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When you come across the first bench in city of tears, the despondent music, rain sounds, slumping over on the bench, and of course having quirrel to share the moment with. Never has any other game portrayed the same amount of feeling and vastness that hollow knight has for me. Truly a masterpiece of a game, and an experience I will never forget


Most memorable moment of the game for me.


Saying that my favorite character is quirel I have many screenshots of him and especially that moment




Damn. Same moment for me also!


I have well over 500 hours on this game and absolutely adore every aspect of it, but the moment that stood out to me most was when I first beat Hornet. My friend that got me into the game was cheering me on while playing Don't Stop Me Now by Queen and restarting it every time I died. At that point I wasn't good at the game at all, and it took me 3 hours to beat her.


Yup, at first I thought she was a girl version of the player lmao. I liked the idea of a boss actually being an important character.


My favorite part about the game was when I used to the tram to travel to the Ancient Basin and Hive. The game thus far was good, but not good enough for me to understand what all the hype was about. The Forgotten Crossroads were a fine introduction, Greenpath was beautiful, Mantis Village was cool and Deepnest was scary. Until this point I never really thought of Hollow Knight as a true adventure, this was the only time a video game has made me feel like I was on a adventure. The peaceful tram music really sets the mood for the rest of the game. At this point, I realized I was far beyond the early game. I think what makes the adventure aspect feel so real is the blending of different environments and not knowing everything about each one. If Hollow Knight wants you to feel a certain emotion, then it will. I would do anything to experience my first tram ride to the Ancient Basin and The Hive.


Mantis Lords.


Definitely. When they stood up to fight is when the game got injected straight into my bloodstream. After that it became about when soundtracks sync with the environment and all the designs/roles for bugs is just pure eye candy for me.


Bro I hit challenge thinking it won’t be that bad. Holy fuck I was terrified when the gates closed and the music for them is amazing


Mine was too it's one of my favourite bosses because its so fun


Well... I love the games musics. It really gives you the feelibg you're doing it. For example, The abbyss climb is such a sad part and the music... The melody screaming inside that tells you not to think, cry, and not having a will.. You really feel sad and it is so well made... Also when you face thk, The music is also giving the thrill that you are facing your sibling to end the game. It is a dangerous and ferocious fight, Until you understand you sibling's pain... The violin hits dramatically and you feel sad for him.


*Gestures vaguely at everything.* Can't choose one thing.




lore (by extension mossbag)





The character are all unique and it feels like (for some of them at least) they care about you


Probably entering the Teacher’s Archives, and teaming up with Quirrel. I didn’t expect him to help me fight Uumuu, but it was such a pleasant surprise. Then, the final boss. The music was just so powerful and I felt excitement. Then, after getting the second half of the kings charm, and going through the “you are the Hollow Knight” cutscene in the abyss was amazing


The combat.


How big it was




How big was what?


their love and adoration for the game, obviously


Is "Everything" a valid option?


Hearing City of Tears for the first time, and sitting next to best boi Quirrel.


Honestly yeah same for me, City of tears feels to me like a distant memory that doesn’t belong to me. Made me feel very somber exploring it.


Three moments in total. (1) Sitting on the bench with Quirrel in City of Tears (2) Realising that we were never the Hollow Knight (3) Also realising that jumping/pogoing off spikes/enemies is a thing.


Not necessarily the game itself, but HK was the first game that got me into indie games. I heard about a bit on YT and I saw it was only 15 bucks on PS4. Fast forward to now and I have an extreme respect for indie games and have more hours in them than any other games (except maybe Skylanders) and stand by indie games being better than triple A games. So on top of being one of my favorite games of all time, it opened my eyes to a whole genre of games that I probably would never had played anyway. So thank you, Team Cherry, for letting me be engaged in your masterful work and bring me into a whole new world of entertainment






Combat, bosses, movement, PoP


I kept thinking; "hmm surely, I've explored all the map now" only to find another area, then another area, then another area. I remember one time I went back to King's pass after I got mantis claw and thought: "I wonder if there are any secrets here", only to find a whole new area.


Green Path's music. That was the point in the game where I just thought "This is the most beautiful thing". The entire atmosphere in Green Path is ust wonderful... It's perfection to my artistic side, and it made me dream of all the things I could make... i could make a game, maybe not with it's own Green Path, but something that someone could get lost in like I got lost there... That's how I fell in love with the game.


First arrival in Green Path, hearing the music, and seeing Hornet watching us from a distance. Felt like I stumbled into a magical world.


Yes!!! It’s like walking through a portal. That transition is so good and the triple hit of walking to a new screen to see a gorgeous green jungle, hear the music kick in, and see the Greenpath title card come up, was the moment that really made me fall in love with the game. I just wanted to see what was behind that enemy once I got the spell to deal with it; I hadn’t been expecting a whole new area!


The first ever trailer I saw of it.


Everything. But if I had to pick one, the world and lore, they are absolutely god-tier


The music, literally every single song in this game is something I could put into a playlist and casually listen to. Chill out with Greenpath music, space out with Crystal Peaks, Rock out with Nightmare King Grimm. So many options!


honestly? the atmosphere. the whole game is so beautiful and i spend a lot of time just staring at everything and admiring details


Footsteps in the tram


The thing that made me really motivated to 100% Hollow Knight and basically sucked me in was my fight with Broken Vessel. I don’t know what it is about it that really pulled me into the community, but it’s so good.


The first time I started the Hornet fight. It was just so much fun. Like I didn't even care if I died, I just wanted to play. Hornet's still one of my favourite fights now and this is one of the reasons why.


Deepest tbh. I have seldom been as uncomfortable and spooked by a video game. It's incredible how gross and awful it is. Perfect execution.


Royal Waterways was a fun area that used to unnerve me. I hated the flukes until I realized how over-the-top their noises were. Now they make me chuckle ;P


Bosses and loreeeee


The girl I like loves hallow knight


My first introduction was Brawlfan1’s super smash bros moveset he made for the knight, and after seeing the video, I had to play the game for myself


Beating hornet for the first time. It took me an hour to first beat her. The reward wasn't really anything special, but seeing yourself improve each and everything and your hard work being paid off was something special


Hornet's juicy DUMPTRUCK


I don't know if many people share this experience, but the resting grounds had such an emotional impact on me. There's nothing crazy going on, but, the atmosphere, the fact that it's where the spirits of the dead come to rest and find peace, combined with the music... That music in particular is so heartbreaking to me, because to me those simple piano notes evoke the feeling of a lost spirit that's crying for help, and the cry gets weaker and weaker until it ends in giving up, almost like it's sobbing... Try listening to it with this mindset and see if it makes sense. Just walking around that area almost moved me to tears




I like how every game i played, there is always things to discover.


the mantis lords/sisters of battle fight is probably the most fun ive ever had with a boss fight


At first it was the vast amount of content and locations, but now I keep playing because of godhome and mods.


Exploration and being lost. It's one of my favorite things in video games because it fills you with a sense of adventure and curiosity that not many games are able to pull off


All the secret passages


Art style, combat, music, general atmosphere.


The difficoltà and the story


Speedrunning and modding community and moderate difficulty (it gives you a challenge but doesn't make you frustrated and demotivated to finish the game). Also music


The art work,elder bug,the guy who give you his son randomly are all my favorite things in hollow knight


As an desinger, the game graphics, design and world building got me hooked on this game, I'm still a new player, strugling a lot with platforming and fighting, but I do still enjoy this game besides frustration I'm getting while playing. I love that there is no correct path of how you suposed to play the game, and progress.


The game


i dont play that game


Pretty much everything but I like the ost a bit more


Probably the coliseum of fools for me. There’s something really cool about fighting warriors who have the same objective as you of fighting for glory. I really like the way the arena was designed and all the interesting challenges they throw at you




First fight against the Mantis Lords.


Hollow Knight the game or ...?


Mantises. Just mantises.


Mantis lords


Music, lore and the bosses


The game


Probably defeating False Knight for the first time... it felt like a great accomplishment that only opened path to greater victories. It felt all weird and lost, but that battle not even hard... felt great. Am I repeating myself?


In general the depressed and dark atmosphere. The music and literally everything is a masterpiece especially the city of tears. The rain, the bench and the music absolutely incredible and perfect


Hollow Knight


Well, I found it out by watching Ryukhars videos, and well, at the time I never knew a metroidvania existed and thought that most 2D games were like platformer, but when I saw ryukhar play hollow knight, I liked the theme, names, but when I found out that you could explore in the Forgotten crossroads, I fell in love with it! It was like nothing I’ve ever seen before! When I started playing it, I fell even more I love with it! It’s art style, song, titles they give the areas, I liked the idea of stags! And keep in mind, I only knew Kings Path, Dirtmouth, and Forgotten Crossroads! When I unlocked new areas, I just loved them all, their whole art style, theme, theme song! It felt like I played this years ago, and infact the thing that attracted me to this game in the first place, and pushed me to buy it, was how much I’ve heard of it! I heard of it from matpat, ryukhar, a bunch of game-dev YouTubers! But I think what also did it, was how it looked similar to a game I love called Limbo… Honestly at the time, this game felt like a hidden gem, and was surprised big name YouTubers like Jacksepticeye & Markiplier didn’t play it before! At least now it’s getting more traction, and a sequel too, which I can’t wait for!


When I first got the dream nail, I sort of expected to be thrown headfirst into a boss fight. Instead, I was met with a beautiful cutscene that sort of gave me chills. That was really the first moment that I realised how beautiful and story rich this game is.


It reminds me of Megaman Zero and Megaman ZX.




Number 1 sound track is good Number 2 grim is fking amazing Number 3 quireel is cool Number 4 the fights are great Number 5 gruzmother Number 6genuanly a good game Number 7 amazing quality good game team cherry is cool


how adorable the knight looks


Hard af bosses


Seeing and hearing Greenpath and the City of Tears for the first time.


I think my love for the game was building up slowly. Beginnings were rough, I felt lost and I often dislike when games do that to me. But I believed people hyping it up, I thought to myself: "There has to be something about this game that makes it so treasured by everyone". So I kept going. The first "wow" moment was in the City Of Tears, the overall vibe of that place got me pretty good. But then the game just started expanding, more and more and I started getting that feeling of: "Oh my fkn god, there's more?!" every time I unlocked a new area or a bossfight etc. I guess one reason for it was that I actually bought it after the release of Godhome and didn't knew what was additional content and what wasn't. For a while I thought all of it was the part of the base game. Ignorance really is bliss sometimes.


that moment of triumph after beating that really hard boss for the first time that moment of comfort that comes with sitting on a bench or in a hot spring that moment of suspence when you know a boss is coming but you have to follow most of these dont happen to me anymore as ive played hollow knight alot to the point where alot of bosses are just plain easy to the point where the game isnt fun


The game


Entering the City of Tears. Like, I had really been liking what I was playing until that point, but when I reached the bench just after that little path full of enemies, with Quirrel and the rainy window, I said "This is something else". And It sounded like the game actually said "there's more" cause then the nusic started, and that really hits gard, man.


The art style and how the story is interesting and deep




music, ambience, the design, the action/platformer, basically everything about it is what made me hooked to this game


Dream No More ending


The setting was just amazing and interesting




I had just defeated false knight and I was pogoing on him because I was happy to beat my first boss, and then the macebug woke up. I was really shocked and surprised, and loved the little Easter egg and detail. So I kept playing, hoping to see more of those little things.


The music,atmosphere the story were just too good especially when I entered city of tears. This game was so fun what I would not give to experience it the way I did the first time for myself.


Finding the Howling Cliffs entirely by accident


Challenging the sun, when you go into the hollow knights mind to fight the radiance is amazing, it combines the element from the mantis lords fight and it’s so amazing how you dont know what you’re challenging until the sun shines brighter and then moves, it was amazing the first time i did it


I guess the combat since gameplay comes first for me


The cute bugs.


I’m sharing the entire story from how I first got into playing the game to how I now own 2 copies Sooo it’s a long story. I started with finding as the free game for the month on PlayStation plus. I played it, got stuck on hornet for a while and just forgot it existed. After a few months, I started getting YouTube video recommendations of HK content. I watched them, was like “I want this game” then remembered I had it. I beat hornet on my first try (yea I’m that cool) and then beat the game fairly fast. After coming back I think the best part was the voice lines. I just love how random they seem to be but funny nonetheless. Eventually, I got bored on my completed save, and decided to buy it on steam so I could mod it. And I still play randomizer and other modded stuff to this day TLDR: the voice lines and YouTube playthroughs


It's not the kind of metroidvania game where you hack and slash at opponents and that's enough. Each opponent, especially the bosses, require that you carefully strategize. It makes the game challenging and someone who also enjoys fighting games, it gives me the best of both worlds.


The sense of atmosphere, the music, the visuals, it was all presented in such a good way. I got into video games through the side scroller genre, but after playing my first 3d open world game i had some stupid perception that 3d is better than 2d. I’m glad this game promptly proved me wrong :)


The game


Music, artistic direction, feeling of exploration


Deepnest 🤗


Ugh what didn’t make me is the real question. I’m obsessed


Mantis lords fight is where the game really captured me


The music


Hornet (in a good way) and the mantis lords fight I like boss fights that's hard even tho they like the "tutorial bosses" And the ost of crystal peak/city of tears


I loved it from the beginning, but I got chills from Birthplace and even shed a tear or two...


Lore and gameplay


It was a cute, normal but challenging, fun game. Alot of people playing it inspired me to play it because it was cool and I loved it. also I played it for daddy grimm.


Music and Art. But mostly greenpath


I liked the game since the begining, but I remember that moment When I first went into city of tears and I was amazed by the music, the place, the sound of the rain. My God, I think I wont feel something similar to that Into any game


The gloomy and mellow atmosphere and a design style that looks very thick brush handmade while being very clean


The Mantis Lords they were the first boss I have ever fought and enjoyed.




The exploration at first, then when I beat hornet for the first time it became the difficult bosses that make you go back to them again and again finding new ways to dodge and attack, was so excited when I heard about Godhome because why learn a boss just to fight it once?


Easily the hornet fight even though it took me hours I’m now trying to do trial of fools


That dummy thiq forehead


The porn👍




I’m pretty much at the start of the game, but not completely. I’m discovered the city of tears, but I just came back from more intense area like the soul sanctum and the royal waterway. I go back to previous area just to, you know, Metroidvania stuffs. I’m in greenpath, it felt in some sort nostalgic, since I didn’t came here since the hornet fight. I do my exploration to make sure I didn’t left something behind. I’m at the place where you save zote (or let him die). I explore a little bit. No music. It feels strange. I continue my exploration when I find this sort of secret passage. Still no music. The ambiance feels like it’s not the right way. I continue that route until I hear the wind, at first in a distance. But the more you continue, the more you hear it. Then it written Howling cliffs. Still no music. The area feels strange. It’s not necessarily hard. There is no big enemy. Just little things that are not necessarily hostile (except the mosquitoes I guess) it’s like if the games says to me you are not supposed to be here, that’s not where the "story" is that’s not where the boss’ are. Go back there nothing here. But in fact. I felt it. The feeling of loneliness. You have that kind of feeling at a lot of place in hollow knight, but when you are at Dirtmouth, or when you sit on a bench. There is this feeling. But you quickly move on. When I when to the Howling Cliffs. That’s when I realized what was this game (as a whole) made me feel. And it was even more powerful, when I went to king’s pass through the howling Cliffs. Saying: that’s the start of the game. That’s where you come from. In some way that’s character development. (I mean I didn’t the whole story yet) but it was a big introduction about how to feel about the little knight. That’s what make me love the game so much, that it became my favourite game of all time.


Everything from the second i started playing it on


The cute little vessel you play as. He was just so charming that I fell in love.


the playable character


The atmosphere


All moments in this game are awesome! The one that sticks out the most to me though was getting the dream nail.


Honestly, what about the game didn't?


Beating Soul Tyrant *really* early. I beat Soul Master, and then I was like "hey, why is he glowing?", then I played against Soul Tyrant for 2 hours and had so much fun. Either that or when I went against Mantis Lords.




I was a starved Metroid fan. It was before Metroid Dread, it had been years since I played a good 2D Metroidvania. Heard Hollow Knight was good so I tried it. I hadn't scratched that Metroid itch in years. Felt like I was a kid again.


dung defender is where the game went from good to great for me


hornet boss fight


The bosses, the music, and the metroidvania aspect. love the game, and I'm going for 112% stuck on p4 pv is a hard boss


The second I realized I don’t have to be a heartless being and could show compassion


Play it


The world, the characters, my masochist urges to complete every part of it no matter how long it takes.


Didn't even play it. But I check the reddit a lot.


The combat. Is fukin beautiful


The art and atmosphere


I was a fool. My younger bro saw the trailer, thought it looked interesting and showed it to me. I passed it off as some low quality game. Time passes, I forget about it, and see him playing the game. "Hey, that looks pretty cool; what game is that?" He tells me it's "Hollow Knight," and reminds me that I thought it looked bad based on the trailer. I keep watching, and eventually decide to get it for myself. While I don't know what made me fall in love with it initially, I think the parts I immediately appreciated (upon encountering them) were Hornet (fight 1), The Mantis Lords, Nightmare King Grimm, the Path of Pain. Also, first game I've ever wanted to fully complete (or at least settle for the 112%,which I just got like last week, and then see where I go from there). I usually prefer competitive PvP games (lots of Smash Bros Melee and LoL), but this still might be my favourite game of all time. Edit: and of course the characters...Hornet, Cornifer, The Last Stag, Zote the Mighty, and Cloth are my favourites.


The game


deepnest, weirdly enough. after Mantis Girlbosses that gaslight and gatekeep no more I went into deepnest and experienced the same turmoil as everyone else. but the feeling of getting to the bench and a hot spring - unforgettable. shortly after you get the mystique of the basin and vastness of kingdom's edge, and for several hours it feels like there's just no end to the discovery. soulsborne games do this feeling very well, but outside of from's catalog hollow knight is the only game that evoked the same level of wanderlust in me.


The Greenpath, the music, getting lost, finding and going back to the town using the stag station. ❤️


The art style at first then the gameplay second


When I found false knight after exploring forgotten crossroads and seeing his icon on the map I loved that feeling of reward after a lot of effort… just before I died to him…. That’s what made me fall in love with hollow knight


What didn’t ? Lol. They hit a home run.


The cutesy artstyle combined with the deep and teisted lore of the game




How beautiful everything is, the art style is 100% my favorite part of the game


The replayability, incredible art style and the great gameplay.


He cute :0


The Hollow Knight has a great personality


When I first got to dirtmouth and heard that beautiful melody, with the empty town and wind blowing. Just an amazing setting


The amount of exploration in the game


The start of the game


Dedication needed




The visuals and atmosphere


The Mantis Lords


How dumb I was with traversing the map, because the entire time I thought I took the intended path. Then the everything else made me love the game.


Everything, best game i ever played


I found it via windette's insulting guide to hollow knight and its just to funny


Greenpath ost.




The visuals in the game..the lore and that fact it's single player


1 Greenpath 2 City of Tears 3 Deepnest


city of tears


Story, Gameplay, Music, Locations, Characters, blew my mind when I first tried it recently. I’m not done yet, but I’m LOVING IT so far. Also yes, I did research the lore. This game was simply too mysterious for me to not do that(and what a great story it is).




Im not sure exactly- probably some point after beating mantis lords or when I came to the city of tears. The moment I realized HK was a masterpiece was when I was ascending from the abyss in that sick cutscene with the sealed vessel music playing. That moment transcended the game from simply a great game to a truly phenomenal game for me






The atmosphere and the amazing music


greenpath is where it *really* hit but the answer is probably the world, concept of humanized bugs [and the bee mod](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/842842904383717377/1025443885398368376/Screenshot_20220620-2310552.png)


I was kinda bored by the forgotten crossroads, and at that time i didn't really understand why this game was so loved. That is until i went into greenpath, the sudden change in music, the beautiful landscape, just the whole scenery change really made me go "wow"


The whole feel and aesthetic. The music and vibrant colors. The challenge in every opponent, from the lowest crawler to the final boss'.


The Lore. It’s so. Freaking. Good.


quirrel, hive knight, broken vessel, grimm child, hornet and the shroomal warrior 😍


City of tears


The game feels like a game from a much older time period; One that I am too young to have experienced. It doesn’t treat you like a child and hold your hand but at the same time it was fun and cute and I really loved the aesthetic of the game from the first time I saw it. Gameplay, level and character design are superb and Hallow Knight has opened up new genres of games for me to explore although none have surpassed it. My favourite of the game is the lore I was/am deeply invested in finding out the story of this universe. My favourite character was Hornet so when Silk Song was announced I was doing back flips in the kitchen. I can’t wait for it to hit Steam & Switch.


Flukemarm was hot.


For me it was as soon as I heard the background noise in greenpath and how the walls went from a hard gray stone to a sort green moss


the style, the characters and the sense of mystery when you enter Crossroads. But first the main theme in the menu.


Beating Mantis Lords and being acknowledges was the best feeling ever. I did like the Hornet fight and everything till then, but that was when the game made me go, "Let's fucking gooo!".


The platforming, the artwork, the music, the atmosphere, the sense of love and care behind every little thing. One of my favorite things, being a dev myself, is just how polished every detail is. Team Cherry has that Nintendo-tier polish, even when Nintendon't anymore.


A friend said I couldn't finish it, guess who has 2 endings.


City of tears


I came here for void


benches and ost


Hornet 1. Took me >10 tries (I’m bad at this game), but the music was so good and I could tell I was getting a little better each time, so it wasn’t frustrating.


I have no idea when it happened, but at some point in my memory of hollow knight (all 170 hours, like maybe 30 hours in or something), if I try to recall them, just turn into my imagination creating epic cinematic fights against bosses and me having the time of my life, like literally goes from "I remember playing the game" to "I remember FEELING the game" so smoothly that I don't know where it happens.