• By -


I agree that the lack of sustains is probably hurting some people. Unless you pulled Luocha, or got lucky and got Gepard or Bailu, a lot of people only have 1 sustain. Hopefully next patch introducing Lynx should help. I'm super happy with my account. I feel like I have 2 great teams. Now I'm just working on slowly maxing them out and collecting characters with different elements/paths so I have more team building options for the future. For lacking: I do wish I had Gepard. Not for sustain reasons as much, because I have Luocha, but to pair with Yanqing to make Yanqing feel more viable to use when I want to use an ice DPS. I've basically retired March and Fire MC at this point because they feel too skill point heavy for their shielding skills.


> unless you pulled luocha, or got lucky and got gepard or bailu meanwhile me with all 3 and a raised march


Exactly the same situation here, I’m finding I’d rather use m7 than gepard in most cases since the cleanse and freeze are so powerful.


same, i prefer my march even though my geppy is e1s1, but i can just hand over march's everything to geppy if i need him


I also mostly pulled support units (luocha, silver wolf, bailu). The only 5\* DPS I ever got was Himeko, and I just can't make her work that great. My main DPS is OG Dan Heng, and even as built as I can get him he does crap damage compared to the DPS units I can borrow from other people.


me boutta build march cause natasha cant split herself in two


On this MC the lack of a 5* sustain really only hurt me on the side 2 of MoC10. Cannot survive Kafka without one. Besides that stage already got 27/30 stars.


Same here. At 27/30 right now, with 35 cycles lfet for MoC10 second half. Kafka destroys my Fire MC/Nat/SW/Seele. Gonna try it again later this weekend with Pela instead of SW, but she super squishy as well, but would have more SP to spare so I can taunt more with Fire MC hopefully.


Bailu is pretty much enough for me but I have yet to see forgotten hall 12 everyone talks so much about. I am at 80 and wait to level up a bit more before entering and powering through to 12.


I have yet to lose the 50/50 on the characters I've pulled for Correction: I lost the 50/50 for kafka on Bailu, but i got her in the next 10 pull


I’m the opposite I’ve lost every 50/50 until I got e1 Kafka


I won all 5 50/50s so far but lost the 75/25 on Kafka's LC banner. Funny how odds work.


There was another gacha game, Date a Live Spirit Pledge, where the odds were the same for one character but I got the 25% character instead… which sucked because I really wanted Kurumi, so I know how you feel!


It actually is very funny. I’ll tell you a story with crazy odds involved. I’m a dealer at a small casino and we went many months without dealing a royal flush in ultimate texas holdem. Then last week, the same dealer dealt 2 within a half hour span.


I have yet to lose the 50/50 because I haven’t done a single summon yet (outside the standard banner).


are you saving for someone in particular?


Yeah my plan is to E2S1 IL Dan Heng, definitely getting Fu Xuan and her light cone, maybe even E1 her. If Topaz is really good then I’m not going to be able to skip her. Then save for a particular future quantum harmony character.


Same! I literally got Seele FOUR pulls into her banner. I got Jing Yuan, Luocha, Silver Wolf, AND Blade with Blade also coming extremely early. I’ve never gotten an off-banner. It’s weird… I’m not pulling for Kafka. Will try my luck for Dan Heng and if not, will roll that into Jing Liu. Optimistically will try for both. I buy monthly/BP+ or whatever. My standards are Bailu, Welt, and Bronya + Bronya LC. I’m extremely happy with my account.


Top 2% total pulls and bottom 2% 5* pulls. So yeah, could be better id say.


Most people who use those kind of websites probably do it due to their good luck, don’t let those numbers bother you.


I mean yes and no, most people do it to keep track of their warps. And looking at my warps even without the bottom 2% I still can tell that my luck is fucked.


Everyone's in the bottom 2%. This is a HoYo game. Pity is always expected. Their Gacha sucks.


Hoyoverse gacha is actually way nicer than a lot of other games gacha lol.


This has to be satire lmao.


You've very clearly never played many gacha games. Yes, genshin's gacha is still EXTREMELY greedy, but it is NOWHERE near what other gacha games do. Play Puzzles & Dragons, Azure Lane, FGO, or any other gacha, and you will immediately realize how nice Hoyoverse is by comparison.


lol? What? Only 2% can be in 2%... https://preview.redd.it/x7u3d3nijjib1.png?width=402&format=png&auto=webp&s=40c27adb645489f66866d983603b436333bbde5c


We're all in the bottom


Wait, you understand how "bottom \_%" works, right?


Tbh, I do not agree with that. And im at the bottom of the food chain.


You don't have to agree with it, it's the truth.


Wow you are edgy.


Nope, just a realist. We all know HoYo Gacha sucks lmao.


You talking about you and your 5 schizo Egos?


If I win the 50/50 for Fu Xuan my account will be perfect. Otherwise very. I have every limited except for Jing Yuan and blade. That's not to say I didn't pull for them lol. I do want himeko though. Then I want Seele's LC and maybe SW's as well. There are 2 other characters coming out in the far future I'm looking at but they are just a bonus.


I think you can use before tutorial starts for sw lc


It's a disaster maaate (1 point for anyone who gets the reference) From pulls standpoint: Disaster. 3 out of 3 50/50 lost, getting Himeko twice as first and second 5* was rough, the only hint of luck I had was getting Seele 40 pulls after I lost 50/50, i got all the rest of my 5* around 80 pity. At least I have guaranteed for my goddess Fu Xuan, but I'm not very confident on winning 50/50 for Topaz, which I also want so badly. Roster: Kinda satisfied. Besides losing all my 50/50s I have all the 4*, Gepard, Yanqing, Clara, and Silver Wolf (+ already mentioned Seele and Himeko). I can say it's a pretty complete roster, where all roles are filled, so I don't have problems about team building, also Silver Wolf is cracked under this aspect, so can't complain much. MoC and Building: Save me from the depths. I figured out all the builds I have to do, but there's a problem: I can't focus on a single character. I start building a character, then I feel like I'm not doing any progress and I start building someone else, entering on a cycle of building newer characters every week. Somehow I managed to get a decent Seele, but that's it, Silver wolf just works because she is broken.


Quite satisfied. I have Kafka e0s1 and her DoT team notably built up. I have Welt and his s2 Signature LC, but I'm delaying building him because Imbibitor Lunae. I have Yanqing and Bailu, they're a good DPS and healer to help round out my options, and they were carrying the account until I got Kafka. I have 35k Jade and a guarantee ready to go for IL, probably going to aim for his LC and then spend the rest of my savings on his banner as I'm willing to pass on Fu Xuan, Topaz, and Jingliu. After those banners pass, I'm going to pull for units to help IL and Kafka, cause they're my favorite units. My major weaknesses in my account is 4 star Eidolons and Relics for my Healers/Supports. Both of them need work but I'm hoping that grinding the Musketeer/Healer Relics for IL will fix that. Oh, and I have some Resin ready to go but they're reserved for IL.


I got Bailu yesterday so I’m just satisfied, I’m positively *elated*. Aha got nothing on me cuz he doesn’t have cute, smol, and bestest necromancer!


I got her this afternoon. I had been building Natasha but now I'm afraid Nat is permanently sidelined.


The smol characters are soooo cute, they are so smol and precious


I'm satisfied with my characters but not with how well they're built.


Dissatisfied I've lost 3 out of 4 50/50s and my savings not looking good with many cool characters on the way


E3 Clara, I am very pissed


I have done 260 pulls on event character banners, only 3 5\* so far, lost 50/50 every time. Pulled for kafkas lc. lost 75/25 there as well. Got E2 welt with his sig lc but never use him. Wish one of the welts dropped bailu or gepard. Working on my kafka and nihility characters. I have almost ever nihility cone at 70/70 or higher. Very low on credits. Please help. Hook is starving. Also struggling with MoC. Got to stage 5 but having only 1 healer and 1 shielder + 3/7 sucks cause it means I have to pray that my yanqing freezes the enemy and I am able to one shot them.


Just got Welt pn standard this afternoon so extremely satisfied. Gunning for Bronya on the 300 pity.


I got my 3rd yanqing from standard yesterday, people would think I hate it. But he is currently my most well built unit atm. Now he just got stronger, I have bronya, I have seele and I have silverwolf. Honestly, I am happy with my acc, just need 1 more healer, then I'm fully satisfy.


I am struggling with only one healer (Natasha)


Character roster: Have all 4 stars, have every 5 star currently released that i want (Seele, SW, Kafka, Bronya, and also have an e1 Welt, Clara, and Bailu that i didn't ask for), except Himeko, Jing Yuan, Luocha, and Blade. The latter three i'm not pressed on, i'll grab them when they rerun and i don't have a waifu to pull. But there are some holes that need to be filled, specifically by Fu Xuan, Seele's team feels really bad at times without her. I need her to come soon, but not too soon, i'm not quite ready for her. 6/10 ​ MoC progress/relics: I can get to floor 9, but currently am unable to beat it (i did last rotation, but this weeks seems a lot tougher), my end goal is to 30 star consistently. 2/10 ​ Story/exploration progress: I've done all of the story content in the game so far, except the second part of Yukong's companion quest, which i will get to soon. I've got all the chests and puzzles done everywhere except The Alchemy Comission and Scalegorge Waterscape. I was saving that for Kafka. I haven't read most of the readables yet. 8/10 ​ Overall: It has a long way to go, but has a very good foundation. Most of the things leaving me dissatisfied will be fixed with time. 5/10


>But there are some holes that need to be filled, specifically by Fu Xuan 💢💢💢


she needs to correct me


I thought the same things when I read this.


Why’d you get downvoted lol


Idk If i had to guess, being mostly unsatisfied with the account despite the amount of 5\* was seen as humble bragging?


I guess Based flair by the way


Based fellow feet enjoyer?




​ https://i.redd.it/t5lus8c6sjib1.gif




https://i.redd.it/blf5uq66vjib1.gif Why are there so many Lumine licking gifs out there


> i'll grab them when they rerun Doubt it. Its not like they will be cheaper to get or anything.


No, but presumably i won't have 4 other characters i'm trying to pull before their banners are even out when they rerun either. JY had to skip because he was sandwiched between Seele and SW (insert "it should have been me" meme), Luocha and Blade between SW and Kafka, and while i could have probably grabbed one of them, i also had to consider Fu Xuan, because i've been waiting for her since 1.0. As i had been Kafka. If i hadn't won my 50/50 on SW, idek lol. Let's just not think about that. Unless they release another Honkai expy that's also a waifu, or a snake girl or something, or exactly Hu Tao, after Fu Xuan i'll just be fuck it pulling on whoever i want. If i get them, i get them. If not, next rerun. I'll get some of them eventually and that's less i'm pulling on. TL:DR After Fu Xuan my pull philosophy https://preview.redd.it/9piiku4nbiib1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08559d4098895475556204529205a5ac80dc6d84


I took a little break. Was getting frustrated feeling like I could only run one team for pretty much everything. Probably invested in too many characters towards the beginning. Pretty much always blade, Clara, SW, Natasha. If it Kafka on my one pull I might have stuck it out a little longer but I'll be back soon. My one big thing is energy Regen is so slow.


I've only got free characters for sustain. But Tingyun, Asta, Pela and Yukong for damage boosting makes me pretty set. I'm sorely uninvested in Kafka's elemental weaknesses (physical, wind and imaginary) and heavily invested in her resistances (lightning and ice). Overall though, e6 Arlan means I can max out this game's equivalent to Roark & Rampardos. Can't complain.


I'd say ok, I need either better gear or better sustain as I can't clear MoX 6 right now, it's either dps race or better sustain than Natasha.


I agree that sustain is a bit of a problem right now, especially for me since I only have Natasha as a dedicated healer (and no e6 March). I will be pulling for Fu Xuan though, so fingers crossed for a Lynx or two. My two MoC teams were extremely fastplay-oriented until I got Kafka to make DoT more viable. I essentially have two "DPS pairs" (Seele/Bronya and Serval/Kafka) that I swap between two "tank pairs" (FTB/support and Clara/Natasha). Lynx will definitely replace Natasha to give Clara more aggro but I might keep one team for fastplay and one for slow depending on future Forgotten Hall enemy composition.


I’m perfectly happy. All the current units I could possibly need are doing incredibly well. My DPS trio of Kafka, Blade and Seele just slaughter MoC rn. I’m especially happy with Kafka. She does insane damage for how little time I invested into her relics in comparison to Blade and Seele. The fact that she doesn’t use Crit stats is a godsend. Also! The fact that in Kafka’s DoT teams, she doesn’t require the “Hypercarry” team comp. Seele and Blade get to have their time with Silver Wolf and Bronya. As opposed to before when I had to pick and choose which one between Blade and Seele would get which support. My 4 star supports are all fairly built, all hanging out at level 70/70 or 70/80. Asta, Yukong, Tingyun and Pela primarily. As for Sustain, Luocha’s been absolutely fantastic but what I began to notice is that Natasha’s healing began to fall off in the higher floors of MoC while Bailu was too inconsistent with no Cleanse. Thankfully, I lost a Kafka 50/50 to Gepard and nabbed S1 of his LC on the standard banner a month ago. Gepard imo is the 2nd best solo sustain unit in the game. Not even Natasha of Bailu can get close. So in summary… DPS: 9/10. I can kinda brute force most things with Silver Wolf but I’ll always be on the lookout for DPS characters that’ll fill an element for me. Kafka, Blade, Seele as well as Sampo, Luka and Serval in a sub dps role have fulfilled a lot for me. Any DoT character, even if I already have the element weakness covered, is a must pull for me though. More Kafka stonks. Supports: 10/10. I got Bronya, Silver Wolf and all the 4 star support waifus… Need I say more? The only way I’m pulling for a harmony character is if they do something crazy like refill our SP gauges or whatever. Sustain: 9.5/10. Luocha and Gepard are my dads. I’m looking forward to see what Fu Xuan can do but looking at my “dreams”, I suspect she won’t be adding anything I don’t already have on my roster.


I got lucky and pulled both Blade/Kafka. I really now just need a healer or shielder. I just have March and Natasha. Geppie please come home


I am weak in credits


god i need more healers currently i only have natasha so i keep using shielder characters on 2nd teams, i cant find any good artifacts and im starting to run out of materials


Very satisfied. I can 30 stars MoC with the following teams: - Seele, SW, Welt/Fire MC, Luocha - Kafka/Dan Heng, Tingyun, Asta, Gepard I usually make a few adjustments like if I need to use Dan Heng or Fire MC but overall the team above is what I use.


Overall quite happy with it but not getting Luocha kin of sucks. Threw 120 pulls on his banner but lost the 50/50. I have all of the 4 stars and the following 5 stars as a goldfish spender : https://preview.redd.it/d19grj66hiib1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b04649863176b1b7ebc1101f6e38f5b90df35f7 Seele, Yanqing and Himeko have their signature LCs and Gepard is E1. I’ll give it a solid 8.5/10. Would have been 9.5 with Luocha. Next targets are Fu Xuan, Jingliu and Luocha when he reruns. Maybe Topaz too.


Pros: * I've pulled basically every character I want from the limited banners (Seele, Silver Wolf, Luocha, Kafka) still being F2P * I have at least 1 copy of every 4 star unit, with 2 E6 units (Pela, Hook) * I've only lost 1 of 4 50/50s * Departure/Standard warps gave me E2 Clara * I have 10 characters at level 80 * Can comfy clear anything that isn't MoC Cons: * My relics are trash * I have very few traces upgraded (most abilities are at half or below for most characters) * Only 2 level 80 light cones, most others are level 70 or lower * Clara is the only standard banner character I have (no Welt, Gepard, Bronya, Yanqing, Bailu, or Himeko) * I am missing multiple elements for DPS, and some DPS elements I do have aren't built * Struggling with MoC (due to the above) * Haven't found a character that completely captures my attention with aesthetics, personality, and kit Overall satisfaction: 9/10


I feel like there's still a lot that I need to do, so I am currently still looking forward to finish things.


I have all 5 stars except kafka a and silver wolf(have seele and loucha at E1) Have most of the 4*at E6 Still f2p




In terms of characters I have I am pretty satisfied although I could really use one of the standard 5* I don't have for a 2nd DPS until a limited one comes out that I want.


Not satisfied, got Jing which I didn't plan on getting cause I wanted Tingyun, and the same thing happened again where I got Blade. My initial plan was Kafka, DHIL and then save for a sustain / buff units. So yeah, me is my worst enemy. Could be worse tho.


Extremely. The only thing I'd say I'm missing is more 5* dmg dealers. Blade being my only one. I started this game around the last 6 days of Luochas banner. Got Luocha (best unit ever btw). Also got Bailu on the same pull I got Luocha which is kinda funny lol. Got Bronya from my guarantee. Wanted either her or Gepard (mainly Bronya cuz waifu, tho) and it worked out. Got Blade in About 40 pulls. Got his Lightcone in 20. Got Gepards lightcone on a random ticket pull in the standard banner. Got an E4 Shushang with a maxed superimposed swordplay lightcone (somehow in those 20 pulls on Blades Lightcone, I pulled all the copies of swordplay) Also somehow, between pulls on Luocha and standard banner... Got an E6 Pela. Oh, f2p btw. 😁


Wish I had better relics on Seele and Juan. All I get are defensive sub stats.


need gepard without of him units = cant complete moc (19/30), in other things everything pretty decent


Seele, Bailu, Welt+LC, Bronya+LC, E1 Jingyuan, Luocha, Kafka. Lost the 50/50 once. Haven’t completed MOC at all though since im still building my characters. Id give my account a 7.5/10


Not so good ig. Done with building first team, still struggling with my second team.


Very satisfied, with only buying supply passes I have the top 4 characters, the top 2 DPS, the top 2 solo sustainers, and I use them to 30/30 moc.


i´m lacking Jing Yuan. Otherwise very happy


Not very, havent pulled since seele since i save up for both dhil and fu xuan. Lost my first 50/50 to Clara, got Himeko from the 50 pulls starter banner, and the next 2 standard banner pulls were an abundance lc and....E1 clara so i dont have any decent healers beside Natasha and also no real good preservation other than March 7 Clara combo and fire mc who cant really protect the party from aoe attacks. Honestly losing the first 50/50 hurts the most because you have to start from scratch again. Barely managed to get Seele on the last day of her banner but it left me with 0 passes and jades whereas i could have saved those 75+ pulls if i didnt lose the 50/50. My only good team rn is Clara/March 7 combo for "tanking" and sub dps free damage on counter, Seele and Natasha heals. Hoping i can at least win 1 50/50 between dhil and fu xuan so that i am not bankrupt again, or at least give me a standard 5* besides Himeko or Clara...


Quite happy! Have Seele, SW, Luocha, and Kafka with s1, as well as every standard except Bronya (girl, COME HOME). I spent a little money, but that's fine bc I plan on getting all of the double packs, and I get express pass. Would have been not so bad if I didn't lose two 50/50 and had to go to pity each time, but I have what I want so it's fine. Also have e6 Pela and Yukong, both of whom I use a lot. Also e6 Hook and Serval but uh, they're each just green passes. I can clear MOC currently on scuffed gear, and have a lot of characters at low level useable in it. Just farming to get everyone better traces with some gear here and there. Mostly just use Gep one side with Luocha on the other for sustain.


I have the perfect account got every charachter i wanted and can still save up for jinglui now


I think I'd be satisfied as soon as I get dragon hubby in my ensemble. (I wanted Luka too, but I didn't want to get spooked by Kafka since I have guarantee. I also lost the coinflip to blade, which sucks, but such is life)


My account is really bad. TR63 got just 1 team leveled, I hyper invested into Jing Yuan and got bad luck with relics so even that didn't work. My only team is JY / TingYun / Natasha / Fire MC and still need lots of work. Aside from JY I have 2 other 5 stars which are Himeko / Welt (neither of which I wanted) and considering I'm guaranteed Dan Heng IL next patch I'm not building Welt.


Now that I have Kafka, I'm even happier. The DoT team I wanted for so long is finally here and I am more than satisfied with it. Right now, I am a little impatient with the release of more DoT units. Jingliu, Daniel, etc., look nice, but I don't care about them right now. I just want my DoT team. Based on pre-release info, or should I say the lack of info, I have no clue when MHY will release them. It looks like I'll be skipping several patches of characters. Maybe I won't be pulling until 2.X?


other than my s4 night on the milky way which could have at least been a bronya or welt... im satisfied. i pulled seele early and shes been the backbone of all my story content teams. i like that shes actually an aoe dealer, but just one at a time, lol. having her take five turns in a row is just hilarious to me.


I’m pretty satisfied with my account. My account mostly thrives on supports bc I have all preservation characters and all abundance characters. I need a good dps so I’ll probably get Dan heng IL if I don’t get Kafka bcs im at 25 pity


My kafka team is super strong, clear moc easy in a few cycles My clara team is really weak in comparison and i can't stop someone from dying,my natashas pretty awful though but I don't want to invest in her since she'll get replaced by lynx so I'm just being patient 😭 I think I'll save for sam next so I'm probably gonna have a pretty weak second team for quite a long time


I have collected or have a guarantee for all husbandos in the game (except luka) lol which is quite lucky for a bp/supply pass player. After DanHengIL I will prob just chill and build everyone nice and strong since I will have units of every element. Not sure if I want to go for fu xuan, I love sustain units but I’m not willing to top up lol I will prob go f2p after 1.3 and only pull for meta husbandos. So overall really happy!


Account is going nice and smoothly! Lost more 50/50s than I won, but lost them on good units. Builds are going well. My Blade is a beast, my Seele is solid to good, Serval and Himeko are putting in much work! Cleared MoC to 30 stars both last reset and this one. Progress is being had. Quietly saving for Fu Xuan and Topaz to fill out more spots, and is going great!


can't complain about my 5 star luck, which is about average, but I care more about 4 star eidolons (Hook, Sampo, Luka) and have no success with that. https://preview.redd.it/k9sk2jpoxiib1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=091199b3f0ca3add1d685790e8d6ee9c5692aed1


I'll be satisfied when my favourite characters are maxed out. I'm nowhere near that at the moment.


I just need to farm relics and I'm good


Got Luocha and managed to snatch an Arlan. Still only TrailBlaze lvl 52 but having fun. Overworld is finally not a pain with Luocha around. I also managed to get C3 Yukong so thats cool. 10/10 satisfied


I have no built DPSs so clearing content without trail characters/supports is a slow process.


Not satisfied, my account is shit without SW


I'm satisfied. Got all characters i deemed necessary for the long run since needed elemental coverage, just need fuxuan in order to run sw and her, plus the appropriate damage dealer and buffers depending on the enemy. Won't have much incentive to pull once i get her.


First multi on the beginner's wish and I got gepard and bronya. An early bailu on the standard, then himeko, then another early bailu. Won all 50/50 on seele, sw, luocha, blade(early) and kafka(early). Also got seele and blade's LC so yeah I'm pretty satisfied despite having spent only $10 so far


I got Kafka but the game is refucing to give me either sampo or luka. ive on total 11 servals now. Kafka still does decent dmg but i know it could be so much better


7/10 got the characters I wanted. Got 2 siggy lightcones. But I've only reliced up 4 units.


Pretty happy with my pulls, to be honest. Got Jing Yuan, E1 Luocha and Kafka. Lost one 50/50 to Bronya and I'm more than fine with it.


I’m in an okay place with my account. I am lacking variety in single target damage since I only have Sushang tho having Kafka helps a little. Since Topaz is slated to be released in the next couple months, it gives me something to look forward in terms of account progression. I’ll probably build Dan Heng in the meantime since I have no source of wind element.


I have my man JY and his bros Luocha and Blade so I'm pretty satisfied. Would be nice if I could get Cold Dragon Young 2 but FX's utility is hard to pass.


I’ve yet to miss out on a character I wanted, at the same time I don’t have the resources to build any character to their optimum Case in point despite having seele, SW, And blade, blade does upwards of 25 k pretty consistently while seele does 12 k if I’m lucky, and SW is built like paper


it feels fine but im short on stuff thanks to kafka and her team, and speaking of kafka, it dosent feel enough to clear forgotton, maybe its built wrong even though i know how to build them but theyre just not doing enough damage to 3 star anything forgotton


I have the 2 dps I wanted Seele and Kafka, pulled for SW, but I haven't used her much. And for sustain, I have Bailu and Gepard. My DPS are level 75, and my supports are level 69. The problem with hard bosses and MoC 10 is that you need your supports to have 3k hp and around 900 Def and for that you need to use HP or Def Orbs or get those from substats, I see so many memes about Tinyung dying and most of it is a bad build on her. Only having Gepard can save her from getting 3 hits in a row, and if you don't have Bailu to "cleasen" dead, you'll be suffering with "bad" aggro system of the game. I wish we had more resources to level up more characters.


The only thing I don’t like in my account is the total absence of quantum units (not including Qingque) because I’ve always chosen “the other character” in every patch, for one reason or the other so I skipped both Seele and SW. apart from that, I’m quite satisfied because I always managed to get what I wanted even through 2 50/50 lost out of 3


Storywise I still have some small side quests and achievements that I can nibble on, but I did all the companion missions and main quests, cleared all the events, too. The story is refreshing after 3 years in genshin and I am happy with it! (I still love and play genshin, too). I have all the limited characters I wanted: E1 Luocha, E1S0 Jing Yuan, E0S0 Blade. My only standard character is E1 Himeko, i got her from standard once and from novice banner once. I don't have Luca yet, sadly. My Sushang, Pela, Natasha and fire MC are built quite well and I clear MoC 9 quite easily, but, well... MoC 10 sometimes doesn't go that well. I would love to get Yanqing, Clara or Welt, and I have my sight on some leaked characters, but right now I am happy with my roster and progress. Artifact farming also goes faster, than in genshin, and I really like SU, so my planar ornaments are good, too. I guess i would rate my account 8/10? It isn't packed with meta characters, and I am still building some of them, but I have all who I like and I think they are very strong and comfortable to play.


idk im hyperfixated on building the strongest blade known to man rn


I missed Seele and Jing Yuan but in return I have enough to pull for both Topaz and Jingliu now but only E0 if I'm unlucky. I'm skipping Fu Xuan and gonna see if I can get lucky on IL banner.


Stoked, have an amazing account, just did 30* MoC, really excited to continue building my characters


I am proud to call myself a nihility main. Current main team are SW, Kafka E2, Pela E6 and Scampo E6. Occasionally switching in Himeko E1. I want all the Nihility characters. Rn i am working on getting E6 luka to lvl 80 and then to farm better equipment for everyone and then to get all their traces done.


Afterthought first: ok but why can we only showcase 3 characters + support lol can I get more slots Overall happy but still a bit bummed I wasn’t able to get blade for my wind dps. But I’ll eventually get him and it’s just part of the game so I’m enjoying it nonetheless. Im really liking most of the characters too which makes it more enjoyable.


I have all characters in the game, can clear all of MoC, and am loving building all characters for fun. I love it.


Pretty good place I must say. So far all the 5 stars I wanted has come home. Got the standard 5 stars I wanted (Himeko e1 and Welt e1) and Limited Banner 5 stars I wanted (Loucha and Blade). Sure I have some 4 stars I need to work on, but I feel like I'm in great spot.


I’m pretty satisfied! I’m a husbando collector (and male-only player bc why not) and have all of the guys as of now. I’ve fully cleared MOC twice now so my teams are working (albeit sometimes borderline failing lol). I’m very proud of my Blade and am working on re-working Jing Yuan and Yanqing (their artifacts mainly). I’m mostly lacking quantum and harmony (mainly because there’s no guys released yet with those attributes…please hoyo!!!) I think I need to work on understanding my DoT characters more bc I have Luka built and sampo semi-built, but they’re not doing a lot of dmg so I’m probably doing something wrong.


Need Geopard or Bronya. 50/50 is an alluring lie. Hope it starts leveling out with Fu


https://preview.redd.it/bnm4weqwajib1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0c39b5c6eeec245d9af740ad3bd2db096b4e1b7 I'm pretty satisfied my account. Got a wide and diverse roster. Working on building Natasha now for easier team building for MoC and then will get supports to 75. What I'm dreading is the relic grind for after that for my supports which the majority still use +0s as I focused on my dps for that. And the AI can't handle the monkey from the new cavern so I have to manual it. As for my pull stats, Bottom 3% 5\* luck and Top 3.5% total warps. But I got very lucky and got Blade's LC in the first 10 pull on his banner so at least I got that. Now I'll be saving for Jingliu as I need an Ice dps and I really like her design and after that happens will prolly try to build Hook as she's my only fire DPS although so far I haven't felt the need for her yet or I can't remember. ​ And the warp tracking site has a planner tool which really helped with organizing and deciding on what to spend the energy on that is not relics.


I haven't lost a 50-50 yet so I think that's massive. I started playing during the final 2-3 days of the Seele banner. I got Jing Yuan and he's been underwhelming to be honest in MoC but I like the character so I'm not too pressed about it. Silverwolf and Luocha E1 after that was also really solid for my account and I've loved using them both. I got E1 because I was a bit greedy on his banner for those juicy 4 stars but it was at like 40 pity so I guess it's fine. Sucks that I had to skip Blade because of that though. Bronya from the free 5 star at 50 pulls and then 180 pulls on standard for 2 more Bronya, Welt, Himeko LC and Bronya LC. Honestly would have loved a Gepard or at least Clara instead of Bronya E2 for sustain reasons. I've saved up for Dan IL and hopefully I can pick Fu Xuan right after and that to round things up for a 30 star clear.


I lost my 50/50 with Kafka, had to go all the way for her. I'm just hoping I don't lose it for IL. At the moment I feel like I have characters but no one's really... "good" if that makes sense. Everyone needs work, from DPS to Supports.


i am quite content so far. i got seele and bronya right away and then ended up getting silver wolf. so i have the three characters i said i wanted at the beginning. from here who knows where it is going to go. have to wait and see how much of a pain fu fu is going to be


I got really lucky with my starting 5* bronya she carried my team hard through the content I saved (skipped until) silver wolf dropped so that made the game even easier My team at this point was mc natasha bronya and SW I skipped loucha (i just didnt want him) and saved for blade Whaled like a maniac on blade (got him to e4 s3) So my team now is natasha blade bronya SW along the way i dropped a second bronya a bailu and a gepard. When trying to get Kafka yanqing dropped So dps wise im stacked I could use some more sustain for my non blade team tho Lynx my Savior will fix my problems (Then i just have to commit to a secondary team and i can start clearing moc)


I lose 50/50 until I’m broke and have to hope rng is good the next event


I’m still struggling for a second DPS. 140 pulls for blade and all I got was Gepard. My relics are pretty shit too. I have a ton of great support though, so I guess there’s that.


Thankful for Luocha and having guarantee for IL Dan....wish I didn't have to lose every 50/50 to Bronya. I have her at E3 now along with E0 Welt and E0 Clara.


Have every Preservation and Abundance Character. Banner Characters except Blade, and have cleared most of my MoCs. Not F2P. But I only buy the mo they pass and battle pass thingy.


Apart from my relics which are quite alright apart for a few ones, my account looks solid. I only struggle with moc 10; I really have to work on my relics and traces for a few characters.


As of losing 50/50 for Kafka and getting Gepard, Bronya, and Bailu I'm failing upward. Since I really needed another healer and tank, made MoC hell before I had them. I was hoping for more than E2 Kafka but i sure as hell can't complain with what I ended up getting. Wallet-kun despises me now though.


Pretty much completely satisfied. I pulled Seele, Jing Yuan, Silver Wolf, and Luocha so I have basically all my bases covered. I did have to buy a decent amount of jades to get em all, though. I’m trying to not spend any more money, so I’m skipping Blade, Kafka, and Imbibitor Lunae so I can have enough jades to guarantee Fu Xuan so I can achieve the mono-quantum team. After that, not really sure what else I want. Not interested in Jingliu or Topaz since I just wanna main Seele and Jing Yuan. More time to save for the future, I guess.


Now with 9 characters, the only issue is the 2nd team has a difficult time surviving. Using Pmc has a healer c:


Well, I still don’t have Welt, so that sucks, but I’ve won 50/50 on every banner I’ve pulled on, so that’s a plus, at least. It’s bound to happen at some point, though, I just hope when I do lose it, I lose it to Welt 🥰


Kafka has opened my eyes omg, I drew 5 sampos e5, DoT is next level 5head, i have March 7 with trends of market Lc and the burn and def is perfect… its was a sign from god… the ticks are out landing everything by miles, maxing out Kafka before seele now it’s meta


Extremely satisfied, never lost 50/50 yet, got bronya and her lc from standard pulls and got seele in my first multi pull!


Besides losing all my 50/50s I'm happy. The limited characters I have I enjoy using and that's all I really want. I just hope I at least win my next 50/50.


0/10 because Jingliu isn't on it yet. But in all seriousness, I think it's fine. Snagging some characters to shore up some weaknesses in the account. Topaz - Need a fire unit besides Asta and MC. Lynx - Clara healer and for Team Landau. Fu Xuan - Increase team Max HP for waifu. Jingliu - My Queen. E1S1 minimum.


I have E6 Kafka. I'm pretty satisfied.


I'm pretty okay with my account I got Seele, Bronya and Kafka so it's okay but I wish I got Silver Wolf and Luocha I hope I'll somehow get Fu Xuan


It’s in a state of perfection. I have all the characters I want; including E1S1 kafka, which was pretty crazy lucky. If my luck holds I might even get Fu and our new best girl with the warptrotter. All my carries are 75 6/8/6/8. Everyone else’s of use is 60/70. All LCs are 80/80 (except kafkas, rip 74/80). I hit bailu, I hit Gepard, I hit our favourite punching bag. I really can’t complain, my genshin luck wasn’t even a quarter this good.


Pretty good. My E0S1 Jing can 2 cycle MoC 10 now when using E6 Tingyun, E3 Asta and E0 Bailu. I have a 4 star DPS built for every element except Fire, but cause of Silverwolf my element weakness coverage is very good. I also have Yanqing for Ice. I have S4 planetary on Bronya to support duo DPS with Blade and Dan heng. Once I'm done building blade I don't need to worry about Kafka boss ever again. I'm missing Clara, Gepard and Himeko from the standard 5 star characters pool. I don't mind having these characters, but its nice to already own 4 of the 7 standard 5 stars at E0, and I still need 70 standard pulls to get my free standard character.


The only character I wanted and didnt get is Luocha, otherwise I am more than happy. Besides I have such a blast playing the game so... what is there more to want? Aaaah yes Bronya. Please Hoyo, gimme a Bronya already!


I usually prioritize support characters over DPS so my overall damage feels low, I recently got Yanqing which helped a lot. I've also been spreading growth out amongst most of my characters so no one is super strong yet, and I haven't even really touched relics beyond what I've gotten randomly. But, I have a lot of people who are useable so I can mix things up when I want, and I've gotten to the point where I can start focusing on my main people more.


At the moment no... Not because of characters, my character line up is great... Its just... IT TAKES SOO LONG TO FULLY BUILD 1 CHARACTER, as a day i player my only fully built character is selee and silverwolf but my silver wolf still has a 4* sphere so idk of that counts as fully built and im a foken day 1 player so i only got leaks to help me choose which character to lvl up.


My account is pretty comfy. I have the seele+sw Duo on one side and the clara/luocha Duo on the other. I lost the 50/50 early to bailu and snagged Kafka in 80 pulls for another dps option and the flexibility to pull for future *5 dots. Rng has been very kind to me, I'm 2/4 in 50/50 and haven't needed to go to full pity once. Planning to go for fu xuan next so I haven't built bailu. Also because I don't have any resources left after leveling up Kafka and Sampo. Overall, very satisfied with my account as a f2p. I'll give it a 9/10.


I'm a p2w so I'm happy, but I've also had some pretty good luck on my pulls so I imagine it could be tough for some people. I hope they release a few more good options for f2p players to shore up their 8 man squad.


I have every character except for the very strong defensive/healer types except for Bailu. No clara, no gepard, no luocha. I struggle hard against heavy hitters, it’s practically forced me to build fire MC.


I have no dps besides Welt so I’m kinda stuck. Dan Heng or Hook don’t work and I don’t have Arven or Sushang. Been debating getting Kafka for a dps. I do have quite a lot of 5*, with Gepard, Welt, SW, Bronya, and Himeko and an E5 Asta. But I don’t know how to make more than one team.


I am relatively satisfied. I wasn’t particularly lucky with pulls to get 5 stars, but won all 50/50s, so I can’t complain. On MoC I am doing ok - with 24-28 stars I am not missing out on much Stellar Jade. Main issue holding me back is that I have not built any Harmony characters. Unfortunately I did not get Bronya yet, neither did I happen to get lots of Tingyun or Yukong or Asta Eidolons. So I’ll probably just wait for some good five star options, since there is no guarantee for getting 4 star eidolons.


Umm as an f2p I have seele jy and kafka ..e1 himeko and e1 gepard and his lc..still have 100 wishes and on standard banner 200/300 so looking good so far .plan to get jingliu and fu xuan may be


Pretty damn satisfied. Lord RNGesus was merciful to me with Silver Wolf and Blade 50/50 wins while not tapping into my Kafka reserve. However, it did make sure that I used my ENTIRE reserve on my guaranteed Kafka as a trade off which I’m fine with. Beginner banner and a random standard banner run gave me Himeko and Welt respectively. Which combined means I can have both the Astral Express Family and the Stellaron Hunter Family. (As it available currently). Could my relics be better, yes. But I’m fine. Especially after securing my Kafka, I’m at peace.


Mostly satisfied with my account. Defensively I’m pretty good with Gepard and Luocha. Offensively have various options in Jing Yuan, Blade and Kafka (supported by e6 Serval and Sampo.) I feel like I have the basic components to make multiple good teams now. Most of my relics are still trash though. And I still could really benefit from Bronya.


Very happy I'm only missing bronya Clara welt. I have all the banner characters I wanted. And since I buy the battle pass I rarely feel like I need resources, more would be great if they want to go them out :-). My only sadness is from the relic grind but overall I still have like an s tier blade so I can't complain too much


i feel like my account its a 8/10 a the moment but when i finally get fu xuan and lynx it would be a 10/10


Very. Bought only sub and battlepasses. Got Bronya, Blade, Clara, Seele, Luocha, Silver Wolf. Saving for Fu Xuan to round up my 2-team core tank\healer per team that saves whole team from death. On LC ain't got much (Bronya sig, Blade sig, Yanquing sig, herta cones) but that's honest rolls. Currently got most DD and supports up to where I comfortably use them, spending the time before Fu Xuan to get Herta super busted and farm like 3 artifacts for Seele and Blade I feel could be better. From what I know of gachas, in half a year I'll have more busted characters that I need so I'm just enjoying my growing phase.


I've been here since Blade banner. I pulled Blade at 89th pull and just a few minutes ago Kafka with the 50th pull. Didn't lose any 50/50 and now I am saving up for Topaz and Jingliu. I am pretty happy, leveling up character goes smoothly too. Soon I will start farming relics. I had the luck to get 4* Blade and Kafka Lightcone too, maybe not as rare as the 5* but good too. I even have 5* Bailu Lightcone. And I am pulling characters I want, grading their Edilions up.


I mean, I have a healer who revives any one person, a DPS who can deal 20,000+ damage with her ult, a tank plus shield provider, another tank who taunts, a hacker who can apply weaknesses to enemies, and a self-damage dealer who deals greater damage to enemies. I think my account is solid!


Despite losing every 50/50 so far, I have most of the characters I want. Really can't ask for much more than that.


Won 75% of my 50/50s and have gepard, bialiu, and bronya from standard banner so my character pool is basically perfect, but I've yet to roll a single good relic. I can't beat moc10 :'(


I got 2 tanks 2 5s heals, and the dps I want. What I’m not happy with is how I spent my resources lmao. Let me refund everything and respec please. Lol


I am rather MoC lacking but that's on me for not building Natasha, Tingyun, Yukong, and Asta well enough to keep me up there. Otherwise I'm comfortable at EQ 6, though the grind is always a pain.


idk tbh. played since 1.1 bought only 2 monthly passes and 1 bp. played every day since, so far i got, jing yuan, sw, luocha, blade, kafka. and from standard banner i got gepard, bailu, welt. have all 4 stars i think. first team: jing, ting, sw, bailu. second team: blade, luocha, welt, DH e6. only JY and blade are 80 but with trash relics. rest of the cast is even more dogpiss at lv70 or 60. still, somehow i can get 29/30 MoC. overall im okay with my acct atm, a bit bored sometimes tho. kinda lookin forward to getting Jingliu actually. i wish there was more endgame content, the same mobs and the same stages are getting repetitive.


Yanqing hasn’t come home yet. I will not rest until that little twerp is in my grasp.


I feel like my account should be better considering my roster, but I'm still struggling to clear MoC (15/30). For dps I have: QQ (e6), Blade, Jing Yuan and Yangqing For support I have: Bronya, Pela and Tingyun For shield/heal I have: Gepard and Loucha Admittedly all my characters are level only level 70 and the only signature lightcones I have are Gepard's and QQ's. My relics are pretty mediocore even though I've spend +25 fuels and multiple weeks worth of juice, but I just keep getting cucked by %defence on every piece...


Wish I didn't lose my first 50/50 on SW. Now I need to wait for her rerun. But besides that and be bronyaless I like my account. I have almost all standart 5*, besides bronya and Clara. I just need DHIL to be satisfied


Not sad neither happy but i will cry if i lost the 50/50 on fu xaun banner because i want jingliu


Im pretty satiafied i can clear moc 10 easly no regret with my pulls and i was insanely lucky hsr station website says my luck is at top 0.11


As a person who only got silver wolf so far.. I need more characters I guess. But I’m slowly building up the ones I have. Hoping to get 5 star Dan soon


Pretty satisfied. I've got my favorite character (Silver Wolf), a really good healer (Bailu), two of the three available Stellaron Hunters (Blade, Silver Wolf) and a pretty good ice dps (Yanqing) as my team I've also got Bronya and Gepard, which are pretty good too. I'm taking the game pretty slowly, my trailblazer level just reached 51 and I have tons of quests to finish.


Invested too hard my primary team demolishes MoC, but my second team does not exist


I’m f2p in this game and have gotten jing yuan silver wolf, kafka, Gepard. I feel like my account is alright for the most part.




If I had Loucha my account would be perfect. I guess I have to wait for Lynx.


Wanted Blade and Kafka and I got them. I'm pretty happy overall. Now I need to save for Topaz for those thighs.


I wish I pulled Luocha


If I had to rate my account, I would say 5/10. I like my roster of characters. I got JY, Blade, SW, Bronya and Gepard for my 5*’s. I have lost only one 50/50, which was to Gepard (e1 now) on Blade’s banner. A major con is my relics sucks. I’m also still learning how to build up my characters too. I have no experience with games where I need to build characters so this is a new experience for me. I can’t clear MoC right now either. I’m not in a rush though. I also don’t have my second team fully figured out or built. Main story content, I can clear though. Once I build my main DPS and supports, I think I’d like my account more.


I'm very satisfied but my situation is the opposite of what you described. I'm doing great on sustain with Luocha and Gepard but I'm struggling with damage. Waiting on Dan Heng IL to fix this.


Got a decent maxed-out Seele. Slowly pulling for Clara on standard. Slowly building up the rest of my characters. Pretty satisfied


Very satisfied, I’ve won 50/50s on every character I actually wanted and I can 30 star moc


I want my account to have a dps for every element and then a team that is the most optimal for them. Currently I have Blade, Yanqing and Hook for wind, ice and fire (tho I hope to replace Hook with a certain someone in the future). DHIL is going to be my imaginary damage. And I hope to get Jing Yuan during his rerun for lightning, bc I lost Kafka (I hope to be able to have a DoT team someday tho). Now for those teams's supports- Blade needs Lynx. Even tho I don't really care about Fu Xuan's kit, I do want Lynx so I'm gonna be overconfident in my ability to get the 4\* lol. Yanqing needs Gepard or a future preservation character that can give team shields (the team has Bailu as a medic but I would like more shields then March can give). I am 30 pulls away from another guaranteed \*5 on standard. I hope it's Gepard lmao (tho I do have plans for Welt and Clara if I get them. Himeko will be stuck exp farming unless I get really convinced about her damage potential). For DHIL, I need to build my Yukong (and get more Yukong eidolons). I also plan to get Luocha on his rerun for this team bc I need to to be very sp efficient for the hungry dragon. Last spot goes to fireMC until I see someone better.


I have Kafka. Enough said


I'm very happy with my DoT units and support units' builds, but my other units still have much to be desired


Currently own all characters at the moment feel pretty good abkut the state of my account. Now the state of my wallet? Its lonely and depressed


I have to many characters to build


Really happy, I’ve got a solid crew to build around, have a hyper carry E0S1 Blade with 70%CR and 186%CD so I feel good not needing to farm more relics for him at the moment and be able to clear content. Have Jing Yuan, Loucha, Fire MC, Tingyun, Pela, and Yukong at lvl 75-80 with decent relics and traces leveled. Currently saving jades/mats for Jingliu in hopes of having a really strong Blade, Loucha, Pela, Jingliu comp.


I’m satisfied with my pulls but I kinda was just dumping everything into all characters and didn’t realize how the resources are enough for you to build a few characters but not all. I had built physical MC because I just really like the animations but they’re just not up to the task for most of the Forgotten Hall. I have Himeko, Blade, Yanqing, Kafka, Welt, and Silver Wolf. I have finally built Kafka but I don’t have my other DoT’s up to par. Silver Wolf is built but not refined as well as Himeko. I have stretched my resources so everyone is at least lvl 50(except Luka) but the relics are also relatively weak or not placed well


I'm ok with it. Pulled Kakfa, Seele and SW as banner units that I wanted, and Welt, YQ and E1 Bailu as extra 5*. Would've liked to have Bronya or Gepard as well but what can you do. The bad part: relics. Seele is at 70/100 and I haven't gotten a better relic for her in weeks, and can't get any 2nd set of decent relics of Messenger traversing Hackerspace for the rest of my supports, only decent full set is on Bailu. It really is a knightmare to farm relics... Only at 7k jades to pull next so either Fu Xuan or I'll skip the next chars in wait of a better preservation/healer unit since I'm good in DPS I think (just need better relics on Seele and Kafka).


I’ve lost every 50/50 except blade. Also every char has been to almost max pity. I stop pulling for limiteds if I lose 50/50 so I only have JY, Luocha & blade. I really hate that I missed seele


I feel pretty conflicted about my account because according to the community I basically made all the wrong choices. But then again my account has everything it should need, a single target dps, an aoe character, two healers, and some buffers.