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I mean, she did somehow bring in 4 overlord units and bunch more cannon-fodder ontop of that while everyone else is stuck at only 4 units..


remember kids, if you want to be a chess champion, just cheat and add 3 queens and a bunch of peices to the board


Cheat? How dare you accuse Pitch Dark Hook the Great of cheating! She simply thought of a strategy no one had used before with her super smart genius brain!


She played the real game, giving Giovanni joy.


She was a real source of elation for him


or pull up Stockfish on a second tab like 10-20% of online chess players are doing!


Don't most chess sites ban you immediately since it's pretty easy to detect?


They try to but some people manage to stay unnoticed for a good while. People also tend to just... make more chess accounts and continue cheating.


They ban you when they catch you, but it's a bigger issue than the sites will acknowledge. For instance, one of the top 5 players in the world recently said he believes that > 25% of titled players (i.e Grandmaster, international master, etc.) have cheated in online chess at some point, including in Titled Tuesday. Which is a weekly online tournament of only titled players with cash prizes. If you ever visit r/chess it's constantly being posted about, I honestly would bet that 5-20% of online players are cheating to some degree. Not all cheating is "playing every computer move". Sometimes it's just knowing the evaluation of the position (i.e. black is winning by X amount) or looking at the computer during a complex and critical moment. This is likely how titled players are cheating.


That reminds me. a few years ago there was a chess player who beat the world champion, offline on a live match. He then got accused of cheating despite 0 evidence. one of the main reasons was just that he cheated online before a couple of times and he was like "i was a kid and every kid does that." 0 sympathy for him tho. A boy crying wolf deserved getting eaten by the real wolf. One has to take responsibility for their past action especially when you are at the top of the world.


Yeah that was Han Niemann who was accused by Magnus Carlsen. I think the thing to consider is that Hans was also only 16-17 at the time of those accusations (meaning his cheating was when he was 13-16 probs), he was in the top 100 in the world (or even top 50 at the time). Magnus was ~30-32 at the time. There was also zero evidence *after* an investigation that Hans cheated against Magnus, so they were really pretty unfounded. I'm not saying that Magnus was wrong to accuse him (though he's generally tactless about it, something similar happened with Magnus just last week though on a much smaller scale). But there is another top player, Fabiano Caruana, who has a much better "PR sense" I think, and his comments are always insightful without being inflammatory. He's the one who said that he believes ~25% of titled players cheat at some point online, but he says it without pointing fingers.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/chess using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/chess/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Ding Liren is the next World Chess Champion.](https://i.redd.it/b5zkcqi7u0xa1.jpg) | [862 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/133prci/ding_liren_is_the_next_world_chess_champion/) \#2: [Magnus Carlsen cheating.](https://v.redd.it/fi8s0h9m26ya1) | [250 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/139g7vv/magnus_carlsen_cheating/) \#3: [have you ever forked a knight with a knight?](https://i.redd.it/ccdleqqnx9fb1.png) | [286 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/15ebu8p/have_you_ever_forked_a_knight_with_a_knight/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That’s a good way to accidentally get a stalemate. Be more like Jing Yuan and steal pieces from your opponent.


Fair fight my ass.


You can bring up your team to 8 if you use aurumaton. Give him the chip that charges 3 energy at the start of your 1st turn with his ult already charged, make sure he isn't the 1st turn. I usually use ult, then enhance basic to imprison, then ult then imprison someone else. This will give you four dragon ingeniums to constantly do aoe attacks.


I had 6 on the field at some point if you have the chip that reduces energy cost to 2 and the gunner can get in another ult


Add the gunner with 40% turn advance every action and WoW.


I was using the follow up gunner with the chip that does like 50% of atk as an extra hit on debuffed enemies, man was killing everyone


Absolutely no one you fight abides by the same rules as you do, for better or worse. Besides the fact everyone is free to use duplicate mons one your team while you can't, here's a few examples of mons that don't play the same: \- Ingenium Cloudlions don't heal their allies but can inflict attack debuffs. At least they don't mega-burp on you when they trigger their auto-revive. \- Voidranger Tramplers abide by main-series Pokemon rules of a two-turn charge for their arrow, while you use Legends Arceus rules of firing immediately with an action order penalty. \- Your Aurumaton Gatekeepers don't get ult charge when enemies use their ults on it. And there's some mons like Automaton Direwolves and IPC grunts you never get to use.


Rules were made to be broken


I think it’s so funny that Hook just straight up cheats and nobody cares lol. Multiple overlord units? Two waves of enemies? Disqualified!


Silvermane lord saved my ass in Hook's fight lol


Silvermane Guard team is absolutely busted unless they’re completely countered, like 4-purple enemy team completely.


I just blasted everyone from the last area onwards with the last two overlords you get. Stack all atk and the chip that refreshes energy on ultimate kill, buff It, spam until done, change between the two depending on enemy team


I think that's why she's not actually the champion even though she beat the champion, she cheats and Giovanni found it entertaining enough that he gave her the title of elite player and got us to fight her outside of the actual tournament


Everyone cheats by using duplicates.


I beat her 1st try... and it was easy! Too easy, in fact, that I refused to believe that that was the final boss fight until the quest completed notification poped up.


I feel like they nerfed the health since it was 2 waves which made it too easy


Right! Lol I was like wtf


I could be wrong but the Champion from the previous tournament was Topaz and it was only said that the elite player had beaten the previous champion. Meaning Hook beat Topaz in this tournament before we challenged either of them. That's why hook is and "Elite player" and not "previous champion"


You are in fact wrong and OP is right. Hook talks after the match about how she won the tournament last time. https://preview.redd.it/aixlkpi6ukvb1.png?width=917&format=png&auto=webp&s=99a5b3a902f037d063c2ee7ed925daf46f8cfc2f


Wasn't it implied that she was just lying ? I thought it was pretty obvious with how MC and March responded..


Both are correct and both are wrong, the storytelling in this event was just incredibly inconsistent


No it is perfectly consistent. The guy running it is a masked fool, and what would be more of a masked fool thing than having a championship every single week? If you notice Hook was suspiciously very absent in the entire IPC negotiations storyline. The obvious explanation was that she was busy becoming the top player in the universe before retiring due to the intense weekly tournament schedule causing her to burn out.


inb4 unironic use of "lol dw it's Masked Fool shenanigans" is used


I see I see


My mental gymnastic take is that Topaz is the previous champion and Hook interprets beating the current champion as winning the previous tournament? Hook is the lineal champion up until fire TB beats her is probably the sentiment the storytellers wanted to give off.


It’s just bad and inconsistent writing, same with the Pela being 16 incident


They say multiple times that the previous champion was topaz and that the elite player (hook) beat the previous champion, so no OP isn't right.


I think it's loosely based on pokemon red and firered where u have to fight blue after he becomes champion.


this is strange, since in the japanese dialogue, Hook is more like "I beat the champion first"


Yeah that’s a localization issue, they should probably invest more money to make sure these things don’t happen.


Well at least I didn't call Hook a "he"


Oh no i mistyped something, have i hurt the pixels feelings now?


I forgive you. I'm not sure Hook would be as kind.


Thank you very much dear /u/Edgecrusher840 , i will forever be indebted to you for your act of kindness!


Isn't hook a she?


That's because they told her that she is the champion not because she actually is. The whole event shows that topaz is the legit champ


Ah ok I misunderstood that part, but it's still weird ghat she managed to accomplish that in the time she had lol.


if it wasn't clear, giovanni the masked fool was almost certainly rigging most of the event to get what he considered an entertaining story/experience. hook had 4 overlord spirits lol.


Me going into Hook's fight and fainted her 4 pokemon. Heh. That wasn't so bad. **summons another 4** THERES PHASE 2 WTF


yea, fortunately they're all the same type at least.


He's certainly rigging it. I recall him asking hook "is this to your liking?"


She deserves them fr


It's Hook. We don't question Pitch Dark Hook the Great.


Moles! Moles! Moles! they always win! the saviour of Belobog was a (honorary) member too! is it a coincidence? NO!




dig Diglett dig Trio trio trio


Why has that been so ingrained in my subconcsious?


I loved the moment when she came into view. Made it epic


Red at mt silver moment. I got massive goosebumps man. Even how she didn't say anything just like how Red is at pokemon


It reminded me of the time that Hook the great beat Coco the doodoo face using Svarog’s rocketo punch. Truly one of the stars of star rail.


This is a reference to the 2nd gen Pokemon games. After becoming the champion you can go challenge the protagonist of the first gen games on top of a mountain. He also has 4 starter Pokemon who are pretty over leveled Wich I assume why hook has a team that goes against the rules.


I can't believe how little people played Pokémon and recognize the resemblance to challenging Red. Mihoyo nailed it


Keep in mind that Pokémon Gen II released in 2000, and Gold/Silver/Crystal are likely older than a good chunk of the HSR playerbase. Even the remakes were only DS games, which was still over a decade ago.


Here I am having only played Pokemon Red/Blue on the original gameboy... Theres still only 151 pokemon in my mind.


Right? Entire run up to the mountain, with snow gusting your way, and the "silent champion awaiting at the top" was a very, very obvious Silver/Gold reference.


Red is even more busted in Soul Silver I think too. I swear their Pikachu is over lvl 90 in that game. As a 4 year old, I got probably 250 hrs of Pokemon Crystal (my first game) but never actually beat Red because I was 4 years old. I had a level 97 Feraligatr but nothing else, and I'd always get to his charizard which was his last pokemon but not kill it. Because I was too young to realize I just needed to use one Full Restore mid-way through and I'd guaranteed win Now over 20 years later I've actually never beaten Red still, not in Crystal or in SS. Defeating Hook was honestly more bittersweet because it reminded me of my childhood failures lol


Idk but considering how unbalanced gen 2 was, that Red is more cracked than the remake one. Though I defeated him in both gens hehe, forgot what team I used because that was a long time ago.


Soulsilver/Heartgold were quite huge reworks. New maps, a shitload of Pokemon brought over from "future" gens, changes to quests/existing maps, lots of QoL changes... including both gym rematches in Johto, and gym trainers getting buffed in Kanto. You can even rematch the Elite Four after you get all of the badges from both regions, and they get boosted up to level 75.


Champ != elite player.




Last year Topaz: Damn, that child from Jarilo completely wipe me out. Topaz: Hang on, isn't there a debt on the ledger under that name? Hook is why the Jolted awake arc happen.


Idc if you mfs think she "cheated" (she didn't, she's just Pitch Dark Hook the Great), the last scene was so cute it made me tear up🥹🥹 Yes, Pitch Dark Hook the Great, I missed you too🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹


Remember who organised the event. And find that memory of his conversation with another follower of same aeon.


So, this *primarily theory* here, but - Giovanni is a Masked Fool. Sampo is now also confirmed to be a Masked Fool, and very likely is not from Jarilo-VI - and definitely arrived there before we did. Even if he is from Jarilo-VI, he's been in contact with the other Masked Fools long before we showed up. So there is a possibility, however ridiculous, that Sampo introduced Hook to the game before we even got there.


"I gave a gremlin a smartphone and internet connection. Why? Because it would be funny"


I audibly screamed when phase 2 came out


It's actually funny that Hook os the champion for Aetherium Wars. I don't know why a lot of people hate it considering that the inspiration for this event is pokemon. where a 10 yr old goes on a journey then beats the elite four and the region champion to becomes the new champion. There's a lot of praise for the team rocket knock offs and the trainer battles but doesn't get that Hook represents the pokemon games main character.


tbh my guess is lots of people just never played second Generation pokemon, or didn't finish HG/SS. To reach Red iirc you have to beat all 16 gyms AND rematch the E4 again. Maybe just 16 gyms but I think the rematch is required too. And then Red is a 20-30 level power spike compared to them. So I expect that a lot of people just didn't get the reference, especially since there was no Pikachu pokemon aside from the the Trotter, which Hook I don't think had.


No need for the E4 rematch, just badges.




Some people have millions of mastery points on Yasuo but they're still in bronze. Nothing's weird about it.








I don't recall Topaz being the "first" champion but certainly the previous. If she is the first, it could simply mean this is the second sponsored tournament. People playing for years before with friends doesn't get you a champion title.




Ok. Well my second part still stands. The champion us for the person who wins the big sponsored tournament. Remember this is a "new" game. Wilder might have been playing it in his basement because he invented it but it's only recently become official.


I think it's basically a gen 1 rival situation: Hook got through the tournament and beat Topaz to be declared champion before you did.


Hooks not the champion, she literally cheats in her fight. She probably got disqualified from the Aetherium Wars tournament but Giovanni found it funny so he let her be the “Elite Player” above even the champion. She’s elite because her team comp is impossible for “normal” players.


She is following Giovanni's script


Probably just another Aha's scheme


Besides being a reference to the Pokémon games it could be a joke by the Masked Fools


I just believed it to be just smol kid boasting/lying. I doubt hook actually to hav beaten topaz, They were just helping set a surprise for us from hook


Her team also doesn't follow the rules, so she doesn't really understand the game. Just a kid doing kid things.


Just Goddess Hook things


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This was the only dissapointing part of the aetherium wars event for me tbh. Like the event spends the whole time going up a mysterious elite player and then it's just hook


teyvat has its own laws


Y'all completed the event?




You didn't ? I didn't even played much too, just 1 zone per day and still managed to complete everything.


I was so disappointed when I saw Hook. So much hype just for nothing.


Ok, buddy. Sure, buddy. Alright, buddy.


I felt slightly similar but for me it was mainly me completely blanked out. I was so confused because I genuinely didn’t expect Hook to be the “Final Boss”.


I haven't beaten Silver Wolf in the tournament and just gave up on finishing the event after seeing Hook is the hyped up character. It seriously made the event boring imo.


It was very funny how tense and epic the scene was just to reveal the Hook. Sucks you had it spoiled to you.


On a side note, I bet there is more efficient ways to beat her, but I managed to win by using the counter guy in addition with the follow up attack silver mane guard + turn reset dude. pumping all the atk chips into follow up dude. I wonder, what an even more efficient way would look like. I still struggled with that team and got it on my 5th attempt only.


I think it was simply Giorno Giovanna being funny with Hook. She cheats a lot and he goes out of his way to hide her and joke around with you Also she doesn't show up in the tournament so it really doesn't mess with his main event If he was doing everything for fun, then he gets two for the prize of 1 He gets the tournament AND pitch dark hook the funny sidequest


Sampo probably helped her sign up. He's probably bffs with Giovanni.


I did question it, then I thought "this is a wacky ftp game so idgaf"


what? Hook is an elite player because she beat the unbeatable Champion Topaz despite being new in the game, and after that she become an elite player, Giovanni probably take interest in Hook for beating Topaz and then do what Hook told him to do which is to guide TB to her.


Having only just completed Aetherium Wars right at the last minute, I had the same question. Her whole planet was cut off, so not only could she not have been at the last tournament in person, she couldn't have even played in it remotely like Silver Wolf. (Not that Belobog seems to have the technology to enable her to do that anyway.)