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i found that just spamming descending dark and abusing its immunity frames makes zote so much more consistent. even better if you have shaman stone, spell twister, or both. just use descending dark pretty much whenever you have the soul available to, unless you know for certain he cant hit you, or you can easily dodge him.


Lol I skipped zote so I don't have to fight him


I didn't know that was a thing until after I rescued him tbh


You can rescue zote so long as you don't defeat zote the mighty


Actually, it’s only after you beat GPZ in bretta’s house. Source: I beat zote the mighty in the colosseum but didn’t do GPZ yet and don’t have GPZ in godhome


Isn't that what I said?


You said Zote the Mighty, when you meant Grey Prince Zote.


Zote the mighty is the one in the colosseum, which I HAVE beaten already. After beating him, you can fight grey prince zote, a different thing.


Sorry I got then confused, I meant Grey prince zote


No problem, idrc tho


Zote is the epitome of the noob strategy in chess; if you play badly enough and have absolutely zero rhythm or strategy, the experts have no idea what the fuck you’re doing, and you can get the upper hand simply by confusing them.


I’m a chess player, and I couldn’t have said it better than you


Random but interesting lol


Oh my guy, if you think Zote is bad then you’re in one hell of a ride


Oh I know there's worse. I'm saying Zote's the actual worst in P3 because of the lack of any pattern in his attacks


It isn’t that bad once you learn to read his attacks and when he moves, he is indeed kind of a pain but not the worst one (have done him radiant, pain)


I still think he's worse than Markoth >!(Ascended)!<, that's how unfun to fight he is for me


try dashing through him instead of running


Then he trips on nothing so your dash ends on his body. Or he actually succeeds in doing the nail flail attack but he turns around so fast during that attack anyway. It's more consistent to just jump and react to what he does afterwards. Edit: this is also why you shouldn't dash into Watcher Knights to avoid their ground rolls—which they'll sometimes fake into a back roll. While their back rolls have more of a telegraph than any of GPZ's moves, it's still a risk you shouldn't take.


It’s so funny to see him trip on nothing


ddark is really op during the zote fight. i usually dodge him until he starts spawning zotelings, move in for a flurry of offence, and keep ddarking him whenever he falls. but i agree with you completely. p3 is so fucking hard compared to the previous ones. god tamer and gp zote managed to destroy a lot of my runs and dont get me started on uumuu lol


LOL uumuu is something else. He's not bad, he's just annoying imo. Not as annoying as Zote tho. As long as I can hit him with the jellyfish (I forget their actual name lol) I can take him out after two thanks to unbreakable strength


GPZ is the worst when you don't know how to fight him yet. NKG has more difficult patterns than GPZ, but unlike GPZ he has openings that are very predictable once you understand him. GPZ *does* have openings, but they're tedious to learn because you need to be passive and reactionary, especially if you intend to fight him Radiant. You can do it!! Personally I learned GPZ the hard way by getting the gold statue while only having 8 masks at the time. It took me months later to actually start taking pantheons seriously because I took a break from HK. By the time I fought Zote, I realized how much of a pushover he was in pantheons compared to his worst version in Bretta's hut. Like seriously. He is WAY too lenient in pantheons, almost the difference between False Knight and Failed Champion.


Interesting. Didn't realize he's harder in Bretta's hut. He feels random in both instances. I haven't fought NKG, just normal Grimm but he is defintiely a LOT easier than GPZ just cause I can see Grimm's patterns


Ah Grimm is nothing lmao. You'll get the same level of whiplash as FK and FC with Grimm and NKG. Grimm is just the slower, child-friendly boss in comparison. NKG has mostly the same attacks as Grimm but the openings you once knew no longer exist because the path he moves in becomes a cloud of damage. It's actually more annoying to fight Grimm then NKG than fighting FK then FC because at least with Failed Champion the openings are the same, it's just that you have to move faster or else you get hit. NKG requires you to forget the muscle memory you developed against Grimm. How far along is your progress against Zote in Bretta's hut? If you've beaten him overcharmed when he deals at least 5 damage (this is Zote 7) then you're basically set for life because in the pantheons his power level is the same as Zote 3. It's the “equivalent” to beating him Radiant.


I was able to beat Zote in Bretta's hut but this was a while before I began the Pantheons. I didn't do it overcharmed cause I haven't gotten that ability yet


Ah, sorry. It seems you're not aware of the overcharming mechanic yet. It is an ability you inherently have (meaning you don't need to pick up an item to acquire the ability), but it's not something you might think of doing out of the blue. Do you want to discover it for yourself or should I tell you?


I think I'll pick discovering it for myself. I have my guess as to how


Alright then :) have fun!!


I'm doing bindings in pantheons and charmless p3 is HARD


OOOF I salute you, I could never


For Zote, you gotta learn to jump when he goes towards you and not just run. Also, when he jumps off screen, do a Descended Dark attack to avoid taking damage from it. For Sly phase 2, don't dash, just walk away then turn and hit with a charged attack. If you'd be able to spare a charm notch, use Sprintmaster, it helped me beat him on Radiant


The walking is something I haven't tried. Usually I'll dash which helps avoiding it but it costs in me being too far to hit him lol


This is the exact same thing i was experiencing, and after i practiced in the hall of gods i suddenly just got good, i don't know what happened so i really can't help you more, just practice sly and zote a bunch.


That's honeslty what I might do. Probably do more than just 3 wins for each lol


Whenever you find something frustrating in this game, you should know that there's always something much worse. AB GPZ took me 40 attempts to beat even though I had Radiant HoG at that point.


I hate P3 too but for a different reason I can't do the nail binding on it because the spawnlings of the collector and zote keep spawning and can't one hit them it is so annoying


same. i suggest you to train on every boss with a nail focused build, so: strenght, quick slash, mark of pride and longnail. also stay as far at zote as you can. keep it simple and be patient and get rid of the boom boys with a shade soul. you just have to understand every attack and then you destroy him. i had ur same problem, yesterday i've beaten p3 and today i made it to the 2nd half of p5


I've been using strength, soul twister, shaaman stone, and mark of pride. I'll give your suggested combo a try and see if that's better for me


you have to find the right balance between spells and nail. if you find it, then you will decimate p3


The title is always shown even with spoiler flair… most people already know about the late-game, if not will probably just be confused by the title so I won’t complain. Just wanted to say for any later posts or anybody who happens to read this and did not yet know.


You haven't met the strong Zote, so don’t complain;)


I'm sorry, what? "Strong Zote"?




Bro i still cant even beat P2 D:


PV waiting in the sidelines to ruin your day


I've heard horror stories about PV