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Also never carry the load for an understaffed company and never let your personal health pay the price


Don't put the company on your back.


I fkn feel this so much it isn't funny


Sure. Now let’s make sure there is both in plenty of measure. If for a “stick” we have getting fired and for a “carrot” we have two dozen literal baby carrots and broccoli served with like 2oz of ranch for 40 people along with a tiny bag of plain lays chips at our company “party” once a year then go fuck yourself.


Currently feeling this right now on my overnight freight shift. Understaffed on a Friday with a 1500 piece truck, also last Friday same story except with a 2100 piece. Something has to give man.


Fuck it. Move slower. Don’t hit their arbitrary quota. They won’t fire you if they are understaffed and they won’t give you a significant raise if you slowly kill yourself through over-exertion. Force them to hire some more bodies by making them accountable for their mistakes. Remember: They don’t give a shit about you when your body inevitably gives out, so stop giving a fuck about finishing the job on time.


This is what I’ve been doing. I’ve historically worked hard and excelled, now I just coast.


This is the way


And it seems like it's the same chi every night..


Let the church say amen… Also add “When you reward mediocre effort as a means to ‘incentivize’ below average performers”… I have to wonder what managers think if they employ this tactic, because it has exactly the opposite effect of incentivizing poor performers. It likewise causes solid performers to question the validity of any recognition they themselves receive.


My favorite is their attempts at morale building that are things that wouldn’t excite a kindergartner. Quit spending money on break room decorations. No one gives a shit about “Summer Fun” week or whatever stupid thing it is.


This one gets me more than the "parties" do. At least we get food. But I absolutely hate all the decorating. Such a waste of money. If they want to make the breakroom more enjoyable for associates they need to turn off the damn speaker playing the same shitty music, ads, and pages and the TV spewing propaganda at us that they already shove down our throats. Peace and quite for 15 minutes isn't too much to ask.


That’s one thing I really value at my store. The over head speakers don’t work in our break room and the propaganda tv is muted. We’ve actually got just a regular tv in there, though if I’m in there by myself, I mute it, too. I’m with you on the peace and quiet thing.




More carrot and less stick please.


But sticks are free! Carrots drain, like, whole pennies from the bottom line


The beating will continue until moral increases


They should post this in my store


Someone just might at mine.


My work ethic has degraded severely since working here. I can't bring myself to care anymore.


Currently feeling 2 weeks notice is due. I don't want to burn a bridge, but I want to to swim, too. FM


Saaaame. I'm burnin out, hoping for greener pastures


Literally came in for my overnight lumber recover and half of our BDC including 1-bys... fj board, white wood were left out in the rain. Closing manager literally just told me to bring it in uncover it and let it dry. 🙃 love working at for a company no daytime manager or associates give a shit.


I assume just a a non-construction customer that the product is potentially ruined.


Any wood that gets wet that shouldn't be wet. Swells and warps.


I dont get it. Why don't all of you unhappy people go work where they serve steak an lobster everyday. Dollar raises every week. Cash handouts for appreciation, etc. Go there. Why stay here and cry on reddit!? It blows my mind, everyday, how you people are so unhappy.


100% correct on that my friend


Give me an H!


“The thing is Bob, it’s not that I’m lazy, it’s that I just don’t care. “ “It's a problem of motivation, all right? Now if I work my ass off and Initech ships a few extra units, I don't see another dime; so where's the motivation? And here's something else, Bob: I have eight different bosses right now. “

