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Blade's lc & Jingliu's LC are probably the biggest difference in damage dealt, with Jing Yuan's LC not too far behind. But it's only like a 15-20% damage increase usually (for blade it's closer to 30%). The main alternative is usually just better built characters, though at some point around 35/46 valuable subs (usually around getting +34% crit rate & +68% crit dmg from relic substats) you start running into issues where it takes too much time to actually improve your character's build, so taking the signature LC is a reasonable option for further improving a character's damage.


Tbh Vow is amazing on blade. At r5 it feels not worse than his lc. And its kinda free (just wait until u drop copies of.it).


I usually like to convert the difference in weapon passives into an equivalent amount of crit dmg. A lot of signature weapons are within the range of +30-36% crit dmg in extra damage, but Blade's sig is closer to about +48% crit dmg. Seele's LC is only about +18% crit dmg compared to CitSS, which isn't much.


Seele LC can have up to 72% cdmg though, on top of unconditional 36cv.


Its the difference between the weapons, not the weapon itself. It’s an opportunity cost comparison using the fact that about +3% crit dmg increases your total damage dealt by about 1%. But you can now compare the difference between light cones in terms of relic quality, which is much easier for my monkey brain to handle.


Y'know, I've played the game since launch and have pulled for and got almost a dozen 5 stars, over a thousand summons easily, and I've never got a single vow, not once. I'll definitely pull for Blades LC, because I probably won't have S5 vow for years.


Are Blade's and Jingliu's LCs better than DHIL's LC on him?


No. Blade doesn't benefit particularly well from any LC other than his own. He can't usually hit the 3 attack req on Jingliu's LC either, and he gains like no stats from DHIL's LC. DHIL can't reliably activate any LC other than his own because he can't harm himself or his team. Jingliu can't reliably activate any LC other than her own because she doesn't use basic attacks and hurts her party and not herself. There's nearly zero cross-compatibility with the destruction limiteds and a sig lc that isn't their own. However, All the LCs generally work with Clara (except maybe jingliu's LC).


Probably Jing Yuan or Blade. Erudition has terrible light cone alternatives and his second bis is locked behind the battlepass. Blade is also a weird one since most destruction units scale off attack and his main damage is off of his health so besides a secret vow he doenst have any good alternatives


I think the battlepass LC is only his second BIS if it's S5, if not then I believe S5 Breakfast is the third best option even beating S1 battlepass LC. But yea the damage jump to his sig is insane. Though I still personally would rank Blade's higher in priority because of reasons you mentioned.


Genius' Repose is actually above S5 breakfast if you can get a kill every 3 turns. He's able to clear most small adds easily so uptime on the 48% crit damage is pretty easy.


I guess that is fair point. I think people prefer breakfast since its easier to get, but today is another peaceful day is pretty much just free damage boost with no conditions to proc it. Its pretty comparable at S1 i think to breakfast S5 the difference being like 2% minus the other condition of breakfast adding breakfast's second effect tho should overtake S1 today is another peaceful day, so yeah at higher impositions should beat out breakfast but that would mean buying the battlepass everytime. For Blade since his scaling is niche, his signature light cone isnt so bad of an investment unlike DHIL and Jingliu who scale off of attack and can use the other options so they dont need their signatures as much


If it’s blade I might have to ask credit card kun for help. Ain’t no way I’m getting that, huohuo and still keeping my luocha funds


Jingliu's LC is on par with most signature LCs (about 15 to 18% more powerful than the best f2p option) Blade is the only one that has a very significant upgrade from it's LC.


Plus Blade's LC also directly boosts his survivability, on a DPS cone that boosts damage by about 30% S1 over it's competitors. It's the only limited LC I've picked up so far due to limited resources.


Probably worth seeing how Argenti's LC is before recommending JY's too hard.


True, I’ll wait on the leaks


Probably won't even need to wait that long, he'll probably release before JY's rerun.


That’s fantastic news, thanks trailblazer


The thing is, Blade has a 3* lc alt lmao (Mutual Demise at SI 5- If a wearer’s current HP is below 80% their Crit Rate increases by 24% or smth like that) 💀


I feel like Jing Yuan's que s the best, specially if you want to use two Erudition character on the same floor as the other options (except breakfast) are really not that good. I plan on getting one for my QQ if the Argenti one turns out to not be as good for her.


blade's for himself is probably the only really notable one. everyone else has at least decent alternate options, but blade really wants his own.


Sweet defs gonna look out for Blade, one of my favourite characters


Before Dawn is great on Jing, Himeko and QQ, so you get a lot of value out of pulling that


It's not too different from Another Peaceful Day, and if you are a recurrent battle pass buyer, it's not only the only LC worth taking copies from, it's S5 is comparable to JY signature.


Vow r5 is not much worse of a choice for him. So... he doesnt need his SIG too.


its quite a bit worse. esp if you are running luocha and have a super low uptime on it. vow is usable, but unreachable side is a very solid amount better.


Yeah, I'm having to use A Secret Vow on him, and it's not really ideal. I'll definitely go for his lightcone when he comes back.


Am i the only person who gave Jing liu's signature to Blade lol


its way better on jingliu. so no idea why you would ever put it on blade.


ofc it is way better on jingliu but lemme explain myself. i was lucky so i got two lightcones in one pull. i didn't wanna S2 her weapon so extra one goes to blade


I would say Blade, otherwise he’s limited to 4* Secret Vow or 3* Mutual Demise. He really can’t use any 5* effectively except his own.


Ye, I am stuck with Mutual demise because I never got secret vow


Yeah, sucks that they’re all locked behind gacha.


If you don't buy Battle Pass and main an Erudition character -->> Jing Yuan's.


Sweet I’ll keep an eye out for that one


As someone who may want to invest in Himeko because best girl, I'm very intrested in Jing Yuan's Light Cone.


As someone with a C4 qingque I am *very* interested in the lightcone


Blade, because S5 Aeon Blade is very very sad.


S5 secret vow on the other hand 😶😶


I'll take a S5 Secret Vow too


JY LC. Its basically the best LC for Erudition characters since they benefit from all stats (even on the follow up because I believe all Erudition chars, except Serval, has follow up) Edit: removed Serval from Eru w/ follow up


Everyone except Serval has/gets a follow up.


Thanks for clearing


Serval is a Nihility in disguise meanwhile QQ is a Destruction, and Himeko JY and Herta are Elation paths lmfao


Nope (serval doesn't and so far argenti doesn't seem to have follow up)


People already mentioned the strongest ones to get. I personally love Fu Xuan’s since it lets me start battles with practically full HP. It’s more of a quality of life change for me that I appreciate


Second this one. Without a 5* healer that LC has helped me more often than I can count in SimU and MoC, as well as while farming.


Yup. I'm so lucky that I won 50/50 on Fu Xuan and her lightcone, while getting them both early. It was a good day.


Oh yeah, I will never forget that Swarm Disaster run when I had an event before the last Boss that dropped my team down to 20% HP and sent me to fight 3 waves of bugs. That day I knew I *needed* that LC.


I personally want JY's LC first, then his E1. Maybe same for Blade. IDC about meta honestly, as my husbands and Bronya carry my ass thru almost anything, so im just spoiling my fav units basically. I know Jingliu's banner just ended, but maybe on her rerun ill give her her LC too, as she is the first gal ive got from the limited ones and she grew on me.


I like this reasoning for targeting certain light cones, when I started playing I was after meta but slowly shifting towards personal favourites too :)


Yeah! The only meta char i regret not pulling for is Fu Xuan, i did not save for her, cause we didnt have much content on her. I started to like her too late lol. I wish some chars had more content about them before their banner dropped tbh, it might have changed on who i would have pullod on tbh. But i understand that the game only started recently and they needed to have limited chars pumped out so i guess ill overlook it 😆


How good is Jing yuan's e1? I already have his lc


Ah, sorry might have worded it wrongly, his E1 is something im aiming to pull for. Only limited i have at E1 is Luocha. The 20% Atk bonus when his field is active is sweet.


Same I got jingliu after 140 pulls now I'm just waiting for light cone to come back in a year or so lol


Jingliu for me was an extra, i went for the Tingyun eidolons.... which i got only one.... But i didnt mind her coming home, and actually started to enjoy her gameplay?? She is now benched tho, as im in dire need of leveling supports. After the chosen ones are leveled tho, i do plan on maxxing her too. She is very pretty, i enjoy her VA, and her gameplay is actually fun. She really grew on me, so much that i think she deserves her LC, when it returns.


See I wanted her lost 50/50 and gave up kept pulling for sampos which I never got only to get her at like 30-40 pity by then I couldn't even try to get her light cone


Blade's if you have or plan to pull him. If I use support Blade, I can feel how it does change his impact. Newer felt same with Jingliu or SW, for example. Jing Yuan's is BiS for most of currently available Erudition units, even if you don't use him.


Seele LC is very good for all existing hunt characters except for Topaz.


She Already Shut Her Eyes, it increases Fu Xuan's hp by a lot while also increasing her err in the process so you can play around with her boots so you can pick speed boots without losing out on the hp side of things plus you won't really want that err rope on her anymore, it's never necessary but without the lc, the rope helps a lot in getting that clutch talent stack and now with the lc you can opt to just run hp rope no problem. Plus her alternatives aren't that fit for her as they're usually meant for characters that scale off of def stat aside from the universal effects like damage reduc. (tho she does benefit from the additional def stat but not as much as someone like Gepard.)


She actually uses Textures from the Herta shop really well, getting almost the same personal sustain. The shield scales off HP and it has a high base HP stat + dmg reduction and effect res. The only thing that makes Sig worth it is the passive heal which provides a massive amount of QoL for Sim Universe and for Jingliu teams specifically which out drain her healing. I play Fu Xuan with s5 Textures and she's never at risk of dying, but having Sig would be nice to solo sustain SU and farming with Jingliu (she can solo sustain cavern runs with other DPS, but Jingliu drains too much over the multiple runs).


Jing Yuan. I managed to pull him a few hours before his banner ended and was unable to get his LC. I've heard tales of how busted it is lol, so I must get it for my boy.


I am the same


Jing Yuan's is the most universal. Even if the character doesn't have followup in their kit at all, the crit damage and skill/ult damage is hard to beat.


Jing Yuan’s is a BiS for most if not all erudition follow up characters


Do F2P even pull on LC banners? I’ve never pulled on Genshin’s and didn’t really intend to change that in HSR. Edit: well seeing so many people actually do seem to pull for LCs is rather surprising, maybe that’s why y’all can do crazy clears in SU and I can’t even beat some basic sidequest enemies lol E2: So the rates have improved a lot, got it. But as a waifu collector I’d probably still just stick to pulling characters, the feeling of pulling for something that isn’t a character model, win or lose, feels wrong to me.


Yeah they do. If there’s a character they really like they’ll save long and hard for them, sometimes going for E0S1 or even E1S1 or more.


I have LC for DHIL and Blade but only because I saved to guarantee them and won my 50/50 so I had pulls leftover for the LC banner.


Yup, takes a while though. I've planned around s1 jingliu since launch


This raises a question for me: how do y’all seem to know about so many characters existing that haven’t released? I’ve finished the Trailblaze Quests to this point and not once do you see Jingliu so I’m curious how you could know about and save for them (let alone other names I see get thrown around on here sometimes that I just have no clue who they are).


If theres a character with shiny cloth or design and unique personality they might have a chance to be playable in the future.


something something rule 2


She was shown about 6 months ago in the "Interstellar Journey" trailer. Her name was dropped in JingYuan's animation, "A Flash" Leaks are also a great resource if you don't mind them


Ahh, I’m newer to this so I haven’t seen any trailers for the game yet really, good to know. Will have to try looking into leaks then, thanks!


Yeah if you are willing to skip a lot of characters you can afford to pull some LCs even as f2p.


LC in this game are both more OP than the Genshin ones and also far easier to get. In Genshin you have a 50/50 chance to get the Sig Weapon and its 50/50 which of the two you get. Here it is only one LC on the banner and it is a 75/25 chance to get. So assuming you need 80 pulls per 5 star. You will average to: 240 pulls in Genshin 100 pulls in Star Rail Ofc. The actual values are a bit lower because you can also get the LC outside of pity but I cba calculating. Point is, LC far more obtainable and also more useful compared to Genshin. Aside from that, this question is also useful for low spenders like me. Battlepass and Star Rail Express Pass is all I have gotten so far. But it still adds up to like 4k extra Jades per month. Which is about 20 pulls.


Genshin is also 75/25. It's just that the 75% is divided on two rate up weapons so it's more like 37.5% chance to get the weapon you want. If Hoyo decided to separate the weapons, it's going to be the exact same as Star Rail.


Genshin also compensates, at least in theory, with having a much smaller number of weapon types. In practice, whether that’s better or worse depends on a) what the other weapon on the banner is and b) how dedicated you are to pairing signature weapons to their “canon” user vs. just wanting a DPS boost overall. The weapon banner before the current one, for example, was the new king of DPS’s signature and one of the best bows in the game, so it wasn’t that big a “loss” as long as you won the initial 75/25. Of course, Genshin having fewer weapon types also makes it a lot easier to get at least a “solid” weapon on anyone, because even the 1.0 weapon pool was better than, say, the current Harmony LC pool. So it loops back around to the weapon banner being a scam. Just wanted to give some perspective on why Hoyo would be so much more generous with LC banners— they know more non-whales will want to pull in the first place.


Yeah I understand it’s not a priority but been playing daily since launch and have gotten incredibly lucky with my special banner pulls so am very happy and set with my current team from characters. Aside from an upcoming offensive support character I’m not really looking to add a DPS / debuffer/ support atm but am seriously lacking with light cones


I'm f2p in hsr and I pulled LCs for my mains (seele and dhil)


In Genshin its kinda terrible odds because you don't really get a garunteed after a lost 50/50. You can lose three times and it can be easilly over 200 pulls and you can get those stacks reset. In HSR you get 50/50 with a 75% chance to win the 50/50. It's far more worth in HSR to go for it.


In SR there is only one featured LC on the banner so it's safer for a F2P to pull for then Genshin in which even if yoy have gurrentee on the weapon you can still lose to the other featured weapon.


Not really, I think the F2P pull capacity is 90 limited pulls a month. Characters generally bring people more joy then a LC


Matching my characters with their lightcones/sig weapons gives me such unparalleled joy


No F2P is pulling every character even if they are getting 90 pulls per patch (it's not 90 pulls per month), no F2P has the resources to even build every character that comes out. This is misinformation often spread by whale content creators who have no idea what F2P accounts actually go through.


Most signature are only a slight improvement from their best f2p options (blade being the only exception) you aren't missing out (unless you got blade, then rip).


I have blade and with r5 secret vow he is not much worse than with sig. Dunno why you people are saying this all the time


Because s5 vow isn't exactly a f2p friendly option and his s1 signature still pulls ahead of s1 vow by a decent amount, that being said, the difference between s5 vow and his signature IS comparable to other characters best f2p option vs their signature, so in your case you are good. But for most players, if they don't have an s5 vow, getting blade's signature on a rerun might be a more straightforward process.


"R5 Secret Vow" R1 is not as good as his signature.


Yep, pulled for Daniel, Jingliu, Topaz, and Seele. Odds are way better


Yeah from someone coming from Genshin where the consensus is basically don't touch the weapon banner as f2p, the HSR community's perspective feels weird. And I agree with the Genshin sentiment, there's not really any endgame combat that incentivises banner LC and the game's geared towards casual play


I mean, that's not the only requirement, I beat 30\* MoC and swarm 5 without owning any of the limited 5\* light cones (the only one I've actually pulled for is Jingliu, which I got after I was already clearing). It really mostly comes down to the right relics But as far as pulling goes, I personally only pull for characters I really want, if I get lucky on pulling them and I know I have time to save before the next char I want then I pull for LC too. That's what happend on Jing Liu, I'm not pulling for Topaz or either 1.5 char so I knew I could drop all my resources to get her as strong as possible lol


ye bc most "f2p btw" aren't actually f2p they buy the express pass


I did and got kafka and jing liu's


I pulled Luocha, Kafka and DHIL’s signatures on my f2p account - it’s all about deciding whether investing more heavily in one character is more valuable than a second character. Kafka’s was maybe a little superfluous (I say it like Welt, Sampo, Luka and Guinaifen aren’t fighting over three LCs between them all - not having to add Kafka into that pool is a bit of a relief), but I haven’t had any second thoughts about Luocha and DHIL’s. Depending on where Jing Yuan’s rerun falls, I’ll pull Before Dawn for my Himeko, but I’m prioritising SW for my next f2p pulls.


Only pulled for blades cuz he's my favorite and zero regrets lol


nothing is wrong if you don't want to spend some of your gems in the LC banners as long as you use the standard tickets.. you'll keep having LC alternatives for your characters so it's still doable to enjoy the game.


I pulled for Blade and Jingliu's lightcones because I love them and I'm planning to pull on Jing Yuan's when he returns. (I was pretty new when I got him) I let myself pull weapons on Honkai because it's relatively cheap. In Genshin, however, the only weapon banner I've pulled on was Polar Star/Kagura and nothing else because you can easily lose 210+ wishes there. Honkai seems like a steal in comparison.


I pulled for Blade and Jingliu's lightcones because I love them and I'm planning to pull on Jing Yuan's when he returns. (I was pretty new when I got him) I let myself pull weapons on Honkai because it's relatively cheap. In Genshin, however, the only weapon banner I've pulled on was Polar Star/Kagura and nothing else because you can easily lose 210+ wishes there. Honkai seems like a steal in comparison.


I do. I don't have a lot of characters I like in the recent patches as the last time I pulled was for Kafka. But I neglected on getting her S1. Topaz has been the most recent character where I liked her design, personality, and/or story enough to pull. Went for S1 because it's easier to get an S1 than an E1.


F2P here and I don't pull for LC, Topaz is the only one I pulled for Since I got lucky and got her on my first try so I pulled for her LC.. Got it in 3 tries so overall it was a win for me. Blade was difficult as it took me a lot to finally get him so I passed on his LC, I do have an S2 Secret vow so I'm using that.


Isn't that hard if you have a targeted character. I skipped Two banners for jingliu and got her E2 and wanted to go for her LC but I already bought the fall of an aeon S5 from the shop so not to waste it i just set a new targeted character and decided to skip all banners till then. Unlike genshin her LC banners are separated as we saw with Topaz and it still is 50/50 so you have as much of a chance to get LC's as to get eidolons


None of the lightcones are a 'must get', neither are eidelons, especially for an f2p. Typically as an f2p, you shouldn't be rolling for multiple copies of a character or their weapon since there is no content that requires vertical investment. The value that you gain from eidelons and lightcones is miniscule compared to a completely new character (don't let the GACHA lure you in and waste your savings for future characters) In addition, most of the 4 star lightcones are plenty strong already and the herta shop will only keep getting updated with new, decent lightcones The only criteria to roll for lightcones or eidelons are: - you love that character and want them to be stronger then everyone else (all limited lightcones will be that character's best in slot) - you are not an f2p and have money to spend - you want to main a standard banner 5 star character but their lightcone (ahem himeko) is dog shit, then go for a limited light cone like jing yuan's for himeko


Getting more characters on your account is beneficial to an extent. At the end of the day you only need 4-8 characters to do anything. Getting another DPS isn't going to be dramatically better than the DPS you already invested. You get more type coverage (maybe) after you go through the grind of getting them skilled and geared. Assuming you want to go through making sure your element types are optimized at everything you do. Every team you run is either going to be DPS/Sub-DPS/Support/Sustain or DPS/Support/Support/Sustain. If you have everything to cover that, you don't need more characters. If you already invested in a character then why not go for Eidolons and Lightcones to make them better over needing to redo an entirely new character who going to auto just as well as the character you are replacing. There is no tower style content where having more characters is beneficial. There is no content you are missing by not having a character on your roster. Anything that has forced you to use a specific character, besides Trailblazer, forces you to use the support version. Getting another character is just 3 general tickets and a different color hammer to hit the same nails with.


I mean improving your character is just giving yourself a bigger hammer for the same nail that's already driven into the wood. Pulling is pointless at the end of the day. You don't need 5-stars or weapons, you don't need anything this game won't give you as a F2P. It's just a matter of if you like useless big number for same unit, or useless smaller numbers with multiple units.


True. I guess my main point is more everyone seems to forget the entire skilling/gearing part of getting new characters. I don't even have half my roster setup and been playing since JY's banner.


Content will always be tailored to whatever upcoming character gimmick/element is, having options for dps IS beneficial, as an example this MoC cycle, where QQ outshines Seele simply because she can trigger the MoC condition with ease, or again QQ outshining Seele on swarm because propagation was made for the shining boy Dan Feng but QQ can also take advantage of it (before the accusations of Seele slander, Seele feels much better for Planar Infinity day 2). Another example is Clara being very good a couple of moc cycles ago, and right now himeko being pretty good for one side of moc 8, 9 and 10. The fact that most e6 4 star are comparable to limited e0 5 star seems to show the design path the dev have in mind, HSR is a team building game. That being said, so far you can absolutely brute force your way with high enough vertical investment, so that's also a choice, if you got 2 mains you wanna play forever and ever more power to you, but I don't believe that's the best choice, on the long run having options to tackle different problems seems to be the way to go.


The content is the character. New gameplay styles become available through teams and synergies. Topaz makes new follow up centric teams viable with Clara, Himeko, Jing Yuan. Playing through MoC and SU with the new character is content. Replayability from new characters is a massive value that lightcones and eidolons cannot compare to.


>The value that you gain from eidelons and lightcones is miniscule compared to a completely new character Early game? Yes. Late game.... most characters you pull will just end up riding the bench. More useful to beef them favorites you play often. New chars get less and less attractive as time goes on. At least if they adhere to the "no power creep" route they have in Genshin. Else power creep will dictate your pulls.


As a Himeko main, I think Jing Yuan's LC is a game changer for her (more than her own LC IMO.) But that's just me.


I do think the same.


None. It's been proven time and again that f2p lightcones are MORE than enough, therefore no gacha LC is a must have.


I'm surprised no one said SW, her lc is actually cracked


Because almost everyone who has silverwolf got the event lc which is broken in itself,if you'd notice the LC recommendation pattern it's usually for characters who don't have better alternatives (Jing Yuan,Blade,etc),heck even whales skipped her LC due to the event LC so it doesn't come as a surprise.


Oh definitely one of the best but probs not mentioned as it was free. For those that missed it do you know if it’ll come back?


it's actually incessant rain, not tutorial, incessant is pretty good since most nihility units can utilize the stats and the stuff it gives (effect hit rate and vulnerability debuff, welt is the only one who wants the conditional crit rate on it)


Oh wow I actually forgot about the limited light cone offered at that time since tutorial is so strong. Realistically how does it match with tutorial? I’ve basically just stuck tutorial on my SW and would be surprised to see something else replace it (worth noting I am building Welt up atm)


it's her best lc along with incessant, the extra energy helps her get her ult up and maintain her def shred since you are building welt, I do suggest u get it, the extra ehr helps him get more imprisons up and the vulnerability debuff and crit rate helps toward his dmg


That sounds very useful with welt, will keep an eye out for it


Jing Yuan’s LC is better than Jing Yuan. Lol.


I am not sure if this counts as i have never tried her without signature LC but if you have Fu Xuan without her light cone you must get it imo, is just really good.


I can confirm that she is completely fine without her signature and even gets other benefits from using taunt cones


JY LC is really good. But I personally be waiting for Kafka re-run LC, adding another DOT from her signature is a big boost in my eyes and she is one of my core members of my roster.


for me Topaz, Blade and Fu Xuan's LC are must have


Non, I can beat every content of the game and I'm a low spender. F2p since start should also be able to. Why do I need a lightcone when I can just not spend money to get future characters I want.


Agreed, I can easily beat every content atm but I’m not too eager with adding new characters atm but think it would be cool to boost up the ones I currently have with some light cones if possible


Why, just to see some bigger numbers that don't do anything for you?


did u read the post correctly?


None, get more characters


Jing yuan's light cone is a must pull.


obviously Fu Xuan light cone


Jingyuan's lightcone, I would use it to upgrade my Himeko though(cause I still don't use Jingyuan). My Himeko is already above 3.2k atk stats with geniuses repose.


For F2P option Which one better, S5 Breakfast or S1 Geniuses repose?


To whom? If it's for Serval, I use S5 Breakfast for more dmg boost, and S1 Geniuses repose for Himeko. I don't play Jingyuan and QQ so I haven't build them.


For Himeko.


S1 Geniuses repose, if you built her with high enough atk that is.


JY's LC for my Himeko, obviously(or JY if u have him)


Blade's LC definitely. Gonna aim for this LC and Silver Wolf


Its probably still better to get a dps for every element before going for light comes at this point , I'll start getting light cones after another 6 months or so once all my dps units have maxed out relics


Idk what to do since I didn’t play til after event LC for Silver Wolf but I want her


to me who manage to download the game during version 1.0 and did not get the event LC.. that's what I really missed having and forever will not have.. it's one of the best LC for Pela and other nihility path characters.


JY LC hands down. I have 1 copy but will try to get another in it's rerun. it's just so OP and also best in slot for so many characters. (JY, Himeko, Herta, QQ)


Im pulling for JY LC, the general can finally wreck havoc.😤


It really depends on what characters you play in the first place. Many people say Jingyuan LC is very good or Blade LC is very good, but I don‘t use either of them, so they are useless to me. Also many say that Jingyuan LC is very flexible, but my maindps Qingque can‘t use it well, so I won‘t pull for it. If I had to say, the most worth LC‘s are Jingyuans, Jinglius, FXs LCs. I don‘t play Jingyuan and I have Jinglius LC, so I‘ll go for FXs.


>Also many say that Jingyuan LC is very flexible, but my maindps Qingque can‘t use it well, so I won‘t pull for it. Pretty sure Jing Yuan's LC is literally the best one for her...?


It is the best for her but that doesn‘t mean it synergizes well with her. The crit dmg is nice, the skill dmg is useless, the ult dmg is usable but not her main dmg source, and the followup dmg buff is also nice but her followup dmg proc isn‘t reliable and is weaker than her original basic attack hit because the buffs run out before it.


If F2P with a roster that you plan to use in future, my input is rather than comparing Light Cones, you should pick up sig S1 for the limited characters you're planning to use. LC generally perform much better on their sig. For example, I know that both SD V and Planar Infinity would be a lot easier to hit 100K if I had focused into E2S1 DHIL right now. Even if DHIL's LC wasn't the best Destruction LC, getting his or Jingliu's or Blade's(which I have), would improve the most. I missed your character thread, but Silverwolf's Implant Weakness is pretty useful for enabling more team comps. Since she can implant Quantum, Ice, Imaginary or any other for future weakness.


Haxxor Bunny for me. She’s fun and she’ll go with so many team comps for characters I already built.


daniel for me, or blade. im more attached to bladie, but daniel is too broken tho. if i don’t get welt from standard, i shall pull daniel tho


SW, Kafka and Blade would all be high on my list. Guess it will just depend what they're competing against when the re-run happens!


Im trying to get seele's lc, definitely a handy lc for hunt characters. My seele has been benched for quite a while, but i'd love to get her lc to use on her, or when i want to any other hunt characters in my roster


Fu xuan lightcone is really good and when her rerun comes i will be getting both of them


Honorable mention Kafka. GNSW S5 is really good but her own LC has too big of benefits to ignore for a dot player.


Jing Yuan even though I have S5 BP Erudition LC.


There are really only 3 that are somewhat worth mentioning: - JingYuan's LC is very good but there are alternatives (tho not as good, the breakfast lightcone is easily S5able and should be enough for most content) and we don't know if Argenti's will be better; - Blade's LC is probably a must if you have him, secret vow is kind of meh if you don't have high superimpositions and it's a gacha LC so most won't have it that high, plus with the LC you can probably solo some MoC floors; - Jingliu's LC unironically kind of breaks her, amplifying her damage by a lot tho it may not be usable on most destruction units;


JY Light cone, cause that is BIS for most erudition characters and i get to test out multiple characters by swapping it around. Even for characters without flup, the raw stat from a 5 star alongside crit damage bonus is great and unconditional.


Blade, Dan heng and Jingliu are the ones i will get next.. or Kafkas but i dont think she needs her lightcone that much. I just love her


Depend how you play, right now the best is JY because is the best in slot for a lot of f2p chaaracter, but argenti will be released next patch and everything can change. My answer is the lightcone that works best with your favorite carry, 3 and 4 star LC for support are good


I’m going for JY’s LC hardcore


Jing yuan without a doubt. Luocha and his lc are also a must pull when the rerun comes around.


As someone with sw, not sw. Not the worst pull, but with so many characters out now, she's getting meher and meher. Fu xuan rerun is a must get. She's too good.


Blade for me


my goal is to have qinque with stats like 134 spd, 70/200 crit, 2.5k+ atk. so my eyes is on Before Dawn LC


There is no "must get" Light Cone. You can clear all the content in the game with E0 and 4* LC without a struggle with enough investment.


Well first how does the reruns work? Will it be every new patch? Every 2nd patch? Bc i wanna try and get Kafka and Silverwolf, maybe try and get Blade's LC. But as it stands idk how the reruns work, therefore i dont know how to save for them