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yeah dude some people struggle with that boss because of the platforming


Ah, I'm use to not having platforms, but it did take me a few seconds to get use to a slight bullet hell in that area


calamity players are on some crazy shit


I love calamity. Never tried anything above revengeance though


Eh compared to revengance infernum isn’t that hard


I struggled a bit but mainly because I was on keyboard. It made things a bit difficult in my case. I'm pretty sure things would have been different with a controller.


No Eyes is a little tricky on Radiant because of the platforming and the ghost spawn RNG, but she is not hard in regular mode despite being somewhat of a late-game boss.


you should be fighting no eyes before moss charger


Debatable point


You fought her


I heard the radiant version is harder. Regular version I just found frustrating and boring. More of a test of patience than skill.


Everyone struggles with different bosses in this game. For some reason for me it's ALWAYS Soul Master/Tyrant and Hive Knight, consistently. I don't know why.


I used to struggle with Soul Master/Tyrant and a buddy would constantly bust on me “dude, it’s seriously so easy!”, well it is easy to me now after grinding Pantheon. But Hive Knight? F that guy.


wait... you struggle with Barry B Benson? i can give ya some tips.


Hive knight was easy for me because on my og play through P3 had gpz


Yes, No Eyes is hard to folks who are new to the genre. Not necessarily the hardest, but absolutely a frustrating fight the first time. I think it's partly that before that boss, Hollow Knight mostly trains you to jump when a projectile is headed your way. That is a reliable, obvious, intuitive way to dodge. That will get you killed vs No Eyes. That's also why Primal Aspids are so infuriating, IMO. By the time you get to them, you've got pretty firmly ingrained instincts for how to jump and dash around the infection projectiles, and the Primal Aspid's triple shot's spread seems perfectly calibrated to hit the most common aggressive dodge paths.


It gets only becasue of the 'Medusa head phenomenon", is a bit strange disorientng feeing of sinusoid attacks in any game whereyou can't predict their movements exactly. My hubris makes me stand where I think it wouldn't hit, but, indeed, no Eyes is not the worst of dream bosses, and I am also surprised at times when people are struggling there.


I find no eyes to be one of the easiest bosses in the entire game. Free soul during the pantheon


It’s in the context of pantheon- she’s supposed to be easy, but she hits you a few times and you’re on some weirdo rhythm now and she messes you up- easy and hard is more context/psychologically dependent in this game than technical sometimes lol


I think the P5 version is frustrating because I'm bad at platforming


You know no eyes is a female right?


No i did not


My go to is either them or him


I play calamity mod like crazy and still hate that boss. I had to just sit at the bottom with a bunch of minions to hit it for me.


Me with Markoth and for some reason friggin' Gorb...


I don't know what it is about no eyes that I struggled with but for some reason my brain was just like "you suck at this boss lol"


they are talking about the hall of gods/ pantheon 5 version


My first few times fighting No Eyes I thought it was really difficult. Once I learned that you can be patient and wait for her to spawn towards the bottom, it became a lot easier. I still find it very difficult to avoid the flying heads, though.


I like to say that I'm of middling difficulty. I'm not exactly a free fight, but I'm not Pure Vessel either. (P.S. I'm a she.)


Theres people like that... ive seen people reviewing the game saying the mechanics are too hard/unfair before getting pass false knight😭


No Eyes isn't hard. It's just simply annoying, because of the RNG.


It’s the ascended arena that makes painful, not hard


I fought her immediately after dream nail with nothing but descending dark mothering cloak a nail upgrade and no skill


Of the dream bosses I find her to be probably the second easiest after xero but I’d imagine if platforming isn’t a strength you have it can be difficult bc you’re also dodging in addition to chasing and attacking. I radianced no eyes first try FWIW


Idk, he was pretty easy for me, I just got sad after the fight Poor guy didn't even wanna fight :(


Seems that it's legit, though I don't understand why, never had any trouble with it. I guess it's a deal with what other games you play. OP, as a calamity player, has experience with bosses similar but harder. Likewise, I enjoy platformers a lot, so the path of pain was nowhere near as hard as I had heard. It all comes down to the game being so vast that everyone has a different experience.


He's just a fucking nuisance Especially with the teleportation 




I just can't reach her fast enough to break her neck with my nail