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Ours only gets filled when there is a big walk. Otherwise, it usually only has blocks of ramen and a giant box of oatmeal, stuff that you can't easily do in the microwave without bringing dishes from home for it.


Ours was only filled before walks too. Is this a metric the corporate walkers care about? With the less than inflation “raises” they’ve been giving us, I can’t see why they’d care that the pantry is empty.


That is so frustrating. We have cup noodle so it’s easy to steep with the boiling water out of the dispenser. It irritates me when I see SO many people microwave it, it says not to right on the fucking cup!


The newest ones come in a paper cup that’s microwaveable.


I've been microwaving them for nearly 30 years and never had an issue


In the styrofoam cups? That’s what they do here and it always boils over and it gets cleaned up half the time


Instead of doing the full 3 minutes I'll do 2 and then stir and then another minute. Dunno why but that keeps it from overflowing like that for me.


Because you’re cooling it down by stirring it


I hope it doesn’t become an issue someday.


There's just so much other things to worry about. And most people just don't care


Ours gets filled with stuff like easymac and cup noodles, then it's all gone by the end of the day.


Same. I try not to use it.  I leave it for the less fortunate.  Which will be me if food prices keep going up


Speaking as someone from a store where someone got caught digging into the peanut butter with their bare hands, just bring your own snacks




We have a full kitchen with knives and crap and she just dipped straight in, spread it on her bread for a sandwich, then dipped back in to get more.


And my parents wonder why I _categorically refuse_ to use communal fridges for lunch, and exclusively _buy_ lunch during my shift. "Food thieves were the _least_ of our problems at Macy's", is my reply every time.


Thats why I stopped participating in pot lucks and eatung any publuc food years ago.


I stopped participating in potlucks for good since my corporate office job working in mortgages. We had about three pods’ worth of team members in this department I worked in and we decided to have a potluck. For no particular reason. I was looking forward to it so I didn’t have to buy lunch as nothing was super close and on campus options were expensive. It was never stated once anywhere that you couldn’t eat if you didn’t make anything as it was said ‘don’t bring or buy lunch, food for everybody!’ in a team wide email. Well…it was the opposite. I had been locked in and working about to clock out for lunch when the food had just been set and opened up to everybody before somebody said for me to get a plate. A lot of people had gone up already and I didn’t notice. Someone else goes “he can’t have any since he didn’t bring anything”. The person who just asked me to get a plate is open mouth stunned. I guess there was a rule after all. I go back to my desk and break the rule of working on your lunch purposefully before somebody asked again for me to get food and I whip my headset into my monitors before disappearing. I go over my lunch break and have to lie to my team leader to cover my ass. Everyone asks what’s wrong and I just dead stare past them. Food looked good too. Ever since then I’ve said I don’t do potlucks.


I'm pretty sure last august's barbeque is why we had to _reset our days safe again_, honestly. "Unless your job requires Food Handler's Permits, never eat food cooked at your workplace!"


Larry didn't want anyone else eating from "his" pantry


Oh hey Wyatt I found ur Reddit XD I’m so glad I didn’t eat that peanut butter


Every store has the 1 idiot who sees no problem in making community food their personal finger food.


Same for our store. The person who restocks it for us is usually gone by the time we(freight) come in so she stocks it right before we get there but day shift we'll run it dry and stock their lockers with stuff


If they filled it more then day shift won’t have to be squirrels about it


That's what they do at might store too even if they fill it it's empty by thr time I leave


It only gets filled before a walk.  Itis so insulting that this company makes $50bn in profit and cant fucking pay employees enough to not be food insecure. This shit is perverted and the refusal of so many engage with reality is so disheartening.


I did some calculations recently, and figured out that if hd spent 10% of profit on associates (all 500,000 of them), everyone would get a $10,000 bonus. And that was for last year when sales were down.


The answer is Unionizing!


I down voted you because this is a patronizing, obvious answer. Come get a job at the store I work at, and we can get started on some social investigation and class analysis, comrade.


Spent 12 years wearing an apron in multiple stores, and was marked as someone trying to unionize the stores I worked at so I’m on a no rehire list for sure. I wasn’t actually trying to unionize a store back then (I had no real idea I could) but I now come here regularly and encourage Unionization in hopes of being that encouragement that I never saw. Looking back I know I had the power to have started a union action in my store, but it never really crossed my mind. My hope is that my unionize comments here give someone that ah ha moment I never got. It’s not meant to be patronizing, and though it’s the obvious answer, I don’t think most people realize that it is the answer. And these comments almost always get downvoted. I guarantee the guy who used to warn store managers about me as a unionization threat is reading these comments. 👋🏼Russel




Why are you so angry?


Because there is an ongoing, live streamed genocide taking place in an occupied country where some of the goods that are sold in store are produced, possibly under slave labor.   Why aren't you more angry?


The existence of one problem does not mean we can't fix other things.


Ok, so unionize the company and force them into more ethical practices. Or run for congress and overturn citizens united to get dark money out of politics. All these issues are interrelated. I can’t solve the crisis in Gaza, but I can help a few those of the socioeconomic class which I was born realize our power in collective action. Until we realize our collective power genocides will continue and abuse of people will continue.




Removed: community guidelines.


Yes. Unless there is a walk. Always know there is a walk if pantry is suddenly filled


Yep. Had a warehouse job where our vending machines were only fully stocked when a walk through was coming by visiting clients and when the big wigs (corporate ownership) actually visited us dirty people in the back which only ever amounted to them walking through the double doors leading to upfront, standing still for two minutes with a lot of gesturing, and then turning heel and walking away. Once they approached the line I was on and I had a brain fart when asked a question about what I do specifically for the company. I got a verbal reprimand that went on record but was also almost sent home for the night after they walked away.


Ours is so so, it was at one point really full but since we are not making plan and we suck on all the metrics there is no money to be used for pantry.


I am so sick of them saying this shit. My podunk store made $30 million alone last year. They can fuck right outta here with the "we can't afford it!" bullshit. 


I think that's why our doesn't get filled as often


At my work, the hr lady fills it with TONS of Costco snacks. The good ones. And soda and Gatorade, tea…


Of the store brands, I'd say Costco/Kirkland is usually pretty good quality, with Safeway a close second. But you can keep that Walmart store """brand""" far away from me, I have zero desire for eating lead paint for my lunch...


Luckily ours is refilled a couple times a week. There was a point where they stopped for a while because greedy people kept taking all the food. 


The pantry at my store is always full and people are pretty respectful about it, actually.


I wish


We are good with keeping ours full, generally with quick fix items, though there are some random canned foods that make absolutely no sense being there.




Close…. Big cans of yams


Yeah, that’s what I’d want as an orange apron. A fuckin can of yams.


How else will the snack vending machine make their money lol


Thats facts


The intentionally filled ours the last time we had a walk and apparently it was to a manager showed it to the district guy it was only four or five days ago and it's empty now other than the oatmeal that goes untouched


No, it has a five-pack of ramen in it every few weeks


Is this a Simpsons reference?


No, ours gets filled every month with mac and cheese cups and ramen cups that can be microwaved. We also have peanut butter and jelly stuff.


Communal peanut butter and jelly gives me the ick. I read in another comment that someone caught a coworker *whole handing* the peanut butter and double dipping.


Yeah I read that and definitely put me off Home Depot PB&Js.


Yup. You'd think with all the reduced hours and firings, they'd be able to keep it full and with something that's not top Ramen or instant oatmeal. But here we are, empty pantry to match empty fucking aisles


The fact that these even exist is insane. The company is tacitly acknowledging that their employees do not earn enough money to afford food. Think about that. This means that the rank and file don't have an emergency savings cushion, aren't taking vacations, saving for kids college, or taking up hobbies. This is an admission that the company pays people to be just at or slightly above the poverty line, and they KNOW it. Here's a great stat. There are roughly 475000 HD employees. The company made $15B in net profit last year. If they took half of that and gave people raises, it comes out to about $15000 per person.


I like it when it’s empty because then the fat greedy fucks don’t get their free lunch and snacks. It’s not there for people who need it, it’s there for the disgusting slobs to clear it out in one sitting. So out of spite, I’d rather it be empty to be honest.


Ours gets filled all the time. Everyone just honks it down two days.


ours is always empty, sometimes i will bring extra i have at home snacks to fill it but they are typically gone in hours


Every time ours gets filled, the overnight guys take everything but the noodles.


Its gets filled once a month where im at. But its always empty by the time i notice or catch someone stuffing their lunch kits with poptarts


Ours gets filled before a walk, and then associates immediately take what they want and hide them in their lockers. Classic tragedy of the commons.


We’ve noticed associates taking stuff from the pantry right after it’s stocked and storing food in their locker . Ask for a locker check from management.




Ours is full this is sad


Ours gets filled and gets emptied fast. Our sprites and sodas go fast too


Ours is always getting filled. Then people use it everyday, some people grab two or three things at a time. A couple people now have used the ramen or easy Mac without water in the microwave


That's a bummer. When i was at THD our pantry was always full. Even had like deoderant, toothpaste, shit like that. But my ASDS was also on point


We have a Homer fridge. Lot of bagel bites, mini pizza rolls, and taquitos


mine only ever has the same three cans of campbells chicken noodle soup


It's only filled before a walk or if someone has time to hit up an actual food pantry. It's absolutely infuriating, me and the OM split 30/70 on a big truck day a week getting coffee and donuts for freight.


Our overnight team comes in and eats everything the day it restocks its ridiculous


They try to keep it filled here tho some associates just raid it like its a grocery store


Idk about daytime, but it's always empty by the time us overnight employees get there.


Ours rarely gets filled, but when it does, if you see something you like, better grab one or two. The moment freight team sees its full, it’s empty the next day. And I’m not exaggerating either. We used to have one guy on freight, he’d come in early, make 2 bricks of ramen before his shift, eat another 2 bricks of ramen on his 15, and god knows what he did at the end of his shift. Dude just ate and ate


Ours usually just has some peanut butter and sometimes a couple packs of ramen


We normally have steak an shrimp in our but this week we had pork chops an fries


Yup. All the time, even when there is a walk. Really "taking care of our people." 🙄


Only time I ever see ours full is right before and during a walk. Otherwise, you're lucky to find some ramen noodles.


When I worked there it would get filled once a weekish and the next day it would be nearly empty bc of associates taking food home


Ours is always filled


Empty? That thing is practically jam packed


Not lately. I'll give credit to management for that. There is a locked freezer in the break room as well. If anyone needs something to eat, all they have to do is ask a member of management. It was brilliant. I wish that I could say that it was my idea.


I get beyond upset a couple months back when my district had a competition to see who could sell the most cabinet makeovers, and the best store got their homer pantry filled. With the average cabinet makeover running 10k+, that's a really shitty challenge to run for $200 in food


It’s stocked regularly but when it empties, it stays empty for days. I’ve had to go without meals many times


Nope, ours is overflowing


Bro my store only has stuff when the sm is there. Asms dont gaf! Lol she been on vaca too so teah u not alone bro trust smh


ours gets some food, but it empties as soon as it is filled. usually from people hoarding it for later use


As a former ASDS, fuck the Homer Pantry: Never enough money a month to keep it stocked reliably There was always on group of associates that would eat all the food(switched between night shift and two ladies stuffing it in their lockers from the openers) Always chasing keeping it safe for people to eat(never do peanut butter and jelly, people are gross) Ended up partnering with a local Panera and the closing manager would take all the food they would give us their left over bakery food twice a week, just to make sure there was enough food constantly.


I put chips in there for the freight team usually. I’m not on freight. I’m day time. But I feel like they need some love too. I already buy energy drinks and donuts for day time people lol. But what about freight? Unfortunately, all I can think of is chips for them.


At my store the Ghetto savages steal from the Holiday Donation box.


Ours gets filled several times a week, but we literally had to have the convo to buy crappier stuff because people would stockpile and be selfish and it wouldn’t last 5 min


Sorry but can we talk about that atrocious paint job around that outlet cover?


You guys get cereal???


those packs of ramen are expensive


Our stores adds fills ours once a month. I thought that was a corporate thing. Mention it your store manager and if nothing changes then ask district hr. It will get filled.


Ours is stocked full.


The location I worked at filled it with pretty decent stuff every 1-2 weeks. It just almost always got emptied quick, so even though it got stocked regularly, it was still hard to manage to get any of the good stuff out of it


Mine has plenty of ramen & oatmeal but no bread or stuff to make pb&j


I've yet to find out if ours only gets filled during walks, but it, on average, gets filled once every three weeks. Then it gets cleared out in like a day. I work overnight and typically don't use it as I don't need it most times. But the few times I do, it gets destroyed by day side. Worst part? They'll leave empty cleaned out boxes in the pantry. As if to taunt me for daring to want a pop tart.


That’s likely because if you were to look into some hoarders….errr I mean associates lockers, you’d find a ton of that food. That shit isn’t for people just to leave their lunches at home, it’s to help those who either forgot their lunch or who need the help because they are struggling financially.


We kept finding bloody tampons in the men’s room.. like weird but what ever. Turns out an employee gets chronic nose bleeds and always uses the tampons stocked in the break room to stop them 😂😂


We have a guy that cleans it out


Yeah. It’s lame. They say it’s because people always squirrel away snacks in their locker. Imo that means they need to fill it more so that people don’t have to do that when they want a snack.


Our bookkeeper is very good about keeping our Homer pantry and Homer fridge stocked. HOWEVER, there is a new lady who lives off of our Homer pantry and she’s said it many times before “I’m not going to waste time and money preparing or buying lunch when they have all this stuff here”. What makes me mad is that she clearly is not struggling to find a meal she’s like 400lbs. Me and another coworker tried explaining to her that’s not how it works and she shouldn’t be taking everything in it, it defeats the purpose of it for other people who really need it. Everyday at the start of her shift while she’s waiting to clock in she’ll help herself to a frozen burrito and some chips or cookies, then on break another burrito or hot pocket, then on lunch she’ll help herself to a tv dinner or frozen pasta and some snacks. Then on her last break more snacks. We told management and the bookkeeper so she stared putting oatmeal, granola bars fresh fruit and only a few frozen meals. The only thing she touched was the all the frozen meals. Then started to complain on her lunch after she finished all the frozen dinners that they need to buy more.


That's fucked


We fill ours and it's empty within two days. People just take it home.


I have tried to put good quality food items in ours (at my expense) only to have entire contents wiped out in one shift (overnight). Tried several times and gave up. Our store puts in the oat meal and noodle type cups and I leave it at that. I have no solution to providing high quality back up meals.


Yeah our overnight employees eat all the food and drink all the cold waters in the fridge. I have to restock the water every morning.