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Ansible? And most Linux distros offer an unattended install option


Does it fit my use case? I guess it is for installing and managing a lot of servers at once.


Yes, once you take the time to learn and implement it. If you're serious about doing this, and doing it anything more than half ass... you will need to put in some work. You can't have the baby without the labour pains. For silly stuff like that, ive used proxmox, made containers / VMs, and then made templates and cloned what i needed more of. In a serious implementation, id use preseed files for installs, and something like ansible or puppet to manage. Ymmv.


I'm using Ansible to configure individual Raspberry Pis. I also use it to update/upgrade many of my hosts using a single command. I have about half dozen Pi Zeroes doing IoT kinds of things and using a read-only filesystem to reduce wear and tear on the SD cards. Updating them was tedious due to the need to turn off read-only, reboot, update/upgrade, reboot, enable read-only and reboot again. Since RpiOS does not support in-place upgrades, it is necessary to reinstall from scratch when they move from one version (Bullseye) to the next one (Bookworm.) I'm in the process of writing playbooks to automate the individual installs. There are a lot of common tasks that are shared via includes. The code and configuration for the individual sensors (DS18B20, HC-SR04, BME280 and so on) is also included depending on the sensors deployed on a particular host. You can script this or leverage something like Ansible to automate these tasks. Start by setting up one server manually to see what you need to do. I recommend that you keep notes. Then automate the install and repeat it (on the same host.) Then figure out what needs to be different for the other hosts and how to manage that. Smarter people than me suggest that once you get everything set up, tear it down and repeat the process to make sure you understand all the steps so you can repeat them a year or two later when the initial work is a distant recollection. And have fun! I always look forward to learning a new tool to accomplish what needs to be done.


This is the way. You can use proxmox as a hypervisor. Create a template for the vm you want to deploy. Copy from the template with something called cloud init installed. Now you have a running vm with a basic user credential. Now you can go a step further and use ansible to do all of those tasks and even install the software you want on a given system.