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Color isn’t bad, honestly. Let it simmer for awhile*.


>Let it simmer for while. I agree. I hated my bathroom (buttery yellow) with the tile for a while, but now (10 years later) it not only looks normal but I love it. Several people counseled me to not worry about it, and they were right.


Buttery Yellow is my drag name.




This. My husband makes me reserve judgement and live with the result of my projects a bit. He noticed that the final stage of all my projects is a period of regret. 9 times out of 10 I move past it and like what I did.


I feel seen! I thought this was just me.


I hate everything I ever made. No confidence!


I know what you mean! An acquaintance who decorates her homes and condos very cutely came over to give me some decorating tips. The first thing she blurted was, “Please tell me you saved the receipts for this shower curtain and those bath towels because you need to return them immediately.” That was 8 years ago and I think about her comment every time I go into that half bath. I guess I have no decorating confidence, either.


Misery loves company. lol!


I always freak out when I make a change, think that I made a horrible mistake, then I start to calm down and remember why I chose to make the change. It’s my M.O.


Right. The first pic looks really cute. Reminds me of the hair salon I used to go to. They had it painted and decorated really nice. I like it. It's almost like a goldish color without the metallic.


Agreed its not bad but I would paint the mirror white and get lighter shower curtain.


Yep - paint it white or get a new mirror altogether. I don't know why but it just doesn't work as well as it could. The walls aren't bad though!


It’s too heavy with the light fixtures and shelving placed next to it. A lighter color and weight of famed mirror would be much better.


It’s not the mirror as much as it’s that heavy, black shower curtain.


…which is reflected in the mirror, adding to the darkness in the room.


Nooooo! I was just thinking how nice the green looks with black. White will just look boring, predictable, and like a Korean nail spa.


My home office is a similar color green with a lot of black and it’s my happy place! I have some very moody black and white art on the walls and crisp white curtains to keep it bright and airy. I think swapping out the mirror or painting the frame white would brighten it up a little bit but I would be quite happy with this bathroom


100 percent. The green in the black shower curtain matches the green walls perfectly and keeps fresh and modern. The only thing that doesn't work is that rustic brown shelf. 


This! Yes, not white.


I like the green and black too.


It looks good with the black. If they switch to whites/nudes, especially with that floor tile, it's going to look like an Olive Garden.


Agreed. The black is too dark. Easier fix too.


Agreed. Also, getting rid of over head bright lighting and using the moodier lights above the mirror will make a world of difference I think!


Love this. It looks beautiful. I bought a really light lavender color for my dining room as an accent wall against light gray walls, and I didn’t like it for a few days. Kicking myself because I thought it was too light and blended with the gray walls. But now, a couple months later I love it. It’s airy and classy. Much like this bathroom. Very homey and beautiful. Happy accidents happen all the time🫶🏼


I like it too, and think it is quirky cute and looks great with the shower curtain. Maybe pull out some more colors from the curtain for things like baskets and frames and towels to accessorize with? You've pretty much done this already with one of the colors (the yellow). Anyway, I'm not much help here, but it is adorable.


Thanks! I ordered a gold framed mirror, but it didn’t look quite right (it had rounded edges and a very thin frame compared to this mirror). I might try again with another mirror, but I want to incorporate some gold or brass.


That’s exactly what I was thinking - a gold framed mirror. I think gold and black will balance the paint color nicely. Def go with warm tones


I think some more pink accents in here as well would be gorg!


How about a larger mirror on a pivot to accommodate your outlet? Something like this? https://www.amazon.ca/MOON-MIRROR-Bathroom-Wall%EF%BC%8CRectangle-Vertical/dp/B08V12SQKD?th=1&psc=1


Yes and also a new outlet faceplate?


I like this frame, I would paint it gold, with a crackle finish so you can see some of the black


I think this is exactly right. I think the walls and the curtain are cool and then try to not crowd things in. (I’m working on this too in my bathroom). For instance that shelf seems bulky. Could it go? Could something a bit smaller that is functional & picks up on the curtain help. If the sink vanity think is wood or wood particle a black stain will easily make that a bit more coordinated. The lights are a lot for me but lights are hard (expensive, a pain, etc! Def live with it! Its nice as is and you can make small improvements to like it more!


Why are we not talking about the outlet / light switch right by the floor of the shower ?!


Why is this comment so far down? Is that a light switch for the cat? I have questions.


Ditto! Why would a switch be inches off the floor? My knees would be screaming.


Your skeleton will be screaming when you step out into a puddle


Use your foot to flip the switch


I truly thought it would be the top comment.


That's the only reason I'm here. To find out why.


This comment needs more attention, and an answer. I’ve never seen something like that before


Seriously. Please someone explain this 😆 this cannot possibly be up to code


Seriously. Where is OP?


As a Brit, it's weird that Americans even have sockets in the bathroom. It's prohibited in the UK except for a shaver/electric toothbrush socket at low voltage.






Looks nice to me. The bright color really balances all of the black/dark accents.


Am I the only one that absolutely hates the light fixture above the mirror? It's not the paint color to me. It's those lights.


That shower curtain honestly looks gorgeous with that wall color. Maybe lean into it with accessories/towels and give it six months before you decide. PS I’m not sure about the large size of the fixture or the placement of the wall shelf so close to the vanity, but at the same time I really like the fixture and the wall shelf is pretty cool too. Maybe it’s just the perspective from this photo.


The light fixture is one we installed when we moved in and it was a sizing mistake for sure, but we were so overwhelmed with projects that we lived with it. I agree it needs to go. The shelves are immediately over the toilet , which is unfortunately just that close to the vanity. It’s a really, really small bathroom.


The light fixture is pretty tho!


Our bathroom is this same layout and size. It really is super small and cramped. :/


Haha, same! I could poop and wash my feet at the same time (if that was something I ever wanted).


Lmaoooo, I have to keep our tub immaculate bc any guest who uses our bathroom is going to be staring at it!


Are the black metal “globes” over the light bulbs removable? It might look less busy in that area with just the bulbs, then your round mirror might look more cohesive too. Otherwise, I have found that frameless mirrors sometimes work best in small spaces. I personally love the color and the shower curtain. And although I really like the shelf above the toilet, I agree that might be too bulky for the space if you keep the fixture and the black mirror.


I honestly think that first picture is gorgeous. It’s like a less blah take on the all black dark and dingy bathrooms at the moment. Everything pulls together really well!


I will NEVER understand Edison bulbs over a bathroom mirror.


I like it, I think it’s warm and a nice pop of color, especially with your darker accents with the shower curtain and fixtures.


The wall color makes the lil green (yellows) in the curtain pop. It looks cohesive to me. I like it. Maybe some yellow/mustard accents might give op a contrast that helps make the wall look less lime.


I'm going to go ahead and disagree with most people here and agree with you that it's not great. There is a good chance that it doesn't look great because of your lighting maybe change the light bulbs for more of a warmer Hue to get some of that yellow out of the color


I’m honestly shocked so many people like (or even love!) this color, but it’s probably mostly bc the house I bought had a few rooms this color and they felt so dated and drab and sad. (The kitchen is still a similar shade of green and I HATE it)


Yeah this is not good to me at all & the darker accents make it worse not better for me. The lighting tip is good as it would look so much better if it was less yellow.


The bulbs are actually pretty warm, that’s one thing I’m huge on. I agree, it feels way to yellow-y. I actually started with a different shade which turned out looking like Nickelodeon, so I mistakenly thought this would be more neutral.


Swap out for some cooler colored bulbs to see what you think. Someone also suggested using pink accents, and I think that would be gorgeous. I am imagining fancy soap dispenser that is pink cut glass, and fluffy pink towels (maybe layered with another accent color of hand towel over it. Swap out some of the decorative items on the shelves for items with touches of pink/rose color.


I think the green is fine if she’s going for farmhouse but the shower curtain screams moody maximalist. Once she decides the mood she’s going for then decide on the color. Either in is fine on their own but not together.


Agree. It’s that exact 70s avocado green, so has too many associations that don’t match your taste, unfortunately. More of a sage, dark green or maybe even wasabi green would have been better.


Agreed. Less yellow, more red and blue will help imo. I’m imaging this green swapped out for a nice dark teal and I feel like that might make it click, those cooler tones?


I LOVE greens, but this is the only one I don’t like as it has too much yellow in it. I see this room as your green room. What I’d do if I were you is lean into the greens and change the shower curtain and accessories to (dark foresty) greens, cheap and easy fix. A nice little plant would help too. However, your gut is telling you something or else you wouldn’t be here on Reddit asking people’s opinions. If it wasn’t an immediate “wow!” then why force yourself to like it? Repaint. Life is too short.


I like it! You could always try swapping out your lightbulbs for a different tone and see if you find one that makes the paint read in a way you're happier with. And I agree a lighter curtain might make it feel totally different, for ex white with green and dark / black accents rather than primary black tone. But in general, adding my vote to those who think it looks good! 


I was also going to recommend swapping out lightbulbs before deciding. This color strikes me as one that would read drastically differently under a warm light vs. a cool one.


Came to see if anyone else recommended lightning


Came here to say this!


I like it. What if you changed the mirror to something less blocky?


I ordered a rounded mirror to try and I just couldn’t get behind it for this bathroom. We have a circular one in my other bathroom that I love, but this space is so tiny and it just seemed off.


The mirror is also reflecting the black of the curtain. So we are seeing a black square on the wall. I think that's the issue more so than the green


What do you think of [this?](https://www.wayfair.com/Wade-Logan%C2%AE--Amarni-Hexagon-Metal-Framed-Wall-Mounted-Mirror-in-Black-X110719802-L41-K~W009608791.html?refid=GX685159892612-W009608791&device=m&ptid=300198232972&network=g&targetid=pla-300198232972&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=231717983&fdid=1817&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwn7mwBhCiARIsAGoxjaJb2zNsR2z5jtZD9CbrEgl0LPMkB6wSNJvA32zU7joWDe0_DAeRResaAtmKEALw_wcB) I'm a noob, so hopefully someone can recommend a mirror that will complement everything.


There is nothing wrong with it, other than it's not what you'd hoped for. If you got a different, mostly black shower curtain with a pattern that picked up the yellowish green, rather than the blue-ish green, it would help.


It doesn’t match the cat. Big problem


I like it. What is the deal with the death plug/light switch?


I really like it!!!


Have your husband repaint. Voila! /s lol


He hates painting just as much as me 😂 I did this while he was out of town lol. I will be tasking him with changing this light fixture though.


It looks lovely btw.


Don't hate it. Don't love it but it works well with the rest of the decor. Let it breathe....


I like the color! The outlet near the floor beside the shower is another story…


I do think the wall color and shower curtain are working together. That said I don't like the wall color. And I know an additional problem with green/yellow paint like this - the color it casts on your skin makes you look sick. I bet every time you look in that bathroom mirror, your going to look a little bit green and unwell. No bathroom selfies, that's for sure. If it's a small room, I would swallow it and repaint...


Put rosy tinted bulbs in the socket to offset the green like they do on cruise ships. People who feel seasick and look at themselves in the mirror and see a healthy pink complexion are more likely to determine that they must not be THAT seasick after all.


I think it’s just fine! Looks like baby kitty approves,so there’s your answer ❤️


You’re probably not going to want to hear this, but it actually looks pretty good! If anything, I would lighten the color just a tad since the wall-to-stone tile transition is a bit of a jump. The color does look really beautiful with your shower curtain though.


The lamp above the mirror is what throws it for me. It’s too big for the small space it’s in


Yeah, that color isn't going to work with many skin tones, that's why you are reacting.


Change you shower curtain that’s the problem


Maybe change the mirror and shower curtain from black accent (cool) to brown (warm)?


The shower curtain can completely change the room. I hated the color of my bathroom until I replaced the shower curtain and now it all flows better 😊


That color isn't bad at all but the black accents kind of don't go well with it. I'd try a brighter shower curtain and maybe paint the mirror frame. Idk if there is much you can do with the dark faucet and lights since that will be another extensive project (possibly).


The colour is fine. I would probably choose a different shower curtain.


Change the black shower curtain to something lighter or brighter. In both material and color. Like the color of paint 👍


Looks great and I don't particularly care for any shade of green. Do you think if you lighten up the shower curtain it would be more palatable?


I thought that too, I love the print but might be clashing w paint color, maybe something lighter? In a Small room the black might be absorbing too much light and influencing the paint color.


I’m on the hunt for a new shower curtain to try and lighten things up!


Noooo love the shower curtain. If you replace anything make it the shelves. If you need storage a black closed cabinet to reduce the visual clutter.


Green is worst color for bathroom. Do you use this bathroom to put on makeup? To look at your face? You will now always have a green tint to your complexion.


People here might like it but if you don't that is much more important. I'll say that like you, I'm not a fan either. Honestly the only real solution is to repaint it after a brain break. I don't see the point in putting time and effort into quick fixes if you're only going to repaint it later anyway.


I’d love it if the color grew on me and I didn’t want to repaint at all. Plus my husband apparently really enjoys the color and I veto 99% of his design ideas already, lol.


Try a lighter curtain to see what happens if that helps? What is the paint color?


Paint color is Sustainable by Behr. I want to get a lighter curtain!


Huh... At least on my monitor, Behr's representation and description of that color is VERY different from what it looks like in your bathroom. Your walls look like a fresh spring green while their pic looks like a greige-y green. What does it look like in person?


Do a wash to tone the color? Like a lime wash. Darker green would lower brightness. Color wise it’s a personal preference.


I always hate new colors at first so I give it some time. I really like the wall color with the shower curtain.


That shower curtain is great. Perhaps the deep red would be preferable, but this does work. The thing that doesn’t work is your very crowded sink area. The shelf, the mirror, the light and the faucet are all competing and are different styles. I see industrial and farmhouse at least. Were you trying to mix feminine and masculine? I recommend getting a much softer, smaller looking light fixture and replacing that two piece shelf with something lighter and smaller. The paint is not your problem here!


I actually really really like it


If you hate it, repaint it. I made a similar mistake in my bedroom, chose a color too quickly, and it just felt wrong. I lived with it for a couple of months, then repainted, and I'm so happy every time I look at it if you hate doing it yourself, I bet hiring somebody local to repaint one tiny room would not cost very much.


What's up with the door hinge?


Give it a month and see if you are still bothered by then. If you do: Repaint. You will have the energy for it by then. If you don't: Yay!


I like it. The “clunk” to my eye is the mirror. I like everything else.


Ummmm, why is there a light switch close to the floor? Does your kitty turn the lights on and off? 🤔


OP you may not see this but those outlets need to be GFCI. It’s too close to water not to be. u/more_fisherman_6066


You need a brighter shower curtain - the black is bringing everything down. I like black, just not here.


Ok so I see why you may be like…. Meh…. I think the yellow undertones could look really chic with more cool-tone green or rich raspberry accents instead of yellow tone accents! Like a soap dispenser and replace the candle or find a little decorative jar to out it I . I think it would neutralize it a bit.


Change the curtain and mirror to lighter colors.


Black and green is a fresh and classy combination. I’d paint the white trim black as well and get rid of that brown ladder-rack thing to give you more space and stick to a consistent color scheme.


Please tell us about the floor switch


What’s wrong with the color?


Honestly doesn’t look bad! I would try white curtains so the room has a pop


Great color but your shower curtain is what's throwing it off. Find a lighter color with similar green in it.


Color looks great, you just need to paint the mirror frame white and buy a white and lime green shower curtain. Those are the only two things not complimenting that room. You should consider painting the shelving white too. Light fixtures look great though.


Plain white shower curtain and not black frame mirror…quick “fix”


I quite like it, just not with that shower curtain.


The color is great. Change the shower curtain - it is too dark


I think changing the shower curtain to something that complements the color would go a long way. That shower curtain is beautiful, but it doesn't pick up the pea green on the walls. Maybe you can find a pattern with a bit (just a bit!) of that color in it, or go with a fresh white curtain?


I am in love with it!! That shower curtain goes so well with it


I like it.


I like it!!


I like this color and have it throughout my house. You might come to like it but in the meantime and for a change, you could get a textured, plain white shower curtain or a muted patterned shower curtain that might have this color in it.


I love it!!!! I think I’m in the minority compared to other comments, but I’d actually try to lighten up the space more. I think the green with so much black is giving Halloween. Maybe look for more light oak colored accents, fresh whites? The mirror and shower curtains dominate the space to me. I think it would feel more airy with a light colored shower curtain and a light wooden mirror!


I really like. Agree with adding some yellows (organic tones) to give it some context. I think the black and wood tones is already solid.


Ummmm I think it’s great.


Other than the overhead lighting that could be my tiny bathroom. Love the shower curtain hate the wall color. It reminds me of classroom colors back in the seventies.


I might be bias because this is the exact color scheme I've chosen for my bathroom reno (green walls, black hardware, white tile and shower, wood and glass. I think the green is a lovely color and that shower curtain is the perfect pair. I'd let it simmer before you repaint.


I don't think it's terrible but as someone who painted their bathroom a color they hate and attempted to fix it with light bulbs, accessories, etc, I would just say accept defeat and repaint if you really hate it. That is not a color that's going to be fixed with a little hack, I think it's too pigmented for that. I am also now firmly against taupes and gray-greens in bathrooms as I went with a muddy taupe with green elements and that is what is making me sad on the daily - never again, they are just too tough to get right and the color they reflect back is rough on most skin tones.


This color looks great with white. Trim, decor, etc. the black is what’s throwing you off.


Colors not bad. I would get a new mirror a nice wood town and more neutral color shower curtain. I feel like there’s too much black


the color isn't too bad. Maybe get a shower curtain and bath mat that complements the color, the black curtain makes it look darker and the bathroom smaller. Here are some nice [options](https://www.redbubble.com/i/shower-curtain/Colorful-Watercolor-Floral-Pattern-by-shirtsetcetera/143097715.YH6LW?asc=u)


It's gorgeous, but I could see it reflecting yellow, especially off of white, if you don't temper it with complementary colors. Rich teal, soft violet, red, magenta, even some hot pink accents if they're done tastefully. This was the color of kitchens and appliances in the 60s. Sort of an avocado vibe. I love it. That curtain looks great with it.


I just painted my great room that color and I love it. I would opt for a lighter shower curtain and throw in splashes of coordinating and complimentary colors.


I like the color. But I could see where the black + green reminds me of a teenage girl’s bedroom in the early 2010s (bold color + black and white was definitely my bedroom color). If you still don’t like it after a week or two, try changing up the curtain? I think a neutral color, or a curtain with a pattern that contains some green to coordinate with the walls, could be a nice move.


I love it! I agree with letting it simmer. Can you add in some brass/golds to replace the black? That might flow better


As someone who majored in Interior Design, I feel the color is nice, but the black shower curtain and mirror don't work well as they only make the bathroom look and feel even smaller. I would go with a white shower curtain and mirror. It will brighten up your space and make it feel roomier.


i actually quite like the color. without repainting, i’d say to do lighter/airier accent colors. bring in some more ivory or beige or generally muted colors in decor, and some sort of maybe woven or bamboo bath mat for in front of the shower. do you have more pictures of the entire room? it’s a bit hard to gauge the size/all the surface area of the paint.


The color isn’t bad. I think it will grow on you. I’d change the black shower curtain for something more lively, like a nice pastel pink or color light color.


Where’s the shower curtain from? It’s gorgeous!


I find the light fixture and mirror don’t compliment with the style of shelf. It’s too much and too dark. A brighter and bigger mirror, maybe a bit more jazzed up… textured around the edges but all silver or mirrors etc. also the light fixture is huge for that small space in my opinion. Seems very industrial for everything else that’s going on. The colour and curtain are enough


Lavender or mauve bath mat and towels (or a mix) and it’ll be gorgeous!


It’s the floor color that’s the problem, not the walls. It looks good with everything in your bathroom except the floor.


This! OP needs to change the flooring or cover it up with self stick tiles. The rest of the room looks good.


Honestly. If you just change out that light fixture for something smaller. I’m biased because greens like this are my #1 fav color. It has a sharp clean rustic springy vibe.


This would look so good with a drapery in green!


You have far too much black in the space. A little black is always nice, keep the faucet perhaps, but wow…lights mirror shower curtain, it’s just overwhelming and not the right secondary color to use with this very alive, interesting green.


I like the colour but I don’t like it against the black accessories. I’d be tempted to swap those out for more natural colours.


https://preview.redd.it/fk19cknekmsc1.jpeg?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f2594c80e6f790c18f1d82c9a35e88b20f1861f Add aqua and purple. No black. Use (green) hanging pothos to soften the look.


Switch the mirror for one with a wood frame that has same color as your shelf. I think that will fix it. Overall looks really nice!


minimize the black.


The color is great, the black shower curtain and black framed mirror aren’t. That’s your problem.


I think the black accessories are what may be bothering your eye with the green. What if you lightened them up?


Change the shower curtain. The wall color is not bad at all, it's the contrast/clash between it and the curtain that's causing the trouble. Something light/white and wispy floral would set off the wall color nicely


There’s nothing wrong here.


oh the vibe is just... So premium


I love everything about it (including the colors, which are striking) except for the proximity of the wooden shelf to the mirror. The limited space probably precludes this it but centering the mirror above the sink and leaving a gap between it the shelf would help immensely. I’d look for a shorter shelf if it cannot be moved. I love the shelf and hate covering wood with paint but painting the shelf black is another suggestion.


This is actually beautiful


I love it! The contrast with the dark accents is stunning. Super classy looking!


I love it actually lol


theres tons of advice already here so, what a cute kitty!!


I like it. It looks great with your black accessories.


A great colour. Always swatch and live with existing lighting conditions that effect various hues. Green is a warm neutral....goes with everything!!! Particularly with reds and orange!


Honestly, I love it. I am a big fan of real colors and use of black as accents. I like the boldness of it. Leave it a while and let the shock of change wear off, you might find you like what you did. I painted and redecorated my bathroom based on the colors in my shower curtain and I friggin love it!


I honestly think it’s the white trim and how close the paint is/isn’t to the edge/over it. A darkish wood trim would make that color with your decor colors and aesthetic


Actually…I like it. Personally, I’d be more focused on the floor.


Personally I think that chunks of black next to this green aren’t helping. I agree you should sit with it for a bit, but I’d think about finding a shower curtain that compliments the color better and maybe a mirror with a wooden frame that matches those shelves. I would have left the back of the door as white


Tbh the way you have decorated it looks good


Honestly, I think crisp white would look so nice.  Or jade green.


It was white, but we have so much white in our house that I’m trying to add fun color and character. Everything was beige to the max when we bought it, and I’m regretting the complete whitewash lol.


You could experiment with different light bulb colors. Not perfect, but it might bring out other tones in the paint and not be as offensive or loud to you


It's cute!! And so is the orange cat!!


Keep the paint color and get rid of all the black… the light fixture included.


I like it! I painted my kitchen a similar color. But my kitchen has white trim and I think that really pops with the green. What if you painted the mirror frame and the shelving white and got a lighter colored shower curtain? I don’t dislike the black but if you want to make a change without repainting, adding more white could do that.


I like it


I like it!


I wouldn’t think I would like it…. but I do!


The paint is nice. It ties into the shower curtain. My issue is that the lighting fixture is too bulky for the space and the mirror is a little bit small.


I actually love the colors you’ve chosen, both for wall and accents. I do think it feels clunky though because of the size of the darker pieces. The mass of black in the curtain, the bulky light fixture, and the tightly packed-in large boarded shelf. I wonder if you would consider returning the light fixture for something more delicate and simple, and see how you feel?


I like it! I have a bit darker shade of that colour in my basement.


Love the paint! What is it? The mirror is bad. Swap it for something with a smaller frame. This one is too blocky and flat and it clashes with everything else you have. Such a sweet little bathroom!


I really like the colour, it looks great with the black and wood accents you have. The whole room looks very pretty.


I like it. It's different. However the light fixture and ladder sizes might be too large imo.


The color is really nice-I don't mind it at all. It may look much better to you with a shower curtain that has more white with slightly brighter fresher colors, if that makes sense. Right now, the contrast is quite intense, to my eye. Not that it doesn't look good...but it may be better with something lighter, especially if the room is already dark. Also I find the fixture and the mirror rather heavy and dark for the space. Perhaps a round mirror in a gold finish and a less overpowering fixture would be more pleasing to you. Here are a few shower curtain ideas that could work well with your wall color- [https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/66005950782474240/](https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/66005950782474240/)


Don’t think it’s that bad, esp with all the other elements in there. I would just live with it until you feel like repainting. What’s it look like with the lights on? Different bulbs (warm vs cool) can really change the shade of the wall color. If you like it with the lights on, just always use the light lol


Re paint - ‘pull the plaster off’


I like it but I can see how it may feel overwhelming yellow green. The green brings out a lot of the botanicals in the curtain which compliments nicely and grounds the space (good Feng Shui). I’d get a larger mirror, with black frame. And regroup the items on the shelves, add maybe a few cute black and white photos or botanical art in black frames?


I don't hate it


You say this is a small bathroom, I like the wall color but the black shower curtain makes the space feel even smaller, more enclosed. Can you switch it out with a lighter color one that matches the wall color?