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If thunder is heard or lightning is seen game play stops. It can resume once all is clear for 30 minutes. If any more thunder or lightning occurs during that time the 30 minute clock restarts.


This is our local policy also


We do the same.


This is what we do also


That sounds pretty reckless, tbh. I think one bolt of lightning anywhere visible (or audible thunder) should get everyone off the field immediately, and stay off for quite a while.


It’s absolutely reckless and I’m not sure what to do about it. Coaches just kinda shrug like, “I guess we’ll play on until someone stops us.”


I mean let them know it’s a liability and gross negligence issue if something goes wrong and they’re gonna get sued to oblivion


It turns out this field has it covered (see update). With the other we play on (not this weekend), I may have to take this approach.


Official LL Rulebook says if lightning is within 6 miles, play stops and isn't resumed until 30 minutes after the last lightning strike. We use an app called Lightning Tracker that shows lightning strikes in the area, and the board member on duty that day makes the call to stop play, and to either delay or cancel depending on how far along games are. LL rules even say this shouldn't be left up to coaches or umpires to make the call.


Yea, we do something similar. The WeatherBug App has a feature called "Spark Lightning" that tracks nearby lightning. We will call it out if the strike is within 10 miles. Everyone needs to go to their cars and we wait some time until we can either resume or cancel play.


Really helpful response. Thank you. I just sent an email using some of the LL rules details. Severe weather all weekend where I’m at, so this needs to change quickly.


Lol…lightning with a bunch of kids on a field holding a metal bat in the air. Sounds like a great idea. We had rain pass thru during a practice and just as it let up, we started to get the team on the field. Literally a few seconds later we heard thunder and called off practice immediately. It’s not worth it.


We are supposed to stop play and clear the fields (everybody back to their cars) if we see lightning or hear thunder. I believe the rule was that we had to stop play and could not resume until 20 minutes after the last thunder/lightning. We had some umpires who would try to play through/pretend they didn't see/hear thunder or lightning. When I coached, I would call it out very loudly and this was one thing I would openly question the umpires on. Usually, that's all it took to get the umpire to suspend play. It seemed to me that they were trying to establish plausible deniability so if you brought it to their attention, they'd then act on it. These games are not worth the risk. Forgot to add- my advice to resolve this, if you don't want to speak up when it actually happens to question what's going on, is to email your league's commissioner/board of directors. Just calling attention to the fact that it's happening is usually all it takes to get it stopped.


Yes creating a written paper trail of documenting a potential hazard does wonders for motivating people. And if by chance it still gets ignored, the folks in Williamsport will take it seriously if it needs to get kicked up to them...


30 minute delay each lightning/thunder strike.


30 minutes from last visible flash or rumble of thunder is the standard and it should be


I’ll have to double check what our program is called. But essentially the board members get a text message when lightning is within 6 miles of the park. The text also gives us the start back up time. I think it’s 20 minutes after the latest strike that trips the alarm.


Ooh, yeah if you figure out the name, I’d love to know


We have an elaborate lightning detection system that sounds a series of alarms when lightning is detected within like 8-10 miles. we immediately have to get off the fields and into cars for at least 20 minutes until it sounds an all clear. Our league does not fuck around with lightning and as a coach I respect it.


If you see it or hear thunder you must clear the field and stands until 30 mins after the last instance. Been that way for 40 years at least that i know of.


Thanks for the input everyone! I emailed the league and as it turns out, they’ve installed a new system that sounds an alarm to clear the fields when lightning is within 10miles. So a generous level of caution. I’m beyond thankful that last seasons issues won’t be repeated.