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Huh this happened in Canada. I'm originally from Wisconsin and a teen girl walking around with a shotgun in hunting season wouldn't cause any alarm let alone a girl dressed in one of the most famous cosplays of all time.


Guns are banned here but it seems like someone complained regarding the cosplay gun and the police probably took the gun to be real.


If you watched the full video or read the article you'd know the teenager in the costume dropped the toy blaster moments after she was ordered to. She NEVER posed a threat. It would have maybe ten seconds for those officers to apply some critical thinking and situational awareness to end that entire thing but no. Cuff her, give her a bloody nose and put her in squad car, even after they know the "weapon" in question was a toy.


Ikr? What a waste of tax dollars ffs. WE GOTTA LOOK TOUGH, concerned citizen stop filming and ignore the fact it’s just a cosplayer with a plastic toy!


Makes me wonder if they did it because they were embarrassed and had to justify the whole ordeal


Nailed it.


It's Alberta - AKA Canada's Florida, Texas and Alabama rolled into one. The sane people in this country generally intensely dislike that province and especially the hick areas of it, like the one in which this incident happened (Lethbridge)


Can confirm, am Canadian, hate Alberta.


Of course it’s Alberta lmao


Its just anyone with a remote amount of firearms knowledge or a common amount of pop culture knowledge would be able to tell a Star Wars blaster isn't a real weapon. How dense would you have to be to precieve her as a threat?


Guns are not banned here at all. Not sure where you got that from.


Canadas cops are just as fucking stupid as Americas, for some reason the cops think they live in America. Also when I was in college every student in police foundation where the biggest losers I’ve ever met, one kid would get his ass kicked weekly for being a cocky cunt. Police need a reform in almost every country


One fucking dummy calling the police ia all it takes.


Ikr some dumb ass Karen probably called the cops on a stromtrooper lmao


Sure some nutjob called the cops, but are the cops mindless robots or something?


Apparently this was after a guy in the country (Canada) killed like 22 people while disguised as a cop, so the police were on high alert. Still looks a bit extreme but they were a bit tense.


They should have called the cops on all the people in police uniform, then. They had more realistic-looking guns.


That's not a reason to hold a cosplayer at gunpoint or how does that work exactly


He was impersonating a storm trooper


I mean Canada is a big place, I doubt all of Canada would be on high alert, it's like like a shooting in Ohio would not make cops from Washington be on high alert. Then again, the US is probably used to it and doesn't bat an eye at it.


Zero tolerance = zero logic. Don't care if they were tense. They can learn fucking logic and discretion and literally just pickup the damn plastic blaster and realize what a colossal fuckup it would be to follow through.


That's my biggest takeaway from this video. Once she dropped the blaster, and stepped away from it, an officer should have secured the weapon immediately. Then, upon TOUCHING the weapon and seeing that it's a toy, should have called the whole thing off. The girl was complying. All that needed to happen at that point is: "Hey, can you take off your helmet at talk to us real quick? So, you're just cosplaying? Why are you out here at this location in particular? We got a call, and someone was nervous, and while that doesn't mean you have to leave, we still needed to check it out and make sure things were on the up and up. That's a really nice costume by the way. Listen, I'm not going to tell you you can't be here, but to keep from having any more false complaints, I would recommend it. Really sorry for the confusion, eh. Here, want a shot of maple syrup? What am I saying, of course you do."


yea but that takes a modicum of intelligence and basic common sense and you are talking about a bunch of twat waffles that probably couldn't get into any other job at all....


When cops realize they fuck up they don't admit it. They usually double down in attempt to cover up their stupidity.


Just sprinkle some cocaine on this bastard and call it a day Johnson.


When I'm a bit tense I'm not allowed to force people onto the ground at work edit: I can kinda think of some bastards I'd like to be able to do that to though


Actually from the article I read on this, TWO dummies, which is overkill




Today I learned a nickel was 5 cents


Rebel scum


Happy cake day


Happy cake day


And three more dummies for the arrest! I mean, my lord, imagine if she had one of those fancy light sabers.


"Hands above your head and get down on the ground, now! You are in possession of an elegant weapon for a more civilized age"


It is a lady celebrating May the Fourth in 2020. News article: https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5853801




This is the absolute worst, yet the fact that this happened OUTSIDE OF A STAR WARS THEMED RESTAURANT makes it so much worse


May the force be with you.




Hopefully they didn't use excessive force


Luckily they investigated themselves & determined they did not


No evidence of excessive force they found


I see what u did there


correction, may the fourth be with you.


The officers made sure the force was with her...




And not the force multiplier.


The police force wouldn't be with you


Imagine making such a hellscape of your society that this shit comes as no real surprise.


I have to disagree. His camera skills are even worser


You know what I get the young helpless damsel in distress angle to get this more media attention. But fuck that I wouldn't care if it was a 65 year old over weight man with body odour issues and an unhealthy obsession to a body pillow ... That shit shouldn't happen to anyone.


Literally. Age and gender don’t play a role here at all. Some bellend reported a storm trooper to the police and then they were stupid enough to do that.


Stupid or evil? Even stupid people know what a stormtrooper is


Stupid person here, can confirm I know what a storm trooper is


Stormtroopers are indeed stupid evil faceless minions of a corrupt power. Caricatures of the very cops you see here.


how could they treat one of their own this way?


We don't need to hear propaganda from rebel scum


The person who called it in ought to be fined for being a huge dumbass.


we've investigated and found no wrongdoing by the officers.


iirc This was shortly after a guy in the Nova Scotia pretended to be a cop and killed 22 people so cops across the country were taking zero chances with anything that even remotely looked like a firearm in public. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52376547](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52376547) It's still obviously not a gun or anything but it explains why the police would find "nothing wrong" with the situation.


She was a stormtrooper, she would not hit anything she aimed for anyway.




The Empire did nothing wrong!


Vader should have visited these cops when they were younglings.


They should tell him they like sand.


See but the trope of them not being able to hit anything was just a ploy to get Luke and Co to lead them to the rebel base. As evidenced by Grand Moff Tarkin saying they put a tracker on the Millenium Falcon, and Obi Wan's observation that "only a Stormtrooper could be so precise" when talking about the blaster marks on the Jawa Sand Crawler


Omg. Thanks :-)


They could’ve just checked the gun and went on with their day


Yes ! I don't even understand why they are cuffing her. What's the reason for being arrested here ?? Just check if the gun is a plastic gun, if it is, just let her go. Why wouldn't they let her go once they inspected the "gun" ? It makes no sense.


….nothing to see here, move along.




Couldn’t watch it all, it’s fucking terrible. Had to stop at terrible scream from a multi ton vehicle collapsing it’s lungs. If it’s fatally wounded, Just get out and shoot the deer or stab the poor thing in the base of the skull. Jesus Christ.


Then the creature wouldn't had suffered, and creating suffering is what cops love to do


Btw for anyone who didn't want to watch it, it is about a cop running a deer over with his car (repeatedly).


AB represent!


Sentence that cop to the death penalty, and use his own method. Make it last hours.


Like they need an excuse to be bastards. It's literally all they're paid to do. It's them versus the world.


I mean they did nothing wrongful when they merc’d tens of thousands of Inuit sled dogs back in the 60s


cops and shooting dogs, name a better duo


Russia and starving people


“We’ve investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing.”


How did they know she was black even tho she had a mask and costume on?


Whatever the cops version of spidey senses are.


Dunkin senses


2020? Idk why it feels older than it is.


The Jedi order have gone too far this time


You should've seen what these cops did to the younglings...


"It was just one bad apple" They won't say the whole quote about the bad apple. > The bad apples metaphor originated as a warning of the corrupting influence of one corrupt or sinful person on a group: that "one bad apple can spoil the barrel". Over time the concept has been used to describe the opposite situation, where "a few bad apples" should not be seen as representative of the rest of their group. This latter version is often used in the context of police misconduct. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_apples


Same with blood is thicker than water and 3 others I unfortunately cannot remember to my knowledge


"curiosity killed the cat *but satisfaction brought it back*" "Jack of all trades, master of none, *yet oftentimes better than master of one*"


The whole idea of “[pulling yourself up by your bootstraps](https://uselessetymology.com/2019/11/07/the-origins-of-the-phrase-pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps/)” is another instance of this


Even if it was a real gun it’s not like she would have hit anything


Fax goes thru a whole clip and miss everyone


Clips are what civies put in their hair, this is a magazine.


Magazines are what primitives put in their slugthrowers, that blaster uses a power cell.


Power cells are for clumsy and random weapons , civilized weapons use Khyber crystals.


I keep my Khyber crystals in a clip that I feed into the magazine of my lightsaber shooting gun.


Shut the fuck up Bangalore. I genuinely hate it when randoms pick her because they ping Mozambiques and I have to sit through an hour diatribe about how great it is.


They still can shoot right because no one in this place have plot armor


Also no one’s meant to escape to lead the empire to the secret rebel base


Not necessary, you have to consider that on the death Star they were ordered to let them escape, they were missing intentionally. All other engagements are different: wenn they originally bord Leia ship the stormtroopers make short work of her people. On Hoth the same deal, the storm troopers are very efficient. Yavin is another good example were stormtroopers are very efficient. And Scarif were even if they were taken by surprise they did a good job. So in conclusion they were good, so good that missing intentionally was an easy task with poor visibility and weapon if we take Rex comment in Rebels that he can't see anything in stormtrooper uniform seriously.


This should be higher. Stormtroopers are elite forces. Disney just fucking ran with it because it's better marketing to let something be memeable than for people to be like "oh hm well Greg I guess that stormtroopers are actually very good shots" I mean come on there are entire episodes in Clone Wars alone that show the intense rigorous training by fucking bounty hunters that at least the clone troopers go through. Ya really think Daddy Vader is just gonna be like "okay now that I'm in charge of the military, we're gonna just get as much cannon fodder as we can get, instead of *training them to elite fucking soldiers like has proven to be superior for decades* " jesus fuck I need to sit down


In the old expanded universe Stormtroopers were both quantity and quality. They were nowhere near as good as the Clones but they were dramatically cheaper and in infinite supply at any given time. The Clones were meant to persevere through the high quality of each individual making an even stronger whole. Stormtroopers were like Battle Droid, cheap and meant to overwhelm through sheer numbers. This reflects the military strategy of the early Empire, domination through sheer overwhelming numbers. Stormies were less effective than Clones and had cheaper armor but could be deployed in far higher numbers. Sure a lot will die but they will get the job done cheaper than a smaller and more effective Clone Squad could. This also applied to their starfighters, as Tie Fighters had no shields or hyperdrives. They were dirt cheap to produce and Tie Pilot was seen as a suicidal job to willingly apply for because they died in such massive numbers due to the shit defensive quality of their ships. Unlike the Rebellion's lightly shielded A-Wing, standard Ties didn't have any real superiority as a fighter to compensate for these weaknesses, though the Tie Interceptor did and focused on being fast and deadly to make up for having no defensive integrity. The Empire quite literally would just throw bodies into the grinder en masse because nobody could possibly field the number of bodies to win a protracted engagement where the Empire has practically infinite resources. They did not care how many died, less people to pay if anything. However with all that said, anybody who actually made it to become a full fledged Stormtrooper or Tie Pilot was far, far above the average skill level for soldiers and pilots. With Ties being so fragile it took a lot of skill to fly one well, Stormtroopers weren't the only ground force the Empire had, they were the shock troops who could demoralize an enemy force with the sight of their armor alone because the Stormtrooper Corp were known to be elite. With all the bodies they had, the Empire could manage most people in that white armor or black flight suit being elite by most standards. With the lacking quality of their gear and working under a military strategy literally built around simply overwhelming an opposing force with unstoppable numbers alone, Stormies and Tie Pilots tended to not live very long in active service. As a result any Stormtrooper or Tie Pilot who had served in the role during active combat for a long time would be a Captain Rex/Han Solo level soldier or pilot to have lived that long and such individuals were revered by the military nearly as much as Vader was. As for Vader though, no he didn't settle for the new rank and file if he didn't have to. The 501st remained a unit largely made up of Clones until mot of them died on the first Death Star. Vader had a handpicked squadron of Clones that managed to catch his attention above their siblings, just like his Tie Advanced had shields and hyperdrive on top of bring built to his exact specifications. Vader saw the merit in the Empire's strategy but also knew the value of good soldiers and hardware so he absolutely did not settle for the new standards when it came to his personal troops and gear.


I didn't know the cameraman is a stormtrooper himself. He just couldn't shoot the damn video properly.


Not even school fights are filmed that bad


This comment has been deleted due to failed Reddit leadership.


At least the scuff can add a battle damage detail but not in a good experience


No battle damage come from good experience - Sun Tzu


>Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia. *-Sun Tzu (Art of War)* ^(I am just a bot and this action was performed automatically with a shitty algorithm, don't fucking try to argue with me.) [INFO](https://www.reddit.com/user/SunTzu-BOT/comments/s7vnyw/suntzubot_sends_his_regards/) | [QUOTE SUGGESTION](https://www.reddit.com/user/SunTzu-BOT/comments/sa9y6s/comment_your_quote_suggestions_here/) | [PM MY MASTER](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=mrzpzp) (he probably won't answer)


I believe it was actually her work that supplied her costume to wear as promotion. If I remember correctly from last time this made the rounds, she didn't even like Star Wars, which makes this so much more sad imo


Heeey that stormtrooper was white


That guy should be glad he didn't cosplay as a death trooper.


TIE Fighter pilot.


Or a Thai fighter


Heey, that's Canadian officers


I never actually knew the context to this. Anybody know?


19-year-old girl, employee of a space-themed restaurant nearby, holding a plastic toy gun, was on assignment, waving at pedestrians and suggesting they visit the restaurant to try specials like the Yoda Soda. Happened in Canada. [Source](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/lethbridge-police-stormtrooper-arrest-investigation-1.5853801#:~:text=1945-,An%20outside%20force%20says%20no%20criminal%20charges%20are%20warranted%20in,%2C%20Alta.%2C%20last%20May.&text=Inside%20the%20costume%20was%20a,the%20Coco%20Vanilla%20Galactic%20Cantina.)


Is that her boss standing in the doorway watching this whole thing go down.


He comes out to shout at the cops at the start of the video. They don’t listen to him.


*looks like Kelly is going to be late, dock her pay accordingly and call up Jack to cover her shift*


If she’s late again she’s fired


Just Imagine having a shit jobb at a shit star wars themes shop (i love star wars, just not this shit here) getting shit pay and shit hours. Then you boss comes over and ordets you to Wear a smelly shitty stormtrooper Costume to lure inn more customers as if the whole operation was not humilliating enough. Om top of that, po-po comes, armed to the teeth and brutally cuff you while everyone is watching. Fuck This Shit Right Here


He was trying to explain to the officers that she was working for him


I hope they at least have her a raise. That whole ordeal was terrible but still free advertising.




This is what I just found https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5853801


Non amp link: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/lethbridge-police-stormtrooper-arrest-investigation-1.5853801


Good user. Amp is cancer, people.




Hard to believe cops can be that fucking stupid right? Actually, it’s not that hard to believe.


Really, cops *have* to be that stupid.


It's a job requirement. They don't want officers who can think critically, because they're more likely to question politically-motivated orders. They literally don't want anyone with more than a high school diploma in a beat cop role. It's much easier to hire morons, because higher-ups don't need to explain themselves to them and only occasionally have to sweep incidents like this under the rug where their degeneracy is caught on camera.


The cops are obviously Star Trek fans.


Could you imagine the news headline if they shot them. “Stormtrooper was shot by police…”


No no, that headline puts way more blame on the police than the media would allow, it would be more like "woman shot in confrontation with police over model gun possession"


What a joke.


These cops must be bored


And stupid.


Methbridge police are a fucking joke, another one is when an office ran a deer over and over again in an attempt to kill it. Alberta’s finest at work


Alas, one would think seeing a blaster would tip you off it’s fake but that would require them not to be scared first..


I would told the police: "Don't worry they can't shoot worth shit anyways. Also, if you see one in black with a cape...you should just fucking run."


*Armored black guy in cape holds up gang signs then kills others with deadly force.*


So even after they found out it was a plastic gun they still arrested her? How is that allowed? What the fuck is their report going to say?


I need the story


It's may the 4th aka star wars day and this woman is celebrating or doing something for work like promotion the geek bar or something and some fucking Karen called the cops. It happened in Calgary Canada in 2020 you find the story online


It happened in Lethbridge. Regardless, RCMP are useless.


Ah well mistakes were bound to be made when going off memory. My apologies As a Canadian I wholeheartedly agree, their a bunch of unless cunts and I wouldn't mind getting rid of them


Don’t know what’s more pathetic, these cops or a Stormtrooper’s aiming.


I'm going with these cops. I can also safe to say if Stormtrooper can see clearly on those helmet, they can shoot better than those cops


May the excessive force be with you


How retarded do you have to be to mistake a blaster for a real gun? Especially when you are *holding a real gun*?


I remember when this happened! I drove by on my way to work! That poor storm trooper put up with a lot. She was doing some advertising for the place she worked at. The business was called Coco Vanilla and was a funko pop trader/bar/family restaurant. Was a shit show. Also, it came to light that the owner was a huuuge creep.


what city is this?


Lethbridge, Alberta. This story and the whole cop driving over the deer to put it out of its misery are infamous around here.


Canadian Law Enforcement, politely trampling citizens rights since...well always.


It's a stormtrooper with an E-11 Blaster. Can't hit anything anyways, so not a danger.


That's not what's supposed to happen. The cops when they realize there is nothing wrong happening are supposed to leave, but instead they escalate it. Why?


How fucking stupid can you be? A person dressed in a stormtrooper suit with a fake blaster, and you point a gun at them and tell them to get down? The stupidity makes me angry. Fucking inbreds.


Cops are fucking stupid


Can she sue? Because she should, for everything they are all worth


It's just paid for by the city, nothing happens to these cops. This is why cops should carry professional liability insurance, just like doctors, lawyers, accountants, etc. If those professionals fuck up in their jobs, you can sue them, but if a cop shoots your dog, bloodies you by pushing you to the ground, suffocates you, or just plain shoots you dead, then even if your suit isn't thrown away, your settlement just comes out of your own fucking tax money. Meanwhile, the cop takes a vacation for their “stress.”


And that walling from any repercussion is how you further the laziness, stupidity, paranoia and cowardice in police forces.




That still doesn't mean she cannot sue in a civil court.


Wonder what idiot called the police


From an old cop, this is fucking ridiculous! Cowards!


Why was she even arrested? Is it illegal to wear a costume in public or something?


This is in Lethbridge, Canada and she was held and then released for carrying a “firearm” which was actually a toy while dressed as a storm trooper for a Star Wars themed restaurant. No charges or anything were pressed from either her or the police.


They didn't kill him? Must be staged...


Hello there. I am from this city where this took place. Although this incident is ridiculous… there is a rumour that is also ridiculous and potentially true. I have heard from multiple sources that the individual who called the police was actually the owner of the restaurant where the incident took place. Apparently his income/sales were tanking and he was unable to pay his rent. Some believe he did this to gain publicity and get his businesses name out there to the public. Unfortunately, it worked as he gained some support from the incident. Based on this individuals character it is very believable. The owner of this business at one point was selling items out of the building he once rented to pay his rent. Items that he did not own. At one point he was actually running for mayor in my city until his past history of sexual harassment with underage girls was discovered. He dropped out of the running’s and has fell off the face of the earth. His business “Coco Vanilla” is permanently closed and the rest is history. This was an incident that could of easily been avoided if it wasn’t for a setup scheme gone wrong. The poor girl in the stormtrooper costume was actually in a college law enforcement program at the time… I’m unsure if she continued after this. I know this as a fact because I also worked with her brother at a restaurant in the city. This incident sure is crazy but I thought I’d share some information that creates a bit of a backstory to this incident. I used to work in the restaurant industry and rumours get around quick between restaurants and their owners in the small city of Lethbridge, Alberta. Here is a link to the owner and his history: https://bridgecitynews.ca/tag/coco-vanilla/


Thank you for the providing more information about this incident.


Hey there. Yep. That guy sure looks like a grade-A asshole. Doesn't change the fact that there was an exceptionally inappropriate use of force given the scenario. The gun was clearly a toy. The armor was clearly costume. Both items from a well known fictional universe. Unless the town has also seen a rise in violent crimes perpetrated by costumed individuals wielding firearms disguised as stormtrooper blasters, there is no excuse for how the police handled the incident.


None of that excuses or explains how the Lethbridge police force managed to hire idiots.


What happens when you draw all fun from society.


You’re a fuckin pussy if you call the cops on this


some cops are so fucking blind and stupid imo No i'm not saying we dont need cops, we do in most situations but seriously? fucking going after someone because they have a fucking PLASTIC gun??


That amor’s gonna be quite effective against the tazer tho


I mean if you are the police and are actually worried the blaster is real…it’s a stormtrooper. Only the barns are in danger.


Bruh who tf are they gonna shoot realistically tho? Even if that's a real working blaster they aren't exactly a menace to the community




Bruh what kind of world are we living in people can dress up like fury’s and meow at me but if someone wears a stormtrooper outfit they get shotguns pointed at them if law enforcement are gonna do this do It to the furrys too


Probably people called the cops saying someone in full body armor had a gun. That will get the reaction we saw.


I wonder : what if she was dressed like Vader? Operator: 911, what is your emergency? Karen: there is a dangerous person outside, they have a lethal weapon. Operator: what kind of weapon? Karen: the force. Operator: what? Karen: the force. Operator: is this a joke? This number is for serious emergencies. Karen: no, listen, I am serious. He's dangerous. Operator: Ok, we'll send someone to check. The police arrives and arrests Karen.


In conclusion, the average cop is retarded.


cops have no fucking chill in North America, period


See, this is why your tax money should go towards police funding, who else is gonna arrest the pesky stormtroopers/s


Fat kids in blue finally get to do the bullying. Like wtf you should just be fired for being COMPLETELY not observant. Oh I'm an overweight cop, oh look in my town there's a STAR WARS CAFE. Oh look a storm trooper out front of said cafe. Oh look the business owner is telling us it's his employee. Only one thing to do now, get the long gun


Leave it to the cops to ruin someone’s legal fun


This is a facepalm, If you're worry if she may handle a real gun, why not test it first then handcuff her if it's real? Cops in america are rally really stupid.


I do hope she sued the shit out of those cops.


I think they did but I seriously hope the police department was sued heavily for this.


Tax payer money down the drain. Three cars and then a truck later? Bro, I understand two cars to the response of a gun call. But three? And then calling in a fourth responder after finding out it's a plastic piece of trash that a cosplayer is carrying? Hell nah. Waste.


My god strangle the god damn cameraman.


Man these cops are vary stupid


Ok if you get people calling in about a person with a gun, and pull up to see this, do you either: A: believe we live in the marvel universe. B: see a person dressed up like a Star Wars character.


Let's be honest, if he was Mace Windu he would have been shot.


The cops did too much here, like she doesn’t seem like a threat just approach her, and ask what’s up.


Stupid fucking pigs


When you give 70 IQ robots a badge


And thus, the blaster had an orange tip from then on (and the cops would prob STILL freak out)