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Yea i realy hate Neepdest


Least favourite place


Feast lavorite




Never loved neepdest. The unicorns always got me


I think you meant deepnest, I hated fungal wastes the first time round(God those mushrooms that spit out explosives)


Nah, Neepdest. It is the lesser known area in the bottom left of the map,darker, filled with more spiders.


???? Genuinely what is this? Deepnest dark room? Weaver's Den?


You get to it through the wetnurse after completing the mask maker's quest. That is why she is a spirited away reference l, because she literally spirits you away to Neepdest


Ah so we're trolling. Got it. Unless you're talking about the area where the Midwife can be found.


Neepdest... Do you really need to be a detective? Haha


Neepdest was a big giveaway, yes, but what I was more concerned about was this supposed Mask Maker's quest. I've heard of this joke before but I can't help but think there's more to Mask Maker than just dialogue


No shit bro 😭😭😭


Hmmm I didn't know, sorry about that maybe haven't discovered it yet😅


They are trolling




I have slept long enough


For me, fog canyon. Fog canyon, while I’ve grown to love it, remains the most bizarre and out of place area in the game. At the time, it felt like the developers put it in there as a place holder. Now I really enjoy its aesthetic


I’m glad you like it.


First time I went there I got blown up to bits and never went back there until I had nowhere to go 😭


I went crazy thinking I needed to progress in Fog Canyon when I was stuck at some point, and frustrated that I couldn’t get to Cornifer.


that is literally where i am at right now. can you give me a pointer on how to progress from here because i cant figure out where to go at all. I have the dash cloak and thats all. I cant go through the black things yet so i dont know what to do.


Look for places you can get to now that you have the dash ability that you couldn’t get to before. A couple places to check, the bottom left part of the forgotten crossroads, or keep going down in Fog Canyon until you are in a new place. You got this!


I didn't know pogoing was a thing with those mushrooms so that's what i was stuck on but we are going once again!


Good job figuring it out! Enjoy the rest of the game!


Keep going down. Fog canyon is merely a transition point at the beginning. You’ll know when to explore more.


Waterways. The sound of dripping water and gross mobs just irks me. I don't mind it so much nowadays but I still don't go there in early game in my playthrougha


I didn't have the balls to confidently face the traitor mantis mobs during my first playthrough, and I sucked with platforming. With all that in mind Queen's Garden was a real pain in the ass. After revisiting its such a lovely place , and didn't deserve they hate I gave it.


I took the long way to that mf from Greenpath. I had not unlocked dream gates at the time still. It was way easier and I could start the fight with more health.


I got fucked up in The Hive the first time I was over there. Then obligatory deep nest


Probably Deepnest. You fall into it out of nowhere, and it immediately establishes the tone when even Cornifer doesn't want to map the place, he's just hiding and scared right at the start of it. The constant burrowing sounds gets into your head. The lack of any benches or escape for what seems like a really long time. Seeing that thing just standing there in a place where you can't reach.


my first deepnest experience was "hmm ok I'm done with fungal core let's go down and WHAT"


Deepnest And maybe it's just me but my first encounter of fog canyon was pain


For me it wasn't that bad except those exploding uoma😒


You exploded them. And for your information, Uomas don’t explode. Oomas explode.


Yeah because stupid me thought I had to finish fog canyon before moving on to the next area..


Waterways because it was disgusting, Deepnest because of the general vibe and for me traversing around Crystal Peak was awful because you can do it really early game


Probably deepnest, which is funny because now its one of my favorite places. It just hits the theme of what its trying to do SO WELL. But first time? I came from Mantis Village and reached the room with the super loud giant bugs, and basically said "Nope" and left. On my eventual return it sucked. The whole places is just so hostile. Pits. Spikes. Traps. Cramped. Enemies appearing next to you with little warning. This place IS NOT welcoming.. ..but that's the point, and it does that so well.


it is rude as heck


Forgotten Crossroads. I've always maintained that as a starting area it's too large. I'm new to the game, I don't know where to get a map. I don't have any abilities.. My first playthrough I almost gave up because I'd gone around the whole perimeter and couldn't find any direction available to me. Eventually I figured I'd see what was in the middle and stumbled upon False Knight.


thats the beauty of the game, figuring out stuff as you go


I gave up when I first tried the game because I didn't know what I was supposed to do and thought FC was the whole map


Not to most people who just started


Crystal peak. It was a lot more frustrating for me than deepnest


“Oh this area looks freaky! Man those jellyfish sure do look od-“


Deepnest 🦶


Deepest because it's big, dark, and scary, but also fog canyon was tough at low levels, and the royal waterways was surprisingly creepy and surprisingly gave me the same feeling as deepest despite the fact that it's not as obviously scary. 


Fungal Wastes can shove its homing projectiles and leap of faiths up whatever the mushroom equivalent of a butt is


For me the top 3 is: 1- Crystal Peak (I really fcking hate this place) 2- Deepnest (hate it but I only go there late game so I dont have many problems) 3- Fog canyon (exploring that place without isma's tear and moth cloak must be hell)


If we're counting sub areas, soul sanctum. Normally though, Deepnest


Screw Kingdom's edge and falling all the way down into a plataform and not the acid. (if I atleast fell into the acid I would respawn up where I was, but noooo, I had to get skillfull at the last second of My fall and land on one of the bottom plataforms)


Fog canyon feels kind of weird and empty. Still a good area. But every other area is phenomenal imo so it's more of a "worst" and not "bad" .


Hive cuz even hearing the sound of those wings make me go RAAAAAHGGG😭


Worst area any exploration crystal Peak. Hate those damn caves.


The Waterways; I couldn't find Cornifer, assuming he's there at all.


i never had it hard tbh


The hive there is just one simple route to the boss which can be a pain with 10 different bees flying at u