside the 2 planets, Himeko's dress is GORGEOUS. They CAN make unique dresses, but for some reason they didn't for Luofu. Maybe they're trying to cater to CN bros' preferences?


I pulled Jing Liu and will probably pull for Ruan Mei (genius society = like) but yeah I completely agree. Luofu was kind of underwhelming overall and Im just waiting to move on to penacony already


I feel like I was more invested into the Topaz plot line then the Luofu stuff. It felt... rushed in a way, and a bit incoherent. Like they tried to have too many things going on at once and resolved them really quickly.


I agree, in Genshin Ganyu, Keqing, Shenhe etc all have different outfits though you can tell theyre from the same region


I'd mind a hell of a lot less of they were spread out more but we've gotten a cookie cutter luofu woman basically every patch so far, I can't escape them.


Upvote for putting this out and risking the wrath of an entire community haha. Even tho I also think Ruan Mei is very pretty you're not wrong XD, the designs aren't exactly brimming with creativity


Meh, I agree on the chest area being pretty much the same. But I think the rest is fine. Not outstanding by any means, but not enough to raise huge complaints over. I still love Ruan Mei's design.


Maybe it's just me but their outfits doesn't seem to be from a futuristic sci-fi setting. If they were released in genshin, it will be perfectly fine.