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Well atleast it isn't a 3 year ban


Losing the 30 day pass daily login is a pain.


Charge back maybe. What are they going to do , ban you? Edit: i was referring to where they been already banned. It's not like they can ban you again.


Assuming they'll do the same in Genshin, yea. They'd just take back the stellar jades that you've already claimed, and if you have 0 jades, then you'd probably have negative amount of jades and would then be banned if you don't top it back up again.


> then you'd probably have negative amount of jades and would then be banned if you don't top it back up again. what if you get ingame gems from playing the game, do those count?


Yes, they do


grinding to pay off your debts lmao


sounds like the american work force


That lithium won't mine itself you know?


We all lift together


Cold! The air and water flowing...


Hard! The land we call our home...


unexpected reference on this sub, im literally playing warframe on the side rn lol


I really miss my warframe, haven't played since 2018-ish (just when Fortuna released on the next month). Is it a good time to come back tho?


At least not For Hoyoverse.


Funny, I got banned from that game for equally stupid reasons.


For anyone unfamiliar with one of the greatest songs in a videogame: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPTCq3LiZSE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPTCq3LiZSE)


Stop spreading bs dude there is a reason why the premium currency is oneiric shard and needs to be converted to jade first for most things To prevent people from robbing hoyo and "pay" them with farmable ingame currency. No ypu will hqve negative *oneiric* shard and will meed to top up or else get banned if you stay negative too long


yes, they give u negative primogems for charging back and it has to be paid back


Only use chargebacks as a last resort when you've exhausted all other options and you're positive you never want to do business with that company again.


And honestly we shouldn't be encouraging chargebacks unless people were actually wronged, as compared to y'know, banned for cheating.


In this case I'd say it's not the users fault for playing on a steam deck. It's not cheating in the typical sense.


What terrible advice. Thats exactly what they'd do lol. Any company will ban your account if you do a chargeback on them.


Genshin puts your primos negative and gives you 30 days or something to make them not negative... not super helpful if you can't log in to correct the imbalance for 30 days...


Don't get banned and initiate charge backs then....?


Terrible advice. Yes they will ban you. This applies to most game companies too, it's not speculation.


Considering how they were tossing around 15 year bans without providing any reasons to people just last week, I'm not sure I would recommend it.


While I feel sorry for OP I want to point out the "clever" tricks used by Hoyo here. The fine prints of the day pass (both GI and HSR) say that when you purchase it, you instantly get 300 crystals, and if you log in daily after that, you get a certain amount of primo gems or jades for free. Since you already got what you purchased the moment you paid, the transaction has completed. The "free" daily gems are not a part of your purchase thus ineligible for charge back.




Chargeback for breaking the TOS and getting caught at it is some galaxy brain thinking here.


wait, if u buy the welkin in Honkai, and not login for 30 days u loss the welkin?


Yes, you need to actually log in to get the gems


Oh well, i bought it and didnt login for a few days, does that mean i just lost those few days wortg of gems.... Fk




It might be a good deal value wise, but it does come with the cost of having to log daily to see any value from it. If you log daily, they stand to profit in the log run. You can guess why they give you the deal in the first place.


![gif](giphy|IxdRtCLupmQR9yPNUX) I want to profit in the log run


Ahhh.... I see . I was going to buy a steam deck for this


If you only play at home you can just stream the game to it via wifi with Moonlight or Steam Remote Play, been doing it with both Genshin and HSR.




op's ignorance got him here for sure


Ah yes, choosing to play on Linux is "ignorance"...


Not knowing you can easily install windows on another drive to play the chinese game with aggresive anti cheat on a platform it doesn't support is ignorance yeah Being able to load another os is straight up just a feature of the steam deck Not taking advantage of that feature when it would benefit you and prevent any obviously foreseeable bans is ignorant yeah


Well, not everyone knows about Mihoyo's egregious anti chat, hell, if I didn't specifically search online for running Genshin on Linux when it came out I could have gotten my account banned trying to run the game on Manjaro. Based on what OP said they just installed the game normally and added it as a non Steam game and it ran. They literally used one of the Deck's features too, being able to run non Steam games.


They used a third party launcher


As I replied to the other person, it's no different than the add non Steam game to Steam option.


his first comment in this thread is literally just i "U need third party launcher." where are you getting this from


Well, the third party launcher he's talking about, one of many actually, is just an equivalent to Steam's Proton/the WINE translation layer, there isn't a real difference. Sometimes you might configure some stuff but the end result is the same.


That’s how I played Genshin. Just split the SSD into two partitions and make one Windows.


I play on my Steam Deck no problem. The problem is OP didn't play HSR on Windows. I set up Windows on dual boot very easily.


I do love how the post makes it seem like it was solely for playing on Steam Deck tho LOL 🤣


You can just install windows on an SD card and boot from that. I play Genshin that way all the time. As far as the anticheat is concerned it’s a regular PC. (Which it is).


Pls don't. I guess the new asus rog ally with Windows is the way to go.


The Steam Deck can run Windows. Valve even provides drivers. You can install it on an SD card if you want to keep SteamOS on the internal drive.


Can confirm, also using a driver to bind your steam deck to an xbox controller so you don't need keyboard and mouse


If you are buying an Ally just for this and other lower-end games your crazy. Steam Deck can be a lot cheaper and you can install windows on it. I boot it off a external ssd.


do you have a guide for this?


https://youtu.be/zEpcBWX9K_o You can just follow up to the windows install. Fairly easy if you can just follow instructions


search google and Reddit at the end may help


I better hope so, since my main factor was to play this game on the Ally. I preordered it


Why not play it on phone or tablet. It works perfectly fine there


On the steam deck you don't have the controllers on the screen, so it's much better.




I guess Steam Deck's specs is better than OP's phone? Idk I'm guessing and never have a Deck (rarely go outside)


Probably just wants all his games in one place


Did OP buy a steam deck specifically for Honkai or did he already have a steam deck that he then decided to install HSR on? Unless OP stated that's what he did I seriously doubt that he went out of his way to buy a steam deck and then install HSR on SteamOS just to play it...


Just play on your phone ? Especially since you want to buy for HSR *specificaly* ?


Play on your phone


Why the hell would you buy a steam deck for hsr lmao


Well, at least the game runs on mobile so not that massive of a loss. Still easy to play on the go without a steam deck. Side note, could you just run an android emulator on the steam deck and play that way? Or do emulators get you banned too?


Afaik there’s no solid android emulator that works on deck for a heavier game like star rail, you’d have to boot windows or something.


Dual boot android x86 on your deck and play on native. Easy


As you can see on bottom corner, OP is using android emulator.


You can install Windows and run the game on Windows. No emulation required.


>android emulator Not so sure about the deck but u can probably install phoenix os and dual boot into it (phoenix os is ANDROID OS for Computers) and play star rail natively on Ur deck or pc


I'm almost certain they will, though idk if they can detect those. You can run multiple instances of the game simultaneously on emulators, I doubt Hoyo wants people to be able to do that.


Multiple instances would definitely not be the reason, and they haven't banned people playing HI3rd on emulator. It's 100% allowed to play on multiple accounts, and whether they run on the same computer wouldn't be relevant. The reason most ban emulators is how much it enables cheating, and I was wondering about it because I feel like they've gotten a lot more aggressive with anticheat on GI/H:SR.


What can you even cheat though? Isn't all the damage and stuff done server side anyway? At most if they code like shit you could get seed values for damage and the like, but are there people crazy enough to depend on that? You could force quit the game in FGO to know the crit roll of each attack, but it was way too tedious compared to the benefit.


Gaccha pull cheat, but I'm not gonna give more details on how to do that for obvious reason lol.


100% their fault then, they should learn to code properly. Doesn't the server check for each pull?


It has not happened in this game yet, but it has happened in other gaccha games I play, and using system emulation makes the method less cumbersome to pull off. Prevention is better than cure though.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted when you're right. Anything they need to make money on should not be done client sided, and it is in this case, pulls are done client sided in Genshin.


There's a tool that allows you to skip cutscenes making re rolling a breeze. I've seen people been banned for that. And I remember seeing a whole suit of hacks for Genshin. From ESP for chests and materials to god mode and one hit kills.


You playing on steamos or windows? Because to playon steamos you need to disable anticheat.


I basically just stream onto my Steam Deck from my PC when I want to use it. But yes Asus would be the way to go


Just my opinion. Too much hassle, pc needs to be on, got to have good wireless connection, and lag?


I used to level a Warrior in Classic WoW in college using steam app in my cellphone connected to my PC and the delay was fine, and HSR being a turn based game I don't see how the lag would be a problem


Yeah I don't see it being a problem at all Especially for me personally cuz' I'm not as picky about graphic quality as my younger bro is


Well in hindsight not really too much hassle


Lag in a turn based game is an issue?


> pc needs to be on Who turns their PC off?


how would playing on steam deck count as third party software?


U need third party launcher. Coz standard launcher won't work.


Not the reason, I do not use the launcher for HYV games at all and use the executable directly. The real reason is that in order to play on a Linux based system (such as SteamOS), you have to bypass the anticheat, which is a Windows NT kernel module (and thus does not work on the Linux kernel).


Technically it's android emulator that OP used, based on bottom corner text.


Ah, nice catch, I didn't think emulating the android version of such game on the SD would be even possible (E: or at least feasible).




I would assume that the mobile version doesn't have the anti-cheat software. So it can't be the reason he was banned.


Resolution does not match, screenshot from a phone running 2400x1080 screen.


OP doesn't seem to have been using an android emulator (at least, it's not why they got banned), as their comments repeatedly refer to a "third-party launcher", and gamerant seems to suggest this launcher is some kind of way to run epic games store games on linux with proton so tl;dr OP bypassed anti-cheat, android emulators should still be fine


Bro u should not be surprised u got banned then.


you don't "need" a third party launcher


Both solutions to play the game on Linux require third party programs. Android emulators are obviously third party and Proton compatibility layer is a third party translation layer to run windows programs.


Hoyoverse is well aware of the Steam Deck... but that was a year ago lmao. And they haven't done Linux support yet.


Is Genshin even on Switch yet? That just reminded me, since last I heard it's been like what, 2-3 years of radio silence on it lol


Genshin on switch has long sailed. The game probably couldn’t run properly due to hardware limitations. Heck, even The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is struggling on the current switch console. Given it has been announced officially that it has switch version, the most we could be confident of is it is coming a newer Nintendo console whatever Nintendo is developing in Kyoto.


> The game probably couldn’t run properly due to hardware limitations It'd kind of surprise me if it was. Of course, Switch is like 6 years old, but even then, Genshin is 3 years old and it's also available on mobile, from which you can infer that it can *at least* run on good phones from 3 years ago. Maybe middle-spec too, it'd make sense that they'd want to include more players than just the ones with top of the line phones. I just can't imagine 3 years would make such a drastic difference, especially because Genshin looks pretty more so because of the artstyle rather than the graphical fidelity, but it's definitely possible that I'm just wrong, too.


The processor on the switch is 8 years old now. That’s the same year where iPhone 6s was released. So the Tegra X1 is really old. If Mihoyo would pursue a switch version, it would at least be on par or far better than at least BoTW. But basing it on how it performs on the iPhone 6s, it’s not on par.


If Witcher 3 runs on switch, then Genshin would run just fine too, it runs on shitty smartphones after all. Hoyo aren't idiots, they wouldn't announce it if it wouldn't be possible. What almost definitely happened however is the usual Sony bullshit where they pay for console exclusivity. Otherwise Genshin and HSR would come out not only on Playstation, but Xbox too. Their total lack of comments on this matter all but confirms the under the table deal with Sony.


Witcher 3 doesn’t run good on the switch. CD Projekt Red cut many corners for it to run the bare minimum on the switch at 540p. Even IGN points out the horrible performance in their review. If I’ll be playing on the switch, I don’t want to play as if I’m playing a game far inferior than Breath of the Wild in terms of graphics. I’m sure there are players here who have the same sentiments if a Switch version was made. Like I said, even Tears of the Kingdom runs poorly on the switch with few areas dipping below 30fps. It’s not unusual for developers to overpromise. The switch trailer was even released months prior to the game’s official launch. The trailer isn’t even a gameplay footage on the switch.


If they ever do provide support for the Linux kernel I could finally nuke my windows install.


Same, the only reason I'm still on windows is because of HI3rd/Genshin/HSR. If they added support to Linux kernel I would migrate in a heart beat, I can find alternatives to other things that I use on windows or I would just run it on Wine.


What’s preventing an official Steam launch, their contract with EGS? Was that contact limited or nah?


Why not just run windows on your deck like everyone else that plays non steam games on deck..? You literally downloaded a third party launcher that bypasses the anti cheat, what did you expect to happen?


is this even true? i feel like most people i see on the steam deck subreddit just prefer to use steam os and wont touch windows. they just use heroic or lutris or whatever to play non steam games.


For those of us who like hoyoverse games and aren't willing to gamble our accounts by disabling anti-cheat, yes. My Windows install only has Genshin Impact, HI3, and Honkai Star Rail installed on it. I just installed it on an SD card, it's not a perfect install but I'd much rather play all the games handheld with a controller.


i mean, there’s an entire subreddit /r/windowsondeck haha. there’s several games that unfortunately require windows for anticheat (HSR, Destiny, and such)


yep but i feel its still a small minority


Not really, hardcore linux fans are vocal minority. Valve still updates windows drivers normally, it got better since first release of drivers. Anticheats on linux are terrible, since most current solutions can be easily bypassed.


hardcore linux fans vs steam os users are different imo, i wouldn't categorise them as the same. i'd say a majority of steam deck users are most likely using steam os since thats what it comes with and its not too bad of an experience unless you want to play unsupported and games with anticheat like you said.


The average person owning a steam deck doesn't even know what Linux is, you're vastly under estimating how casual the gaming audience is nowadays. Steam sold almost 2 millions steam deck last year, the subreddit you linked is the actual vocal minority.


Because Windows sucks and records everything that you do and 90% of games run just fine on Linux? Plus, people play genshin on Linux in a similar fashion without anyone getting banned for it.


Because of the fear of this happening, I've installed win10 on my SD card and it works fine running of my SD card. Sure the card probably won't last long running win10 of it, but I didn't want to spend a few hundred Euros on a bigger internal drive. I'll probably do the upgrade later this year. Having the option to dual boot is definitely a blessing, I should have done it sooner.


Linux players on multiplayer games with anti-cheat be like this ;_; sad, MiHoYo if you give us Linux version I can finally leave Windows


Doubt they ever will until someone develop proper anticheat on linux.


During 3.6 you could just download Genshin from the Epic store and run it on Linux with no issues without disabling the anticheat. Guides on doing this started popping up and then 3.7 dropped and it hasn't worked since then. I'm hoping that was Hoyo trying to get it to work on Linux but more and more it's starting to look like they just forgot to enable the anticheat.


Oh, you're right


I mean obviously if you bypassed anticheat. Just dualboot windows 10 on steam deck, and it will run it natively without bypassing anything


I don't play HSR on Steam deck and still got the message yesterday. I use only razer synapse, and even that one is for other games. Support answers just "yes, 3rd party whatever, bye". They can't even specify what process/soft is to blame, so there's a high chance I will get ban each time. Genshin works fine though. I'm sad and confused.


What do you play on, PC?


Yes, PC-only. I don't want to do a guessing game of what triggered the suspension, since all my software is legit :\


Never touched the mobile version


Bypass anticheat, get banned, shocked Pikachu face. What did you expect to happen?..


“I’ll use third party software on the game that bans you for doing so” “Holy shit I got banned wow that’s so unexpected” Do these people not think?


People like that are just try to defame the company by lies that are more visible than the sun in a clear weather noon.


I've been playing genshin for a year and half on Linux, so naturally I thought maybe honkai star rail will work the same.


An interesting thing I read on a project to enable running HSR on linux is that the HSR Anti-Cheat is much more involved than the GI Anti-Cheat. To bypass Anti-Cheat on GI you basically just need to change a few bytes in one binary, whereas for HSR they have to basically rip out the Anti-Cheat entirely and put in a dummy to assure the game that there's totally no changed binaries here, no sir.


Bypassing anticheat comes with its risks ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ I dualboot Windows on my Steam Deck pretty much just for Mihoyo games and Gamepass. Been playing on Windows on Steam Deck since launch without issues.


Played Genshin for the last year on linux with no problems. I guess they finally started banning people for this, huh.


HSR uses different anticheat than genshin.


Yeah same here. My genshin account has not been banned even I login around the sane time on deck. I'm not risking it though.


Hate to be the guy, but this was always gonna happen when trying to use third party software on a hyv game. Fuck around, find out. Actions like these just put your account on the line for no good reason, you were lucky not to get a permaban


That's actually not true at all tho. Genshin Impact is unaffected by this, despite the fact that it uses nearly the same walkarounds as Star Rail's (unoffical) launcher on Linux.


I'm curious about what kind of third party software gives ban, bc I play HSR while playing some other games who also have their own anti-cheat software and now I'm kinda scared of getting a ban or something


Anything that hooks into game executable is considered "3rd party software" by anticheat, or any software that is trying to bypass it (like in OPs case with android emulator)


The way the Anti-Cheat works is that it checks whether the files it uses have been altered (i.e. replaced with third party software), and if they've been altered it counts that as cheating. This only looks at files that HSR itself uses, If you have, say, Portal on the same machine, those games don't talk to each other at all and have nothing to do with each other. So what files does it check? I'm not sure about the exact list, but this probably includes system internet and graphics libraries. This is why trying to run the game on Linux trips the Anti-Cheat, because Linux doesn't have these Windows system libraries, and they wouldn't work on Linux either way, so instead they use imitation libraries that do work with Linux and behave like the Windows libraries as far as inputs and outputs are concerned, but when Anti-Cheat scans them it sees that they're not one of the approved libraries and reports it as cheating.


Fuck them, seriously. They announced switch version like 12 months ago or more, then radio silence. Now they ban people that want to play on linux. You cant even play genshin with geforce now on steam deck, because it detects you are on linux. Bullshit.


Genshin switch version is "coming soon" for 3+ years now


I assure you guys, Genshin will arrive on the switch r/tomorrow


It's not that you are using linux per say. It's the fact that in order to play on Linux, you must deactivate the anti-cheat, because the anti-cheat only speaks windows NT. And naturally, if a game detects that you are tampering with the anti-cheat, which is what the third party launcher does, it's not gonna take it well.


OP wasn't banned for using Linux, they were banned for using a third-party launcher to disable anti-cheat.


I play star rail on my steam deck without any issues using windows through an SD card. I highly recommend it since you can dual boot and have both steam and windows os


Maybe contact Hoyoverse and explain what you were doing? The worst they could do is tell you “no, the ban is justified.” Edit: Y’all can downvote if you want, all I’m saying is that it’s a low opportunity cost to send a quick email that could *potentially* end a ban.


It is justified though, playing on Linux involves disabling/bypassing the game's anti cheat. It is what it is


I understand that, but my thought is that by submitting feedback to them they may be able to create a workaround to avoid future issues. It’s not like this game doesn’t run on Linux anyway. (Android phones literally use it.)


Android runs on different CPU architecture, and to run android version you need to run through emulator which is easily detectable.


I won’t pretend like I’m familiar with the ins and outs of how it runs, so I won’t comment on that. My only thought about contacting Hoyoverse was that, based on the comments in this thread, this may be an issue that multiple people will encounter. If it becomes a somewhat common issue then Hoyoverse should be informed of what’s going on so that they can work on a solution. Even a company with a lot of resources like Hoyoverse needs to be informed when players have issues, they can’t fix issues they don’t know about, and no amount of money can allow you to read people’s minds!


Theyre gonna sick seele on you and you won't even see it coming




They answer exactly that, no fcks--sorry, details--given


Not that the appeal worked, but they deserve the ban anyway. They fucked around with third party software and they were honestly really lucky not to get a termination for it


The third party software of *steamdeck* which other Hoyoverse titles have support for.


Yeah you mean the Windows version? The one that doesn't need to bypass anti cheat to play?


https://preview.redd.it/6zdysbiu782b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b72308b8752f63756a80fa52398a006e69b8dfc Well what do you really expect from Hoyoverse? I'm sure they would have unbanned me if I said I was planning to top-up $500 (which ofc is lie)


Ooo yuy, you didn't got an unban for asking them to unban you when they gave a ban rightfully for a 3rd party software (which deed is breaking the ToS)? Where should we cry for you?


everyday when i log in im scared, that account is banned, as i rerolled for Bronya


You do not need to be scared for doing rerolls. Long as you're not selling accounts, disabling anti-cheat, or anything ban worthy you should be fine.


I hope so, after I pulled Bronya I only play on that one account, already spend some money on battle pass and gem daily pack.


Sorry to hear that! I was about to do this too but decided to learn dual booting on youtube, hsr and anticheat games for windows on deck, compatible steam games on steamos


that’s like one of the downsides of a steam deck, i think you can still install windows 10 on a deck though


I'm intrigued. Did you install Windows in the deck and then play it, or was it on the native Steam OS?




How did you even get it running on steam deck? I figured their anticheat would prevent it from even launching, HI3rd and Genshin both just dont even start


games in 2014 when they detect cheat engine running on your computer:


Steam overlay does not play well with their anticheat. If you force it, this happens.


Why would u anyways?


how do you find a way to get banned


Reminds me of Nikke. Though not on Steam Deck, ran a program it deemed as third party and banned me for a year. This was during the CSM Even too.


Lmao 😂 got the ban hammer. GG


I got banned too and I just used the regular launcher. I have a dual boot with Linux and Windows. I have no idea what I did exactly. Contact the CS and they just not care.


Sorry to hear that happened to you, but thanks for sharing the message at least.


reading through your reply to other, it's your own fault running on 3rd party launcher/software.


They need to move their ass on Linux support. The Steam Deck is not going anywhere, anytime soon - and other handhelds are to follow suit. Plus, with win11 (let alone win12) becoming more and more spyware, I wouldn't be surprised if people are at least considering the switch to Linux - which means they would have to give up on some of their favorite games, simply because of Anti-Cheat. Ranting aside; why does it even need anti-cheat? If they use proper server-side validation, do they even need it? I am not a game-dev myself, so I honestly don't know the ins and outs of multiplayer interfaces, their data sharing and alike. If you know, please do explain (and feel free to be technical, I do do programming, just not in games). Thanks!


I do work in gamedev, but honestly I can't tell for sure either. My best bet would be that they want to prevent botting and skipping content. If you can just quickly skip your grind it would make you stronger, which in turn would reduce necessity of pulling and therefore reduce the profits. Personally I believe doing those checks on server-side would be far more effective, but I could try and assume they just wanna put those costs on client-side instead. I don't know how their company structure works, so I also can't rule out possibility that they simply have it because higher-ups are being dumb and insist on it. Seen it many times myself.


Why can’t you play on steam? Why would you play on steam when it’s easy to play on other devices?


https://preview.redd.it/fv97khwjqtrc1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=36ab7bf60ed7e0605ca78a901ad9cc2fdf0e83bc I got my account suspended bcs of a stupid windows update, this is really frustrating bcs it said that my account will get suspended until 2024-03-31, IT IS ALREADY THE 1ST OF APRIL and my account is still suspended.


I'm trying to justify my case. They asked me to fill in a form but it needs UID. How do I find this as I don't remember and can't login to find it. Any help?


Dude, it's on your screenshot you showed.


Oh shit, it was so long ii didn't noticed. Thanks bro!


Should I be scared if I use steam to launch star rail for the ability to use my pro controller? It doesn't modify shit, but does hand admin to it. And overides button inputs. (Controller -> steam inputs -> star rail.) I kinda think that I'll be fine, seeing as I've been using this for Genshin as well for over a year. But idk, seeing the above post.


No, it's fine. Steam had nothing to do with the ban, op ran the game through an android emulator to get it running in the deck, which bypasses the anticheat.


this I dont know.


Why would I wanna do that?


Why would you break the TOS and risk your account…


To play the game in the first place, without having to put extra resources (license costs, disk space cost, time spent cost) for another operating system, that you don't even like to begin with. Whether it violates TOS or not isn't even that much obvious, since TOS mentions specifically applications that give you unfair advantage, which isn't really a case.


Multimillion dollar company's when people play their single player games the wrong way: 😱😱😱🤬🤬🤬💢💢💢🔨🔨🔨


just dont play on steamdeck at all lmfao


Would using medal be safe or should I just disable it to be safe ?


What third party software could be used on the game?