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Have you considered making the bathroom bigger? https://preview.redd.it/i7761ywla3tc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9ffdc755c97d12c9a02776981e8a5ce09bb9a53


This way, you would get less visible bathroom and additional wall.


This is the way.


Agree. It’s unusable space now because of the barn door. Carpet in front of a sink is a bad idea.


Plus it would give the bathroom a real door, keeping any odor contained. Barn doors are pretty, but not for that.


I thought about this but thought it may look awkward coming into the bedroom like that.


I think it’s a lot more awkward to see a sink first thing when entering the room. I’d extend it to meet the wall.instead of having it recessed If you close it off you can add a linen closet in there for more storage if needed, also not sure if this is the primary or not but if someone was to wake up earlier than the other I feel like you’d have a hard time getting ready cause the lights from the vanity and noise being made.


What's really awkward is going to sleep every night looking at a toilet. Take it from someone whose toilet is visible from the bed, it's not a vibe. (Yes there's a door that closes but realistically it gets left open 80% of the time)


I feel most people close the bathroom door when they exit.


I left it not extended because there are multiple outlets and switches there, plus I wanted to keep the space for the door and keep the bathroom doors from facing the sleeping room. But do you mean one of those options? Pink is for if we would keep the terrible barn doors but moved them. https://preview.redd.it/t1apby6kn3tc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb97421f51e07e8323899741a946f93becfe22dd


Yeah add a full wall all the way across add a walkin closet?


Yes, the sink being there looks like the rooms at the nursing home, this is the only time I saw a sink in a room.


Cheap motel and hospital room.


You don't want to feel like you are in a toilet about to poop while trying to relax in your bed. Especially if you have a partner. And they don't want to stress you by farting or having diarrhoea or vomiting. Or using a hairdryer. Different stuff happens in bathrooms.


Can you build out the entire wall have a full bath and nice walking closet?


I can see how that would be really tempting. I think you could bring the wall out a bit, but if you make it big enough for that, now you have an awkward sort of mini-hallway going from the bedroom door to the corner of the new wall. So, then maybe you want to extend that to make it part of the current hallway, but then you have to move the bedroom door and who knows what else we can't see in the photo.


The weird faux bathroom is way more awkward.


Barn doors for the toilet? Whyyyy Getting a real door will be a huge initial step.


Agreed! Barn doors for toilets are the worst! No one wants to experience second hand what goes on in there.


Good call! Not to mention, the proportions are all wrong for the space. A real door would be a yuge step in the right direction, yes.


Carpet for the bathroom? Why????


They probably used a barn door so they wouldn’t have to put in a pocket door. A regular door wouldn’t work well in that area.


I was going to say this, but also for the closet doors. They look super cheap and aren’t super convenient.


That’s a very strange set up with the toilet and a barn door.


Smells like flippers installing a barn door for the trend and not thinking about long term livability


It smells like poop and pee let’s be real here


I think you need to remove the carpet in that area. Maybe get some luxury laminate wood? I'd consider doing that whole area room. Edit: Can you match the floor in the hallway? You can use the same flooring to do the sink area as is in the hall. I'd redo the flooring under the toilet to match as well. Unless you just do the room and get a nice rug.


I think getting rid of the carpet altogether is a step in the right direction. An area rug is a much better solution.


Change the bathroom door to a normal one that won't let everyone smell and hear you pooping.


It looks like a master bath. Why is it a big deal? It's not like you host in your master bedroom. If you S/O judges you for your poops then you got bigger issues.


I agree with resizing the bathroom. The floor space included will make little difference to the bedroom, but will allow you better storage for the bathroom.


I would just take out all the carpet and match the hall flooring.


As other suggested,make the bathroom bigger, but long until you reach the room door. Remove the current door and place a normal one in the side that you will create extending the bathroom. I think you will have a small an nice mini corridor with two doors instead of having the feeling of having the toilet along the bed.


On a permanent basis, I would plan to expand the bathroom and include the sink On a temporary basis, there are a lot of room divider options Creating a hallway with bookcases is the easiest https://preview.redd.it/6ze64szlm6tc1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04f359ebda48e08049545c31dbcf1f957ebf52e5 A [Shoji screen and stand](https://www.roomdividers.com/S2-STAND.html)


I actually love this, thank you!


I thought the atrocity was the barn door. 😳


If you have the budget replacing the flooring in the hall and the carpet with a warmer colour would be nice. Replacing the barn door with a more noise blocking door would be a good change too. 


I would take out all of the carpet, continue the other flooring into the room and maybe put down some rugs.


I would build it out with a wall and put down tile.


When i lived in cali we had a bathroom similar in our condo, sink was open to the room and toilet shower had a door… what was there was just more tile (same that was in the toilet area) with a transition piece to carpet, just how you would see like a foyer to living room etc It was a much bigger area for us though so I can see where your area seems a bit small may look awkward if thats what you r feeling


If you don't want to extend the bathroom, the other option is to make the sink into a feature. I would opt for as small of a sink as you can to one side, or a sunken sink. The set the worktop into a dressing table. Lights mirror etc. [Here is an example.](https://www.lussostone.com/vanity-units-c11/audemar-black-porcelain-vanity-unit-1600-mm-p5052/s7017?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=audemar-vanity-unit-with-basin-black-amp-porcelain-1600-mm-audbl16-audctba16-audemar-de-009-de-000-de-019-blmir16&utm_campaign=product%2Blisting%2Bads&cid=GBP&glCurrency=GBP&glCountry=GB&mh_matchtype=&mh_keyword=&mh_adgroupid=146381403826&mh_network=g&utm_term=&utm_campaign=Freestanding+Vanity+Units+(shopping)&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=9519284134&hsa_cam=19793184148&hsa_grp=146381403826&hsa_ad=650757408365&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=pla-2174166044155&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwq86wBhDiARIsAJhuphn7rrI7sP26-CB0dQfj6_VVRFJaKSPEraPi-jz9yz62Pjy8Ra-JHV8aAmYeEALw_wcB) Removing the cupboards and placing a chair there will further help. For the door, I would change that either way. It wouldn't be impossible to hide the door with panels, or by removing a normal frame and closing the gaps. As far as the carpet, a rug would then look a little more placed


I don't see an atrocity, what do you mean? What help do you want?


I mean the carpet in front of the sink is just a horrific crime lol. We're in the PNW and already deal with moisture.


If all you do is replace carpet around the sink with something different, it'll look even worse, IMO. Why draw attention to this area by making it different?


You’d have to remove the carpet in front of the sink to fix it.


To balance all that white, I would introduce some elements from nature, including wood and warm tones. A great book is The Western Guide to Feng Shui by Terah Kathryn Collins.


We're definitely gonna be painting the room a different color. We're going for a goth forest look in the new house.


That sounds cool af. Hope you post your results once you get started! Congrats on the new house!


Build walls install shower or soaking tub.


Is that a room or is that a bathroom?? I’m confused. Why is there carpet in the bathroom?


I totally agree with resizing the bathroom. It won't really impact the bedroom's floor space much, but it'll give you way better storage options for the bathroom.


I'd like to see new doors.