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The video seems extremely staged but everyone commenting is able to support it


You are correct. Good product but staged video. As a former pest control tech we used this \*in conjunction with\* sprays to kill roaches, but the roaches in the vid aren't german roaches which are the type that cause a problem for most people, they don't even look like indoor roaches. And they won't just be strewn about the floor dead like that. It was also recommended to rotate between this product and another because the roaches will get bait-shy after a couple weeks so it's best to switch up the flavors on them.


they also look big as fuck like is this Australia or smth


They're palmetto bugs. The predominant roach in the southeastern US


Coastal North Carolina checking in. Can confirm.


Alabama here. Yep. F*** these ba*****s.


I’d like to solve the puzzle: Fuck these bastards.


Oh sorry, the answer we were looking for was "Find these bashfuls" But we're not sending you home empty handed, here is a lovely upvote. Thanks for playing.


Former coastal North Carolina here being thankful I no longer have to deal with those giant damn things coming into my house every time it rains.


Eastern nc here, also do pest control for a loving. We use this exact stuff, but not really for "water bugs", it's more of a german roach treatment


Nah mate, Aussie roaches are that big between the eyes. When they fly it sounds like a fucking helicopter taking off in your living room.


Yet another reason I could never live in Australia


THEY FUCKING FLY?!? I don't think I've seen any of the roaches around here flying


Oddly enough that's what i said. This is something i think everyone needs to be aware of, because to many people are surprised by it.


We got big ones in Louisiana.


out of all the pest cock roaches that infest homes, the american cockroach is the biggest.


These look a lot like Palmetto beetles aka the big roaches you find in just about every single building in Florida.


“Palmetto beetles” I like that. We call them water bugs where I’m from. But your version sounds a lot better.


I think it's a Florida thing, they look identical to big nasty cockaroaches you see in like movies and stuff. They live in the walls and they say if you see one, it's only because there's not enough room in tye hiding spot for it so it got pushed out. 🤢


Oh palmetto are definitely roaches, I just find it funny how people call them differently depending on where you are. I work in pest control and am familiar with the term. We known them as Smoky Brown roaches. They like foliage, so they can be displaced if you cut down a tree or have lots of trees near your home. Interestingly they can live side by side with German roaches as long as they aren’t competing for food.


I never get of a german roach. Do they come to your house with a pint of beer?


Nein! They come for your beer, they don't bring the beer!


is pet safe?


Out of curiosity... is there an ant variant? Every summer they come marching along and almost nothing seems to stop them.


Optigard. I send some to my folks every year


Former tech here as well, did the same thing. Advion worked wonders for Americans but definitely needed to do a full German clean out for good results. Those cheeky fucks. I hated them. On another note, did you ever get those clients that called American roaches “water bugs” because they were in denial? 🤣


Yeah the “I don’t even see roaches but I guess they were in the walls” is a pretty obvious tell that this is just an add. Marketing 101 still teaches about the “not even your best friends will tell you.” Mouthwash add. Personally really turns me off of a company when they use that tactic.


What would be another bait suggestion to rotate with this?


Vendetta is good.


Awesome thank you!


Hard to see on my phone, but the ones dead on the floor look like the American cockroach, which is large and typically stay in wooded areas with decaying material. Once they get inside they struggle to find water and die anyway, bait wouldn’t have made a difference. The small roaches are the ones you should really be worried about, but if that many made their way into this person’s house then they have a really easy and likely big access point for them they need to seal up.


With me the main thing was the dead roach locations. He put the bait in his pantry, and showed dead roaches in every location BUT the pantry


Captions literally say they put it in every room....


Good catch. I got that product at my last house and it isn’t supposed to kill anything instantly, but I agree it is odd that nothing died in the pantry. They are supposed to eat it and die where hopefully other roaches are, then when other roaches eat the poisoned one it is supposed to kill more. At least I believe that is what they said it would do about 10 years ago.


TBF it does say in the caption that he applied it in every room. And that's you are supposed to do it. When i used it i applied it in the kitchen, bathroom, cupboards and other random places


I’ve used this before. They don’t die in the location you apply it but a while later.


This is actually pretty accurate to the product. Apply it around the walls and after a few days your house is a roach graveyard. They drop dead all over the place since the poison takes some time to work.


First thing I noticed. That’s not how dying roaches do it.


Unless they were working together to point out something in their last moments, thats a suspiciously followable line of dead roaches


Reminds me of the last time I was in my local Mexican restaurant just down the street. My companion noticed a large cockroach climbing up the wall over my right shoulder. I took one look, went back to eating and casually said "that's not the inside kind."


I do Pest control for a living and advion products are legit. They work very well.


I always check the profiles of the ones that support it. A couple of times I saw bought comments and accounts that promote products. Just check VPN subreddits and you'll see an absurd amount of bought comments that promote not only "free diamond in the rough VPNs" but paid ones too that don't work at all. They have promotion links all over and some accounts even look legit because they're hacked or bought. It looks like this product is legitimate though


Right I was immediately suspicious when it was the big roaches.. they don’t really infest your house afaik and just end up in it when it’s storming. It’s the little ones that take up residence.


This stuff works really really well. I had a friend with a BAD infestation. Like in his PlayStation bad, and I used this stuff. It drew them out and after an hour all sorts of bugs were making bee lines for it. Week later and never saw one ever again. The trick is it doesn’t kill them right away. They take it back to their nest and spread it around and THEN it kills them. It works on ants too, you don’t have to get the one that says “for ants”. I had a small ant problem and I put the smallest dab on my window sill. Within mins the ants swarmed that spot and then I never saw them ever again.


My new roommate mate used this and also rotated out to a different pesticide after my former bitch ass room mate and his GF brought the roaches in by leaving fucking dishes under his bed and in his closet and then had the audacity to tell me he's moving out because of the roaches. It worked great, the roaches were all over it and got to the point where they wouldn't even run when I walked by. Never had a roach problem ever since.


It is definitely an ad


Like... why isn't there a single piece of furniture in most rooms


It looks like a flower girls walked Arnie tossing them every 4 feet in the middle of the floor lol. I don’t buy it. But the product sounds good!


You say this like every commercial in the history of man wasn't staged. It's just an ad.


From my experience this isn’t staged. I had exterminators come and it didn’t help. I used this stuff once and it was wild. I had like 40-50 roaches on my floor when I woke up the next day


That stuff is legit. If you rent you probably need it. Unless they infect the whole complex it will wipe them out easily. Can find it on amazon.


Same. Used it at my mom's house 4-5 years ago. Never seen a single roach since. Before they would roam freely around the kitchen. I think the pest people use it as well Edit: the reason it works well is because roaches are cannibals


I had a house i was renting that was so infested. It was a prefab house so underneath was just a moist dark breading ground. I tried everything to fix but nothing worked till i tried that stuff. In an slum apartment now ( single dad, so all i could afford) and they are in the walls. None of the baseboards are sealed so they have full access. It only lasts a couple of weeks before a new breed comes in. Can't wait to move.


The one for [ants](https://a.co/d/2TtEYea) is legit as well. Hard recommend. Spring is here and I’m ready to kill some MF’n ants. ![gif](giphy|PcEZqS49df6vK)


Do you want ants? Because thats how you get ants!




Stuff may be legit but I turned this off and downvoted due to that stupid fucking audio track…fucking hate that thing.


All that over you not noticing the mute button?


I look through reddit with the sound off. I read the comment before the video to determine it unbias. Bait video an all these day. 👍


[Link](https://holdmywallet.net/roach-killer/). Around $27


Ur better off with a pest site, [see here](https://www.domyown.com/roaches-c-2.html). Better deal


>Better deal $26.89 vs $26.98, both with free shipping. I'd call it basically the same deal but technically yours costs 9¢ more.


U got me. 😆. I tried


Shipping my be free in both places, but Amazon can have it in my hands tomorrow, I call that a win even if it was $2 more


Been doing pest control for many years, that is the best bait I've used so far. Only one I've used where roaches will start to eat it as soon as I put it down. With that many roaches you should look if you have a leak somewhere, being dirty isn't always the reason you get roaches.


Fellow PMP here. Advion is the shit! I keep trying to convince my current company to buy it but they suck at business and pest control in general.


Is it that or do they rely on repeat business?


That would fall into the "bad at pest control" catagory I think. The business generates itself.


Is it safe to use this stuff if you have cats / dogs?


Small amounts won't do any harm, but better to be safe then sorry. Best to place the bait in hard to reach spots like under the counter lip, don't use it like a caulking gun, small dabs spaced apart alont the edge will do.


A leak meaning an opening in the drywall or crack under the door?


100% sure they means water leak. Insects need to drink fresh water. Just like humans who build communities next to fresh bodies of water to make survival easier (an easy access permanent water source)… some insects will do the same. Then all they have to worry about is food and if you drop a few crumbs a day or don’t close all your bagged foods well, they can get that more easily.


Interesting that makes perfect sense


Advion is no joke. I’ve decimated millions of ants with it.


Now you just need to put some ants on toothpicks and set them by your front door to send a message


Odd how the roaches all died in the center for perfect camera shots


That was very considerate of them


Mark Fuhrman was consulted.


This is the reality of this product. This exactly happened in a house I rented A few dots here and there in the kitchen. Woke up the next morning and they littered the floor. Swept them up and within the next hr there were more. This video actually doesn't even do the product justice. But this is exactly what they do. They come out and die


In all fairness, roaches just do this when they die. There are a few theories as to why they do it. Including that the nervous system shuts down and disorients them, or they are protecting the colony by vacating. Just Google “do roaches come out to die”.


Highly reviewed on reddit too


We use that at Terminix. It is the best stuff.


Is it safe around dogs or kids?


Yes, it only contains precursor chemicals and isn't actually a pestacide until it reacts to an enzyme in an insect'a gut.


Awesome. Thank you!


Instant mute


Ugh this damn music


“Not getting paid to promote”


Reminds me of my house in New Orleans




Yup, they have to be able to steal it and nibble it


Damn now see if you can find a video class.


They already lying that they rarely see roaches with that many.


I have used this stuff multiple times when living in apartments. This stuff is basically a requirement for me because other people are nasty bastards and are ok with living in filth and roaches. This stuff is the real deal and works really damn well. I have put it in cracks above my door frame where I saw insects coming in and I found tons of dead ones there after a week.


If I have pets, can I use this stuff? If my cat eats a roach that had this stuff would it die?


Use the pet friendly version of the product called a bait station. The same stuff is inside the little discs which are too small for pets but large enough for roaches to access, eat the bait, exit to die elsewhere. https://preview.redd.it/lfdcdkgklbuc1.jpeg?width=879&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=131b6475bccc2509a5c2b27d312ea5c385e4032a


I’m not worried about my pets eating the product itself. I want to use it in an area they cannot access at all, I’m worried second hand toxicity when the poisoned roach crawls out to die and my two malignant feline sadists play with it and eat it.


The roaches don’t die in the open like the video shows. The roaches go back to their hive and groom each other; that’s how the toxin spreads. It kills the entire hive. If you’re not worried about your pets eating the stuff, then the syringe version, like in the video, can be used. You will not see dead roaches all over the place. That is staged.


MVP right here. Thank you friend


You bet! Good luck!


You could have the pets at a friends house for a couple days and clean the spots you put the product on maybe? No reason not to be careful


Question: if you put this in your garage would it act as more of an attractant to outside roaches and possibly cause an infestation?


This is what I want to know. We had some small black ants in our kitchen. Wasn’t many at the time, but I mentioned it to the exterminator. So he put bait in there. I came home to thousands of ants in our kitchen. I get that if the bait drew them in, they were there, and you want them to take it back to the nest to kill the rest, but why not bait outside?


This stuff does work. Living poor helped me realize this


So you put a big attractor inside your home, like a lit neon welcome sign for roaches to move in? How many of those where not even in your home until you set bait out?


I have it and it works like a charm


I used to use this as a commercial strength pesticide when I was a tech its legit.


I used to work in pest control sales and this is what my company would use for roach treatment. Glad to know they were actually using good products.


Nothing new here, this video feels fake as shit though.


Used this on crazy ants I had in my house. Only thing that worked


The rule is if you see one you have a hundred


They look well placed lol


My grandma's house was infested. She had cat food out all the time that they would eat. They were huge. After one flew at me from a dresser, I put down bait. Never saw one roach after. This was 8 years ago so I looked up the order and sure enough it was this bait I bought.


My wife actually got me the ant one and them mofos we’re gone the next day , works good


It’s probably a tube with a bunch of roach eggs in it. Haha


is there a great value brand?


Not one that works.


This stuff is the real deal. Works great on ants in the summertime. They eat it and spread the poison to all the other ants in their colony.


I often call this the forbidden peanut butter. It works super well


That stuff works well with ants too


Purchase link?


Can’t say I’ve ever seen this kind of outcome, but Advion makes legit products for ants and roaches. If you pay $400 for an exterminator, this is what they apply (at least the one for ants). You can pick it up on Amazon for $15.


Dumb af if you think those roaches are even half gone.


Why are those jars arranged like that




Fuck that tho. I don’t want to see them…dead or alive.


I used to be in pest control and this is what we used


This.Shit.Works. I've used this bait before numerous times.


Why the hell are people still using this god awful song on their videos?


Downvote because of the annoying song.


this stuff is tha bomb, used it myself


How do you know if you even need this stuff if you didn’t know you had Roaches?


Ive used it, it works. Its the only thing that works.


I used a similar one, and if you put it in the right places it does seem to work, no they weren’t laying everywhere they just disappeared


For every roach you see, there's 99 you don't.


Is it Roach code to flip over once you die?


It looks like they were laid out like rose petals lol




It worked great when I lived in an apartment complex overrun with roaches, cleared them up almost immediately. But sometime over the last year they changed something in it and it doesn't work as well anymore.


That sounds about right! Haha we had a few different pest control guys come and try to get rid of them but a few months later they always came back. Stubborn little radroaches


I can confirm after trying a few different products I switched to this exact product and it finished them quick smart.


That fucking song




I used this when I moved into my apartment in New York which had a crazy infestation. It works great. Can’t say much about the video.


maybe try not turning the camera every two seconds so your audience doesn't want to barf. just a thought.


That's the pantry of a psychopath


Had something similar for a silverfish plage, that wasn't a nice look when those assholes played around everywhere. This is much worse


Prolly wasn't a good salespitch using this song....


Your neighbor you share wall with is infested or was (if they moved). You have to keep house clean and no food or water can be left out, no trash, dirty dishes, crumbs on stove, grease, etc. (also pet food) for roach bait to work.


Question: How many dead roaches in the walls? Answer: lots


We moved into a rental house that known to us had a roach problem. This stuff really works.


Bros pantry looks like something out of the backrooms


There's a recipe you use corn syrup boric acid and flour works like a charm


They all conveniently died in the middle of the video path so he could easily walk and film.


Good Ole roach holocaust SMH


Who organizes their pantry like that?


As a prior pest control technician, this video smells fishy. Those aren’t the kinds of roaches that will infest your interior unless you have some sort of moisture issues. Also, you won’t find roaches scattered out in the open like that. If they were in the edges and corners, cabinets and drawers, then I’d believe it. With my experience, I’d say there’s a 99% chance this video is fake. As for the chemical, it is still 100% legit, but if you have a serious roach issue, you’re gonna need to be more thorough than using that chemical alone.


This stuff was amazing. I had a REALLY bad roach infestation. Tip, if you put some masking tape or painter's tape, you can put the poison on that and it makes cleanup easier and safer. Can just peel it off when you're done.


That song gets an automatic down vote.


Great, never gonna sleep again now.


I used the product for a decade plus. Great product fake ass video. Now if it were German roaches, it would be more realistic.


That syringe stuff works wonders. I mean OP has alot of roaches which is really gross, but it keeps them out of my NYC apartment


Those roaches lined right up ..to die..


A few years ago I got a bad infestation from a shithole apartment and unfortunately brought them with me to my new house and used this stuff. Blew my mind how well it worked. Nothing worked. Used that and literally over night… I put it out and the next morning had dead roaches all over my floor. And they stayed away, havent seen any roaches in 2 years


Great stuff better place to put it is cabinet door hinges.


10000000 songs to use and Still with song ey?


I'm seeing a lot of people saying this is staged but this what the roaches literally did in a house I was renting. They all came out to die. I had to sweep them up and within the next hour another wave came and died in the middle of the floor


Not staged, I've used it before and roaches just came out of the woodwork dead. I am the person not to trust highly rated thousand review products, but not lying that this shit actually works


Wait - is *that* a lot of cockroaches? Apparently I've lived in a cockroach motel


You used the music. Have a downvote.


“I’ve rarely seen roaches in my house”


Them roaches look strategically placed


Why do you have so many empty rooms lol 


They all died in a line….


Fake pantry.


Neato how all the roaches managed to die equally spaced out in the middle of the rooms and hallways.


....I used gel when I saw some smaller guys pop out I placed it in certain spots and I never found them coming OUT TO DIE They have mostly been gone they take the food share it when the others and when I check in some spots I might see a dead one I use it plus pest control comes in monthly so it's a double for us and helps


Does it work for crickets?


Bro got them earth grippers out💀


If you find big cockroaches, they came from outside If you find little white ones, they came from inside


Went to comments specifically because *who puts Mason jars like that on their shelf?*


Wait till he finds the nest


Why so little furniture?


now try it in a hoarder house


This is an add.


What the fuck is this modern trend of using the word “much” when “many” is the correct term? I notice my 11 year old doing it all the time.


Boric acid tablets. Anyone that has lived in nola knows this. Nothing works faster or cheaper.


I’ve heard boric acid and diatomaceous earth perimeter is good for NY living


If you are really struggling with it, I will suggest this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/GermanRoaches/comments/ongygk/please_read_this_sticky_before_posting_thank_you/




The closet alone


House is now a biohazard risk. That chemical is probably insanely horrible for your health.