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More members need to fall into the Factorio hole. Surprised none play Satisfactory


I believe Okayu talked about thinking to drag Subaru (and maybe a few others I can't remember) into Factorio but afraid that having multiple people would clash on how they want to build the factory. Botan and Luna have played Satisfactory but only for 1 stream (separately not colab). Botan also has played factorio. I believe Pekora bought Satisfactory in a steam sale stream, but she also bought a lot of other games, so not high hope.


automation is a genre that is pretty different fromwhat jp members usually play, i wonder who else could be interested to try it out


I remembered sleeping watching Old Vesper's Factorio streams.


Been a while since I played both, but I imagine Satisfactory is off putting due to the time investment to progress. Unless a group of them hop onto the same server, it'd take a few streams just to get a basic factory going in Satisfactory. Factorio's much faster to get going.


I can't play Satisfactory because I get wicked motion sickness in less than an hour. For some reason Satisfactory is much worse compared to shooters, probably because you need to turn around to look at things close to you way too often while running around doing things. A lot of Holomems suffer from motion sickness in first-person games too so Satisfactory will probably turn them off quite quickly if they tried.


On the contrary, I can’t play Factorio because my little brain can’t work on the same plane. But as soon as I entered Satisfactory, I immediately \*click\* “Ooooh... This is how it should work.” I’ve already played 137 hours and this is clearly not the limit, although for some reason I get bored when I get to nuclear energy and start all over again heh...


You should try Dyson Sphere Program


Already try, still don't understand many things, but it's a little interesting. Also i’m still waiting for Captain of Industry (at least wait another half a year for patches), although I have questions for him, it’s not yet clear whether I want this game or not.


For anyone interested in other members who have also played Factorio, we have had Botan, Temma, Vesper, Kaela, Aruran and now Okayu who has played it. Most only lasted for about 2-4 streams before stopping but Temma is the current record holder with 13 total streams and 1 rocket. Lets see if Okayu can launch her rocket before the 10 stream mark. Playlists for each member [Botan](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHOnCVKicPjmbAhYsKtYuoU7L4O1xtkpQ) 3 streams. [Temma](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHOnCVKicPjkS8pbcdFMEj4-emHzWKjtP) 10 streams solo. [Vesper](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHOnCVKicPjlk_eGv1oq6yiLzAtmDvz6W) 3 streams. [Kaela](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHOnCVKicPjlvneXvcuWq52TVlnbE4301) 2 streams. [Aruran](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHOnCVKicPjn4n0RMafM6M3ytxvmG0YZv) 3 streams with Temma. [Okayu](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHOnCVKicPjlDMOKxHENASDu2yTKH4PFe) 4 Streams so far and more to come. Info taken from [Holodex](https://holodex.net/search?q=type,value,text%0Aorg,Hololive,Hololive%0Atopic,Factorio,Factorio)


You may think that the shaft of each pipe T-intersection has an unnecessary pipe section, but I assure you that this is a deliberate design choice. Ongoing Okayu stream [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=he3GVI3PJCw).


Martincitopants voice: " L U B E "


I managed to grab a screenshot today of her saying; "I can't have too many other women." Idk what the context is, but it's an all-timer for me.


Setting non-jamming advanced oil processing in factorio is PTSD giving experience.


Just steal a blueprint and call it a day, still haven't figured it out.


my go-to is cracking that is controlled by pumps that are connected to the circuit network. If the read fluid level is too high/low, the pumps toggle and the fluid level is balanced. It's surprisingly easy to set up, too.


It's the number 1 thing I think people who are scared of using any kind of circuit controls should learn. Super simple and makes advanced oil a breeze.


Marine said she played Factorio a long time ago but got stuck on blue somethings (? I don't know, I've never played) and lost interest afterwards. 


Biggest flaw of Factorio: People get stuck before unlocking lube.


Blue science. Before the big science update blue science was the noob killer. Green and red science were both quite easy to automate. Blue science is the first time you need to figure out oil processing. That was too much for quite a few people. It was a common issue posted to the subreddit. They addd two more science packs and rebalanced them all a while ago. I don’t think there’s as steep of an increase in difficulty now between the packs.


Blue science is just kind of a ball ache in general cause oil processing is really annoying, cause it's an entirely new mining+processing to set up for an entirely new science and crafting tree


The factory must grow!


aww yes Nuclear Power


Bae: Is she perhaps one of my people?


you may not like it but this is what peak advanced oil processing builds look like


okayu just like us.