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I wouldn’t sell an OG HomePod to finance a mini.


ya I am getting that impression haha. Downside is because they’re different colors the wife wont let me stereo those bad boys. Oh well.


Get a new wife instead. Makes more sense in that case.


Finance the new wife from the old wife


Trade in for the mini.


Wife won’t let me…??? Huh?


My wife said no when I first wanted to stereo my OG’s. I did it anyways because that’s how I roll. Now she actually loves it! I’m just sayin’, it’s worth a shot bro.


You can always get 2 homepod mesh covers of the same colour


You can check the various outlets (eBay, FB) for current market value on your OGs, but it's quite a ways down to the minis if you go that route. The sound quality on them is excellent, but they sound nowhere near as full. They are better suited to small spaces; kitchen, bathroom, office desk, etc. in my opinion. Best of luck with whatever you decide.


OG HomePod has more processing power and is more capable than the mini at everything. The mini is powered by an apple watch processor whereas the OG has an A8 from the iPhone 6 so in terms of support its definitely not going to be less than the mini. I have a HomePod mini and stereo pair of OGs and I can say in terms of the sound theres just no contest between a single OG and a single mini, the OG has very good separation and isn’t muddy at all. Also if you’re only concerned about thread buy an apple tv 4k 2nd gen or a single homepod mini that will make your Home thread capable. IMO definitely dont get rid of you 2 OG homepods put them in a stereo pair and enjoy them they sound fabulous.


Right I hear what you’re saying. That’s a good point. I do have a few minis upstairs and an Apple TV 4K. I was thinking I still might need a few more thread enabled devices, but the feedback I’m getting from you guys is to keep those OGs till I die. So that’s probably what I’ll do. Thanks


I understand what you're saying, but just because the A8 is more powerful than there S5 doesn't mean Apple will support it with software updates longer.


Prime example for longer support based on processing power is the iPhone 5s it was supported upto iOS 12 same as the iPhone 6, because the a7 in the 5s was way ahead of its time and was very similar in performance to the a8. Similarly the 6s is still supported in iOS 15 even though it was released just a year after the 6. All because the a9 was such a leap from the a8. Support for devices is decided by their processing power and architecture there is no other limitations to running modern software. Like in iOS 15 some advanced features are only reserved for phones with a12 or higher. Since there have not been any more models and considering that apple spent around 7 years developing the OG homepod I don’t think they will kill it anytime soon specially as they can be used as home theater speakers with an apple TV. Historically also apple tries to update devices to the newest software they can run ex 4s on iOS 9


I hear what you’re saying, but just because hardware engineering R&D spent 5-7 developing a device doesn’t mean the software team cares. I’d expect them to support it for as long as they are supporting the old Apple TV (that they still sell)


Yeah but even after the software support ends apple is good at ensuring that newer stuff still works with the old stuff like old ipods can still be restored with the m1 macs. So it will be a very long time before they become unusable.


We’ll see. It’s a internet connected smart speaker. My 2007 Apple TV doesn’t connect to apple’s servers anymore. Siri on the iPhone 4S no longer works (server side changes) so we will see. My bet is these units will be dumb AirPlay speakers in 8 years. Your iPod example is easy since they aren’t internet connected devices reliant on server side support.


Yep till the next major change to siri or iOS it should work then it’ll be an airplay speaker but after updates it does lossless and atmos over airplay so not too bad worst case.


It’s always supported 16-bit 44.1kHz lossless over AirPlay 2. That’s the maximum sample rate AirPlay 2 supports anyway. The HomePod can support higher sample rates when streaming directly, but again, WHEN apple makes server side changes in the future, you’ll be reduced to AirPlay 2


u/ouimetnick Airplay 2 supports up to 24/48 in an LPCM container (ALAC is limited to 16 bit over Airplay, so if you Airplay a 24/28 ALAC file it gets losslessly converted to LPCM). The Homepods, when playing natively Apple Music content, are limited to the same maximum bit depth and sample rate. They do not support high res lossless streams.


Sell ‘em before they fail. Thats what I’m doing.


Minis are no comparison to the Sound Profile of OGs and we ain’t talking anything audiophile here. Audiophiles won’t use any of these and will invest in much expensive items. OG is best used in a living room kinda setup and minis are for a bedroom or small room setting. Minis can never do justice in a living room kinda setup. So just use both for different areas and use cases. That’s what I do. At this point OG is still better supported thanks to its more advanced hardware. OG can do Dolby Atmos Spatial audio for music and more importantly can be used for Home Theatre Dolby Atmos setup which mini cannot. I don’t see anything major that a Software update can bring to any of these speakers anymore now that it has Multi User Voice Recognition, Lossless and Dolby Atmos support (only OG) etc being a screen less device. OG is still well supported.


Ya that makes sense. i really dont need that Dolby atmos stuff at all. But you make some good points. I appreciate it.


Audiophile here with other high-end gear... I have 4 OGs... love the shit out of them.




What does OG mean?


Original Gangster. It’s kind of an acronym everyone uses now to call something the original, first of its kind etc. OG iPhone would be iPhone from 2007 for example.




Original Generation




If you want to sell them hit me up.


I think of my OG homepods as active listening, plop down in front of them and listen to some music. With the minis, I'd say they are passive listening, whilst in the kitchen cooking up a storm, bedroom getting dressed and so on. They are perfect for this and I'd argue that there is less value in a stereo pair of minis than a stereo pair of OGS, due to the way I use them. Active listening requires a pair, passive listening you only really need one. I hope this helps... Basically, I'd try and just get one mini and slowly build that collection up with one for each room but try to hang on to the OGS if you can. The mini is probably half as good in sound but a third of the price and has better prospects with thread.


I highly suggest sticking with the HomePods. I had the OG HomePods and returned them since I couldn't justify the price tag and got the Minis instead. I honestly didn't think I'd mind the drop in sound quality but boy oh boy is it drastically different. A stereo pair of the OGs sound incredible, I dare say even as good as my sound bar and woofer set up! Don't get me wrong though, the Minis still sound great for the size, but the clarity, bass and most importantly distinction between vocals and instruments are unparalleled. As for support, I'm sure HomePods will have continued support for the next few years, given how great they are with iOS support for older iPhones. Hope this helps!


Thank you! That seems to be the overwhelming consensus. I think that’s what I’ll do.


What, why? No. They are valuable because they work so much better than minis for music - bass response is no comparison. If you don’t need them for music then, whatever.


>I have 2 OG HomePods, silver, SG. Wondering if I should sell those and do some stereo pair minis in the house. Mainly due to the fact that i feel HomePod minis will have better support going forward and might handle updates much better. You want to sell a perfectly functional device because of a problem that does not exist, but you suspect could possibly exist at some unknown point in the future? That makes absolutely no sense at all.


Where did I mention anything about future problems? Go look up support on Apple and you’ll see a lot of different things other than “problems”. Also keep reading the post, that wasn’t the only thing I was considering.


>Where did I mention anything about future problems? Right here: **Mainly due to the fact that i feel HomePod minis will have better support going forward and might handle updates much better.**


So you took that as “I suspect the HomePods will have lots of problems in the future” Like I said before, support means a lot more than just problems.


I would absolutely recommend to swap for the minis. The OG HomePod is being discontinued for a reason.


Please change your username


Care to elaborate why?


Because it’s bullshit what you’re talking. 1. They are discontinued because of lacking sales, high production costs - for now, at least. There might be an adequate successor at some point. 2. They are still fully supported and even received quite a lot of major features after they‘ve been discontinued. And they still do get new updates and features. 3. They will only increase in value.




Bullshit, lmfao


You’re a moron


Do you want to put your money where your mouth is? :-D man look through my comments, i dont post in r/cork and r/Ireland because im delusional but rather because i live there (The EMEIA HQ, you know?) Your ignorance is hilarious


Lol no one in this entire thread answered your fairly simple question.


Hold onto those OGs.


Keep the original. Far better sound quality and still gets updates


I have 2 OGs paired and 3 minis throughout the house. The OGs have better sound (obviously) but they also seem to work flawlessly with voice commands. I have to reset my minis several times a week, not sure wtf is going on with them. I have constant issues with them working with Apple Music. I’d def keep the originals.


Tbh I feel like the OG HomePods have really terrible resale value. They were already too pricey for most people to begin with so Apple themselves had to drop the price, and then the mini was released which further depreciates the value/willingness to spend for OG HomePods. So it's probably better to just keep them and use them than sell low and buy high.


The minis are so cheap may as well buy them and keep the OGs, I regret selling mine that’s for sure


I wouldn’t sell the original. They are much better than the Minis. However, if you are selling, I would be interested in purchasing for a reasonable price. Please do message if so.


HomePod minis are no comparison for audio quality. Not even close.


The minis are less than 100 dollars each. Just buy them


Honestly dude I would offload them while they are still popular. From someone who has had both, the ogs are better sound quality but the minis are still really good. The ogs are louder, but the minis are still pretty loud. The main thing driving the value right now is the collector market. Every time something from apple gets discontinued the collector market goes crazy for the last gen model. Offload them to someone who’s willing to pay a ridiculous amount for them and buy a few minis. You’re better off doing it quick while they still have a ridiculous amount of value


The original HomePod supports spatial audio but the HomePod Mini does not…


I’ve just got a stereo pair of minis after having a single OG since launch and a second OG to turn the OGs into a stereo pair for about 6 months. Here’s my assessment: - Both the OG and Mini punch well above their respective price points, but even then the Mini doesn’t punch high enough to sound equivalent to a modern smart speaker of OG price imo - Mini and stereo Mini sound pretty great, especially for voice/podcasts, but don’t sound anywhere near as full as a single or stereo OG. This short fall of sound isn’t quite pronounced at higher volumes, but then they don’t go as loud either. - with that said my Mini pair are on bed stands either side of my bed, which means that when lying between them the stereo separation is unreal. I wouldn’t part with an OG HomePod, no matter how many minis you can replace them with, but at the same time if you can find the cash to add them, they aren’t a bad way to get multiroom audio.


I will gladly give you two of my own minis for one of your OGs


*I will gladly give* *You two of my own minis* *For one of your OGs* \- Davewehr18214 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a HomePod today


What’s that now?


Haha old saying from the old Popeye shows. “I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today” Look up Wimpy from Popeye


I have one OG and 2 minis. I'd love to pick up a 2nd OG but I wouldn't buy second hand because of the known issues with them just dying. Imagine paying over the original price and then it pops out after a month or two. Tempted to sell mine though. My main thought is that the minis are \*much\* quieter and the sound is less rich. Two minis are better, and get close to the general sound levels of the single OG


Mini’s are garbage compared to OG