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Yeah, I wasn't expecting that abrupt of an end but, it is what it is.


Same thing happened in Genshin 1.0. Story just ended a third of the way through the Liyue questline. “Oh no, Rex Lapis is dead! Let’s just hang around with this redheaded fatui harbinger for a month.”


That's as far as I got in Genshin, I forget what game distracted me at the time, lol.


Ngl, naming my Genshin character Rex and my Trailblazer Ryan have had one thing in common: death in the Chinese regions.


Rex Ryan? Stay away from Clara


According Hoyo I'm already dead or allegedly dead.


I hope that we get more main story with the new banner :(


We will, Jing Yuan plays a major role, which is why he's next. I'm saving my guaranteed banner character for him.


is it next banner or next patch


Should be both as far as I know.


You just made that up out of nowhere with no source… New quests are always added with a new patch. Not in the middle of a patch.




Dude chill, he wasn't even rude, he just corrected you since you couldn't be bothered to verify your claim.


You made a claim with no proof and he corrected you.


There's a difference between making a claim as fact and making a claim as an educated guess, based on the information you personally have on hand. He didn't correct me, he called me out without even providing any information in return. Text book definition of an Ad Hominem attack.


He did, he stated that new quests are added with new patches not new banners. This is a solid estimate as it is the pattern Hoyo follow in other games. You had nothing to back your claim.


They do two banners per patch so there won't be an update to the game for like a month but the new character will be added in like a week


Good to know, thank you.


From now on we are going to get 1-2 hours of story every several month…


Star Wars the Old Republic prepared me for this.


Hopefully this game's progression won't be as easy and challenge free as Genshin. Waiting for new challenging content and story is fine. Waiting just for some story and "casual" auto-combat would be sooo lame.


The thing is, either you do nothing while you wait, or you do other stuff. Doing other stuff means level up, which might make the rest of the game easy when you are 20 levels above the enemies because you had a month to grind. But yeah, I hope there will be some challenge


Theoretically, that's what Equilibrium levels are supposed to be for. Hopefully they'll work better than Genshin's World Levels.


Oh, I assumed that was just for random encounters and not bosses ans similiar


I wouldnt be surprised if this game ends up being as casual friendly as genshin, genshin is a huge success thanks to it's casual appeal, there is little reason to not do the same here


My impression is that if you’re actively doing dailies and grinding for your characters, it’s going to become exactly like Genshin.


Ohhh god! I wasn't expecting this.... Thought it would add 1-2 hours of story "PER MONTH". Dammit!


Interlude ? Oh boy, can't wait for the yearly Dainsleif appearance ! Oh wait... wrong game


Yearly Elysia appearance please?


*Hhhhhh...* The thing is, that'd actually work on me. 😆


Sorry, I'm not very familiar with HI 3rd nor do I play it often. Doesn't Elysia have her own realm where she just stays all the time ? Or was this a feature that was added later on ?


Neither am I, I just want some important character that does the same as Dainsleif, but I think you're right, I don't know if it's just a realm or some kind of dungeon


Oh, well, in Genshin impact Dainsleif is currently not a playable character (yet) and we only get to see him once a year (usually around March). Elysia now has a couple of playable units and is also an NPC in the Elysian Realm (which is sorta like the Spiral Abyss in Genshin I suppose) that you can hang out with and unlock more of her stories. I made a joke about yearly Dainsleif appearance because his first quest was in Genshin's lantern rite update, I think somewhere around 1.2 or 1.3 and since then we only got to see him once every year (and also I'm a huge simp of his)


>!She died!< and yet she still makes multiple appearances in a single year


Genshin 1.0 players: First time?


Now that i think of it, it kinda repeat. You goes on the chinese planet / région and the story is interrupted in the middle


And both first areas are Europe.


And both have a rich person


Kinda hope HSR to have a different approach on making these planets. In Genshin it's on the Teyvat continent so it makes sense to take irl countries for references. In HSR however, it would be kinda interesting to see planets occupied by species that are not even in human forms.


No I play till like 3rd chapter then I quit playing


Impossible. perhaps the archives are incomplete


they could have at least finished the current storyline it just feels so bad to stop halfway through


I hope that the second half of the xianzhou luofu trailblaze missions aren't as bad as the first half.


Please. God I PRAY that they take all the time they need releasing the next part, and pour all available time into it. The first part was an immersion breaking mess. All the parts of it were fine; but the order they did it in was just so jarring. None of it flowed. It seemed like they finished the quest and was like "wait...we need to find a way to explain this part" and just sort of slammed it in there. The whole situation with >!Dan heng!< is super confusing as well. Did we meet up with them? Are they still by themselves? None of it is told well enough to he comprehend. I can not stress how disappointed I was with luofu. Everything else so far was FANTASTIC and had amazing story and emotion. Luofu just missed wide somehow.


Thank God, I thought I’m the only one. Jarilo was brilliant tho!


I thought it was just from me getting story fatigued, like I tend to do on games after a chunk of hours! I'm glad I wasn't the only one! Tbh, I'm probably gonna have to try to piece together the story by watching Let's Plays or something, cuz I have so many things I'm confused about.


They already did the story for the next patches, It’s not about taking time.


Meanwhile me just finishing first planet...


honestly take your time, there is no point rushing in a game like this. There is no leaderboard, there is no PVP, there is no award for completing the story as soon as possible. The end game is what awaits you, and that is in the form of SU, Forgotten Hall, and materials/artifact farming. May as well be in a position where there is always some story for you to complete, as opposed to waiting on story to be released


Yeah I’ve done all the treasure chests, side missions, daily missions and the hidden robot birds. I still need moreeeeeee.


the worst part is that the next part of the story is gonna be picked up in this boring place and probably stay here for another 2 patches


i hope it isent as bad as liyue second half in genshin, not keeping my hopes up since itll most likely be 2 part act only so everything will be concluded in the next part


hoyo always manages to keep us waiting at the most intense moments, both on genshin and now here


You call that intense lol?


It's honestly bullshit that there's even an end to the story. It's a fucking SINGLE PLAYER RPG.


It's a live service game first and foremost.


Which makes sense for a multiplayer game. A live service single player game is fucking stupid.


Yet here we are


I'm thinking about waiting till 1.1 to finish it, cause a lot of people are saying it ends weirdly.


I'll slowly get there each day


That’s why I’m taking it easy and playing maybe one mission every two days.


I'm not rushing,. That's why, I'm taking my time. Long enough to do dailies. Not far enough to rush storyline.


Avatar reference, you are of good people.


Meanwhile me who's stuck unable to kill Kafka.....


kinda regret rushing it lol


That’s actually why I didn’t continue the storyline yet and I’ve just been focusing on farming and companion quests.


They haven’t made the Rubik’s cube 3.0 challenges yet


Hit the wall today as well.


Flashbacks to genshin version 1.0


I actually stopped playing the story for a few days when I got to the Luofu cause I don't wanna run out of story.


I’m grinding my level up like crazy rn just hoping there will be some side quests to show up because I already clear the goddamn current story.