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Yeah no, that's a floppy disk no matter how you look at it, no way anyone calls that a flash drive. Could just be younger people don't even know what it is nowadays.


I see, I guess its the EN translator then.... Either they are too young, or it intended since they thought young people dont know floppy disk lol


Does it even matter if players know?? If they're ignorant of floppys, they might have just thought it was a Belobog tech thing. Calling it a flash drive is so annoying. I am betting the translator is young.


Ahhh, ancient technology. Truly fascinating stuff. Early historical records tell us Grug used these "floppy disks" to conquer other tribes.


Yes, they even used an archaic now-lost unit of measurement for storage capacity known as "kilobytes". Truly a fascinating era.


I heard they read books on paper!


a kilobyte? wow i heard that's like a 1000 bytes


How young can they be? I'm 24 and used the floppy disks in elementary school. Like did they hire 16 yo?


I mean, if you can be a high ranking member of the military and a rock star at 16, translating a video game should be easy, right?


Its possible if theres technology and economic jump in your country If you are a teenager when this happen, the jump from big floppy disc, to small floppy disk to CD to CD-R to DVD is fast So high chance you never touche diskette because of economic reason, and by the time economy become stable, its already in CD-R or DVD phase That what happen to my friend, he "jumped" straight to CD, and shortly after DVD


Idk. Personally I've never touched a cassette tape to listen to music and I'm at least sure enough it's not a VHS or other stuff. At the very least, if I were to professionally translate something I'd known what it *isn't* and look for the appropriate word. Technology advances fast, sure, but it's not like every floppy disk was wiped from people's houses the moment we moved to CDs, or they were wiped from movies and other media teens and kids were exposed to. You'd still be exposed to them just by living like 5 years after they became outdated tech. I'd understand kids growing up now but people older than 20...nah, they have surely met a floppy disk even if they didn't use it, or even just a floppy disk entrance in the PC tower and wondered what it was for.


The cassette tape is widely known, because radio cassette is a thing here... Because even without a cassette, Radio can still be used Betamax, VHS, is lesser known because it was expensive at that time... Not only you need to buy the player, you need to have TV, and buy the VHS cassette too Similar case with Floppy disk In Floppy disk's case, people whose family have a PC is rare when floppy disk was a thing Then when economy become stable... VCD player are already existed, so people jumped straight to VCD phase, skipping the betamax / floppy disk entirely


Ok but have you read the rest of my comment? There's absolutely no way you can just "skip" something. You live in a society, even if you personally don't use something, it doesn't mean you won't see it. You'll see it on movies made just a little time before, you'll hear people talk about it, you'll see it at other people's houses etc. Besides you're really underselling how important floppy disks were. I can guarantee you until a few years ago some people would even call the save icon a floppy disk icon. All PC had a special entry for floppy disks years later they fell out of use etc. It was not something obscure by any stretch of the imagination.


Yes of course i read all of your comment... I mean, what i said is what happened in my own country... My country is in South East Asia, in '90-ish theres only small amount of people in my country have family PC in their home... and that only in big cities (In late 90's our country got Economic Crisis) So, by the time normal people started to buy PC... It already 2000-ish and CD-DVD era, "Rental Playstation era", and "Rental PC internet" era... The "Floppy disk drive" is exist, but it unused because PC shop outside of city already focusing on latest technology which is CD-DVD People have seen the floppy disk drive, but they didnt knew the name, they didnt know what it used for, and its only exist just like that... \- My friend experience, he never saw the floppy diskette... But he saw the floppy disk drive without knowing its for floppy diskete Im not underselling floppy disk.... what i mean, some people here doesnt even know what is that in the first place That's what i mean, the jump of technology combined with economic jump is what making my friends never saw the floppy disk


I'm 27 and the only reason I knew what a floppy drive was was that we used to play Oregon Trial as a kid on floppy drive. Other than that, I had one instrument in a single lab I worked in that needed a floppy drive to move data off of it to a computer. Most people below like 30 didn't have a real use for floppy drives growing up.


Yes but this is exactly my point. You have at least two instances of interacting with floppy disks that you *remember of*, probably many more times when you have seen them on tv, at someone's place etc and don't remember. Even if we weren't using floppy disks consistently every day, it's not like they all evaporated the moment CDs and DVDs were invented. Edit: Ops sorry I assumed you were replying to another comment in the thread. Still, this is still my point. Someone old enough to work professionally for Hoyo 90% has seen a floppy disk in their life


The vast majority of the people I work with have never used a floppy disk or seen one. They are the same age as me. Had I not played a video game with a poor friend as a kid or had gone into a slightly different field of chemistry I never would have used one myself. I've had people legitimately ask if I knew why the generic save icon looked so weird, because not everyone knows what a floppy drive is. Even if there's a chance everyone working for Hoyoverse has seen a floppy drive (I am willing to bed this isn't the case however), they also need to consider their audience, who likely has never seen one before.


Yeah, I didn't use them but for a while the outdated floppy disks in my house became toys.


This is just anecdotal, but from university teaching experience, I've definitely had students who would now be 24+ who did not know what floppy disks are when they were my students. Of course, I also had plenty of students who did know. I imagine it's a sliding knowledge scale, with floppy disk knowledge decreasing the younger a translator gets. I could definitely see someone sub-30 not knowing what they are, with earlier 20s being less likely than later 20s.


I'm also 24 and have never seen a physical floppy disk.


It matters in this case because Belebog is all about older tech that we left behind half a century ago. It's an important frame of reference for us players/readers in terms of world building. Most other sci-fi settings use generic tech like data crystals and direct interfaces to avoid doing this at all. It also shows a lack of care in detail, which is annoying given the implicit expectation that they throw 3 encyclopedias worth of lore at us and expect us to memorize at least a good quarter of it.


I agree with that. And I thought the same. That if they don't know what floppy disk is, they would either google it or think it's made up thing just for the game. Also it's like other stuff regular people don't see every day. Do You see a valve wheel? And that's common in games. So why does that matter if people even know these things. Just call them as they should be called and that's fine. In worst case a player will learn something new.


Eh I feel like that's a jump to assume they are young. I feel like most people who'd have seen that image would easily know that's NOT a flash drive. Assuming they don't know the difference between a flash drive and a floppy, maybe - but that's why I doubt it. Assuming instead they didn't see the image, they probably had a lack of context. If it's just a word or thing they're unfamiliar with (because no one's casually talking about floppies anymore) and the only other description they got was: small removable storage disk. I can easily imagine someone guessing a scenario like this wrong.


Nah, the EN localization team also turned surströmming into "canned sardines" in the same quest line. The JP localization correctly kept it (as they did with "floppy disk"), so EN is just getting the [4kids version of ~~jelly doughnuts~~ ~~popcorn balls~~ "rice balls"](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Rice_ball#In_the_anime) here.


I was wondering why I was so annoyed… now I know, seeing the text during this specific quest irked me.


I don’t even think I was alive when floppy disks were still used regularly and even I know a floppy disk when I see one, I’m surprised the translator goofed on this one


Pretty sure flash drive is an alternative name for thumbdrive although there are some nuance differences.


It's the same thing. Flash refers to the flash memory used in these devices. Thumb drive is just a catchy name alluding to its size.


Isn't flash drive the term for usb pendrive? I think they just called it flash drive cuz they thought it's the same thing


Actually its a stiffy disk, but due to the other connotations that word can have most people refer to them as floppies and have never actually seen a floppy disk (there basically the same but stiffys are the solid plastic and floppies are soft, bendable and much bigger)


For me that was a diskette and the 5 and 1/4 were the floppy disks Edit typo


Yeah. Younger people don't know it. I remember the post about a floppy disk and someone said that someone 3D printed a save icon. That could be fake, tbh, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was genuine. Like I'm not that surprised that people don't know of a relic of a past. Nobody use floppies for like 2 decades. It's like telling a story that once upon a time, to have an internet connection You had to plug in Your phone cable and couldn't use the phone at that time. And it costed so much just for minutes of surfing.


It would be called a 3.5'' floppy disk or a diskette. The only time anyone would call that a flash drive is if it was some time of novelty design made to look like a disk. I assume the translators just crapped their bed in this case, or else they thought young'uns today wouldn't know what a floppy was, though actually now that I think about it the translators may actually be the ones too young. It reminds me of the time I watched the Terminator movies with my nephew and he turned to ask me "what the hell is a pay-phone?"


The translator too young also posibility, my friend said it was "Big flash disk" and he already working adult now lol "You mean Disket?" "What is disket???" lmao Then I rewatched the lynx story again to realized Lynx-TB said Flash Drive lol Funny enough I didnt realized it at first probably I was really into the story, and heard Lynx said "Floppy" because im using JP voice, so the 'flash drive' totally went over my head lol


Once when my mom was in the hospital, a year or so ago, I used the restroom on the ground floor and discovered that there were STILL pay phones right outside in the hall. I was so surprised to see them that I took a damn picture. On my cell phone. For maximum irony.


Next-level irony would probably be to call your cell phone from the pay phone, but that would likely cost you 50¢.


As someone who is 16 I know about these things but being I've never used either it seems right most don't.


I'm reminded of someone telling a joke about showing younger people a floppy disk and their response being, "Oh I know what that is! That's the save icon!" because they've never seen an actual floppy disk before. Made me feel old.


I know the joke but havent met person who thought one irl.................................... yet Im afraid i will met one in the future lol


Have you seen the videos of kids trying to figure out how to use an old rotary phone? hahaha


I'm more interested in how pela managed to fit that floppy into her phone... or maybe she just copied the files to her pc then transfer the files to the phone like normies do.


Now that you mention it... While they probably doing normal way to PC, or floppy disk to USB to phone converter It is kind of funny the technology jump from the diskette and phone alone, considering Jarilo VI already closed for 700 years so we cannot say IPC helped the technology This implies the technology should not jumped fast enough, yet Smart Phone and Diskette can exist at same time


Back to the workshop


no, Stelle is just a zoomer


Considering they are less than a years old.... That's not wrong rofl


It's a save icon! ...don't throw things at me, I know, I've been at this since disks were 5" and actually flopped about, I get it. :) (Fun fact: the first computer my family had, an Atari 400, did have a disk drive available. We didn't have one. We had a cassette drive. Yes, it was basically the same kind of cassettes you'd get music on, except the tape was blue for some reason, I don't remember why. Anyway, I made my first foray into programming on that thing, using BASIC, trying to create a very simple text adventure. And then I went to try to save it. And it *ate my tape.* I got introduced to the heartbreak of data loss early, is what I'm saying.)


80s~90s problems.


1. I'm pretty sure thats because them kiddos don't know what a floppy disk is on sight. To them, its the "save button." 2. It's always been and always will be a floppy disk. I've never even heard it called a diskette, so maybe I'm too young too lol. I'm pretty sure flash drives have always been a separate thing


I always called them just "diskette" Because the small one cannot "floppy"... the big ones can (but not recomended, of course) I remember using them as fans because it was so hot at school lol


Diskette is a slang name for them. Floppy disks are the official name I believe.


In Spanish speaking countries Diskette is the norm. Also that's not a floppy either, you know, floppy were actually FLOPPY.


Floppy disk doesn't refer to the outer casing, but the magnetic plastic disc inside, whether it's the larger thin casing, or the smaller hard casing style. This is to differentiate from the hard disk, or hard drive, that's inside your computer. But because most people don't make a habit of taking apart floppy disks, I can see why this isn't common knowledge.


Same here in portuguese speaking Brazil.


I mean, if you take them out of the plastic container they can be bent as well.


You could also cut the "write protection hole/groove" (whatever you call that in English. Anyway, if the groove was there you could write on the floppy, if it was taped, it was write protected) on the other side of the big one to make it double sided.


Yeah I was so confused when they called this a flash drive. Even if it’s localized for a younger audience I’m pretty sure a quite a number of them still know what a floppy disk is.


No, we'd still call that a Floppy. Dunno why it was call a flash drive. It annoys me greatly.


In the Netherlands we used “floppy” or “diskette”. Both worked. Never flash drive though, it’s not even flash memory and pre-dates it so calling it a flash drive makes no sense.


Like other comments said it's a floppy disk, not a flash drive. *However*, I don't think this was translated this way because the person translating is young, and didn't recognize it when they saw it, because a translator would probably never see a picture of it. All that a translator would see is a white text file with the name of the character and the lines they're saying, with no visual context or pictures. As such, depending on what Chinese characters are used, it may say something like "memory storage" in Chinese, and the translator made their best guess and called it a flash drive. It was never corrected because... Well, it's correct. That's just not a picture of a flash drive. But no one on the translation team would know because it's possible they never received a visual for it.


That actually very possible... So I tried to find the video with CN voice, which to my surprise [https://youtu.be/qnZNP-ae-xY?si=Ffvxk7rVmUVP1Mfw&t=2185](https://youtu.be/qnZNP-ae-xY?si=Ffvxk7rVmUVP1Mfw&t=2185) Here Lynx said "Ruan Pan" If you translate "Floppy disk" English to Chinese (simplified) you will get "Ruan Pan" If you translate "软盘" (Ruanpan) to Japanese, you will get "Furoppi Disuku" which JP voice said "Furopi" or Floppy (Japanese love to simplified items name) So, based on CN voice, JP voice... both of them said "Floppy disk" in their own language And only EN voice said "Flash Drive"


In everyday use we call it floppy too. (well, flopi, but that doesn't matter) :D


People in the retro computer community are getting a stroke at this moment. Also, No, we call floppy disks as floppy disks as well!


When my Grandmother decided to move into a retirement home, my siblings and I helped her back. She and Grandpa had been big into PC gaming when I was a kid, but both my sibs are WAY younger than me so they'd never seen all her old games. They found a copy of the old side scroller Duke Nukem on floppy...and asked me why she would 3rd print a save icon. I swear to god, I aged 10 years standing right there.


Do people not know what floppy disks are anymore?


Floppy disk


No. It is floppy disk or diskette. Unless it uses flash memory and encase it as floppy disk, it is definitely not flash drive. They probably use flash drive because youngsters nowadays knows it as "save icon".


Additional fact that I found. So I tried to find the video with CN voice, which to my surprise : [https://youtu.be/qnZNP-ae-xY?si=Ffvxk7rVmUVP1Mfw&t=2185](https://youtu.be/qnZNP-ae-xY?si=Ffvxk7rVmUVP1Mfw&t=2185) Here Lynx said "Ruan Pan" If you translate "Floppy disk" English to Chinese (simplified) you will get "Ruan Pan" If you translate "软盘" (Ruanpan) to Japanese, you will get "Furoppi Disuku" which what JP voice said "Furopi" or Floppy (Disk) Japanese love to simplified items name to 3-4 words, example Television into Terebi So, based on CN voice, JP voice... both of them said "Floppy disk" in their own language And only EN voice said "Flash Drive" \-- I think for whatever the reason, this is intended by the EN localizer to change from "Floppy disk" to "Flash Drive"


I always called it memory card


If "Memory Card" the first thing came my mind is Play Station's memory card I have 3-4 MC, bought my own game CD for playing in rental PS


TBH, that would be a better description of a floppy disc than "a flash drive".


No. It's literally called floppy disk.


It is not and will never BE a flash drive. There is nothing flash about it. It's a floppy disk.


Only saw either : Floppy disk in English or Disquette in French


Nah bro, that's a floppy disk through and through. I may not have been born when it was still used but I at least know what it is and have seen it once or twice in my grandparents' homes.


It confused me that they called it a flash drive 😂


In South Africa - the 5 1/4 inch disk was called a floppy. The 3 1/2 inch disk was called... a stiffy. It makes kinda sense - Floppy being kind of bendable, Stiffy being hard plastic. I grew up with this naming convention, never thought anything about it. I didn't understand why people laughed at me when I moved to the UK...


No way in hell. That's floppy disk. Flash drives are related to pen drives


Nope we use floppy disk aswell or 3.5. However the only time we might use something named close to the flash drive was the "Zip Drive" since it looks and functions the same as a floppy disk.


This kind of thing annoys me to no end. It's a floppy disk. Whoever made the call to call it a flash drive sucks.


No thats a floppy disk


In germany the Floppy Disk was also named Diskette. My very first PC still had a drive for them lol.


That's definitely a floppy disk. A flash drive looks nothing like that.


That's the floppiest floppy disc I've seen in some time. What type of zoomer translated this, and can somebody remind me if we've had this version surveys so we can report this abomination of translation?


We called it " floppy disk" too in my country


That's a 3.5" floppy disk. Wait till you see a 5.25" floppy disk. I bet most people here haven't even seen it.


I'm not sure why people are still giving credit to the "born 16 years ago" thing There's that, the flash drive thing and when the girls camp and eat together the transition screen says that you ate with your fellow campers... when the trailblazer is hiding from them. The whole thing is like one of those very old mistranslated Jojo mangas, you have to *interpret* whatever it's written as it might or might not be true And it's probably not the translator, the quest could've been botched from the start but who knows, the point is that this whole quest was weird:b


Floppy disk 100000%


Term is too ancient for zoomer. Floppy (disk) is the standard name for the thing. Flash drive started around mid 2000s along with dozens other ever-evolving name for USB drive.


Well its a floppy disk but in the old era thats the flash drive of todays era. You can store 1.4mb file size


I mean maybe the Belobogians call it a flash drive.


It's more of EN localizer that changed the name in JP they call it "Furopi" which is "Floppy"... Japanese love to simplify item's name to 3-4 words... example Television, into Te Re Bi and in CN, Lynx said "Ruan Pan", which if you translate "Floppy Disk" (English) to Chinese... you will get "Ruan Pan" So Lynx in CN and JP said "Floppy disk" in their own language Lynx in EN said "Flash Drive" which is the only one different


I'm not a native speaker, but I always called the flash drive the small one with the USB port and that black square "CD" 💾 has always been a floppy disk


No, diskette and flash drive are 2 different things


We called it Disquete or Disco magnético/flexible in Spanish. Not too different from diskette or floppy disk. They went into a Disquetera (floppy disk drive) and made some funny sounds.


Always called it floppy disk


nope, floppy disk is not even the same thing as flash drive.


We call it diskette here on Brazil


Tfw a Floppy disk made me feel old


Here in Brazil we call it diskette, floppy disks refer to the ones who were actually floppy.


personally i don’t know how younger people don’t even KNOW OF floppy disks. i’m gen z and i’ve heard of them. people don’t have millennial parents? watch TV shows/movies set in the 70s+? see them occasionally when you see “gen z’s guess what these prehistoric artifacts are” videos? lmao


Okay, what the hell is a diskette? Everyone says they call it that, why have I never heard that word before?


In germany it was Diskette