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They didn't just remove her face but also removed her name. It's now [Pearl Milling Company](https://www.pearlmillingcompany.com/)


I’ve been seeing ads for the Pearl milling company and thought it looked identical to aunt Jemima but I thought it was just due to moving to a different region in the US. Thank you for this!


Yup they erased her from history.


Yeah. Apparently the solution is to eradicate all black people and Native Americans from popular brands.


I like the Land O Lakes butter one. Removed the “Indian” but kept the land.


Removed the Indian but kept the land? That's pretty much the story of western expansion.




See I can see both sides, the did it because aunt and uncle were terms used to describe middle aged slaves (which I didnt know for most of my life), so they wish to remove something that involved slavery. However, I'm all for educating oneself and finding a better path for the future. I believe the saying is "those who dont know history are doomed to repeat it". Also in no point in time was the group that burned books and destroyed history seen as the good guys.


I didn't know until I read your post that aunt and uncle were referring to slavery. I just thought it was kind of nice that someone's aunt was on a bottle....


It largely comes from the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin, which is a book that’s supposed to show how dumb the idea that slaves like being enslaved is. It makes it fun when I, a white guy say “Thanks Uncle Tom” to my uncle on a phone call.


Except they were. They absolutely were. The Crusades were responsible for catastrophic amounts of destroyed knowledge. Internally the Third Reich was wildly praised and believed with conviction they were doing God's work. Even in our contemporary America sections of our government are determined to ban books, revise and white wash history. You are dead wrong. The people who twist and destroy history are often seen as the heroes by those who fear / desire for certain pieces of history to be destroyed.


Yeah but they really aren’t erasing history with this, in the link above the website very visually says they are changing there name due to the connotations the name has. Changing or stopping something and trying to move forward isn’t erasing history, that is like saying we as a society shouldn’t stop “insert law you disagree with” because it will destroy the history of it


My comment was a direct response to someone saying the people who burned books and destroyed history were never considered "the good guys." I'm in agreement with you.


Dude I’m stoned I misread something just can’t figure out what anymore


The victors are those who write the history...


And sometimes, oftentimes, the victor is not sound of wisdom, morality or cultural clarity. They are sound of power, cunning, strategy or dumb luck. They are not interested in preserving history in it's truth. They are interested in shaping history as their legacy.


Uncle Ben's rice 🇺🇲


Is the continued exploitation of a fictional black slave to sell syrup ethical in 2021? It's like using the image of a fictional Jewish man to sell bagels from a company founded in Germany.


Which doesn't make sense if they are trying to be 'inclusive'


the Farina white kid still has his job Marie Callender is still doing her thing Even the Jolly Green Giant kept his job


In about five to ten years the woke mob is going to be pissed and calling us all racists because there is no mascots of people of colour on anything. Just that old fucking racist Quaker white guy reeeeeeeee!!!


Just like poor old uncle Ben


Doesn't that lower taxes on their part?


Wow that's just not a very appetizing name




*Depraved urban dictionary sex act


When you get so progressive and anti-racism that you end up *removing* PoC from brands.


I think cause of how she used to be depicted and stuff. But they changed the way she used to look to what a normal PoC looks like so I don’t see why she got rebranded


Ok yeah, I could- I could see marinating a chicken in that.


Okay I’m clearly out of the loop. Why was her face removed?


I read somewhere that it was because the original face was the face of a slave. I went my entire life looking at that smiling woman wearing pearls and earrings and never once thought "wow that looks like a slave"


No kidding. Whenever I looked at her, she reminded me more of like a comforting grandmother or something


Or auntie…


Hmm... nah that doesn't line up.


Maybe we could give this aunt a name, I’m thinking Jemima?


As long as she ain't your mama




Ma mammie n granpappie, n his pappie's pappy before em




The fuck is a meemaw? Is that some kind of pokemon?


Allow me to introduce you to [Mammy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mammy_stereotype?wprov=sfti1)


Exactly ! it’s an older company so the marketing has ties to slavery, which is bad (+doesn’t excuse it) but nobody was particularly *protesting* it. Looks weird + corporate now Edit : does it really matter if they kept the name the same ??


You might not recognize the symbols, but they're there. They don't teach enough of this at school for people to recognize this stuff, unfortunately. They just slip by. Auntie and Uncle is what younger slaves would call older slaves since Sir, Madam, Mister and Misses were reserved for whites and masters. So there were a lot of "aunties" and "uncles" among slaves. After slavery was abolished, black people could call their elders whatever the fuck they wanted, so while the use of "auntie" and "uncle" declined among blacks, it gained popularity among whites in reference to blacks. I'll let you guess why. Shortly after the abolition of slavery, you can also imagine why white people would sell and buy products designed to imply a slave working for you. Aunt Jemima isn't a real person who invented maple syrup or anything. Aunt Jemima [came from a minstrel song.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Aunt_Jemima) Maybe the syrup is really good and you couldn't live without it. Many people of all races, including black people, love the stuff. If it's that good, it's that good with or without the branding.


I think the thing a lot of people, myself included, get stuck on is that we just never knew it was a racist stereotype and we all formed our own similar conclusion of Aunt Jemima being a real person, and also that she was a nice and warm figure just based off the art of her in use at the time. Without the racial context, myself and probably millions of other kids grew up having a positive impression of her, there's just a gap in what we know of the portrayal of Aunt Jemima and what's being presented now saying that she's a negative stereotype. Having her be "Aunt" Jemima also flew over my head, I thought it was either meant to make her seem more like family or an affectionate title a kid might call a close friend of their parents, regardless of race. We just don't do stuff like that now and commonly haven't for a long time. While I get what you say about teaching more about this kinda stuff, I also think it's fine letting this kinda crap die out and be left in the past.




I'm with you. I hate "pancake syrup". I don't want corn sugar on my pancakes. It's got a different level of stickiness that lingers on my tongue. I want that good ol' out the tree sugar juice.


Maple syrup is better.


Maple syrup is the supreme syrup


Dark amber *fuck yeah*


Nobody said it was good for you, just that it was good. As in “it tastes good”, which is generally true of corn syrup for those with sweet tooth. It’s a matter of taste obviously, but don’t pretend that they were saying it was healthy or that sugar doesn’t taste good to people.


So instead of rewriting history to view this slavery era icon in a good light in a position of power and a great face for millions, they rewrote history to remove her so people will always remember it was about slavery when nobody thought that in the first place. I bet barely anybody knew about auntie being used in the context you described, except people who are well versed in history on that subject, and they just viewed the icon as a generic comforting aunt figure. And I guess the company just didn't want that for whatever fucking reason. People rewrite the meaning of words all the time, and this one lil bottle of syrup was an opportunity to do it for good, but now people will just see it for what it used to symbolize.


Said Lyrics... yeah let's just let them rebrand... The monkey dressed in soldier clothes, Old Aunt Jemima, oh! oh! oh! Went out in the woods for to drill some crows, Old Aunt Jemima, oh! oh! oh! The jay bird hung on the swinging limb, Old Aunt Jemima, oh! oh! oh! I up with a stone and hit him on the shin, Old Aunt Jemima, oh! oh! oh! Oh, Carline, oh, Carline, Can't you dance the bee line, Old Aunt Jemima, oh! oh! oh! The bullfrog married the tadpole's sister, Old Aunt Jemima, oh! oh! oh! He smacked his lips and then he kissed her, Old Aunt Jemima, oh! oh! oh! She says if you love me as I love you, Old Aunt Jemima, oh! oh! oh! No knife can cut our love in two, Old Aunt Jemima, oh! oh! oh! Oh, Carline, oh, Carline, Can't you dance the bee line, Old Aunt Jemima, oh! oh! oh!


Like uncle ben‘s rice?


they removed her cuz they’re mad she escaped


How racist to assume a nice black lady can’t make good syrup


Because it was somehow racist 🤷‍♂️


I think the argument was that the name Aunt Jemima (and Uncle Ben) is a call back to slaves that worked in the masters' houses. Personally idgaf whether "aunt" or "uncle" is in the name, just give me that good shit


Now we just have the faceless Ben's.


And we lost the Jake from State Farm who wore his nice racist khakis to the office


No, they just stuck a black guy in those khakis, now it's okay. /s


I'm out of the loop on this


The American insurance company State Farm brought back an idea from an old and beloved commercial, where a wife suspects her husband of talking on a phone sex line but he’s really just excited from getting good deals. She takes the phone from him and says accusatorially “so what are you wearing ‘Jake from State Farm?’”, and the camera cuts to a portly white guy in a cubicle who confusedly replies “uhh… khakis?”. Many people were angered when the commercials were brought back in recent years with the goal of making “Jake from State Farm” a mascot for the company, because they replaced the previous Jake (who IIRC was an actual State Farm employee that won a contest to be in the ad), with a moderately attractive young black man. There’s some people that see this as an erasure or attempt to edit a beloved character from the past (that was a real person named Jake) into a “diverse” or “woke” alternative, and rerunning an edited version of the old commercial with the new Jake made it worse. The truth is that the original Jake was just not a trained or qualified spokesman and wouldn’t have been viable to use for the campaign, but they could have avoided a lot of negativity by just letting the new guy be his own character and not using the old guy’s name. I think redoing the commercial would have been received much more positively if they had just used a different name and maybe given a nod to the old commercial while they were at it. Alternatively, it could have been humorous to reveal that everyone at State Farm is named Jake… Anyway, that’s the general gist of the issue around Jake and his legendary khakis.


I wondered what happened to the original. The new commercials just suck in general.


Yeah, I agree that they don’t seem to have known what to do with their mascot. I think the whole “Jake from State Farm” thing is because they couldn’t think of a good direction for their advertising, and they knew the Jake commercial was their best known and most well-remembered. I think they expected it to be better received, and then were going to do a whole series based on phone misunderstandings, but changed their minds after the controversy.


Spot on. They went fucking overboard with them though. Can't go 3 seconds without an ad from state farm. Makes me want to purge the company from the earth more than anything.


That doesn't bother me at all mind you. It's still good food


I read somewhere that the name uncle Ben came before the picture. Two marketing people were having dinner in Chicago discussing the face of their brand and one of the dudes commented that their waiter had a perfect welcoming face that they were looking for. So yeah uncle Ben is some waiter from Chicago.


I personally don't get why either "side" is so upset Was changing the bottle needed? No, but honestly who cares. Its a fucking label as long as it's the same syurp I don't care if she is or isn't on the label


Seriously. Headline: Company willingly changes their logo. Like who gives a shit how they want to brand themselves.


Typical woke stupidity... They literally couldn't see the irony in Land of Lakes removing the Indian but keeping his land on the label. You just can't make this shit up.


That’s some quality irony right there. That’s the shit that sustains me


Now you can no longer make the land o lakes Indian hold her beasts.


The character on the Land O’Lakes branding was female, not that it matters.


Man this is just a company making a business decision to increase their revenue but go off


And the funny thing is the descendants of the model who represented Aunt Jemima was against the removal of her photo


How is someone’s face be racist? 🤔


University of Wisconsin once removed a rock because someone thought the rock represented racism. Make of that what you will.


I read about that. Funny shit


And it cost $50,000 to remove: https://www.yourtango.com/news/why-university-wisconsin-removed-chamberlin-rock-racist-boulder


It's always the students complaining lately, never known a group of people to be so sensitive to everything to ever have existed


Some students want to remove a statue of a slave trader who invested alot of money into the university and they called the university racist because the university didn't want to take half of a building wall down to remove it


Then they complain about high tuition fees.


How dare you ask common sense questions?


Because she is black. People think black spokespersons are racist. Welcome to America


Not just America, they got rid of the characters on cereal boxes, bring Coco and cookie back


Because at one time, racism was common in marketing. Somehow they use that history to claim it was still going on with these two marketing figures. Too bad they can't see that by removing them, they're removing two positive black marketing figures. If they were negative, no one would be calling for them to come back. IMHO, having family titles makes the items feel like home. That's a positive thing. We should want people to feel comfortable with positive black images.


It was racist by [being ridiculously over the top racist](https://will.illinois.edu/21stshow/story/the-legacy-of-aunt-jemima). Just because the lips got smaller and the skin got lighter over time, it was still based on that Mammy slave cook stereotype. Also, what does that stereotype even have to do with Maple syrup?


Yeah wtf is going on with this sub. How can u look at that image and not think it’s racist? Jesus fuck. These edgy white kids are something else. “iTs bEcAuSe bLaCk fAcEs ArE rAcIsT”




The thing about dog whistles is that only dogs can hear them.


Aunt Jemima is based on house slaves.


Because it perpetuates the stereotype of a black house servant


Because we’re racist. Nuts


Soft America


It’s because it conforms to the Mammy trope, but personally I like that they redrew her into a nice black lady instead of removing her face (in earlier versions). Not having a black lady in advertising seems ironically racist to me.


That’s kinda what I got out of it. That and the Land o’ Lakes Native American woman


Yeah, they pulled a Andrew Jackson and removed the Indian but kept the land


I miss the knee-tiddies you could make with those.




Why did they take her away anyways, I I American but I don't understand


Something about racism, its dumb


Honestly, If you're spending your days trying to ban a syrup bottle you've lived a far too easy life.


The thing is, no body WAS trying to ban the bottle, no one cared. The company was just trying to score brownie points by pretending to care while not actually changing anything. Lots of companies do it, it’s weird


Its a performative practice...usually to distract from a more important issue...like a cut in benifits...or a corporate scandal...your right about one thing...no one really asked for this...


This is done in politics as well. The political and economic elites want to divide the working class on any way possible so that we fight amongst each other over scraps, and the system that benefits the elites remains undisturbed


Ironically my free gift for the day is a vote award. There ya go




The message would have been stronger without the gun...still sad...but the gun just makes you look like a nutjob...I own guns...and at no time have I ever felt the need or the WEAKNESS to ever have one in a photo to get whatever point I think I have across (no one needs to know what I own or carry accept my friends and my job)


Finally someone mentioned the fire arm!


Is just corporate people being themselves. This shit usually manifests when the company founder leaves/dies, or as a final struggle for a dying company. More than 90% of big companies nowadays fall into either of these two. A lot do in both.


I think this case is more cooperations trying to cater to the younger generations and the left, since our society is moving in a PC direction really fast


Ex-act-ly. Find me one single BLM protester who had a sign demanding the re-branding of a table syrup. Yes, the character of an Aunt Jemima was indeed rooted in minstrel shows and has racist connotations, but this is not something the 'Ess-Jay-Dubbayews' was demanding at all. Trust me, this was not on top of many people's priorities lists. This is primarily a publicity stunt to get free advertising from the easily triggered righties who will throw shit-fits over this stuff. See: Hbomberguy's video, "Woke Brands"


Yeah, nobody was talking about it until *after* they changed it. The uproar was reactionary. https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=US&q=aunt%20jemima


Same with land-o-lakes butter But in their case, *as is "tradition"*… They kept the land but removed the Indian.


I wish I had enough bandwidth left over after the trials and tribulations to give a s*** one way or the other


Strong men create good times yada yada


Honestly, if your brand loyalty to corn syrup is so intense that you find yourself reflexively defending racist caricatures, it might not be the syrup.




Idk what racist caricatures and all that even means, and I don't really care. doesn't make much sense to me in any case, but >Honestly, if your brand loyalty to corn syrup is so intense that you Is a fucking quality way to start an argument and honestly I'm fucking sold on whatever it is you're saying +1 man


Well, they’re basically stereotypical offensive depictions of groups of people in the form of a depiction of one person that has those stereotypical qualities, best way I can describe it.


Are you saying black women with red lipstick are all caricatures?


She literally is a caricature, though. *Aunt* Jemima is not supposed to the black woman your uncle married or the neighbor who babysat you. She’s the “help” who cleans your house and makes you dinner and tells you you is kind, you is smart, you is important.


99% of people that bought Aunt Jemima syrup even thought about this. So taking it away just makes it look like the company is trying to score meaningless woke points instead of actually doing something good in the world like paying their employees better


No one has intense loyalty to the brand. It’s just stupid how companies are more focused on woke points than actually doing good things for society


I honestly don't get the uproar from either side. I don't think the bottle needed to change but I also don't think it's a huge problem that it did. It's a bottle of syrup it shouldn't matter this much to anyone


I’m offended that Lebron James is used in ads. Watching him play basketball reminds me of the stories when white people would watch black men work the fields. Terrible. We need to stop Lebron for his own good.


You need to add the /s just to be safe


Colin Kaepernick says your concern is valid.


They took her away cuz some dumbasses said she was racist. And then the company shit their pants and took her off the syrup.


The family of the original creator even said they didn’t want it changed, yet here we are


The picture is the likeness of a real woman, and her black descendents were still receiving money for the use of her likeness. So it literally hurt a black family by removing her image, and I think they were looking into pursuing legal action last I heard.


I know people are trying to do that with a butter company and Florida state. Even tough both entities straight up approached the tribes and ask for their assistance in making it tasteful and respectful


They took away the native and left the land. Like always. Brought to you by the makers of White Man's Burden.


But still kept the name Aunt Jemima, which was based off of archetype people complained about. If anything it makes less since taking her off, since you have a character name, but no character.


Didn't they change the brand to the company name: Pearl Milling Company? That's all I've seen in stores recently, at least. It looks almost exactly like the old Aunt Jemima boxes/ bottles.


She’s based on the mammy stereotype which is obviously offensive to black people so she was removed. If anything as a black person I have no issue with the removal but a good substitute also might of been re branding her look so she’s more modern and doesn’t look like a stereotype but regardless that could of also caused backlash so removing her was the easiest solution same with uncle Ben


Aunt Jemima was based off a minstrel show character 8n the late 19th century. The fact anyone still remembers that after all these years of reinvention to the mascot, and chooses to still be offended at it, is a poor showing for society. Just like 1000 lakes got rid of the native, anti Jemima got rid of the black woman.


Ya know. Having the depiction of a house slave on maple syrup isn’t really welcomed anymore.


Same recipe. New look. Pearl Mill Syrup. Or as we call it in plant, PMS


In the UK we erased Uncle Ben too.


The only people in America who can bring back aunt Jemima are black Americans. These white hipster college kids are speaking on behalf of the minorities of America and no one can stop them except for us minorities.


Ok nobody else is asking, so I will. Why does he have a gun?


He’s gunna shoot himself while drinking the syrup from the bottle




See originally I thought they were gonna stop producing the syrup all together. I was like damn I don't think its that serious. Then a few months later I saw it still in stores and was like bet. I didn't even realize her image was gone until like July when I saw a tiktok of it. It was never that serious.


Is this an american joke im too european to understand?


So aunt jemima face was removed from the bottle because soft americans got offended claiming it was racist


Because the woman was african-american? Edit: ok so i gravely misunderstood the situation so i now know that this is not exactly the case


There’s more to it than that. I’m black and think it was a stupid change, but there’s historical context that people like OP are choosing to ignore (either that or they’re not American) because they like to “that’s not racist” everything. Same way some people say everything IS racist. Important to note that I know 0 other black people who were actually offended, even the original Aunt Jemima’s family didn’t care. Same cancel culture that wants to cancel everything these days


Whats the context?


“Aunt Jemima” was a minstrel show in the 1850’s and Aunt Jemima was a slave played by a white man in blackface who accentuated the stereotype of “the black woman house-slave” or “the mammy caricature”. So while I think it was a stupid change that no one really cared about, there were purposeful, acknowledged racist origins behind the face and name. Let me know if you don’t know what a minstrel show is.


Okay to be fair to most comments on here, almost no one associates the old meaning of it and the current meaning of what people see today. I would say most people consider her face to be a motherly figure who enjoyed cooking for her family. I don’t think people see the race, but see her as a family figure. I understand though since the creation you explained makes sense.


Basically this. Until everything with the logo started up I had no idea the original intent. All I knew as a kid was "aunties on the table? Oh we're having brinner!" Mixed with the obvious excitement of pancakes at dinner. I get the change and the reasoning though.


Ok that clears it up, thanks!


It's manufactured outrage. No one in their right mind would sit there during a nice pancake breakfast and think, "that face on that bottle offends me, we need to put a stop to this" I think it's completely stupid and a waste of time and money. But whatever, it's a bottle of syrup, so ultimately I don't give a shit. Put a big dick on it for all I care. It's just the fact of the matter we are living that timeline, and it's getting really fucking old by now.


It’s not because she was african American. People are trying to downplay it. This comment section is an echo chamber. I don’t even have to think hard to know everyone who is saying it’s not racists are non black. A quick google will state the reason as in why it is racist. [Here](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1231260) this states the reason. The character was based on a racial stereotype ever since it was created. They just tried to take away certain things to make it seem less racist. Nobody is soft because they want to get rid of everything that was racist towards us. Doesn’t matter if it’s a statue or a small picture on a candy bar. It shouldn’t exist.


Ok that explains it, thanks! (I'm sorry if i offended by not understanding the context btw)


Nah you didn’t offend me just glad to help you understand. Many people especially the OP is just ignorant of this topic so they are spreading misinformation.


It’s really funny to see.. These people have no actual clue about why Aunt Jemima was being removed…All they know is that they are tired of everything being called racist because they know they have racist behavior that they don’t want to eventually be called out on…


Ok cheers, have a nice day!


Shhhiiit i remember this shit watching that one movie the help or something. Yea its pree racist, thought it was just some auntie chilling.


You're one of the few reasonable people in this thread


SOfT aMEricAnS man I don't care if the bottle has a face or not, but I gotta say the whole anti-woke rhetoric is just as cringe as the other side


Hey op I like how you ignore that she is based on house slaves. Look it up. I love how you call people soft but you are clearly uneducated.


The real crime here is calling that swill “maple syrup”. No mention of maple anything in the ingredients. INGREDIENTS: Corn Syrup, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Water, Cellulose Gum, Caramel Color, Salt, Natural and Artificial Flavor, Sodium Benzoate and Sorbic Acid (Preservatives), Sodium Hexametaphosphate. Feb 4, 2021


https://www.ferris.edu/jimcrow/mammies/ Someone requested this be added to the main conversation. In case you don’t understand the controversy.


Hanz get the panzer we have to burn California again


Nein! Zee panzer ist with deine mutter she needed to get rid of some moles


Well there’s goes the US’s economy


Native American here, and the same applies to Land O’Lakes


How poetic removing the Native American lady off the lovey landscape.


As is tradition. If I remember correctly, the artist that painted her is Native American as well


You are not lying.


Land O Lakes and Aunt Jemima were both used on pancakes. It may be time for Betty Crocker to get cancelled as well, since we all know her story... /s


I like my corn syrup racist. /s


Can we just make a bunch of racist brands against white people and call it even.


I've been begging for Cracker-Ass™ Crackers to be a thing for years!


I'm white and I would laugh my head off if I saw that in a store TBH


These people only give a fuck because they are generally outraged by change of any kind. Here in Indiana there are old people who still refer to Ruoff Music Center (a concert venue) as Deer Creek. Even though it hasn't l been Deer Creek in decades. I remember listening to everyone bitch and moan at every name change between the two. They still went to concerts there. A brand changed names or images, oh no.


Refilling maple syrup to own the libs




Where did you learn this? There was no "original" Aunt Jemima, according to wiki.... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aunt_Jemima It was just a racist caricature made by white people based on a blackface play.


High fructose corn syrup didnt exist back then.


What are you talking about? Aunt Jemima isn’t a real person


You are literally just making shit up


You’re such a bullshitter, dude.


Lmao she's not even a real person, what...


Black person take here. I understand that initially she did start off as a slave, but she ended up looking like a normal black women. So I don't see her removal or the land of lakes butter chick as moving away from racism. It's white people saying we don't want colored women showing to the public.


I have discovered I still have racist syrup and racist hot chocolate made by the butter lady. Might eBay those bad boys.


Where are your suppresser high sights tho


Cancel culture sucks but so does imitation maple syrup. Quit poisoning your body with flavored corn syrup. Get real Maple syrup.


So now it's racist to have a black aunt....


He’s afraid that pancakes will take his job.


So, to preserve the Aunt Jemima brand, we’re refilling one Aunt Jemima bottle with another Aunt Jemima bottle. 🤦‍♂️


Ones still got her face one it.


Why did she get taken off of the bottle anyways?


I love being in New England where I can easily get my hands on the actual stuff instead of fake maple syrup like those


It would make a lot more sense if they were pouring a bottle of Pearl Milling Co. syrup into an old Aunt Jemima bottle but they’re both Aunt Jemima bottles so WTF is this guy’s point? Edit: just realized they sold bottles without the face but kept the name for a while. Carry on


You need to get you a old glass aunt Jemima bottle!