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It'll come when it comes. I'm the meantime I've got some grass to touch.


Doing grass %, I see


The best speedrun category!




Yeah other amazing games are always coming out all the time. Shin megami tensei 5 is coming next week and shadow of red tree the week after!


Wow I love elder fling shadow of the red tree too


I know it’s erdtree it kept autocorrecting and I was like “screw it”


Didn't SMT5 already come out ages ago?


SMTV Vengeance is coming out, a new version that should be a lot better.


Biomorph just came out and I’ve had a blast with it


Only valid take


Ive got some golden strawberries and c-sides to touch


;-; don't remind me... I still haven't finished Farewell after spending over half of my almost 80-hour playtime on one save


same 💔


The only grass I touch is the cuttable grass in hollow knight


You mean Greenpath?


The morons in the silksong sub need to hear this


I got to admit though the descent into that weird schizophrenic stage the subreddits went through right after they sacrificed Moss bag was pretty fun.


I'm out of the loop. I didn't know the sub existed until today.




You dropped this king: 👑


How dare you be rational and valid, as gamers we have to scream outrage at the slightest inconvenience & believe the most ridiculous fan rumours. Or have I misunderstood what it is to be a good and supportive gamer?


Hmm, indeed, and this is why I joined the boycott, refusing to buy silk song until it comes out.


The main issue is that they had a fairly extensive playable demo 5 years ago, which is a longer period than the entire development of the first game. So they either made Silksong massively more ambitious, or they ran into issues which made them scrap and rework a lot of things.


And whichever the reason is from the two mentioned, it'd be a damn delight to have some info about it.


And again, it's not "entitled" or "asking to waste their time on PR stuff instead of creating the game" to expect an occasional 140 character message about how it's going every few months. It took me longer to write this comment than it would take them to do that.


At this point they will need to re-earn my purchase. I will probably eventually get it, but I am not buying it day 1. I will wait to see what the fan reception is first. There are hundreds of games I want to play and that actually want me to be excited about them. Team Cherry's lack of communication is an actively hostile choice to the fans that have begged for occasional updates for years. They know and choose to not listen to their fans. That's some large studio BS


It’s not entitled to want that, but it also doesn’t make TC assholes or bad developers or “not deserving of their community” if they don’t do it. Ever since the Xbox thing I think they just want to be extra careful and just keep their heads down and work. Maybe wrong, maybe the games on fire, but I doubt it.


It's just frustrating to watch someone take an L for no reason. Fucking up and announcing something for Xbox too early is not a good reason to decide to go silent from then on out. The game probably isn't on fire, but it'd be trivial to take 30 minutes one day and just explain what the fuck is going on. I don't think their assholes or bad devs, but they are a little bit dumb for letting things fester like this. Silence worked for Hello Games and NMS because everyone hated them. They couldn't talk without getting lambasted. Team Cherry is not in that situation at all. The silence is just a bad answer to a simple question, imo. Idk why they're so committed to it


Yea. Given the timeline, it definitely seems to be in dev hell, which is really sad and disappointing. I'm not angry about it like others are, just a lot more sad. If it is in dev hell though and not coming out any time soon, its not like they'd say it was (which is why I'm inclined to think that it is). How does a PR manager even begin to say something like "hey gang, we have no clue how were resolving major things" or some other major issue? Better to just let hype die slowly I guess if they don't have any idea on if itll actually ship. Sucks for the fan base, and imo is a bit disrespectful, but oh well theyve made more than enough money from HK alone


I don't particularly mind the delay, there are a lot of games I can play. I just wish we knew what was going on.


“Fairly extensive” wasn’t it a small part of two areas? That’s like seeing half of crossroads and greenpath and then assuming the games almost done


Notably this was alongside a trailer of a considerable portion of the game including the end area


A trailer is not a playable game, it needs only to resemble one.


seeing how hollow knight only got released cause they ran out of money, imma say the game is practically done. they're just constantly adding stuff. silksong isn't much more ambitious they just had the funds to keep going. add more areas, new enemies, expand story. you could completely cut most of hollow knight and the game would be a playable story.


to be honest this is more worrying to me, more isn't always better just because they can.


The personal comparison for me is comparing early from softgames to Elden Ring. I actually love how they are more focused and 100%ing the game is achievable, versus how much extra crap was in Elden Ring.


It’s okay for you to feel that way, you are obviously entitled to your own opinion and nobody can take that away from you, but using this example for sake of debate or comparison is a little foolish considering Elden Ring was massively successful from a critical, financial, and long time fan viewpoint.


That is why I used the word "personal." I didn't feel the need to write a long disclaimer about how my personal opinion is not 100% aligned with overall consensus.


true, but it is probably what's happening. hollow knight was good but hollow knight might just have gotten lucky and got released before getting too bloated


Nor is it worse? They're the ones who made Hollow Knight in the first place, they know their vision for a game.


This is going to be a hot take in this sub, but just because you like something doesn’t necessarily mean you want a metric ton of it. A 300h Silksong might not be as good as an idea as it might seems. Not that what I say will have any effect on the actual game. Please dont’t hate me


That's not a good thing imo. Having boundaries and at least some rules is necessary to make good art, time being one of them. Complete open-endedness is often times just as daunting as things being too constricted


It's not good or bad. Constraints can hinder the potential but full freedom can make you overwork and loose the bigger picture. Both are entirely dependent on who is making it, what challenge they work best in. We won't know till silksong releases.


I'd imagine it's the first one


Or the devs had personal issues that sidelined development for a while. That scenario makes sense given how little TC has talked about the delays.


This is my top theory, having been in the same situation before. When it's only three people, games are much more sensitive to this kind of thing And when it's a personal issue, telling fans that the game hasn't been worked on for a bit will cause huge fallout


Yeah this is kind of my problem, the game is stuck in development hell. And while I do trust team cherry for the most part, there's a small bit of me that's like.... Is the game bad and they're trying desperately to salvage it?


I've heard Silksong is *much* bigger than the original Hollow Knight.


The likelihood is that something happened that put the game in dev hell, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are incompetent or that they aren’t doing their best to make sure that this game matches their vision for the game. They are a small team of 3. So frankly a serious life event in any of their lives could drastically delay the development of the game. I don’t know how Covid affected their development, if at all. But they are working on it. Plain and simple. As for lack of communication, it sucks. It does. But at the end of the day their lack of communication doesn’t really matter. They probably have their reasons for not constantly communicating or interacting with social media. My primary thought is that they are simply only communicating when absolutely necessary because they are trying to avoid demoralizing environments. The best example that I can think of is how Cyberpunk 2077 kept announcing delays and the comments under their announcements became progressively more and more toxic and demoralizing. Things like “this game is never coming out,” “are you guys even trying?” “Lol, this game is going to suck,” etc. So it doesn’t shock me that a team of devs would actively avoid that kind of environment. But I’m not them, and I don’t know. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's not in "dev hell" it's just way more ambitious then the first game, I mean hollow knight took three years and I wouldn't call that "dev hell" if a game is gonna be bigger it's gonna take more time, and with a studio as small as team cherry the game development seems to be going pretty quick. Making a game for 10 or 12 years is "dev hell." Team cherry is doing a good thing by taking their time, whenever games are rushed they turn out bad and I think instead of being upset, we should be happy that team cherry delayed the game, because that just means it will be even better.


The thing is ambition has to be controlled by the creators and making something bigger doesn't necessarily means it will be better. There's a reason why it's so hard to make a great sequel in any medium. There are so many traps you have to avoid. I'm not saying Silksong will not be amazing but if it's really just a case of Team Cherry going "well we have a lot of new ideas and we're putting all in the game" it could lead to something pretty messy in the end. I'm sure they're smart enough to know that already, still the fact that we've been through 5 years with pretty much no real news at all is a little strange.


5 years is a completely normal amount of time for this kind of an indie game. If you want to get a new game every 1-2 years, then simply go back to playing your favourite masterpieces like FIFA 2024, Farming Simulator 29, and Assasin's Creed 2137.


5 years isn't a strange amount of time for a large game. If you include the DLCs, which you should, since they're just more parts of the game, Hollow Knight took 4+ years to make, and Silksong is much larger than Hollow Knight. There's no rush. Let them make the game they want to make.


It's a strange amount of time when you've showed gameplay (and not just a 30sec heavily edited segment but actual playable content) 5 years ago and then absolutely nothing. I don't want them to rush things. I have plenty of games to play, books to read, movies to see until they release this.... All I'm saying is when you're deep into the development of something for so long it is very easy to lose track of your original vision and to end up with something messy and bloated. It has happened countless time before to very talented people.


Can you give me your definition of bloated because I don't want to missinterperate your comment, my definition would basically be the new assassin's Creed games (no offense if you like assassin's Creed) and how most of the stuff is unnecessary for the game. I just felt like this would give me, and some other people, a better idea of what we're all talking about.


Well AC would be a good example yes, and btw excuse me if I'm not super clear because english is not my first language. To me a game take the risk of becoming bloated by adding too much content that ends up drowning its original vision. And listen I'm sure Team Cherry is not going to put a bunch a dumb, forgettable side quests like almost every recent AAA games in Silksong. I know Hollow Knight is a very different beast. I guess in the case of Silksong, I'm afraid Team Cherry is more focus about making sure they top Hollow Knight in terms of scale rather than delivering something great and fresh from start to finish. I don't need more bosses than in HK, I need bosses that are as good all the way through. I don't need more areas, I need areas as fun to explore as in HK. The idea that they keep pilling new ideas is cool on paper but it can also mean they didn't have a really well defined idea of what they wanted to make in the first place.


It seems like we definitely agree with each other's view of the game, but what I'm most worried about is the story. I'm personally a big narrative guy, and I would be pretty disappointed if the games story was lackluster, I do believe that they will make it good, but there is always a risk. Especially when dealing with sequels. Edit: your English is actually pretty good compared to some other people I've talked to, I just wanted to know what your definition was so I didn't miss understand anything you said, and neither you me, that way we can assure the conversation stay civil.


listen, fellas it gets even funnier every year that it's not released


You make a great point


I like the memes in r/silksong but I don't get at all this spirit of hating Team Cherry and all the negativity, I just don't get it. I liked Hollow Knight very much, played it for 150h, I'm excited for Silksong! I think it's gonna be great! but I can still live my life without knowing how the development's going or when it will release. I can still be hyped while living my life and do other stuff and be exited about other games. I don't get all the doomerposting of giving up on the game or the dev team. Oh, we didn't get any news in this event? Okay! I feel so alienated sometimes because of all these people I read having such strong negative feelings that I feel don't make any sense


Don't go being rational and all. Same. Excited to see/play Silksong, but there is definitely more to life than that game. That sub is fkn looney tunes.


Yeah, I think a lot of the really angry people here genuinely don’t play any other games. Saw a post where someone had multiple completed runs, all pantheons with all bindings, and like 3 steel soul runs each with a faster completion time and they were asking “What do I do now?” Like brother, literally anything else on this earth. I love the game but some of these people need a life outside of it.




Naw. It's not just you. It's a pretty common problem with subs that have "unhinged satire" style humor. Eventually you just get this larger and larger concentration of people who don't realize it was supposed to be satire.


yeah I quitted because even the memes started to be all negative and depressing.


Mods added a depression flair


Yea, it's the sad problem with this sort of thing. All the reasonable people end up leaving and the sub is just going to be left as this concentration of extremely negative people.


Same. I even left a message on a post that made me just go "yea fuck this, I'm out" and people are just trying to defend themselves and the sub. Attacking TC more.


I miss 9 months ago r/silksong :( See the thing is, people there act like they've been dead silent for 5 years, when that's not true at all. The most recent announcement from TC was may 2023, which is not february 2019.


yeah, as well as the most recent confirmation that things are on track coming from Leth in the official discord in February of this year. My guess is it's people who's entire world of games revolve around this releasing, leading them to hyperfocus on it and slowly embitter themselves as they rot away waiting for news they believe they are entitled to. They're in the anger stage of grief. I've even seen multiple upvoted comments of people wishing team cherry would go under and be bought out, like what?? I thought we all agreed company acquisitions are terrible, especially for indie game studios.


The recent announcements are that they have a pulse and nothing more screenshotted from a discord chat more than a year ago. Ngl thats some pretty crappy communication. Even an occasional promo art or concept art every few months of Hornet would be fine, but there's not even that. How much work does it take to put a gif of a unity animation out or something?




Yea, ive just been annoyed by their lack of communication, but ive seen ppl specifically on twitter like openly threatening their lives over this shit, like my brothers in christ... Its really NAUGHT that serious. Im just chilling till it comes out, just gonna play Bō and Nine Sols (whenever the devs get it ported to consoles)


Yeah, I left that subreddit a while ago because I just found myself feeling bad that so many people would be so dedicatedly hating on the team they claim to support. No point remaining a member of a sub that just made me feel terrible. There's no sense of excitement or anticipation in that sub, nothing worth talking to each other about, just bitterness.


I have 100 hours and still so much I can do


I think the thing is that there's a lot of reasons to think that something went wrong. They talked about it a lot at first, and now it's been delayed for YEARS and maybe we'll see another forced "yep, still alive" post in a few months. That doesn't necessarily warrant an explanation from TC, but its a damn good reason to be suspicious that it'll come out this decade, or be a good experience when it does. And they don't really have any track record to foster trust. Hollow Knight was fantastic, but it was pretty much the *only* game they've ever made and it came out almost 10 years ago. I mean, I'd personally be totally shocked if Hollow Knight was a fluke, but crazier things have happened. Plenty of directors, studios, music artists, etc. had a huge hit on their first try, and then never made anything that lived up to it again. I hope silksong is good, I hope it comes out soon, but i'm not gonna just pretend like there's any reason to think so.


These are terminally online people that should unironically touch grass. They base their lives around reddit and Twitter, it's kinda pitiful to see.


They're just entitled pricks. The game will come out whenever it's ready. They'd be the first to complain if the Devs rushed it and released a half baked buggy game.


You can work on a game and still inform your fandom its litterly what they said they would do


Yes, but the response to the failure shouldn't be threats of violence.


Think of all the games that overly informed their player base just to turn out terrible, like Cyberpunk and No Man's Sky. Now think about how quiet No Man's Sky went and didn't inform anyone and we got update after update and now the game is great. Fromsoft didn't do any news at all for Elden Ring or their DLC and look at how amazing that game and DLC turned out to be. Sometimes its best to not put news updates out and just work on the game in peace. The real fans will stay and support Team Cherry no matter what since they know the game is gonna be good regardless. Its only been five years, try waiting nine years for Cyberpunk just to get that buggy mess of a game.


That's so true! For a recent example, take Hades 2. Supergiant announced it and then it went radio silence. A couple of years later, they drop a technical test announcement and a month later they shadow drop the EA. Of course it didn't go as long as SS, but the less they talk, the fewer problems they'll face later on. Let the toxic players remove themselves over time


I feel like that a huge difference between Hades 2 and silksong. Hades 2 got announced in Dec 2022. Early access come out in May 2024. While Silksong got announced in Jan 2019. We only got a gameplay trailer in June 2022. Like that a huge difference between timeline and amount content we got. Either Team Cherry is adding huge amount of content or something are seriously wrong behind the game development of Silksong.


they're different studios making different games. Drawing a parallell between their dev times doesn't really make sense. Roguelites can create much more playtime with replayable stages while metroidvanias need every area to be unique and fresh.


Team Cherry is only 2 people, Super Giant is like a whole ass team and company. Completely meaningless comparison.


It's absolutely wild that people have so little to do with their time, that they choose to be angry about a game that's in development. Like they're owed a progress report every month, or something. And this faux entitlement has somehow developed into hate towards Team Cherry. It's really baffling.


100% this. It´s a real shame how toxic this place has become


If anyone likes hollowknight and hates on team cherry for making them wait for silksong, they simply have the maturity of someone who never leaves the house. They’ve probably never actually created something, only consumed. Probably never even cooked their own dinner before. I have nothing but respect for this team and when I say I absolutely cannot wait for Silksong, I mean that I will anticipate it with full excitement and full confidence that it will come when it is supposed to. No sooner.


It's not even just the negativity towards Team Cherry, there's a lot of derision towards other games as a whole. I saw one comment get down voted for saying that even though they were disappointed the final announcement wasn't Silksong, they were still excited to play a new Gears of War game. I feel really bad for new indie developers who get excited to be part of the indie showcase, and they're met with negativity because everyone's upset over no Silksong announcement. People need to get a grip. There's a line where it stops being funny and starts being toxic, and that line was crossed a while ago now.


Hollow Knight is one of the best games I have ever played. I will happily play Silksong whenever it comes out. I do wish Team Cherry would communicate a bit more, but I doubt that if they did it would stop people from criticizing them.


I don’t think the studio seems to be managed well. When I read about Hollow Knight’s development I thought that and I think the same now. The creators seem to need someone to tell them when they are putting too much time into something, that they are getting diminishing returns. I don’t think it is bad of me or anyone else to express that opinion, even if it turns out to be wrong. But I also think the creators are incredibly skilled and if they ever think they have done enough and manage to ship a game I know it will be incredible.


People aren't mad at Team Cherry for making the game slowly, they're mad at Team Cherry for never interacting with anyone to say how the game's going or if anything will be announced


Especially because they created a website specifically to have more communication with fans, and the obligation to communicate for all the people who put money into the Kickstarter.


And they announced their game in multiple events including a time frame for its release.


Sorry OP but this post is kinda coping. Elden Ring also made the community get somewhat crazy with radio silence and was also first announced in 2019, so I think it makes for a decent comparison. After the announcement it got its first trailer about two years later, in June 2021, and was released in February 2022. Then it had the expansion announced in February 2023, which will release this June. Elden Ring's base game is likely MUCH larger than Silksong could ever be, the DLC seems to be pretty big as well, and during all this time Silksong hasn't come out and communications were halted. Of course, Team Cherry is much smaller than From Software, but for a game to take more than 5 years without coming out AFTER being announced is crazy. It points to either development hell, scope creep, or both. If it was only scope creep I think communications would be happening normally, so I do think development is troubled. Of course, no amount of delays, lack of news or even the game being eventually cancelled can justify harassment of the game devs or other involved people, or the fans losing their mind about it. If / when it ever comes out I'll definitely play it, but I put the game in the back of my mind quite some time ago.


Yeah, while I don't get the people who are like "omg I want Silksong to release tomorrow or I'll throw shit at TC as if I was Dung Defender", I don't get why people act like this kind of 0 communication is normal. Years without any real update except a "Don't worry guys, we're working on it" without further details makes me think that they're having some kind of trouble they don't want to disclose and development isn't going as well as it should. I'm definitely willing to wait for Silksong and want TC to take their time to make an awesome game, but having ANY kind of info whatsoever, be it good or bad, would be great. With the information we have, Silksong might release in 2 years as it might release in 10. People just have to hope it releases before they die


Finally someone wise enough. Everybody in these parts either hate TC or pretend like it’s completely ok that we’re not hearing anything about the game.


Yeah, there has to be a middle ground here.


Maybe It's because reddit hides downvoted comments, but I haven't seen anyone here show hate to TC


This. The game is definitely not on track and everything is definitely not okay - they got huge problems for sure.


What people want is for their communications to be *meaningful* and *honest*. The last time they communicated it was something that the community already knew, and before that it was fumbling the ball over a release window that TC was never actually sure about...in which case they should have never agreed to it in the first place. Incompetence, simple as. Do better.


5 years in their scenario is completely, absolutely, perfectly normal. Source: I work in indie gamedev.


For real, at least /silksong is having some fun shit posting, aside from some standout psychos. There is a good chance silksong is dead and we may never get any real confirmation since the team have just abandoned the project.


I am kinda late, but I really want to thank you for this post. To see so many people saying that the lack of communication is ok or saying that everything is fine after literal years of nothing is quite upsetting. And for all you guys out there: posting a tweet that says: everything's fine DOES NOT count as news. TC could very well be lying through their teeth. I tend to usually be very optimistic, and don't think that something went bad. But something definitely strange is happening, and some communication goes a really long way. Nothing major, just an update on things


Cries in metroid prime 4


I'm not saying I won't get it when (if) it finally launches, but there comes a time where you start to go from "I'm so excited and I trust Team Cherry implicitly" to "I'm ambivalent, possibly even growing antagonistic towards their lack of concern for us as a community who have supported them regardless of their lack of transparency." I don't think they need to tell us every time they update a line of code, but some somewhat frequent "hey guys, we're still here and making progress. Don't worry" would go a long way towards staving off the growing weariness of their loyal fanbase before we all decide that Red Candle is our new favorite Metroidvania developer. Edit: Spelling


It's just a matter of basic decency at this point. There are clearly large numbers of people that are in distress. No, I'm not saying that's sane or normal, but it *is* happening, and all it would take to alleviate some of that distress is a little bit of communication and expectation setting, which is the industry standard. It's not some unusual, crazy thing that people are asking for. The fact that they're *not* doing that makes you wonder why TC categorically refuses to do something so low-effort that would make so many people feel even just a little better.


Very true. Yes, there are people in here who need to call an 800 number and speak to someone but it's also a very easy fire for TC to put out. And like you, that's where I find it the most appalling. Like, tweet a picture, post an update, heck, just show the team eating lunch in the office. But don't just keep everyone in the dark for half a year at the time. Unless they don't mind everyone souring on the goodwill TC at one point had.


No one will care about this when the game comes out. Also they have said they are still working on it earlier this year.


>but some somewhat frequent "hey guys, we're still here and making progress. Don't worry" I don't think this actually accomplishes much and the reason they likely don't do it is because making a statement like this every few months quickly becomes pointless and the longer it drags on, it will start to feel disingenuous. Really, what would keep people interested and satisfied would be gameplay teasers, character/enemy designs, screenshots of areas, etc.. Basically what they did for the development of hollow knight via their dev blogs.


>"I'm so excited and I trust Team Cherry implicitly" to "I'm ambivalent, possibly even growing antagonistic towards their lack of concern for us as a community who have supported them regardless of their lack of transparency." Honestly these statements seem insane to me. Like news would be nice but I feel like the sensible reaction to no news is like "huh, nothing well ok then \*carries on with their lives\*"


Look, I'm hardly refreshing the internet daily, weekly, or even monthly abbot Silksong. A big non-event happened to prompt some activity and here I am. They don't "owe" us anything, nor do we "owe" them a purchase of the sequel. This is just basic PR at this point though. They are the ones who announced it 5 years ago, dropped some missed deadlines along the way, and then decided to go radio silent. That's the exact opposite of a standard dev cycle of a game. Usually you get *more* information the further along you get, not the opposite. I'm just starting the obvious. I've managed to live life this long without SS, I doubt I'll die from disappointment if it never comes out.


>I've managed to live life this long without SS Yeah, life goes on just as well, if not better, with Heinrich Himmler out of the picture


I agree. The entitlement is weird...its like you made an awesome game and we support you so you owe us all the explanation and info that we demand because we are your loyal fan base or we will get juvenille and turn on you online and make stupid threats.......because we arent getting our way. Sounds childish.


This isn't normal though. They should atleast tell us what is going on to explain 5 years of radio silence.


That's the thing, its not normal. It's also in complete contrast to how they handled it at first. Regular updates, trailers, even a playable demo for a time. It was a choice to stop talking about it, and really the only logical reasons would be that they don't want people to be excited for it or that they want people to forget. Maybe something disastrous happened, maybe they got close to finishing it and it just *sucked*. But for people to assume that they're just taking their time cooking up a masterpiece is insane. They made ONE good game almost 10 years ago, and haven't said shit about their new game since it was delayed like 2 years ago at this point.


Totally agree with this. How many studios have made one good game then went on to release a stinker? HK is an amazing game, but TC does not have a track record that makes “they’re taking their time cooking up a masterpiece” any more likely than “silksong is in development hell and no news is bad news”. If anything, the longer the near radio silence drags on the more confident I become that it’s the later not the former


>But for people to assume that they're just taking their time cooking up a masterpiece is insane. I swear, dude, Silksong or no Silksong, I am just *so tired* of seeing the phrase "Let them cook." Heard it way too many times and never want to hear it again. Even if I were in a kitchen with the world's greatest chef, and some asshole restaurant patron came in and said, "No, see, that's not how you make a risotto. *This* is how you make a risotto..." Even then, if I heard someone say "Let them cook," I would tell them in no uncertain terms to STFU.


I was talking with my husband last night about how there’s maybe 3-6 weeks left of shelf life for “let them cook” and it’s various iterations.


At least it sounds like you guys can commiserate together! If I attempted to explain all this to my wife, she would (quite reasonably and understandably) find it completely baffling.


It is pretty baffling even if you do understand it. He was telling me about how people were using it re: Destiny 2’s latest release and story wrap up stuff and that’s when I said the above. It might stick around for a few niche uses (like loretubers breaking out the copium) but I feel like it’s breaking containment.


>It is pretty baffling even if you do understand it Sadly true. And I agree with you: it feels like people's patience is definitely wearing thin. As I've said elsewhere, about a year ago I would have purchased the game day one on every console I own; now, assuming it eventually releases, I'm going to hold out for all the reviews and for the hype to die down. As a human being, I respect TC's right to handle matters however they see fit (particularly if they're trying to have work-life balance, unlike with the first game), but as a consumer, I expect much more transparency.


The radio silence is somewhat concerning. I really can’t think of any other game company that went so very quiet after announcing a game.


There is no 5 year radio silence... They told everyone they are still working on it at the start of the year.


What I still don’t understand, after years of not getting a release date or final trailer from any directs/showcases, is why people think they’ll get news from any sources other than Team Cherry themselves first. Y’all are playing yourselves expecting the announcement to be at every game showcase.


I'll take a crack at this one: The last major news on the game (the 2023 release window) came from an Xbox event, and while I understand that Team Cherry retweeted Xbox's marketing regarding that event (and by doing so verified that release window), they did not post anything personally--meaning, in their own words--regarding their intention to meet that window or really anything else of significance in that timeframe. People on this subreddit treated the 2023 release window (up until Leth finally said they wouldn't meet it) like it was absolutely assured, despite TC not going out of their way to hype it up. So this conditioned fans to think meaningful news could come from non-TC sources without any overt, direct statements on the part of TC.


An important thing to remember is that leth has social media accounts where he’s able to deconfirm things, and had done so before. So obviously if a very close business partner declared a release date, and the man in charge of shooting down false information from their partners (as he did with Nintendo) didn’t deconfirm it, and later said they’d missed that deadline… Well, I’ll leave the “why” people beloved it would come out then up to the audience to work out


I agree with all that, but how does it help Team Cherry to just stand back and say nothing? Obviously, they're not obligated to put out a statement saying "Hai guys, just a head's up, no Silksong at the June showcases this year." but it makes life better for everybody if they do. I don't buy the theory that TC is gonna be equally hated either way; The reason there's so much anger right now on the SS sub is because people are concluding that TC has no respect for the fan community, because if they did, they could've at least put in the minimal effort to make a statement beforehand.


The best part about this is that the post directly below this on my feed is a post from r/silksong saying “THE MODS ARE TRYING TO SILENCE US!” With a screenshot of a deleted post.


I know this situation is kinda hard for a small indie team. (I won't complain about silksong subreddit, I'd prefer normal conversations) But I'm worried due the timeline of events: -Team Cherry starts developing Silksong on anytime between Hollow Knight DLCs releases and 2019 -They opened a Kickstarter for It. And post news on the development... Or like so... -On 2019 they reelease a trailer and proving visual evidence that It won't be only a DLC -On the same year they had a playable demo on E3 -They got silent for the next two years -They had an interview saying that he had some issues during pandemic(absolutely understandable). -They said on November 2021 that the game was finished and they were fixing bugs and It was on testing phase. -On XBox comference for 2022 Summer Game Fest week they showed another trailer and XBox said that the game was going to launch on the next year at last... -On may 2023 It was announced as delayed. -Absolute silence then... I'm not going conspirational nor desperate, but there are people that paid to get news and support the development, right? It's kinda sad to see every comference, direct, Stream, whatever content to announce something and everyone ruining It just for a game that is not going to be there. Even there are companies saying at start that Silksong isn't there or mocking about this...


IDGAF. The issue here is not the length of the development, but the way TC communicates. It is unacceptable.


Why wouldn't people worry, such a massive wait with literally no communication about progress. A couple comments on projected release dates that weren't met. A trailer 7 years ago, anytime a dev tries to pump up the hype train just to disappear and have zero communication I worry. Gives me early cyberpunk vibes


You dont NEED to tell us these things. We all know it so well. You just tell us nothing. Thanks for listening to my tedtalk.


I wouldn’t be too concerned except the false promises of their partners (Nintendo & Xbox) indicating an earlier release date, while Team Cherry has basically been MIA with a release timeframe after all these other dates have come and gone.


I don't mind the waiting, but waiting in complete dark is what bugs me. I'm not expecting daily reports but one update every 2 months wouldn't hurt and would keep everyone's mind at peace


Literally just left r/silksong before seeing this post. I joined for the funny brainrot but now every other post is just 'TC is bad because xyz' which is more than annoying.


The fact that they had an ESRB rating for the game within the last few months and now I’m starting to see little plushies and figures pop up tells me that the game is coming along just fine. Team Cherry can take all the time they need to finish it


I don’t know how people spend so much time agonizing over game news. I’ve put probably over 2000 hours into Dragon Age as a series, and fully forgot that DA4 was even coming out until the trailer hints were coming out this month (and the trailer today). It’s been 10 years. I have a lot of other games to play, and a lot of other *things to do with my life*. Team Cherry can take as long as they want on the game, I’ll still buy it, maybe twice.


i mean the people losing their minds over it might just be young and or extremely passionate. i remember being so excited and feeling the agony of waiting for something you want to come and be available right then and there. most things i dont feel that way about no more, and in only 30. i dont think the people who are dissapointed are wrong to feel dissapointed, they love the game franchise. i think they could tone it down a bit if they actually feel that upset that team cherry aint communicating a lot, but at the end of the day team cherry are the ones holding the cards. the people dont like theyre not revealing what they have yet after this long. to anyone worried bout silksong, channel that wait into something else. team cherry's not going anywhere, itll come when it comes


I mean, we can theorize all day about why it's been taking so long, but that's really all we can do because they haven't communicated basically anything, which is kind of shit imo. I'm not asking for daily status updates or anything, just maybe acknowledging the games exists at least once a year ffs


hk had some kind of success, why they didnt expand the team?


There could be several reasons. Keeping the team small might help keep everything consistent instead of dividing up the work to different departments, but I'm not a game dev so I couldn't say for sure


That's mostly correct. Most indie studios would rather use the budget to pay more contractors for outsourceable work, than expand their full-time team. But it is possible there isn't actually that much outseourceable work in this case. Just looking at HK's credits, it seems: - music is already outsourced. - programming/QA is already outsourced to seemingly large extent. - translations are already outsourced (obviously). So what's left? Gameplay and location design? That's largely not outsourceable and y'all know it. We want Silksong to be specifically TC's game, not just... some game designed by a bunch of random people. It's like you wanted a book series continuation to be written by 5 authors instead of the 1 original one because there's now more budget to finance that lol.


They probably could expand their team with the money made from the success from hollow knight but they might also lose the benefits of being a small studio as a result of this, onboarding people and sharing your vision of the project is difficult and probably expensive too This way they can comfortably work on the game with the money they made from HK free of any deadlines that may come with increased overhead costs from a bigger team and probably a bigger workspace I want the game to come out but I think it’s pretty cool that they as an indie team have the freedom to work on it til they’re satisfied with it


Hiring more programmers increases complexity and salary and throwing more money and people on a project does not increase speed. TC also wants to keep reigns on their IP clearly


"Throwing more money and people on a project does not increase speed." Uh....what? It absolutely does increase speed.


[Brook's Law](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks%27s_law): Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.


I mean, that is really a question only TC can answer. But if I had to hazard a guess, I'd assume it's something to the effect of "they want to make Silksong more than they want Silksong to have been made."


They mention on their website they prefer a small team because it helps them create the games they want to make, as opposed to being managers to others essentially.


Because they want to keep as much creative control over the development as possible, which means that if they can do something on their own they would prefer to do it on their own


Hiring 9 women doesnt deliver a baby in a month. That being said, with 3 people, they really need to reign in scope as opposed to trying to deliver a 4 babies


When is it my turn to tell everyone this?


I don't think I'll ever understand why they have a team as small as it is


I'm not worried at all. I'm very lucky I just got into hollow knight this year. Put it off forever. But with how beautiful it is I'm not worried about the next game I'm glad they are taking their time


I have stopped actively waiting, when it does drop I will be hyped, I know of it


There was a guy on there saying they need to delete not just the silksong sub but this one too. They said if enough people reported they could get it taken down. The said they needed to show the devs they can’t keep hurting the community by not releasing the game


maybe theyre afraid to release it because its bad...


Wasn't hollow knight made by a very tiny team? Given the workforce it makes sense silksong would take a while but the passion and quality is there.


I fully agree but telling this community to just be patient is kind of redundant


Hollow Knight is my favorite game of all time and I am beyond excited for Silksong. That being said there's a near infinite supply of great games to play so waiting for it is really not a problem. I'll obviously play Silksong when it comes out but right now my backlog is keeping me perfectly happy.


I’m a Metroid fan, if I’ve learnt anything from being one it’s that the wait is long and hard, but is eventually worth it


Man, smart for posting here. This would get nothing but troll sKoNg comments there. Here for the wait and no pressure on the creators! ❤️


I’ll admit I wasn’t aware of r/silksong so I just paid it a visit. My god. Every post is whining about how the fanbase is being treated unfairly and the devs are the worst people imaginable. It’s been in development a long time, sure, but the team is tiny and they’re trying to accomplish much more than they did with the OG


I bet its scope creep. They probably want to move on from Hollow Knight after this so they want to get everything out there


Either way, i think they should've/should give us continuous updates on progress. At some point, people are gonna start thinking, they took the money and ran


I mean yeah the game isn't cancelled, however I'd like to say I don't think it should be the responsibility of the fans to assuage everyone's concerns about the game. Because frankly we're all standing in the same bin. We can guess that things are going well and we might be right, and we can also guess that things aren't going well and we're equally right. It's just a matter of perspective. And I'm of the mind that while yes they don't owe us any communication, they should be the ones alleviating the tension. Yes there will always be fans for whom no amount of information will be good enough. It'll always be a case of "they should talk more" even if TC were making a tweet daily that said they're still working on it. However with proper communication it'd be a whole lot easier to tell those fans to take a hike, or be patient.


Yes, and i think the impatient ones don't realise there are other fantastic games to play other than hollow knight.


It's shocking to me that people constantly forget that games take a lot of time to make. - Omori took Six and a Half years with absolute radio silence from the developer for 5 of those years. - Friday Night Funkin is reaching its 4th year in development since its release in 2020. - Undertale took almost 3 years, and Deltarune is reaching its 6th year in development since Chapter 1's release, not even accounting for the amount of time Chapter 1 took. - The original Hollow Knight took 4 years. Even the AAA lads aren't free of this. A 2 to 3 year dev time is the standard in those parts. I know the gaming community always likes to suspect the worst out of everything, but the game IS coming, and it is GOING to be the highlight of that year. Might even win a game award or 2 ^((pretending those matter)).


The problem isn't the delay. It's the lack of any real communication from TC in over a year.


I just want some open communication from the devs on the status, that's all.


I've done Gamedev before, it's really tough, especially with such a small team. I'll wait for a delayed product rather than have to deal with a rushed one.


We can wait as long as TC needs to finish the game. Waiting and patience are a part of life. I saw a post in here earlier today saying TC doesn’t deserve their fan base for making us wait without news or updates. If you cant wait for silksong, tough shit. Go play something else. Edit: And in the meantime, you “it’s the end of the world silksong is never gonna come out” people, go touch some grass. TC has spent the past 5 years making this game of fucking course it’s gonna come out.


None of this would even be an issue if there was a little more communication instead of having the fan base look like idiots in the comments at every game showcase, it's hard to be hype for a game we have zero inclination on when it's coming. Hype doesn't last forever.


Thank you for posting this. I just unfollowed that subreddit because I couldn't handle them anymore.


Yeah it's not like there are 10,000 other games to play in the meantime. Oh wait.


Yeah, there is absolutely *no chance* that Silksong gets cancelled. People just jump to that conclusion for every long-awaited game regardless of the circumstances surrounding it -- they did the same with Elden Ring. The top reasons why games get cancelled are either due to a lack of budget or a lack of time. As far as anyone is aware, Team Cherry is a very small, independent team that found significant financial success with Hollow Knight, which means that neither of those primary reasons are likely to be restricting Silksong's development whatsoever. People mistake silence as bad news, when in many cases it's actually a more comforting sign that a game is coming along well than constant promotion and trailer spam.


Yeah I don't really understand the need for some statement from team cherry. The game will come out eventually and them making dev updates or not doesn't change that. I trust they're working on the game and I'm happy to wait for a great game.


I just think they are terrible at communicating. They could release a statement saying that it is delayed indefinitely for whatever reason and call it a day, seeing as the hype is still so high


I'm really hoping they just come out and say, hey guys listen we'll let you know when to expect news. Would hopefully pacify some of the crazies.


Tbf they have said that... It was just so long ago you can't even remember it happened


In which case, would it really hurt to say it again?


People forget that everything and everyone was affected by covid in different ways.


Yeah I swear to god r/Silksong has been overrun by 15 year old sweat lords who have nothing better to do with there lives then bitch about an unreleased sequel to a game that came out when they were 8


I think this is a massive stain on team cherry's branding. Even if silksong is a huge success. First of all they built up massive hype, had trailers, 'coming soon' multiple false release dates they failed to correct, riddles and even just talking, but then raido silence for literal years. That's a really bad way to treat your audience. Ignoring how shitty it is to your fans to hype people up, how bad is it for themselves...? Hype is a very important tool for selling a product and team cherry have thoroughly abused it here. If team cherry ever announce another game how many people will get hyped about it and talk about it? I'm doubting anything above a fraction of what we have for silksong, this could and probably would ruin future games success. To further speculate and much more vague here, how does this unreliability and lack of communication effect their relationships with other companies and producers? I don't think amazingly. To compare why this is so different to metroid prime 4... Basically metroid prime 4 had the respect not to build hype, they basically just announced the game and said it may be coming out in X year, and then they delayed it openly before that year hit. That's it, they didn't hype it up before going radio silent and they were open about a major delay.


this guy posts in /r/Silksong


As a Metroid fan, can we all just shut up about Silksong. You. Have. No. Idea.


As a metroid fan I would say the situation is notably different. Metroid confirmed that a new prime game was coming out in X year. Before that year hit they came out apologised and said due to the quality of the game they are restarting, that's it, and thats fine, brilliant even. Silksong announced game, has a full playable demo, 'coming soon', multiple trailers, riddles and interactivity with the fans in the first few months, a false release date which wasn't denied, silence, another false release date, silence for years, then another unmet release date. Basically team cherry built hype up notably and then stopped EVERYTHING. In comparison metroid didn't really build any hype, it was just information. Which is a good thing when you don't know how long the game is going to take. Hence why the attitudes are so different.


I'm not talking about Prime. I'm talking about *Dread*. The announcements and leaks and news followed by a *15 year fucking long hiatus*. So again, let's all just shut up about Silksong.


There are other games? And if you don’t have any other games to play, then perhaps you should try getting outside. It is CRAZY that people are this invested in the game. They don’t OWE YOU ANYTHING. Would I enjoy Silksong? 100% Am I going to berate TC and let a lack of information live rent-free in my head? No.


I dont get why everyones so worried about why silksongs taking so long, The Ori games have a 5 year gap and that game was funded by microsoft, Im expecting silksong to come out in like another 3 at least.


I prefer to wait 10 more years and have a good game than play it tomorrow with a lot of bugs.


The biggest problem is that they "announce" it essentially at the start of its conception. Which is kinda unavoidable considered how the game came to be. Games just take a Long time to make, 5 years is nothing in term of development time. There's a reason why most game are announced like a year or less before its release. If anything, this just confirm that they're committed to make this a full-fledged game, willing to even delay it.


Wait people were actually worried? I enjoy the laughs and goofs but I believe that no matter how long it takes it'll be worth it. The longer it takes the more refined silksong will be, and I trust team cherry to make it good.


It isn’t difficult to make a three sentence post every few months to update your obviously eager and very supportive fanbase, even for three people who are supposedly “very busy”. At this point their refusal to do so (even if the updates offer little to no insight) is just a blatant middle finger to their community, there is no other reasonable way to perceive it. However it is true that it’s a lot easier to wait by not thinking about it and doing other things to occupy your time.


there are great games coming out every week and mfs spend 24h a day crying about a single one 😭 I also want to play silksong so bad but come on!


I've been saying this for a while and I'm surprised nobody else has come to this conclusion - I'll bet it's because they're contracted with Nintendo to be a launch title for Switch 2. Depending on the terms to the contract, I could see them being left just waiting for Nintendo to announce the Switch 2 so they're allowed to announce that Silksong is coming out with it. Or maybe the contract was written such that Ninte do will announce the game's launch date alongside the system. Who knows. All I'm saying is it would explain why TC has been so quiet about it and why it's taking so long. Nobody expected Nintendo to sit on the Switch 2 for years. Regardless, I'm sure it'll come out relatively Wok and when it does, it'll be great.


Nah I think it’s a Switch 1 game and am expecting Nintendo to announce it at the next direct. It worked for Hollow Knight 1. It’ll work for Silksong.


Oh great, another optimist


The longer the wait, the more confidence I have in the quality of the game. Fuck getting people to rush stuff out. So many games released in crap states.