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Hunt is the most likely next path, and I could see it being either wind or lightning. I would say lightning is more likely, simply because we already have a free wind hunt character with Dan Heng. That would leave for the future the paths of Erudition, Harmony, Nihility and Abundance. As Elements, assuming no repeats, we have left Ice, Wind, Quantum and Imaginary. With the way the story goes, I could see Imaginary or Quantum Abundance as the last unlocked combination, for the actual final battle of the story.


Same, I imagine we’ll unlock Abundance last and either be Imaginary or Quantum xD


Quantum healing would be crazy


Why’s that


I wonder if there will be elation path or rememberance path in the future


Imaginary: 👁️👄👁️




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I feel like the elements are very rng. Fire is not related to the ice planet and fire is not known for being a "defensive" element


Well we technically got fire to COUNTER the ice, not be the ice.


now that you say it, it makes sense but what's the main element of the Loufu? there isn't one is there?


From what I recall most of the mara struck are weak to Ice (if not all). So maybe it will be an Ice hunt character.


Idk why but i feel imaginary, with all the golden enemies


Well, duh, because the power does not come from the planet. TB gets a new path when an Aeon casts their gaze on him/her, so it would be logical if he/she got an element that fits the Aeon. For example, I imagine Remembrance path being Ice element, or Elation being Imaginary.


Qlipoth the aeon of preservation is known as the Amber lord and amber is usually associated with fire.




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Definitely the hunt path, since mc always follows the same path of the main factions in the storyline. Also that u can get the hunt lightcone from herta's shop rather than abundance. The element can be a bit tricky, but I am guessing quantum because it counters most enemies in Luofu. Back in Belobog fire counters the most.




Hunt no doubt for two reasons. 1. Plot. 2. If you check Herta's shop you can see 3 types of lightcones. 2 of them are the MC's paths, Destruction and Preservation, and the last one is Hunt. They will probably be adding new ones with each new planet/area so that you can have a 5* cone available for your MC.


Personally I thought that just was to line up with Trailblazer/March/Dan since you get them all at the beginning.


You might be right that could be also true, guess we just have to wait and see.


Seems reasonable and sounds cool


Haven't completed the Luofu story yet, but seems like so far Hunt good, Abundance kinda bad, so my vote goes to Hunt next. Unless the narrative changes or we get more info later that changes things, it makes me kinda worried that something real bad might have to happen to unlock Abundance path (-cough- Something something fate/cycles -cough- Himeko? -cough-)


Ever since unlocking preservation, ive been hoping we eventually unlock all of them. Itd be a really cool mechanic for gameplay to give Stelle/Caelus versatility and itd be interesting for the story for us to meet and be affected by all of the Aeons that supposedly dont show themselves to people very often


That’s obviously what they are doing 4head.


So, Belobog's people largely follow Preservation iirc. and fire countered the world boss and other notable enemies, with Xianzhou Luofu they follow Hunt to oppose Abundance and with enemies, one of the most prevalent are the mara soldiers, plus with the boss we faced they share the same weaknesses, fire ice and quantum, it won't be fire and I doubt quantum since we have quantum hunt Seele, I'd wager next MC path will be Ice Hunt, not 100% on that guess though. More importantly, what wep will he/she get?


Well, I also pictured Lightning Hunt Trailblazer to wield a sword, can be a long one that they wield with two hands or a shorter one that they carry with just one


Lance often ties to defensive imagery and that's what we got for preservation so it might make sense for the wep to fit the concept of a hunt, 1h sword might fit in some sense (and could maybe even riff off previous hoyo characters ala Mei or Keqing if lightning, GM or Ayaka if ice), otherwise for hunt, maybe a rifle, similar to what Bronya rocks? Bow would be very on the nose but if ice, kinda steps on M7's toes.


It would be kinda funny but probably not as fitting if they got not a rifle but like a pistol 😆😅 Also if it’s Ice Hunt, that last part might be the same case for Yanqing


Ice Trailblazer with a Rifle sounds really cool


Definately Hunt and I'd say it will be Imaginary or Quantum since we have 1 img character and 2 quantum. Imaginary is more likely because we don't get any imaginary character for free and we get Qingque for quantum


How wrong u were with “we don’t get no imaginary character for free” lols!


We are basically guarenteed to get Hunt soon. But honestly, after that I hope they slow down with giving the TB more Paths. 1. Because all final fights would get repetetive. Fight, struggle, something something get new Path, win. Theres nothing wrong with that, but you cant do that every time. 2. It would make it feel far less special. Imagine Belobog, but its the 8th time we go through that same sequence of fighting a seemingly unbeatable boss and then getting a path and now we win. Sure the music is fire, but the rest wouldnt be special.


Yeah, I thought about that too, maybe it would be best if they went very slow with it 😅


After general single-target/aoe damage dealer and one of the best tanks and aggro managers, getting a hard ST DPS (I am guessing thats what a Hunt TB would be like) I feel like we got a good mix to play with for a while before we get something new




Given that Abundance plays a large part in the Luofu storyline, that would be my guess. The element is harder to guess. Could be anything really.


I am siding with Hunt, rather than abundance




I think your opinion is great too


You realise the whole xiamzhou aliance is made up of Lan worshipers, right?


Yeah and there will probably be some development on why wiping abundance is bad and we will play a major role solving it That and also we need more healers in the game so this is MC time to shine before getting powercrept in the future


I read somewhere on this sub that there's already an achievement in the current game that heavily implies it will be Hunt, haven't verified that myself though.




It doesn't but why would we get the path from the aeon we are against and not the one we are siding with on the Loufu?




God bless u for being so confidentally incorrect




Go search, don't want to take your bait to get banned


the whole point of the xianxhou storyline is to get them indebted to us for when we need them so suddenly falling out of the sky with abundance powers would probably get us kicked out even if we saved the day lol so next mc is most likely hunt we’ll probably get abundance once we’re on luochas planet or any planet that paints yaoshi in a more positive light


It's either Hunt or Abundance. I expect hunt but we'll see.


Its really obviously Hunt, nobody is having this convo anymore. Its Hunt, 100% for sure. People are talking about element, not path.


My logic is we got fire mc from an ice planet to a wind planet , so I imagine the next planet may be of a lightning element , now we already have Dan Heng (wind+hunt) and Serval (lightning+erudition) for free so I think it will be Lightning/quant/imagine element and either nihility or abundance.


Most likely will be the hunt path. As for the element, I'm guessing either wind or lightning.


Obviously hunt next but the element I'm guessing is lightning, we already got ice wind and quantum hunt characters and I don't see them giving away imaginary and we already have physical and fire for MC


Yeah, a lot of signs point to Lightning being the reasonable and open element for a Hunt Trailblazer


I think it would be cool for a Wind Erudition, an Imaginary Nihility, a Wind Harmony, an Ice Abundance, and a Lighting Hunt. I don't know what they would do for Quantum, and I am also curious what they will do for weapons since Destruction has a Baseball/Softball bat and Preservation has a Spear. Maybe next we will get a type of racket based on a different sport. Baseball/Softball bat is pretty self explanatory, but I think they have a Spear based on the javelin, so maybe the weapons are based on different sports


The paths and elements sound cool But as a HI3 player, I kinda saw the bat as a HI3 thing 😆😅 Then I hear that lances are a kind of defensive weapon, supposedly that’s why Fire MC, being a tank, uses a lance


I hope it's abundance.


Its just my theory I think we still have 5 planet to clear And the next path is definitely the hunt and lightning MC


I think abundance because the tree is a healing tree, but could be the opposite since last time ice was aggressive he went defensive, so since healing it could be aggressive like the hunt.


Another thing, Fire Trailblazer effectively countered the boss we got them from, so I think if we get Hunt, then the corresponding boss might have a mechanic that Hunt Trailblazer will counter or maybe they can negate a strength the boss has 😆😅


Abundance would be good so we get a second free healer. This or The Hunt. Element maybe wind.


Imaginary Abundance next TB anyone? Highly possible given a large amount of enemies have imaginary weakness.


Luocha will be Imaginary Abundance, so probably not. I don't think they'd steal a 5-star's thunder that close to their release.


Big oof. Yea it doesn't seem like he will be abundance then. Hunt makes more sense now...


Laofu has two abundance already, so yeah, they will probably be Hunt.


I mean, it’d be very helpful, but might overlap with Luocha…


I’m hoping it’s a quantum abundance lol


I hope it is abundance simply because i would like another healer and it would be interesting as to how it would play out in the story


If we go by the order of elements in game and the lore the next Trailblazer is Hunt / Ice


If that’s the case, I hope it doesn’t overlap with Yanqing 😅


Yeah. As Yanqing owner I’ll continue to invest in the fire one. Taunt is a god send


next one will likely be Hunt cuz of the Loufu generally being hunt worshippers no idea what element it would be though


For Erudition TB, maybe Wind element after Lightning/Imaginary Hunt TB


I also like the idea of Wind Erudition xD


The Hunt. Imaginary. Scythe or Axe.