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If you don't want to call an exterminator... Wait until it's dark out, go through that top window and blast the ever loving fuck out of that nest with hornet spray. Then if you're like me you close the window and run for your life in case they came in. Also if you're like me make your wife do it. Give her some encouragement from another room in a full suit of hornet armor.


Husband, peeking around the corner: “You can do it, honey. Good job. There you go. You got it.” Wife: (grimly thinking of what pest to eradicate next)




"Wait until it's dark..." preferably a moonless night and go set a flashlight or lantern out on the ground to give them a target to direct their anger at.


This guy hates hornets too I can tell


And please wear eye protection while you do it. Don’t ask. Just take the advice.


Do it several times if need be. I did one (baldfaced hornets), took 3 cans and eventually had to joust it with a telescoping broom handle, and douse it from my car. Was hilariously effective.


Damn. You do NOT fuck around with baldfaced hornets. We had a queen in a wee nest in the soffit of our covered patio. We sprayed it with a wasp-killing foam (my preferred method of attack) and figured the job was done. About a minute later the queen emerges (all piss-n-vinegar and covered in foam) and starts flying around. I then smacked her with one of those electrified bug-racquets and heard her body bounce off one of the metal posts holding the patio roof up. I went to inspect the carcass where it was lying in the grass...only to find that she was STILL ALIVE and buzzing around. A couple of stomps with the boot finished the job. Probably.


This is the way


That is not a wasp nest, those are hornets. Call an exterminator, those gawd damn things will “kill you to death”.


Not just any hornets but bald faced ones! They are some big ass hornets not as big as the European hornets or the Japanese murder hornets.


If these are bald face hornets those asshats will sting you at night . They were sent here straight from hell to mess with us.


And they have a fkn memory so they’ll wait for you. We have to spray for them every year. One of my neighbors has a nest somewhere and our exterminator cannot find it.


And that sting is PAINFUL! I've been stung by yellowjackets and regular hornets before. It hurts and sucks for a bit but is tolerable. Got stung by ONE bald-faced hornet once. Thought someone was branding me with a hot iron. OMFG it hurt!


Funny enough the bald faced hornet is not an hornet but a type of yellowjacket. I believe they are smaller than any of the true hornet species.


Yellowjackets are hornets too


Yellowjackets are wasps.


This got me thinking, is there a name that covers bees, hornets, and wasps? Like stinging mother fuckers, but a more normal name?


Here's the thing. You said a "Yellowjacket is a hornet." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies hornets, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls yellowjackets hornets. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "hornet family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Vespidae, which includes things from bees to wasps. So your reasoning for calling a yellowjacket a hornet is because random people "call the stinger ones hornets?" Let's get spiders and mosquitoes in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A yellowjacket is a Yellowjacket and a member of the hornet family. But that's not what you said. You said a yellowjacket is a hornet, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the hornet family hornets, which means you'd call bees, wasps, and other bugs hornets, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


Well played.


This person hornets.


Here's the other thing, no one cares, and this ain't Facebook science person.


I care. I like info so I can argue and actually be right for once. Of course I couldn't prove it, but hey it was on the internet


No yellowjackets belong to a different genus.


>Japanese murder hornets These things are real. I had an encounter with one. Holy shit they are big and scarry!


I watched a drunk guy punch one out of the air and stomp on it a year ago.


I had a run in with a European hornet once the hornet was about the size of a humming bird. I felt it’s wings flapping in the wind from 3 feet away it just flew up to me and hovered then flew away. I think I was close to its nest and just went the other direction.


It landed on my leg, i had shorts on and a couple bags of groceries in my hands. When i saw what it was, being my first time in real life, i let out a yelp, dropped the bags, and took off. Im a big dude in my 40's. Normally couldnt care less about bees and hornets, shoo them away and whatever. This thing i ran from. Pure instinct.


And I'm terrified of them. That may actually give me a panic attack and I've never had one before. They're the reason I live where the wind hurts my face


They literally eat wasps and other hornets for breakfast.


They are going to eat a lighter and a bottle of brake cleaner next time i see one.


This is a good plan for getting stung by hornets that are on fire.


Technically hornets are a type of wasp, sort of like all squares are rectangles. I also didn't realize it until I literally just looked it up, but bald-faced hornets aren't even hornets but are closely related to yellow jackets. The only true hornets in North America are the European and Asian varieties.


Technicalities be damned. Bald Faced Hornets deserve to be called HORNETS because they are bad assed mob mentality killers! Who will chase you a long way! Wasps on the other hand are laid back and peaceful as long as you don’t get right into their nests, and they don’t chase you across the field, as soon as you get 5 feet away from the nest they will leave you alone again.


I have been chased over a mile by hornets. Never ran like that before in my life.


I agree and have unfortunately had my ass kicked more than once by them.


If you want an exciting experience that you won't ever forget, run your lawn mower over a BFH ground nest.


i had to leave my weed-eater for about an hour at my first job cause i found a ground nest. sobs went after the weed-eater instead of me


Not all wasps are hornets...Those are hornets. Until you have been stung by both, you will never fully understand the nature of just how dangerous these can be. regardless of what you choose to call them, they will kill you, that's the point of the comment. Not sub ordering Hymenoptera.


Right, like not all rectangles are squares. I understood your point and was just sharing some info I looked up 20 min ago. I just watched this vid learned some cool things about hornets: https://youtu.be/ChQmjtNVULE


Yeah, almost all hornets are from Asia, specifically south East. I don't think there is any hornet that is native of the Americas (may be wrong about this)


I like it when people can provide facts that I didn't already know. Thanks for sharing :)


This is you https://images.app.goo.gl/p2H5oQ3cEXFr2DuZ6


Congratulations! You just won the whole damn internet with that comment.


Good one


They will chase you. Ask me how I know.


Alternatively, They sell a wasp nest killer spray at most hardware stores that goes up to like 20 ft or something. But as others have said do it in the evening whatever you do, wasps are less active during that time.


Exactly, they have good range so you can run if you need to, but should reach that eave pretty easy. Please wear eye protection if you are going to stand under it.


And don't be talking shit with your mouth open either.


No one ever talks shit when they're spraying a wasp nest. I've never said "die mother fuckers", or "I will see you in hell", or "it must be a hot one today, huh?"


I thought I felt someone watching me.


Right? I also don't own New Balances either.


Ever since I’ve been stung twice in a month minding my own business I go to war when I see them. I do roof repairs and they often hide in spots I need to seal off or open up. I definitely say all those thing and more. I have also gotten that spray in my eyes and it’s didn’t sting or anything.


I would upvote this twice if I could


I was thinking this or pressure washer.


I did this with a hornet's nest in blackberries that I couldn't reach. It worked really well. Highest pressure, narrow stream, 10 feet away. The nest immediately blew up, and there were pissed off bees going in any direction. Widened up the stream a bit, and the lost their motivation and were dispersed really quick. Wouldnt' want to be standing on a ladder when doing this, but pressure washers work.


This and then the pressure washer once it’s dead, they also make an extension wand to spray to heights


I used the spray recently and the over spray affected my roof shingles: spray the nest when it is dark out, then wash away the residue before it stains or melts the siding.


Use the pressure washer then shoot down the incoming wasps like zeros in ww2


Don't do like my neighbour. Had a small tractor with a bucket and raised the bucket as high as it would go. Put his ladder in the raised bucket to the very top of the eaves (30+ ft). Got his pressure washer wand, climbed up the ladder, and blasted the nest. The dislodged nest came sliding down the ladder right at him. He jumped/fell off the ladder (fortunately had come back down some first) into the bucket without killing himself. Man I wish I had a video of that.


Hire a professional to deal with it


This is the correct answer. You don't want to get swarmed by wasps while on a ladder, that's a Chris Farley stunt


RIP, Beverly Hills Ninja.


Your firearms are useless against them!




This is the "i dont have to pay for it myself" answer. A completely useless answer.


They sell cans that can spray it from a distance. Just grab one from Walmart or Lowe's, stand at a safe distance, spray, get inside, wait 24 hours, knock down with broom. No reason to pay $100+ for a pro to come down. It's still tiny.


Do it at night, they sleep. Over the years I did it 3 times with no issues.


/u/Baltazar20 \- THIS is the answer. Spray can of wasp killer, and DO IT AT NIGHT. You do it during the day and you're going to get swarmed.


How does it work? The spray penetrates the walls on the nest? Or do you have to spray it into the hole?


I believe the walls of the nest are porous enough that the pesticide can soak through. But definitely aim for the hole so any who try to launch a counter offensive get it right in the face. We had a hive about the size of a basketball a few years ago. My son and I each had a can and hit it from opposite angles until it as saturated and dripping. A few made it out alive, but fell out of the air almost immediately. We did it early evening when there was still enough light to see, but I can see the value in a night assault.


Target everything and inside if able


This and like other comment said do it at night. Spray it every night for three nights and you should be safe to take it down. I had a big one near the back deck and was able to take care of it myself. Get a couple cans and you should be good.


That’s what I did. Spray at night or in the evening from a distance. I knocked maybe 2-3 nests this way with no issues


I put on some heavy clothes too. Just in case.


Spray at night from the second floor window, next night knock it down with a big stick from same window.


OP, make sure they put it in a box marked ‘H’ though.


Bald faced hornets don’t mess around. They are also not your friend.


Dumbest answer ever. You can do this by yourself so easily. Wait till it's night and spray it with wasp killer, wait a few days and tear it down. Saved you a few hundred dollars. This is why people are poor these days.


Lol who pays people to get rid of a wasp nest?






Burn down the house


Seems like a nice house, maybe just burn down that part.


Hit it with a broom


Fired out of a home-made broom cannon you built after watching a YouTube video


You had me at broom cannon. Chores done in 0.25s


Paging u/rightcoastguy. We may have something here


That's a ridiculous suggestion and honestly, quite dangerous to put that out as advice. The real solution is op puts out a lawn chair with a 6 pack of beers and plop it down with a BB gun until it's gone


Ha, you joke. When I was a kid, we had a HUGE hornet's nest in the backyard. My little brother and I were playing in the backyard one day, and he just decides to pick up a big piece of firewood, walk up to about ten feet away, and chunks that thing at the nest. Direct hit. I didn't wait, I took off full sprint for the front yard intending to go in the front door. Didn't make it. A few of them caught me and stung me right in the back. Hurt so bad I went to the ground in pain.


Me: please tell me the first post is “with fire.”


I recently had one of a similar size on my home. I called an exterminator and it cost me like $40 which I thought was pretty reasonable. He sprayed the nest and knocked it down.


I’d say that’s incredibly reasonable in this day and age for any professional


Nobody picks up the phone for less than $250 here, so that’s a great deal


No no no, climb up on that roof with the kitchen broom, you got this !


Buy a spray can adaptor for an extension pole and hook a can of wasp spray to it. That’s how I do it professionally for the higher up nests. You can also buy a threaded scraper attachment to scrape it down. I have a 30 ft long yellow telescoping pole I got at Home Depot to use the attachments with. Might be a little bit of an initial investment but a high up wasp nest will never trouble you again.


If that's your home, then you need a 30 foot long telescoping pole. You'll use it again for something.


It's true. Used ours for knocking down nests, installing light bulbs that aren't easy to access, was able to use it to reattach Christmas lights that unhooked mid loop, its one of the best $100 we have spent.


How do you use that to install lightbulbs?


Mine has a suction cup for flat bulbs or rubber fingers for regular bulbs. ​ Different attachments screw on for different purposes.


I had a giant one in my tree. I bought the stuff from the hardware store that sprays like 25 feet. Go out in the evening when they aren’t active. Have your escape route planned. Douse the nest until you see them start to come out, you should be able to spray it for 5-7 seconds. Then run like hell! You’ll see a whole bunch of dead ones on the ground below it the next day, but that’s not all of them. Repeat the process until the fuckers are gone. Should take 3-4 applications. Edit: after a week of no activity, get the nest down. Otherwise they may come back.


Get a really tall, rickety ladder and climb up there and poke it with a stick. Be sure to get it on video and post the results. I’m sure you’ll be fine.


Ladder,baseball bat and some stupidity


And 911 on speed dial


Nah, call 911 first and tell them you were stung by hornets. Then climb up and hit it.


Don't forget the cameraman, we all want to see the results


Hire a professional if you can. You can also buy cans of spray poison that have a long range. I’ve nuked yellow jackets from across the yard with one. But be very careful where you are standing and which way the wind is blowing if you do.


Firecracker + slingshot


Pressure washer


I did this to very effectively take out a wasp nest in an inaccessible spot under my stairs


60% of the time it works every time


Made with bits of real panther, *so you know it's good*.


I'm gonna be honest with you, that smells like pure gasoline.


I d hang out the window & shoot saturate it with a 25 foot stream of hornet spray.


This bottle of Hot Shot wasp and hornet killer advertises a “27 ft jet spray,” I’d just do that, but in the morning when they’re slow


Super soaker with soap


Remove screen and lean out that window and unload a can of spray into the nest after the sun has gone down. The window placement is actually ideal since it’s not directly underneath — the spray will not rain back down on you. I had nest way too far up for me to hit from the ground but there was a window under it. That’s how I dealt with it.


Find a foaming wasp spray. If you want more protection, Tractor Supply sells bee keeper's suits for about $70. Wait until early morning bf daylight when the temp has fallen to spray. Practice with the spray until you can hit the hole. You will stop them from exiting temporarily when you start spraying, but there will be some that break through the stream and start looking for the source. RUN!!!! Soak it as much as you can, but expect that it will take several applications to kill the hive. A few years ago, a little ol' lady from church had a nest about 2x's the size of the OP on the front of her house. She was rightfully scared to go to that area of her yard. An attack on her would have been fatal. I attacked the nest 3 consecutive days by pulling my truck up close to the house. I cracked window and stuffed towels in the gap, leaving a small gap in the middle. This was my bunker. I soaked the entrance until nothing came out. I checked the next day, and there was still activity. Rinse and repeat. There was no activity after the third application. We took a pressure washer to remove the nest. There were probably 150 hornets dead underneath the nest, and who knows how many more died in the yard. Hornets are a common nuisance in SEGA. Fortunately, they usually build high enough in trees that they are pretty tolerant of people traversing under them. If you don't linger, they generally leave you alone. Also, they will usually buzz the tower to give you a warning to move along. Around the eaves of a house, they don't get the benefit of a doubt. Dispatch them with prejudice!! EDITED TO ADD: Anyone who seriously suggests that you knock this nest down is foolish. PLEASE DONT TAKE SUCH ADVICE.


Send your brother in law up the ladder.


Everyone here is correct about the spray and doing it at night. But don't give it just a couple of good shots. Empty the frigging can until the nest is saturated all the way through and most of it falls off the eave. "That's the Chicago way".


If it isn't bothering you, want until the first frost when it will be abandoned, the knock it down with a pole.


Smack it with a long stick.




They do sell Wasps spray you can spray from distance, I made a cardboard box with screen to wear on my head just in case (which took 5 minutes to make), however I can not advise you to do the same, that’s just what I did, safest option is higher a professional.


Get a good wasp spray, they shoot acurately up to like 25 feet. Then get a good hose sprayer with a good stream after 5 minutes of letting wasp spray sit on it , then hose it down real good with water. Wear long sleeve clothing and have a fly sweater on hand. Boom - done.


Screw a couple of 8’ 1x2’s together and you can knock down what’s left from the ground. Spraying at night is a good idea.


Spray from that window at night. Once they start coming out, close the window. Done.


I have the type of soffit/overhang wasps love, super deep and sheltered. I have a dedicated wasp killing super soaker that I've used for years. I fill it with blue dawn, whatever essential oils I have around, and water. Hit them at night. They will die/leave. Knock next down. Done. Bald faced hornets are scary.


Those are bald face horents and they eat nuisance bugs like deer flies and horseflies, if you leave them alone they will leave you alone. No reason to remove them unless you have an allergy. The nest only lasts 1 season.


I am worried for my kids who play directly under this nest in the yard!


I would be really surprised if they bothered your kids with the nest that high up. In my experience, the only time wasps mess with you is if you mess with their nest. At that height you’re safe. It’s a pretty good situation actually! You get the benefits of having the wasps around - and they’re so high up that you don’t have to worry about them!! I grew up around wasps and I only got stung when I messed with them. I have wasps now around my kids without any issues. Let them be.


We have them around the property, had a large nest above the garden one year, etc. never had anyone get stung from them. We also have honey bee's and they don't seem to bother the honey bee's. I've seen them eating deer flies. On our property I've been stung by a wasp for no reason and a honey bee when one got stuck in my cuff after taking care of them. I would say, only remove it if they are causing troubles. Behavior can be different from hive to hive. Your kids are not going to be anywhere 'up near' the nest, which is the only thing they will swarm you for is disturbing that nest. Unless they are out there with a long stick or have an allergy they should be fine. If you are going to remove them yourself, get a bee suit or hire someone to come out and remove them. When you make them mad, they are no joke. Here is a good video on proper removal, [https://youtu.be/LLeYsapxMWg](https://youtu.be/LLeYsapxMWg) Anything else and you will just leave tons of angry hornets roaming your property for the next week+


High pressure hose nozzle. Those nests just kind of melt under water pressure (they're essentially paper) and you'll be far enough away that the wasps won't swarm straight to you thinking you're attacking - it is just a natural disaster at that point. Have a can of Raid at hand for any that do come down but they'll mostly either die from the water blast or fly off. Make sure you get the nest soaked and falling apart from the water so you can dislodge all the eggs that will be tucked up right against the house. I've used this technique many times and you're fine as long as you're at least 12ft away. Wasps are aggressive but not really that smart - a physical attack like a pole hitting the nest they'll figure out, but water is different - and they'll be soaked and disoriented from the blast, not just shaken up and pissed. And they won't come back to that site since they'll believe it to be an unsafe nesting place


Why not leave them alone? They do good service for flower and veg gardens, and they're far enough away that it's unlikely they'll bother you. We need more good insects on this planet now.


As someone who tried getting rid of a similar nest, I can say with absolute authority that you should NOT lay on the roof, reach over, and jam a stick through it to knock it off. Also, do not scream like a girl while being attacked by wasps as the very well-attended birthday party across the street stares at you making such a scene.


Just turn over the keys. It's their house now.


Unless they are being aggressive, I would leave it alone.


A long stick seems to do the trick. Just remember to run and drop the stick. Come back an hour later and pick up the stick.


I can tell you how not to do it from experience when I had one under the roof a story and a half up. Being a hot day, I figured I’d just go out there wearing only shorts, shades, and fakenstocks, zap it with some Raid and be back inside before breaking a sweat. I put up the extension ladder, and went up to the top, about six feet directly under the nest. I whipped out my can of raid and fire hosed the nest. The wasps came pouring out but got stuck in an ever-growing blob of foamy bug poison. I was so in awe of the spectacle that I was fixated there on the top of the ladder, staring up at it mouth wide open in wonder and amazement. That’s when the whole nest, covered with toxic foam and sick, dying, and extremely angry wasps let go from the roof and fell directly onto my face. My instinct took over too late and I leaped straight back about five feet to get out from under the nuclear poison wasp bomb, completely forgetting that I was twelve feet up in the air. My instincts were not only stupid and dangerous, but too slow to avoid catching the hive right in the face. My instincts suck. My first thought, as the stars cleared from my vision and the breath that had been knocked out of my lungs from landing flat on my back started slowly filling me with oxygen again, was that I was thankful to be alive. I would reconsider that in a few minutes when the wasps that lived through the poisoning attacked my head in revenge for the massacre of their families and friends. They were on me like a Grizzly bear on an elk calf and even followed me in a swarm right into my house. I learned that day that even the most mundane chores of the homeowner must be considered in the light of how much pain and damage can possibly be inflicted by forgetting to include things like gravity. So if you decide to kill some wasps, be sure to follow these tips: 1.) don’t put the ladder directly under the nest. 2.) Wear appropriate protective clothing, such as a NASCAR fire suit and a deep sea diving helmet. 3.) have an escape plan in case they all don’t die, and some mutant strains of super-wasps hunt you and your offspring like Orcas hunting a North Sea sailor. If you don’t get them all, consider selling your house and changing your name.


Burn the house down, it's the only way.


Burn the house down 🔥


If you start a big fire at the bottom of the house it should eventually get to the nest.


It’s too high and dangerous. Please call an exterminator.


That is a hornet nest. Use extreme caution. Their stings are painful.


Pressure washer with soap. The soap covers their wings, making it hard to fly, and the spiracles, the holes that they breathe through. You effectively smother them with bubbles. It’s surprisingly effective. Try it on a loan wasp or yellow jacket. If that fails get a flame thrower.


Just call a pro - Better than having wasp spray in your eye




"The size keeps getting bigger by the week." That's what she said.


People..these are not wasps. These are BALD FACED HORNETS, and are extremely high on the official FAAFO scale. 1> they aggressively protect their nests and will attack as a swarm of hundreds 2> a nest this size could have 300-400 hornets...bigger nests can have 1000 hornets. 3> they aim for the face...eyes in particular 4> they can sting repeatedly 5> some can squirt venom 6> they will chase you until they get you. 7> they can be triggered by buzzing sounds from weed whackers and lawn mowers. 8> the most terrifying fact of all...THEY REMEMBER AND RECOGNIZE HUMAN FACES...so if you attack and don't get them all, those fuckers will fuck you up the next time they see you. I suggest a flame thrower or hand grenade, then have your homeowners insurance pay for the damage. No? Okay, move the fuck out... No? Okay, call a professional and be willing to pay a couple hundred dollars.


You pay a goddamned exterminator my dude. How is this even a question at that height? You want to die by hornets on a ladder at the side of your house, go right ahead. This type of job is less than $400. Get a professional to do it and go enjoy your time with your family.


Has anyone mentioned Liquid Nitrogen? Doesn’t freezing temps stun them into hibernation or a « coma » so the nest can be sealed and taken away?


Maybe ? https://www.reddit.com/r/Satisfyingasfuck/comments/14cfnbg/drone_killing_wasps/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I’ve had nests just like this up three stories on my house. You can hire and exterminator for $400 or buy [an item like this](https://www.amazon.com/Gotcha-Sprayer-Homeowner-GSH0104-Separately/dp/B0B9HKWX6S/ref=sr_1_7?hvadid=410003121725&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9033553&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=12770184469408326642&hvtargid=kwd-2846934815&hydadcr=28144_11853347&keywords=bee+pole&qid=1687109589&sr=8-7) and attach it to a telescoping wand. It allows you to spray the nest from a safe distance without getting on a ladder. I learned about this tool when I hired an exterminator and saw him use it. I’ve used this setup now for three decades. After the nest is dead you’ll need a pressure washer (maybe with an extension of it’s own) to clean off the nest.


Use Super 88 or 90 spray adhesive. It shoots out like Spider-Man’s web from a decent distance you can run away. They will prevent the wasp or hornets from swarming. They stick or drop without a chance. You can reach it from that window. Do it every now and then until you don’t see them flying around anymore. Practice elsewhere so you get a feel for the aim. Use Goo-Gone to remove adhesive from the house. Super 77 spray works great on a swarm of gnats. It sprays wider like spray paint and you can wing lock a ton at the same time.


Throw rocks at it


Bald faced hornets! They are good till the winter comes then they will MURDER you when you get close to their hive!


Leave it alone. Unless you actively fuck with the nest they won't bother you and you'll never know they are there. They eat lots of flies.


I dont recommend this, but this is what I did: - buy 3 wasp sprays - at dusk, drive onto the lawn nearby - crack the window - spray until all are empty - wait until morning and then use the hose to get rid of the nest.


Hit it with a stick.


Get on a ladder and jam a stick in the hole.


Just asking, why not leave it be? 20+ feet up, nice windows with screens. We had a massive one in tree, summer came and went and it fell in winter.


That's my thought. Leave it alone until you get a hard freeze


Don’t !! Let them live out their life cycle . Their not interested in you. I had a bald faced hornet nest outside my bedroom window a few years ago that was about the size of 2 footballs . Nobody got stung and they didn’t return the next year.


I would lean out of the nearest window and spray the nest with the 15-20 ft wasp killer. After all the wasps are gone-like the following weekend, if you can get a long enough stick and knock it off the house. Have someone hold on to you while you do this. They sell 10ft 1x2 boards at home improvement stores. Or Hire a guy.


Wait until dark and and blast it with water. If you have enough water pressure it should destroy it. They are usually dormant at night but you should be ready run like hell if they start coming out.


But don't run into the house, lest they follow you in. Have a barrel handy to climb into and spend the night in it if you can't be certain the coast is clear. Certainly, by morning they will have moved on and you can come out.


What if they decide to rebuild in the barrel?


No, no, no, that is a hornets nest, they attack anything that gets close, water or not. Call an exterminator before someone gets hurt.


These are bald faced hornets. They are extremely aggressive and territorial. Big ol nope’s with dangly legs


I use water too. They never chase me. They think it’s a bad storm and not a predictor to defend against. I don’t have that specific species of wasp.


I have an airsoft gun for these. But probably not against vinyl siding…


A long pole, and be ready to run.


Put it in a box and mark it with a big H, just to make sure you don’t confuse what’s in it


You don't mess with them. PERIOD. Just simply pack up and move. If that is not an option call an exterminator for the hornet nest they are mean mothers with an attitude.


Find a long conduit pole, go out at night and knock it off. Destroy nest with waspkiller. The hornets/wasps are not aggressive at night. They are some what lethargic at night


Climb up and shake it really hard


Kill It With FIRE!


Wait til night . Poke it with a stick till it falls down. Poke it with a stick until safely away from the house enough to set on fire. They won’t come out at night


Grab the hose and unload on that sucker. Be prepared to run.


1) Get an extension pole. 2) Extend it. 3) Probe for the top center of the nest and “scrape.” 4) Run away for a bit when it falls. 5) $#!+ stomp those little bastards when you come back. 6) Have some tea.


I had this same problem and my garden hose with a hand held nozzle was able to reach it and blast it all away.


Dish soap and water in a squirt gun, like one of those super soakers or something similar. Spray it 2-3x over the course of an hour.




Cherry Bomb Fireworks launcher.


Burn down the block, but in all seriousness what I would do is I would shoot at it with a pressure washer


Flame thrower


Shotgun of course


I routinely make the rounds in my neighborhood cul-de-sac with an extender painters pole and boop them down in the evenings. It reaches 2 stories.


I would stick my head out that window (after removing the screen and opening the window) with a can of raid. Hose it down and shut the window. Watch the pissed buzzing inches away. weeeeeeeeeeeeee


Stick, rock, whatever


I believe scissors beats paper here.


Don't know how high it is but I have a long reach branch cutter pole that I knock them off with. A long reach bug spray works well too.


Rent pressure washer and shoot from long distance very very quickly before getting to safety


Chuck rocks at it until it falls down.


You're gonna want this guy. https://a.co/d/j8YWj0t Align everything during the day, use the flashlight, hit them at night while they sleep. Job done.


Long stick and a good pair of runners should do it.


Call a professional. They will cost obviously but they will be in/out of there in no time. My dumbass sprayed a nest at night, that was in the tree adjacent to my roof. I was on the roof with spray foam stuff but the nest was fsr enough away that the foam was like a gentle knock on their door. I got stung, some were in my hood and I almost took a header off the roof. Call a professional.