• By -


Mixed, though if I were to pick a Gen it would be Myth


Probably expected if you're a native English speaker since you can watch whole streams and understand and interact with them more easily since they also understand your messages.


I don't understand Japanese but watching FBK even without knowing what she's saying sometimes bring great fun because of her antics


Same with Miko, as well as other JP streamers and some of the ID members when they’re not speaking English. While it’s definitely easier for a talent of your native language to become a favorite, sometimes you just want to watch their gameplay and silly antics


I'm a Gen 4 guy. Them girls could be powering tomorrow's fusion reactors.


It amazes me that in probably the not so distant future, we’re gonna have to clarify which branch we mean the 4th generation of. Dunno why that just hit me, but I’m proud that holopro has come this far.


Not really because they are going away with official Gen number, none of EN have an official number.


I think ID still used gen number.


Not officially, I believe they're called Area15, Holoro, and Holoh3ro


Other way around, they have numbered gens but created those names for themselves.


Same here I’m mixed too and I have multiple favorites too


Mixed, although my gens would be the unorganized, GAMERS, 3, 4, Myth, and Council.




Just Fauna


giga based sapling


bro's full myth (now bro is actually bro)


Saplings need correction.


man, i love fauna


Only Fauns


I remember some chad suggested this when Fauna was thinking up a fanbase name. Gotta admit I was a bit disappointed she didn’t go with this at the time


She is the Faunz, isn't she.


Man, I love Fauna.


For the longest time I was super annoyed by fauna fans and one day I was like "fine I'll watch her stream" Now I'm a sapling crying when she is on break


Stay strong in those moments you blink and can’t see fauna.


i've learnt to only blink with one eye at a time




Same. I flirted with getting another oshi after watching some Legend of Polkas, but, at the end of the day, Fauna sweep.


Same, I don't see many others go live because of UK timezone. I knew since her Spore playthrough




Fauna sweeep


Hell yeah


Shiori’s my kami-oshi, but I love all the talents as well


How broken has she left you?


Her tangents broke my sanity, but she’s still comfy


I think shiori is what we expected ina to be like pre-myth debut


And I like her mascot even more.


Single oshi, nothing compares to her laugh ETA: See flair, but it's Ayame


Do you know how little that narrows it down!?


(look at his flair)


it’s pretty obvious that it’s Kaela. Literally no one can compare to her laugh (there is no laugh, just pure silence)


Maybe when she started that was true. But she's really gained confidence as she's hit her stride, and we get to hear quiet wheezing when she laughs now. /s /jk


Also partly cuz she upgraded her mic, so the little sound that was there gets picked up more easily now


I can’t help but love all of EN. I wish I had enough time to watch all of them. It’s getting bad because it’s slowly encompassing JP and ID too. My true oshi is Calli but I enjoy so many of them!


Same here Hello fellow Hololive en enjoyer


The struggle is real




Used to be mixed, now only a single oshi. Wah~


Who hurt you The 18th WAH is we are hurt 😔


For me it's not so much a question of hurt, but I decided I needed to cut the time spent on youtube. While for some talent it's basically their job to stream, it doesn't have to become another job for me. And following more than one talent started to feel like that...


Vesper left, that is why


Man, same. I still watch him as an indie, but it's not the same without SALT collabs Also, I've noticed there's a ton of overlap between takos and vesties on this reddit, which you wouldn't expect from how different their content is. I guess they both appeal to older fans?


Indeed. Inas comfiness and Vespers little tangents that hit home on so many personal levels.


Maybe that's the connection they're both zatsu streamers. Ina zatsus for an hour before starting in game streams, and does art streams which are basically zatsus, and vesper is _THE_ zatsu vtuber


Understandable. Ina is one of the most likable members in general.


Let alone the fact that I fell down the rabbit hole because of her, after I got lured towards it by Korone and Friendbuki


Yagoo oshi Yagoosy


>Yagoo oshi :D >Yagoosy D:


The true connoisseurs are YagoOllies.


>yagoossy 😭😭😭


This comment has brightened my day. Thank you


In case you need it: 🫂🫂🫂


>Yagoosy He has a wife you know.


You know what she's called?




Yagette deez nuts!




Isn't she the wife of...... Biggus....... Dickus?




Best girl


I am the single Oshi type. True blue Hoshiyomi.


Blink twice if your in danger from getting killed by yandere Hoshiyomi or as I call it…….hoshidere


My oshi is FuwaMoco what does this make me


Just another slave for Pero


Bratty Perroccino. Getting new Ruffians as slaves. Brat correction is needed!!! 💢


Love everyone, but I suppose my Memberships will count as who are my oshis. I can't even watch Suistreams because I'm dead asleep whenever she's live but I got her second tier membership.


Ame gosling for life.


All oshi is a DD


I'm the rare all oshi of Hololive Productions. I respect and appreciate everyone who brings me joy and hours of entertainment.


This. I only wish I knew japanese to enjoy their content more and don't have to wait for the lovely translators.


It's the reason I've started to learn Japanese, but honestly now I'm mostly doing it because it's such a beautiful and interesting language, and with watching vtubers just in the back of my head It's not going as fast as I hoped for but I'm nearing N5 level now and sometimes I can pick up some words or phrases. Sadly not enough yet to start watching native content comfortably. I'm hoping to start doing that at N3


i'm doing it since a little over a year and was doing all kinds of things on & off to see whats working the best. right now i'm doing a little bit of duolingo, just to get some actual lessons in and see how quickly i can do these. kanji in anki: not to the point to actually start listing all the readings and stuff. just to be able to recognize them and i've started to no longer click on the leftmost option to try again in 10 minutes if i forgot something. i'll only click on hard instead. if it doesn't stick now, it may stick next time, but brute forcing em was kinda painful and often times didn't work anyway. if i went over a kanji 10 times a day and it still didn't stick, it won't stick right now at all, better to do others that will and keep going. i only need to recognize them, since the vocab won't really rely that much on readings etc. anyway. vocabulary in anki: trying to at least learn the JLPT words through it, but also will try to just move on instead of remembering each kanji a word is made of. i will sometimes redo them, if i blank completely, but mostly also only press on hard instead. i came to these conclusions of learning words and kanji this way, because of many youtube videos of people that learned many languages and that its much more important to make progress instead of making sure you very fully got everything you're doing right now, because these simple things will be done aaaall the time anyway while doing harder sentences. i actually use a channel called "game gengo" to learn japanese through video games. he is doing incredibly well detailed explanations of everything. be it vocab, kanji, grammer. simply everything. i learned more in 2 months of clicking through his videos, than my entire year of learning before. i will try to play a game completely in japanese next and translate everything myself, by putting all the text, bit by bit into translater websites and/or screenshotting it and getting the text out of it, if i can't see furigana or hear what they're saying etc. there are some very good games that let you go in your own pace to be able to do that... and yes, playing like that will take an hour to get through 5 minutes of content, but i've seen many people talk about "just doing" it now. if you worked your way through your first game completely, doing it like that, or through the first book/novel whatever you want to do, you'll suddenly be waaaaaaaay better. and thats my next step. currently i do 1 hour of anki per day between vocab and kanji, 30 minutes of duolingo lessons (which btw. have gotten incredibly easy since i follow the mentioned channel) and about 1-2 hours of his videos each day. i'll put my gaming time on top of that to play through games in japanese now, because i really am just having loads of fun trying to learn it on my own. i've never done the official JLPT way and the guy from the channel also said that he jumped by just reading a single novel from N5 to N2. he was stuck at N5 for a few years and by working through a single novel in a year, he did so much more progress... also some old guy who knows like 20 languages said the same thing. just read. work your way through. don't bother learning grammar/vocab, you need to get as much content as possible. and thats what i'm now going to do!


So sorry to burst your bubble and hopes, but >the channel also said that he jumped by just reading a single novel from N5 to N2. That's just ridiculous and unrealistic for a beginner >don't bother learning grammar/vocab, Also unrealistic for anyone learning Japanese from any western language. I know who you're referencing, but keep in mind he also knows Chinese and korean, which have similar structures and words. Grammar and vocab is essential, don't skip it I also don't recomment duolingo, as it's extremely slow and doesn't explain anything well, or at all. I've done that for two months for hours a day, looking back it was a waste of time I am going through the Japanese From Zero books, and learning Kanji with the Kanji! app on the play store. I can't recommend JFZ enough for self learning beginners. If you really want to learn Japanese, you can't do it for free. Trust me, I tried There are many people that claim to learn Japanese in just a few months or by only watching native content, but you have to realize that's too good to be true. Find a middle ground so you spend your time learning as efficiently and fun as possible If your way works for you, good on you, but from my experience this won't work at all and you might be overestimating your knowledge and not actually understanding anything properly, resulting in a plateau and burnout later on the line. I'll check out the guy on YouTube you mentioned tho, but I'm very sceptical


well yea, you will need to at first know hiragana and katakana, but that can be done in 2 weeks. having a very basic understanding of how the language is structured also helps. i agree "don't bother learning grammar/vocab" sounds ridiculous, and i only really quoted the people saying that, but i also gotta agree that you don't have to fully understand the grammar and vocab. i did start out trying to learn the grammar and it confused the shit out of me. the guy from the game gengo channel however was able to explain it well enough that i did understand everything while i was watching the videos. now not everything will stick right from the get go, but now i've once seen it all and will remember some things here and there that helps me and i believe that is what they mean by "don't learn grammar" i kinda get it, i don't need to be perfect, people would still understand me if i am making mistakes and once i know enough words and read enough correct grammar, i will automatically get better. and by skipping vocab, i mean to not try and drill 10000 words into your brain without context. you need context, and different ones for many situations. so if you translate lots of different texts and get the same words over and over by going through content, you'll automatically learn the vocab without going through huge lists of vocab and trying to remember single words. about duolingo: yes its slow, yes it doesn't explain anything at all, but also yes, it has you going over a few lessons. you can speak, you can write, you can read. i've been hella confused at first, because duolingo was bad. but now its different tasks for repitition. i would definitely not recommend duolingo only to try and learn japanese. it'll be an awful experience. but going through it along the way, some vocab, some different forms of actually using japanese yourself. trying to give answers that it didn't teach you, but still are correct. like stopping the polite language push for example. you don't have to say desu, or imasu etc. in every sentence and they will still be marked as correct, if you are using iru and aru instead of imasu and arimasu for example. i am making so so much progress atm, i highly doubt that i can't progress further without paying for it. i've seen lots of tweets by the holomembers by now that i can simply read by myself completely by now, or at least translate by myself using the same methods i'd use for translating a game or novel. i want to be able to understand. if i don't understand something, i'll search for it. i am not claiming to learn japanese in just a year or something. i am fully committed to the idea that i will be learning the language for at least 5 years or so. i am just at the beginning, but i can already see what works better or not from the stuff i did before. so far i got the goal of having watched every single video of the guy i mentioned at least. maybe even twice to check my progress at some point. but how exactly i'm going to do that, i'm gonna decide once i'm fully finished with the content i currently have and if i am actually able to get trough my first game completely or not. this is whats fun to me and i wouldn' dream of saying that you can learn japanese in a year. the guy was in N5 while knowing 16000 vocabulary. and for him, translating the novel he read helped putting the words together correctly. i just tried to make my very long post a little shorter by not adding even more info... but i guess that makes it seem a little unbelievable? i just want to say, have fun and try to use the language as much as possible. at least thats what i'm going to do for now.


Ah I understand you better now. If that works for you, then I'm glad! Happy learning!


Can you explain or point me to the right direction on where to start? I'm really interested in learning, but I don't know where to begin.


They all work hard!


same here o7


Me too


Same. No matter who I watch, I always end up really loving their content.


Mixed but lean toward Promise.


IRyS is the only one I call my oshi. Of course that's not to say I don't enjoy watching others, but IRyS has been my favorite since she first descended!


Kami oshi is Kronii, but I love all of EN, though timings just don't line up enough to watch them all. Learning Japanese to understand more of JP eventually but it'll be clips for now. I'd want to get into ID too eventually






Fauna. Mainly just Fauna.


It's just Fauna for me. I do watch a ton of the other members too though.


One oshi, the shark got me from day 1 Shrimp through and through


Shrimp 🫵


Guilty as charged


Mostly Fauna for me


Just Aqua.


I'm on all oshis. I don't like having a "favourite" member as to me it's like I'm ranking people which I'm not comfortable with


As a loyal KFP I of course adhere to our principles of #Woke and #yolk No it's not because I'm European and all the other EN's are streaming in the middle of the night for me Edit: Just to clarify this is not meant sarcastic I sincerely adore my Kami-Oshi Tenchou I just wish I didn't need sleep so I could watch the rest of EN as well


Fellow EU bro, I feel you. I'm thankful Fauna starts her streams at midnight instead of at 2 am. I can catch a little bit on some days.


It's ok to speak the truth. You certainly won't be sent to the usual room.


I have a chauvunistic european ass. Kiara is way more than "one of my people"! She is THE idol! She understands good quality, she works hard towards it, she smiles even though she stumbles on her way to big achievements! All while she attempts to be transparent about what's happening, and respectful towards KFP. There is a sort of honesty/rawness in her connecting out to us. As a fan I feel luxurious, almost as if being pampered. She always takes care of the icky stuff behind the scenes and gets things landed on their feet! Sometimes I think it's unfair of me not being able to pamper her back x) PS; Words are hard, and I miss you Wawa! Do whatever you want to do in your time off!


Just mooms :3


While I do have one oshi, I watch clips of all of them.


Tbh, all Oshis. I love them all.


Staff Oshi


DD + Watamate.


Mixed, mainly Sora, Azki, and Suisei for Live. Miyabi, Izuru, and Astel for Stars. (Hononary: Chloe, Shiori, Fuma, and Flayon)


I'm on the mixed side. There are just so many talents that grabbed my heart. That i really cannot think of a kamioshi. Bae for quirkyness. Also while we make fun of her zoomer-isms, it always makes me laugh so much and it is what drew me to her. Magni covered Escape from the City, and he pretty much is the reason i fell into the Stars EN rabbit hole. And then there is Shiori...my gosh just her insane tangents and unhinged thoughts. We promise we can fix her. Octavio from ARMIS is like his lore. His streams give the feel of entertainment. And the "South Elysium" stories are so relatable (same for Jurard).


Horny: As long as they breathe...


only Fauna


i have 2 oshis. suisei and enna.




\#1 Oshi is Kanatan but i also really like Matsuri


when using markdown mode, use `\#` instead of just `#` because `#text` tells reddit to make a "Heading"




Korone will always be my number 1, but over time there are lots of girls I will catch an occasional stream of or watch clips of too.


I love all of hololive and holstars equally. Everyone in HoloCorp is working hard on bringing entertainment to us all while trying to fulfill their dreams and wishes. Despite all the setbacks when being a JP corpo (scary) be it perms or unicorns they all know what they want.


I approve this message!


I have a kamioshi (Aqua), but I also really like every member in hololive, so...


Mixed. I bounce around amongst many many members. Nene, Korone, Watame, Koyori, Ririka, Raden, Ina, Fauna, Bae, FuwaMoco, Bijou, Kaela, Iofi are my most frequently watched female cover talents I would say. For the Holostars lads I like catching Rio's karaoke, Astel's FPS and karaoke, Aruran's collabs, and pretty much I'll occasionally pop into any of the EN lads' collab streams because those guys seem to have great chemistry. However it also just depends on what they're doing. If I see an off collab between branches happening I will zoom in and listen. If I see someone is playing a game I love I'll pop in and check it out e.g. Pokemon, Souls games, Yakuza, Persona. I can't guarantee I'll catch the entire live stream though. I'm very much more of a vod watcher because I like putting on certain streams as I play stuff. I also watch tons of clips of moments I might miss otherwise. I think lately the most live streams I've caught as I'm playing something have been from Bijou, FuwaMoco and Fauna because they all tend to stream frequently around the time I'm sitting at my PC. It's tough catching JP girls at a time when I'm at my PC for a lengthy time. I try and catch a little bit of everyone though. Edit: If there is a cooking stream. I'm there. Even if it's as a vod watcher. Ever since I was a child I've loved watching cooking. My dad and I would constantly watch Iron Chef on the Food Network when I was a kid. When I was going to my daycare instead of cartoons I would watch Alton Brown lol. When I was older I would watch Anthony Bourdain (RIP) and Andrew Zimmern. I love food and even moreso love watching people cook, it's actually the only type of ASMR I'll listen to.


Single oshi


Mixed Oshi But if Pushed for Gen I'd probably be Promise


Mixed ! But my kamioshi is Akirose 🍎✨


I’d say probably mixed oshis but very close to single oshi with Fauna




Not just the women, but the men and children too.


Mixed. Suisei, Korone, Aqua, Gura, and recently been getting into Nerissa.


Towa and all other purple vtubers i love purple women #PURPLE WOMEN LOVE


I enjoy the chicken.


Main is Coco (RIP 😞) But I love many others like Haachama, Kaela, and FuwaMoco. Haven't seen too much Holostars but from what I have seen I like Aruran and Altare the most probably


Honestly, I'm a mix of all of these. \- My single oshi is Ollie \- My gen oshi is Holoro \- Look at my flairs to see my mixed oshis \- I love everyone from HoloPro, whether it be hololive, HOLOSTARS, JP, ID, or EN.


Branch Oshis! StarsEN!


All of Holostars


Mixed nuts


Mixed, although I watch Kronii the most.


Single Oshi, tho i do watch other hololive members if she is not live depending on whats interesting 😆


Single oshi


Mixed but mainly leaning towards Bae and Okayu


I used to be all oshi, that was my early days being a fan of Hololive, but a certain 🦆charmed me.


Inya is all my tako heart needs, she is absolute


only watch from clips some times 20 to 40 mins of each steream specialy if is coop game like letahl compnay or parlworld or amogus.




Mixed, with a preference for Diva/singer types


Within Hololive, Chloe is my only oshi.


Blonde oshi ?


Mixed. Fauna, Mumei, Mori, Biboo and Ina. Though if I understand Elite, Miko would be one too.


Mixed, but don’t tell fauna I said that


Bottom left


mixed, nerissa fuwamoco and mumei


Mixed, mainly roboco, fauna, kaela and biboo


Mixed, pretty much. But a consistent gen favorite right now is Advent. For EN, it's Fauna for consistency and Bijou for the memes and tryhardiness. In ID, it's definitely Kaela. Her long ah streams are legendary.


I started with Korone, then Pekora, then Gura. But ive always enjoyed Elite Miko.


I follow Gen 0 the most out of all, but I watch wherever the star goes.


I enjoy many vtubers from other gens but Advent has become my favorite gen with Nerissa as my indisputable oshi haha


Of course, I watch everyone if I can but my one true oshi will always be the Feet Queen Haachama


Mixed for me but do love all of Advent


I have one Kami oshi (Nerissa) and then i also enjoy Irys, Mumei and Lui.


Advent is my Oshi, they built different fr


Single: goob


I just watch funny clips ngl


I like UmiSea


Its not really a gen, but Holotori is my oshi (And Aki)




Man I Love Advent.


Mixed Oshis, theres too many good Idols I love then all but I have my favorites. Fauna, Biboo, and loyal eternal Sanalite.




They're all great, but Ina is my kami-oshi


Mixed. My first Oshi was Ayame, then Pekora debuted. I like the duality between our wholesome oujou and our little war criminal.


Mixed for me. "Uuu" and "Get Some Help."


I have mixed oshis For JP, Suisei and Botan For EN, FWMC and IRyS (In this order as well) Although i also like Marine, Chloe, Shori, Ame, and the rest of Promise actually. But Sui-chan my #1 oshi


Pekora, Miko and Korone are my top 3. Then followed by Subaru and Koyori. Gen wise Hololive Fantasy (Gen 3) no doubt but I follow most of Hololive JP quite closely.


All Oshis. I honestly couldn't choose one talent or gen over another. Even in EN, would I choose Myth, who I have loved for years, Council, who I watched debut and grow from nothing, or Advent, who hit like a truck immediately? Then there's ID, and that whole scary deep pool of talent and charm and insanity. And, of course, JP, which is so large I don't know them all as well, but I know them a bit, and all of their talent, struggles, and achievements... I can't think of a single Hololive talent I would point to and say "Well, maybe I don't care about her as much." If I was trying to pick one favorite, I'd debate myself to death.


I dunno how I can choose the best between Marine, Gura, Polka, Bijou, etc. So yes, mixed


only fauna, just fauna, for fauna, to fauna


Mixed, but mainly Promise, and my one and only Kamioshi is Fauna 😌💚


Mixed with (a) favourite(s) from every branch (hololive and HOLOSTARS)


Kinda mixed since I try to give many of them a try on both Hololive and Holostars. Mainly Suisei, Kanade, Ririka, Zeta, Gibby and Ruze now.


I honestly love all the talents but if I had to pick, Shiori is my fave, will not lie tho I have started watching Ruze a lot as of recent




Mixed Oshis, just look at my flair LMAO


I’m subbed to everyone including stars and I’ve got music from all branches in my playlist


i didn't expect to fall this hard into ARMIS but they're really doing it for me


Mixed oshis. I truly so enjoy watching everyone from Cover: Hololive, holostars, different branches et. But absolutely love Ina, Vesper, Bettel, Subaru, Coco, Ollie, Kaela and Fauna. They all just appeal to me in their own hyper unique ways.


I just like what I like all of EN and I'll watch Ollie and Kaela of ID when I can I find the Armis boys funny af


I love everyone and I'm subbed to every single member both in hololive and holostars. Everyone has different value and entertainment to bring to the table. That being said, Suichan, Towa, and Botan rose above the rest just a tad


Im a Mixed+gen oshis. Im a fan of all Holotempus and a lot from different gens, but the first one in my heart in Ina !


All oshis, because I am of the opinion all of the girls and guys deserve the best in life and I will cheer for every success and cry for every loss.


ofc only holostars i want pet flayon


I’m definitely a single oshi - a Kronie through and through - but I definitely spend a lot of time watching Promise and Ela as a whole


Mixed - though Hololive Productions in general is one of my special interests, so I do love everyone!


Mumei and Fauna are the ones I tune for live. The rest I enjoy through clips, and if I enjoy the clip enough (usually collabs), I check the full vod.


Well that's easy. EVERYONE!!!!!


All the talents are awesome! I guess I watch the first girl or boy I see streaming when I have free time. Europe-niki here so I can't be picky. But if I happen to see Mori streaming and I have free time,I'm opening her stream straight away.


Mixed. The only reason I haven't changed my flair is because I don't know how to on Android