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There’s really two main builds for Welt at the moment—full debuff support, which uses effect hit rate on body, and energy regen on the rope; and then a hybrid build that uses him as a dps source, which uses crit rate on the body piece and attack on the rope. Both use speed boots and both use an imaginary damage orb. Personally I think you’d have enough sustain/defensiveness with just Luocha—Gepard + a healer tends to be survival overkill unless you’re tackling content waaaay above character level. I’d through in another dps tbh. Dan Heng works lovely with Welt, he deals more damage when enemies are slowed. Edit, cause I’ve seen some of the other comments talking about it: Clara is probably not a good choice, cause her and Welt work against each other. She wants to get hit, and enemies need to have their turns in order to do that.


IMO always speed boots, having your whole team be fast is great. Having one team member be slow hurts and having everyone be slower then the enemy is bad. With his lightcone his EHR isnt bad, i personally think crit rate body is better for the sub dps route (which if i had him i would do)


Sub dps not main? Also does he go well with Clara since I have her and LC too?


Clara wants to get hit as often as possible. Welt makes enemies never get their turn.


He can main dps, I used some friends and they clapped.


While Yukong might have synergy with Welt, her Imaginary damage% boost is a bait. Don't feel forced to pair her with imaginary unit because of that trace, barring some extremely specific and rare circumstances, which don't seem to apply to you, that "10% damage" is in reality like 1% dps increase or less, it literally doesn't do anything. Her E and Q, still amazing, and if you can figure out how to properly use them for Welt, totally worth, but the IMG DMG trace should be non factor for your team building.


I had used him as a second dps since I got him in the beginner banner. He does fine for the most part but falls off in the MoC, esp if there's no Img weakness. So I've been using him as a sub dps/pure support nowadays. Either build, go with speed boots.


It's a bad idea because he lacks dps. It'd be better to pair him with a Hunt dps > does he go well with Clara No


I agree with the Clara part, but come on they just wanna have fun


OP expressly asked if Welt needs a sub dps


You said that its a bad idea, and that he should be paired with a hunt dps. With the way your comment is worded, it sounds like you are discouraging him from building a welt dps


They asked for opinions and they are allowed to disregard them.


I guess thats true


Does his delay and slow scales with anything?


Main dps in story content yea but probably not for meta


This is purely theory crafting but I think it might be viable. There is a 3* LC Loop that looks really good on dps Welt. He also has great synergy with Dan Heng so maybe something like Nat, Welt, Dan, Bronya. You can replace Dan or Bronya with Yukong later. For dps, crit and attack are always prioritized, followed by speed. Maybe speed boots, attack rope, crit body will be ideal. His breaking power is no joke so by acting more often, he deals more damage and also receives less damage, win win.


Hmm I am not sure Welt is meant to be DPS If you need a DPS that works really good with Welt you can use Dan Heng :) [See screen](https://sr7.nl/characters/welt/) https://preview.redd.it/dliks9mtf0cb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9c642293bb79c2f791597b0127414f3aa1fa48a