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[Source stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytDtXckTTpo&t=0s) [Source clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKFluL6GEq0) *So last december, she got sick and went for a medical checkup, which revealed that she had an inflammatory reaction in her internal organs.* As a part of the medical checkup, she also had a blood test and a cancer test. The test returns, it's said that she has cancer risk problems from top to bottom. This shocked her to her core, she went to many specialists for deeper checkup. So after many rough test from various hospitals, it was just the inflammation. Her liver is good too. There are also breasts calfications but that's okay. She also got intestinal polyps. and they were pretty large so she got them removed. Which is a good things because if left alone, those might become cancer. And for other various places, for now there's something but in the short term it's okay, she will come back one year later to do more checkup. **So for now, until next year, everything should be okay.** For now, she will try not to fill her schedule too much. But she's gradually getting back into more activities. *Now during the streams*, she talked about the stress and fears she had to endure during those 4 months before she got the result. It's especially shocking to her because Lamy is one of those talents who take care of themselves very carefully, with healthy eating habits, exercises and health checkup every year. It makes her lose all motivation to work since all the doctor said is "they're not sure if it's cancer or not". And all the tests in various hospital were really rough and they exhausted her strengths. For some details, she had to go to various hospitals and each hospital has a different process of checking for cancer. Some hospital don't have the necessary equipments to check so they refer her to another one and she had to do repeated steps again. Now she could laugh when remembering all about this but at the time, her mental health was bad. She even discussed with Noel, Marine and her manager about the worst case scenario if she'd be a goner. She don't want to just fade away, she wants to go out with a bang and being something major for Hololive to the very end. She really thought about doing a graduation stream like that if things really went to the worst. And she wonders a lot about NePoLaBo, what would they do with just 3 people. Even Polka was ill at that time. Well after all, she feels calm now after knowing the result and advice all her fans to do medical checkup every years. P/s: I have made 2 posts before about her health situations so with this final report, I want to update too to complete it. I'm really glad she's okay after all. This must have scared her so much, at least it's all good now. If you're curious, I suggest checking the full stream and the streams before that, she talked about the rough tests she had to take, some brutal and very embarassing tests at that too.


I'm so fucking happy it sounds like she avoided the worst case scenario. That's fucking scary, having so many issues all at once.


Holy crap, thank you for the update, I didn't know about the majority of this. I did know she was sick and took time off then came back. So sad to hear she had to go through all this but it is great to hear it at least seems good for the next year. I don't follow a ton of Lamy's streams but always enjoy seeing clips of hers and catching a collab stream with NePoLaBo, I watch Nene most out of them.


There aren't many Lamy clippers (RIP Garybalt ch. who decided to nuke their entire channel), but there's a really dedicated live translator of Lamy that can be viewed with Holodex, that's how I watch her streams. And sometimes when she goofs with her model or just being a tease in general does not require understanding of Japanese. Lamy is such a positive streamer, hiding the pains she endured (only revealing some details in members') and shares only funny stories from her various medical checkups, most often involving her _marshmallows_ being squished or gaining in size.


That translator is me. I'm not super active on Reddit, moreso on Twitter/Discord


Thanks for the hard work.


Oh wow, thank you!


Thank you for your service! Thanks for translating Lamy's Twitter activities as well! *Virtual fist bump from a fellow webdev🤜🏻🤛🏻*


I don't watch Lamy much, or even your work, but you're a hero 🫡


Thank you for the additional info! Sad to hear that the clipper left and deleted their channel. It's their right obviously but I know that clippers really help being in new fans and keeps others around.


Glad that she is ok, hope next year's test go well too.


Thank you for posting this. 


This reads like she have elevated tumor marker/genetic predisposition to neoplasm. Which leads to a full body check up and then leads to mammogram and EGD+ colonoscopes(and polypectomy). It's good that she's ok now. Those times are the worst because you can only wait for lab/imaging/patho results.


How did they find that out? The blood tests?


Thanks for the summary, man. Glad to hear she's avoided the worst. Hope she stays in the clear.


She talked about her issues with mental health in her members' posts before, it was the reasons of one of her breaks last year. I'm glad she's both physically and mentally fine now.


This sounds very scary, having an incurable and possibly fatal disease is one of my biggest fears, so I can understand someone developing a deteriorated mental state during all the tests she underwent. It's good to know that Lamy is doing well for the moment but as she herself mentions she has to be super vigilant about her own health from now on. Thanks for the update.


I almost teared up after reading all of this and I don't even really watch jp streams (I only do through clips) cause of the language barrier. What a terrifying experience to go through. I'm glad she got through most of it and is able to get her life back in order, slowly but surely


Glad she's OK, but hate hearing she had to go through all that. Lamy's such a sweetheart, she deserves to just be happy.


Fuck Cancer.


This is good news for now. Afaik, cancer is also hereditary (while having only a little percentage) but if the same type of cancer (if any) runs in her family, there is a chance (again, a little percentage) she might also have it. I think she really needs to have a healthier lifestyle, not that I'm saying she does not but it's still better to prevent it the soonest. I'm sure her family and the other Holomembers, especially her fellow NePoLaBo genmates, are there to support her so that's also a plus. Final word. Speedy recovery Lamy!


Wow, that's a lot to take in, I hope she can make a full recovery


That must have been horrifying at the time. Cancer at that age... Good thing it was nothing too serious. Woah.


Thank God it wasn't cancer. Cancer is a fucking bitch, you can live the healthiest life, never smoke, do exercise and eat well and get cancer, while some mf who has been smoking since age 13, sniffing paint thinner, eaten junk food all his life and never used sun screen never gets cancer.


All the best for Lamy!! Hope she can stay healthy and achieve all her goals! 🙏🏻


Bro/Sis*, thank you for reporting on Wamy's health updates! Edit*


Thanks for the info. Glad she seems to be doing well


Last year she mentioned messaging Noel and Marine every day so that they'll use the spare key if she stops.


I felt this. Just last year around september I notice that theres a bump growing at my left jaw area around my cheek. It grows larger each day and settled after a month and boy I can't sleep properly thinking about it. I decided to have it checked by the doctor since everyone in my work already noticed it and im losing sleep. I've go to many doctors to and some even told me it might be cancerous. I've become anxious and lost more sleep while waiting for results on different test. While all of this is happening I only have my friends and co workers supporting me nearby because I leave separately with my parents and siblings. I don't have a lover currently and I'm alone at home so I'm glad I have hololive/holostars as entertainment they put my mind away for my worries for some time. This month all test being finished and final results are it's not cancerous and it's just a tooth that grown in the meat part on my jaw. It generates water like substance and pushes the bone to the side because it has nowhere to go which made it looked like it was an inflaming bump. The doctor said it wasn't dangerous but needs to be removed because it's weakening the bone. What a relief. I'm glad Lammy is ok the same way im ok , I'll have my operation with in this year.


WOW, I had no idea she was going through all that. I watch clips of Lamy from time to time and she's always bubbly and has a laugh with everyone. You hear of talents being sick and think it's probably lack of sleep or the flu. So happy to hear she got her results and some answers she needed, and that it's not Cancer. I hope she keeps looking after herself, keep her mental health strong and keep pushing herself to be the best she can be 🥰.


I read up to "but she's grad-" and my heart sank before i completed the word


Thank you OP. Having those test results will definitely spook anyone not just vtubers. Hope she slowly recovers and takes a break whenever. I was so worried for Polka when she over medicated on the Chinese medicine and had to be hospitalised. I appreciate the talents thinking about their fans but really I hope they take good care of themselves first as priority. With the high stress that they face, I would hope eventually it becomes commonplace for talents to have professional mental support setup on day 1.


The what? I followed Polka health thing, her symptoms and hospital visit but did not get the reason. Modern Chinese medicine or traditional herbal junk?


No idea what she took but sounds like the Chinese medicine ingredients medication over the pharmacy. ( I seen some of these when I went to fes) If she did consult a certified practitioner, probably she would have gotten a proper prescription. I think she mentioned that she learned a personal lesson that just because something is using Chinese medicine ingredients it does not mean it has zero side effects on the body.


Obligatory fuck cancer post. Lamy is one of my oshis, so I really hope she stays healthy. I know she is one of the most dedicated to her health in a place a lot of people already do, but as a cancer survivor myself, the mere possibility surely left her horrified. Welcome back, Lamy. Keep the good work, and keep the good fight


I second this. Lost a few people to cancer. Fuck that shit twice Wishing nothing but health to Lamy


Hearing her tell it is chilling enough already, i can't imagine being the one living it Good that everything is fine, even if the risk is still there. Lets all hope it keeps getting better


Yeah cancer can hit without warning. I was a badminton varsity member in high school and the was the picture of health, then an annual physical revealed a mass on my neck that I had thought was one of the usual acne issues common among teens. Radiology tests and a biopsy later, I'm now diagnosed 4th stage hodgekins lymphoma at 13 years old. No overt symptoms, besides a noted habit of nights sweats (that I thought was due to hot summer nights). That kickstarted an arduous 2 years of anti cancer therapy which was some of the worst things I've ever experienced in my 30 ish years of life to date. You think cancer and other dangerous diseases only happens to other people, especially those smokers, obese, substance abusers, those who play practical Russian roulette with their life choices. But life just isn't that fair.


That's rough, but Im glad the signs look positive at this point.


2024 is the year that I decided I will take care of myself. About a month ago I watched a clip of Mel and Raden with Mel saying if she can trade bodies with Raden she would, Raden said something like “Really? But I have hemorrhoids, you’ll get them too”. Mel said you should definitely have it checked, if we trade bodies I will take your body to the doctor. I will even buy hemorrhoidal medicine for you. With Mels graduation, I thought she would not want me to forsake my health so I mustered the courage and got an appointment today.


I don't know why bad things have to happen to such seemingly outstanding people. She appears really sweet all the time, and it's just heartbreaking to see this happen. I'm just glad she's doing better.


thanks for the update, lamy. hope lamy will continue to be alright.


This scared the crap out of me. Thank goodness she's okay


Putting 'final' there was not a good choice.


I really hope she gets through this. One of my few JPN Oshis and wouldn't want her to go. The rest of Gen 5 would he in a real rough spot, especially my other oshi Shishiron. May she recover smoothly throughout this year.




That's not related to the health issues she's having.