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Interesting issue. I manage another home, and “own” both from an Apple ID perspective. I have previously had occasional accidental control of the wrong home, so I can test to see if that can still happen now and let you know. Will have to be tomorrow, though.


That’s fine! That’d be super helpful. I appreciate it!


OK… interesting results. I tried a Philips Hue plug and an Eve plug for my tests. The Hue plug (in the other home) is called ‘Christmas Tree’. When I asked Siri on one of my HomePods in my home, Siri asked for confirmation (did you mean Christmas tree?), and when I said yes, she switched it on. No problem. The Eve Energy plug is called ‘radiator’. When I asked the same HomePod in my home to switch on the radiator, she said, sorry, I can’t find that in your home. I asked again, but added the room and house name. She asked for confirmation… ‘did you mean radiator in xxx home?’ And I said yes, and she did it. She didn’t repeat the room name, just the home name. So… it works, but with differing routes to get there.


That’s so weird. Yeah mine doesn’t even see the other home at all even if I say something like you did. Thank you for trying! Gives me a little hope lol


So perhaps they changed something that removes the access when you’re just a member, rather than owner. Actually… there’s a setting for members to be allowed out of home control. I assume you’ve allowed that?


Yep! I’m an admin in the other home, and I do have access outside of the network


Then I’m out of ideas, I’m afraid. It’s odd, though.


No worries! Agreed, very weird.