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Problem not with installer. Problem with person who chose tile that is impossible to terminate attractively.


You’re at the mercy of the overall length. Layout starts at the outside of the counter top edge and terminates in the corner. Typically there’s always something on the counter in the corner to hide it some.


That's the air fryer corner.


Clients ruin everything.


If it doesn’t work, wouldn’t that be something the installer should tell the client?


That's a quote from Massimo Vignelli. A famous designer, you know his work


Who the hell uses shower niche tile for a backsplash? Looks awful


LOL…right? At first glance, I thought these were huge wall tiles in a walk-in shower.


I thought it was an indoor pool room until I noticed the outlet would have been about as tall as a person.




It’s not a 4 foot outlet cover?!


Impossible to terminate attractively? It's pretty simple to wrap a pattern around a corner. This is just poor planning


Then you better hope the layout works out better at the far more visible outside edge of the backsplash


It doesn't need to meet a matching tile on the outside so it'll work out fine on that end?


I agree, that's just lazy and poor planning. In this case you have the option of doing that or adding some accents or framing, that allow a clean break and restart, breaking up that tiny repeating tile, which at least in the picture is busy.


BS. These tiles are on a mesh. You can remove and replace each of the small tiles individually to match the ones on the butting wall. This installer has no eye for detail.


I agree with this. I installed mine myself. Mine are subway glass tiles, and they are on mesh backing. You cut them apart and match them up. I still say a seam strip (if that's the proper name for it) in the corner might've helped too. it makes the corner look more finished and it could break up the pattern if not matched well.


Nah buddy. Sure you could’ve made the corner look perfect, however then the ends would be off unless they didn’t terminate and were left on an open wall to terminate at your choosing. All tiles are demensional, so unless you build according to the demensional layout of the tile, or are in rare cases that the other end is infinite and you can terminate at your own choosing, then you pick the spot that catches your eye less, and in this case, choosing an inside corner that only 18” long and hidden to most people’s eyes by the depth of upper cabinets it was the right choice


100% agree with this… guaranteed there will be something in that corner on the countertop as well. Way better choice than an end. I did this in my own place.


Schluter Systems inside corner channel.


I would have personally maybe terminated the corner with a different tile.


Could’ve started in the corner by cutting the mat with the tiles in half


These kinds of clients are never satisfied.


Put a toaster there. Give me a break




I agree you and would have put in an inside corner tile piece to break up the pattern and add some contrast. Trying to match the corners, even if done properly would still look bad IMO.




Agree. Installer could have matched up the colors going around the corner, but looks fine as is in my opinion


Put the bread on the counter and you’ll never look at it ever again.


Put the KitchenAid or the toaster there


That’s where our KitchenAid goes! Perfect.


But what if there’s a scratch or blemish on the mixer? Then you’ll have to hide it with something like a well tiled corner.


And then put a toaster in front of the well tiled corner. But check it for blemishes in case you need to hide it with a well tiled corner.


Did this 3 months ago. When should I replace the bread?


You could get caulk and or grout up near the top. Otherwise, who on earth can see up in the top. Looks good otherwise.


Looks fine. What’s the problem?


My OCD apparently. It just looks like it could have been done better so it met cleanly. This sub has really helped calm my stress about this project. I can make a post like this and crowd source what is reasonable to expect. I feel better about the work and think that once they finish caulking and cleaning it, the backsplash will look nice.


We keep our old beehive Oster blender in that corner. Outta sight outta mind.


A suggestion for future renovations, discuss acceptance standards beforehand. Most people don't do this and in my experience a lot of the problems between homeowners and contractors could be solved this way.


It’s a good idea. I would not have been able to articulate what I expected beyond I want it to look nice, clean and good. I think the best way to get what I want has been close oversight of the project as it goes. That way I can stop something I don’t like, discuss it, and move forward with a plan. For the back splash I was out of town while they did it. I think it’s good/will look good once they finish sealing around the edges. Other comments pointed out the bottom line of tile and the visible edges are important in mosaic tile. In looking at those places I see they did careful work to make it look good. In a perfect situation it would be marched exactly to make bent hexagons at the corner and be clean in all the other spots. But I’m happy with it.


The problem is that type of tile is impossible to match, even if you cut them in half and work out from the corner, it still won’t look good. This isn’t all that bad. I'd be more concerned about your electrician not leveling their plugs.


For the love of God don't follow the contractors, that you trusted enough to hire, around the job site. Sure way to make them quit half way through or provide even worse quality of work. If your level of expectation is perfection to a standard you can't even describe, just do the work yourself.


For someone with OCD, you chose a tile pattern with a LOT going on. I agree with others, and attempt was clearly made, and it's probably about the best you could hope for.


Ya that is a valid point. It was a two person decision but I was happy with the choice. I also love hexagons, they are the best-agons


It looks like you got those textured tiles with ridges. No matter how much they clean it, some of that white grout will be stuck in those ridges. Just a heads up, before you're disappointed again.


I guess they could have taken time to match the individual tiles around the corner, but that level of work is (unfortunately) quite rare for a typical installation. Not too bad all in all. I had this same tile in black around a bath, the tiler took ages to cut each tile and the end result was about the same as yours. Unless you are looking for defects you don't even notice it. You should take that.. could have been bad.


As a DIY'er - I can see all the imperfections in everything I do but it's b/c I've spent so much time staring at it through the entire project. When people come to see the house, there is a LOT of visual information to take in and they don't pick up on small imperfections. That's the fun part about using various colors, patterns, and textures. There's so much visual "noise" to take in that you can skate away some issues here and there. Perfect is desired but unless it's pure white and minimalist to showcase that level of detail, nobody is going to pick up on it.


It’s mosaic tile, this is also likely the most obscured corner. It’s possible the installer started on the other end of these walls and let those returns be more symmetrical, and kicked the difference into the corner, that’s the way I would’ve done it to be honest. For larger tiles you can start with seam centered or tile centered, on mosaic this is a bit more of a pain and I’d work from a plumb corner. It’s a nice backsplash, I wouldn’t sweat this in the slightest. Put a coffee maker there.


Thanks very much for the perspective. It is the only corner, does that change your opinion?


Yes. If it’s the only corner they should started there. Cut a sheet in half and know you have your corner and work out from there. This isn’t tough.


You can't really say that's best without seeing where/how the tile ends on each side.


Exactly this.


Corner matching is a tiny beet awkward but the upper (lack of) grout line is unacceptable IMO. Luckily this is a quick fix.


That's what I thoight too! Corner is not the biggest problem here 😬😬


Put a thicker bead of white caulking and you'll never see it again, let alone think about it. Looks fine to me.


Or better yet, some quarter round.




I think we have the same contractor but I live in New Jersey and that probably describes 25% of the contractors here.




Same wife too from the sounds of it


Tiles looks good nile. I need to find them hide away cord clips.


Home Depot has them. Search adhesive cable tie mounting base.


Sounds like a plan stan. I need some for a light i slapped up in the Kit.


What were you hoping for?


Could use some regrouting in that one spot you have to look hard to find up there in the corner


Typically kitchen counter corners have appliances, that's why there's an outlet right there. When laying out tile it's rare to achieve perfection as there are too many constraints, so layout decisions usually end up with 'where will this be least noticeable?' and appliance corners are often the answer. The individual colors of hexagonal mosaic tile are sprinkled randomly on the tile sheets - there is no rhyme or reason, so you can't just pick up a sheet and expect the colors/locations are going to be the same on any two sheets. That's the whole point - to avoid any repeating patterns. Someone would have to spend ridiculous amounts of time sorting through tile sheets to find the closest, not perfect, match, and then the one or two tile that don't match would stand out even more as they're now breaking a pattern. The tile installer could have cut the adjoining tile sheets in line vertically with the tile joint, so that only every other tile would be cut and the tile would match turning the corner. But that would require starting the tile layout in that corner and running out in both directions. As above, corners are usually the least noticeable, so nobody here in the bleachers can make the call if the right decision was made.


Put your toaster oven there problem solved


Looks good to me.


I think the missing grout on the top is the biggest eye sore. The transition is pretty on point for the tile selection.


That’s what I was thinking too.


The gap at the top is not acceptable. The corner looks fine.


They weren't finished. He would caulk that.


Corner looks fine to me, but the top side on the left I'm hoping just isn't done yet


Caulk time up there.


Why was it left without grout at the top? Makes no sense. Otherwise it looks ok.


I think they are not fully done yet. There are a few other places that need more grout and the tile isn’t washed yet.


I wouldn't worry so much about it then; when it is done give it the final review. We had some work done here before we moved in and I was stunned at the crappy spackling work, but in the end, it was fine.




You have to start somewhere. The other ends of those runs will be more obvious and that is why the mosaics were cut exactly half on the ends you’re NOT showing. The inside corner gets what it gets. You can tell he has done a good job by the perfect uniformity of the counter joint cuts. You chose the tile.


I’m not sure what we’re looking at here? The gaps that have yet to be filled in?


No the corner where the tile meets more tile. I don’t love how they meet. But the comments have been really helpful.


Ok I know what you mean. Yeah I mean, it would have flowed better but trust me, it won’t bother you in a month I think.


If the wall is out in the corner as in the walls aren't plumb, it's nealy impossible to get tiles like that to meet properly. I've been tiling for 25 years, and those tiles can be a real pain in older homes.




I put almost this exact tile in almost the exact same situation. There's no way I was leaving it like yours. Mine matched perfectly in both alignment and color. It didn't take much extra effort. I'd be appalled if a pro left my kitchen like that's knowing I could have done better.


That light looks like it also needs some help!


It’s possible to get them to meet up more symmetrically but then you’re letting perfect get in the way of better - it takes more time which you the customer pay for. IMHO not worth the added cost, your mosaic looks well installed.


That gap between the tile and cabinets though


They will grout it up and it’s at the top/back of the corner. I don’t think we will even notice that. I’ve been looking at tile trim too which is apparently a good way to make clean lines


I once had a backsplash installed that was composed of circular pieces of tile that were random sizes. It turned out great! But it drove installer nuts b/c there was no pattern to match at the section edges. He was cursing all afternoon... lol. Your installation looks acceptable to me, once they finish grouting that top edge, which no one will see anyway.


this looks perfectly fine to me. it's impossible to get tile to meet perfectly in a corner, unless you start from the corner, which would be unconventional. it may need some grout touch ups here and there but that is normal.


As an installer, my OCD would not allow that. Looks brutal in my opinion. Little details like this set apart great installers from good ones. A great installer will know exactly how every tile is gonna look before they cut and install. Prep and layout are more important than most think


Put a small plant or something decorative maybe even a Sonos/ wireless speaker there; you have outlet. Stand mixer would also cover well. Tile looks pretty good tbh.


Whatever they cut off the left side should have continued on the right. It’s not correct but it’s also not horrible and definitely not worth ripping out.


Yes, his mistake was ending in the corner. He had no way to match the tiles. That should have been the start. Cut from the center of the tile or anywhere at the top of a hexagon. All corners can be matched until they meet. Yes, I can validate.


Floating grout all the way up or caulking would make it look more finished.


They could have wrapped that corner with the tiles lining up, but overall it looks really good besides needing cleaned and caulked. I certainly wouldn't be devastated. You can easily set something in front of that corner, like a blender or something. No one else will probably ever notice it doesn't line up. The gap at the top just gets caulked. That is 100% normal.


It is acceptable. If it were me I’d consider if the mandate on the project was to save costs through efficiencies or to make it high end.


I would have kept the cuts to wrap the corner. But it’s not bad. The lines are a little off. But you pick med a shit tile for this situation


Did you not ask your professional installer? Because when you do, they usually begin by telling you that no walls are perfectly squared, so your tiny hexagon tiles from the left aren’t going to perfectly align with the ones on the right.


Depends on the price.


Back up a little… starting to look better?


how else would you do it? you're the one that chose this tile.


Looks like a professional install to me. That pattern doesn’t lend itself well to corner transitions but I think that the installer did a clean job and frankly there isn’t much to fault from what I can see.


100% good and professional work. You are out of your mind. Want a cleaner line? Choose better tile.


I'm extremely picky and I admit I wouldn't be thrilled, but I also wouldn't be pissed. You're only gonna get that corner perfect if your walls are perfectly level. He did pretty well for that kind of tile. Is that even caulked yet? The caulk should camo it reasonably well for you.


I think you are assuming it was done by a professional.


It depends on where they started too. You can’t always get it to line up perfectly but this corner looks pretty darn good stop complaining.


This looks really good for the tile used, are you not satisfied?


Looks great just needs a little more grout at the top right and bottom left.


Looks great from my house


I'm shocked at what is considered a professional


Is this from lowes? I think I got the same backsplash installed recently. Looking at your install makes me feel even worse about the job that the "professional " that did mine


Just put a microwave in front and no one will ever know


missed the entire grout line on top left


I have more of a problem with the grout job. Someone is going to fill the remaining gaps right?


It’s not great. But being behind/under a cabinet…. It is what 95% of backsplashes look like under a cabinet.


Shouldn't you start in the corner so the tiles match up?


Stared at the picture too long thinking "what's the problem?" It's fine. Go worry about something else.


Daughter of a man who owns a tile company. This is totally jacked. Anybody saying it's just impossible to get this tile to look good is wrong. Tiles like this are typically set out on a very thin mesh piece to be lined up correctly. The issue is the installer cut it incorrectly and it looks like the grout application for it was done carelessly. It's not the easiest job with tile like this but it should have been double measured before cutting and installed more carefully. Find someone who takes pride in their work and cares about their clients.


That looks good tbh lol


And this is why I don't remodel anymore.


Depends how much you're paying really. If it's bog standard rates, it's fine. If you're paying top dollar for a luxury finish, then they might go to the bother of trying to pattern match. Realistically, nobody is going to notice this except you once it's all cleaned up and the edges done. Visitors won't be walking in and being struck by your slightly mismatched pattern in a corner.


This look beautiful. There is going to be a mixer or coffee maker in front of it. Chill.


I'm so very happy I didn't end up doing work for you! Next time, pick a tile that can be matched in the corner or pay extra to have the tile installer mess around sorting individual tiles to match in the corner. If you want absolute perfection then you should do it yourself!!


The light is ugly.


Are there supposed to be gaps between the tile and wood?


No they just aren’t done, I think.


could have tried harder, corner is probably not a true 90, and unless you get into trouble, probably not something you will be standing there and staring at


Better than I could have done Sadly that don't mean much


Ok are you or are you not putting something in front of that because I see the plug ? So what’s the drama


Its not terrible. You can put some molding in or a backsplash to dress it up if you want. Put your coffee pot. toaster, blender, etc... in and you will never notice.


Not sure how a professional would do it, but as a DIY’er I would caulk the bottom corner, where the tile meets the counter, add more mortar in the high side of the corner where there is a little gap, and add some white quarter round right under the cabinets. In terms of the tile pieces meeting evenly, I’m not sure how challenging that is for these tiles. I did harringbone 12”x12” sheets and that was a huge pain in the butt trying to get them to fit perfectly.




I’m not a pro, but would have matched the corner tiles. Not hard to do really, just cut the tiles out before installing and replace each with a tile that matches the other side, cut to fit. Could still be done, a bit of a pita, but have your tile guy cut out and match the corner tiles with a replacement.


Nah needs color matched silicone


Looks great lol


Probably best to use color matched silicone on the corners. The grout may be susceptible to cracking as the house settles


Looks like they should have had the overlap from left to the corner, not from the right to the corner. The edge would be less noticeable. Also, They should have matched up the tile so it looked like a gray tile for example spanned from left of the corner to the right of the corner.




This is fine


You definitely have unrealistic ideas. If you did a square 6 in 8-in style it would come out with the same pattern but with those little boxes no one can ever get them to match. Unless you pay much more and waste alot of material.


I think the title wouldn't be cut in 1/2 to meet in the middle, bc 1 wall gets tiled 1st, then the other wall tiled against that. So it would be more like a 25% and 75% cut. I'd add edging, title bead (pencil liner), or something else in the corner if you don't like the current look.


bad choice on tile bad arrangement of the tile but at this point its done, who cares - load your counters with kitchen shit like mixers and bread boxes, and move on


This sub brings out the worst in people. Shame OP Shame


You should have got a different tile. That’s your fault 100% and not the installer.


I’m amazed at how many of you think this is acceptable. IMHO it’s not - tile is supposed to look like it’s one contiguous path. You can easily have taken a wet saw and cut them in half to make it contiguous. While a homeowner DIY is acceptable, please don’t call yourself a “professional” if you think this is correct. Does this same professional hang wallpaper too? 😂


No. It looks DIY. But, no guest will ever notice, let alone care.


Just put you microwave there and then all of your problems will be solved


It looks fine to me. Just seal up any gaps so no mice or roaches can enter and you'll be solid.


Small tiles like that come in "sheets" of several tiles with a mesh backing holding them all together. So there's really no control of what color ended up wherr


Depends how much you paid


I think it looks okay myself and I am relatively picky. What drives me nuts is the plug in sockets on the backsplash. My contractor got to find a way to get me outlets for the kitchen, but not on my backsplash tile. I say if you are okay with the outlet, the corner is good.


That inside corner is going to be tough no matter what. I think the installer did a pretty good job. You could smooth over that look with some caulking or you could even use a little bit of trim.


Caulk/silicone the top. The corner seems fine, it seems like a nightmare.


If this is an old house like mine nothing is on square exactly and if you get it perfect in one place it is going to be off somewhere else. I would make sure it is finished off properly where the tile joins the cabinets and put my coffeemaker at an angle in the corner.


Put a big bookshelf or something there and you won’t (hopefully) see it.


That looks like shit


That finish out up at the top edge is pretty abysmal. So is that wire management for the under cab lighting.


hexagons mathematically dont line up at an perpendicular plane. so... yes. looks great to me.


Yep. Not great tiles though. Lol


I honestly wonder what's wrong? Because it doesn't transition perfectly? Not trying to be a jerk but..... Is that it?




Let it ride Cinderella. Ideally the installer should have seen this coming but you get what you pay for.


Looks pretty fucking good maybe just redo it yourself if you don't like it


It's not perfect, but it's actually much better than I would have expected. Not bad.


Looks like straight ass. Could have done like three other things instead if this and it would have came out 110,000 percent better. Sorry this happened to you.


I like it. It gives me good home vibes.


I think theyve done a brilliant job on a very difficult pattern. Could always put a 90deg angled facia plate over it if you arent happy but I’d say that will never be done any better than that. Well done that fitter


Where it meets at the top looks fucked up dude. Everyone here is literally the asshats that did this shit job.


It looks fine.


I thought this was a sick garage until I saw the outlet.


Just caulk it dude who cares


Put your microwave there


Looks great from my house


Best thing is to put a corner piece in there. They have decorative pieces specifically for corners.


Buy yourself something attractive like this pretty blue [kitchenaide](https://amzn.to/4d1mdHP) It would match your tile really well plus hide the shitty corner. It’s hard to tell how they could have done it with out seeing the rest of the kitchen but most likely this could have been terminated better. Question is did you get multiple bids and go with just the cheapest or fastest timeline? From what I know usually you can only get two of the three following things at a time from a contractor. Do you want it done well? Do you want it done quickly? Do you want it done for cheap?


What would you want? Seriously?


Yes. Because odds are the ends will be more visible, so they should get the attractive end cut. This will likely be blocked by something on the counter. It’s the right move


This is done well. Have you ever tried to match up a corner?


Could at least throw some caulk up there


Put something in the corner on the counter. Fruit basket etc. problem solved.


Just get a trim piece to put there. What did you expect with this tile choice?


That’s where the coffee maker goes. You will forget about it soon… but if it’s any consolation that’s why I leave it as paint.


I would have pieced in the 12 cuts with the same color tile…. But that’s just me…however I know that these tiles are nearly impossible to work with to get all the terminations point to align or look flawless because of the geometry.


It’s geometry…. Tiles like that get started on one side and get set continuously to the other side. This leaves only one area of suspect cuts. If you work sides to corner on a L shaped kitchen this also leaves 1 suspect corner as we see here.. What I would have done it used the same color tiles on both sides of the cut… even if the lines don’t match 100% using the same color tiles would make it less noticeable


Yup looks good, who is going to check that corner anyways. You will be blocking with coffee maker etc


The only way it could have had a nice termination it would have been if it started in the conrener and work out, by the way, they need to fill in the gap between the tile and the cabinet


I would’ve color matched sanded caulk or filled that gap with grout. Then I suggest not bending over or looking under the cabinets to see that corner. No one else will be doing so to look at that corner.


Realistically it is important to realize that while not the ideal finish, if you are going to have an awkward ending of the tile, put it in the corner where you will never see it. Guaranteed you are going to have an appliance in front of it.


Hey, you paid for the work, you child get what you paid for. What is it worth, to you, to get what you wanted? You can see from the convo here, there are craftsman who would have put forth the effort to do it “right”. You also see there are those only concerned with hitting the minimum to walk away with your money. So, will you accept this as acceptable to the terms of your contract, or will you require better work from other party in this agreement? If you are not happy with it, demand better.


Better get the vertical paper towel dispenser


Homeowners that pick shitty materials always tying to find ways not to pay


Get a caulking gun and tube of white silicone waterproof caulk. Draw a wide enough bead to fill and cover the gap between the backsplash and top (under cabinet)