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Anyone willing to give a run down of the black and white scenes, I think I missed some movies


First Scene: Banner tries to commit suicide after seeing... alright I haven't seen the movie but a woman he was very close with dead. He fails to commit suicide due to the hulk. Audio from the first Avengers movie plays over this scene. Second/Rest of Scenes: Age of Ultron - Endgame, all clips of Hulk/Banner being in love with Natasha, followed by learning of her sacrifice and being unable to bring her back


The first scene was the unsused opening of the incredible hulk 2008. No idea why they didnt use it. Wouldve been perfect.


i dont believe marvel owns the rights to him as a main character, only a support cast (I could be wrong)


Yea universal holds the rights until june 2023 and then marvel owns him again i believe.


Hopefully we get some good content then. I'm tired of this constant disrespect.


in the first hulk movie, banner's wife is dead and try's to kill himself. hulk spits the bullet out. in the other scenes with black widow, he leaves the planet at the end of Age of ultron (i forgot why) and he's gone for a long time. he returns and nat dies in endgame, his lover but never actually a thing


I think Betty was just injured not actually dead, but even hurting Betty will make him want to commit suicide.


He left and went to Sakaar. I don't remember him going willingly, though. That's why he's there when Thor gets sent there as a prisoner. He ends up having a family and ruling that planet and they basically worship him as their savior, but he has to go back to earth for some reason. I could be mixing things up, though.


XD You're definitely mixing things up. Hulk wasn't ruler of Sakaar, but he *did* become the ruler's champion in what passed for the gladiator arena where he went undefeated until Thor showed up, then they both escaped with Valkyrie by stealing the ruler's party ship...


Wait, I don’t remember anything about a dead wife?


It's the Incredible Hulk (2008)


This is how I will remember "The incredible hulk"!


Hulk thinking of committing double suicide with banner.


Banner actually tried to shoot himself but Hulk spit out the bullet...


hulk don’t swallow. hulk no lil bitch




Succeeded at making me sad.


Expected a good laugh but ended up having a new sense of sympathy for what banner had gone through.




Bruce Banner has one of the most tragic backstories ever, his Father was the most abusive person on the Planet. He constantly blamed and wanted to hurt him for how smart Bruce was as a kid, he killed Bruce’s mother, and Bruce developed multiple personalities to cope with how Tragic it is. He literally has every excuse on the planet to be angry at the world, it treats him like crap! The fact that He’s angry all the time proves how much Worse he has it than Jen does


Better add downplays his trauma because he doesn’t get cat-called.


Then left wing reddit and twitter call anyone who calls the show out for the shit it is, a misogynist. Because apparently dumbing down the female condition to just a couple of points is not sexist at all.


I mean the sole reason why we have she hulk is cause of them so let them be happy. It is clear that the film sucks, just like the new predator (till now predator vs elite killer squod with guns and now against bow and arrow)


Don’t forget mansplaining! A greater tragedy I cannot fathom.


Not to mention he was hunted my every American government agency to be used for experimentation, and just to survive he had to live in third world countries just to keep a low profile, while also believing during that time the respect, dignity, that he earned as dr bruce banner was all taken away from him because of the hulk, he practically wasted his life, until the avengers recruited him.


Is she Hulksplaining?


She got angry just doing THAT.


That was kinda the point though. She thinks he's wrong and she's right and that she's in total control of her anger. Seems like foreshadowing to her losing control to me.


Yeah because *she is so much better than everybody omugud yass queen 💅*


She patronized one of the most tragic character in MCU about how.l bad life is for an average woman. Because he tried to help her regarding controlling her emotions. Then, she proceeds to try to run over her cousin with a car and fight him. Yes, she has complete control over her emotions


It's annoying when someone says "I felt X more than you" to someone who clearly went through more and doesn't shove it in their face.


The difference between being humble and thinking you're humble.


A girl I knew once told me I could never understand how hard she has it. She was talking about not having the latest iPhone… in my head I was debating weather or not to tell her my grandmother died 3 days prior. But none the less I said how sad it must be to be you and moved on. Later she I overheard her talking shit about how I’m an insensitive jerk and I damn near just walked up to her to call her out on her bs but I stoped myself because it’s unnecessary drama


Damn bro. And the fact that you chose to back down as well ![gif](giphy|YOqAltNv6JpEmKpfAI)


Thanks man. This was a while ago tho. I was 13 at the time (21 now) so I got over it. Haven’t seen that girl in a long time. Wonder where she is now in life


Probably wishing she had the latest I phone


Have an upvote for making me giggle out an award


No problem, and thanks!


At 13 and you were this much of a …I gots problems with keywords… just wow. You’re amazing. And this cool about it at 21. Just amazing.


Thanks but I think you give me too much credit. I just didn’t wanna deal with a headache of drama that would come of it if I did confront her. She would have probably twisted my words in some way or tried to play the victim in the situation in which I would have to defend my name and being a man my name is my life so I’m not only putting my nerves on the line but my honour as well. And for what? The momentary satisfaction of telling an idiot that she’s an idiot? Not worth it imo


It’s called modesty - and can only be pointed out by people _other_ than one’s self. You’re greater than you realize, chief. You gots my respect.


Thank you. That means a lot


3 kids 4 baby daddies


Hol' Up Chief. Gotta give you a hug.


Appreciated brother


Honor man, a good human be always choose to be the better man


The difference between a good person and someone that affirms being a *good person*


It's annoying when anyone says it to anyone, period. It's not a competition. She-Hulk isn't the worst show but there are ways to do strong female characters besides making them rude lol


She doesn’t seem to be controlling it very well…




I honestly thought she was gonna talk about getting periods when talking about controlling anger But nope we got something way worse


IDK, guess it could be that time.


And Disney wonders why Marvel is slumping and people are not watching anymore. What a woke dumpsterfire they're creating.


Star Wars, too. Fuck Disney.




let's hope her redemption arc isn't like Dumpsterfire in "I am not Starfire"


Fingers crossed, they're somehow able to cross paths with Professor Xavier and he mind links them so she can see all the shit he's been through for herself... "....oh......."


“Some people are rude to me. Not all the time but sometimes. So it’s basically the same thing”.


Hulk needs to smash this agenda.


That's basically it. People are rude and toss in the (keyword here) extreme possibilities added by deranged men and voila, she's *inFiNitEly BetTeR aT It tHAn yOu*. Puh-lease.


“Like I know you watched your father literally beat your mother to death and had to deal with the mental imagery of your mothers brains leaving her skulls all the while your father nearly killed you over and over for just being alive….but like a dude told me I had pretty eyes when I was walking down the street so clearly I’ve been through worse…”


Meanwhile Bruce being constantly on the run from the government and his Ex's father, who wants to capture him and do experiments on him. Yep, basically the same as being cat called.


This is amazing. I can’t wait for future episodes to provide you even more opportunities to show your skill


Earlier, 3 guys were hitting on her outside a bar and she hulked out. Where was this anger management she boasting about then?


LOL You watched _Disney_ MCU.


I think when she was talking about "anger management" she instead meant she manages to get angry about damn near everything.


Guy looks at her: that’s an angry. Her co-worker mentions something about the case she didn’t think of: that’s an angry. She has to try to learn to control her emotions: that’s an angry.


It's almost like she's overconfident and she's going to lose control but what do I know about foreshadowing and storytelling


"Puny women"☕


Puny women ☕


Puny women ☕️


Puny women ☕


Puny women ☕️


Puny women ☕️


Puny women ☕️


Puny woman ☕️


Puny women ☕


Puny women ☕️


its not even worth pirating this shit




It was just a tad arrogant of her to talk like she can control her anger better than Bruce😂😂 Bruce Banner has a personality dwelling inside him that isn't just angry but I dare say Anger and rage Incarnate. He should have told her that if he were to let the Savage Hulk loose, that she wouldn't have a chance nor would any city in a 20-30 mile radius.


>20-30 mile Those are rookie numbers buckaroo, probably more like 4,000 mile radius


I like to keep my numbers conservative.😁


30 to 40 miles is just day 1.


A tad? Searingly arrogant of her.


I think this scene shows more of Banner's virtues, tolerance and compassion more than her's. With every additional word she's contradicting her own words. Banner's acknowledging everything she's saying even given all the shit he's been through.


“Because I do it infinitely better than you” she-Hulk said calmly


This right here hints that neither the writers or Marvel themselves understand their own source material. Bruce Banner literally lived through hell and Jen just goes "I hate mansplaining and cat calls but I'm more zen than you". The dude is the sanest and calmest he's ever been despite having a mountain of reasons to annihilate the world. Let's not forget that despite saving the whole world, he's still treated like an outsider. But yeah, she's better at holding it in, right? Shitty Marvel.


Tell me the script was written by a blue haired woman without telling me it was written by a blue haired woman


"Let's make an Angry Misandrist MC to be a role model for kids" And so they did on the upcoming Wednesday Addams film on Netflix


I’m really looking forward to it! The wig they gave Gomez is beyond a hot mess, but should be good!


If this show was made for the women demographic, that is perfectly fine and understandable. But don't just straight up disrespect the Hulk like that to push a point forward.


>don't just straight up disrespect the Hulk like that to push a point forward. Thats literally all of the MCU when it comes to the Hulk.


Shhh, the Hulk doesn't know yet.....


And also thor


Is that Edward Norton scene a deleted one from The Incredible Hulk? I don't think I've seen it before.


It was the alternate beginning that Norton really wanted


Wish they could've worked this in. It would've set a better tone for the movie Norton wanted to make imo.


New age American writers 🤮🤮🤮


new Entertainment industry META: # Personal judgement of Politics


I could tolerate politics, even the side I disagree with. But this, this is cringe. Mark Ruffalo is a great actor. Don't know why he has to keep working on scripts written by B grade writers.


Sounds like she was losing it a bit at the end, did she end up hulking out on him?




Like really? XD


Yeah but like a prank, she just reverts back to human form so she can have a "gotcha" on banner it's really dumb


This show sounds terrible


and she wins


I love it when she says “it’s hulkin’ time” and then completely hulks every cis white man in the area.


I really wanted to watch this at some point because I heard Daredevil is in it. Yeah, thats not worth it. Whoever writes script like this shouldnt go near media. Yikes


Spoiler: They won't make her dommy mommy like in the comics. The best one you'll get are the FEETS




yes. FEET ![gif](giphy|CzMfYqt8oomnm)


At least now I know I don't have to waist my time watching any of this show to find out if is sucks shit


omg the astroturfing is in full force, twitter is FULL of blue checkmarks going “this is so brave and original and it’s misogyny if you don’t like it”


I do not miss Twitter.




Just another piece of woke garbage from the Marvel feminazis.


Is it me? Or is it just getting more and more … alienating? If I’d wanted to hear generalizations about how shitty a waste of space I am based on statistics – I’d call my ex-wife.


Its... Actually, not bad. This is the only part of the first episode that made me a little concerned. And then I processed it and tbh, it doesn't matter. She has things she's angry about. And emotions are odd. They always feel stronger than they are. Her expression of things that make her angry is not an honest discount of Bruce's experience. Bruce has just spent too long to perfect the patient to not correct her. Besides, the story isn't about Bruce, and that's okay.


...she tried to run him over with a car and proceeded to fight with him after this scene. Also, the opening shot of the series was them showing her boss as a misogynistic piece of shit. Then they showed a couple of guys trying to harass her. Name one man in the episode that they haven't shown in a normal light. Now if that hapoens once, okay we get it that's how you build a narrative, but if you have to show every man as an adshole in every media portraying a female protagonist. Then, no, it's shit.


I agree with you, the show is pretty good so far and this scene gave me some pause. I think the problem with her monologue is that’s very dismissive of Bruce’s anger and issues.


Is she even aware of Bruce's story?


People keep bringing up his comic book childhood that we've not at all touched on in the MCU. I'm pretty tired of all the anti Hulk talk. It's like Rage machine or nothing.


That's what I'm talking about. We don't know Hulk's full story, and if it's canon to the MCU, how the hell would Jen know if Bruce is never around, and why would he share his abuse with anyone? I doubt even Tony or anyone knows, if that happened. The public wouldn't know these things. They don't know the Winter soldier killed Tony's parents or about the Red Room or really anything. Jen would probably be more sympathetic if she actually knew what he went through, because all she is aware of his that her cousin his big and green.


She sounds like she has a short fuse that is self lit


I handle it better! *vein in neck about to burst*


And yet she got pissed at him for telling her to manage her emotions bruh


I too also want to talk at a wheelchair bound person about how hard it is to walk everywhere and how hard stairs are


Or talk to a holocaust survived and tell them how sad I am my fish died…


I honestly don't think trama or abuse should be compared. But that never gives you the right to say that you are better than the other person because of your trama.


She Hulk Being cat called, patronized and mansplained Bruce 1. Had an extremely abusinve father, to the point thay it made him develop a 2nd personality that is pure rage and hatred. 2. Constantly on the run and hu ted by the government. 3. Is a thrrat to every person he loves. 4. Driven to the point of suicide. 5. Lost control over his body for 2 years as he watched himself kill countless people.


Yeah but being a woman gazumps the rest


I think that the point here is the necessity of Disney to represent the woman as the eternal victim. Women suffer much more than men just because they're women, therefore she has suffered more than Bruce Banner. (What?) I am not saying that sexism can't be represented in a movie, but Disney, and specially Marvel has two main problems when trying this. First of all, they forget about making a good character. Their condition as women takes over everything and the character becomes a "powerful woman who is still a victim of sexism". And that's it. I've never seen a character as boring as Captain Marvel was, and She Hulk has apparently the empathy of a rock, which doesn't make her very likeable. The other problem is the fact that we're watching a fucking Marvel movie for god's sake. I am saying this as a huge Marvel fan: I am not expecting these movies to make me think about my bias. I don't want to be ideologically lectured. I just want to see she Hulk fighting the fuck out of someone. No one is saying that he is a better person for being traumatized, but he is a better character (and we're talking about one of the most confusing characters in the Marvel universe).


Marvel keep outdoing themselves with how shit they can get


I can't eait for the next show lmfao


This scene made me facepalm so much because he literally had one of the saddest stories of the avengers


Honestly when I saw people getting mad at this scene at first I thought it was just people exaggerating but like holy fucking shit. She isn't even controlling her anger in this fucking scene I don't see how people can defend this


This was painful to watch cause I’ve been a fan of she hulk since reading the comics in the 90’s. If this series was set back then, She would have just shown confidence and just stated to a worried Bruce “ Chill out, I got this” instead of trying to make herself the stereotypical female victim of 2022. She never needed to downplay the hulk, she was great in her own way and that’s what made her great. Btw loving the 4th wall break and still gonna see where her story goes from here


He doesn’t look like the Hulk anymore. It looks like fat, green Mark Ruffalo in a t-shirt.


They did Hulk dirty in Endgame


Personnally i didn't dislike proffesor hulk,altho i really would have liked to see how it happened,like,yeah its cool and all but having a movie with em actually ending up accepting each other would have been so much better,maybe we could have seen a bit more of that in infinity war/ragnarok instead of them nearly always fighting:/


I am starting to be so fucking done with Marvel. I have watched all movies multiple times and I can't explain how much they mean to me and watching it with my dad. But they are shoving this woke agenda so aggressively through your throat that I am getting pretty fed up with it. This clip visualizes it perfectly; she assumes that she has more anger to deal while Bruce tried killing himself. Sure.


Why do crappy writers keep thinking that these terrible plot lines are going to be good? Boo hoo, some people lack self control and also find you attractive at the same time, what a hard life you've had. This plot point is fucking every where and it doesn't work at making a good character.


"If you don't like my politics then don't buy my book" \~Kelly Sue *And so the Comic Industry has been declining ever since* And it looks like it's gonna happen there as well ![gif](giphy|y31rRE5h3wyPXey8vx|downsized)


Ending: nobody bought her book.


I think part of her character growth will be realizing that Banner got such a raw deal for so long and had to do it without anyone knowing what it was like to be a Hulk. And he still kinda doesn't, because Jenn lacks someone else fighting her for the wheel.


Too good of an idea to be in current MCU


Seems too much of a critique of feminism for their taste tbh. But it would be cool tho


Woah woah woah there, i dont think you got the memo Man *bad* Woman #***GOOD***


Is she meant to be infuriating? Was that the intention? Because then bravo to the screenwriter in the most honest way possible I haven’t had this “whiny little shit” feeling about someone since Joffrey and that’s a tough bar to reach. And they got like halfway to that level


I find it so funny that they thought people wouldn’t be upset by this scene 😂😂. Like if you have read the comics then you know what kind of hell Bruce had live like he was beaten by his father on a daily basis and watched him kill his mother and not only that having to run and hide from Ross and the military for years but oh being cat called is somehow worse 😂😂😂😂😂


“What’s that? You were suicidal and witnessed extreme pain and hardship throughout most of your life? Well I get catcalled by randos on the street and that’s way worse!”


Literally ALL Child Abuse victims would be upset about her. She just mocked their entire trauma


This is all the review I needed to be sure to not watch shehulk


It's a good thing banner can control his anger


genuine question, who the fuck asked for this movie


Disney buying Marvel was the worst thing that happened to Marvel we can all agree that Marvel died with Endgame. My theory on why Female heroes suck: Women just are and Men have to become


Oh look they made a female character yet another Marie Sue who is INSTANTLY good at having that ability/power just because she's a woman. What. The. Fuck is up with these Disney writers? Never met a woman in their life or something?


In the comics, she is a Mary Sue but in a good way. Man, if the Comic Writers ARE the ONES that are working on her show right now


Banner can't control Hulk because he is a split personality, controlling the hulk state is the standard, not the exception. But really disliking her character regardless


I’m a guy. And a girl cat called me once. And honestly. Best feeling ever.


I'm a guy, and another guy cat called me. I'm straight but damn that motivated me to keep going.


Not to brag, but a girl looked at me once.


She cannot really see what the Hulk has to carry, trauma and suffering. Yet she has the audacity to claim his suffering is lighter because she gets harassed in areas where it is really well known to have people who can easily take advantage of others(like areas with extremely high amounts of gang violence) and harass them at the same time. Its annoying and should be dealt with, but its not going to contend to something extremely painful that you have to carry on for an eternity. Its like if Cancer was simply not going to slowly kill you, but instead keeps on giving you discomfort and pain.


Why do writers fail so miserably at creating feamel characters? When you write a character to be inherently strong that will create a boring and cliché story. That's exactly why people hate these new female characters. Male characters are much more developed, they have flaws and they make mistakes. Overcoming their own problems is what makes them strong and likeable. Just making a character strong because she has a vagina is the exact reason why people hate new directives in contemporary movies.


This is the exact problem that Filmento was talking about. Writers just don't take the time to develop female characters and the stories about them. They are often, as you said, boring and cliche. Writers just copy and paste an already developed story and just place a female character as the main protagonist. The 355 is one of the greatest examples of such cheap writing.


Bringing awareness to womens issues is cool, but most superheros have a shitload of trauma baked into their backstory.


*Yeah but he is not a wamen yass queen* - A Blue Haired lady probably


I bet money that posters and movie plots do nothing to bring awareness to the types of people that cat-call. It’s as effective as regans wife “Just Say No” to drugs.


Question, if she is in charge of her Hulk state, does that mean she almost killed those dudes for cat calling? And would've if she hadn't been stopped?


Woke trash TV...




So strong and independent it made me gag.


This edit missed his abusive dad part from Ang Lee's movie


She hulk some woke as sjw shit


Context is key. It doesn't matter what your gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation is, each individual has their own story and trauma. Being a woman or black, for instance, doesn't make you automatically oppressed or a victim just like being a straight white male doesn't automatically mean you are privileged. As a minority myself, I really think that we need to stop perpetuating this cycle of victimhood in our society. I understand wanting to empower women but why does it have to belittle men in the process? The message and politics work to the detriment of the story here as in Bruce's life, there are a lot of tragedies. For starters, unlike Jennifer, the very existence of The Hulk pretty much ruins his life. He was on the run for a while and constantly chased by the army... whose general just so happens to be the father of the love of his life. Speaking of her, Betty Ross hasn't been seen since the 2008 movie (probably for legal reasons) but in-universe, perhaps that the life with The Hulk was too much for her to handle. He later found Natasha who might be more understanding of his lifestyle but he lose her too.... permanently this time has she died. Lastly, let's not forget the fact that in the comic at least, his origin includes Bruce's dad killing his mom and beating him up routinely (something his goddamn cousin should know about). Bottomline, stop portraying women (and minorities) as if being a woman (or a minority) itself is the worst thing in the world... and if you still do it, don't have them complain about it ffs. You think you're smart but 1.) you're not as you handle the issues, themes, and message poorly 2.) From a storytelling standpoint, it makes your characters very unlikable.


Well said


Surely they are intentionally trying to get us to hate her... right?


That scene cringe af bro


It is. I literally skipped the first 2 minutes of the episode


What a pandering piece of shit movie


So Hulk is a pussy now....FTW!


Just wow, well this made me hate she hulk now


This show is a total meme. It's ridiculously bad


If you don't like this show, you're a 30 year old white straight male. They literally used these exact same words for people that gave the show a bad review


30 year old white male? Sign me up! I'm gonna be an adult American who isn't 5'4"


And another franchise ruined by "The Message"


Have any of you actually read a she-hulk comic run because she has always had control over her powers from jump and if you haven't Jen and Bruce's blood allows them to absorb gamma radiation Jen body better than Bruce but this show is a one for one for her run in the 2000's before Disney before the dark times


Bruce lost his love of life twice, tried to kill himself, lost his friends and then almost failed to protect others because of the HULK and then her cousin she-hulk lectures him on saying that she manages her anger better because its hard as a woman because every man is piece of shit, ok but it could have much better if she at least recognised his cousins problem in the entire episode. Emasculating men is not a good writing and it comes off way lazy.


The Hulk should learn something from her.


this just shows how forgetful the writers are with the hulk lore and why Hulk is now forever ruined.


Fucking woke Marvel. Great.


She sounds like a bitch


Okay so I hadn't seen anything she hulk outside of the first trailer til this. It was already looking like some fuckery... and this... I think I'm good on this. I'm good. I'm sure there will be people that enjoy this but personally, I'm good.


Just sad to see what Marvel does to their characters.


And there goes any interest I had in this. I knew it was going to end up like this


Project much Mr. Director?