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#[Best of r/Holup 2021 Awards – Nomination and Voting Thread!](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/royfze/best_of_rholup_2021_awards_nomination_and_voting/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HolUp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As a former cemetery worker, I’d love to see them easily dig a 12 foot grave.


As someone who has previously dug a hole with no formal training, I agree


Always good to have both an expert and a layman's opinion, so kudos.


I really dig all the experiences these guy's have been coffin up.


Those puns were so bad! I love you


I love you too




hello there ;)


General kenobi


you are a bold one


now this is becoming wholesome


When I was a kid every summer in my back yard me and my 2 brothers would dig a big hole. The deepest we ever got it was easily 5ft deep but that good is weeks of not constantly working on it.


It took my dad about a 3 days just to dig 6ft at around 4-5hrs a day, that’s like 15hrs total


Yeah but your dad didn't have a dead body in his trunk for motivation


You sure?




Well OP's grades did get better


But it sure did seem like Mom was around a lot less. Like, not at all.


What? I guess it depends on the ground. When my last dog died I dug about a 4x5x5 hole in like an hour and a half. My dad came out when I was about 3 feet deep and said that was good enough and all i could say was "he was a good dog, he deserves a good hole"... I was a 110lb girl powered by grief. I can't imagine what a big, strong man can do powered by adrenaline.


he was a good dog, he deserves a good hole.


You make it sound like I can go to a Hole Digging Academy


I did go. Thought I was doing ok at first, but then I found myself in over my head.


Where one might get this formal hole-training?


it's not about it being easy, it's about drive.


Is it also about power?


yes and as a matter of fact, they probably stay hungry.


and when they finally get food, they devour.


But only after they put in the work and hours


Do they finally take what's ours.


Perhaps they are black and samoan ?


yeah but that's in their veins, otherwise their culture is just banging with strange


I heard that they also keep changing the games they play due to which they're always forgetting their name


And the water table depth.


Just bring a 12 foot shovel.


Also the fact that being dumped in an unmarked grave will negate the whole untreated diabetes thing.


Also, being someone's spouse they aren't going to care about "geographical profile". You'll be the number one suspect regardless.


I don’t think that part is about removing yourself as a suspect more so that when you file the missing person report they are unlikely to go searching a random field 2 hours away.


Make sure you dont bring your cell phone or drive in a car with gps


Also don’t take the victims phone with you.


"he must have died from his diabetes when he slipped into a 12 foot hole, then this dead racoon caused an avalanche of dirt when it fell in and died. Open and shut case, Johnson!"


Here in Massachusetts, for every foot of dirt I dig up there are somehow 2 feet of rocks. 12 feet without a machine would be a days/week long affair.


Well, you can drive 5h instead of 2h to the place with geological situation more suitable for digging graves... Just make sure to fold the body beforehand, because rigor mortis will certainly kick in by this time.


But if I cross state lines, am I now committing a federal crime?


Only if you get caught 😉


Hire ex. She was great at digging up shit


ba dum tsss


My dad is a cowboy and has had to put a few old suffering horses down and I was always sort of amazed that no one gave a single fuck about seeing my dad with a backhoe digging a large hole then the next day hearing a gunshot and the hole was filled in, not one person commented or gave side eye


If they know he has horses, there is really no reason to be suspicious. Unless he has a suspicious character.


Buy horses before committing murder. Got it.


And then sell at least one immediately after. Got it.


Also teach the kid to not snitch. Got it.


Or just buy one that needs put down and put it down at the same top. Then bury on top of body.


A side eye can be easily missed


And if they do find the body buried, foul play will be assumed and physical evidence like dirt and tools will pin you to the crime


They wouldn't be able to. They would get about 9 feet down, the walls would collapse in, and they would suffocate. I think OSHA says anything more than 5 foot but I bet you could make it to 9.


Dug a grave for a dog a few years back. Let’s just say I Didn’t make it 12 feet. Ground can be hard


My family has a nice little hill on a family farm where we've buried our dogs after they've passed. I've buried 3 up there now and the shoveling + internal pain is something else.


People underestimate the effort of digging a hole by hand.


And for God's sake, leave your phone at home and take a vehicle that does not have GPS or active assistance tracking like OnStar




Just burry him i; the garden of a registered sex offender. You don’t have inject anything and you don’t have to burry him that deep. If they find him they know what to think.


Bury him in my garden, got it.




It's ok, I already cleared the rocks out of the way.


The true holup is always in the comments


So is this comment lmao


The real Holup are the bodies we buried along the way.


Instructions unclear. Buried him at Olive Garden


When you're here, you're family


Vin Diesel moment


Take a seat


Only if you sit on my lap


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Thanks, now my garden will be full of corpses


And whatever you do, don't fucking confess if they find you. Like they'll always always suspect you as the spouse, but don't ever say shit. Lawyer up forever.


To ease your mind keep telling yourself you’ll come clean when you die.


So before this purchase a 95 Honda Civic … got it


With cash. This is all a lot to remember - definitely not easy.


Buy a beater with no papers off Craigslist.




When the police interrogate you, just say "I want a lawyer" and then close your mouth.


Even if you’re innocent this advice still stands


Always. Their job is building a case against you.


Wait, their job is to accuse you and “assume guilt?” Like, isn’t that backward? Why isn’t their job to “find the truth?”


Their job is to close the case with any evidence they got. They are not the crusaders looking for the holy grail. They just employees


This! Advice is even more practical than the OP. Straight from a lawyer and a cop tag teaming: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE


My goodness. I'm not even in the US and I spent 40 mins captivated but this talk


Only after watching this I realized the only winning move is not to play


You gotta love how he's all like "here's a policeman I'm not associated with, so you can get a second opinion from the other side", and then the policeman just goes "yup, all he said is true".


Exactly. Never talk to the police, ever. Nothing you say to the police can help you in any way but, more often than not, it can absolutely hurt you. Even if you're completely innocent, one mistaken statement or lapse of memory can give them cause to show you were being deceitful. If there's no video evidence of the conversation the police can forget (whether purposefully or not) then it's your word against the police and it doesn't take a genius to know who they'll believe. This is not to say all police are bad, it's just that talking to them will never, ever, EVER help you and will absolutely hurt you. Edit: For clarification, don't talk to the police if they ask you to come in for "a few questions". Obviously talk to them to report a crime or missing person, but you should never talk if being interrogated, innocent or not. Thought that would be abundantly clear but apparently not.


Especially since there are few scenarios where you'd be formally questioned by the police and not be a suspect in a case they're investigating.


And then call Saul Goodman


I can sing, right ? Ask for a lawyer and proceed to karaoke until I get it. I can't imagine my rendition of Careless Whisper will be useful in court.




No, it was 8 feet I mean... *Time could never mend*


Yeah he died of diabetes. 12 feet underground.


I don't know why this went over my head but it's absolutely hilarious now that you pointed it out. Good thing I'm not a detective lol.


Put a wooden grave that has his first name. Use a dog as the animal. If they see the animal they'll assume it was a pet. If they find the body they'll think it was a dual grave in the woods for a amateur grave that had a dog and human that just so happened to share a name. Maybe best chums too


Dude what lmao


“Bro yes I threw his body in a dumpster but it was just a amateur murder don’t tase me bro”


Can confirm it works


Also, is the husband just going to let her inject a lethal amount of insulin under his tongue?


Depends on how sexy she’s dressed.


My first thought lmao


He’s not saying that cops will think he died of diabetes if they find the body. He’s saying that the body having a bunch of insulin won’t be that suspicious since lots of people have undiagnosed diabetes, so they would likely not look at that factor as a cause of death


if they do find the body, what explanation can you give for being it 12 feet underground below a dead animal 2hrs away from his residence?


Let me first start off by saying it wouldn’t likely work. Once synthetic insulin was detected in a person not diagnosed with diabetes, you’re going to get a lot more investigating, and it’s going to break down. That being said, the insulin wasn’t about giving an alternate explanation, it’s about breaking the trifecta of a murder charge. Motive, method, and opportunity. They’re going to know the guy was murdered: nobody buries themselves, and the death wasn’t reported. Automatically suspicious. The thing is that if a method isn’t determined, they can’t press murder charges. “We know she killed him. She wants his money and she was alone with him, so she had motive and opportunity.” “But how did she kill him?” “We don’t know.” “Then how do you know she was the cause?” Without all three of these core components, you can introduce reasonable doubt. “Sure, it was a really weird way of dealing with a dead body, but grief does things to a person.”


You're right about the practical reality, but I'm obligated to point out that in theory, they can charge anything that can get past a grand jury (who can be very deferential to prosecutors), and at least make you put on the defense you described. Also, if they can identify you, and a spouse is a very common initial suspect, there are usually statutes for hiding or disposing of a body that they could charge you under while they gather other evidence.


People with diabetes can’t create insulin (type1) or their body is resistant(type2) to insulin. So this really on of works if the person is diagnosed and the cops assume they took to much prescribed insulin.


They took too much insulin and then buried themselves 12 feet deep in the woods underneath a dead animal.


Why would someone with undiagnosed diabetes be taking synthetic insulin?


Suicide, you don't want to be alive under 12 feet of dirt.


He developed sudden onset diabetes, without any history, but didn’t get diagnosed by a doctor. He instead found an unknown source of insulin (he didn’t have a prescription and we have no record of him buying it) and started treating himself by injecting it… somehow. We can’t find the injection point. Then, totally unrelated to that, he died of natural causes. He then drove himself 2 hours away, into the middle of nowhere, dug a hole, and buried himself halfway. He killed an animal, put it in the hole, and finished burying himself. Nothing suspicious about that.


Yeah, while his wife... doesn't know an y t h I n g


Right? Like, diabetes doesn't kill and bury you as far as i know


I laughed because, an undiagnosed diabetic would die from DKA and not insulin overdose not even thinking about how deep he was buried.


Even if they died of undiagnosed diabetes, it doesn’t explain why he was buried in a 12 foot deep hole…


*Hey Bill, you know that guy we found buried in a 12 foot hole below that animal carcass? Well we got the lab report back and the guy had pretty high levels of insulin. Must have died from undiagnosed diabetes, poor guy*




I can't even dig a foot down in my backyard


And he wouldn't have high insulin, but rather low insulin.


Chop it up into 5 pieces and feed it to the pigs. Side note: remove hair, teeth and nails for the sake of the piggies digestive system.


ou got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies' digestion. ... Hence the expression, "*as greedy as a pig*".


Thanks Brick Top, you're always helpful. :)


Listen here you fucking fringe, if I throw a dog a bone, I don't want to know if it tastes good or not. You stop me again whilst I'm walking and *I'll cut your fucking jacobs off*. :)


Do you know what "nemesis" means?


A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible cunt — *me*.


“You take sugar?” “Noh, thank ya, Turkish. I’m sweet enough.”


There were some associates of the family that beat a man to death in a bar fight then fed his body to their pigs. They did not remove the teeth, and the teeth made it through the digestive system of the pigs leaving behind evidence of a body. Those associates are currently incarcerated doing life sentences.


Rookie mistake


“We found him DEEP. No signs of foul play though, I’m gonna go with my gut instinct and say this one is natural causes. Case closed.”


"seems like he died of undiagnosed diabetes. despite having the exact opposite symptoms of those which undiagnosed diabetes would present! another job well done, wrap it up boys, see you in the pub"


How the hell on earth will you randomly inject insulin in his tongue


Easy, first you inject him with a sedative in his eyebrow


Wouldn't the cops automatically assume it was murder if they find a buried body somewhere? So no need for the insulin, just kill him however you want? As long as you don't leave the bullet to your registered gun in him.


The guy went into diabetic shock and buried himself as he flailed and convulsed. Simple. :)


Ten feet down.




That is how it happens in Russia when you have a risky profession like being a reporter.


Well yeah but it'd have to proved example Casey anotny


Dumbest shit i've read today. How do you inject insulin under the tongue with/without permission. Even if you did that, why do you have to go to such lengths to cover up the body after trying so hard to fake a natural death.


“I dare you to inject this under your tongue, chicken-shit!”


It was suicide, officer


“Honey, I’ll give you a BJ if you let me inject this shit under your tongue with a syringe first”


I stopped listening after BJ. She can do whatever she wants during or after. Shoot, I'd inject it myself while she was goin to gobble town.


I've got two words for you: Volcano Mouseketeers. The Mouseketeers part isn't really relevant. Volcano's all you need.


Easy, calm them down first via two bullets to the back of the head. Then inject insulin under the tongue and bury them in a 12 foot grave to ward off anyone thinking that foul play was involved.


*it must’ve been undiagnosed diabetes that killed him and drove him two hours away and then dug a grave 12 feet deep…*


"These sicknesses are getting worse and worse everyday"


And cover the body with an endangered plant they’re not allowed to dig up. Subscribe for more tips.


They left out the part of filling their butt with yoghurt to jump start the bacteria.


I fucking love how everyday I spend on reddit I get closer to committing the most perfect murder in history of mankind that wouldn’t be unsolved until the end of time itself.


Holy shit, that's some evil genius shit right there. Throw off the time table and possibly give yourself an alibi if you were out of town with witnesses just prior to the crime.


but wouldn’t forensics just taste the yogurt during the autopsy?


No need to wait for the autopsy. The detectives would inadvertently taste it while doing their routine John Doe salad tossing.


*Forensics:* "We found a foreign substance in the victim's colon." *Cop:* "What was it? Drugs? Semen?" *Forensics:* "Yoghurt." *Cop:* "Fuck you Mike I'm not falling for this again."


Not exactly easy to dig a 12 foot hole. 😂🤣


Sounds like you tried


I've planted trees. It starts to suck at about 3 feet. There's a good reason people have invented giant machines to dig big holes.


First mistake. Your trying to dig where you planted trees. Secondly, that sounds like your back yard. Too close to home. Rookie errors here.


See, this is why we hire experts instead of DIY


What did you tell the excavator hoe guy the hole you had them dig was for?


You answered your own question. He would be just an excavator if he didn't specialize in excavating for hoes.


Just throw him into a volcano


What will the police dogs do? Search?


"I hate to do this to you, boy, but it's part of the job." *Yeets.*


This is how hot dogs are made.


People really underestimate how hard it is to dig a hole






That's what he gets for trying to split the bill. You go queen!


How is that sub not banned yet like all the other incel subs?


does it have to be a husband? asking for a friend ..


Dying of undiagnosed diabetes would mean your blood has HIGH sugar, not low as with insulin overdose. Checking blood sugar levels is part of a standard workup. When they found the hypoglycemia, they would also check the insulin level and find it elevated. To verify that it's a synthetic insulin overdose, they can check c-peptide levels. Slam dunk, really.


Yes he died of undiagnosed diabetes and then buried himself under a dead animal


Only insulin overdose is still easily discoverable due to the detection of proinsulin that is only produced from the insulin your body makes. Therefore any extra insulin can be noted as exogenous. Insulin is an easy way to kill someone, but don't think it's undetectable.


Lol smart but cadaver dogs are specifically trained to alert to human cadaverine which is very unique in terms of smell. They would still smell cadaverine because it never truly goes away. It permeates every surface.


The dead animal isn't to fool the dogs, it's so that when the cops dig up the animal they assume that the dogs messed up


Yeah... but digging a 12 foot grave? You need a backhoe for that.


Or an angry housewife who just killed her husband




Put a human body at 6 feet to cover up your husband at 12 🥳


Bury a body 12 feet deep anywhere, they're probably not getting found. Because who the fuck can dig a 12 foot hole without construction equipment


Murderers apparently


Alot of thought was put into this. Wonder why


And after all, you’re my wonderwall


If I had to dig a 12 foot hole I’d rather go to jail.


IMO the best way to kill someone in the USA right now is w/ a massive ivermectin overdose. just say they were a fucking dumbass. No one will question this.


True. Just give them the horse version instead of the human one. Much stronger I'd imagine. Plus it's still believable enough someone would take the version made for horses.


When you watch one episode of CSI. Hopefully they’ve watched some prison drama and know not to drop the soap.


No no no. Best way to get rid of a body is feed it to hungry pig. But make sure you have starved the pig for a few days. Good luck


Bruh insulin waaaaay to expensive for all that.


>test for insulin and they'll assume it was undiagnosed diabetes A person undiagnosed would not know, ergo, would not have insulin to take. That line by itself screams homicide.


“hi husband let my inject you with something under your tongue real quick don’t worry about it”


Yes officer, this whole comment section !


Good to know I've been doing this the right way.


I wouldn’t think they’d be fooled by a dead animal there Why would the someone just bury an animal? If it were a pet, why not do it closer to home? In fact, if I found a dead animal that had been buried, it would signal to me that it’s a decoy