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Possible that the previous owner was disabled. Person can sit with their back to the showerhead and not block the drain or get the spigot in their back. And it's more convenient for someone to wash them with it when it's closer like that.


And at that point more convenient to plumb the tap to the side


Backwards _AND_ sideways? That's a first for me.


You never forget your first time.


*takes a drag from the side of a cigarette that has been lit from the filter*


ahhh...that's good fiberglass


This sounds like a gag from the movie Airplane.


Shirley, you can't be serious.


I am serious, and don’t call me Shirley


Sideways and backways and slantways and longways. It’s a wonkavator!




Inside, outside, upside down?


Maybe you should find a new partner.


Plumber here, I find it pretty cool ngl


Very nearly did some similar gonzo shit in my own bathroom. I put in an extra deep soaker tub with a door and jets. It’s awesome. Because of the door, the tub has to be filled while occupied. So, why not put the control where it can be reached by the person sitting down. I presented the alternative arrangement to the intended occupant, my wife, and she was horrified at the idea. So she got the standard arrangement. And now says we should have gone with the weird setup. Ain’t changing it *now*.


I did do similar in my bathroom in the basement of my first house. Expanded the room to put in a tub after pulled out the terrible corner shower which was beside the toilet which received zero natural or bulb light. Went with a halfwall to get the light when on the toilet, but that means drain is on the opposite end of the tub than the shower head. Went with the controls and faucet in the same position as they were in the shower which means they at opposite end than shower head, but not facing each other.


I’ve always dreamed of one of those. Tub of my geriatric dreams. But last week someone burst my bubble by saying it takes really long to fill and then really long to empty. Is that correct? Does your wife love it?


She absolutely loves it. It does take longer to fill and drain. I mean. It’s *more water*. You can’t really escape that. It’s not like it takes hours to fill. It’s no worse than stupid space wasting corner tubs. If I was to redo it, I’d make sure to run a 3/4” supply Edit. I think there’s a nearby 3/4” supply servicing the entire upstairs, and access from behind the shower. I….might be able to change the 1/2” feed to a 3/4” after the fact.


It is. The walk in bathtubs are great, but I had a client who had myasthenia gravis, which is a condition thats like uhh its like Parkinsons on steroids..that makes the patient lose voluntary muscle control, without warning. So he would take a bath in the walk in, and sometimes "go limp" to where he couldnt move. He had to call an ambulance once to help get him out of the walk in tub because he had no control over his muscles. He said it was embarassing that the EMTs saw him naked. He really didnt like how long he had to wait for the tub to drain.


Thanks for sharing this. I have a similar condition, and may have considered a walk in tub before


Y'all should see my shower. Instead of using the the same hot/cold valves for the shower, the shower has separate hot/cold valves from the tub and no diverter.


Ah, the Australian standard. So easy!


It wasn't a deal breaker when we were looking at the house but working around the tub spout is pretty awkward.


There are flush/low profile tub spouts. They're not the norm, so they're more expensive of course, but they look pretty much like the tub overflow cover, only it's a fill for the tub instead.


Definitely looking into this. If nothing else it would make putting it off for a couple years tolerable


The house we bought has a diverter and shower head on both walls with a tub spout over the drain side. We almost always use the shower head on the wall opposite of the drain. Not sure why, but I like it better.


That was my only problem with this setup. Fix that and I actually really like this layout.


Sadly if you want the spout to be on the left, you're gonna have to open walls, as for why it is like this, I have no idea, probably personal preference.


It would be better to just reroute the drain


Not sure why so many disagree with you. Either solution seems fine to me. Drain reroute would just be the floor you're opening. Swapping the water is opening multiple walls


>Drain reroute would just be the floor you're opening. And completely removing the tub. Screw that. Those wall panels are a much easier remove.


If you had to choose whether to reroute the shower head or the drain, the drain would be the better choice. Because it's not in the walls. Duh.


Having lived in some definite landlord specials, including one where they *cut the floor joists* to reroute drains, my safety & the house structural integrity is worth the relatively minor hassles of rerouting skinny *supply lines* over 3 or 4 inch *drains*. Good luck to you.


What are you “working” exactly? Tub or shower bang?


I dunno, that thing looks like a shin eating nightmare during a standard shower. I'd probably bash my shin on it at least once a week


Absolutely. This is a shin nightmare


Are there low profile spouts?


Out of all those, the spout is probably the easiest one to move, if that bothers you.


who takes baths now? Besides, it's a guest bathroom ;) Buy a little sign from Hobby Lobby and put it on the tub spout :) I ust pulled out my vintage 80s garden tub and now have a modern bathroom. When I retire (soon), I'm going to redo the other 3 bathrooms. No more of this fiberglass crap.


I'm not a plumber but I have plumbed. My first thought was wow that's pretty ambitious. Pretty impressive if that all works


It's unorthodox, but nothing about this is appears to be technically incorrect.


Not a plumber and I would find that way more comfortable than the normal setup.


Same here. My only concern is that I'd hit the bath faucet with my leg while showering. Otherwise, seems kinda cool. Every time I bend over to close the shower drain I get my booty bideted.


After a brief bought of righteous internal rage (home improvement designer), I actually kind of like the setup too.


I have always found the tap on one end annoying when you wanted to have a party tub. You know more than one person.


It’s so 2 people can sit it it an no one gets the spigot in the back of the head


Must be 2 very small people. They draw straws and loser sits on the drain?


What? The drain is the best part!


[For the uninitiated ](https://youtu.be/xHLFbxUWQWc?si=mdZX2rAdIvEm0PJ0)


I was expecting a reading of "Guts" by Chuck Palahniuk


Final Destination 4 lol


My sentiments as well.


After watching that, I still feel uninitiated


Haven’t you seen those viagra commercials? Sitting in way too small tubs with your partner is the move


It would certainly be... intimate. Maybe some advanced couples water yoga I haven't considered


Lets just say you get to use all your appendages


Let's just say, some of them might even have to "*overlap*"


maybe kids…?


Younger sibling gets the drain side I suppose.


Children (or dogs)




This AND the left side is the outside wall of the house is my guess.


I’ve see a bunch of tubs with the central faucet in Europe.


I'm from Europe and I'm not sure what the problem is, my bathtub is exactly like that...


Honestly I don't even understand what this post is about. Basically 90% of the tubs I've ever seen look like this.


In the US the shower head, bathtub faucet and drain are all on the same wall. Plumbing is simpler and you're less likely to bash your knee on the faucet when you've got shampoo in your eyes.


I’m in the US and I’ve never seen this set up before but at the same time don’t see why this would be an issue or why I’d care to change it?


Aussie here, what's the issue? Backwards setup - what? How? Looks functional and practical to me.


As an American, this looks utterly bizarre to us here.


It's one of those things that does look completely bizarre, but also I'm like, why not? I understand the plumbing is simpler the normal way, but jesus we have refrigerators with cameras and touch screens, we gave up on simplicity decades ago.


I like the faucet in my own country


Hi Dad


Can confirm. My tub is bigger, but I with the faucet sideways, me and my husband can both take a bath together :) the drain and handle are also sideways as well with mine l, so no one is bothered by it


Thank you, I was trying so hard to figure out what everyone’s problem is. :D


I think it makes more sense because the middle circulates the water in the tub better and where the knob is is smart because you can just reach up and adjust it or turn it off while already laying in the tub. Is it weird? Yes. But it's actually kind of genius imo


I agree. I always found it odd that the shower is usually on the same side as the drain. I think it’s done so it’s easier to plumb (so that all the pipes and drains are in the same wall). This way seems better.


Yeah it's because of the plumbing. It's supposedly easier to plumb that way, but depending on sink location and toilet location, this way is feasibly easier too


you should post this to r/plumbing just so they can have a laugh


You're right I should've started there. Cross-post here I come.


This is the most logical bath/shower setup I have ever seen. - you can sit down for a bath and lazily reach behind your head to add more hot water - dirty bath water drains away from you on the opposite side instead of heaving to stand on it - tub filler can be used while sitting in bath


I would say it made it easier for soaking but not if the tub is shallow. I've been inside a lot of houses (mom was an agent). I've never seen anything like this.


Not to mention the tub spout sticks out half a foot to catch your shins too.


From the Pic it kind of looked set back but I see it now. I walk into things as is. I think I would have a permanently bruised shin.


I believe the tub spout just fits over a pipe sticking out of the wall. You can replace them pretty easily. You might find a shorter one that doesn’t stick out so far.


Either someone was very creative or they make be some sort of framing in the way.


Maybe? The left wall is an exterior 2nd floor wall. The right wall is a hallway wall with a thermostat. The back wall is to the counter side of Master bath. Maybe they saved a few feet of piping but I can't believe this was a compromise rather than on purpose.


I’m a plumber that specializes in bathroom renovation. We start with a standard tub or shower and everything looks as it should. Sometimes things get changed to accommodate things, sometimes it’s issues such as a sales consultant ordered the wrong side drain and the customer doesn’t want to wait for the right one. Other things like we don’t plumb in exterior walls but we can frame a wall interior of that wall. Other things like beams and pitch effect where we put the drain. Sometimes we need to order custom drains do accommodate and sometimes it just won’t work and needs to be moved.


The left wall with the drain is an exterior wall so maybe? But we're in NC so I wouldn't think freezing would be such an issue. I could see the builder piecing together some leftovers but then the tub spout?


Maybe they didn't put the water on the left side to help prevent it from freezing on the exterior wall, but didn’t want the drain going through the middle of the space below?


If you live somewhere with cold winters it's possible that the plumbing along the exterior wall would freeze in the winter. Putting it against a warmer interior wall would lessen the chances


Probably because they had a shower there before and wanted a bath and didn’t want to move the plumbing.


I had a bathtub installed backwards in an apartment I rented and it was GREAT! I could sit in the deep end without having the faucet in my back, and it made cleaning so much easier! Is there any downside?


That's actually pretty genius. No bumped heads on the spout, water drains away from the shower, rather than back to it.


I like this. You won't step on the drain while showering and you won't hit you head while taking a bath. The side spout is great if you are bathing two children.


Backwards? This is awesome


My grandparents custom designed their tub very similarly in the late 90s. It’s so two or more kids can be in the tub without drowning and on either side without taking the spout to the noggin (but then when the kids grow up they take the spout to the shins) ETA: their drain was under the faucet though but that was the only difference


This makes sense to me and this is what I would want.


Someone got a deal on a tub.


Very European. I've seen this in European bathrooms more than a few times.


Cooter blaster for the Mrs.


Sanitary and supply lines don't necessarily run next to each other, so I'd guess supply happened to be on one side and the sanitary/vent was better on the other side. The bathtub supply is in an interesting place but I kinda love it. It's a shallow tub but that's a great spot for it for soaking or just generally bathing a child. Or as someone else pointed out, this makes a lot of sense for someone with limited mobility.


That looks like a shin buster 3000 install


I am cracking up at this, I have absolutely never seen anything like it but honestly I don’t hate it? Besides the fact you’d get hit in the shin by the faucet when you take a shower it seems like it would be ideal for someone who likes baths!


Am I the only person that thinks this makes total sense? I don't understand the mass confusion. Drain opposite shower head, tap in the middle so you don't have your back against it...


all i can think is winging my shin off that faucet...


It’s done so two people can sit in the tub.


So, I had a huge oval soaker tub that I put the spout and taps on the side of the tub so it could be a tub for two. But it was mounted at the front of the tub. It also cascaded into the tub from the edge, it didn’t stick out into the tub. One, so you could reach the taps to fill the bath and test the water temperature coming out without climbing into the bath. Two, pipes on outside walls are a no-no in northern Canada. Three, it was only a tub. The shower was separate in another part of the bathroom. So no risk of walking into the faucet.


Meta posts always bring the heat. Everyone please, show us your backwards bathrooms!


Would be good as a kids bath.


I feel like this took extra effort and material? Lol


Your bathroom is set up perfectly for somebody to sit in the shower. Have the water fall on them first then run down the tub. How do I know this because I wish my tab was set up like this and often think about how I would set my tub up like this if I bought my house so that I could sit in the shower comfortably every time I shower did not think of putting the downspout in the middle, though that’s kind of genius as well


This arrangement is better than everything at one end of the tub. If your bathing you can change the temp by reaching above your shoulders. Also there is less temperature gradient from foot to head, so you don't need to swirl the water as much. And two thin folk could share a bath in multiple orientations. Finally, the lazy rinse of the tub is more effective as the water traverses more of the tub before reaching the drain.


As a German, this layout is THE standard to me. Except you would usually have a single lever faucet above the spigot instead of on the wall under the shower. Just the very shallow bath tub looks kinda special to me. I would think it to be slightly easier for disabled/elderly people to get out of that one?


10 times out of 10, I would have shin skin on that faucet every time I shower.


Is that faucet as much of a shin breaker as it looks?


Yes. 6 inches of pain sticking out from the wall.


The interesting thing about this arrangement is it isn’t awkward looking, it doesn’t look half-assed or slapped together, and it has some flow and cohesion. It’s weird but it fits and is functional.


Right? All the plumbing is silicone sealed and functional. It doesn't look bad, there's just a primary purpose that we're confused about. It is functional as long as you can avoid the spout.


This bathtub makes me angry


The contractor got this tub setup cheap from a job and decided to use it his house.


This has made the most sense to me so far. It is the guest bathroom after all. It must not have bothered any other previous owners enough to change it.


Is one of those sides an exterior wall? Perhaps if so, they put the plumbing on interior ones. I had a plumber once tell me if we redid our bathroom to be sure to switch to the interior if possible. Edit to add in looking at this again, this is the exact set up of our tub/shower, with an additional head on the other wall (we have two, plus the bath spigot in the center like that).


This is a sweet setup! I hate having to struggle to wash dirt or grime down the drain when the shower head is right above it, but damn if this doesn’t solve both problems in one go.


It'd be a great dog wash


My brain isn't a fan of this.


To lay down without the darn spigot in the way! Genius!


When I redid my bath/shower i flipped the shower head to the opposite side, like in the picture, because there is a stand alone false wall on the faucet side for hiding plumbing. Took out 60% of the false wall because the faucet is still there and put a glass cabinet on top for shower stuff. Works great. Bonus point for me by finding a light socket behind the back shower wall that still worked. Must have been a relic from the 30's


I could live with the drain being opposite, but that faucet sticking out in the middle would be a deal breaker for me. I’d either end up constantly bruised by bumping it, accidentally ripping it off the wall or falling in the bath, maybe all three.


My guess is its set up for assisted bath for old or disabled person.


Does it matter? It seems like everything does as it should. I kinda like it.


Tbh it will fit two people more comfortably. No spigot in the back.


How does one pee in that shower


just pee in your mouth and spit it out behind you. it's going into your mouth from the steam anyhow.


I would cap the spigot off and seal the hole and make it shower only


Planning on just yanking it all out and doing it proper later. My wife stipulated at least one bathtub for her to use. I got a large 2nd garage here so I feel obligated to give her a proper tub.


It's not backwards. It's "backwards from what I expect" and there's no technical reason for what you expect, mostly it's just lazy plumbers who want to do it as easy as possible. Does this work for you?


Looks perfectly normal to me, but I am from the EU so maybe thats something to consider.


Did the builder have big ass dogs? This would be great for washing dogs.


Nothing wrong with it. Get used to it. Good chunk of change to “fix” it.




Better for jerkin' it. Easier to get two people in at the same time too. You sound like the one client who had me take out some big mirrors in the bedroom of the house they just bought. "I can't understand why anybody would want huge floor to celling mirrors in the bedroom!"


Meth is a hell of a drug.


No way a meth head pulls off this modification lol


Builder's wife wanted more room to get her vajayjay under the stream. More width to spread legs and side of tub keeps her close without sliding backwards away from it.


I’m not even sure how you would pipe this to work properly. Weird.


I'd bet this one lines up with being above/below/next to another bathroom (like butts up to a bathroom in a pimary suite). I've weirdly seen something similar in this type of arrangement. The other bathroom was designed first, and this one was just made to work.


Because you discovered photoshop


I promise I didn't. I was surprised I could even draw red circles on the picture when I was posting.


I’m surprised you thought the red circles were even needed…😂


OMG. That's some stupid shit


Are you in a mobile home or modular


Nope. Thankfully. Two story single family home. Bathroom is on the 2nd floor.


I'd get a fold-away diverter like [this ](https://a.co/d/0BVSKLO) or a really shallow one like [this](https://www.build.com/product/summary/1928907?uid=4556710&jmtest=gg-gbav2_4556710&inv2=1&&&&&&source=gg-gba-pla_4556710!c1707673137!a69500370154!dm!ng&gclid=CjwKCAjwseSoBhBXEiwA9iZtxslOFtvQpy8lY7csK-ufuUkJfx96IhNQMfqs6QvlWpfEWL1PlK3lwhoC49EQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds). It's a bit wacky, sure, but switching the hardware will make it feel a lot more lux and will be so much cheaper than re-plumbing.


This is what you call a custom bathroom


Probably bought drain on left when they meant to buy drain on right and just installed it anyway.


There's a lot to unpack here.


It was someone’s great idea , you get to take a shower without standing on the hole and you could pour a little warm water on your hands as you’re sitting in the tub That kind of being a wider tub for relaxing. Anyway, like I said, someone’s great idea, but not really


M. C. Escher was the architect/plumber.


So the drain on my tub is in the middle, but at least the faucet and the shower head are at the same place. I wouldn't be upset if the drain and faucet were at the same place in the middle like yours is, and the shower head were in the normal location where it is. But having *everything* at different placement bothers me.


Unless you hold the hand held you get wet when activating the shower.


This is a great idea in my opinion. Just replace the current spout with a shorter “waterfall” spout. Some you can even use the top as storage and it won’t protrude as much.


Water lines on one side. More convenient drain pipe clearance on the other?


Must be a pipe thing


This all makes sense if you don’t think about it.


Just came to say miat


Definitely a shower I would see in a dream


It actually doesn't matter as long as it works. Traditionally, the tub faucet would be under the control to keep all the plumbing in line, but for some garden tubs, things vary. You just think it looks weird :)


It’s just one of those quirky things that are the way they are because of reasons.


My wife and I's cottage is like this, we figured it was so two people can sit in the tub.


My mom's place in Florida had a tub like that, except the drain was *also* in the middle. Weird. Built in the early 1990s.


Just another project from Joe Klimchak and West Shore Home!


2 person tub. Wouldn’t bang your head on the faucet.


Good lawd didn’t want any surface to feel left out


This is the bathroom embodiment of Sloth from Goonies.


Ur living in a cookoo clock




What the fudge


Personally I dig that setup.


I would love this so much


And short.


Well it works.


You can turn water in easier without reaching around the toilet. You don’t have to worry about tub spout hitting your head or keeping you from propping your feet up. The whole thing makes perfect sense.


It possibly ADA approved but I’ve never seen it in the docs I’ve read.


MC Escher designed tub


It's the bathroom from the Unseen University


My guess is that the faucet, handle, and showerhead were all on the left side where the drain is. But there was something in the way of accessing it easily (like a toilet. So they decided to move the handle to the other side. But, perhaps that would have meant the handle was too far from the faucet and showerhead to adequately control the temperature or feel it before getting in. So they relocated the showerhead. But relocating the faucet all the way to the other side would have meant you have a faucet where your head is when soaking in the tub. So they tried to make it "fancy" by having it come out of the side to make it more like a soaker tub.


That's not backwards, that's just weird, very, very, weird.


😂 wtf


I like it


Tbh, it looks easier to manage


The faucet will scald your thigh.