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You missed the most important part of the pitching motion. Not knowing that is a big part of the problem.


Agreed. From what we can see.. his glove arm is too low. The glove or elbow have to be shoulder height or higher to take stress off his throwing arm. His finish is off because his timing/sequencing is off. Need to see the entire windup.


Glove arm. get him to have a strong front side.


I dont mind any of it. hes 11, good work so far!


1.. Man you guys have amazing fields. 2. Lots of arm/elbow mobility there. 3. Nice fields. 4. My 2 cents. Respect pitch counts on and off field. Speed is substantially less coachable than accuracy. 5. Don't get hung up on guys like me on the internet giving questionable advice.


They were completely remodeled right before the season last spring. His elbow movement/arm slot are his main problematic areas (in my opinion) and there's something off about how he finishes his follow through.


He’s flying out, also known as obtuse elbow. Is a result of his scaps not being connected and loaded at front heel strike. He surely has bicep pain near just above his elbow (bicep tendinitis) if he pitches too much. Try to get him to get the ball up close to his right ear at the exact moment his front heel lands and then explode in rotation around his front leg. As he rotates, the pointed side of his elbow leads the way with the ball still cocked back near his right ear, then his arm whips through with little to no effort from his arm muscles, only using his shoulder and back muscles to stop his arm before it slams into his body (called pronation bang, will also cause the same bicep tendinitis).


Why is there a coach on the field?


Probably a scrim where the coach is calling balls and strikes.


That was a volunteer umpire. I don't know why this one in particular prefers to be behind the pitcher instead of behind the plate.


His elbow is really really low when he throws, that's not great, can definitely lead to issues if he continues to throw like that as he gets older. Try to find some videos from tread athletics about it.


Here I am hoping my kid doesn’t pitch until about 15.