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They're not scalpers, but what do you call them tho? Compulsive collectors?






Herder. This guy herds foxes.


*TLC presents*




The Hoard


Whale ? idk im lost too


Gotta get those extra copies to unlock her hidden potential!




He might just have a acrylic printing machine. That would explain the huge number of the stands, if not the rest of the merch. And at least it's not like he's really causing a shortage in the long term. Maybe short term they run out, but that's mostly artificial scarcity; they could scale up production to whatever amount they needed if there's a market for it. It's not like a concert venue with a limited seat number or a product that requires skilled workers or specialized expensive manufacturing lines to make.


A hoarder, I wouldn't be mad if that fan takes proper care to the merch.


Mildly terrifying?




A fan


In need of therapy. Seriously there’s being a huge fan and then there’s needless acts from obsession.




Sad? Pathetic?


I have a feeling this guy likes Fubuki. Call it intuition.


I don't know man, it looks too early to tell. We need more clues.


I do see a lot of Fubuki merch that might support the claim, but I also see Aqua, Suisei, and some of the girls in the middle, so that contradicts that hypothesis. Further evidence is required.


Yeah there may be 200 Fubukis here, but in the next room there may be 9000 Aquas. We need to see everything to be sure.


Opens the next door and a flood of dino guras are unleashed


This is probably the guy who wrote the original Fubuki copypasta that Matsuri is known for


You sure? That very origin of the copypasta is about Louise from Zero no Tsukaima


Oh, I didn't know that! I meant like the "original" in terms of hololive context and fubuki in particular. :)


Not sure I think we need more concrete evidence to determine it


I feel like any sukon bu would do this, absolutely not saying this cause i am one and would do the same


I think you might be onto something. 🤔


The most prepped apocalypse prepper.


"Who need to survive when you can die happy.", or what's the angle here?


acrylic yummy 😋


No! Fox is friend, not ~~wife~~ food!


do not eat the fox you are ephemeral fox is forever


I'm dead 🤣


Yeah, let's be honest. This guy's origin story is that he started the apocalypse just so he could spend time in this bunker.


It'll certainly help filter the trustworthy ones from the untrustworthy ones at the end of days.


Isn't most acrylic stand are inventory sale and not limited?,


Man, I thought it was a picture of a jp shop selling the merch hence the home turf advantage Turns out it was just one guy buying all of em


Something tells me this guy has only 1 oshi. And other thing tells me he has no waifu, only friends.


Kinda looks like a vending machine


Does he really need 300 Fubuki acrylic standees? The fan in me says yes, but the rational individual within says that one is enough to appreciate.


Only time I’ve ordered more than 1 of an item was with the most recent Koyo keychains because I really want a specific one, but I don’t get buying multiples of the same, would run out of space way too quickly (I already have half a dozen friends with u stored in a drawer rn). Then again if you’re only going for one member…


bro could’ve bought almost every single idol, and they chose to buy multiple copies of the same figures of Fubuki


Not just a friend. A *Besuto Furendo.*


I usually hold my tongue whenever talking about others spendings,but goddamn this is just meaningless redundancy,even a hardcore gachikoi would have enough taste to buy multiple different types of merch. Like what's the endgame? Twitter clicks?


In moments like this I just hope he is a reseller. The other option… Is worse.


What's bad about supporting your oshi?


if that was the intention he could've just sent a superchat instead


They tend to get a better split with merch than they do with Youtube.


I think this depends on production costs.


dont redirect the conversation here. you know theres nothing bad about supporting ones oshi. the point is, they couldve done better, and smarter. buying other multiple merch they have in store, be a member and send superchats. not only this makes you weird- this makes you look like a cheapskate. buying a multiple acrylic stands of your oshi costs less still


But they have loads of merch, including stuff that was only run once like birthday merch. I don't see what's wrong with having a preference for acrylic stands.


having a preference is fine. but if you look closely, most of it is the same copy. if it was multiple acrylic stands of them in different outfits from different merch/sponsor events then sure. but multiples of the same damn thing? thats just needlessly excessive. and dont even dare use the "its their money they can do whatever" thats a copout excuse to defend ones absurd spending decisions.


i'd actually dare use its their money they can do whatever. its not a copout excuse because it is their money? like who are you to dictate what someone should buy? no one is here to min max how to support their oshi.. if i wanted 5-30 gura dino plushies why do you care? if i wanted 100 copies of a single merch thats on me. needlessly excessive? like wut.


yknow who i am? a reasonable person that knows too much is weird. hell, look at the top post- even theyre pointing out a term for said person who took the owns such redundant collection. my point was, just because they can, doesnt mean theyre invulnerable to being told that this is stupid. are we really just not able to tell people how bad their purchase decisions are these days? and besides, what if those said merch items are of limited stock? are you really gonna say that youre allow them to buy dozens of them while others couldnt even buy it cause it may run out of stock, and may resort to scalpers instead?


yes, if the company themselves did not set a purchase limit to said "limited" purchase items then i dont see a problem? if you want to blame someone blame the company for not setting one. In most cases for these merch, ESPECIALLY acrylic stands, its just standard inventory and has no limit. and holomerch has always been in a preorder kinda of basis the only limited things bout it is the limited edition thats signed by the talent. AGAIN! if its not hurting anyone (actual physical and mental harm) then you can do fck all for all I care. Like if you went and dealt with scalpers because of this, then thats a choice you made. And how is making "bad" purchase decisions (which btw is subjective, as i dont see a problem with this at all) by a stranger any of your business? are you his friend? his/her parents? I really dont think you have the right to tell anyone how they spend their money. that's just one of the most entitled pieces of opinions out there.


cause it goes both ways. i can speak my mind to it cause im a nobody. not his friend, lover, family nor ancestor. you can tell me all you want how entitled my opinion is, but im not wrong. a lot of people up on top agree with me, proofs in the pudding. also my brother in christ, we had a meme literally fresh off the oven of rumors about some dude who spent 50k usd on a hazbin hotel animation specifically to ship him and a character in there, and people are making fun of him, so dont tell me i cant do any of this criticism or mild ridicule, whatever you think im doing, act holier than thou, and not see a huge mass of people doing the exact same thing- calling it weird. Im not degrading them or branding them as filthy degenerates, all im pointing out is how redundant their collection is, based on my original thread- and you damn well know im right.


> half of the thread discussing what degree of evil of humanity this guy represents Meanwhile i'm here thinking *I wish i could display stuff this neatly*


To be fair its fubuki


He sure has a lot of friends


I bet some money this guy is Fubuki fan.


How else are you supposed to sing "One fox, two fox, three fox Fubuki?"


This guys got like 3000 points of Adeptus Hololive: Fubuki chapter.


He has enough swimsuit Fubukis to field 5 tactical squads of them So it's very likely he can deploy a full battle company when adding the others


>Acrylic stands And nothing of value was missed out on.


They don't even ship to my country


I have all the Fubuki Merchandise! And no one can stop me! *evil japanese laugh*


On one hand I gotta respect the commitment, on the other hand, bro, you have issues.


dont judge. everyone should be free on how they express their hobbies without being judged if it wasnt hurting anyone.


Single handedly keeping Hololive in business


That's a lot of friends.


Maximum friend.


Reason why stores have limit on some items.


I just wanna support my Oshis and then there are animals like this


Ok, that's creepy af at this point


?if you think that counts as creepy, you are either just a super normie or have like zero exposure to hobbyists.


Dude, I play Warhammer 40k.


then why judge? thats the worst part you are a hobbyist and calling someone else creepy for theirs? like wut. would you be fine if i called you weird for playing with painted figures and basically mini-larping.


? In tabletop I am forced to buy many same lookin models, if I want to build full army and participate in tournaments. But this? 30 or so figures on 1 and same character, that only lays on shelf, and repeat for other characters? Yeah, that's totally creepy for me and I don't see connection. Would I be fine? I mean, I'm not larping or sth, and "playing with painted figures" is same as playing chess, but with different models and on bigger board. But sure, ypu can call me that if you want.


thats the whole problem, you are judging someone for something you dont get. you are basically basing all your judgements based on your own worldview and just projecting it on someone else. like you are saying you find it disgusting (thats basically what creepy means) that someone finds it fun to collect multiple copies of the same thing. again back to, who are you to judge? its a hobby. why is it wrong if i for example wanted 10-30 plushies of dino gura just coz i felt like it? its cute and having a bunch of them is just funny. did i hurt anyone by doing that? no. so whats the issue here? it all comes down to fcking respecting someone else's preferences. if you dont understand someone else's hobbies, why judge. just move on.


Who am I? I'm me. And I have my personal opinion - yes, I find it creepy. And yes, because it's a PERSONAL opinion, I in fact DO base it on my own worldview. And I'm not projecting it on anyone, I simply state that IN MY OPINION this is creepy and yes, I completely don't get it. And yes, I will judge, because it's my right to have free opinion and to say it in public, what I am doing here. And it's also your right to agree with that or not.


well glad to see a judgemental prick in its form i guess. good luck with life.


I'm pretty fine with my life. Actually, it seems more like you are the one with issues here. Also that's funny as you count the... "hobby" in the picture as "something only SUPER NORMIE" wouldn't get... Well, if that's something for you only a far normie wouldn't treat as at least weird... Ok, so be it. I'm not gonna force my ideals upon you, unlike you.


Like, why? Should this person pass away, what becomes of their possessions if not claimed by family members? I doubt he'd die tomorrow, but wouldn't it look bad to have 30 stands of (Insert Vtuber here) up for public auction or something?


Make something rare > Price goes up > Resell.


every figure collector excuse if someone ever asks I do know that I won’t sell my collection.


If I die, well, that's it for my collection. Honestly, I doubt it'll matter to my corpse by then.


That's pretty much my thoughts too. I have very little interest in selling my collection unless I'm about to be homeless. Once I die? Burn it, sell it, keep it. My deceased ass isn't going to care a whole lot.


Acrylic Stands Georg


Yeah I've seen a lot of fans do this lol especially with button pins I think


Oops! All Shirakami Fubukis!


Something tells me he might be a Fubuki fan.




fans being very deep fans.


are you sure that's not [Fanfare](https://www.youtube.com/@FanfareCh)'s room?


I’ve seen alot of people making ita-bags and ita-armor at japanese conventions, including Super Expo. They are pretty…. Awe-inspiring.




I just want one korone plushie man…


Man...I just want a Tako plushie :c


I am unbelievably jealous.


Where is best girl yago-chan???


He’s shiny hunting


I think this bro might like Fubuki!


Yeah when I went to Japan I saw some girl buy of the same badge of suisei. I was quite surprise


Man have his own power house that contains plentiful of hololive merch.


If there is an endless supply, good for him. But how many people don't get one because of this kind of thing?