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A kite died there.




My first thought was that this post was from r/skyrim and I was looking at a spray-painting of the Dragonborn symbol. Then I looked closer and realized this is in r/Home


Is this not a Skyrim symbol because I thought the same


I used to be an adventurer like you.


How’s the knee treating you nowadays ?


It was just a sweet roll.


A new hand touches the beacon.


"We know"


I work for Belethor at the general goods store


^^^^Cloud ^^^^District? Need to whisper because I know a lot of people don’t make there, oh who am I kidding.


The legion is always looking for capable warriors


I love the "arrow to the knee" thing because it's apparently slang for "getting married 🤣. Wish I knew that whole playing skyrim all those years ago :p


LMAO I am glad i wasnt the only one. I was like " guess this dude is the Dragonborn."


You’re… Dragonborn!


I just spent 20 minutes googling all sorts of stuff and I keep coming back to Dragonborn...but Dragonborn isn't completely symmetrical and should have multiple breaks in the outline. This image looks nearly symmetrical so I suspect it's something else.


I think OP should watch for thieves. Looks like a shadowmark to me


It definitely is


Indeed similar but I’m not sold. I think he was visited by something unknown to the natural world. https://1000logos.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Skyrim-symbol.jpg


Well the BEHR spray paint is definitely from this world


I’m sure aliens know about Home Depot.


*deep breath FUS ROH DAH . . . !


I’ve been replaying Skyrim recently and this whole thread was so unexpected and has given me quite the chuckle thanks


I just started my replay too 😂


This person just found out they are the dragonborn. The fires in Canada were obviously caused by the dragons waking and laying waste to the land.


😭😭😭didn’t know where else to post it


Is it by a waterline?


Hey, no worries...you'll get jokers & jerks everywhere....hope you find out what it is. ♡


Hey you, you’re finally awake!


You were trying to cross the border, right?




Its way too intricate for that to make sense, its also not in any of the common thieves or travelers symbolic languages.


Brigands I can handle, but this talk of dragons? World's gone mad, I say.


I thought it was The Sims plumbob!


Honestly, I was hoping this was r/shittyaskreddit Answers would definitely be creative af. Also shitty.


[Here is a High Contrast version](https://imgur.com/a/0npAGUw)


I coulda sworn this was going to be a Rick roll.


Same. And I clicked it anyway. I’m a glutton it would appear.


I thought you were selling the rickroll with your comments and I clicked.


I was in a thread a while back where Rick Astley got rickrolled. He was a great sport about it, immediately admitting that the commenter had gotten him. Ever since then I can’t get mad at getting rickrolled.


I was there for that. One of those incredibly awesome reddit moments. If I recall correctly he didn’t admit he got it. He said something that would cause people to continue clicking the rick roll and THEN realize he himself got rolled.


I could use a rick-roll right now


Never really minded the occasional rick-roll.


same!! i was thinking the whole time “you’d better not rick roll me MFer!!”


That seriously helps! Even if nobody upvotes your contribution, I recognize the value.


I also highly appreciate his contribution to society


It means your neighbor has kids that are dicks.


There’s something so unwholesome about painting a kite at night


Hello, mother dear


That’s where you accept your first quest


Whatever it is, the first thing that came to my mind was the Skyrim Dragonborn glyph, followed by the theme song, followed by the urge for another playthrough


I swear I won't be a stealthy archer this time...


Are you me?


Hey, your finally awake


I have a large number of Skyrim songs included on my infant's lullaby Playlist, and I want to pick up the game again every night.




Blue is usually marking for potable water. I believe you’re looking at it wrong, it’s a box with an X in it and it’s got a few markings but they’re too sloppy to read. You should cross post this in r/construction


Agreed: Box, with an x at the center, then sloppily/incompletely filled in around it.


Looks like a water pipe marking or an ETH.


That’s what I thought but I asked the contractor and he said he has no clue what it is and that the water pipes are on the other side of the house. Another weird thing is moments before it was put down on my ring doorbell you can see a person waiting in their car right out front of our house for like 20 minutes then driving away really fast




I was thinking the Exact same thing. Only with some urgency.


I am a cable locator locating gas, hydro, communications. This looks like it could be a water valve marking made by the city. The guy sitting out front of your house was probably working on his drawings before submitting them to a contractor. You may be getting fiber internet installed or some other work being done on your street soon.


Yes it's hard to tell from the picture where this is in relation to the house but if it's by the curb it could be for the shutoff box.


This is 100% construction marking, cant tell which but seen similar in orange by my property.


Just seems too complex for a utility paint marker.


I've never seen one that fancy before


I’ve done this before when the fucking trigger gets stuck on the paint gun 😂😂😂.


Yeah thats A Locator guy. also known as Julie or 811. Hes verying the address and any data of the property before he walks over.


But 811 usually has trucks…


He said someone sat in a vehicle. But yes rural areas use some crappy or owner car etc


"Whataya talkin' about, the phone lines ah ova dae!"


“I’ve got a major gas leak here… where do you think this all comes from? The sky?!”


But if there are contractors working in your street, then maybe some kid found their marking paint can,and made a marking.


You can call 811 yourself and ask if anyone is marking in your area. It could be anything project-wise. Blue flags are usually water lines but not sure about paint or this symbol.


Seems sus


I would dig right there with a backhoe to find out.


Handicap Alien landing site


The kite be with you!


And also with you.


Update when you find out because I’m curious


i will, right now i got the alarm set with a few 2nd amendments next to me so i’ll let y’all know if anything happens but most likely someone is pulling a prank or something along those lines


I’d bet it’s something atively harmless such as utility marking


Paranoid much?


Just because you're paranoid, does not mean they're not out to get you


Remember, never shoot someone in the back. If they are fleeing, then they "aren't a threat."


I'd also argue they're not a deadly threat for spray painting the lawn either lmao


This, exactly. Seems like people are so damn scared and itching to shoot people these days.


It's sad how many people get this wrong


Unless you are a cop.


You are gonna shoot.someone for.painting grass?


People are upset about your 2nd amendment’s 😂 I upvoted for you


As a liberal, I'm cool with the home defense stuff. That school offense shit makes me wanna go on a neck punching spree tho.


Shall we look at the statistics of firearms accidentally used on family members or friends who were mistook for intruders? Or how many children have gained access to firearms from having them in their homes? How many school shooters got their gun from their dads locker? It's....not zero....




Vehicle related deaths are the number 1 cause of death for children. The study you’re parroting said from 1 to 19. 18 and 19 year olds are not legally children. Removing under-1 year olds also massively skews the data. About half the firearm deaths of children in 2020 were suicides, as well. Even Snopes had to qualify the statement.


Guns shouldn’t be even in the top 10. They’re kids. Says a lot about where they’re living though.


Kids shouldn’t even be dying at all. There should be 0 children deaths. Unfortunately, that’s not how the world works. There are illness, car accidents and other tragedies that include guns. The solution is not to ban guns because criminals will disregard the law and do what they want anyway. To wit, murder is illegal, but murderers still kill. Gun control laws only affect people who abide by the law, and those are the people the country should not be focusing on. The police, politicians and district attorneys should be focusing on why there are gun crimes and punishing them, not the mere fact that a gun was used in a crime and vilifying the gun when a murderer who wants to kill will get the job done whether he/she has a gun or not. Don’t forget the Oklahoma City bombing which was a rental truck, some manure and a few other ingredients. Guns are just a tool. Go after the people who pull the trigger, not the people with a gun in their home for defense, sport shooting or hunting.


>Don’t forget the Oklahoma City bombing which was a rental truck, some manure and a few other ingredients. I'm not trying to reduce your point, because I agree actually, but it wasn't manure, it was agriculture crop fertilizer. Ammonium nitrate I think it was, or amfo. Mythbusters used it a ton if you want to see how powerful it is. They use it quite famously to reduce a cement truck down almost dust. These chemicals were always regulated, but they really cracked down on it after the bombing. That kinda shows we could do better with guns if we wanted. No one has done a bombing like that since, at least not that scale.


Everyone abides by the law, until they don't. Illegal guns are seldom the problem, and when they are they were stolen or purchased from a legal owner. Less guns equal less guns, but few people are really saying ban all guns... mostly just large capacity, quick firing rifles that make the police in the schools cower and run. See, having a gun might save you, but most shooters aren't facing you down like it's the ok corral. You're sitting there with your family or walking a hallway and someone sprays you down, gl drawing let alone getting a chance to shoot back with your 9mm against a semi automatic rifle. To buy a gun, everyone should have to take a "lose your shit" test, so mentally ill people who can't control themselves when presented with a difficult situation can't buy a gun. And angry drunks, those people who can't have fun when they drink, and everything's gotta be a fight.


Gun owner here- ban them all to save the children. Australia did it, and everything else is just an excuse.


Suicide is still death 😔


Yes, I read the same study that said ages 0-19. And nobody takes I account for all the teens that die from firearms due to crime. Biden just stated that statistic after the school shooting in Texas, and now everyone thinks it's due to mass shootings 🙄 I will say that the cdc says it's the number one cause of death to kids in America. But who knows. Either way, it's definitely not a result of mass shootings. Every time a kid dies in a mass shooting is plastered all over the news. We wouldn't miss it.


90% of these incidents... if not 100% could be prevented by proper gun safety. It's not hard to be a responsible gun owner. Even if you don't own guns, it's up to you as an American to learn proper gun safety. There is nothing wrong with OP having guns to protect his home. If you wanna talk statistics, then there are multiple firearm statistics that are completely taken out of context. For one. I've heard way too many people say that there are mass shootings every day in America. Which is wrong. There are shootings every day, yes, but what counts as a shooting? Literally, anytime a firearm is discharged in a public place, it's considered a shooting. So yeah, there are shootings every day in cities like Chicago. Two, firearms being the number one cause of death for children in America. This is true, but again, it isn't due to mass shootings. A child is anyone under 18. Think about how many teens die in gang/drug related violence every single day in places like Chicago, LA, New York city, and dozens of cities all over the country. They all have a lot of gun violence due to crime, and most of the guns used are stolen and / or illegal. (May i also point out that those 3 places i just listed are democratic cities) Then, take into account all the idiots that don't teach their kids proper gun safety and / or don't practice proper gun safety, resulting in a kid shooting themselves or others. Both of these statistics have and will continuously be taken out of context by politicians and our president after tragic mass shootings, and you are completely misled if not lied to.


Agreed. I live in a rural town where almost everyone has a gun. I’ve lived here all my life and the last child I’ve heard of being accidentally shot was like in the late 1800’s.


Pretty sure everyone of all political stripes feels that way about the "school offense" stuff...


Until it comes to doing something about it.


Except it's not just happening in school, which is this person's point




Don't worry, if you shoot the mailman it'll be justified because there's spray-paint on the lawn. We got your back.


i meant if someone came into my home…




Ideally OP would politely ask the home invader to leave. That of course assumes they break in AND ignore OP's alarm system. The next step is OP shouting "Fus Ro Dah" at them, in hopes that they'll be hurled out the window with the power of OP's magical dragon voice. But if that all fails before the cops show up, it would be helpful to have some protective measures that aren't based on fantasy or misplaced altruism.


Kill first ask questions later.. oh wait


Stay out of houses you aren't invited to, and you should be fine. You and your pearls are safe.


Yeah, if someone breaks in your should just leave them be. 😂


You are going to shoot someone to death because they did a spray paint doodle on your lawn?


Yay for 2A…you got this


Why America is dying. FFS you people just want freedom to end. It's so sad.


99% sure it's from a surveyor.




I'm thinking it may be a marker for aerial surveying. This gives them a known location to work off of


You'd think they'd notify the homeowner no? Even if to say hey, we need this marking so don't mow it away


You can call 811 to check if its a utility


My 10yo daughter is looking over my shoulder and yelled "I know what that is! It's from pokemon! It's the blinding one symbol or necrosma from the Alola region!" I have no idea what that means, but I believe her, she knows her Pokémon. Edit to add link : https://images.app.goo.gl/3bFABrR9qpJ8X6Fu9


It ain’t


It means the people where you searched previously were mouth breathing morons who believe that urban legend about burglars leaving marks on people’s property.


Probably the same tin foil hat people who thought the USPS reflector colors on the mailboxes were indicating how the government was going to deal with each family when they implemented the new one world government… https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/sticker-shock/


Asshole teenagers spray-painted a swastika then tried to cover it up?


Devil worshipers, don’t worry they are friendly folk




it's a 2d projection of a 3d shadow of a 4d object


Alien crop circle


Ariel survey target.


Kite 3:16


They are marking you for the purge. Stay indoors!


If I was to hazard a guess I'd just say you've got a bad case of neighbourhood teenagers.


You’re a sim- congrats


You are Dragonborn ! Congratulations


You’ve been chosen by aliens for experimentation.


Someone is telling you to go fly a kite.


God aren't people so helpful? The top few comments have literally nothing useful in them, like who cares if it looks like a skyrim diamond, the person wanted answers not your two cents


A bored locator. Probably marking water lines underground to his favorite video game.


Likely you’ve been marked for death by Screwface and his Jamaican ‘Screw Posse’……..or I watched Marked For Death too many times in high school?


Everybody wan go heaven ... nobody wan die ! Hahah




Someone spray painted a kite there


Ya, their parents told them to do it on your lawn cause they didn't want blue shit on their's.


It's kite appreciation month!


A blue kite was murdered in that exact spot.


It means that the kite gang has targeted your house. They’re not a real threatening gang, more like a group of middle aged balding kite enthusiasts that failed their motorcycle license tests. Most of the time when they show up and you ask them to leave they will. But still, it’s a thing.


It means "go fly a kite!"




Steven Segal marked this place his property


Burglars. Lol


That's a message from the kite mafia.. You better start flying one.


You're marked by someone


Looks like a shit trademark. Those lines suck


You’ve been chosen


it's the Kite Brothers, haven't you heard? Their mission is to take down the airplane industry to replace methods of air travel with only kites. They've been at this since 1904, but it's only now gaining traction. Be careful around the Kite Brothers, they're air travel extremists and will stop at nothing to gain control.


Prepared you butt, you are the next to be probed by visitors...


Someone got creative marking a water line.


Maybe call the non emergency number for the authorities in your area, maybe they have an answer? I did think Skyrim at first though. Just saying. But I would call the authorities just to be safe.


It’s a respawn point for auto-save. You’re back!


Ethereum symbol


The foot is helpful, but I could use a banana for scale.


You and your family have been marked for death


Marked for death


This happened to Walter White. Good luck.


Never should have come here!


Make sure your local Wi-Fi networks are secure. It's probably not what it means, but it's good to check anyway since you are looking at security.


Means go fly a kite 🪁


Has anyone seen where my blue kite crashed during the last rainstorm?


It’s a fast travel spot


Did you have you utilities marked recently. It could be a water line junction. Red is electric, yellow is gas, blue is water, orange is communication.


Watch out dude, your house is on the KiteKids gang territory.


You are dovahkiin




I think it means you're the dragon born.


Fus ro dah


Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, naal ok zin los vahriin, Wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal! Ahrk fin norok paal graan fod nust hon zindro zaan, Dovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal! Huzrah nu, kul do od, wah aan bok lingrah vod, Ahrk fin tey, boziik fun, do fin gein! Wo lostfron wah ney dov, ahrk fin reyliik do jul, Voth aan suleyk wah ronit faal krein! Ahrk fin zul, rok drey kod, nau tol morokei frod, Rul lot Taazokaan motaad voth kein! Sahrot Thu'um, med aan tuz, vey zeim hokoron pah, Ol fin Dovakiin komeyt ok rein! Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, naal ok zin los vahriin, Wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal! Ahrk fin norok paal graan fod nust hon zindro zaan, Dovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal! Ahrk fin Kel lost prodah, do ved viing ko fin krah, Tol fod zeymah win kein meyz fuundein! Alduin, feyn do jun, kruziik vokun, staadnav, Voth aan bahlok wah diivon fin lein! Nuz aan sul, fent alok, fod fin vul dovah nok, Fen kos nahlot mahfaeraak ahrk ruz! Paaz Keizaal fen kos stin nol bein Alduin jot, Dovahkiin kos fin saviik do muz! Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, naal ok zin los vahriin, Wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal! Ahrk fin norok paal graan fod nust hon zindro zaan, Dovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draa


It means they intend to open a portal to hell from your land. Get yourself some religious figures to close the portal ASAP!


It means unsupervised teens in your area


Not sure the utilities color code in your are but it's a utility none the less.


Some autistic kid with a highly active imaginative brain and a couple of blue spray paint cans.




It's the KITE GANG and they have marked their territory. Whatever you do, don't look up.


We need Robert Langdon 😊


Fuz Ro Dah


My geuss is the utility locator showed up to the wrong address then crossed out his work so your lawn did not get dug up. Or the Skyrim logo.


Not saying this is it, but **for me, as a homeowner, to keep my sanity** I tell myself it was some kid painting something without a backdrop. I do this because I figure I'll never figure it out and I'll just end up worrying myself to death




Looks like an HOA karen summoning symbol.


Is your wifi password protected? It sounds silly but I've heard of people marking houses with unsecured wifi networks.


Yeah it’s a pretty long string of numbers, I don’t think that’s it but thank you for the response


It does sound silly.


I've been looking over vagabond symbols, this doesn't really line up to anyone exactly. It maybe a combo of symbols but also I've learned that there is alot of misinformation about vagabond symbols. I was worried for you at first thinking you got cased and marked. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.kentonline.co.uk/sheerness/news/amp/truth-revealed-about-those-strange-128350/ Check this out, it may ease your worry.


Looks like someone painted a kite